Vignyanvani 27

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DR. VIKRAM SARABHAI Born : August 12, 1919 Died : December 31,1971

Achievements: Considered the Father of the Indian space program; instrumental in establishing the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad in November 1947; was Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. He along with other Ahmedabad-based industrialists played a major role in the creation of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Vikram Sarabhai was one of the greatest scientists of India. He is considered as the Father of the Indian space program. Apart from being a scientist, he was a rare combination of an innovator, industrialist and visionary. Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai was born on August 12, 1919 at Ahmedabad in an affluent family of progressive industrialists. He was one of eight children of Ambalal and Sarla Devi. He had his early education in a private school, “Retreat” run by his parents on Montessori lines. Some of the great men of India such as Gurudev Rabindranath, J. Krishna Murthi, Motilal Nehru, V. S. Shrinivasa Shastri, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sarojini Naidu, Maulana Azad, C. F. Andrews, C. V. Raman et al. used to stay with the Sarabhai family when they visited Ahmedabad. Mahatma Gandhi also once stayed at their house while recovering from an illness. Visits by such great men greatly influenced Vikram Sarabhai. After his matriculation, Vikram

Sarabhai proceeded to Cambridge for his college education and took the tripods degree from St. John’s college in 1940. When World War II began, he returned home and joined as a research scholar under Sir C. V. Raman at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore His interest in solar physics and cosmic ray led him to set up many observation stations around the country. He built the necessary equipment with which he took measurements at Bangalore, Poona and the Himalayas. He returned to Cambridge in 1945 and completed his Ph.D in 1947. Vikram Sarabhai was instrumental in establishing the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad in November 1947. The laboratory was established in a few rooms in M.G. Science Institute of the Ahmedabad Education Society, which was founded by his parents. Subsequently, it got support from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Department of Atomic Energy. (Continued on page-20)

Partial Financial Support for the publication of this issue has been provided by the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).

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2. [¨”u g°M


Apf. X$u. ipl

3. ¡gp°bg hp°rdØN- Ap`Z° iy¨ L$fu iL$uA°

6. rhop_ ºhuT


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7. Birthdays of Scientists


8. rhqL$fZp°_p° ip°^L$ l°_fu b°L$h°fg


9. ]y$r_epdp¨ ‚\d Aœbp°Áb b_ph_pf u X$pµ. ∆[°fi÷ Nhmu 10. k¨ı\p kdpQpf


11. L|$[ylg


12. Benefits of Nuclear Energy


13. cpf[ue `¨Qp¨N



A¨L$ ‚L$pri[ L$epÆ_u [pfuM : Ap°L$V$p°bf$$-2008

[¨”u : Apf. X$u. ipl

kl[¨”uAp° : ]°$h QphX$p u ljpØNu eproL$ rQfpN bu. `V°$g (U.S.A)

k¨`p]$L$ d¨X$m X$pµ. d^yb°_ ipl

[S>o d¨X$m X$pµ. Np°f^_cpB A°_. `V°$g (U.S.A) S>•hfkpeZ ipı”u

[¨”u g°M




(A Publication of Community Science Centre, Vadodara)

kyo hpQL$ rd”p°,

4. iy¨ dp°bpBg ap°_ A_° b°T ıV°$ifik ıhpı’e dpV°$ lpr_L$pfL$ R>° ? u ∆[°fi÷ MX£$ 4 5. Know Your Water u Satish Shah 6

X$pµ. bu. ∆. ]°$kpB X$pµ. A°_. A°d. cÀ$

rhop_ hpZu

`°S> _¨bf L$hf `°S> 2, 3


Sy > gpB-k‡V° $ Ábf 2008 A¨ L $-3

‚p°. A°_. hu. `V°$g (NrZ[ ip˜u) c|[`|hÆ X$u_: a°L$ÎV$u Ap°a kpefik A°d.A°k. eyr_., hX$p°]$fp. X$pµ. AÍ$Z ApeÆ A°d. A°k. eyr_hkwV$u, hX$p°]$fp. X$pµ. ird[p Adu_ ([bub) Óu S>°. hu. ≈°iu L$gp r_]$iÆ_ : Óu r_[u_ dfQfiV$


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¡gp°bg hp°rdØN - Ap`Z° iy¨ L$fu iL$uA° ? `©’hu `f_p kp•\u bys¬^ipmu A_° rhL$rk[ (4) E≈Æ_p h•L$sÎ`L$ ˜p°[p°_p° rhL$Î` rhQpfuA°. ‚pZu [fuL°$ A°_p hp[phfZ_y¨ S>[_ L$fhp_u Ap`Zu `y_: h`fpidp¨ gB iL$pe [°hp D≈Ƙp°[, S>hpb]$pfu R>°. Ap`œ¨ L$p°B`Z L$peÆ A°hy¨ _ lp°hy¨ S>°d L°$ `h_ A_° k|eÆ D≈Æ_p° h^pf° _° h^pf° ≈°BA° S>°_p\u Ap`Z° `©’hu_p hp[phfZ `f M[fp° D`ep°N L$fuA° L$p°gkp A_° M_uS> [°g `f `°]$p L$fuA°. Ap`Z° `°V≤$p°g\u Qpg[p¨ hpl_p°, L$p°gkp k¨`|ZÆ Ap^pf fpMhp_y¨ Ap°Ry>¨ L$fuA°. k|eÆ A_° Ly$]$f[u hpeyAp°_p° S>°V$gp° h^pf° D`ep°N L$fuA° D≈Æ\u Qpg[p kp^_p° Ofdp¨ hkphuA°. R>uA° A°V$gp° h^pf° L$pbÆ_ X$pep°L$kpBX$ hp[phfZdp¨ Dd°fpe R>°. Ap_p\u `©’hu_u af[° A°L$ ‚L$pf_p° Nfd (`) Of A_° L$pdL$pS>_p ı\m° huS>mu_p kp]$p Np°mp hp`fhp_° b]$g° Ap°R>u huS>mu_p° ^pbmp° (Âg°fiL°$V$) fQpe R>°, S>° `©’hu_u k`pV$u `f_y¨ D`ep°N L$f[p agp°f°kfiV$ bÎb A_° V$ÈybgpBV$ [p`dp_ h^pf° R>°. hp`fuA°. Ap_p\u huS>mu_y¨ bug Ap°Ry>¨ \pe. Ap^yr_L$ V°$L$_p°gp°∆_p° bys¬^`|hÆL D`ep°N Ap`œ¨ `epÆhfZ kyfrn[ b_°. L$fu_° A_° S>Í$f S>Zpe –ep¨ ∆h_i•gu b]$guA° [p° `©’hu_p [p`dp__° h^[y¨ AV$L$phhpdp¨ Ap`Z° kam (6) huS>mu D≈Æ_p° AkfL$pfL$ D`ep°N L$f[p¨ Bg°L$V≤$p°r_L$ A_° rh¤y[ D`L$fZp° hkphuA°. \BA°. Ap_p\u OZu ]yOÆV$_pAp° V$pmu iL$pi° A_° [p° f°q‰S>f°V$f L°$ A°fL$fiX$ui_f S|_y¨ \ey¨ lp°e [p° Ap`Z° Ap`Zu Aph_pfu `°Y$uAp°_° kgpd[ A_° h°mpkf b]$gu _pMuA°. huS>mu_y¨ bug OV°$ kyfrn[ crhÛe hpfkpdp¨ Ap`u iL$uiy¨. A°hp kOmp D`pep° L$fuA°. rh¤y[ A_° hu≈œ¨ Ap f¸p A°_p L°$V$gpL$ kfm A_° AkfL$pfL$ D`pep° D`L$fZp°_u bfpbf ≈mhZu L$fuA°. (1) hpl__u bfpbf L$pm∆ gBA°. A°_u r_erd[ (7) h©np° hphuA°, `p°[p_p Ap¨NZp_°, fl°W$pZ$ A_° krhÆk L$fph[p fluA° A_° A°_p A°sfiS>__° L$pdL$pS>_p ı\m_° lqfepmp¨ fpMuA°. h©np° kpfu sı\r[dp¨ fpMhp_p° ApN∞l fpMuA°. `p°[p_u ‚L$pi-k¨Ôg°jZ_u qæ$ep dpV°$ hpl__p V$pef-V$Èyb_° `Z lhp\u Qyı[ cf°gp¨ hp[phfZdp¨\u L$pbÆ_ X$pep°L$kpBX$ g° R>° A_° fpMuA°. Ap_p\u Ap`Zp° `°V≤$p°g_p° h`fpi ‚pZhpey blpf L$pY°$ R>°. Ap_p\u `©’hu_y¨ OV$i°. [p`dp_ OV°$ R>°. (2) hpl_p°_p° h`fpi OV$pX$uA°, iL$e lp°e –ep¨ (8) L$pNm_p° h`fpi OV$pX$uA°, qfkpBL$g \e°gp `rÂgL$ V≤$pfik`p°VÆ$ rkıV$d D`ep°N L$fuA°. dqV$qfegdp¨\u b_°gp L$pNm, L$pQ A_° ^p[y_p kpBL$g hp`fuA°, Qpgu_° A¨[f L$p`hp_y¨ D–`p]$_p° hp`fuA°. Ap_p\u D≈Æ A_° fpMuA°. ‚]|$jZ_y¨ cpfZ 70 \u 90$ V$L$p S>°V$gy¨ OV°$ R>°. (3) Ap^yr_L V°$L$_p°gp°∆\u kS>S> hpl_ hp`fuA°. QuS>hı[yAp°_p h`fpidp¨ L$fL$kf_° kpÍ$ dpBg°S> ^fph[y¨ hpl_ Mfu]$uA° [p° A`_phuA°. ApS>L$pg `epÆhfZ_y rl[ Sy>A° `°V≤$p°g_p° h`fpi `Z OV°$ A_° `•kp_u bQ[ A°hp° BL$p°‰°fiX$gu L$pNm `Z dm[p° \ep° R>°. \pe. b≈fdp¨ L$p°B`Z QuS>hı[y_u Mfu]$u L$fuA° 4

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(13) k¨ e p° r S>[ b_p° : D–kS>Æ__p OV$pX$p dpV°$ dp°V$pcpN_u Mp_Nun°”_u L¨$`_uAp° ıh•s√R>L$ k¨ı\pAp° [°dS> kfL$pfu A°S>fikuAp° kp\° L$pd L$fhp_y¨ `k¨]$ L$fu flu R>°. L$pdNufu_p k¨ep°S>_\u gp°-L$pbÆ_ `fuZpdp° gphhp_y¨ iLe b_° R>°. D]$plfZ [fuL°$ ≈°BA° [p°, ey_pBV°$X$ ıV°$V$kdp¨ a°X$fg A°fihpefp°fid°fiV$g ‚p°V°$L$i_ A°S>fikuA° D≈Æ_u AkfL$pfL$[p h^pfu_° N∞u_lpDk hpeyAp°_p D–kS>Æ_d¨ OV$pX$p° L$fhp dpV°$ 1992-dp¨ A°_∆Æ ıV$pf ‚p°N∞pd iÍ$ \ep° l[p°. S>°_u d]$]$\u 2006dp Ad°qfL$_ A°L$dp° A_° D–`p]$L$p°A° D≈Æ bugdp¨ 14 bugue_ ey.A°k. X$p°gf_u bQ[ L$fu l[u.

–epf° Ap¨Mp° MyÎgu fpMuA°. g°bg bfpbf hp¨QuA° A_° byqŸ`|hÆL$_u `k¨]$Nu L$fuA°. (9) `pZu_p° rhh°L$`|ZÆ D`ep°N L$fuA°. A°_° S>Í$f S>°V$gy¨ S> Nfd L$fuA°. Qpg° –ep¨, ı_p_ dpV°$ `Z, W¨X$p `pZu_p° D`ep°N L$fuA°. (10) Ofp°dp¨ fp¨^ZN°k_p° h`fpi OV$pX$uA°, N°k_p Q|gp_° A_° A°_p b_Æf_° kpfu sı\r[dp¨ fpMuA°. fkp°B_y¨ Apep°S>_ A°hy¨ L$fuA° L°$ S>°\u L$pfZ rh_p_p° fp¨^ZN°k _ bm°. (11) ¡gp°bg hp°rdØN rhfyŸ Arcep_ QgphuA°. Ap`Zp k¨`LÆ$dp¨ fl°gp gp°L$p°_° ≈N©[ A_° rirn[ L$fuA°. ]$f°L$ S>Z_° S>ZphuA° L°$v

‚–e°L$ guV$f ]$uW$ hpl_ gp¨by QgphuA°.


`y_: h`fpidp¨ gB iL$pe A°hp D≈Ƙp°[_p° dl—d D`ep°N L$fuA°.


D≈Æ_u bQ[ L$fuA°, A°_u AkfL$pfL$[p h^pfuA°, A_°


S>¨Ngp°_y¨ S>[_ L$fuA°, h©np° L$]$u _ L$p`uA°.

Sy > gpB-k‡V° $ Ábf 2008 A¨ L $-3

(14) k¨ h p]$ L$fp° : dp°kd `qfh[Æ__p dyÿp_° dl–h Ap`hp dpV°$ Ap`Z° kp•A° A° rhj° k¨hp]$ L$fhp° S>Í$fu R>°. k¨b¨^ L$f[p [dpd klep°NuAp° kp\° Ap dyÿ° k¨hp]$ \pe [° S>Í$fu b_° R>°. dp°kd `qfh[Æ__p dyÿ° fl°gu dyÌL°$guAp° [°dS> [L$p° rhj° rhrh^ dp¬edp° \L$u k¨hp]$ iÍ$ L$fhp° ≈°BA°. `fuZpdp° A_° rhLÎ`p° dpV°$ `Z k¨hp]$ D`ep°Nu b_u fl° R>°.

(12) N∞u_ hı[yAp°-h°Qp° [°dS> Mfu]$p° : N∞u_ D–`p]$_p° [°dS> N∞u_ k°hpAp° dpV°$_y¨ b≈f TX$`\u rhL$ku f¸y¨ R>°. ≈° rhL$Î` A`pe [p°, dp°V$p cpN_p ]°$ip°dp¨ \e°g L$fiTeydf kh°Æ A_ykpf, N∞plL$p° N∞u_ D–`p]$_p° A`_phhp_y¨ `k¨]$ L$f° R>°. ^¨^pL$ue fu[° ≈°BA° [p°, Ap ArcNd_° A_p°Mu qX$TpB_ fS|>Ap[ dpL£V$vN Ïe|lfQ_p\u N∞plL$p°_u Ap `k¨]$Nu_° Mfu]$u_u V°$hdp¨ b]$gu iL$pe R>°. N∞u_ D–`p]$_p° dpV°$_y¨ dpL£$V$ rhL$ku _ iL$hp_y¨ L$pfZ, Aphp D–`p]$_p° ip°^hp_y¨ A_° Ap D–`p]$_p° `f `epÆhfZue fu[° cfp°kp° L$fhp_y¨ dyÌL°$g lp°hp_y¨ R>°.

Ap rh `epÆhfZ q]$_° Ap` i¨y L$fu iL$p° ? rhL$Î`p° [•epf R>° : iy¨ Ap`_° `epÆhfZ dpV°$_u gpNZu ‚]$riÆ[ L$fhp dpV°$_u fu[ ip°^hpdp¨ [L$gua `X°$ R>° ? Ap` rh `epÆhfZ q]$_° iy¨ L$fu iL$pe - [°_u d|¨ThZdp¨ R>p° ? X$p°fiV$ hfu UNEP A° Ap hjÆ_p rh `epÆhfZ q]$__p k|” KICK THE CO2 HABIT I TOWARDS A LOW CARBON ECONOMY Ap`hp_u kp\° -kp\° Ap q]$__°

kp\ÆL$ b_phhp dpV°$_p 80 rhL$Î`p° `Z k|QÏep R>°. (`epÆhfZ : rd”: dpQÆ-A°r‚g)


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iy¨ dp°bpBg ap°_ A_° b°T ıV°$ifik ıhpı’e dpV°$ lpr_L$pfL$ R>° ? [prdg_pXy$ A_° L$ZpÆV$L$_u kfL$pf° r_ipmdp¨ dp°bpBg ap°__p¨ D`ep°N `f d_pB afdpB q]$^u R>°. ]$rnZ_p bu≈ fpƒep°dp¨ `Z 1` hjÆ\u _uQ°_p¨ bpmL$p° dp°bpBg ap°__p° D`ep°N _ L$f° [° dpV°$ kfL$pf rhQpfu flu R>°. L°$fi÷ kfL$pf_p¨ ıhpı’e d¨”pge° `Z dp°bpBg ap°_ A_° [°_p¨ b°T ıV°$i_p° (Transmitt Receive Tower) ‹pfp V≤$pfikrdV$ \[p ApB_pBT f°qX$e°i__u dp_h ifuf `f \[u ApX$Akfp°_y¨ A¬ee_ A_° rhÔg°jZ L$fhp_¨y _L$L$u L$eyØ R>°. eyfp°`_p¨ OZp ]°$ip° `Z bpmL$p° ‹pfp \[p° dp°bpBg ap°__p° D`ep°N r_e¨r”[ L$fhp dpV°$N¨cuf[p\u rhQpfu f¸p R>°. A_° lpgdp¨ S> A°L$ kdpQpf ‚dpZ° Qu__p `rÚd ‚p¨[dp¨ dp°bpBg ap°_dp¨ rhıap°V$ \hp\u A°L$ 22 hjÆ_p eyhp__y¨ [f[ S> d©–ey \ey¨ l[y, dp°bpBg ap°_ [°_p rMıkpdp¨ l[p° –epf° lh° ‚Ò A° \pe R>° L°$ iy¨ dp°bpBg ap°__p° Ar_e¨r”[ D`ep°N Ap`Zp ıhpı\ dpV°$ Mf°Mf lpr_L$pfL$ R>°? ‚ı[y[ g°Mdp¨ Ap rhje `f D—f Ap`hp_p° ‚epk L$fhpdp¨ ApÏep° R>°.


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L$fu iL$pe [°hy¨ _\u. [°hp ]y$NÆd rhı[pfp°dp¨ A_° NpY$ S>¨Ngp°dp¨ L°$ `lpX$u rhı[pfp°dp¨ dp°bpBg ap°_ Mf°Mf Myb S> D`ep°Nu R>°. gp°L$r‚e A_° gpc`∞]$ lp°hp_u kp\° kp\° dp°bpBg ap°__u AdyL$ _L$pfp–dL$ bpb[p° `Z R>°. dp°bpBg ap°__p° k[[ D`ep°N L$f_pfp gp°L$p° k[[ dp\y ]y$:Mhy¨, \pL$ gpNhp°, ifuf° M¨S>hpm Aphhu, L¨$V$pmp° Aphhp° S>°hu aqfep]$p° L$f[p lp°e R>°. [°d S>epf° r\A°V$fdp¨ L$p°B QgrQ” ≈°[p lp°e A_° bpSy>dp¨ dp°bpBg ap°__u fvN hpN° [p° [°_p\u [d_° S>Í$f Mg°g `lp¢Q° R>°. dp°bpBg ap°_ lp°sı`V$gp°dp¨, BfiV¢$rkh L°$f eyr_V$ S>°hp Ar[k¨h°]$_iug S>¡epA° _ hp`fhp° ≈°BA° [°_p\u d°qX$L$g D`L$fZp°_u L$peÆnd[p `f Akf `lp¢Q° R>° [°_p `qfZpdp° (Results) Mp°V$p Aphu iL°$ R>°. r_ipmp°dp¨ Qpgy rinZL$peÆ ]$fÁep_ hNÆdp¨ bpmL$p° (R>p°L$fp-R>p°L$fuAp°) A°L$bu≈_° SMS-MMS dp°L$ghpdp¨ S> diN|g lp°e R>°. cZhpdp¨ [°d_y¨ ¬ep_ lp°[y _\u. Ap L$pfZkfS> L$ZpÆV$L$ A_° [prdg_pXy$ kfL$pf° i•nrZL$ k¨L|$g `qfkfdp¨ dp°bpBg ap°__p D`ep°N `f ‚r[b¨^ dyL$u ]$u^p° R>°. L$ZpÆV$L$dp¨ [p° rinL$p°-‚p°a°kfp°_° `Z Ap r_ed gpNy R>°, rinL$p° `Z i•nrZL$ `qfkfdp¨ dp°bpBg ap°_ hp`fu iL$[p _\u. hpl_ Qgph[u hM[° dp°bpBg ap°__p° D`ep°N L$fhp° A° ]$pÍ$ `u_° hpl_ Qgphhp L$f[p¨ `Z h^y M[f_pL$ R>°. L$pfZ dp°bpBg `f hp[rQ[ ]$fÁep_ [dpÍ$ ¬ep_ kp•\u h^y rhQrg[ \pe R>° A_° AL$ıdp[_p° ce fl° R>° Ap^yr_L$ dp°bpBgdp¨ ¡gp°bg `p°rTi_vN rkıV$d-GPS_p° D`ep°N L$fhpdp¨ Aph° R>°. S>° [dpͨ$ gp°L°$i_ (Latitutude - Logitude) Qp°LL$k fu[° b[ph° R>°. Ap ‚L$pf_p¨ dp°bpBg D`ep°N L$f[p_u A¨N[[p (Privcy)_y¨ Dâ¨O_ kdp_ R>°. Ap`Z° –ep¨ `Z OZu k¨ı\pAp°, Ap•¤p°rNL$ A°L$dp°dp¨ kyfnp A_° Afie L$pfZp°_° gu^° [°d_p¨ L$dÆQpfuAp°_°

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f°qX$ep°gp°∆L$g ‚°qV$L$i_ BfiıV$uıV$eyV$° A°L$ qf`p°VÆ$ (2006) ‚L$pri[ L$ep£ l[p° [°dp¨ `Z L$p°B Mpk `|fphp d˛ep _l[p `f¨[y [°dZ° A°L$ Q°[hZu Ap`u l[u L°$ _p_p bpmL$p°_° dp°bpBg ap°_\u ]|$f fpMhp ≈°BA° L$pfZ [°d_y ipfuqfL$ b¨^pfZ Myb S> _pSy>L$ lp°e R>° S>°_p `f f°qX$e°i__u Akf \B iL°$ R>°. Atlep A° `Z _p¢^hy S>Í$fu R>° L°$ ]$f°L$ dpZk_y¨ ipfuqfL$ b¨^pfZ AgN AgN-lp°e R>° [°d_u fp°N ‚r[L$pfL$ S>ep¨ ky^u dp_h ıhpı’e `f Ap_u ApX iqL$[ A_° ‚r[qæ$ep `Z AgN AgN fl°hp_u A°V$g° $Akfp°_p° ‚Ò R>° [p° dp°bpBg ap°_ b_ph[u L$p°B_° Ap°R>u Akf \pe, L$p°B_° h^y A\hp L$p°B_° L¨$`_uAp° Ap q]$ipdp¨ k¨ip°^_ L°$ AÊepk L$fhp ApX$Akf _ `Z \pe. A° qf`p°VÆ$dp¨ L$l°hpdp¨ ApÏey¨ R>° `pR>m `•kp A_° kde bNpXhp dpN[u _\u. L°$ dp°bpBg ap°_ ‹pfp V≤$pfikduV$ \[p f°qX$ep° [f¨Np°_u [°Ap°_p L$l°hp ‚dpZ° dp°bpBg ap°_ L°$ [°_p b°T Aph©r— (Frequency) 800-1900 MHZ S>°V$gu ıV°$i_p° ‹pfp \[p ApB_pCT f°qX$e°i_\u L°$fikf L°$ lp°e R>°. dpBæ$p°h°h Ap°h_ A_° bu≈ f°qX$ep° [f¨Np°_p `pqLÆ$fik_ fp°N \hp_p L$p°B _Ω$f `|fphp d˛ep _\u. diu_p°dp¨ Ap [f¨Np° ‹pfp D–`fi_ \[u D≈Æ ‹pfp `f¨[y `qfsı\r[ ApS>° `Z c∞pdL$ R>°. L$pfZ L°$fikf A_°L$ L$pep£ k¨`fi_ \pe R>° A°V$g° l°fiX$ k°V$ ‹pfp S>°hp fp°Np° Myb S> ^ud° ^ud° h^° R>° A_° [° ‚kf[p \p°X$uL$ D≈Æ D–`fi_ \[u S> li° S>° Ap`Zp OZp° gp¨bp° kde gpN° R>° A_° dp°bpBg_p° Ïep` dqı[ÛL$_u `pk° l°fiX$k°V$ dyL$hp\u dNS>_p L$p°jp°_° lS>y ldZp¨ ldZp¨ S> h›ep° R>° A°V$g° iÍ$Ap[dp¨ L$pB _yL$kp_ \hp_u `|f°`|fu k¨cph_p R>° `Z lpgdp¨ [°_p¨ Mbf `X$i° _lu A°V$g° S> kfL$pf° hÎXÆ$ l°Î\ L$p°B `|fphp d˛ep _\u. Ap°N£_pBT°i_ (WHO) S>°hu L$p°B ‚r[rõ$[ A_° A¨[dp¨ L$l°hp_y¨ L°$ dp°bpBg ap°__p° D`ep°N Myb [V$ı\ k¨ı\p ‹pfp Ap q]$ipdp¨ AÊepk L$fu k–e lLuL$[ gp°L$p° kdn gphhu ≈°BA°. S>°\u gp°L$p° S> k¨ed`|hÆL$ L$fhp° ≈°BA° S>Í$f _p lp°e –epf°, fp”° ky[u hM[° [°_° k¨`|ZÆ Bg°L$V≤$uL$gu ıhuQ-Ap°a L$fu dp°bpBg ap°__p° k¨ed`|hÆL$ D`ep°N L$f[p \pe. ]°$hp° ≈°BA° [°_° _p_p bpmL$p°\u L$ped ]|$f fpMhp° dp°bpBg ap°_ A_° [°_p b°T ıV°$i_p° ‹pfp ≈°BA° _lv [p° Aph_pfp q]$hkp°dp¨ [°_p L°$hp ‚L$pf_p D–`fi_ \[p f°qX$ep° [f¨Np°_p¨ f°qX$e°i__u dp_h ifuf N°fape]$p \i° A° [p° kde S> b[phi°. `f \[u k¨crh[ ApX$Akfp° `f rb∞V$__u _°i_ dp°bpBg ap°_ blpf dyL$hp dpV°$_u Ïehı\p L$fhpdp¨ Aphu R>°. _L$pfp–dL$ bpb[p° ApV$gu Ap°R>u lp°e –ep¨ lh° Akpdp∆L$ [–hp°, Ap[¨L$hp]$u [–hp° Ap[¨L$ a°gphhp dpV°$ dp°bpBg_p° D`ep°N L$fhp gp¡ep R>°. lpgdp¨ S> AS>d°f_u ‚rk¬^ ]$fNpldp¨ \e°gp bp¢b OX$pL$pAp°dp¨ dp°bpBg ap°_ bp¢b_p° D`ep°N L$fhpdp¨ ApÏep° l[p°.

(k¨]$cÆ : Strot-Science & Technology Features )

dy M `© õ $ [ıhuf_p A_y k ¨ ^ p_dp¨ . ... h©np°_u Aıhı\ OV$pAp° : X$p¨N_p S>¨Ngdp¨ "Mp¨X$p° `¬^r[' _pd° ‚Qrg[, h_rhcpN_p L$pe]$pA° Ap]$uhpkuAp°_° h©n_y¨ dyøe \X$ _lu `f¨[y A°_u ipMpAp° L$p`hp_p° Ar^L$pf Ap`°g R>°. A°_p `qfZpd°, OZp h©np° ArhL$ku[ A\hp AÎ`rhL$ku[ OV$pAp° ^fph[p \ep R>°. Ap L$pfZ° c|[L$pmdp¨ S>° S¨Ng_u S>du_ rhrh^ azN, h_ı`r[Ap°, Ak¨øe L$uV$L$p°_u ‚≈r[Ap°, d©]y$L$pe ∆hp° A_° kfuk©`p°_° Apifp° Ap`[u l[u A°hu S>du_ MyÎgu \B Ne°g R>°. X$pmuAp° L$p`hp\u _ L°$hm h©np°_u OV$pAp° Aıhı\ A_° ArhL$ku[ \B R>° `f¨[y Myâu `X$u Ne°g S>du_ D`f R>peX$pdp¨ _c[u OZu ‚≈r[Ap° _pi `pdu R>° A_° S>du__y¨ OZu S>¡epA° ^p°hpZ ky¬^p \e°g R>°. (ap° V $p° : X$pµ . ∆[° fi ÷ ∆. Nhmu) 7

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KNOW YOUR WATER Ny S >fp[ fpƒedp¨ `uhp_p `pZu_u kdıep NyS>fp[ fpS>edp¨ `uhp_p `pZu_u kdıep_p dyøe L$pfZp° [`pkuA° [p° S>Zpe R>° L°$ fpƒedp¨ hfkp]$ Ar_erd[ A_° A`|f[p° `X°$ R>°. kf°fpi ]$f ”Z hjÆ A°L$ hjÆ ]y$ÛL$pm_u `qfsı\r[ lp°e R>°. R>°âp kp° hjp£dp¨ [°”uk ]y$ÛL$pm fpS>edp¨ `X°$g R>°. buSy>¨ L$pfZ [`pkuA° [p° ]°$idp¨ b^p fpƒep° `•L$u kp•\u dp°V$p° 1660 qL$.du._p° ]$qfep qL$_pfp° NyS>fp[dp¨ Aph°gp° R>°. S>°_° `qfZpd° fpƒe_p Ly$g 2` rS>âpAp° `•L$u ]$qfep_° AX$u_° Aph°gp 11 rS>âpAp°dp¨ Ap°R>p h^[p ‚dpZdp¨ ]$qfep_y¨ Mpͨ$ `pZu S>du_dp¨ ApNm_° ApNm O|kZMp°fu L$fu_° S>du_dp¨ fl°gp duW$p `pZu_° Mpfpi c°mhu bNpX°$ R>°. `qfZpd° `pZu rb_`uhpgpeL$ b_°gp S>Zpe R>°. ”u≈ dyøe L$pfZ [fuL°$ fpS>e_u c|ı[fue fQ_p S>hpb]$pf R>°. Sy>]$p Sy>]$p rhı[pfp°dp¨ Q|_p_p `’\fp°, agp°fpBX$_p MX$L$p° rhN°f° Aph°gp R>°. Qp°\p dyøe L$pfZ [fuL°$ fpS>edp¨ M°[uhpX$u_p L$peÆdp¨ h`fp[p fpkperZL$ Mp[f S>hpb]$pf S>Zpe R>°. []π$D`fp¨[ fpS>edp¨ Aph°gp dyøe Np°ÎX$_ L$p°rgX$p°f rhı[pf_p D¤p°Np° [\p Afie rhı[pf_p D¤p°Np°_° gu^° \[p¨ ‚]|$jZp°_° gu^° `Z NyZh—p_p OZp ‚Òp° D]$ch° R>°. D`fp°L$[ ‚pı[prhL$ bpb[p°_° ¬ep_° g°[p¨, fpƒedp¨ `pZu_p° S>’\p° OV$[p° L°$ Okp[p° (Ap°R>p°) ≈e R>° A_° dm[p `pZu_u NyZh—p bNX$[u ≈e R>°. S>°dp¨ QphuÍ$` dyøe kdıepAp°dp¨ agp°fpBX$, k°gu_uVu$ A_° _pBV≤°$V$_p° kdph°i \pe R° S>° [pÍ$Z Í$` R>°. fpƒe_p 24 rS>âpAp°dp¨ (Aplhp-X$p¨N rS>âp rkhpe) Ap°R>p/h^[p ‚dpZdp¨ agp°fpBX$_u kdıep R>°. fpS>e_p 11 rS>âpAp° (]$qfepL$p¨W$p_° AX$u_° Aph°gp)dp¨ k°gu_uV$u_u kdıep R>°. q]$_‚r[q]$_ `uhp_p `pZu_p S>’\p_u h^y _° h^y dp¨NZu A_° D`ep°N \[p° lp°hp\u c|NcÆS>m_p ı[f ]$f° hj£ h^y_° h^y _uQ° S>[p lp°e, `uhp_p `pZudp¨ Mpfpi h^hp `pd°g R>°. Ap\u Afie rS>âpAp°dp¨ `Z (Aplhp X$p¨N rS>âp rkhpe k°gu_uV$u_u dp” h^[u ≈e R>° A_° [° S|>_u QphuÍ$` kdıep (Age Old key Problem) R>°. fpS>e_p Aplhp X$p¨N A_° hgkpX$ ∆âp rkhpe Afie 23 rS>âpAp°dp¨ _pBV≤°$V$_y¨ ‚dpZ `Z


Satish Shah

¬ep_ M¢Qpe [° fu[° h^[y S>[y¨ ≈°hp dm° R>°. S>° fpS>e_p `uhp_p `pZu_u NyZh—p_° gN[u _hu Dcu \e°g kdıep R>°. D`fp°L$[ `uhp_p `pZu_u QphuÍ$` kdıepAp° D`fp¨[ Afie Ry>VL$$ Ry>V$L$ qL$ıkpdp¨ Afie `°fpduV$kÆ S>°hp L°$ ApÎL$gu_uV$u, lpXÆ$_°k, `uA°Q rhN°f°_u kdıepAp° `Z ‚]y$jZ/drg_uL$fZ_p qL$ıkpdp¨ Ry>VL$ RyV$L$ ≈°hp dm° R>°. A°L¨$]$f° ≈°[p¨, fpS>edp¨ `uhp_p `pZu_u NyZh—p_u kdıep ¬ep_pL$jÆL$ R>°. S>°dp¨ lh° Ap`Z° k°gu_uV$u_u M|b S> S|>_u QphuÍ$` kdıep rhj° rhN[° ≈ZuA°. k° g u_uV$u A° V $g° iy ¨ ? `pZu kgpB_ (MpÍ$) L$epf° b_° ? k°gu_uV$u `uhp_p `pZudp¨ fl°g Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp° kp\° k¨L$mpe°g R>° AdyL$ dp”pdp¨ `pZudp¨ ÷pÏe npfp° S>Í$fu R>°. B√R>hp ep°¡e ıhp]$ `|fp° `pX°$ R>°. [\p ifuf_° `p°jZnd R>° S>° Ap`Zp ifuf dpV°$ S>Í$fu `Z R>°. `uhp_p `pZudp¨ fl°gp Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp° (Total Dissolved Solids- TDS) k°gu_uV$u [fuL°$ ]$ipÆhhpdp¨ Aph° R>°. k°gu_uV$u_° Mpfpi `Z L$lu iL$pe. kpdpfie fu[° k°gu_uV$u_u dp”p... (1) B√R>hp ep°¡e dp”p `00 rdguN∞pd/ guV$f ApB.A°k.10,`00 (1991)dyS>b (2) h^ydp¨ h^y dp”p 1`00 rdguN∞pd/rgV$f eyfp°r`e_/rh Apfp°¡e k¨ı\p_p ^p°fZp° dyS>b (3) Ry>V$R>pV$ hpmu dp”p 2000 rdguN∞pd/guV$f ApB.A°k. 10`00 (1991) dyS>b `uhp_p `pZudp¨ Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp° `00 rdguN∞pd / guV$f L$f[p Ap°R>p lp°e –epf° ifuf_y¨ b¨^pZ ep°¡e fu[° S>mhp[y _\u [\p ı_peyAp° [\p L$fp°X$fSy>_° gN[p fp°N \hp_u k¨cph_p fl° R>° S>°_° L$p°qXÆ$ep°hpıL$eygf fp°Np° L$l°hpe R>°. Apd `00 rdguN∞pd/ guV$f L$f[p Ap°Rp Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp° V$uX$uA°k (k°gu_uV$u) kgplceyÆ _\u. [°hu S> fu[° `uhp_p `pZudp¨ Ly$g ÷pÏep° npfp° 2000 rdguN∞pd/guV$f L$f[p h^y dpgyd `X°$ –epf° ApBA°k ^p°fZp° : ApB.A°k. 10`00 (1991) 8

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dyS>b, `pZu rb_`uhpgpeL$ b_° R>°. Aphp `pZu_p° kp°kÆ h∞S>e NZpe R>° L$pfZ L°$ 2000 duguN∞pd/ guV$f L$f[p h^y TDS (k°gu_uV$u)hpmy `pZu r_erd[ `uhp\u `°V$dp¨ bm[fp \pe R>°. [\p `pZu ıhp]°$ Í$QuL$f S>Zp[y _\u S>°_p° k¨]$cÆ N∞¨\p°dp¨ Dâ°M L$fhpdp¨ Aph°g R>°. Ap\u gp°L$p° 2000 rdguN∞pd/guV$f L$f[p h^y dp”pdp¨ TDS hpmy `pZu `uhp_¨y `k¨]$ L$f[p _\u S>° _p¢^_ue bpb[ NZpe. `uhp_p `pZu_u k° g u_uV$u (az g ÷pÏe npfp° ) V$u.X$u.A° k . ip_° Apcpfu R>° ? k°gu_uV$u `pZudp¨ fl°gp O_ Ape_p° A_° F>Z ApeÆ_p°_p kfhpmp S>°V$gu lp°e R>°. O_ Apep_p°dp¨ dyøh–h° kp°qX$ed, `p°V°$ried, L°$sÎied, d°¡_°ried, ApeÆ_ rhN°f°_p° kdph°i \pe R>°. S>epf° F>Z ApeÆ_p°dp¨ L$gp°fpBX$, agp°fpBX$, _pBV≤°$V$, L$pbp£_°V$, bpeL$pb°_V$, lpBX≤$p°L$kpBX$, kÎa°V$ rhN°f°_p° kdph°i \pe R>°. h^y ÷pÏe npfp° (k°gu_uV$u)hpmy `pZu f°QL$ Akf `Z L$f° R>°. [° rkhpe Afie rh`fu[ Akf Apfp°¡e D`f S>Zp[u _\u. `uhp_p `pZudp¨ fl°g h^pfp_u k°gu_uV$u X$uk°gu_°i_ `¬^q[ ‹pfp ]|$f L$fu iL$pe R>° `f¨[y Bg°L$V≤$ukuV$u_p D`ep°N_° gu^° Ap `¬^r[ L$fL$kfeyL$[ _° kgplceyÆ S>Zp[u _\u. Ap`Zp ]°$i_° fpƒedp¨ X$uk°gu_°i_ `¬^r[Ap°_p° D`ep°N L$fu Ap¨riL$ Mpfpi ^fph[p R>°hpX$_p rhı[pfp°dp¨ `pZu_° duWy¨$ `uhpgpeL$ b_phhp D`ep°Ndp¨ g°hpe°g l[u `f¨[y n°r”e N∞pduZ rhı[pfp°dp¨ L$p•iÎe`|ZÆ dfpd[ A_° r_cphZu_p Acph° [\p MQpÆm `¬^r[ lp°hp\u kam[p dm°g _\u [°d R[p¨ lpg_u `rfsı\r[A° X$uk°gu_°i__u OZu ÏehlpÍ$ iL$e[p]$iw `¬^r[Ap° OZp ]°$ip°dp¨ D`ep°Ndp¨ g°hpe R>° S>° rhi°j ≈Z dpV°$ . \p° X $u Mpfpi (b∞ ° L $ui_° k ) (Brackish Water) hpmy `pZu `pZudp¨ ÷pÏe npfp°_y¨ ‚dpZ dpaL$kf lp°e –epf° `pZu_° b∞°L$ui hp°V$f A°V$g° L°$ \p°X$u Mpfpihpmy `pZu L$l°hpdp¨ Aph° R>°. b°∞°L$ui `pZu A° k°gu_uV$u_p° A°L$ cpN R>°. S>°_° dpaL$kf_u k°gu_uV$u `Z L$l°hpe R>°. h•opr_L$ `qfcpjpdp¨ `000 rdguN∞pd / guV$f ky^u_u ÷pÏe npf_u dp”p_° b°∞L$ui `pZu (\p°X$u Mpfpihpmy) L$l°hpdp¨ Aph° R>° k°gu_uV$u_y hNuÆL$fZ _uQ° dyS>b \B iL°$. Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp° (V$uX$uA°k) 2000

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rdguN∞pd/guV$f `uhpgpeL$ `pZu Ly$g ÷pÏenpfp° 2000-5000 rdguN∞pd/guV$f b°æ$ui (Brackish Water) Ap¨riL$ Mpfpihpmy¨ `pZu Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp° `000 rdguN∞pd/ guV$f L$f[p h^pf° lp°e –epf° MpÍ$ `pZu (kgpB_) (Saline Water) ]$qfep_p `pZu_° kgpB_-hp°V$f L$l°hpdp¨ Aph° R>°. k°gu_uVu/b∞°L$ui_°k X$uk°gu_°i_ `¬^r[\u ]|$f L$fu iL$pe R>°. A°V$g° L°$ `uhp_p `pZudp¨ fl°gp h^pfp_p ÷pÏe npfp° ]|$f \pe R>° S>°_° X$uk°gu_°i_ L$l°hpdp¨ Aph° R>°. X$uk° g u_° i _ `uhp_p `pZudp¨ fl°gp Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp° V$uX$uA°k (k°gu_uV$u) 2000 rdguN∞pd/ guV$f L$f[p¨ h^y lp°e –epf° ApB.A°k. 10`00 (1991) ‚\d k¨ip°^_ Aph©r— dyS>b `pZu rb_r`hpgpeL$ b_° R>°. Ap\u ≈° `pZu_° `uhpgpeL$ b_phu gp°L$p°_° Ap`hy¨ lp°e [p° [°dp¨ fl°gp ÷pÏe npfp° `00 rdguN∞pd/guV$f ky^u depÆ]$u[ ‚dpZdp¨ gphhp S>Í$fu b_° R>°. Ap ‚qæ$ep_° X$uk°gu_°i_ L$l°hpdp¨ Aph° R>°. u qfhkÆ Ap°kdp°kuk (d°Áb∞°B_ `¬^r[) u Bg° L $ V ≤ $ p ° X$ p epgukuk (d° Á b∞ ° B _ `¬^r[) u ApeÆ _ A° L $ k f° B fiT u \dÆ g X$ u k° g u_° i _ (dÎV$ u ıV° $ S > ag° i MSF ) u dÎV$ u `g Ba° L $ V $ X$ u k° g u_° i _ hu\ \dÆ g h° ` f L$Á‚°i_ rhN°°f° u duL$ g ° _ uL$ g h° ` f L° $ Á ‚° i _ X$ u k° g u_° i _ Ap `¬^r[Ap°\u `pZudp¨ fl°gp Ly$g ÷pÏe npfp°, L$gp°fpBX$, agp°fpBX$, _pBV≤°$V$ hN°f° ]|$f L$fu iL$pe R>° A_° kam `yfhpf \e°g R>°. `f¨[y Ap`Zp fpS>edp¨ n°r”e `qfsı\r[_° ¬ep_° g°[p [\p Bg°L$V≤$uL$ `phf_p° k[[ h`fpi [°dS> Apr\ÆL$ ÷rÙ$A° A_yLy$m S>Zpe°g _\u []$D`fp¨[, Ap `¬^r[Ap°dp¨ ‚qæ$ep ]$fÁep_ k[[ L$p•iÎe`|ZÆ ]°$Mf°M L$fhu S>Í$fu R>°. S>°dp¨ r_Ûam[p dm° R>°. [°d R>[p¨, L$lu iL$pe L°$ S>epf° `pZu_u AR>[ lp°e A_° Qp°dpky r_Ûam r_hX°$ –epf° gp°L$p°_° ≈° `uhp_y¨ `pZu Ap`h¨y S> lp°e [p° Ap `¬^r[Ap°_p° L$p°B rhL$Î` S>Zp[p° _\u AMp[u ]°$ip°dp¨ ApS> `Ÿr[Ap°_p° D`ep°N L$fu ]$qfep_p Mpfp `pZu_° duWy¨$ b_phu D`ep°Ndp¨ g°hpe R>° S>°d dp°V$u nd[phpmp° ‡gpfiV$ b°kpX$hdp¨ Aph° [°d D–`p]$_ MQÆ ‚r[ 1000 guV$f Ap°R>p° \[p° ≈e R>°. (NyS>fp[ S>gk°hp [pgud k¨ı\p_p kp•Sfie\u) 9

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The working of a rocket is based on Newton’s

law of motion.


Which disease resulting from subnormal levels of Haemoglobin in RBC ?


The function of sails of the boats is utilized the kinetic energy associated with what ?


Bacteria cannot thrive in salt water due to its high


Popularly what is called the Pangolin ?


Nicotine causes what to the nerves ?


What causes the over exposure to the fine coal particle go on geting inhaled by workers ?


Generally the oxide of non-metals form what when dissolved in water ?


How many carbons are there in the pentane ?


10. What is the nature of every ecosystem ? 11. What is called the an unwanted sound of very high intensity created by the interference in the atmosphere ? 12. In the electrolysis process the negative electrode is made up of which metal ? 13. Which forms of phosphours possesses hexagonal net like arrangment ? 14. What is the common name of Methanoic acid ? 15. What is the speed of Maglev train ? 16. 1 litre =

cubic centimeters

17. Where we get the natural polymer cellulose ? 18. What is added to the detergents to increase the whitness of clothes ? 19. Where is Wild Ass Sanctuary ? 20. Sulphur is used in

of rubber.

21. Name the India’s first satellite ? 22. Washing soda is prepared by which method ? 23. Human being is categorized as heterotrophes true of false ? 24. What is measured in terms of Rontgen units ? 25. What is called fully matured state of coal ? 26. Dr. J.C. Bose worked in which field of science ? 27. The environment does not get polluted by using non-converntional sources of energy except 28. The carbonates react with acids and release what ? 29. Haematite is ore of which metal ? 10

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30. In the Steam engine heat energy is transformed in which type of energy ? 31. The use of sodium nitrate enhances

of the soil.

32. Low level of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) causes which disease ? 33. During the purfication of copper by electrolysis pure copper ion is deposited where ? 34. What is the nature of the Glass wool towards the heat ? 35. Solar dryer is used for drying hairs ture or false ? 36. Which organ is acts as a pump to transport blood continously through the blood vessels ? 37. What is called the left valve of the heart ? 38. Venus has high percentage of Carbon dioxide in their atmosphere’ this is right or wrong ? 39. What you think the Flying Squirrel can fly in real ? 40. Which force is responsible for when you lift an object in your hand, it feels heavy ? 41. What are those substances which are added to the soil to provide nutrients to the plant ? 42. Due to which reason the hair gets attracted towards the comb after run this comb through dry hairs (3 to 4 times) ? 43. Natrium is the latin name of 44. What is called the membrane against which the sound waves strike ? 45. In the periscope which type of mirrors are arranged at an angle of 450 ? 46. What is called that pole towards where the tip of the magnet points the south ? 47. What is the density of solid wax as compare to that of liquid wax ? 48. Which type of gas Neon is ? 49. Steel is alloy consist of carbon and 50. How many moons the planet Saturn has ?

Answer : (1) Third (2) Anaemia (3) Wind (4) osmotic (5) Ant Eater (6) Excitation (7) Pneumoconiosis (8) Acids (9) Five (10) Autoregulatory (11) Noise (12) Pure metal rod (13) Black (14) Formic acid (15) 500 Km/hour (16) 1000 (17) Plants (18) Sodium perborate (19) Kachch (20) Valcanization (21) Aarybhatt (22) Solvay’s method/Solvay’s Ammonia-soda-process (23) True (24) Radiation Energy (25) Anthracite (26) Botany/Plant Sciences (27) Atomic energy (28) Carbon dioxide (29) Iron (30) Mechnanica energy (31) Alkalinity (32) Diabetes of insipedus (33) on Cathode (34) Insulator (35) False (36) Heart (37) Bicuspid valve (38) Right (39) No, it gildes (40) Gravitational force (41) Fertilizer (42) Static Electricity (43) Sodium (44) Tympanic memberane (45) Plane (46) Maganetic North pole (47) More (48) Noble (49) Iron (50) 18 11

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BIRTHDAYS OF SCIENTISTS OCTOBER 2nd – 1869 2nd – 1852 5th – 1882 15th – 1931 19th – 1910 20th – 1891 30th – 1909 31st – 1875 30th – 1894

Mahatma Gandhi : the Father of Nation William Ramasey, English Chemist; won the Nobel Prize in 1904 for the discovery of inert gases Robert Hutchings Goddard : the father of modern rocket propulsion in the America. Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalam: the missile scientist- His excellence the President of India. S. Chandrashekhar: got the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovery of birth and death of stars in 1983 James Chadwick discovered neutron and won the Nobel Prize in 1935 Homi Jahangir Bhabha – the Founder Nuclear Scientist of India Sardar Patel Jayanti: The Iron Man of India Dirk Struik: the mathematician and Marxian theoretician in the State. Marxian economics refers to a body of economic thought stemming from the work of Karl Marx. NOVEMBER

2nd – 1833 th

Dr. Mahendralal Sircar, founder of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of science

7 – 1888

Sir Chandrashekhar Venkata Raman : He got the Nobel Prize in Physics for Raman Effect in 1930

9th – 1904

Panchan Maheshwari : Eminent India botanist known for research in flowering plants


Salim Ali : Eminent Indian botanist known for research in flowering plants


Birbal Sahni : a world-famous palaeobotanist


19 – 1889

Edwin Hubble : the man who was first able to show that the universe is expanding, and is considered by many to be the Father of observation cosmology

27th – 1701

Anders Celsius : the inventor of the world amous Celsius thermometer, with 0 for the boiling point of water and 100 for the freezing point

30th – 1858

Jagdish Chandra Bose : Eminent Indian Scientist was an India physicist who pioneered the investigation of radio and microwave

12 – 1896 14 – 1891

DECEMBER 3rd- 1886 th

Carl, Siegbahn, Swedish physicist, won the Nobel Prize for X’Ray Spectroscopy in 1924

15 – 1896

Antoine Henri Becquerel is known for his contribution of the discovery of spontaneous radioactivity for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1903

18th – 1856

Joseph John Thomson was a great inventor and got the Nobel Prize in 1906 for his theoretical and experimental investigations on the conduction of electricity by gases

22nd – 1887

Srinivas Ramanujan : one of India’s greatest mathematical geniuses, made substantial contributions to the analytical theory of numbers and worked on elliptic functions, continued fractions, and infinite series.

17th – 1908

Willard Libby, American chemists won the Nobel Prize for Radio Carbon Dating in 1960


25 – 1642

Sir Issac Newton : an eminent mathematician and physicist, one of the foremost scientific intellects of all time.

25th – 1904

Gerhard Herzberg : a Canadian Scientist is known for his contributions to the knowledge of electronic structure and geometry of molecules, particularly free radicals and got Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1971

27th – 1822

Louis Pasteur : Founder of Modern Medicine


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rhqL$fZp°_p° ip°^L$ l°_fu b°L$h°fg f°qX$ed A_° eyf°r_ed S>°hu ^p[yAp° f°qX$ep° A°L$V$uh L$l°hpe R>°. f°qX$ep° A°L$V$uh ^p[yAp° k[[ A÷Ìe rhqL$fZp° ‚kpfu[ L$f[u lp°e R>°. Ap rhqL$fZp° Q|¨bL$ue A_° rh¤y[ n°” fQ[p¨ lp°e R>°. rhqL$fZp°_p° [bubu [°dS> cp•r[L$ rhop_ n°”° blp°mp° D`ep°N \pe R>°. Ap rhqL$fZp°_u ip°^ l°fi_u b°L$h°f°g _pd_p rhop_uA° L$f°gu.

Alv [°dZ° L°$V$gp¨L$ `]$p\p£_p rhriÙ$ NyZ^dp£_p° AÊepk iÍ$ L$ep£. l°_fuA° rhop_ hpfkpdp¨ S> dm°gy¨ A_° A°L$ r_`yZ rhop_u l[p. eyfr° _ed, ap°V$pN ° p∞ qaL$ ‡g°V$ A_° k|e‚ Æ L$pi_u d]$]$\u A_°L$ ‚ep°Np° L$fu [°dZ° eyfr° _ed rhqL$fZp° ‚kpfu[ L$f° R>° [° ip°^u L$pY°$g¨y [° kde° n-qL$fZp°_u ip°^ \e°gu l[u A_° b°Lh°fg° L$fg ° u Ap _hu ip°^ `Z rhop_uAp°dp¨ ‚rk¬^u `pdu. rhqL$fZp°_° b°Lh°fg° qL$fZp° _pd Ap`hpdp¨ ApÏey.¨ B. k. 1898dp¨ Ap S> rk¬^p¨[p° hX°$ d°X$d L$Èfy uA° f°qX$ed_u ip°^ L$fu. [°_° f°qX$ep° A°qºV$h qL$fZp° [fuL°$ Ap°mMpÏep¨. l°_fu b°Lh°fg°_° Ap ip°^ b]$g 1903dp¨ cp•r[L$ rhop__y¨ _p°bg ° B_pd A°_pe[ \e°g.¨y b°L$hf° g_u Ap ip°^_p Ap^pf° Afie rhop_uAp°A° A_°L$ qL$fZp°–kNw `]$p\p£ ip°^u L$pY$Èp¨ A_° buV$p qL$fZp° A_° ApÎap qL$fZp° `Z ip°^u L$pY$hpdp¨ ApÏep¨. Apd l°_fu b°L$hf° g_u ip°^ rhcf_° D`ep°Nu \B. B.k. 1908dp¨ Ap l°_fu b°L$hf° g_y¨ Ahkp_ \e°g¨y [°dZ° S>N[_° qL$fZp°–kNÆ qhqL$fZp°_u ip°^ A`ÆZ L$fu_° ApS>_p Ap^yr_L$ rhop__° AprihpÆ]$Í$` A°hp k¨ip°^_ D`L$fZp° Ap‡ep l[p¨.

l°_fu b°L$h°fg_p° S>fid B.k. 1852_p qX$k°Ábf_u 1`du [pfuM° ‰pfik_p `°qfkdp¨ \ep° l[p°. [°_p r`[p rhop_u l[p. k¨ıL$pfu A_° kyrirn[ `qfhpfdp¨ S>fid°gp l°_fuA° `Z rhop_ n°”_y¨ S> rinZ dm°gy¨ A_° AÊepk `|ZÆ L$epÆ bp]$ ‰pfikdp¨ BS>_°f [fuL°$ L$pfL$u]$w iÍ$ L$fu. l°_fu_p r`[p `°qfkdp¨ ]$rlıV$p°fu _°Qfg ÁeyrTeddp¨ ‚p°a°kf l[p [° r_h©— \ep `R>u l°_fuA° `Z [° S> ı\p_° r_eyqL$[ dm°gu.

† ]y$r_epdp¨ ‚\d Aœbp°Áb b_ph_pf A°qfifL$p° adw (1901-54) A° BV$pgudp¨ S>fid°gp° S>°_ (el}]$u) cp•r[L$ip˜u l[p°. hukdu k]$u_p iÍ$Ap[dp¨ cp•r[L$ rhop_dp¨ OZu Mfu _hu ip°^p° \BA_° Ap^yr_L$ rkŸp¨[p°Ap°_p° `pep° _Mpep° l[p°. A_° A°qfifL$p°_p ∆h_L$pm ]$frdep_ B[f rhop__u [yg_pdp¨ cp•r[L$ip˜dp¨ rhi°j AÊepk \e°g R>°. Ap`Z_° A° bpb[ Mbf R>° L°$ f°X$uAp°A°L$V$uhu ‹pfp Ly$]$f[u fu[° A°L$ `]$p\Æ bu≈ `]$p\Ædp¨ Í$`p¨[fu[ \pe R>°. [°dS> ALy$]$fu fu[° L$p°B A°L$ `]$p\Æ_° bu≈ `]$p\Ædp¨ Í$`p¨[fu[ L$fhy¨ lp°e [p° A° `]$p\Æ D`f (AÎap) qL$fZp° A\hp ‚p°V$p°_ L$Zp°_p° hjpÆh L$fhp° `X°$. A°qfifL$ adwA° l°hu d°V$g (cpf° ^p[yAp°) D`f fie|V≤$p°_ L$Zp°_p° hjpÆh L$fu V≤$pfik e|f°r_L$ `]$p\p£ d°mÏep l[p. A°Z° A°hy¨ kpbu[ L$eyØ l[y¨ L°$ Ap ‚qæ$ep (V≤$pfikÁe|V°$i_) dpV°$ ^udu Nr[A° hjpÆh°gp fie|V≤$p°_ h^pf° AkfL$pfL$ lp°e S>° dpV°$ A°qfifL°$ A°L$ `¬^r[_° rhL$kph°gu l[u. A°Z° Ap `¬^r[ ‹pfp


X$p°. ∆[°fi÷ Nhmu

kd≈h°gy¨ L°$, Aœ_p L°$fi÷dp¨ fl°g fie|V≤$p°_ Bg°L$V≤$p°__p ne ‹pfp L°$hu fu[° ‚p°V$p°_dp¨ a°fhpe R>°. Ap æ$uep_° B-decay A\hp buV$p L$ufZp°_p° ne [fuL°$ Ap°mMpe R>°. A°qfifL$ adwA° X$pefuL$ (b∞uV$ui h•opr_L$) kp\° dmu Aœ-rhop__y¨ d|mc|[ A°hy¨ A° NrZ[uL$ `pk| rhL$kphe°g R>°. S>°_° "adw-X$pefpL$ Ap¨L$X$pip˜' [fuL°$ Ap°mMpe R>°. luV$gf A_° A°_u _pTu k°_p_p Sy>gdp°_° L$pfZ° OZp el}]$u Aduf A_° byqŸdp_ gp°L$p° Ad°fuL$p A_° Afie e|fp°r`e_ ]°$ip°dp¨ S>B_° hıep l[p S>°dp¨ A°qfifL$ adw `Z NZu iL$pe A_° A°Z° BV$pgu R>p°X$u ]$B riL$pNp° (Ad°fuL$p) il°f_° hkhpV$ dpV°$ `k¨]$ L$eyØ l[y. A_° adw_p _°[©–hdp¨ riL$pNp° il°fdp¨ ]y$r_ep_y¨ khÆ‚\d Aœ fuA°L$V$f b_phpey l[y¨. "adw g°bp°f°V$p°fu' _pd° Ap°mMpZu Aœ ‚ep°Nipmp A° S> khÆ‚\d Aœbp°Áb b_ph_pf ‚ep°Nipmp R>°. S>° dpV°$ A°rfifL$ adw_° B.k. 1932dp¨ _p°bg B_pd ‚p· \ey¨ l[y¨. 13

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rhop_hpZu †

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k¨ı\p kdpQpf

hpQL$rd”p°, "_|[_ hjpÆrc_¨]$_' _hy¨ hjÆ khÆ_° iyc]$peu _uhX°$ A°S> AÊe\Æ_p gp°L$rhop_ L°$fi÷, hX$p°]$fp Mp[° Sy>gpB\u k‡V°$Ábf_p Npmpdp¨ rhrh^ rhop_gnu ‚h©r—Ap° ep°≈B l[u. S>°_p° kpfp¨i _uQ° ‚dpZ° R>°. gp° L $ cp° ¡ e rhop_ hL$[Ïe : World Population Day_p DS>hZu_p cpNÍ$`° [p. 20-708_p fp°S> X$pµ. L$dg `fuM_p° “Human Values in st 21 Century” rhje D`f hp[pÆgp` ep°≈ep° l[p°. S>°dp¨ hX$ug `qfhpf_p 75 S>°V$gp kÊep° fk ^fph[p lpS>f flep l[p A_° rhje_° fk`|hÆL$ dpŒep° l[p°. Shadow Puppetry Show [p. 27-72008_p fp°S> Óu fp^pL$dy]$ S>°dZ° ip¨r[r_L°$[_ L$gL$—pdp¨\u Ap L$gp iuMu l[u [°dZ° rhop_ L$gb_p `0 bpmL$p°_° h_ı`r[, ‚pZu, `nuAp°, `©’hu rhje D`f `p°[p_p lp\\u `X$]$p D`f ‚r[tbb `pX$u rhrh^ ApL©$r—Ap° b_phu l[u. ApL$pi ]$iÆ _ : [p.1-8-2008_p fp°S> gp°L$rhop_ L°$fi÷, hX$p°]$fp GNCS A_° A°d°√ep°f A°ıV≤$p°_p°df A°kp°riA°i__p k¨eyL$[ ‚e–_p°\u k|eÆN∞lZ b[phhp_p ‚p°N∞pd_y¨ Apep°S>_ L$eyÆ l[y. hp]$mp°_p L$pfZ° ApL$pidp¨ k|eÆN∞lZ ≈°B iL$pey _l[y¨ `Z BfiV$f_°V$ ‹pfp `X$]$p D`f b[phhpdp¨ ApÏey¨ l[y¨. S>°_p° gpc 40 S>°V$gp rh¤p\wAp° ` rinL$p° A_° 40 S>°V$gp fk ^fph[p gp°L$p° lpS>f f¸p l[p. gp° L $rhop_ L° $ fi÷_u dy g pL$p[° : Sy>gpB\u k‡V°$Ábf_p Npmp ]$fÁep_ ipmp_p rh¤p\wAp° A_° rinL$p° dygpL$p[° ApÏep l[p. [°dZ° L°$fi÷_p V°$L$_p°gp°∆ lp°g, A°_∆Æ lp°g A_° bpep°gp°∆ lp°g_u dygpL$p[ gu^u l[u A_° qaÎd ip° dpŒep° l[p°. rhop_p ‚ep°Np° ≈°ep [°dS> k¨ı\p_u ‚h©r—Ap° rhj° dprl[u d°mhu. 1) [p. 2-8-2008 CRC ≈k`yf_p f` rirnL$p° A_° rh¤p\wAp° ApÏep l[p. 2) CRC ≈k`yf\u [p. 20-8-08_p fp°S> ^p°.3 A_° 4_p 4` qh¤p\wAp° A_° ` rinL$p° ApÏep l[p. 3) 20-8-2008_p fp°S> a[°l`yfp ‚pedfu ıL|$g_p f` rh¤p\w A_° 3 rinL$p° ApÏep l[p.

4) 20-8-08_p fp°S> gL$X$uLy$B ‚pedfu ipmp_p 21 rh¤p\wAp° A_° 4 rinL$p° ApÏep l[p. `) 6-9-2008_p fp°S> ≈k`yf ‚pedfu ipmp_p 30 rh¤p\wAp° A_° 2 rinL$p° dygpL$p[° ApÏep l[p. 6) A`ÆZ V≤$ıV$_p dp_rkL$ fu[° Aıhı\ 28 bpmL$p°A° 12-9-2008_p fp°S> L°$fi÷_u dygpL$p[ gu^u l[u A_° ≈]y$_p M°g b[phu_° [°d_u `pk° ≈]y L$fphhp_p° ‚e–_ L$fhpdp¨ ApÏep° l[p°. 7) khp£]$e d¨X$m lpBıL|g_p f` rh¤p\wAp° A_° 2 rinL$p°A° [p. 20-9-08_p fp°S> L°$fi÷_u dygpL$p[ gu^u l[u. 8) P.G.D. ECCE a°L$ÎV$u Ap°a lp°d kpefikdp¨\u 11 rh¤p\wAp° L°$fi÷_u dygpL$p[° ApÏep l[p. N∞ p rdZ L$peÆ æ $dp° : gp°L$ rhop_ L°$fi÷, hX$p°]$fp N∞prdZ S>_[p dpV°$ rhi°j fu[° k¨L$mpe°gy¨ R>°. [p. 9-9-08_p fp°S> kp¨Ndp ‚pedfu ıL|g `p]$fp Mp[° D≈Æ ‚]$iÆ_ [°dS> A¨^ Ó¬^p r_hpfZdp¨ ‚p°N∞pd_y¨ Apep°S>_ L$fhpdp¨ ApÏey¨ l[y. S>°dp `, 6, 7 _p 180 rh¤p\wAp° [°dS> rinL$p° lpS>f flep l[p. [p. 11-9-2008_p fp°S> kuApfku ‚pep°rS>[ NrZ[-rhop_ `∞]$iÆ__p ‚p°N∞pd ]$fÁep_ a[°`yfp ‚pedfu ıL|g `p]$fp Mp[° k∆h M°[u_y ‚]$iÆ_ [°dS> A¨^ Ó¬^p r_d|Æg__p ‚p°N∞pd_y Apep°S>_ L$eyÆ l[y. S>°dp¨ 1200 rh¤p\wAp° A_° rinL$p°A° cpN gu^p° l[p°. IAPI BfiX$ue_ A°kp°rkA°i_ Ap°a auTuL$k ‹pfp 24 _h°Ábf 08_p fp°S> g°hp[u National Standard Examination in Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy A_° Biology dpV°$ rhrh^ ıLy$g_p 44

rh¤p\wAp°A° f∆ıV≤°$i_ L$fpÏey¨ R>°. hLÆ $ ip° ` : [p. 16-9 A_° 17-9_p fp°S> cph_Nf L$ÎepZ fuS>_g kpefik k°fiV$f Mp[° Science communicator Training Workshop_y¨ Apep°S>_ L$eyÆ l[y S>°dp¨ "Mp¤`]$p\Ædp¨ c°mk°m' A_° "A¨^Ó¬^p r_d|Æg_' rhje D`f kdS>Z Ap`u Kit rh[fZ L$fhpdp¨ Aphu l[u. S>°dp k¨ı\p_p b° S>ZpA° cpN gu^p° l[p°. _°i_g kpefik k°rd_pf GUJCOST 14

hjÆ : 7

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NACO A_° GSAC Apep°rS>[ hX$p°]$fp Mp[° 3 q]$hk dpV°$ Train fpMhpdp¨ Aphu l[u. S>°dp¨ 32 S>°V$gp HIV A_° AIDS_° gN[p Exhibitis_y¨ ‚]$iÆ_ fpMhpdp¨

Apep°rS>[ hX$p°]$fp X$uıV≤$uL$V$ A_° `¨Qdlpg X$uıV≤$uL$V$ dpV°$ [p. 1-8-2008 A_° 8-8-2008_p fp°S> hL$–p©–h ı`^pÆ_y¨ Apep°S>_ L$fhpdp¨ ApÏey¨ l[y¨. S>°_p° rhje "`©’hu D`f_u S>m kdıep-dyÌL°$guAp° A_° [°_y¨ r_hpfZ' fpMhpdp¨ ApÏep° l[p°. hX$p°]$fp rS>âp_p 16 rh¤p\wAp° [°dS> `¨Qdlpg rS>âp_p 21 rh¤p\wAp°A° cpN gu^p° l[p°. `¨Qdlpg Mp[°_u ı`^pÆ Np°^fp_u [•g¨N lpBıL|gdp¨ fpMhpdp¨ Aphu l[u.

ApÏey¨ l[y¨. S>°_u dygpL$p[ k¨ı\p_p kÊep°A° gu^u l[u. fp∆h Np¨ ^ u Ane D≈Æ q]$_ : GEDA ‚pep°rS>[ Ane D≈Æ r]$__u DS>hZu_p cpN Í$`° rhrh^ ‚p°N∞pd_y¨ Apep°S>_ L$fu [°dS> D≈Æ_p ‚]$iÆ_p° ep°∆ D≈Æ_u bQ[ Ofdp [\p ipmpdp L°$hu fu[° L$fip°? [°_u N©rlZuAp° [°dS> rh¤p\wAp°_° kdS>Z Ap`hpdp¨ Aphu l[u S>°dp 400 S>°V$gu N©rlZuAp° [°dS> rh¤p\wAp°A° gpc d°mÏep° l[p°. rhrh^ ºgbp° : k¨ı\p Mp[° rhop__p ‚Qpf dpV°$ A_° ‚kpf dpV°$ rhqh^ L$gbp°_y¨ Apep°S>_ L$f°g R>°. S>°_u dprl[u _uQ° ‚dpZ° R>°.

Model Rocketry Championship Cup

V≤°$_vN A_° fp°L°$V$ X$uTpB_ L$peÆæ$d, [°S>k rh¤pge, A°g°sÁbL$ rh¤pge, _pg¨]$p BfiV$f_°i_g ıL|$g Mp[° V°$ıV°$i_ lp°bu k°fiV$f A_° gp°L$rhop_ L°$fi÷_p k¨eyL$[ D`æ$d° Apep°S>_ L$eyØ l[y. S>°dp¨ 140 S>°V$gp rh¤p\wAp°A° fk`|hÆL$ cpN gu^p° l[p°. Train _u dygpL$p[ : [p. 18-9-08_p fp°S>

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d°\°d°V$uL$ L$gb

rhje k|rQ ‚ep°N Ap^pqf[ L$peÆæ$d A°V$g° L°$ ""≈[° L$fu_° iuMp°.'' ‚L$pi, Qy¨bL$–h, lhp, `pZu, rh¤y[ isº[ rhN°f° A¨N_ ° p ‚ep°Np°. fd[p¨ fd[p¨ NrZ[ A_° [pqLÆ$L$ rhQpf `¬^r[ ‹pfp NrZ[ riMhy¨.

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Sy > gpB-k‡V° $ Ábf 2008 A¨ L $-3


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kde 2.30\u 4.00 4.00\u 5.30 4.00\u 5.30 2.30\u 4.00 10.30 \u 12.00 12.00 \u 13.00 14.30 \u 16.00 16.00 \u 17.00 (b° dpk dpV°$)

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Ly$[|lg (1) bfa `pZudp¨ [f° R>° A_° ApÎL$p°lp°gdp¨ X|$b° R>°, L$pfZ L°$, bfa_u rhriÙ$ O_[p `pZu L$f[p¨ Ap°R>u A_° ApÎL$p°lp°g L$f[p¨ h^pf° R>°.

r_L$pk_y¨ L$peÆ L$f° R>°. fZ_u h_ı`r[_° blz S> Ap° R y > ¨ `pZu dm[y ¨ lp° h p\u bpÛ`- r_L$pk_ Ap°Ry>¨ \pe R>°.

(2) b¨^ bpfu bpfZp¨hpmp Ofdp¨ kmN[u kNX$u (8) gpL$Xy¨$ bm[u hM[° aV$ aV$ AhpS> \pe R>°, ceS>_L$ R>° , L$pfZ L° $ A`| f [p° Ap° s ºkS>_ L$pfZ L° $ Nfdu\u [° d p¨ fl° g p hpey A_° dm[p¨ L$p° g kp_y ¨ A`| Z Æ ]$l_ \pe R>° A_° hfpm rhL$pk `pd° R>° A_° A°L$]$d blpf ^ku [°_p\u [uh∞ T°fu A°hp° L$pbÆ_ dp°_p°L$kpBX$ `°]$p Aph° R>°. \pe R>°. (9) gp°M¨X$_p° Mugp° `pfpdp [f° R>° S>epf° `pZudp (3) b`p°f L$f[p¨ khpf° A_° kp¨S>° Ap°R>u Nfdu gpN° X| $ b° R>° , L$pfZ L° $ gp° M ¨ X $_u rhriÙ$ O_[p R>°, L$pfZ L°$ k|eÆ_p¨ qL$fZp° khpf-kp¨S> ”p¨kp `pfp_u rhriÙ$ O_[p L$f[p Ap°R>u A_° `pZu A_° b`p°f° ku^p¨ `X°$ R>°. ”p¨kp qL$fZp° Ap°R>u L$f[p h^pf° R>°. A_° ku^p¨ qL$fZp° h^pf° Nfdu Ap`° R>°. (10) gp°M¨X$ L°$ L$p°gkp° kmNph[p ^|dpX$p° _uL$m° R>°, (4) d°]$p_p° L$f[p¨ `hÆ[p° W¨$X$p lp°e R>°, L$pfZ L°$ d°]$p_p° L$pfZ L° $ [° d p¨ fl° g X$pdf hN° f ° kmNph\u L$f[p¨ `hÆ[p° `f_u lhp `p[mu A_° [°dp¨ ^|m_p ^| d pX$p° b_phu iL° $ [° h u hfpm_° hpey _ y ¨ fS>L$Zp° Ap°R>p lp°e R>°, S>° Nfdu_y¨ Ap°Ry>¨ ip°jZ rdÓZ b_° R>°. L$f° R>°. (11) rhjyhh©— ApNm q]$hk - fp[ kfMp¨ lp°e R>°, (5) d°O^_yjdp¨ Sy>]$p Sy>]$p f¨Np° ]°$Mpe R>°, L$pfZ L°$ L$pfZ L°$ `©’hu k|eÆ_u Apk`pk c∞dZ L$f° R>° k|eÆ ‚L$pi_p ka°]$ f¨N_p qL$fZp° lhpdp¨ gV$L$[p¨ [° ]$frdep_ rhjy h h© — _p° AX$^p° cpN `pZu_p¨ V$u`p¨dp¨ ]$pMg \pe R>°, S>ep¨ [°d_y¨ ‚L$pidp¨ A_° AX$^p° A¨^pfpdp¨ fl° R>°. hqæ$ch_, rhqL$fZ A_° Ap¨ [ fuL$ `fph[Æ _ \pe R>°, `qfZpd° kp[ S>°V$gp f¨N_p qL$fZp° `°]$p (12) rh¤y[dpNÆdp¨ k°aV$u aeyT fpMhpdp¨ Aph° R>°, \pe R>°. L$pfZ L°$ rh¤y[ ‚hpl `kpf \[p _yL$ip_ L°$ AL$ıdp[ AV$L$phhp rh¤y[ dpNÆdp¨ kl°gpB\u (6) dp°V$f X≤$pBhf [°_u `pR>m_p° fı[p° ≈°hp ApNm `uNmu ≈e [° h u ^p[y _ p° [pf -aey T brlNp°m Afukp° fpM° R>°, L$pfZ L°$ brlNp°m hp`fhpdp¨ Aph° R>°, S>°\u rh¤y[ ‚hpl\u [pf Afukpdp¨ M| b _p_p ‚r[tbb k≈Æ e R>° , `uNm[p [° rh¤y[ dpNÆ_° [p°X$u _pM° R>°. S>°_p\u `pR>m_p° OZp° dp°V$p° cpN Afukpdp¨ ]°$Mpe R>° hmu [° k|eÆ_p qL$fZp°_y¨ `fph[Æ_ `Z (13) huS>mu_p° ]$uhp° a} V $[p AhpS> \pe R>° , AV$L$ph° R>°. L$pfZ L°$ huS>mu_p Np°mpdp¨ i|fiephL$pi lp°e R>°, S>° a}V$[p lhp ^ku Aph° R>° A_° AhpS> (7) fZ_u h_ı`r[_° blz S> Ap°R>p A_° _p_p `p_ lp° e R>° L$pfZ L° $ h_ı`r[_p `p_ bpÛ`\pe R>°.


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Benefits of Nuclear Energy


Dr. Dilip P. Ahalpara Institute for Plasma Research

If the concentration of radioactive waste is short lived, then decay and delay approach is adopted in which the waste is held for sufficiently long time till the radioactivity dies out completely. Here another approach is that of dilute and disperse in which the hazard in the environment is minimized. When the radioactivity is long lived, the only approach possible is that of concentrate and contain in which the waste is concentrated (typically in sludge form) by using various processes including chemical precipitation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis and natural/ steam evaporation and centrifuging. The resulting solids are highly concentrated in radioactivity. These solids are then kept buried in iron cans and kept under observation for them to die out slowly. Such waste should not get mixed with under ground water streams nor it should be mishandled or smuggled for probable misuse and threat.

Cont. article Appendix-1: Nuclear Waste Management Nuclear waste generates from nuclear energy generating projects and from the nuclear weapon activities. Its handling poses a threat that requires careful handling of radiation for the environment safety. Two basic nuclear reactions, namely fission of nuclei like U235 and Pu239 and fusion of elements like hydrogen release enormous energy and radioactive elements. As in many other industrial processes, in the nuclear industry also unusable and unwanted waste products are generated which are hazardous and hence need to be handled and safely preserved. Waste that generates radioactivity is called as radioactive waste. Such radioactive wastes are generated throughout the nuclear fuel life cycle through various processes like mining, fuel processing, fuel fabrication and its use in nuclear reactors and reprocessing of spent fuel. Nuclear waste is generally classified into two “low level” or “high level” radioactive wastes.

Appendix-2: Comparison of energy generation by Fission and Fusion The fission and fusion nuclear reactions can lead to self-sustaining, exothermal processes on a macroscopic scale. Yet, the mechanisms through which the energy production becomes self-sustained are very different, and a comparison of the two can shed light on the difficulties faced in the attainment of fusion energy. The fission splits a massive element into fragments, releasing energy in the process (see attachment). Fusion joins two light elements, forming a more massive element, and releasing energy in the process.

Low level waste: It includes material used to handle the highly radioactive parts of nuclear reactors (e.g. cooling water pipes) and waste from medical procedures involving radioactive treatments or x-rays. Low level waste is comparatively easy to dispose of. The level of radioactivity and the half life (the time for a sample having N radioactive nuclei to disintegrate to half) of the radioactive isotopes in low level waste are relatively small. Storing the waste for a period of 10 to 50 years will allow most of the radioactive isotopes in low level waste to decay, at which point the waste can be disposed of as normal refuse.

The reason they both release energy can be understood by examining a curve called the binding energy per nucleon curve. In fission, an element with a very large number of nucleons (such as Uranium) is split forming two fragments which each have fewer nucleons (the total number of nucleons is always constant). These fragments are nearer the maximum of the curve, so the total binding energy increases. In fusion, very light atoms are fused into a more massive atom, near the maximum again.

High level waste: The high level radioactive waste is the core material from the nuclear reactor or nuclear weapon. It includes uranium, plutonium, and other highly radioactive elements generated during fission as by-products. Most of the radioactive isotopes in high level waste emit large amounts of radiation and have extremely long halflives (some longer than 100,000 years) that require long time to settle to safe levels of radioactivity.

Fission: In a fission reaction, an impinging slow neutron splits a very heavy nucleus into fast fragments, and in the process other neutrons which 17

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For such a reaction to occur, the fusion fuel has to have a temperature high enough for all its atoms to be dissociated (ionized) into free nuclei and electrons. Most importantly, under these conditions at least a few of the nuclei gain enough kinetic energy to overcome the repulsive electrostatic barrier between any two of them, to undergo a fusion reaction. Therefore, the higher temperature will result in the reaction of more nuclei; hence the name ‘thermonuclear’ fusion. Since none of the particles resulting from a fusion reaction give rise to another fusion reaction, no chain reaction is possible. The process can be self-sustained, however, because, in principle, a part of the kinetic energy of the particles can be used to maintain the fuel at the very high temperatures required for other fusion reactions to occur.

can have energies higher than that required for sustaining the chain reaction are ejected. Neutron (slow) + heavy Uranium nucleus è Fission products + fast neutrons The fast neutrons have to be slowed down by having a reactor core of sufficient dimensions, embedded in some suitable moderator. Thus, if the mass of the fissile material is large enough, a selfsustaining chain reaction can occur. This reaction can be controlled in a fission reactor, which is a thermal machine where the hot source is the fissile material itself. Fusion: In a typical fusion reaction, two light nuclei combine to form a fast, heavier nucleus and an even faster nucleon, i.e. a neutron or a proton. D + T (at high temperature) è He-4 (3.5 Mev – fast) + n (14.5 Mev very fast) Fusion


1. Fuel

D, T (Isotopes if hydrogen) Abundant

Uranium and neutrons Limited

2. End products

3.5 MeV He4 Fast neutron 14.1 MeV

Kr, ** Fast neutrons

High temperature (plasma state) High density ● Confinement time n.T.Tau >= 6*1021 KeV sec/meter3

Fast neutrons be slowed down

3. Condition · ·

● ●

4. Chain reaction Not possible

Possible if emerging neutrons be slowed down to undergo more reactions

5. Waste

High amount of nuclear waste

Minimum (due to fast neutrons)

For a power plant, the problem is to maintain these temperatures for a long enough time, in sufficiently dense plasma, to allow a sufficient number of thermonuclear reactions to occur. To assess how close a plasma is to ‘reactor conditions’, a parameter called the triple product nT TauE is defined as follows: the product of density, i.e. the number of fuel particles per unit volume (n), the temperature (T ) and the energy confinement time, i.e. the time for which the energy can be confined in the reactor (tE ). This parameter will have to exceed a critical number in a successful fusion reactor.

Table 1 : Comparison of Fission and Fusion based energy generation. The comparison clearly shows that nuclear fusion is practically more suited as compared to fission based energy generation. The fusion reaction that is least difficult to sustain occurs between a deuterium and a tritium (D–T ) nucleus, because it has the highest cross-section and is the one that can be utilized at relatively lower temperatures. The high temperatures necessary for fusion - some hundred million degrees Celsius - have been achieved in many experimental devices, and recently it has been possible to approach fusion reactor parameters, in terms of yield of energy, in large experimental machines (JET in Europe [13b], TFTR [24] in the USA, JT-60U [25] in Japan).

Fuels for fusion reactors In macroscopic terms, just a kilogram of D–T fuel would release 108 kW h of energy (3.39 × 1011 Jg- 1) and would provide the requirements of a 1 18

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GW (electrical) power station for a day. Deuterium is contained naturally in water, while tritium is unstable, undergoing a ß-decay process with a half life of 12.3 years, and has to be manufactured. In a reactor, once the initial start-up inventory of tritium (manufactured elsewhere) has been used up, tritium can be obtained by neutron bombardment of the element lithium contained in the blanket, from a nuclear reaction that also produces helium. The primary fuels for D–T fusion reactors are thus deuterium and lithium, which are very abundant on earth. Indeed, deuterium is present in all water (one D atom out of 6700 H atoms), and lithium is widely distributed throughout the earth’s crust at rather low mean concentrations (30 parts per million by weight or ppm), with known deposits of lithium at higher concentrations (up to about 4%) around the world.

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Appendix-3: Basic Principles of a Tokamak The Tokamak is a toroidal shape device (Fig. 13) in which a large volume of high temperature plasma (made up of electrons and ions) is produced and confined by applying strong magnetic fields. The design of Tokamak was conceptualized at the Kurchatov Institute in Moscow during 1960’s. This basic design of Tokamak has been well accepted world over and is currently one of the most well established way of confining a hot plasma by magnetic fields for the purpose of achieving fusion reactions within the plasma.

Moreover, the concentration of lithium in the ocean is about 0.2 ppm. Fusion will consume very small quantities of these fuels, 0.5–5 tonnes per GW (e).a, depending on the efficiency of using the natural lithium. The total reserves of lithium are estimated to be 1016 GJ on land, and 1019 GJ in the sea, sufficient for thirty thousand, and thirty million years respectively, at today’s energy consumption rate.

Fig. 13: Schematic diagram of a typical Toakamak. The figure shows the toroidal structure of Tokamak in which Toroidal and poloidal magnetic fields are used. The helical field lines that are generated as a result of the combination of magnetic fields (externally applied and the one generated due to the plasma current) essentially guide the plasma particles to move in the helical path thereby attaining the confinement of plasma within the toroidal shape. The plasma particles essentially move on this helical path within the toroidal shape plasma and therefore they remain confined.

The D–T reaction, on the other hand, has the disadvantage that 80% of the energy is carried out by high energy neutrons and that tritium must be generated inside the reactor. The high velocity neutrons impose massive shielding requirements, produce radiation damage and are a source of undesired activation of the reactor structure. To generate tritium, a highly complex breeding blanket must surround the reactor core. Other reactions have a highly reduced or completely absent neutron output and utilizing fuels that do not require breeding have therefore been considered. For example, in a D–D reactor, tritium would only be produced in small amounts by a secondary reaction and most of the neutrons resulting from this process would have much less energy and thus would be easier to shield. Similarly a reactor operating on H–B fuel would virtually suppress neutron production and could even lead to efficient direct conversion to electricity. A D– He3 mixture would not have tritium breeding requirements but would give neutron yields significantly below those from the D–T reaction (furthermore He3 is virtually non-existent on earth and may have to be transported from the moon).

The fusion plasma is typically very hot –some few million degrees centigrade and therefore it becomes very vital to keep the plasma away as far as possible from the toroidal walls in which the plasma is caged. This is achieved by using a combination of magnetic fields generated through external magnetic fields and those generated by the current that flows within the plasma. These combinations of magnetic fields produce helical field lines inside the machine around which the plasma particles gyrate and hence are kept confined.

…Cont: to next vol. 19

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† cpf[ue `¨Qp¨N ]y$r_epdp¨ L°$g°fiX$fp° dyøe L$fu_° 1` ≈[_p R>°. S>N[_° rhrh^ ≈[_p L°$g°fiX$fp° S>Í$f d˛ep R>° `Z kp°\u A_p°My¨ L°$g°fiX$f lp°e [p° A° "cpf[_y¨ `¨QpN' L°$g°fiX$fdp¨ l¨d°ip [pfuM A_° hpf A°d aL$[ b° A¨Np° lp°e R>° S>epf° `¨Qp¨N Ly$g `p¨Q A¨Np°_y¨ b_°gy¨ R>°. (1) r[r\ (2) hpf (3) _n” (4) ep°N (`) L$fZ, `p¨Q°e A°L$dp° L$pgNZ_p dpV°$ _L$L$u L$fpep R>°. A¨[qfndp¨ S>° [° kde° `©’hu, k|eÆ A_° Q¨÷_p ı\p__p° `Z [°Ap° øepg Ap`° R>°. `¨Qp¨Ndp¨ r[r\_° buS>, ”uS>, bpfk, [°fk hN°f° _pdp° A`pep¨ R>°. Q¨÷dpk dyS>b [° _pdp° [pfuM k|Qh° R>°. Bıhuk__p L°$g°fiX$f A_° cpf[ue `¨Qp¨N h√Q° afL$ A° R>° L°$ Ap`Zu [pfuMp° (r[r\Ap°) R>°L$ drl_p_u ApMf gNu km¨N æ$ddp¨ NZp[u _\u. b° `MhpqX$epdp¨ bfpbf A°L$ drl_p° \pe R>°. (‚pQu_ kdedp¨ S>dÆ_p° `Z AW$hpqX$ep_° b]$g° `MhpqX$ep dyS>b ‚h©r—_p° æ$d ep OV$dpm Np°W$h[p A_° NZ[fu hmu q]$hk_° b]$g° fp[_p k¨]$cÆdp¨ L$f[p, dpV°$ Fortnight iÂ]$ h`fp[p° \ep°. A¨N∞°∆ Fourteen dpV°$_p° Akg S>dÆ_ iÂ]$ Fort R>°. Ap\u Fourteen nights `|fu \ep bp]$ `¨]$fdp° q]$hk f≈_p° A_° –epf `R>u_p q]$hk° drl_p_y¨ buSy>¨ `MhpqX$ey¨ iÍ$ !) `¨Qp¨N dyS>b Ap`œ¨ `l°gy¨ A°V$g° L°$ ‚r[`]$p ANf [p° A°L$d kp\° Apf¨cp[y `MhpqX$ey¨ iyL$g `n_y¨ g°Mpe R>°, S>° AS>hprmep_y¨ lp°e R>°. buSy>¨ `MhpqX$ey¨ L©$ÛZ `n_y¨ R>°, S>°_° A¨^pqfep_y¨ NZhpdp¨ Aph° R>°. ıhpcprhL$ hp[ R>° L°$ AS>hprmep_p° R>°âp° q]$hk `|_d, [p° A¨^pqfep_p° R°Îgp° q]$hk Adpk.

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Ap`Z° iyL$g `n_° ky]$ [\p L©$ÛZ `n_° h]$ [fuL°$ Ap°mMuA° R>uA°. gM[u L°$ bp°g[u hM[° r[r\_p Ap¨L$X$p `pR>m l¨d°ip ky]$ A\hp [p° h]$ iÂ]$ Ar_hpeÆ 20

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]$ffp°S>_p 120 g°M° h^[y¨ `Z fl° R>.° iyL$g `n_p A¨[° `|_dp° Q¨÷ `|ZÆ L$mpA° Mug° [° `R>u L©$ÛZ `n_p° A°V$g° L°$ h]$_p° Apf¨c \pe, Q¨÷_u L$mp R>h ° V°$ Adpk (I) ky^u `lp¢Q.° lh° _uQ° Ap`°gp° fpriQæ$_p V$p°` `p°T_p° X$pepN∞pd _¨.1 kdS>hp_p° R>°. Qæ$_p L°$fi÷dp¨ k|eÆ A_° k|eÆ af[° `©’hu R>°. `©’hu_y¨ ı\p_ EI Sy>Ap° `©’hu, Q¨÷ A_° k|eÆ ”Z°e ku^u guV$udp¨ R>°. Q¨÷_u A¨^pfu bpSy> `©’hu [fa R>°, dpV°$ r[r\ Adpk_u lp°hu ≈°A°. ”Z°e AhL$piu Np°mp 000 Anp¨i° R>°. `©’hu_u k`pV$u `f flu_° _S>f L$fp° [p° k|eÆ A_° Q¨÷ h√Q° A¨i_p k¨]$cÆdp¨ rbgLy$g A¨[f _\u, L$pfZ L°$ guV$u ku^u R>°. `©’hu k|eÆ af[° A_° Q¨÷ `©’hu af[° OqX$epm_p L$p¨V$p_u rhÍ$Ÿ q]$ipdp¨ ‚]$rnZp L$f° R>°. q]$hkp° `R>u [°d_y¨ ı\p_ X$pepN∞pd _¨. 2dp¨ b[pÏep dyS>b_y¨ R>°. `©’hu_u k`pV$u `f flu_° A¨[qfn [fa _S>f dp¨X$p° [p° k|eÆ_u A_° Q¨÷_u `p°rTi_ k[[ b]$gp[u S>Zpe R>°. dp_p° L°$ AdyL$ kde `R>u k|eÆ 11du fpri_° hV$pÏep bp]$ 336.390 _p ı\p_° R>°, S>epf° Q¨÷ 8du fpri_° `pf L$epÆ bp]$ 262.160 ky^u `lp¢√ep° R>°. r[r\ L$pY$hp_u ap°ÁeyÆgp R>° ˜ Q¨÷_p Anp¨i - k|eÆ_p Anp¨i ˜120 X$pepN∞ p d _¨ . 1 X$pepN∞ p d _¨ . 2

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= (262.160 - 336.390+ 3600) ˜120 = 28`. 77 ˜120 = 23.81 rlkpb_y¨ [pfZ A° L°$ 23 r[r\Ap° lpg hu[u Q|L$u R>° A_° 24du Qpg° R>°. Qp°huk_p° Ap¨L$X$p° 1` L$f[p¨ h^pf° lp°hp_° gu^° 24 dpB_k 1` L$fhp f¸p A°V$g° L°$ iyL$g `n_p (ky]$_p) 1` q]$hkp° L$pY$u _pMhp f¸p. S>hpb 9 ApÏep°, dpV°$ NZ[fu dyS>b q]$hk L©$ÛZ`n_u _p°d_p° \ep°. Bıhuk__p N∞°Nqfe_ L°$g°fiX$f ‚dpZ° d^fp[° 12 :00_p V$L$p°f° [pfuM b]$gpe, `f¨[y Ap`Zp `¨Qp¨N A_ykpf r[r\ Nd° –epf° iÍ$ \pe R>°. A_° Nd° –epf° `|fu \pe R>°. k|ep£]$e hM[° S>° r[r\ Qpg[u lp°e A° r[r\ hX°$ q]$hk Ap°mMpe R>°. ^pfp° L°$ r[r\_p° Apf¨c k|ep£]$e_u \p°X$u S> rdr_V$p° `l°gp \ep° A_° buS>° q]$hk° k|ep£]$e hM[° `Z A° Qpgy flu, [p° `R>u _hp° q]$hk X$bg r[r\_p° b_°. r[r\_u bpb[dp¨ ‚pQu_ cpf[dp¨ `¨Qp¨NL$pfp°A° kpQ° S> blz TuZhV$ceyÆ MNp°m NrZ[ gX$pÏey¨ R>°. NrZ[_u V°$ºıV$ b|L$dp¨ r[r\_u ap°ÁeyÆgp_p `pW$ _ lp°e, S>epf° MNp°m_p° AÊepkæ$d [p° ıL|$gdp¨ lp°[p° S> _\u. L$p°g°S>dp¨ `Z _rl. M°]$_u hp[ R>°, L°$d L°$ ‚pQu_ cpf[° d°mh°gu h•opr_L$ rkqŸAp° rhi° Ap`Zu _hu `°Y$u kph A≈Z flu ≈e R>°. r[r\ ≈°hp dpV°$ f°X$u f°affik S>°hy¨ L°$g°fiX$f hp`eyØ A°V$g° `–ey ! `p¨Q A¨Np° ^fph[p cpf[ue `¨QpN_y¨ buSy>¨ A¨N hpf R>° L$l°hp_y¨ _ lp°e L°$ r[r\ A°V$g° [pfuM A_° hpf A°V$g° q]$hk, `Z Ap`Zp b^p hpf_p° æ$d S>° fu[° Np°W$hpep° A° fu[° L°$d Np°W$hpep° [°_p rhi° \p°Xy$L$ L$l°hy¨ `X°$ [°d R>°. frh, kp°d, d¨Nm, by^, NyÍ$, iyæ$ A_° ir_ A°hp° æ$d i°_p Ap^pf° _L$L$u L$fhpdp¨ ApÏep° ? k|eÆdpmp_p N∞lp° [p° A° æ$ddp¨ Np°W$hpe°gp _\u. ]$p.[. k|eÆ\u NZ_p L$fu_° ApNm h^p° [p° by^_p N∞l `R>u NyÍ$_p° hpfp° S>Í$f Aph°, `f¨[y NyÍ$ `R>u iyæ$ _\u. iyæ$_p° N∞l d¨Nm _ue° `l°gp R>°. A° S> fu[° k|eÆdpmpdp¨ by^ `R>u d¨Nm R>°. S>epf° k·pldp¨ `l°gp d¨Nm A_° `R>u by^ R>°. B.k. 500-600_p Afkpdp¨ MNp°mNrZ[ A¨N° "k|eÆrkŸp¨[' A_° "b©l]π$k¨rl[p' S>°hp `p•fprZL$ N∞¨\p° gM_pf `¨Qp¨NL$pfp°A° hpf_p Apep°S>_ `pR>m S>° [LÆ$ hp`ep£ [°_u hp[ V|¨$L$dp¨ L$fuA°. kp[ hpf_° [°dZ° kp[ AhL$piu Np°mp_p _pdp°. Ap‡ep¨ (]$p.[. frh

Ap kduL$fZ dybS> S>° Ap¨L$X$p° dm° [° 1` L$f[p¨ Ap°R>p° lp°e [p° Ap¨L$X$pÍ$`u r[r\ iyL$g `n_u A°V$g° L°$ ky]$_u (AS>hprmep_u) g°Mpe R>°. S>hpbdp¨ dm[p° Ap¨L$X$p° 1` L$f[p¨ h^y lp°e [p° 1` bp]$ L$fu i°j Ap¨L$X$p° L©$ÛZ `n_u ep_° L°$ h]$_u (A¨^pqfep_u) r[r\_p° kd∆ gp°. A° S> fu[° kduL$f_p A_yk¨^p_dp¨ 1`_p° qaNf _uL$m° [p° `|_d A_° 30_p° qaNf _uL$m° [p° Adpk ! Alu Q¨÷_p Anp¨i (262.160)k|eÆ_p Anp¨i (336.390) L$f[p¨ Ap°R>p R>°, dpV°$ bp]$bpL$u_p A¨[° _°N°qV$h qaNf dm° R>°. `p°rTqV$h k¨øep d°mhhp _°N°qV$hdp¨ 3600 Dd°fu ]°$hp_p fl° R>° A_° –epf `Ru 120 hX°$ cpNpL$pf L$fpe R>°. Apd : r[r\ = Q¨÷_p Anp¨i - k|eÆ_p Anp¨i + 3600˜120 21

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(Continued From Cover page-2)

Committee for Space Research was created, of which Vikram Sarabhai became Chairman. With active support from Homi Bhabha, Vikram Sarabhai, set up the first Rocket Launching station (TERLS) in the country at Thumba near Vikram Sarabhai did research on the time variations of cosmic rays and concluded that meteorological effects could not entirely affect the observed daily variations of cosmic rays; further, the residual variations were wide and global and these were related to variations in solar activity. Vikram Sarabhai visualized a new field of research opening up in solar and interplanetary Physics. The year 1957-1958 was designated as International Geo-physical year (IGY). The Indian program for the IGY had been one of the most significant ventures of Sarabhai. It exposed him to the new vistas of space science with the launching in 1957 of SputnikI. Subsequently, the Indian National

Thiruvananthapuram on the Arabian Coast, as Thumba is very close to the Equator. The first rocket with sodium vapour payload was launched on November 21, 1963. In 1965, the UN General Assembly gave recognition to TERLS as an international facility. After the sudden death of Homi Bhabha in an air crash, Vikram Sarabhai was appointed Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission in May 1966. He wanted the practical application of science to reach the common man. He decided to acquire competence in advance technology for the solution of country’s problems based on technical and economic evaluation of its real resources. He initiated India’s space programme, which today is renowned all over the world. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai was awarded with Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Medal in 1962 and Padma Bhushan in 1966. Vikram Sarabhai passed away in his sleep on December 31,1971. vikram-sarabhai-biography.html T-3 23

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