Senior Program
Class of 2022
DestinationCollege2022 | Senior Newsletter
Last Dollar Grant
For College.
Class of 2022!
For Life.
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CLICK HERE to check out the Class of 2022 celebration page on the Crosby Scholars website!
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Congratulations Crosby Scholars Class of 2022!
CLICK HERE to view the Crosby Scholars Class of 2022 Slideshow!
at the Winston-Salem Dash
Thank you for celebrating with us! We are excited that almost 1000 individuals (including nearly 300 members of the Crosby Scholars Class of 2022) were able to celebrate with us at the 2022 Senior Honors Gala!
to enjoy photos
from the event!
Were you unable to attend the Gala and still need to receive your Certificate of Completion and your Graduation Cords? Check your email for our communications about this! Please email if you still have questions.
Senior Program
May 2022
Timeline For Success Read t h e May S m a r t Money Moves Newsletter Comp l e t e a Last Dollar Grant Application in y o u r C r o s b y Scho l a r s S t udent Port al by June 15th Noti f y a l l colleges at w hich you were admitt e d o f y o u r enro l l m e n t decision Repl y t o a l l requests f rom the college at wh i c h y o u enro l l , i n c l u ding submi t t i n g e nrollment d eposit, housing form s , m e d forms, etc. Cont i n u e t o review fin ancial aid packages aw a r d e d b y col l eg e s t o which you have been admitted (if y o u h a v e n ’ t final i z e d y our decision ) Sche d u l e a n appointm ent with Crosby Schola r s F i n a n c i a l Aid C o o r d i n ator, (awil son@crosbyscholars.o r g ) , i f y o u have q u e s t i ons about finan c i a l a id or paying your bill Repo r t f i n a l enrollmen t decision to the Cros b y S c h o l a r s Prog r a m b y entering your college name and I D n u m b e r i n your C r o s b y Scholars S tudent Portal Regi s t e r t o attend fres hman orientation over t h e s u m m e r Requ e s t f i n al transcrip t to be sent to college a t w h i c h you w i l l e n roll Meet w i t h y our Crosby Scholar Senior Advisor t o comp l e t e y o ur final Co nference Note Reme m b e r to thank all who have supported y o u ! Teac h e r s , c ounselors, advisors, parents, indi v i d u a l s who w r o t e y ou a letter of recommendation, scho l a r s h i p committee s who awarded you a scho l a r s h i p , etc. If yo u a r e a Crosby Sc holars scholarship rec i p i e n t , fol l ow t h e steps outlin ed in your recipients l e t t e r
Senior Program
May 2022
Last Dollar Grant - NOW OPEN Crosby Scholars who complete the Program Senior year with a cumulative weighted GPA of 2.0+ are eligible to apply for a Last Dollar Grant (LDG) for up to four years. The Last Dollar Grant Application is now live in your Crosby Scholars Portal! The LDG Application is due June 15th, 2022. Complete your application in the Crosby Scholars Student Portal by submitting the following documents: 1. A copy of the acceptance letter from the school you will attend next year 2. A copy of the financial aid award letter from the institution 3. A copy of the entire Student Aid Report (SAR) from FAFSA Questions about LDG? Contact Ashly Wilson, Financial Aid Coordinator, at
Stay Connected!
Senior Program
May 2022
Update your College Enrollment Decision in Your Crosby Scholars Student Portal If you have decided the college you will be attending, please update your Crosby Scholars Student Portal with your college name after you make your final decision. Follow the steps below. 1. Log into your Crosby Scholars Student Portal 2. Click the "Profile" tab 3. Click "Edit This Info" above the personal info box 4. Scroll to the bottom of the page. The last line will be a drop down box for College Name where the student can select the school. 5. Once the field is populated, click the Update button to save changes. If the college name is not listed, please email or text 336-7777648 with your name, high school, and name of the college/university, and we will add it to the list.
Stay Connected!
Senior Program
May 2022
Stay Connected!