IONS T C E L F E R PAWSITIVE en ilies, Staff, & Fri m a F r fo on ti a News and Inform
APRIL 2010
Gerald “Bummy” Bur stein Student Center Excerpts By Sharman Weiner Newman, Former CSDR Media Specialist
On Thursday February 4, Gerald "Bummy" Burstein stood poised with a giant pair of scissors, ready to cut through the red ribbon that stretched across the newly renovated "Gerald Bummy Burstein Student Center" at the California School for the Deaf in Riverside. On that day, this remarkable leader and advocate for the deaf community was being recognized for the 37 years that he served as teacher and See Bummy (cont’d on page 2)
Message from Mal When discussing CSDR, I often speak on the importance of focusing not only on the academic aspects of student ’ s development, but also addressing the deaf child ’ s needs as a whole. Many deaf children are excluded from family discussions due to a lack of communication in the home, which leaves large gaps in developing social skills, self discovery, and how to set goals for future success. It is CSDR’ s inclusion of these components that is what sets CSDR apart from other deaf educational programs. Because CSDR provides a completely accessible learning environment ( visual communication at all times ) , students can take full advantage of incidental learning and the experience of deaf adults on staff. See Mal (cont’d on page 4)