Roundabout Theatre Company 04-05 Annual Report

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Samuel R. Chapin

John P. McGarry, Jr.

Chairman Silver Spring Group, LLC

Vice Chairman Merrill Lynch & Company

Chief Executive Officer mcgarrybowen

Thomas E. Tuft

Mary Cirillo-Goldberg

Carol Mitchell

Vice Chairman Managing Director Goldman Sachs & Co.

Mike de Graffenried

Cynthia Nixon

Bob Donnalley

Laura Pels

Vice Chairman President Yegen Companies

Douglas Durst

President The Laura Pels Foundation

Todd Haimes

Perry B. Granoff

President Artistic Director Roundabout Theatre Company


Barbara Schaps Thomas

Chuck Imhof

Christian C. Yegen

Treasurer Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer HBO Sports

Kevin A. McCabe

Co-President The Durst Organization

Soledad DeLeon Hurst Managing Director – Greater New York Division American Airlines Inc.

Lawrence Kaplen

Secretary President The Quarry Group, Inc.

Gene R. Korf

Leslie E. Bains

Carole S. Krumland


Raycliff Capital

Attorney Korf & Rosenblatt

Mark J. Manoff

Christopher Plummer Charles Randolph-Wright Steven A. Sanders Counsel Rubin, Bailin, Ortoli, Mayer & Baker, LLP

Steven Schroko Managing Director JPMorgan Chase

Chip Seelig Dune Capital Management

Donna J. Slade Mary C. Solomon Todd Haimes

Maureen Bluedorn

Area Managing Partner Ernst & Young LLP

Bluedorn Capital Management, LLC

David E. Massengill

Harold Wolpert Managing Director

Ronald B. Bruder

Partner Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett

Chairman The Brookhill Group

Julia C. Levy

Jeffrey S. Maurer

Executive Director

Chairman and CEO Lehman Brothers Trust Company, N.A.

Scott Ellis

Yolanda R. Turocy

Helen Mirren

Barry C. Waldorf

Chairman Managing Director Neuberger Berman LLC

Brian Murray

Retired, Managing Director U.S. Trust Company of New York

Linda Carter, Ph.D. Director Family Studies Program at the New York University Child Study Center

Artistic Director

Associate Artistic Director


Polly Bergen Jed Bernstein

Liam Neeson Natasha Richardson

Tony Walton Toby Webb

Ron Rifkin


Patricia A. Stockhausen

Patricia S. Wolpert

Boyd Gaines

President Emergency Management Training

Wolpert Consulting, LLC

Cherry Jones

Rebecca Sullivan

Frank Langella

Project Director The Arnold P. Gold Foundation

Executive Director The League of American Theatres and Producers

On Front Cover: Cast of Twelve Angry Men


he close of the 2004-2005 season marks the beginning of the fourth decade of Roundabout Theatre Company’s existence. As we turn 40, the company has settled into three remarkably different renovated spaces: the American Airlines Theatre, the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre, host to the Laura Pels Theatre, and Studio 54, happily ending our well-documented odyssey through the New York real estate market. But it’s more satisfying an achievement to have filled our theatres with such fine productions. That’s how we know that our trio of houses has become a home. Roundabout’s history suggests that great theatre artists can transform any space – supermarket, cinema, or union hall. As much as we enjoy our new venues, the 2004-2005 season, even more than most, was all about the artists. It started with our subscribers being treated to an intimate performance from Frances Sternhagen and Matthew Broderick in The Foreigner, thanks to the embracing dimensions of the new Laura Pels Theatre. That comedy revival was followed by two new plays, McReele and The Paris Letter, both directed by Roundabout’s newest Associate Artist, Doug Hughes, whose work is blossoming all over New York. Over at the American Airlines Theatre, Roundabout’s longest running play in its history, Twelve Angry Men directed by Scott Ellis, and the rarely preformed English classic The Constant Wife welcomed back three old friends: award-winning actors Philip Bosco, Boyd Gaines, and Kate Burton, all of whom first performed before our subscribers at least 20 years ago. At Studio 54, Roundabout finished its first phase of renovations and we broke historic boundaries when we produced Pacific Overtures, the first Broadway show to be staged and designed by native Japanese theatre artists.

We also learned an important lesson with A Streetcar Named Desire: our theatres have identities that go beyond sight lines and seating capacities. Each space is unique and can’t be confined to one dramatic genre. Originally, one theatre was to be strictly for musicals, another for revivals, and our Off-Broadway space was destined to house only new plays. But Streetcar was the perfect tenant for Studio 54: the classic New Orleans wrought-iron

FROM THE TOP lattice work outside Stanley and Stella’s steamy French Quarter apartment, brilliantly designed by Robert Brill, blended beautifully into the distressed, decadent feel of the former nightclub’s proscenium. And the revival of the 20-year-old play The Foreigner allowed our subscribers to enjoy Broderick’s performance in a cozy OffBroadway theatre. Underneath the Laura Pels Theatre, Roundabout christened its newest space, a black box theatre, with remarkable student productions from our New Century High Schools, Bronx Theatre High School and Manhattan Theatre Lab, which opened its doors last September. We also broke records for student attendance: over 11,000 students saw Roundabout productions during the 2004-2005 season. There’s still some physical work to do (bathroom renovations at Studio 54 are nearing completion), but we believe our artistic work has never been better. This level of artistry and commitment is only made possible by two important ensembles: Roundabout’s generous friends, whether individuals, corporations, foundations, or government agencies; and our fellow Board and staff members. We thank Paul Lacouture, Tom Gleason, and Theresa Lang for their term on the Board, and we welcome new members Soledad DeLeon Hurst, Steven Schroko, Mike de Graffenried, Carole S. Krumland, Charles Randolph-Wright, and Chuck Imhof. We are proud to be able to offer actors, designers, and directors rewarding artistic opportunities in well-appointed, aesthetically pleasing homes, and a theatre community that stretches from our offices on 39th Street to Studio 54. Roundabout’s family knows that when we open our houses on Broadway or Off to great artists, our friends and subscribers will find we’ve made a home for great theatre.


Steven F. Goldstone Chairman of the Board

Todd Haimes Artistic Director


When Doug Hughes stages A Touch of the Poet at Studio 54 in the 2005-2006 season, he’ll become the first theatre artist to have directed in all three of Roundabout’s current venues. Amazingly, he pulled off this feat in a single calendar year. Of course, each theatre has its own allure. But as of September 2005, as Hughes readied Richard Greenberg’s A Naked Girl on the Appian Way to kick off the new season in the American Airlines Theatre, he could only speak from previous experience about the Laura Pels Theatre in the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre. Clearly, its assets made his work a pleasure.

needed many locations and a constant flow of scenery and the Pels has shown that the space is wonderfully flexible,” he says. Hughes tested the space’s limits with McReele, his debut at the Pels. The play featured a scene in which Hughes had one of the performers speak from the house side of the footlights, walking down an aisle speaking as if she were a TV talk show host. Hughes had another actor walk offstage and use a side exit, which led to a hallway rather than backstage. As Matthew Armstrong, the Theatre Manager at the Steinberg Center points out, Hughes’ use of lighting “fully exposed the theatre’s fire communications panel, which is normally hidden from the audience’s view, as well as the vestibule to the backstage, all of which contributed to creating the reality of a television studio set.” “It’s a great reclamation of an Off-Broadway space that had fallen on hard times,” says Hughes. It felt unloved and derelict. Now it’s very vital.”

D O U G H U G H E S I N T E R V I E W W I T H “The Laura Pels Theatre seems to me one of the most beautiful small theatres for sight lines,” enthused the Tony Award-winning director. Hughes should know better than anybody: he has staged two of the first four plays that Roundabout produced at the Laura Pels Theatre: McReele and The Paris Letter. “I didn’t waste a lot of time staging around sight line issues – there are none. So staging a play in the Pels is a mint of freedom,” he says. “The architect has taken on the role of the audience. He created the widest seats, and even those in the newly constructed balcony give great lines.” Hughes pauses to search for the right choice of words. “It’s intimate… the audience doesn’t feel dispersed, they feel aggregated there.” Recalling his back-to-back accomplishments in the space last season, Hughes is amazed at what his designers accomplished with veritably modest backstage space. “Paris Letter




Looking forward to his now completed work on A Naked Girl on the Appian Way at the American Airlines Theatre, Hughes appreciates the theatre’s unique character. “It’s grand and welcoming and makes audience members feel like they’re going to witness something wonderful and special. It’s so tastefully opulent in the tradition of all the great Broadway houses.” He’s particularly pleased to be opening Greenberg’s comedy in such a home. “The fact that such a Broadway theatre will house a brand new American comedy is a wonderful thing. It’s just where Richard Greenberg’s play belongs. There’s something stylish about it that makes it ready for that proscenium frame.” And as for working at Studio 54, Hughes sees the space as “a found object with a wonderfully decadent aura from the Seventies hanging over it that’s perfect for A Touch of the Poet’s slightly darker energy and sense of ruin and dissolution.”

Portia and Anthony Mackie in McReele


The Foreigner By Larry Shue October 15, 2004 through January 16, 2005 Director: Scott Schwartz Set Design: Anna Louizos Costume Design: David Murin Lighting Design: Pat Collins Sound Design: Janet Kalas

New York City Council Member Christine Quinn and Kim Catullo with The Foreigner star Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker

Original Cast: Matthew Broderick, Frances Sternhagen, Kevin Cahoon, Mary Catherine Garrison, James Hindman, Neal Huff, Byron Jennings, Lauren McCord, Matthew Schmidt, Lee Tergesen

Roundabout completed construction of a black

OPENING NIGHT: November 7, 2004

box theatre, located on the bottom level of the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre.

Performances: 108 Attendance: 44,404 Capacity: 102%

The versatile space will serve as an intimate

Originally produced by Milwaukee Repertory Theater Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin






Roundabout’s developmental workshops, and be used by New York City public high school Mary Catherine Garrison, Matthew Broderick, Kevin Cahoon and Frances Sternhagen in The Foreigner

students in Roundabout’s arts education programs.

H A R O L D & M I R I A M S T E I N B E R G C E N T E R F O R T H E A T R E / L A U R A P E L S T H E A T R E McReele

The Paris Letter

By Stephen Belber

By Jon Robin Baitz

February 4, 2005 through May 1, 2005

May 13, 2005 through August 7, 2005

Director: Doug Hughes Set Design: Neil Patel Costume Design: Paul Tazewell Lighting Design: Michael Chybowski Original Music and Sound Design: David Van Tieghem

Director: Doug Hughes Set Design: John Lee Beatty Costume Design: Catherine Zuber Lighting Design: Peter Kaczorowski Original Music and Sound: David Van Tieghem

Original Cast: Anthony Mackie, Michael O’Keefe, Jodi Long, Portia, Henry Strozier

Original Cast: John Glover, Daniel Eric Gold, Jason Butler Harner, Michele Pawk, Ron Rifkin, Christopher Czyz

OPENING NIGHT: February 24, 2005 Performances: 100 Attendance: 30,357 Capacity: 74%

OPENING NIGHT: June 12, 2005 Performances: 100 Attendance: 38,221 Capacity: 93% Major support provided by The Laura Pels Foundation Commissioned by the Huntington Theatre Company, Boston MA; Nicolas Martin, Artistic Director, Michael Maso, Managing Director through the Stanford Calderwood Fund for New American Plays Produced by Center Theatre Group/Kirk Douglas Theatre in December 2004. Gordon Davidson, Artistic Director, Los Angeles, CA.


Ron Rifkin in The Paris Letter



Few actors have trod as many of Roundabout’s boards as the intrepid Philip Bosco. Now in his mid-70s, the Theatre Hall of Fame inductee and Obie Award winner for Lifetime Achievement began his relationship with Roundabout at

Bosco can’t quite understand how Twelve Angry Men became “Sixteen Joyous Actors.” “We didn’t expect to get so close. It’s very puzzling, very odd. Even the understudies were integral. So that’s 16 of us and we were all puzzled. The surroundings were conducive and the quality of the casting was superb. It was a beautiful experience.”

one of the company’s earliest renovation jobs, the converted movie theatre on 23rd Street. Bosco was a 20-year stage veteran when in 1979-80, he starred in A Month in the Country. His subsequent acclaimed performances for Roundabout




Misalliance at Stage 1; Moliére’s The Learned Ladies at Roundabout’s temporary home at the Haft Theatre; and Sir Thomas More in A Man for All Seasons at the 17th Street Theatre. A quarter of a century after his Roundabout debut, Bosco earned his sixth Tony Award nomination in Twelve Angry Men at the American Airlines Theatre, his fourth Roundabout venue.

Bosco chalks up credit for Twelve Angry Men’s success to director Scott Ellis and the Roundabout staff at the American Airlines Theatre. “Ellis was tremendous,” says Bosco. “He said, ‘I know you all, so go for it. Move wherever you want and let me sit like a critic and I’ll pick and choose what I like.’ When we had our first paying preview audience, at the end they just stood up, en masse, with a huge ovation. It shocked us. Audiences went bananas after every single performance.” As much as Bosco appreciated the physical space and the design of the set, he also cherished the treatment he received from the people backstage. According to the stage veteran, “The company manager and crew were perfect, and ran everything like a well-made watch.” Bosco also singles out Wardrobe Supervisor Susan Fallon. “She was out of a dream: a den mother,

P H I L I P B O S C O I N T E R V I E W W I T H One late summer afternoon, Bosco took a few moments to recall his latest Roundabout triumph. And in a career that counts dozens and dozens of stage experiences, Bosco numbers Twelve Angry Men as one of his highlights. The joy began before audiences even arrived. “Rehearsals were a glorious experience, one of the best of our lives,” Bosco insists. “The entire cast got so close.” He had known Tom Aldredge (Juror #9) before; and he had worked with Boyd Gaines (Juror #3) at Roundabout decades earlier when Gaines made one of his earliest New York stage appearances in A Month in the Country. “He was just a callow youth,” Bosco laughs affectionately, before recalling how Gaines went on to help Roundabout make a grand entrance into musical theatre with awardwinning performances in She Loves Me and Company.



a confidante. She brought us gifts. So we all relaxed and felt like family.” According to company manager Denys Baker, that’s the staff’s mandate: to make every Roundabout house feel like a home. And as for the actor’s assessment of the physical theatre, his review is as glowing: “The American Airlines Theatre is perfect and its backstage area is beautifully appointed. The dressing rooms are unusually comfortable and spacious, unlike some Broadway theatres that are wretched. There was a room with food and TV and many of us went up to the Penthouse Lobby with friends who came to see the show and had coffee.” “The acoustics were great and none of us needed to be miked,” he continues, “though we were told they had area mikes to boost the volume slightly for subscribers who had problems hearing. It’s an excellent theatre. Even the last row of balcony seats aren’t that far away from the stage.” Bosco pauses. “I don’t know if you’ll ever see a theatre built like that again.”

Philip Bosco and the cast of Twelve Angry Men


Twelve Angry Men By Reginald Rose October 1, 2004 through May 15, 2005

Director: Scott Ellis Set Design: Allen Moyer Costume Design: Michael Krass Lighting Design: Paul Palazzo Sound Design: Brian Ronan Composer: John Gromada Original Cast: Tom Aldredge, Mark Blum, Philip Bosco, Larry Bryggman, Robert Clohessy, Peter Friedman, Boyd Gaines, Kevin Geer, Michael Mastro, Matte Osian, John Pankow, James Rebhorn, Adam Trese

Twelve Angry Men stars Boyd Gaines (left) and Kevin Geer with Board member Carol Mitchell

OPENING NIGHT: October 28, 2004

Running for an incredible 260 performances and

Performances: 260 Attendance: 176,070 Capacity: 92%

playing to over 176,000 audience members,

Major support provided by The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation.

Twelve Angry Men became the longest running play in Roundabout Theatre Company history.




The Constant Wife By W. Somerset Maugham May 27, 2005 through August 21, 2005

Director: Mark Brokaw Set Design: Allen Moyer Costume Design: Michael Krass Lighting Design: Mary Louise Geiger Sound Design/Original Music: David Van Tieghem Original Cast: Kate Burton, Michael Cumpsty, John Dossett, Lynn Redgrave, John Ellison Conlee, Enid Graham, Denis Holmes, Kathleen McNenny, Kathryn Meisle OPENING NIGHT: June 16, 2005

Norma Langworthy and The Constant Wife star John Dossett


Performances: 100 Attendance: 68,353 Capacity: 92%

Kate Burton and Lynn Redgrave in The Constant Wife


What does a theatre sound like? No theatre artists deal with this Zen-like question more intimately than sound designers. They are the ears of every production, ensuring

No wonder Roundabout seized on Van Tieghem’s sonic talents. By December 2005, he will have contributed original music and sound design to McReele and The Paris Letter at the Laura Pels Theatre in the Harold and Miriam Steinberg Center for Theatre; The Constant Wife and A Naked Girl in the Appian Way at the American Airlines Theatre; and A Touch of the Poet at Studio 54. Not that this relationship is entirely new: Van Tieghem first worked with Roundabout when he designed music and sound for Uncle Vanya at the Brooks Atkinson in 2000.

that all sounds made onstage are heard equally in every seat. They not only must concoct the occasional beeping car horn, blaring siren, or rumble of a distant thunderstorm – they must supply the entire aural atmosphere for each script, helping transport audiences into the imaginary world of each play.

Naturally, the question arises whether the venue and theatre architecture affect Van Tieghem’s musical designs. The Woodstock, New York-based artist ponders the question for a moment. “It’s hard to say consciously. Of course it must. I know that when I was writing music for The Constant Wife at the American Airlines Theatre I had to deal with the notion of a curtain coming up and down, which it doesn’t at the Laura Pels Theatre. So right away, that lends a different feel. The incidental music I wrote tried to

D A V I D V A N T I E G H E M I N T E R V I E W W I T H T H E Few sound designers know what a theatre sounds like as intimately as David Van Tieghem, who by the end of 2005 will have designed five Roundabout productions in one calendar year. He is also perhaps the only artist in his field who has actually “played” a theatre as if an instrument. An award-winning composer, performer, and percussionist, Van Tieghem once “played” the Victory Theatre on 42nd Street – before it was renovated and dubbed the “New Victory” – by strolling throughout the decaying building, drumming on the back of seats, crumbling stairs, and old lead pipes as part of an experimental play that explored the nature of ghosts in the theatre. Trained as a percussionist, Van Tieghem went on to perform with everyone from Laurie Anderson to Big Apple Circus, accompanying rock bands like the Talking Heads and Pink Floyd, and has been commissioned to write scores for a bevy of dance companies, including those of Twyla Tharp and Bill T. Jones.



take in the ambience of the space. I mean, it’s a grand old theatre. The music and my arrangements are influenced by that vibe.” He admits his composition of incidental music for A Naked Girl on the Appian Way would have been much different if the play had been staged at the Laura Pels. “I would have done a much smaller sound. Instead, I went for something more lush and orchestral.” Creating the music and sounds for each script in consultation with the director is just the first step of Van Tieghem’s job. He must also ensure that every patron can hear both his work and every word spoken by the actors. Van Tieghem is looking forward to his first foray at Studio 54, A Touch of the Poet. “I like the way the theatre looks, especially the proscenium, which seems to be slightly crumbling. That suggests to us, director Doug Hughes and I, that maybe we should do more with surround sound.” Van Tieghem thinks again. “I’ve done a lot of shows with Roundabout and I have nothing but good things to say. I design by feel and I like the feel of their theatres.”

Natasha Richardson and Amy Ryan in A Streetcar Named Desire


Pacific Overtures Music & Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim Book by John Weidman November 12, 2004 through January 30, 2005

The McGraw-Hill Company’s Henry Hirschberg, Kurt L. Schmoke and Kathleen Corbert, with President and CEO Harold McGraw III

Director/Choreographer: Amon Miyamoto Musical Supervisor/Director: Paul Gemignani Set Design: Rumi Matsui Costume Design: Junko Koshino Lighting Design: Brian MacDevitt Sound Design: Dan Moses Schreier Orchestrator: Jonathan Tunick

the orchestra level, Studio 54 has become the

Original Cast: B.D. Wong, Eric Bondoc, Evan D’Angeles, Rick Edinger, Joseph Anthony Foronda, Yoko Fumoto, Alvin Ing, Fred Isozaki, Francis Jue, Darren Lee, Hoon Lee, Michael K. Lee, Ming Lee, Telly Leung, Paolo Montalban, Alan Muraoka, Mayumi Omagari, Daniel J. Park, Hazel Anne Raymundo, Sab Shimono, Yuka Takara, Kim Varhola, Scott Watanabe

only theatre with flexible seating on Broadway.

OPENING NIGHT: December 2, 2004

By building detachable raked platforms and

Performances: 93 Attendance: 78,124 Capacity: 91%

With the installation of comfortable new seats in

seats, Studio 54 has the ability to switch back and forth from a configuration of cabaret seating to traditional theatre seating, depending on the artistic needs of the production.

Produced in association with Gorgeous Entertainment Major support for Roundabout’s Musical Theatre Fund provided by The Kaplen Foundation Special assistance provided by The Japan Foundation Major support provided by CANON U.S.A., INC., The Mitsui USA Foundation, Toyota Official Airlines: American Airlines, Japan Airlines


5 4

A Streetcar Named Desire By Tennessee Williams March 26, 2005 through July 3, 2005

Director: Ed Hall Set Design: Robert Brill Costume Design: William Ivey Long Lighting Design: Donald Holder Sound Design/Composer: John Gromada Original Cast: Natasha Richardson, John C. Reilly, Amy Ryan, Chris Bauer, Starla Benford, John Carter, Wanda L. Houston, Alfredo Narciso, Kristine Nielsen, Frank Pando, Barbara Sims, Scott Sowers, Will Toale, Teresa Yenque OPENING NIGHT: April 26, 2005 A Streetcar Named Desire star Amy Ryan with Ford Motor Company’s David Ludwigson

Performances: 105 Attendance: 87,783 Capacity: 83% Major support provided by JPMorgan Chase Additional support provided by the Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust and the National Endowment for the Arts Presented by arrangement with The University of South, Sewanee, Tennessee



hrough a series of Artistic Workshops and Friends of Roundabout Playreadings, Roundabout is committed to

cultivating new plays and musicals as well as re-working classics. Artistic Workshops provide an intensive forum in which playwrights, composers, lyricists and directors can test works in front of a small group of peers. Friends of Roundabout playreadings both provide these artists with the opportunity to have their work performed in front of an enthusiastic audience, and give Roundabout donors the unique experience of seeing theatre in early stages of development. The following workshops and playreadings were produced during Roundabout’s 2004-2005 season.

A R T I S T I C W O R K S H O P S MR. MARMALADE By Noah Haidle October 4, 2004 Director: Michael Mayer Cast: Sean Dugan, David Harbour, Brian Henderson, Zeb Newman, Alison Pill, Amy Ryan, Paul Sparks PASSION PLAY By Peter Nichols December 6, 2004 Director: Mark Brokaw Cast: Dylan Baker, Kate Burton, Lisa Emery, Natalie Gold, Carla Gugino, Judith Ivey, Richard Thomas THE THREEPENNY OPERA By Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill In a New Translation by Wallace Shawn December 10, 2004 Director: Scott Elliott Musical Director: Kevin Stites Cast: Max Baker, Christine Baranski, James Beecher, Audra Blaser, Terry Burrell, Alan Cumming, Sherri Eldin, Edie Falco, Gillian Foss, Kearran Giovanni, Kate Guyton, Hattie Hathaway, Christopher Kenney, David Harbour, Nellie McKay, Stephen Park, Kevin Rennard, John Schiappa, Pablo Schreiber, Wallace Shawn, David St. Louis, Ben Walker 110 IN THE SHADE

Cast: Stephen Lee Anderson, Michael Arden, Joan Barber, Stephanie Bast, Megan Campbell, Michael Cerveris, James Clow, Nikki Renee Daniels, David Aron Demane, Gina Ferrall, Blake Ginther, Dick Latessa, Stacie Morgain Lewis, Audra McDonald, Kevyn Morrow, Steven Pasquale, Ric Stoneback, Sally Wilfert, Tommar Wilson

DARK MATTER By Hugh Bush March 14, 2005 Director: Michael Barakiva

Lois Smith, Benjamin Walker, Christopher Evan Welch, Celia Weston, Julie White, David Wohl

Cast: Sean Dugan, Glenn Fitzgerald, Julian Gamble, Alicia Goranson



Director: Scott Schwartz

By David Rabe May 23, 2005

Cast: Robert Knepper, Marcia Jean Kurtz, Julianna Margulies

Director: Scott Ellis


Cast: Sterling Brown, McCaleb Burnett, Robert Clohessy, John Dossett, Bill English, Daniel Eric Gold, Ryan King, Danny Sherman, Sean Patrick Thomas, Ben Walker

Director: Joe Mantello Musical Director: Patrick Vaccariello

Book by Daniel Goldfarb Music/Lyrics by David Kirshenbaum Musical Direction by Vadim Feichtner October 25, 2004


Director: Jason Moore

Cast: Becky Ann Baker, Bill Buell, Kevin Cahoon, Cristy Candler, Kristy Cates, Luther Creek, John Cullum, Kathy Deitch, Mary Catherine Garrison, Alex Gemignani, Mandy Gonzalez, Harry Groener, John Hill, Megan Hilty, Leah Horowitz, Judith Ivey, Dick Latessa, Stacie Morgain Lewis, Darlene Love, Chris Peluso, Lily Rabe, Ashley Robinson, Clarke Thorell

Book by Rupert Holmes, based on an original story by Peter Stone Music by John Kander Lyrics by Fred Ebb July 15, 2005 Director: Scott Ellis Musical Director: David Loud

Cast: Sebastian Arcelus, Cathryn Basile, Molly Bell, David Aron Damane, Marcy Harriell, Neil Patrick Harris, Kaitlin Hopkins, Anika Larsen, Mark Nelson, J. Brandon Savage, Chip Zien

THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS Book by Larry L. King and Peter Masterson Music & Lyrics by Carol Hall January 14, 2005

JOAN RIVERS THEATRE PROJECT By Joan Rivers, Douglas Bernstein & Denis Markell February 22, 2005 Director: Lonny Price Cast: Nancy Anderson, Dan Jenkins, Tim McGeever, Joan Rivers, Julie White

By N. Richard Nash Music by Harvey Schmidt Lyrics by Tom Jones December 11, 2004


Director: Lonny Price Musical Director: Paul Gemignani

Cast: Anthony Chisholm, Jonathan Fielding, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Marvel, Michael Mosley, Phylicia Rashad, Isaiah Whitlock, Tristan Wilds

By Kathy Levin Shapiro January 10, 2005


Cast: Ann Arvia, Peter Benson, Stephen R. Buntrock, James Clow, Rachel Coloff, Erin Dilly, Hunter Foster, Brian Henderson, Edward Hibbert, Gina Lamparella, Kevin Ligon, David Loud, Michael McCormick, Elizabeth Mills, Debra Monk, Michelle Pawk, David Hyde Pierce, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Jessica Stone, Paul Michael Valley, Gerry Vichi, Sally Wilfert

By Rebecca Lenkiewicz February 14, 2005


Cast: Becky Ann Baker, Lucia Brawley, Jayne Houdyshell, Isabel Keating, Stephen Kunken, Kellie Overbey, Sarah Paulson, Darren Pettie, Ron Rifkin, Carrie Specksgoor, Joyce Van Patten

By K. Lorrel Manning March 11, 2005


Director: Lonny Price

By Rodney Ackland March 28, 2005

Director: Moisés Kaufman Cast: Alyssa Bresnahan, Peter Gerety, Lee Pace, Darren Pettie, Ana Reeder, Lois Smith, Samantha Soule MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT By Paddy Chayefsky May 9, 2005 Director: David Jones

Director: Anthony Page


Cast: Brooks Ashmanskas, Lisa Banes, Myra Carter, Patricia Conolly, Michael Cumpsty, Mireille Enos, Raul Esparza, Sharon Gless, David Harbour, Jennifer Harmon, Edward Hibbert, Margo Martindale, Tim McGeever, Ryan Shively,

By Jules Feiffer June 27, 2005 Director: Lonny Price Cast: Adam Arkin, Tovah Feldshuh, Marin Hinkle, Dick Latessa, Madeleine Martin, Cynthia Nixon



R E A C H Bronx

Manhattan Queens

Long Island

Students attending a matinee performance of A Streetcar Named Desire.

further the learning experience using theatre as a catalyst across all disciplines.


Other Areas Involved in Roundabout’s Education Programs: AREA: (# of participating schools)

Staten Island

Long Island (21) Upstate NY (9) Colorado (1) Connecticut (7)

Louisiana (1) Maryland (1) New Jersey (17) Pennsylvania (6)


Rhode Island (1) Virginia (4) Vermont (1)


As an organization committed to enhancing the classroom learning experience through theatre, Roundabout Theatre Company’s education programs have become a vital tool for many New York City public schools. Roundabout serves students and teachers in all five boroughs of New York City and the surrounding area, focusing primarily on underserved communities. Roundabout has a wide offering of educational programs that all use theatre as a model for learning – from study guides and student matinees, to professional development for teachers, to in-depth partnerships with three New Century high schools where students utilize theatre for all facets of learning. Every program is distinct and tailored to the individual student, teacher, and school. But each has a common goal – to

Roundabout had an unprecedented number of students attend productions this season: 11,927 students from 167 schools from 9 different states. The season was particularly suited to student audiences with productions of Twelve Angry Men and A Streetcar Named Desire, and thus led to a tremendous increase in the reach of the program. Extending the breadth even further, Roundabout opened the doors of a third New Century high school – Manhattan Theatre Lab. Under the direction of Principal Margaret Salvante-McCann, Roundabout’s former Education Director, the school opened in September 2004 with a class of 107 freshmen.

R O U N D A B O U T During the 2004-2005 season, Roundabout spent $1.6 million on its education programs. If it were not for the generous support of many individuals, corporations, foundations, and government agencies, these low- and non-income generating programs would not be possible. Roundabout relies on contributed income for the support necessary to continue to develop in-depth partnerships with schools, send artists into classrooms, provide teacher training programs, and to offer free and subsidized tickets. As one of the country’s leading cultural institutions, Roundabout is committed to sharing its staff and resources to fill a great need in the community. By reading plays and exploring themes of dramatic literature, attending professional performances, participating in talk backs with cast members, and engaging in thoughtful dialogue with classmates, students are developing skills they need to succeed in life. For more information on how you can get involved or to request a copy of the Education Report, which describes each program in depth, please contact the education department at (212) 642-9629.

A scene from Bronx Theatre High School’s original production, O Brave New World.


Background: Students at Tito Puente Performing Arts Academy work on a storyboard.

Teaching Artist David Sinkus demonstrates lighting design for a student at Brooklyn School for Music and Theatre. Teaching Artist Dennis Green guides students at Tito Puente Performing Arts Academy as they perform a self-written scene during a Producing Partners residency.



Students at the Brooklyn School for Music and Theatre paint scenery for their production based on classic myths.





















Producing Partners Producing Partners is an in-depth program that connects the process of theatre production to project-based learning objectives and curriculum standards. The yearlong program is tailored to meet the needs of individual schools and takes place in several classes or grade levels in each school.

Page to Stage Page to Stage is a residency program that uses theatre to teach literacy and includes ten classroom visits by teaching artists, student attendance at two Roundabout productions followed by discussions with the cast, and study guides sharing the perspectives of directors and designers — all of which lead to the development of students’ own dramatic works.

Theatre Access Theatre Access provides discount matinee tickets to Roundabout productions for student groups from throughout the tri-state area. Teachers are invited to participate in professional development workshops and can receive lesson plans to prepare students for a trip to Roundabout. Pre-show workshops are also available for students.

Professional Development Roundabout offers a variety of workshops to enhance each educator’s ability to use theatre as an effective teaching tool. Workshops provide opportunities for teachers to stimulate their creative impulses and ideas while practicing theatre activities in the context of educational learning standards. The workshops, customized to meet different learning objectives, are offered throughout the year to teachers, schools and districts.

Career Development Roundabout’s career development program offers a wide range of hands-on learning opportunities for young people interested in theatre administration or production careers. Interns share in the daily organizational and artistic operations, attend regular seminars with members of Roundabout’s senior staff, and receive a weekly stipend.

2004-2005 TOTALS

Director of Instruction and Curriculum Development Reneé Flemmings helps conduct a master class with playwright Stephen Belber.

A Bronx Theatre High School student performing in O Brave New World.

A student at Manhattan Theatre Lab works on costumes for their production, Romeo and Juliet meets West Side Story.



2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5 A W A R D S A N D




TONY Nomination for Best Revival of a Play Nomination for Best Direction of a Play – Scott Ellis Nomination for Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play – Philip Bosco

TONY Nomination for Best Revival of a Musical Nomination for Best Scenic Design of a Musical – Rumi Matsui Nomination for Best Costume Design of a Musical – Junko Koshino Nomination for Best Orchestrations – Jonathan Tunick

DRAMA DESK Outstanding Revival of a Play Nomination for Outstanding Director of a Play – Scott Ellis Nomination for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play – Philip Bosco

DRAMA LEAGUE Distinguished Performance – B.D. Wong Nomination for Distinguished Revival of a Musical

DRAMA LEAGUE Distinguished Revival of a Play Nomination for Distinguished Performance – Ensemble

OUTER CRITIC’S CIRCLE Nomination for Outstanding Revival of a Musical Nomination for Outstanding Costume Design – Junko Koshino

OUTER CRITIC’S CIRCLE Outstanding Revival of a Play Nomination for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play – Philip Bosco


A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE TONY Nomination for Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play – Amy Ryan Nomination for Best Costume Design of a Play – William Ivey Long Nomination for Best Lighting Design of a Play – Donald Holder DRAMA DESK Nomination for Outstanding Set Design of a Play – Robert Brill

DRAMA LEAGUE Nomination for Distinguished Performance – Matthew Broderick LUCILLE LORTEL AWARD Nomination for Outstanding Featured Actor – Kevin Cahoon

MCREELE DRAMA DESK Nomination for Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play – Portia DRAMA LEAGUE Nomination for Distinguished Performance – Anthony Mackie

OUTER CRITIC’S CIRCLE Outstanding Featured Actress in a Play – Amy Ryan Nomination for Outstanding Revival of a Play Nomination for Outstanding Actress in a Play – Natasha Richardson Nomination for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play – Chris Bauer Nomination for Outstanding Set Design – Robert Brill

B.D. Wong and the cast of Pacific Overtures






Roundabout’s Spring Gala – Raising more than $1,000,000 for Roundabout’s Musical Theatre Fund, is one thrilling, star-studded night.

SONDHEIM: A Musical Gala The generosity of Roundabout’s donors is always astonishing to us, and never more so than at this year’s Spring Gala. Led by the efforts of Gala Chairs Perry and Marty Granoff, our supporters helped us achieve a milestone in our history by raising more than $1 million for Roundabout's Musical Theatre Fund in one thrilling, star-studded night. This record-breaking amount helps fund Roundabout’s musical workshops, readings and full-scale productions. At this year’s Spring Gala we honored an esteemed member of Roundabout’s artistic family with the Jason Robards Award for Excellence in Theatre: Stephen Sondheim. Inarguably one of the greatest Actor Bill Irwin and wife Martha Roth with Lois Robards (right) composer/lyricists in Broadway history, Sondheim’s body of work has continuously redefined what a Broadway musical could be. He brought urbane wit and psychological complexity to musical theatre, resulting in some of the most remarkable theatrical creations to appear on Broadway including A Little Night Music, Sweeney Todd, Sunday in the Park with George and Into The Woods. Since the inception of our Great American Musical series in 1993, Roundabout has revived four of Sondheim’s musicals: Company, Follies, last season’s Tony Award winner Assassins, and this Gala performer and Twelve Angry Men star Boyd Gaines, director Scott Ellis and Gala performer season’s Pacific Overtures. Alan Cumming

Board member Tom Tuft and Stephen Sondheim


Bernadette Peters performing at the gala

On April 11, 2005, nearly 500 guests gathered at Pier Sixty at Chelsea Piers to pay tribute to Sondheim’s remarkable career. On a picture-perfect spring evening, guests were treated to dinner on the edge of the Hudson as Artistic Director Todd Haimes and writer John Weidman presented Mr. Sondheim with the prestigious award. The highlight of the evening was an original musical Jason Robards Award Recipient Stephen Sondheim, Gala Co-Chairs Perry and Marty Granoff and writer John Weidman tribute directed by Roundabout's Associate Artistic Director, Scott Ellis. The program featured spectacular performances by an incredible array of talent: Christine Baranski, Laura Benanti, Mario Cantone, Michael Cerveris, Veanne Cox, Alan Cumming, Raul Esparza, Boyd Gaines, Judith Ivey, John Kander, Judy Kuhn, Cyndi Lauper, Donna Murphy, Mandy Patinkin, Bernadette Peters and more. Members of the New York City Opera Children’s Chorus joined Ms. Murphy on stage for the stirring final number, “Children Will Listen.” Board member Barbara Schaps Thomas and Gala performers Raul Esparza and Donna Murphy

The night was a thrilling success thanks to our loyal donors who supported the event and the remarkable artists who volunteered their talents. Meanwhile, Sondheim’s extraordinary music was the perfect reminder of why our Musical Theatre Fund is so important: it allows Roundabout to preserve and expand America’s musical theatre heritage by supporting revivals that might otherwise never see the bright lights of a Broadway stage.

Todd Haimes with Douglas Cramer

Ted Shen, actress Cherry Jones and composer Ricky Ian Gordon

A Streetcar Named Desire star Natasha Richardson, Board member Bob Donnalley and wife Cory

Pacific Overtures star B.D. Wong, Joan J. Cohen and Michael T. Cohen




Dear Friends: Thank you so much for being part of the Roundabout family. It’s wonderful to look back on a season filled with great theatre, and to know that we were able to share it together. We feel very lucky to have so many generous friends who support our work, on stage and off. As a not-for-profit theatre, we depend on our donors to help keep our stages filled and our education programs thriving. Because ticket sales cover only a portion of our producing expenses, our Annual Fund donors make up the difference – we truly couldn’t do it without you. And if you’ve ever attended a student matinee performance and talk-back with the cast, you have seen our Education Department in action. We’d love to share these, or any other education programs with you, so please feel free to give us a call if you are interested in learning more about our work in the schools. One of the things most important to us is spending time with you throughout the year. We want to have the opportunity to say “thank you” in person as often as we can, and for you to feel at home at all three of our theatres. Each year we schedule a variety of behind-the-scenes events so we can have personal time with you. Many of our Chairman’s Circle members have attended one of our intimate pre-theatre dinners, with a guest artist sharing insights about the production. Likewise, it’s a treat to welcome our many generous foundation and corporate donors for cocktail receptions and other private events with our artists. We hope that you will be with us for many events – and great productions – for seasons to come. Finally, we want to thank the many people who so generously donate their time to Roundabout. Our dedicated Board members are the ultimate volunteers, giving not only critical funding, but also their time and expertise throughout the season. We are also lucky to have an amazing crew of volunteers who help us with projects large and small, behind the scenes and in our administrative offices. This season we honored Bill Huxley as our Volunteer of the Year, and special thanks go to our Volunteer Coordinator, Pat Stockhausen. It means so much to know we have such great friends. Thank you again for everything you do to help Roundabout succeed. We look forward to seeing you at the theatre soon! Warm regards,

Jeffory Lawson Director of Development

Leadership Council member and Volunteer Coordinator Patricia Stockhausen with Leadership Council Chairman Yolanda Turocy


Stanley Gotlin, Actress Dana Ivey and Leadership Council member Barry Waldorf

The Paris Letter star Michele Pawk with Board member Chip Seelig

Alice Perlmutter with Basil and Georgina Dzubak

FOUNDERS American Airlines, Inc. Canon U.S.A., Inc. Council of the City of New York Perry and Marty Granoff JPMorgan Chase The Kaplen Foundation The Blanche and Irving Laurie Foundation Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Mitsui USA New Visions for Public Schools New York City Department of Cultural Affairs New York State Council on the Arts The Shen Family Foundation, Inc. The Shubert Foundation Inc. The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Diane and Tom Tuft SUSTAINERS Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust Ronald B. Bruder The Educational Foundation of America Ernst & Young LLP Ford Motor Company Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Steven and Liz Goldstone Japan Airlines The Japan Foundation The Laura Pels Foundation The Picower Foundation State of New York Department of State Sumitomo Corporation of America Tokyo Broadcasting System Verizon Communications PRODUCERS Altria Group, Inc. Harrison and Leslie Bains Maureen Bluedorn Linda Carter, Ph.D. The Center for Arts Education Ms. Mary Cirillo-Goldberg and Mr. Jay N. Goldberg Citigroup Foundation Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust The Diller-Von Furstenberg Family Foundation Cory and Bob Donnalley Irene Duell The Durst Family Jeanne and Tom Hagerty The Heckscher Foundation for Children HSBC Bank USA, N.A. Soledad DeLeon Hurst and Robert J. Hurst Japan Chamber of Commerce Fund

Board member Sam Chapin and wife Beth

Japan National Tourist Organization F.M. Kirby Foundation, Inc. Norma S. Langworthy Kurt F. Leopold David and Anita Massengill Joe Masteroff Jeffrey and Wendy Maurer Gilda and John P. McGarry, Jr. The McGraw-Hill Companies Carol Mitchell Estate of Susan E. Nassau National Endowment for the Arts Paul L. Newman Henry Nias Foundation, Inc. ORIX USA Corporation Robert M. Raiff and Harley A. Farber Ripplewood Holdings L.L.C. The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Steven A. Sanders SAPPORO U.S.A., Inc. Chip Seelig The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Donna and Elliott Slade SMBC Global Foundation, Inc. Mary and David Solomon The Starr Foundation Studio 54 Promotions, LLC The Westin New York Chris and Lonna Yegen DIRECTORS American Express Company Adrian and Jessie Archbold Charitable Trust Dr. Bernard I. Belasco Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Chapin Douglas S. Cramer Foundation Mike and Pilar de Graffenried Francena T. Harrison Foundation Trust Paul A. Lacouture Jim Grapka and Dan Navarro The New York Times Company Foundation NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Alice M. Perlmutter Rudin Foundation, Inc. Daniel and Janet Scapin The Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation Barbara Schaps Thomas, David M. Thomas Anonymous LEADERS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnow The Avellino Family Foundation, Inc. Gary and Tia Barancik Ann L. Bernstein Susan Bloomberg

Hyela Sablosky and Jack Makoujy

Board member Carole Krumland and Mary Wallach

Patricia Cembalest Edward and Arlene Cohen Barbara Bell Cumming Foundation The Walt Disney Company Michael and Linda Donovan Basil and Georgina Dzubak The Joelson Foundation Lori and Edward Forstein Goldman, Sachs & Co. Barbara Goldsmith Foundation/Barbara Goldsmith The Marc Haas Foundation, Inc. Todd Haimes Maureen A. Hayes Helen L. Henderson Sally and Robert Huxley Bill Huxley ITO EN, Inc. Renee and Edgar Jackson Richard I. Kandel Theresa Lang Foundation Lehman Brothers Michael Lynch and Susan Baker Marubeni America Corporation Mellam Family Foundation Mitsubishi International Corporation Mitsui O.S.K. Lines The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation Nortel Networks NTT DOCOMO USA, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James F. O'Rorke, Jr. Dara and Mark Perlbinder Herbert H. Plever Jeannette and Jonathan Rosen Florence and Robert A. Rosen Toby and Michael Rozen Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Lavinia and Brian Snyder The M. N. Emmerman and P. A. Stockhausen Foundation Bob and Rosie Stubbs Time Warner Michael Tuch Foundation, Inc. Yolanda Turocy United States Trust Company of New York Barry C. Waldorf Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Weiler Max Weintraub The Harold Wetterberg Foundation Shelby White Patricia S. Wolpert Yellow Angel

Karen Calby and Douglas Calby Con Edison Delta Power Company, LLC Edmund C. and Terry D. Duffy Leah and Ed Frankel Melissa M. Gibbs Daniel and Jodi Glucksman John and Kiendl Gordon Barbara McIntyre Hack Richard and Mica Hadar Russel T. Hamilton The Harkness Foundation for Dance Thomas and Susan Hertz John High David and Anita Knechel Bruce Kovner Catherine Ladnier and J.M. Robinson Trudy K. Lampert Henna Ong and Peter D. Lawrence Liz Claiborne Jack Makoujy Mark J. Manoff Stephanie and Carter McClelland Merrill Lynch & Co. Peter and Elsbeth Moller Motorola Murray L. Nathan NEC America, Inc. Elizabeth Olmsted and Randall Kau Charles and Charlotte Peck Ephraim and Gail Propp Ira M. Resnick Foundation, Inc. Petros and Marina Sabatacakis Karen and Charles Schader Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sculco Shearman & Sterling LLP Barbara Slifka Martin and Toni Sosnoff Jay and Mary Dale Spach Lois and Arthur Stainman Linda and Daniel Waintrup Deborah and Thomas Wallace John and Denise Ward Toby and Stacie Webb Nina and Gary Wexler The Williams Capital Group Mr. Francis H. Williams Allen Jay Wolpert Anonymous

BENEFACTORS Axe-Houghton Foundation Robert Brenner Louise and Arde Bulova Fund Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke

PARTNERS Judith Adel and Robert Arnold The Aeroflex Foundation Kathy and Howard Aibel Antonette Alonso Stanley and Barbara Arkin Hany S. Awadalla Babbitt Family Charitable Trust

Todd Haimes with Arthur Mahon of the Adrian and Jesse Archbold Charitable Trust

Donald and Barbara Bady Gilbert Hahn and Barbara Benezet John and Penelope Biggs Genie and Bob Birch Elizabeth B. Blau Paul and Ann Brandow The Brewer Family Stanley and Josephine Brezenoff Donald and Jadwiga Brown James J. Burke, Jr. Dr. Stephen K. and Marcia Carter Jerome and Pamela Charnizon Jerome and Simona Chazen Janet and Kent Christensen Jill F. and Irwin B. Cohen Michael T. Cohen Baukje and Noel Cohen John J. Colantuono Isabel E. Collins Thomas and Sharon Collins Corgan Associates Architects PC James Costa and John Archibald Ravenel and Beth Curry Peter Davenport Denham Wolf Real Estate Services, Inc. The Samuel and Rae Eckman Charitable Foundation, Inc. Dr. Gregory Elder Charles and Sylvia Erhart The Ettinger Foundation, Inc. In memory of Susan Fastow Dr. William J. Sweeney III, In loving memory Robert and Cheryl Fishko Barbara G. Fleischman Austin and Gwen Fragomen Roy and Frieda Furman Laura Gallagher Lise Strickler and Mark Gallogly Wilma and Arthur Gelfand Gloria Gelfand Robert A. Gender Mr. and Mrs. Ned I. Gerstman Myrna and Bob Getz Edda and James Gillen Edith Ginsberg Irene and Martin Ginsburg Cynthia Crossen and James Gleick Gai and Mark W. Grannon Samuel H. and Sandra Hagler Diana and Larry Henriques Joy and Harry Henshel Drs. Andrew and Irma Hilton Joe and Lee Hipius Arlene and Leonard Hochman Pamela J. Hoiles H. Brett Humphreys and Samantha Merton ICM Hugh Patrick Jones


Board member Steven Schroko (left) and Jodi Caplan of JPMorgan Chase, with husband Keith and Twelve Angry Men star Boyd Gaines (right)

Joseph Family Charitable Trust Miles and Judy Josephson Irwin and Marion Kaplan Raymond and Cheryl Katz Robert and Susan Keiser Eugenia King Susan M. King Barbara Ann Klein Nanette L. Laitman Laura S. Langford Christine LaSala Laura and Nicholas Lester Taylor Liberty Travel Randall Liken and Stephen Svoboda Jodi Lustig Muriel L. Macnab Martin Maleska and Julie McGee Stanley L. Malkin, M.D. and Candace N. Conard William and Victoria Marraccini Kevin and Nancy McCabe Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. McClendon Jason and Paige McDevitt Melissa Meyer and Peter Mensch M. Richard and Joan Meyers Norman and Sharon Michaels Kathryn & Gilbert Miller Fund, Inc. Helene and Henry Morrison Mary Schiller Myers Mr. Stanley Newman and Dr. Brian Rosenthal Eliot Nolen Jeremy Nussbaum and Charline Spektor The George A. Ohl, Jr. Trust One World Fund Trisha A. Ostergaard Geraldine Parker and Tanya Waddell Katheryn C. Patterson Nancy and Peter Philipps Barbara L. Rambo and Thomas A. Goossens Sheila and Steve Redan Michael and Susan Reuben Daryl and Steven Roth Frances and Paul Rubacha Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Nathan E. Saint-Amand Nathan and Nancy Sambul Robert Schneider John E. Schowalter, M.D. Frank Schwarzer and Cindy Muth Victor and Susan Shedlin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Shoot Stephanie and Fred Shuman Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP Margaret Smith Jodie and Sean Sovak


Board member Soledad DeLeon Hurst and husband Robert

Loren Stahl Susan and Martin Stoll Barbara and David Stoller Trace & Susan Stout Elizabeth and Gerald Strauss Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Strumpf Rebecca Sullivan and Stephen Greenwald Mr. and Mrs. David Swope Michael Tarpley and Amy Nathan Travel Impressions, Ltd. Helen S. Tucker Beth Uffner Judith M. Vale Valerie Wilson Travel, Inc. Drs. Benjamin and Eugenia Wainfeld Martin B. Wasser Johanna Weber and Edwin Bacher Diane H. Welsh and Thomas D. Balliott Arthur and Hilda Wenig Charles Werner Neil Westreich Robert and Susan Wilder Peter A. Winter The Hon. & Mrs. Carl S. Wolfson Donald and Barbara Zucker Anonymous (5) PATRONS Mildred and Arnold Abelson William and Vicki Abrams Patricia and Alan B. Abramson Carol and William Achenbaum Daniel Adler Inc. Ann B. Alford Mariette Allen Anne Altucher American Theatre Wing Bruce Ampolsky John and Cathy Andrus Kulbir S. Arora Antoinette and Nicolina Astorina Martin Atkin Ina and Paul Avrich Jean N. Ayer Earl L. Bailey Betty Ballin Stephen and Kathi Bard Betty Carol Barlyn Mr. and Mrs. Jay Baum Dr. Abraham Becker Simone Bedient Advanced Telesystems Susan Martin and Alan Belzer Becky and Roger Benson Leonard and Linda Berkowitz Jed Bernstein Colleen Bess Mrs. Emmy Betemit-Eustace Cara and Bill Biach Mark and Gloria Bieler

Gai and Mark Grannon

Robert and Ellen Bienstock Alexander and Cynthia Bing Debra and Leon Black Susan L. Blair Allison M. Blinken Barbara and Daniel Bock Jeremiah M. and Margot C. Bogert Jeffrey and Lynne Bolson Dr. C. M. Bournazos Beebe Bourne Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bousquette William C. Bowers and JoAnne Kennedy Raymond Bragar and Robin Hertz, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Brant, Jr. John Bretschneider Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Britt Nikki Brown Ernest and Hilda Brunswick Doris Burke Williams and William R. Williams Martin and Elaine Buss Ann Butera Linda Beck Cane Walter and Linda Censor John and Linda Chamard Allan Chasanoff and Joanna Bayless Mrs. Michael J. Chasanoff Phyllis and Herbert Chernin Cathy Chernoff Carol and Wallace Chinitz Jack and Dolores Clarke Walter and Ursula Cliff Janet Coffey Debra and Edward Cohen Lois and Irvin Cohen Michael Coles and Edie Langner Peter and Nancy Coll Ellen and Winthrop Conrad Leon Constantiner Joseph A. Cornacchia and Eileen Bonner Laura Cornell Barbara Cramer Anna E. Crouse Cody Dalton Ide and David Dangoor June B. Davies Lynn and Dennis De Fillipo Robert de Rothschild Dennis and Jo Ann Delafield Christine Denham and Robert Stein Clark Transfer, Inc. Alvin Deutsch Al and Kathy Diamant Diane Donnelly Linda Donofrio Mary J. Donohue Maralene Downs Catherine Doyle M. B. Doyle Francisco Duque

Todd Haimes with Board member John McGarry and wife Gilda

June Dyson Paul Ehrenstein Roger and Carol Einiger Eileen and Richard Ekstract Jirina and Edward Emerson Michael L. Emmel Alice and Glenn Engel Howard Epstein Daniel and Christine Fallon Rosemary Feick Dr. William Stratigos and Dr. Deborah Feller Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Field Joseph and Tracy Finnegan Charlotte M. Fischman, Esq. Arlene and Daniel Fisher Selma Flash Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fleischer, Jr. Christopher Flynn and Maureen Marren Timothy Foster Rose-Marie T. Fox William Fox, Jr. Foundation and Lord Bordiga Nancy and Sidney Freedman Martin Fridson and Elaine Sisman Mary Alison Friel Gail A. Furman Claire Gabriel Barbara A. Gallay Richard Gallichio Judith A. Garson and Steven N. Rappaport Bruce and Alice Geismar Carolyn Gentile Jill Gibson Evelyn S. Gilman William and Marilyn Ginn Beverly and Joel Girsky Eileen M. Gleimer Beth and Gary Glynn Sylvia and Wayne Golden Beverly and Herbert Goldfarb Patricia and Bernard Goldstein Ann M. Goodbody Nancy and Gary Goodenough Maurice and Georgine Goodman Irwin and Elizabeth Gotlieb Elizabeth Gouger and Alen Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Gould, Jr. Ilse W. Grafman Marcia Grand Mike Greenly James and Marilee Greenwald Barbara Grodd Lucy Grollman Kathy Speer and Terry Grossman Michele and Rick Grubbs Ralph and Calla Guild Craig Gustafson Jody Sayler and Christy Guzzetta

Sue Frunzi of the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust and fiancĂŠ David

Phoebe W. Haas Charitable Trust B Max Hahn Burton K. Haimes Helen R. Hamlin Saul B. and Terry Hamond Jonno and Julie Hanafin Eric Hanson Izumi Hara and David Koschik Mary Harada Dr. Henry T. Harris Sondra Harris and Bud Cohen Laura and Mike Hartstein Aubrey E. and Sylvia Hawes Dr. Pauline G. Hecht Molly K. Heines and Thomas Joseph Moloney Robert L. and Laura Henkle Ruth and Karl Hess Fredrick Hessler Robert and Mary Higgins Rebecca T. Hilstad Francine and David Holtzman Bruce Horten Lauren Howard Miriam and John Hunt John H. Insabella Andrew and Connie Ippolito Carl M. Jacobs Lola and Edwin Jaffe Eric and Victoria Jensen James W. Johnson Brigitte R. Jossem Eileen Kaminsky Martin and Diane Kanefsky Jacqueline and Michael Kates Amy L. Katz and Irving Scher Fred Katz Tom and Betsy Kearns Joan Kedziora, M.D. Robert and Anna Kelly Lynette C. Kelly Kevin and Cheryl Kemp Lee Kempler and Allison Pease Kempler Hoshang and Renata Khambatta Edward Klimerman and Janet C. Walden Laurence Klurfield Marvin and Rosalind Kochman Natalie and Mel Konner Stacy J. Kanter and Eric M. Kornblau Alan and Gail Koss George and Barbara Kovacs Laura Shapiro Kramer and Jay Kramer William K. and Naomi Kramer Jill and Peter Kraus Charles J. Krause Stan and Sarann Kraushaar Douglas Krupp George and Lizbeth Krupp Wendy and Jerry Labowitz W. Loeber and Barbara Landau Jeff Landsman

John and Denise Ward with Susan and Victor Shedlin

Actress Anika Noni Rose, The Paris Letter star Jason Butler Harner and Board member Charles Randolph-Wright

Marc J. Lane Carmen E. Lantigua The Lapin Foundation, Inc. James and Dale Lattimer Diane Lederman and Arthur Levin Shirley Lentz Julia C. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Norman Liebman Mr. and Mrs. John L. Lindsey Richard and Rebecca Lindsey Kathleen Lingo Judith Anne and Michael Lipstein David and Debbie Livingstone Cary and Jan Lochtenberg Donald and Barbara Louria Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lyons Jane Macan Reeva and Ezra P. Mager Caryn and James Magid Richard H.M. and Gail Lowe Maidman Warren and Susan Malone Dr. Joseph Mandelbaum and Mrs. Reva D. Mandelbaum Barry Margolius Edwina and Marvin Marks Marsh Inc. Wayne P. Marshall and John Iaconetti Enken and Jerome Mayer Ann Bell McCoy Robert and Donna McCoy Robert H. McDowall Joseph McGrath Moreen and John McGurk Martin J. McLaughlin James and Wren McNiel Edith Meiser Foundation Carmen and Samuel Memberg Susan and Herman Merinoff W. Peter Metz Anne Miller and Stuart Breslow Lee P. Miller Eric and Stacey Mindich Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Mintz Adriana Mnuchin Marilyn B. Monter Saleem and Sara Jane Muqaddam Susan Murphy Joan and Nicholas Murray Kathryn Myers Jordan and Sue Nager Briggs Red Carpet Associates John C. and Barbara O. Nelson Ronald M. Neumann and Jane A. Zimmy Sheila Nevins Leonard and Randi Newman Anh-tuyet Nguyen Albert Nicolai Anthony Nigri and Catherine Killeen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nitze Fred and Gilda Nobel

Nancy J. O’Connor Norman Odlum Irma Oestreicher Kathleen O’Grady David C. Olstein Stewart Owen Nicole and Bruce Paisner Gerald and Naomi Patlis Arnold S. Penner and Madaleine Berley Dr. Frank Petito Nancy D. Petrone Eileen Ryan Pettus Dr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Polisner Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Poll, Jr. Michael Pollack and Barbara Marcus Tony and Ruthe Ponturo Robert A. Press, M.D. Jeffrey and Judith Prussin Steve and Rochelle Prystowsky Zoila A. Quintero Timothy and Joyce Ratner Michael Recanati and Ira J. Statfeld Bonnie Rechler Dorothy E. Reid Denice Rein Elaine and Ely Reiss Beatrice Renfield Foundation Elaine and Jack Richard Judith Stern Riklis Albert and Adele Robbins Rachel and Richard Robbins Fred and Judy Robins Sandra Rocks and Bernard Plum The Rodgers and Hammerstein Foundation Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Hila and Saul Rosen Jeffrey and Marjorie Rosen Pamela and Robert J. Rosenberg James Rosenthal and Marvin Schofer Carol and James Rotenberg Edwin and Joan Roth Barbara H. Rudd Tamar E. Rudich Diane and Dennis Rumme David A. Ruttenberg and Ellen R. Marram Peter M. and Bonnie Sacerdote Samuel and Elizabeth Sachs Fund Jeffrey and Dorothy Samel Elaine Sargent Carol and Chuck Schaefer The Lucy Foundation Roger M. Schaffland Pam and Scott Schafler Joan and Richard Scheuer Ann and Tom Scheuer Francis E. Schiller, Esq. Carole A. Schwartz

Walker and Fred Kirby of the F.M. Kirby Foundation with The Foreigner star Frances Sternhagen

Elias and Barbara Sedlin Betsey and Arthur Selkowitz Dr. and Mrs. Alan Shalita Harold and Myra Shapiro JuJu Chang and Neal Shapiro Kenneth G. Shelley Dr. Howard I. Sherman Martha E. Sherman Nancy and William Sidford Nicholas Silao Gerald E. Silveira Jack and Shirley Silver Maida and Howard Silver Eileen Silvers and Richard Bronstein Doug Singer Linda Singer Loren and Marlene Skeist Jerome and Arlene Skolnick Violeta Smadbeck Dudley and Liliane Smith Floyd and Jane Smith Meredyth and Brooks Smith Lynn and Jeffrey Smith Vincent M. Smith and Alice Silkworth Leon and Marilyn Sokol Herbert and Helene Solomon Annaliese Soros Jeffrey Sosnick & Albert A. Carucci Fund of Stonewall Community Foundation Sophia and Edward Spehar Ted and Vada Stanley Lee Steelman David and Sylvia Steiner Sperber & Steinfeld Families Charitable Trust Jane and Tony Stepanski Tom and Wendy Stephenson Varina Steuert Linda Stocknoff Janis and Jeffrey Strauss Jack M. Stufflebeam Charles Sullivan Ronna Sussman Brenda and Leonard Swartz Katherine Symonds Donna G. Takeda Linda and Jay Tanenbaum Patricia and Jeff Tarr Daniel and Linda Tartaglia Ellen and Bill Taubman Andrew Tavel Glenn and Diane Taylor Barbara Goldfarb Tepperman and Fred Tepperman Barb and Wayne Thornbrough Margie and Nate Thorne Myra Leigh Tobin Marcia Townley John and Mary Jane Tozzi Jerry Trachtenberg Peter J.R. Trapp Marvin and Lee Traub Michael Tuohy Ruth Turner Melissa and Gerald Uram Bernardette Vaskas

Pat Cembalest with son Robert

Board member Donna Slade and husband Elliot with Director Scott Ellis (center)

Beate and Klaus von Stutterheim Gerald N. Wachs, M.D. Milton J. and Caroline Walters Andrea Marks and David Warmflash Melvin and Sandra Warshal Susan Watson Terri Poli and J. Craig Weakley Stacey and Jeffrey Weber Bonnie T. Webster Robert and Evelene Wechsler Frank and Denie Weil Joanne R. Wenig Tanya Wexler and Amy Zimmerman Anita and Byron Wien Larry Williams and Gerald Krulewicz Margo Wintersteen Linda Wolff and John M. Romanow Bernice Wollman and Warren Rubin Billy F. B. Wong and Stephanie Gordon Margaret Wood Valerie and Thomas Wood Ms. Lisa Woods John J. Yarmick Eva Young Michael A. Young Gloria Zeche Anonymous (16) GALA DONORS ($3,000+) American Airlines, Inc. Johanna Weber and Edwin Bacher Alec Baldwin Saida Baxt, M.D. and Woody Baxt, M.D. Debra and Leon Black Maureen Bluedorn Ronald B. Bruder John H. and Neville Bryan Linda Carter, Ph.D. Michael Chepiga and Pamela Rogers Chepiga Ms. Mary Cirillo-Goldberg and Mr. Jay N. Goldberg Jill F. and Irwin B. Cohen Michael T. Cohen Douglas S. Cramer Foundation Bill Damaschke Peter Davenport Mike and Pilar de Graffenried Cory and Bob Donnalley Susan and Julius Eisen Eliran Murphy Group Caryl and Israel Englander Ernst & Young LLP The Joelson Foundation David Ford Jeffrey Fraenkel Lew and Bobbie Frankfort Paul Fribourg Stanley Friedman, M.D. Irving and Yetta Geszel Steven and Liz Goldstone

Perry and Marty Granoff J. Ira Harris Philip J. and Colleen Hempleman Jane and Michael Hoffman Pamela J. Hoiles Home Box Office, Inc. Bruce Horten Judy and Larry Howard Soledad DeLeon Hurst and Robert J. Hurst Sally and Robert Huxley Nanette L. Laitman Laura S. Langford Norma S. Langworthy Christine LaSala Robert Levande and Andrea Brown Ellen G. Levine Richard H.M. and Gail Lowe Maidman Jack Makoujy Stacy and Richard Marquit David and Anita Massengill MasterCard International Jeffrey and Wendy Maurer Gilda and John P. McGarry, Jr. Merrill Lynch & Co. Carol Mitchell Mary Schiller Myers Jim Grapka and Dan Navarro The New York Times Nortel Networks Jeremy Nussbaum and Charline Spektor F. Richard Pappas Richard S. Pechter The Laura Pels Foundation Dara and Mark Perlbinder Alice M. Perlmutter Robert M. Raiff and Harley A. Farber Beatrice Renfield Foundation Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation Lois Robards Jeffrey and Marjorie Rosen Steven A. Sanders Larry and Carol Saper Elaine Sargent Chip Seelig Ira and Emily Sheinfeld Ted Shen Mary and David Solomon Martin and Toni Sosnoff The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation The M. N. Emmerman and P. A. Stockhausen Foundation Diane and Tom Tuft Verizon Communications Claudia Wagner Linda and Daniel Waintrup Ann and Sid Weiner Karen and Gary Winnick Jeremy Wintersteen Anonymous *Donors are as of August 31, 2005


P R O J E C T E D E X P E N S E S OPERATING FUND (in dollars) REVENUE FROM OPERATIONS Subscription Ticket Income Single Ticket Income Investment Income Sponsorship Income Rental/Other Income Production Enhancement Total Revenues




8,605,000 9,347,000 94,400 750,000 706,000 100,000

12,813,400 11,247,900 105,900 750,000 657,200 265,000



CONTRIBUTED REVENUES Individual Contributions Foundations Corporations Government Grants Production Contributions Net Benefit Income

3,436,000 1,904,500 736,900 331,400 1,020,000 854,000

3,605,900 1,701,600 730,500 367,400 691,000 1,054,900

Total Contributed Revenues



Total Revenues



EXPENSES Artistic/Production Occupancy Marketing/Advertising Fundraising Theatre and Box Office General Administration

11,541,500 3,994,700 5,534,300 1,421,100 2,354,700 3,227,700

15,354,700 4,509,100 6,416,100 1,443,500 2,814,400 3,129,400

Total Expenses**





58,702,000 (188,800) 9,045,000 67,640,000

67,640,000 323,500 4,294,500 72,258,000

Change from Subscription Operations Total Net Assets Beginning of Year Change from Subscription Operations Change from Capital / Other / Restricted Net Assets End of Year

A copy of Roundabout’s 2004-2005 audited financial statement is available by contacting the Roundabout Theatre Development Office at (212) 719-9393.


Income By Source Subscription Ticket Income 38% Single Ticket Income 33%

Other 5% Contributions 24%

CONTRIBUTIONS: Individuals 11% Foundations 5% Corporations 2% Government 1% Major Production Support 2% Benefits 3% OTHER: Investment Income <1% Net Sponsorship Income 2% Rental/Other Income 2% Production Enhancement <1%

Expenses By Department Artistic / Production 46% Occupancy 13% Marketing / Advertising 19% Other 22%

OTHER: Fundraising Theatre and Box Office General Administration

4% 8% 10%

Roundabout Theatre Company is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization.

2004-2005 Audience Figures Number of Productions: Number of Performances: Number of Subscribers: Community Tickets: Total Attendance: Capacity:


7 866 41,502 43,073 523,309 90%

ROUNDABOUT THEATRE COMPANY STAFF Todd Haimes, Artistic Director Harold Wolpert, Managing Director

Dominic Yacobozzi, Individual Giving Assistant Ginger Vallen, Special Events Assistant

Julia C. Levy, Executive Director Scott Ellis, Associate Artistic Director

Jull Anania, Local One Apprentice Julious Russell, Security Manager

MARKETING STAFF David B. Steffen, Marketing Director

STUDIO 54 STAFF Nichole Larson, Company Manager Mar y Ann Ehlshlager, Theatre Manager


Margaret Casagrande, Marketing/Publications Manager

LaConya Robinson, House Manager

Jim Carnahan, Director of Artistic Development/Casting

Sunil Ayyagari, Marketing Associate

Dan Hoffman, Head Carpenter

Rebecca Ballon, Marketing Associate

Josh Weitzman, Head Electrician

Keith Powell Beyland, Website Consultant

Lawrence Jennino, Head Properties

Tony Baksa, Director of Telesales Special Promotions

Nadine Hettel, Wardrobe Supervisor

Robyn Goodman, Artistic Consultant Michael Mayer, Resident Director Scott Elliott, Doug Hughes, Bill Irwin, Joe Mantello, Matthew Warchus, Associate Artists

Erin Delaney, Local One Apprentice

Anton Borrisov, Telesales Manager Joseph Griffin, Telesales Office Coordinator


Mele Nagler, Casting Director


Don-Scott Cooper, General Manager

Carrie Gardner, Casting Associate

Megan Kirkpatrick, Education Director

Matthew Armstrong, Theatre Manager

J.V. Mercanti, Casting Associate

Reneé Flemings, Director of Instruction and Curriculum Development

Matthew Wilson, House Manager

Jerry Patch, Consulting Dramaturg Jill Rafson, Artistic Assistant

Kate Schwabe, Casting Assistant Stephen Kopel, Casting Assistant

Stacey L. Morris, Education Program Associate

Nicholas Wolff Lyndon, Master Technician Carrie Kamerer, Wardrobe Supervisor

Carrie Solomon, Education Program Associate

ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Sydney Beers, General Manager Nancy Hirschmann, General Counsel Greg Backstrom, Associate Managing Director Don-Scott Cooper, General Manager of the Steinberg Center Nichole Larson, Associate General Manager Scott Kelly, Office Operations Manager Steven Deutsch, Human Resources Manager Jeff Goodman, MIS Director Keith Smalls, Facilities Manager Jetaun Dobbs, Manager of Corporate and Party Rentals Nicholas Caccavo, Management Assistant Maggie Cantrick, Management Assistant Micah Kraybill, MIS Assistant

Ted Sod, Education Dramaturg Philip Alexander, Zakiyyah Alexander, Julio Arroyo, Cynthia Babak, Victor Barbella, Brigitte Barnett-Loftis, Caitlin Barton, Joe Basile, LaTonya Borsay, Bonnie Brady, Lori Brown-Niang, Michael Carnahan, Joe Clancy, Melissa Denton, Stephen DiMenna, M. Joseph Doran, Tony Freeman, Aaron Gass, Sheri Graubert, Dennis Green, Enders Groff, Susan Hamburger, Karla Hendrick, Jim Jack, Lisa Renee Jordan, Alvin Keith, Rebecca Lord, Erin McCready, Andrew Ondrejcak, Laura Poe, Nicole Press, Chris Romain, Christopher Rummel, Drew Sachs, Anna Saggese, David Sinkus, Derek Straat, Vickie Tanner, Olivia Tsang, Jennifer Varbalow, Leese Walker, Eric Wallach, Diana Whitten, Gail Winar, Kirche Zeile, Teaching Artists

TICKET SERVICES STAFF Jim Seggelink, Director of Sales Operations Ellen Holt, Ticket Services Manager

Candice Alustiza, Andre Forston, Elisa Papa, Kristin Svenningsen, Nina Wheeler, Receptionists

Edward P. Osborne, Jaime Perlman, Jessica Bowser, Box Office Managers

Robert Weisser, Messenger

Nancy Mulliner, Assistant to the Director of Sales Operations Charlie Garbowski, Subscriptions Manager


Jeff Monteith, Group Sales Manager

Susan Neiman, Controller

Paul Caspary, Robert Morgan, Steve Howe, Assistant Box Office Managers

John LaBarbera, Assistant Controller Frank Surdi, Accounts Payable Administrator Trina Cox, Customer Service Coordinator David Solomon, Business Office Associate Yonit Kafka, Financial Associate

DEVELOPMENT STAFF Jeffory Lawson, Director of Development Julie K. D’Andrea, Director, Institutional Giving

Robert Kane, David Meglino, Ethan Ubell, Asst. Ticket Services Managers Solangel Bido, Andrew Clements, Johanna Comanzo, Nisha Dhruna, Adam Elsberry, Lindsay Ericson, Scott Falkowski, Catherine Fitzpatrick, Amanda Genovese, Tova Heller, Bill Klemm, Alexander LaFrance, Mead Margulies, Krystin MacRitchie, Chuck Migliaccio, Carlos Morris, Nicole Nicholson, Adam Owens, Shannon Paige, Tom Protulipac, Jackie Rocha, Amy Robinson, Heather Siebert, Melissa Snyder, Lillian Soto, Monte Smock, Greg Thorson, Ryan Weible, Cady Zuckerman, Ticket Services Staff

Julia Lazarus, Director, Individual Giving Steve Schaeffer, Director, Special Events Tina Mae Bishko, Manager, Donor Information Systems Mark Truscinski, Capital Campaign Manager Jeff Collins, Manager, Friends of Roundabout Kristen Bolibruch, Institutional Giving Associate Stephenie L. Overton, Development Assistant Robert Weinstein, Assistant to the Executive Director Dawn Kusinski, Patrons Desk Liaison Chelsea Glickfield, Development Assistant

AMERICAN AIRLINES THEATRE STAFF Denys Baker, Theatre Manager and Company Manager Stephen Ryan, House Manager Zipporah Aguasvivas, Associate House Manager Glenn Merwede, Head Carpenter Brian Mauri, Head Electrician Susan J. Fallon, Wardrobe Supervisor Andrew Forste, Assistant Carpenter

GENERAL PRESS REPRESENTATIVES Adrian Bryan-Brown, Matt Polk, Jessica Johnson, Joe Perrotta, Erika Creagh Boneau/Bryan-Brown

ROUNDABOUT THEATRE COMPANY 2004-2005 ANNUAL REPORT Stephenie L. Overton, Project Manager Robert Weinstein, Project Coordinator John Istel, Feature Writer Julie D’Andrea, Julia Lazarus, Steve Schaeffer, Kristen Bolibruch, Jill Rafson, Contributors Photo Credits: Production photos, Joan Marcus (cover, pages 2-3, 4, 5, 6-7, 9, 10-11, 16-17) Education photos, Lorenzo Ciniglio and Jennifer Weibord (pages 14-15) Special Events photos, Anita and Steve Shevett (pages 1, 4, 8, 12, 18-23) CSDesignworks, NYC, Design

The mission of Roundabout Theatre Company is to team great theatrical works with the industry’s finest artists in an effort to re-energize classic plays and musicals; develop and produce new works by today’s great writers and composers; provide educational programs that will enrich the lives of children and adults; and retain a loyal and diverse audience through a commitment to the subscription model.

ROUNDABOUTTHEATRECOMPANY 231 West 39th Street, Suite 1200 New York, NY 10018 Telephone: 212-719-9393 Fax: 212-642-9636

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