DestinationCollege2022 | Senior Newsletter
Community Service
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Advising Corner
January 31st!
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Senior Program
January 2022
January 2022 S M T W R F S
KEY: Deadline Scholarship Info Misc. Info
Crosby Scholars Senior Calendar
Find scholarship information, Senior Program requirements, & Senior resources
in your Crosby Scholars Student Portal.
WSF One-Stop Application Opens
Contact or 336-671-5494 with questions.
Crosby Scholarships Open in the Student Portal
MLK Jr. Day Crosby Scholars Office Closed
WSFCS exams
Webinar: Crosby Scholars Scholarships
WSFCS exams
WSFCS exams
WSFCS exams
WSFCS exams
End of 2nd Quarter / 1st Semester
WFU Scholarship deadline Joyce Kohfeldt Determination Award Deadline
Winter Break ends for WS/FCS
Happy New Year!
Deadline to Submit Community Service Form
Stay Connected!
Senior Program
January 2022
Timeline For Success C o mp l e t e t h e c o mmu n i t y s e r v i c e r e q u i r e me n t , a n d s u b mi t y o u r e l e c t r o n i c f o r m b y J a n u a r y 3 1 s t ! C l i c k h e r e f o r t h e o n l i n e f o r m! Read the January issues of D e s t i n a t i o n C o l l e g e 2 0 2 2 a n d S ma r t Mo n e y Mo v e s C o n f i r m a l l a p p l i c a t i o n ma t e r i a l s h a v e b e e n s u b mi t t e d t o t h e s c h o o l s t o wh i c h y o u a p p l i e d C o mp l e t e t h e F A F S A a n d t h e C S S P R O F I L E ( a s required); contact Crosby Scholars at 336.725.5371 if you need assistance Ma k e s u r e y o u k n o w e a c h s c h o o l ’ s p r i o r i t y f i l i n g d e a d l i n e a n d s u b mi t f o r ms a c c o r d i n g l y i n o r d e r t o receive full consideration for federal and state financial aid Review the list of Crosby Scholars scholarships a n d a p p l y f o r s c h o l a r s h i p s wh e n y o u me e t t h e criteria Review your high school’s scholarship bulletin, a n d a p p l y f o r s c h o l a r s h i p s wh e n y o u me e t t h e criteria Review the scholarship application process at the Wi n s t o n - S a l e m F o u n d a t i o n . Me e t wi t h y o u r C r o s b y S c h o l a r s S e n i o r A d v i s o r t o c a t c h u p o n a n y o u t s t a n d i n g C o n f e r e n c e No t e s P r e p a r e f o r e n d o f s e me s t e r e x a ms
Senior Program
January 2022
Upcoming Programs and Resources Community Service Deadline is
January 31st! Don't forget to submit the online community service form if you have completed a total of 5 hours between your junior and senior year! You may view a list of community service opportunities on the Crosby Scholars website You may find and complete the online Google Form here
The Winston Salem Foundation scholarships are accessed through a One-Stop Scholarship Application. This means that you will be automatically considered for the scholarships which you are eligible- with just one application. You'll need to complete the application in full and provide supplemental materials. They'll take it from there!
January 1, 2022: WSF One-Stop Scholarship Application opens March 15, 2022: deadline for most WSF merit-based scholarships July 1, 2022: deadline for WSF Financial needbased scholarships
Stay Connected!
Advancing Capitalism Scholarship Carolyn “Mimi” Fox Education Scholarship Jessica Hill Davis Memorial Scholarship Michael Nachman Scholarship Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity - Gamma Kappa Boulé Scholarship
Bigs for Success Scholarship Right Decisions/Right Now Scholarship
Kay Landry Scholarship Award
James L. Einstein College Scholarship Les + Evelyn Riley Memorial Scholarship The Fulton Carolina Medal DESAB YASSE
AAMPED Scholarship
Scholarship Pathways
Joyce Kohfeldt Determination Award Friends of Bernardine Rea Scholarship Mommie J Scholarship The Goodwill Willpower Scholarship
The Mona W. Lovett Awards
Community Volunteer Excellence Award Excellence in Volunteer Leadership Award
Dean Smith Integrity Award Ronnetta M. Mosby Legacy Award The Wingate University Scholarship for Crosby Scholars
Outstanding Commitment to Service Award Service and Relationships Award
Joe Neely Memorial Scholarship John A. Taylor Achievement Award Kathryn Crosby Scholarship for Excellence
The Wake Forest University Crosby Scholars Scholarship
Kenneth Simington Scholarship Fund Paul Fulton First Generation Scholarship
Current as of 2022, but subject to change. Your Crosby Scholars Student Portal will always have the most up to date information.
Senior Program
January 2022
New Year, New You!
Happy New Year and Happy Graduation Year, Senior! In just a few short months you will walking across that stage, but the hard work is not over yet. Set a few goals and/or resolutions to keep yourself motivated: Explore new interests or hobbies Stay focus on your grades Apply for Scholarships Journal
Mindfulness Corner It is never too soon in the year to practice meditation mindfulness. Check out the links below for a Ted Talk on Mindfulness and a guided meditation video! Andy Puddicombe TED Talk: All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes Classroom Meditation: Quieting Your Busy Mind, Stress Relief, Relaxation, Mindfulness
Stay Connected!
Senior Program
January 2022
The Advising Corner Writing Scholarship Essays? We are here to help you! Just as we offered reviews for the College Admission Essay in the Fall, the Senior Program offers free essay review for your scholarship essays this semester in order to help you submit strong writing samples.
Please follow the steps outlined in your Crosby Scholars Student Portal to receive feedback on your essays. We send your essay(s) to our volunteer Essay Readers, who pledge to provide feedback within one week
Crosby Scholar Conference Notes Have you met with your Crosby Scholars Senior Advisor and completed three sets of conference notes? If not, now is a perfect time to get caught up! Contact your Crosby Scholars Senior Advisor. Remember, your advisor's contact information is posted in your Crosby Scholars Student Portal. If you don't know your conference notes status, log in to your portal to view your status. And, if you need assistance with accessing your portal, you can call 336.725.5371 or send an email to
Stay Connected!
Senior Program
January 2022
The Advising Corner: Quick Reminders Crosby Scholar Scholarship season is here! Starting January 3, you may log into your Crosby Scholar Student Portal to review some of the scholarship opportunities you may be eligible for. Remember to check your portal at least weekly so you don' t miss an opportunity!
If you have not received your Senior Tshirt, reach out to your Crosby Senior Advisor for more details!
Don' t be afraid to reach out to your Senior Advisor or Crosby Scholars Senior Program if you have any concerns or questions, even if it' s your first time reaching out. We are here for you!
Stay Connected!
Senior Program Checklist User Guide Below you will find various ways to complete the Crosby Scholars Senior Requirements. In addition to these requirements, you will continue to: agree to random drug-screening, fulfill terms of Partnership Agreement, maintain enrollment in and graduate from a Forsyth County public school, and complete the Program with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher to be eligible for Last Dollar Grant funding.
Senior Requirement Submit Target List of Colleges to Crosby Scholars Senior Advisor Senior advisors will submit this form to communicate Target List, military enlistment plans, or gap year/career development plans to Crosby Scholars.
Complete the College Fair/College Visit requirement and submit the online form Student will submit this form. College Fair/College Visits can be completed as early as Sophomore year.
Complete 5 hours of Community Service and Submit Form Student will submit this form. Community service may not be performed at for-profit organizations or businesses, unless the service benefits a non-profit organization. Crosby Scholars staff reserves the right to determine if this activity fulfills its community service requirement. Due to our nonprofit status, we are unable to accept volunteering on the political campaign of a specific candidate or political party as community service.
Complete 1 Senior Academy
Way(s) to Receive Credit Share your Target List of colleges to which you plan to apply with your Senior Advisor. --OR-Share a plan for military enlistment with your Senior Advisor. --OR-Share a career development plan or a gap year plan with your Senior Advisor. You must visit 4 colleges through any combination of the following methods: In-person campus visit. Virtual visit (through campus website, virtual tour options, etc.) In-person college fair (stop at college table and gather information) Virtual college fair. Students are required to complete 5 total hours of community service between their junior and senior years. If a student completes 5 hours in their junior year, they will not be required to submit hours in their senior year. If a student does not complete any hours in their junior year, they must complete 5 hours in their senior year. If a student submits less than 5 hours in their junior year, they will need to complete the remaining hours in their senior year to equal 5 between their junior and senior year.
Attend one Senior Academy event either virtually or in-person.
Events that count for Senior Academy credit will be listed as such in your student portal.
Meet with Senior Advisor to complete all required Conference Notes Submit at least 1 College Application Senior Advisors will verify that students have completed this requirement. Senior Advisors will submit this form. If a student documents military enlistment or gap year/career development, the student will receive automatic credit for the RDS, FAFSA, and LDG/scholarship requirement.
Complete the Residency Determination Service (RDS) Senior Advisors will verify that students have completed the RDS. Senior Advisors will submit this form.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Parents/Guardians will be prompted via the portal to participate in the FAFSA Completion Project which will allow Crosby Scholars to be alerted once the FAFSA has been completed. Students are encouraged to work with Ashly Wilson, Financial Aid and Scholarship Coordinator if you and your family need personalized assistance.
Your advisor will work with you to schedule your meetings throughout the school year. You must communicate and attend these meetings. Senior Advisors will complete the Conference Notes and submit them to Crosby Scholars.
Submit at least 1 college application. --OR-Document military enlistment. --OR-Indicate gap year/career development and/or future college enrollment plans.
Complete the RDS and share the information with advisor --OR-Students will complete this form if they are not applying to colleges that require the RDS (out of state schools). Complete the FAFSA here: --OR-Parents/Guardians will complete this form verifying the student is not applying for financial aid. --OR-For those not eligible to apply to the FAFSA: Student will submit the FAFSA4Caster Submit a Last Dollar Grant Application LDG application typically is live in the student portal in April
Submit a Last Dollar Grant Application or at least 1 Scholarship Application
--OR-Apply for 1 Scholarship through Crosby Scholarships launch in student portal in the second semester
--OR-Apply for 1 Scholarship outside of Crosby Scholars and submit this information to us Students who apply to outside scholarships will complete this form. Please tell us about all of the outside scholarships for which you have applied.