I pledge to make
Take a walk on a college campus
Need a receipt?
“No thanks!”
Try cloth napkins at home
Follow 3+ eco-conscious Instagram accounts to keep learning^
Take unused Rx to pharmacy for safe disposal
Verbally decline disposable forks/spoons
Set a 2025 goal to either start a garden or compost bin
Ask a friend how they try to be ecofriendly
Instead of turning up thermostat, just add layers...cozy Walk somewhere instead of driving
Stop using 1 form of single use plastic (cling wrap, ziploc, etc)
Use your own reusable water bottle
Verbally decline a plastic straw at restaurants
Switch to paperless billing for 1+ account
Bring your lunch to work in reusable containers
Recycle glass
Shop with a reusable bag
Buy something used rather than new
Replace light bulbs w/ LED
Use a reusable cup Carpool at least 3 times
Introduce a sustainable alternative item to your kitchen
Donate items to a Goodwill store Calculate your family’s carbon footprint*
^try @futureeath, @eathrise.studio, @zerowasteinspo, @wastefreeplanet, @simpleishliving *try https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/carbon-footprint-calculator
try a bamboo cutting board, a natural disinfectant, reusable paper towels or new ideas! (https://www.planetnatural.com/sustainable-kitchen-ideas/)