1 minute read
Enterprise Moves Crews
CSDA Membership includes the value-added benefit of personal and business use car rental through Enterprise, including insurance coverage, free one-way rentals for business use and discounted fuel in California, so staff traveling on business can get where they need to go without stopping to refill the tank or worry of extra charges if they are traveling point-to-point.
Alicea Caccavo, Finance and Administration Manager with Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District extolled the virtues of using the membership benefits for Enterprise rental cars at the fire district for sending “single line resources” on deployment. When the district needs to have a single firefighter or small group to lend support in regional fires, Enterprise has made rental efficient and easy for the district. “We’ve used them for years and they have been a huge source of support. They are fantastic about getting us a truck very quickly to get the fire personnel on their way,” said Caccavo.
“Enterprise is proud to support special district operations and staff throughout California in conjunction with their CSDA membership,” said Program Manager Lisa Holmes.
Brown Armstrong Accountancy Corporation www.bacpas.com
CalTRUST www.caltrust.org
Centrica Business Solutions www.centricabusinesssolutions.com
Chase Bank www.chase.com
Cole Huber LLP www.colehuber.com
Complete Paperless Solutions www.cps247.com
Cooperative Strategies www.coopstrategies.com
Davis Demographics davisdemographics.com
Eide Bailly CPAs www.eidebailly.com
Enterprise Automation www.eaintegrator.com
Kosmont Financial Services www.KosmontFinancial.com
National Demographics Corporation (NDC) www.ndcresearch.com
NBS www.nbsgov.com
Nextdoor, Inc. www.nextdoor.com/ Nossaman, LLP www.nossaman.com
SitelogiQ www.sitelogiq.com
Slovak Baron Empey Murphy & Pinkney LLP www.sbemp.com
Tyler Technologies, Inc. www.tylertech.com
Vasquez & Company LLP www.vasquez.cpa
VC3 www.vc3.com
Witt O'Brien's www.wittobriens.com
District staff traveling on personal time can also experience rate savings and great customer service with the CSDA Endorsed Affiliate membership benefits offered by Enterprise. To get the best rates on your next vacation rental, log into your CSDA membership and enter the Enterprise portal today! https:// csda.net/value-benefits