What Scares College Admissions Readers?

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What Scares College Admissions Readers? What Scares College Admissions Readers?

College Admissions readers review lots of application essays this time of year. What scares them? Seeing students misuse, mix-up, or misspell common words.

Do I Use “collage” or “college”? Do I Use “collage” or “college”?

Collage means "an artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface."

(Merriam Webster)

Example: I like to collect various items to create a collage that represents my current emotions.

College means "an independent institution of higher learning offering a course of general studies leading to a bachelor's degree."

(Merriam Webster)

Example: My goal in high school is to do my best so I can be the first in my family to attend college.

Do I Use “apart” or “a part”? Do I Use “apart” or “a part”?

Apart means "at a little distance" or "away from one another in space or time."

(Merriam Webster)

Example: Being apart from my parents and siblings might be hard at first, I am excited to move away from home.

A part means "a fraction [or piece] of a whole."


Example: I cannot wait to be a part of the community at NC State University.

These examples might sound simple, but they are words we see students misuse in their essays each year. Be sure to review your writing carefully before you submit it to schools. Don't rely only on spell check to review your essays- spell check doesn't always recognize when you misuse or mix-up real words.

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