RETAIN Kentucky Snapshots of Success
Success Story #1
This employee was able to return to work after guidance in asking for workplace accommodations from employer. The employee transitioned back into work gradually, working up to a full-time schedule over a 3-week period. At first, the employer was intimidated by the RETAIN program but once they were educated on RETAIN, they saw the benefit of services.
Success Story #2
This employee was able to return to work and has been enjoying getting back into a routine. Returning to work for this person has given them the income needed to pay down debt and save for the future. The employee was able to learn to advocate for themself and recognize that it is ok to ask for accommodations on the job if ever needed in the future.
Success Story #3
This employee was able to return to work where, while they were off, their employer made some workplace adjustments that made for a safer and more ergonomic working environment. When they returned, the employee thought that they were not going to be able to perform their job duties; however, with new policies and universally designed equipment that was put in place, they were able to transition back into work successfully.
Call 859-562-3251 or email to find out more.
Preparation of this item was fully funded by the United States Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy in the amount of $3.5 million under Cooperative Agreement No. OD-32548-18-75-4-21. This document does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.