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h. 12 15 17

lt. 5,0 6,5 7,5

h. 8 12 15


Bacinella per gelato, inox Ice cream container, s/s Eisbehälter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Récipient à glace, inox Cubeta helado, inox

art. dim. cm. 41486-08 36x25 41486-12 36x25 41486-15 36x25

lt. 5 8 10

Bacinella per gelato, inox Ice cream container, s/s Eisbehälter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Récipient à glace, inox Cubeta helado, inox

art. dim. cm. 41487-12 26x16 41487-15 26x16 41487-17 26x16

h. 12 15 17

lt. 3,5 4,1 4,5

Spatola gelato, alluminio Aluminium ice-dipper Eisdipper aus Aluminium Cuillère à glace, alu Cuchara para helados, inox

Spatola gelato, rivestimento teflon Ice-dipper, teflon coating Eisdipper mit Teflon-Beschichtung Cuillère à glace, revêtement teflon Cuchara para helados, antiadherente

Porzionatore, inox Ice cream scoop, s/s Eisportionierer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Cuillère à glace, inox Cuchara para helados, inox

art. 41468-20 41468-24

art. 41469-20 41469-24

art. 41473-31 41473-39 41473-44 41473-50 41473-56 41473-62 41473-66

Ø mm. 55 50

lt. 1/20 1/24

Ø mm. 55 50

lt. 1/20 1/24

Ø mm. 30 38 43 50 55 60 66

lt. 1/100 1/65 1/50 1/24 1/20 1/14 1/12

Con liquido conduttore nel manico With liquid heat conductor in the handle

Con liquido conduttore nel manico With liquid heat conductor in the handle

Porzionatore ovale, inox Oval ice cream scoop, s/s Eisportionierer, oval, Edelstahl Rostfrei Cuillère à glace ovale, inox Cuchara para helados, inox

Porzionatore rettangolare, inox Rectangular ice cream scoop, s/s Eisportionierer, rechteckig, Edelstahl Cuillère à glace, rectangulaire, inox Cuchara para helados, inox

Porzionatore triangolare, inox Triangle ice cream scoop, s/s Eisportionierer, dreieckig, Edelstahl Cuillère à glace, triangle, inox Cuchara para helados, inox

art. 41474-00

art. 41474-01

art. 41474-02

lt. 1/30

Coppa gelato, MS Ice cream cup, MS Eisbecher, MS Coupe à glace, MS Copa helado, MS

art. 44942-10

h. cm. 16

lt. 0,25

u. pack 6

lt. 1/30

Coppa gelato, MS Ice cream cup, MS Eisbecher, MS Coupe à glace, MS Copa helado, MS

art. 44942-11

h. cm. 11


Ø mm. 60



art. dim. cm. 41471-12 36x16,5 41471-15 36x16,5 41471-17 36x16,5


Bacinella per gelato, inox Ice cream container, s/s Eisbehälter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Récipient à glace, inox Cubeta helado, inox

lt. 0,38

u. pack 6

lt. 1/30

Coppa gelato, MS Ice cream cup, MS Eisbecher, MS Coupe à glace, MS Copa helado, MS

art. 44942-12

h. cm. 6,5

lt. 0,26

u. pack 6 261




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Spatola gelato, inox Ice cream server, s/s Eisspachtel, Edelstahl Rostfrei Palette à glace, inox Paleta para helados, inox

Coppa macedonia, MS Fruit cup, MS Fruchtschale, MS Coupe à dessert, MS Copa frutas, MS

art. 41475-00 41475-01 41475-02 41475-03 41475-04 41475-05

art. 44942-07

l. cm. 25 25 25 25 25 25

Ø cm. 10

Coppa gelato, MS Ice cream cup, MS Eisbecher, MS Coupe à glace, MS Copa helado, MS

h. 10

u. pack 6

art. 44942-06

Ø cm. 9

Porta coni, inox Ice cream cone holder, s/s Eistütenhalter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte cornets à glace, inox Porta conos de helado, inox

Porta coni, inox Ice cream cone holder, s/s Eistütenhalter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte cornets à glace, inox Porta conos de helado, inox

Sifone panna montata Cream whipper Rahmbläser Siphon à crème Chantilly Sifón montador de nata

art. dim. cm. 41472-01 20x9,5

art. dim. cm. 41472-04 16,5

art. 41450-05 41450-10

h. 8,5

ø mm. 26

h. 14

h. 19

u. pack 6

lt. 0,5 1,0

Bottiglia in acciaio inox, testata in alluminio forgiato - Stainless steel bottle with drop-forged aluminium head

Conf. 10 cartucce Set 10 siphon chargers 10-Stk. Kapsel-Packung 10 cartouches à siphon Recarga para sifón, 10 piezas

art. 41450-AA Contenuto sotto pressione,non idoneo a spedizione via aerea - Content under pressure, not suitable for air-shipment





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Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

art. l. cm. 48300-01 23,5

art. 48300-02

art. 48300-03

u. pack 100

Ø cm. 9

u. pack 144

Ø cm. 10

u. pack 144

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

art. l. cm. 48300-04 15

art. l. cm. 48300-05 20

art. 48300-06

u. pack 144

u. pack 100

l. cm. 15

u. pack 144

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

Decorazioni gelato Ice cream decorations Eiskremdekorationen Décors à glace Decoraciónes para helado

art. 48300-07

art. l. cm. 48300-08 20

art. l. cm. 48300-10 19/22

l. cm. 16

u. pack 100

u. pack 100

u. pack 100





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Sifone in acciaio inox, con doppia camera a tenuta termica. Lavabile in lavastoviglie. Si può riporre nel frigo. Thermo Xpress Whip risponde alle normative HACCP. Double-walled, stainless steel vacuuminsulated bottle. Simple operation with push button action and easy cleaning in the dishwasher. Keeps contens warm up to 3 hours. Keeps contens cold up to 8 hours.

Sifone, professionale Professional whipper Profi-Sahnebereiter Siphon à crème, professionnel Sifón montador de nata, profesional

art. 41459-10

lt. 1,0

Contenuto sotto pressione,non idoneo a spedizione via aerea Content under pressure, not suitable for airshipment Conf. 10 cartucce Set 10 creamer chargers 10-Stk. Sahnekapsel-Packung 10 cartouches à crème Chantilly Recarga para sifón, 10 piezas

art. 41455-AA

Testata e bottiglia in acciaio inox, lavabile in lavastoviglie - Ideale per panna montata, mousse o espumas, creme calde e fredde, dolci e salate. Head and bottle in s/s, dishwasher safe. Ideal for creams as well as for all kind of flavoured creams and sauces both sweet and savoury. Sifone, professionale Professional whipper Profi-Sahnebereiter Siphon à crème, professionnel Sifón montador de nata, profesional

art. 41458-05 41458-10

lt. 0,5 1,0

Bottiglia termica in acciaio a doppia parete. Testata in metallo con protezione in silicone. Lavabile in lavastoviglie. Double-walled, vacuum-insulated stainless steel bottle. Metal head with silicone protection. Dishwasher-safe.

Sifone termico Thermo whipper Thermo-Sahnebereiter Siphon à crème, isotherme Sifón isotérmico


art. 41455T55

lt. 0,5

SPUMA DI MANGO MANGO SPUMA Ingredienti: 750 g di mango, 110 g di zucchero, 4 fogli di gelatina, 250 ml succo d’arancia. Preparazione: Mettere la gelatina in acqua fredda, bollire il mango tagliato a dadini, ridurre in purea con succo d’arancia e zucchero e passare ad un setaccio fine. Scaldare 200 ml di purea a 60° C ed unire la gelatina strizzata mescolando. Aggiungere la rimanente purea e lasciare raffreddare. Mescolare con una frusta prima di versare il tutto nel sifone. Ingredients: 750 g. mangoes, 100 g. sugar, 4 sheets gelatine, 250 ml. orange juice. Preparation: Soak the gelatine in cold water. Boil diced mangoes, orange juice and sugar, puree and pass through a fine sieve. Heat 200 ml. of the puree to a temperature of 60° C and stir in the pressed out gelatine. Add the remaining puree and allow to cool. Beat with a whisk before pouring into the whip.

CREMA DI SALSA DI VITELLO CREAMED VEAL SAUCE Ingredienti: 450 ml di brodo ristretto chiaro di vitello, 450 ml di panna, 50 g di fiocchi di burro, 80 g di funghi Champignons tagliati a dadini (senza lamelle), 40-50 g di farina di frumento, 50 g di vino bianco secco, sale, pepe bianco, succo di limone. Preparazione: sciogliere i fiocchi di burro, unire i Champignos facendoli colorire. Versare il ristretto sgrassato, aggiungere la panna, portare ad ebollizione. Mescolare la farina con il vino bianco ed unire al composto in ebollizione con la frusta. Lasciar cuocere per qualche minuto ed aggiungere le spezie ed il succo di limone. Frullare e ridurre a purea e passare ad un setaccio fine. Versare nel sifone. Ingredients: 450 ml strong, light, clear veal stock, 450 ml cream, 50 g butter flakes, 80 g fresh, trimmed mushrooms, finely chopped (without gills), 40-50 g wheat flour, 50 ml dry white wine, salt, white pepper, fresh lemon juice to taste. Preparation: Melt the butter flakes and allow the chopped mushrooms to brown, then add the degreased veal stock and then the cream. Bring the mixture to the boil. Mix flour and white wine and stir into the boiling liquid with a whisk. Allow to simmer for a few minutes and then season with spices and lemon juice. Pass the sauce through a fine strainer or puree in a blender and strain. Pour the sauce into the whip.




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Apparecchio per schiuma-latte Froth au lait Gerät für Milchschaum Appareil pour mousse au lait Aparato para espuma de leche

Kit 10 mascherine, plastica Set of 10 stencils, plastic Satz 10 Masken, kunststoff Set 10 pcs masques, plastique Juego 10 máscaras, plástico

Kit 10 mascherine, plastica Set of 10 stencils, plastic Satz 10 Masken, kunststoff Set 10 pcs masques, plastique Juego 10 máscaras, plástico

art. 41454-10

art. 47859-01

art. 47859-02

V 230

W 650

Ø cm. 10

Ø cm. 10

Kit 4 mascherine, plastica Set of 4 stencils, plastic Satz 4 Masken, kunststoff Set 4 pcs masques, plastique Juego 4 máscaras, plástico

Kit spargicacao & 7 mascherine, inox Cocoa duster with 7 discs, s/s Kakaostreuer mit 7 Masken, Edelstahl Glacière à cacao & 7 masques, inox Dosificador cacao con 7 máscaras, inox

Spargicacao, inox Cocoa dredger, s/s Kakaostreuer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Glacière à cacao, inox Dosificador para cacao, inox

art. 47859-03

art. 42923-07

art. 41607-00

Ø cm. 10

Ø cm. 6,5

h. 13

Ø cm. 6

h. 8,5

ml. 250

Lattiera cappuccino Cappuccino milk pot Capuccino-Milchkanne Pot à cappuccino Jarra cappuccino

Lattiera/teiera Milk pot/tea pot Milchgießer/Teekanne Pot à lait/théière Jarra leche/tetera

Spargizucchero, vetro e inox Sugar pourer, glass and s/s Zuckerstreuer, Glas u. Edelstahl Rostfrei Sucrier, verre et inox Azucarero, vidrio y inox

art. 66307-06 66307-09 66307-12

art. 66303-01 66303-03 66303-06

art. 42920-02


lt. 0,60 0,90 1,20

lt. 0,15 0,30 0,60

ml. 360




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03 01 04

02 Spargizucchero, dosatore Sugar pourer Zuckerstreuer Sucrier doseur Azucarero dosificador

Spargizucchero, inox Shaker, s/s Zuckerstreuer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Glacière à sucre, inox Dispensador para azúcar, inox

art. 41645-00

art. 47023-01 47023-02 47023-03 47023-04

ml. 360

Dosatore miele, cremiera Honey/cream dispenser Sahnekännchen Doseur pour miel/lait Dosificador para miel/leche

art. 41525-00

Ø cm. 8,4

h. 14

ml. 150

Ø cm. 7 7 7 7

h. 9 9 9 9

Spargizucchero, dosatore Sugar pourer Zuckerstreuer Sucrier doseur Azucarero dosificador

ml. 300 300 300 300

art. 41525-01

Ø cm. 8,4

h. 15,5

Portabustine zucchero, inox Sugar bags holder, s/s Zuckertütenschale, , Edelstahl Rostfrei Conteneur à sucre, inox Contenedor sobres azúcar, inox

Portabustine zucchero Sugar bags holder Zuckertütenschale Conteneur à sucre Contenedor sobres azúcar

art. dim. cm. 66374-00 13x6

art. dim. cm. 44104-01 8,5x6,5 44104-02 8,5x6,5

h. 4

h. 5 5

ml. 150

col. nero/black trasp./clear

Zuccheriera da banco ovale, inox Oval sugar bowl, s/s Ovale Zuckerdose, Edelstahl Rostfrei Sucrier oval, inox Bola para azúcar, inox

Zuccheriera da banco rotonda, inox Round sugar bowl, s/s Runde Zuckerdose, Edelstahl Rostfrei Sucrier rond, inox Bola para azúcar, inox

Portatovaglioli, inox Napkin dispenser, s/s Serviettenspender, Edelstahl Rostfrei Conteneur pour serviettes, inox Servilletero, inox

art. dim. cm. 41618-00 20x13

art. 41619-00

art. 41601-17

h. 6

Ø cm. 14

h. 6,5

dim. cm. 8,5x11

h. 12,5

Portatovaglioli in filo cromato Napkin holder, chrome plated wire Serviettenhalter, Metall verchromt Porte-serviettes en fil chromé Servilletero en hilo cromado

Portatovaglioli in filo cromato Napkin holder, chrome plated wire Serviettenhalter, Metall verchromt Porte-serviettes en fil chromé Servilletero en hilo cromado

Portatovaglioli, inox Napkin holder, s/s Serviettenhalter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte serviettes, inox Servilletero, inox

art. dim. cm. 41617-05 19x19

art. dim. cm. 41617-15 19x19

art. 66391-00

h. 6,5

h. 19

dim. cm. 10x3

h. 8 267




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Vassoio quadrato, inox Tray, square, s/s Serviertablett, quadratisch, Edelstahl Plateau carré, inox Bandeja cuadra, inox

Vassoio, inox Tray, s/s Serviertablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau, inox Bandeja, inox

Cestino agrumi, inox Fruit basket, s/s Obstkorb, Edelstahl Rostfrei Panier à fruits, inox Cesta frutas, inox

art. dim. cm. 41625-23 23x23

art. dim. cm. 66318-19 19x14 66318-22 22x15

art. 41611-20

Espositore porta frutta Fruit stand Obstspender Etagère à fruits Expositor frutas

Spremiagrumi manuale, cromato Orange juicer, chromed Orangenpresse, verchromt Presse-agrumes, chromé Exprimidor de cítricos, cromado

h. 1,5

Espositore porta frutta Fruit stand Obstspender Etagère à fruits Expositor frutas

art. 41449-27

Ø cm. 27,5

h. 32

art. 41449-32

Ø cm. 32

h. 53

Ø cm. 21,5

art. dim. cm. 41456-02 18x13

Supporto in filo cromato, ciotola estraibile in acciaio inox. - Chrome plated wire stand with removable stainless steel bowl.

Supporto in filo cromato, ciotola estraibile in acciaio inox. - Chrome plated wire stand with removable stainless steel bowl.

Spremiagrumi manuale, prof., cromato Professional orange juicer, chromed Profi-Orangenpresse, verchromt Presse-agrumes, professionnel, chromé Exprimidor de cítricos, prof., cromado

Tritaghiaccio, cromato Chromed ice crusher Eiswolf, verchromt Broyer à glace, chromé Trituradora de hielo, cromada

Rompighiaccio Ice pick Eisstössel Casse-glace Pick hielo

art. dim. cm. 41456-00 19x18

art. dim. cm. 41457-00 15x12

art. 44105-00


h. 56

h. 26

h. 20

h. 46




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Cucchiaio ghiaccio, inox Ice spoon, stainless steel Eislöffel, Edelstahl Rostfrei Cuillère à glace, inox Cuchara hielo, inox

art. 52550-04




l. cm. 22

Sessola per ghiaccio, PC Ice cubes scoop, PC Eisschaufel, PC Pelle à glacons, PC Pala para hielo, PC

Sessola per ghiaccio, inox Ice scoop, s/s Eisschaufel, Edelstahl Rostfrei Pelle à glace, inox Pala para hielo, inox

art. 14958-01 14958-02

art. 41503-00

ml. 100 250

Pestaghiaccio, plastica Ice beater, plastic Eiszerstosser, Kunststoff Pic à glace, plastique Pico para hielo, plástico

Secchio ghiaccio, plastica Ice bucket, plastic Eiseimer, Kunststoff Seau à glace, plastique Cubo hielo, plástico

art. 41503-22

art. 41512-15 41512-30

l. cm. 22

Ø cm. 15 20

Secchio ghiaccio con molla Ice bucket with tong Eiseimer mit Eiszange Seau à glace avec pince Cubo hielo con pinza

h. 15 18

lt. 1,5 3,0

Finitura effetto metallo satinato, bordo lucido. Speciale inserto termico. - Satin metal look with highly polished edge. Special insulated plastic insert.

Secchio ghiaccio, inox Ice bucket, s/s Eisbehälter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Seau à glace, inox Cubitera hielo, inox

Porta oggetti da bar Bar organizer Bar-Behälter Porte-objets à bar Dispensador bar

art. 56116-15

art. dim. cm. 44102-24 24x14,5

Ø cm. 12,5

h. 13

ml. 100

art. 41513-13

Ø cm. 14

h. 22

Camicia in materiale plastico, finitura cromata lucida con speciale inserto termico. Noble plastic jacket highly chrome plated with special insulated plastic insert.

Porta cannucce, inox Straw holder, s/s Röhrchenbehälter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte chalumeaux, inox Porta canutillos, inox

h. 11

art. 66313-06

Ø cm. 8

h. 12

Porta cucchiaini, inox Spoon holder, s/s Kaffeelöffelbehälter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte cuillères, inox Porta cucharas, inox

Set da bar, 5 pezzi, inox Bar set, 5 pieces, s/s Bar-Set, 5-tlg., Edelstahl Rostfrei Set 5 pièces à cocktail, inox Juego 5 piezas cóctel, inox

Colino cocktail, inox Cocktail strainer, s/s Cocktail-Sieb, Edelstahl Rostfrei Passoire à cocktail, inox Colador cóctel, inox

art. 66313-03

art. 41510-05

art. 41603-00

Ø cm. 6

h. 9

lt. 1,3

Ø cm. 9

l. 17 269




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Cucchiaio miscelatore, inox Cocktail spoon, s/s Cocktail-Löffel, Edelstahl Rostfrei Cuillère à cocktail, inox Cuchara cóctel, inox

Cucchiaio magico, inox Magic spoon whisks, s/s Zauberlöffel, Edelstahl Rostfrei Cuillère magique, inox Cuchara mágica, inox

Misurino cocktail, inox Cocktail measuring cup, s/s Alkohol-Meßbecher, Edelstahl Rostfrei Mesureur de cocktail, inox Medidor de cóctel, inox

art. 41605-00

art. 41595-20

art. 41604-00

l. cm. 27,5

l. cm. 20

Ø cm. 3,5-4

h. 7

Spremilimone cromato Lemon squeezer, chromed Zitronenpresse, verchromt Presse citron, chromé Pinza exprimelimón, cromada

Spremilimone, alluminio Lemon squeezer, aluminium Zitronenpresse, aluminium Presse citron, alu Pinza exprimelimón, aluminio

art. 41606-00

art. 41606-01

art. 41606-02

Spremilimone, alluminio Lemon squeezer, aluminium Zitronenpresse, aluminium Presse citron, alu Pinza exprimelimón, aluminio

Tagliere bar, PE Cutting board, PE Tranchierbrett, PE Planche à découper, PE Plancha para cortar, PE

Tagliere con vasca, PE Cutting board with tray, PE Tranchierbrett mit Tablett, PE Planche à découper avec plateau, PE Plancha para cortar con bandeja, PE

art. 41606-03

art. 42521-16 42521-24

dim. cm. 12,5x6,5

l. cm. 18

dim. cm. 16x24,5 24,5x32,5


Spremilimone, inox Lemon squeezer, s/s Zitronenpresse, Edelstahl Rostfrei Presse citron, inox Pinza exprimelimón, inox

h. 1 1

l. cm. 20

art. dim. cm. 44947-00 33,5x46

h. 5,5

Con piedini antiscivolo. With non-slip feet.

Portacondimenti, inox Condiment holder, stainless steel Bar-Beilagenbehälter, Edelstahl Rostfrei Boîte à condiments, inox Caja condimentos, inox

Portacondimenti, acrilico Condiment holder, acrylic Bar-Beilagenbehälter, acryl Boîte à condiments, acrylique Caja condimentos, acrílico

art. 41782-04 41782-05 41782-06

art. 44947-03


dim. cm. 32x16 39x16 47x16

h. 10 10 10

dim. cm. 37x14

Portacondimenti, ABS Condiment holder Bar-Beilagenbehälter Boîte à condiments Caja condimentos

h. 12

art. dim. cm. 44103-03 49x15 44103-04 49x15 44103-06 49x15

h. 9 9 9




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Shaker, inox Long-drink shaker, s/s Shaker, Edelstahl Rostfrei Shaker, inox Coctelera, inox

art. 41480-03 41480-05 41480-07

lt. 0,2 0,5 0,7

Agitatore Boston, inox Boston shaker, s/s Shaker-Boston, Edelstahl Rostfrei Shaker Boston, inox Coctelera Boston, inox

art. 41479-00

lt. 0,5

Shaker, inox-SAN Cocktail shaker, s/s-SAN Shaker, Edelstahl-SAN Shaker, inox-SAN Coctelera, inox/SAN

art. 41481-01 41481-02 41481-03

lt. 0,55 0,55 0,55

Shaker, acrilico Shaker, acrylic Shaker, Kunststoff Shaker, acrylique Coctelera, acrĂ­lico

art. 41483-04 41483-06

lt. 0,42 0,66 271




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Contenitore versatore Pouring container Dosier-Vorratsbehälter, komplett Récipient verseur Recipiente vertedor

art. 44106-05 44106-10 44106-20 44106-25

Ø cm. 9,0 9,0 12,5 12,5

h. 26 33 35 39

Contenitore di riserva Storage canister Vorratsbehälter Récipient réserve Recipiente reserva

lt. 0,5 1,0 2,0 2,5

art. 44107-05 44107-10 44107-20 44107-25

Ø cm. 9,0 9,0 12,5 12,5

Tappo per versatore Pouring container cap Dosier-Behälterstopfen Bouchon à récipient verseur Tapón para recipiente vertedor

h. 9,5 16 20 23

lt. 0,5 1,0 2,0 2,5

art. 44106-12

u. pack 12 pz/pcs

Esempio di come ordinare il contenitore versatore da lt. 1 nel colore rosso: codice contenitore 44106-10, codice colore R = codice d’ordine 44106R10. Example how to order the pouring container lt. 1 with red spout and lid: container code 44106-10, color code R = order code 44106R10. W= Bianco/White

G = Verde/Green

Y = Giallo/Yellow

Caraffa, acrilico Juice pitcher, acrylic Saftkanne, Kunststoff Carafe à jus de fruits, acrylique Jarra zumo, acrílico

art. 44992-02

Ø cm. 16,5

h. 26

art. 41484-00



R = Rosso/Red

Caraffa, acrilico Juice pitcher, acrylic Saftkanne, Kunststoff Carafe à jus de fruits, acrylique Jarra zumo, acrílico

lt. 2

art. 44992-03

Antiurto e antigraffio, lavabile in lavastoviglie. - Shockproof, scratchproof, dishwasher-safe.

Cocktail Master Cocktail Master Cocktail Master Cocktail Master Cocktail Master

B = Marrone/Brown

Ø cm. 26

h. 29

O = Arancione/Orange

Flair bottle Flair bottle Flair bottle Flair bottle Flair bottle

lt. 3

art. 44108-01 44108-02

lt. 0,75 0,75

Antiurto e antigraffio, lavabile in lavastoviglie. - Shockproof, scratchproof, dishwasher-safe.

Minima Minimum


Media Average

Acqua Water

Forte Strong Molto forte Very strong

Succhi di frutta Fruit juices Bevande molto zuccherate Strong sugared drinks

Principi di densità. Per i cocktail analcolici il contenuto di zucchero dei vari liquidi determinerà la differenza di densità. Bagnare il galleggiante prima dell'uso. Versare a uno a uno i liquidi nelcocktail master, dal più dolce al meno denso, per ottenere un fantastico cocktail multicolore. Density principles. For alcohol-free drinks the density difference depends from the quantity of sugar of each liquid. Wet the float before use. Pour the liquids one after another in the cocktail master from the sweetest to the less dense, to get fantastic multicolored cocktails.




Page 273


14480-20: 41479-00 41480-05 41503-22 41595-00 41603-00 41604-00 41605-00 41606-00 41606-01 41606-02 41608-04 41699-06 44115-15 48280-02 48280-56 48280-92 48280-96 52550-04 52550-36 52550-55

comprendente/includes boston shaker shaker pestello ghiaccio/ice beater cucchiaio magico/magic spoon colino cocktail/cocktail strainer misurino cocktail/cocktail measuring cup cucchiaio miscelatore/mixing spoon spremilimone/lemon squeezer spremilimonelemon squeezer spremilime/lime squeezer tappo champagne/champagne stopper cavatappi/corkscrew tappo dosatore 15ml./dispender plug 15ml. levacapsule/bottle opener coltello barman/barman knife rigalimoni/lemon striper pelarance/orange peeler cucchiaio ghiaccio/ice spoon cucchiaio bibita/cocktail spoon molla ghiaccio/ice tong

Valigia Barman, 20 pz Barman’s set, 20 pcs Barman-Koffer, 20 Stk. Mallette de barman, 20 pièces Maleta del barman, 20 piezas

Sifone soda, professionale Soda siphon, professional Profi-Soda Siphon Siphon à eau de seltz, professional Sifón agua de seltz

Conf. 10 cartucce Set 10 soda chargers 10-Stk. Sodakapsel-Packung 10 cartouches à eau de seltz Recarga para sifón, 10 piezas

Sifone soda Soda siphon Soda Siphon Siphon à eau de seltz Sifón agua de seltz

art. 41453-10 41453R10 41453B10

art. 41453-AA

art. 41452-10 41452-AA

lt. 1,0 1,0 1,0

Contenuto sotto pressione, non idoneo a spedizione via aerea. - Content under pressure, not suitable for air-shipment.

lt. 1,0 cartucce/chargers

Contenuto sotto pressione, non idoneo a spedizione via aerea. - Content under pressure, not suitable for air-shipment.





Page 274


Bordatore bicchieri Glass rimmer Bar-Kombination Salz-/Zuckerumrander Bordeur à verres Ribeteador de vasos

Tappetino bar Bar mat Gläserabstellmatte Tapis à verres Tapete para vasos

Tappetino bar Bar runner Gläserabstellmatte Tapis à verres Tapete para vasos

art. 44101-03

art. dim. cm. 44100-02 45x30

art. dim. cm. 44100-01 68x8

Tappeto antiscivolo componibile Bar mat, non-slip Gläserabstellmatte, rutschfest Tapis antidérapant, componible Tapete antiderrapante, componible

Rastrelliera, fissaggio sospeso Glass shelf rack Gläserhalter Regalmontage Rack à verres fixation suspendue Rack de copas

Rastrelliera, fissaggio murale Glass wall rack Gläserhalter Wandmontage Rack à verres fixation murale Rack de copas

art. dim. cm. 44100-04 30x30

art. dim. cm. 44060-01 45x31,6

art. dim. cm. 44060-02 45x31,6

Spazzole lavabicchieri, nylon Glass cleaning brush, nylon Bierglasbürstenständer, nylon Brosse à laver les verres, nylon Cepillo triple, nilón

Spazzola lavabicchieri, nylon-alluminio Glass cleaning brush, nylon-aluminium Bierglasbürstenständer, nylon-aluminium Brosse à laver les verres, nylon-alu Cepillo para lavar vasos, nilón-aluminio

Lavabicchieri, inox Glass cleaning brush, s/s Gläserpüler, Edelstahl Rostfrei Brosse à laver les verres, inox Cepillos para lavar vasos, inox

art. 44130-02 44130-03

art. 44130-01

art. dim. cm. 44135-02 38x18


Ø cm. 15,5

h. cm. 16,5 21,5

ø cm. 15

h. 5,5

h. 19

h. 5,5

h. 29




Page 275


Supporto a parete, alluminio Aluminium wall mounter bottle rack Alu-Wandständer Support mural en aluminium Soporte mural, aluminio

art. 44056-04 44056-06

no.no. , 4 6

l. cm. 41 67

Supporto rotante da banco Revolving bottle rack Theken-Drehständer vollständig Support pivotant de comptoir Soporte giratorio

no.no. , 4 6

art. h. cm. 44057-04 70 44057-06 70

Supporto bottiglia, alluminio Standard aluminium support Alu-Standard Ständer, Support en aluminium Soporte de botella, aluminio

art. 44056-01 Fissaggio universale, a ripiano o parete. Universal fitting, shelf or wall mounting.

Dosatori non inclusi. Dispensers not included.

Dosatori non inclusi. Dispensers not included.

Dosatore cromato Chrome plated dispenser Verchromter Dosierer Doseur chromé Dosificador cromado

Dosatore cromato Chrome plated dispenser Verchromter Dosierer Doseur chromé Dosificador cromado

Tappo dosatore automatico Automatic dispenser plug Automatischer Portionierer Bouchon doseur automatique Bola dosificadora

art. 44055-20 44055-25 44055-30 44055-35 44055-40

art. 44055-10 44055-50

art. 44058-20 44058-25 44058-30

cl. 20 25 30 35 40

cl. 10 50

cl. 20 25 30

Tappo dosatore automatico Automatic dispenser plug Automatischer Portionierer Bouchon doseur automatique Tapón dosificador automático

Tappo dosatore automatico Automatic dispenser plug Automatischer Portionierer Bouchon doseur automatique Tapón dosificador automático

Tappo versatore continuo, cromato Free flow pourer, chromed Permanentausgiesser, verchromt Bouchon verseur continu, chromé Vertedor continuo, cromado

art. 44058-10 44058-40 44058-45 44058-50

art. 44115-15 44115-30

art. 44110-07

cl. 10 40 45 50

cl. 15 30

u. pack 6

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

art. 44110-01

art. 44110-02

art. 44110-03

u. pack 12

u. pack 12

u. pack 12 275




Page 276


Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

art. 44110-04

art. 44110-05

art. 44110-06

u. pack 12

u. pack 12

u. pack 12

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

Tappo versatore Whiskey pourer Ausgiesser Bouchon verseur Vertedor

Tappo versatore Whiskey pourer Ausgiesser Bouchon verseur Vertedor

art. 44110-00

art. 44112-01

art. 44112-02

u. pack 12

u. pack 12

u. pack 12

Tappo versatore Whiskey pourer Ausgiesser Bouchon verseur Vertedor

Tappo versatore con collare Whiskey pourer with collar Ausgiesser, Bouchon verseur Vertedor

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

art. 44112-03

art. 44113-01

art. 44113-02

u. pack 12

u. pack 12

u. pack 12

Tappo versatore Whiskey pourer Ausgiesser Bouchon verseur Vertedor

Tappo versatore con collare Whiskey pourer with collar Ausgiesser, Bouchon verseur Vertedor

Tappo versatore continuo Free flow pourer Permanentausgiesser Bouchon verseur continu Vertedor continuo

art. 44113-03

art. 44113-04

art. 44113-05


u. pack 12

u. pack 12

u. pack 12




Page 277


Tappo versatore dosatore nichelato Shot pourer, nickel plated Ausgiesser, vernickelt Bouchon verseur nickelé Vertedor, niquelado

Tappo versatore dosatore nichelato Shot pourer, nickel plated Ausgiesser, vernickelt Bouchon verseur nickelé Vertedor, niquelado

Tappo versatore dosatore nichelato Shot pourer, nickel plated Ausgiesser, vernickelt Bouchon verseur nickelé Vertedor, niquelado

art. 44114-01

art. 44114-02

art. 44114-03

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

art. 44116-15

ml. 15

u. pack 3

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

art. 44116-30

ml. 30

ml. 45

ml. 20

u. pack 3

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

u. pack 3

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

art. 44116-45

art. 44116-20

art. 44116-35

ml. 35

art. 44116-50

ml. 50

ml. 25

u. pack 3

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

u. pack 3

Tappo metrico Metric pourer Portioniererausgiesser Bouchon doseur Caños dosificador

u. pack 3

art. 44116-25

art. 44116-40

ml. 40

u. pack 3

Espositore tappi, PC Pourer stand, PC Ausgiesser-träger, PC Support à bouchons, PC Soporte para caños, PC

u. pack 3

art. 44110-AA 277




Page 278


Tappo bottiglia Bottle stopper Flaschenstopfen Bouchon Tapon botella

Tappo spumante, inox Champagne stopper, s/s Sektflaschenstopfen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bouchon à champagne, inox Tapón Champaña, inox

Tappo spumante, inox Champagne stopper, s/s Sektflaschenstopfen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bouchon à champagne, inox Tapón Champaña, inox

art. 44117-00

art. 41608-04

art. 41608-05

Tappo spumante Perlage, inox Perlage stopper, s/s Sektflaschenstopfen, Perlage, Edelstahl Bouchon Perlage, inox Tapón Champaña, inox

Tappo champagne, inox Champagne bottle cap, s/s Sektflaschenstopfen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bouchon à champagne, inox Tapón Champaña, inox

Tappo champagne, inox Champagne bottle cap, s/s Sektflaschenstopfen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bouchon à champagne, inox Tapón Champaña, inox

art. 41608-08

art. 41608-00

art. 41608-01

Tappo spumante, inox Champagne stopper, s/s Sektflaschenstopfen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bouchon à champagne, inox Tapón Champaña, inox

Tappo vino, inox Wine stopper, s/s Weinflashenstopfen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bouchon à vin, inox Tapón vino, inox

Tappo vino, inox Wine stopper, s/s Weinflashenstopfen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bouchon à vin, inox Tapón vino, inox

art. 56796-00

art. 41608-02

art. 41608-03

u. pack 12

Pompa sottovuoto per vino Vacuum pump wine preserver Wein-Vakuum-Pumpe Pompe vacuum à vin Bomba vacío vino

art. 41499-00 278

Un sistema sorprendente per preservare i vini e mantenerne integro l’aroma. Maneggevole e facile da usare. Estrae l’ossigeno bloccando il processo di ossidazione. Fornito con 2 tappi in silicone, riutilizzabili. Un must per gli amanti del vino - An amazing new way to preserve wines. It pumps out the oxygen that turns open bottles of wine into vinegar. Just place the pump over the reusable stopper and, in one simple step, draw all the air out of the bottle and vacuum seal it to enjoy another day. A must for the wine lover! Easy to use and handy for keeping the bloom on your favorite vintage.

Apriscatole / levacapsule, inox Can punch and bottle opener, s/s Dosen-/Flaschenöffner, Edelstahl Ouvre-boîte / décapsuleur, inox Abrelatas/botellas, inox

art. 49860-00




Page 279

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Cavatappi Corkscrews





Page 280


Levacapsule, inox Bottle opener, stainless steel Flaschenöffner, Edelstall Rostfrei Décapsuleur, inox Abrebotellas, inox

Cavatappi con raccoglitappi, inox Bottle opener with collector box, s/s Flaschenöffner mit Stöpsel-Behälter Décapsuleur avec boîte récupératrice Abridor con recojedor de chapas

art. 41699-03

art. 41699-04

art. 48223-00

Cavatappi cameriere Waiter’s corkscrew Kellner Korkenzieher Tire-bouchon sommelier Sacachorcos multiuso

Cavatappi cameriere Waiter’s corkscrew Kellner Korkenzieher Tire-bouchon sommelier Sacachorcos multiuso

Cavatappi cameriere Waiter’s corkscrew Kellner Korkenzieher Tire-bouchon sommelier Sacachorcos multiuso

art. 41699-00

art. 41699-08

art. 41699-06

Cavatappi da parete Wall mounted uncorking machine Wand-Korkenzieher Tire-bouchon à paroi Sacacorchos mural

art. 49857-00 49859-00


Levacapsule nichelato Bottle opener, nickelplated Flaschenöffner, vernickelt Décapsuleur, nickelé Abrebotellas, niquelado

dim. cm. 11x4

Cavatappi con dotazione standard verme 49857-AA per estrazione di tappi in sughero. Per tappi in acrilico si raccomanda l’utilizzo del verme 49857AB da ordinarsi separatamente. Corkscrew equipped with standard thread item 49857-AA to uncork bottles with normal corks. For acrylic corks we recommend thread item 49857-AB to be ordered separately.

kg. 2,8 2,7

dim. cm. 10,5x7,2

h. 30

Cavatappi a doppia leva Winged corkscrew Korkenzieher mit Doppelhebel Tire-bouchon à double levier Sacacorchos a doble palanca

art. 41699-10 41699-11

Cavatappi, plastica Plastic lever corkscrew Korkenzieher, kunststoff Tire-bouchon, plastique Sacachorcos, plastico

Cavatappi, cromato Metal lever corkscrew Korkenzieher, verchromt Tire-bouchon, chromé Sacachorcos, cromado

Set cavatappi cameriere Waiter’s corkscrew case Kellner Korkenzieher-Koffer Mallette tire-bouchon sommelier Maletín sacacorchos sumiller

art. 49858-01

art. 49858-00

art. 49858-06





Page 281

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Bar Panini Sandwich time





Page 282


Vetrina da banco, PS Show case, PS Vitrine für Verkaufstheke, PS Vitrine à comptoir, PS Vitrina, PS

h. 25

Vetrina da banco Show case Vitrine für Verkaufstheke Vitrine à comptoir Vitrina

art. 47091-01


dim. cm. 63,5x25

dim. cm. 44x32



art. 47096-63

h. 20,5

Vassoio per vetrina, inox Tray for show case, s/s Tablett für Vitrine, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau à vitrine, inox Bandeja para vitrina, inox

Porta panini, PS Sandwich case, PS Brötchen-/ Snackdispenser, PS Présentoir à sandwich, PS Vitrina bocadillos, PS

art. 47096-60

art. 47096-06

dim. cm. 60x22

h. 2

dim. cm. 60x19,5

h. 8

Vetrina da banco, 2 piani Show case, 2 tiers Vitrine für Verkaufstheke, doppeldecker Vitrine à comptoir, 2 étages Vitrina, doble

Tortiera con coperchio, acrilico Cake tray with cover, acrylic Tortenplatte mit Dekkel, Acryl Plateau à tarte avec couvercle, acrylique Bandeja tartas con tapa, acrílico

art. 47091-02

art. 44947-06

dim. cm. 44x32

h. 44

ø. cm. 32

h. 15

Apertura doppio fronte. Fornita con un vassoio inox e 2 eutettici. - Double side opening. Equipped with s/s tray and 2 coolers.

Apertura doppio fronte. Fornita con 2 vassoi inox e 4 eutettici. - Double side opening. Equipped with 2 s/s tray and 4 coolers.

Contenitore universale, impilabile Sweet box, stackable Universalbox, stapelbar Boîte, empilable Exibidor, apilable

Dosatore, acrilico Dispenser, acrylic Dosierspender, Acryl-Behälter Doseur, acrylique Dispensador, acrílico

Dosatore, acrilico Dispenser, acrylic Dosierspender, Acryl-Behälter Doseur, acrylique Dispensador, acrílico

art. 47090-23

art. 47609-02 47609-03 47609-09 47609-13

art. 47609-04 47609-07 47609-12 47609-16


dim. cm. 23x14,5

h. 15

ml. 250 350 950 1350

ml. 375 750 1250 1650




Page 283

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Bar Panini Sandwich time

Flacone dosatore in polietilene Squeeze bottle, polyethylene Dosierflasche, PE Flacon doseur, polyéthylène Frasco dosificador, polietileno

Flacone dosatore in polietilene Squeeze bottle, polyethylene Dosierflasche, PE Flacon doseur, polyéthylène Frasco dosificador, polietileno

Flacone dosatore in polietilene Squeeze bottle, polyethylene Dosierflasche, PE Flacon doseur, polyéthylène Frasco dosificador, polietileno

art. 41526-G1 41526-G2 41526-G3

art. 41526-B1 41526-B2 41526-B3

art. 41526-R1 41526-R2 41526-R3

ml. 240 360 720

ml. 240 360 720

ml. 240 360 720

Dosatore, inox Lever dispenser, s/s Hebeldosierspender, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à manette, inox Dispensador, inox

Dosatore, inox Lever dispenser, s/s Hebeldosierspender, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à manette, inox Dispensador, inox

Portagiornale, legno Newspaper stick, wood Zeitungshalter aus Holz Canne à journaux, bois Varilla portaperiodíco, madera

art. 41528-21

art. 41528-22

art. 48287-18 48287-19

Ø cm. 21

h. 22,5

Ø cm. 22

h. 18

Per bidone da kg.5. Suitable for 5 kg bucket.

Per bidone da kg.5. Suitable for 5 kg bucket.

Copripiatto, policarbonato Plate cover, polycarbonate Tellerglocke, Polykarbonat Cloche, polycarbonate Cubreplatos, PC

Copripiatto, policarbonato Plate cover, polycarbonate Tellerglocke, Polykarbonat Cloche, polycarbonate Cubreplatos, PC

Copripiatto, inox Plate cover, stainless steel Tellerglocke, Edelstahl Rostfrei Cloche, inox Cubreplatos, inox

art. 44997-22 44997-24 44997-26 44997-28

art. Ø cm. 44996-25 25

art. Ø cm. 41683-26 26,5

Ø cm. 22 24 26 28

h. 6,8 6,8 6,8 6,8

h. 6,4

h. 4,3

Anello distanziatore, polipropilene Additional plate stand, PP Gestell für Zusatzteller, PP Support assiette supplémentaire, PP Soporte distanciador, PP

Copripiatto per microonde, PP Microwave plate cover, PP Tellerglocke für Mikrowelle, PP Cloche pour four à micro-ondes, PP Cubreplatos para microonda, PP

Copripiatto per microonde Microwave plate cover Tellerglocke für Mikrowelle Cloche pour four à micro-ondes Cubreplatos para microonda

art. 47605-23

art. 47602-27

art. 47601-26

Ø cm. 19-21

h. 6

Per microonde - Microwave safe

Ø cm. 27

h. 9

Ø cm. 26

h. 6 283




Page 284






Page 285


Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

Vassoio rotondo Tray, round Serviertablett, rund Plateau rond Bandeja redonda

art. dim. cm. 41830-37 37x53 41830-53 32,5x53

art. dim. cm. 41831-28 20x28 41831-43 33x43 41831-46 36x46 41831-61 43x61

art. Ø cm. 41833-32 32 41833-38 38 41833-43 43

Euronorm GN 1/1

Vassoi in laminato con superficie di gomma antiscivolo, eccellente resistenza alle sostanze chimiche, sbalzi termici, graffi e rottura. Buona resistenza alle macchie. Lavabili in lavastoviglie con periodicità normale. Resistenza alla temperatura: da -10% a +100°C. - Per motivi tecnici di stampa i colori indicati potrebbero non corrispondere all’originale. Non-skid surface trays with laminated bottom, execellent resistance to chemicals, sudden temperature changes, scratches and breakage. Good resistance to spots. Dishwasher safe under normal frequency. Temperature resistance: from -10% to +100°C. Due to the catalog printing process, the colors shown may not be exact. Esempio, come ordinare il vassoio 41831-61 colore rosso: 41831R61 - Example, how to order tray item 41831-61 colour red: 41831R61: B = Nero - Black

R = Rosso - Red

M = Marrone - Brown

Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

Vassoio trapezoidale Trapezium tray Serviertablett “Trapez” Plateau trapézoidal Bandeja trapézoidal

art. dim. cm. 41840-37 37x53 41840-53 32,5x53

art. dim. cm. 41841-27 27x38 41841-46 36x46 41841-61 43x61

art. dim. cm. 41845-36 36x52

Vassoio rotondo Tray, round Serviertablett, rund Plateau rond Bandeja redonda

Euronorm GN 1/1

Vassoi in laminato, superficie liscia, buona resistenza alle sostanze chimiche, macchie, sbalzi termici, graffi e rottura. Lavabili in lavastoviglie con periodicità normale. Resistenza alla temperatura: da -10% a +100°C. Laminated trays, smooth surface, good resistance to chemicals, spots, sudden temperature changes, scratches and breakage. Dishwasher safe under normal frequency. Temperature resistance: from - 10% to +100°C. Esempio, come ordinare il vassoio 41841-61 colore tek: 41841T61 - Example, how to order tray item 41841-61 colour teack: 41841T61 T = Tek - Teack

B = Noce - Walnut

art. Ø cm. 41843-32 32 41843-38 38 285




Page 286


Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

art. dim. cm. 41850-37 37x53

art. dim. cm. 41850-53 32,5x53


Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

GN 1/1

art. dim. cm. 41851-46 36x46

Vassoi in poliestere rinforzato con fibra di vetro, superficie liscia, buona resistenza alle sostanze chimiche, macchie, sbalzi termici, graffi e rottura. Lavabili in lavastoviglie con periodicità normale. Resistenza alla temperatura: da -40% a +130°C. - Per motivi tecnici di stampa i colori indicati potrebbero non corrispondere all’originale. Polyester trays fiber glass reinforced, smooth surface, good resistance to chemicals, spots, sudden temperature changes, scratches and breakage. Dishwasher safe under normal frequency. Temperature resistance: from -40% to +130°C. Due to the catalog printing process, the colors shown may not be exact. Esempio, come ordinare il vassoio 41851-45 colore grigio: 41851G46 - Example, how to order tray item 41851-46 colour grey: 41851G46: G = Grigio - Grey

T = Terrazzo - Terrace

Vassoio rettangolare, PP Tray, rectangular, PP Serviertablett, rechteckig, PP Plateau rectangulaire, PP Bandeja rectangular, PP

Vassoio rettangolare, PP Tray, rectangular, PP Serviertablett, rechteckig, PP Plateau rectangulaire, PP Bandeja rectangular, PP

art. 41860-36 41860-43 41860-47

art. dim. cm. 41861-44 30,7x44

dim. cm. 27x36,5 30,7x43,5 35,5x47

Vassoio rettangolare Tray, rectangular Serviertablett, rechteckig Plateau rectangulaire Bandeja rectangular

Vassoio rotondo Tray, round Serviertablett, rund Plateau rond Bandeja redonda

art. 42933-35 42933-40 42933-48

art. 42934-28 42934-31 42934-35

dim. cm. 35,5x23 40,5x30 48x33

Decoro in fibra di legno, non idoneo al lavaggio in lavastoviglie. - Woven wood, no dishwasher safe.


Ø cm. 28,0 31,0 35,5

Decoro in fibra di legno, non idoneo al lavaggio in lavastoviglie. - Woven wood, no dishwasher safe.




Page 287

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks





Page 288


Bicchiere whiskey, PC Whiskey glass, PC Whiskey Gläser, PC Verre à whiskey, PC Vaso para whiskey, PC

art. Ø cm. 44940-01 8,5

h. 9,5

Bicchiere succo, PC Juice glass, PC Fruchtsaft-Gläser, PC Verre à jus, PC Vaso para zumo, PC

ml. u.pack 420 6

Bicchiere margarita, PC Margarita glass, PC Margarita-Gläser, PC Verre à margarita, PC Vaso margarita, PC

art. Ø cm. 44940-10 12

h. 18


h. 22

ml. u.pack 460 6

Bicchiere martini, PC Martini glass, PC Martini-Gläser, PC Verre à martini, PC Vaso martini, PC

ml. u.pack 300 6

Bicchiere spumante, PC Champagne glass, PC Sekt-Gläser, PC Flûte, PC Vaso champaña, PC

art. Ø cm. 44940-14 5

art. Ø cm. h. 44940-02 7,5 15,5

Boccali birra, PC Beer glasses, PC Bier-Gläser, PC Verre à bière, PC Vaso para cerveza, PC

art. Ø cm. 44940-11 12

art. Ø cm. 44940-16 9

h. 23 16

ml. u.pack 450 6 500 6

h. 21 19

ml. u.pack 300 6 300 6

Bicchiere vino, PC Wine glass, PC Wein-Gläser, PC Verre à vin, PC Vaso vino, PC

h. 17

ml. u.pack 240 6

Bicchiere, PC Mixing glass, PC Gläser, PC Verre, PC Vaso, PC

ml. u.pack 180 6

art. Ø cm. 44940-06 8 44940-08 9

art. Ø cm. 44940-12 7 44940-13 7

Bicchiere whiskey/rocks, PC Whiskey/rocks glass, PC Whiskey-/Rocks-Gläser, PC Verre à whiskey/rocks, PC Vaso para whiskey/rocks, PC

h. 16

ml. u.pack 540 6

art. Ø cm. h. 44940-17 9,0 12,0 44940-18 8,5 11,5

ml. u.pack 420 6 420 6




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Bicchiere, PC Cooler, PC Gläser, PC Verre, PC Vaso, PC

Bicchiere, PC Tumbler, PC Trinkbecher, PC Gobelet , PC Vaso, PC

art. Ø cm. 44940-19 8

h. 17

ml. u.pack 540 6

Bicchiere zigrinato, SAN Clear tumbler, SAN Trinkbecher, SAN Gobelet transparent, SAN Vaso transparente, SAN

art. Ø cm. 44990-15 5,5 44990-24 6,5 44990-29 7,0 44990-36 7,5 44990-48 8,0

h. 9,5 10,0 11,0 13,0 15,0

Ø cm. 10,5

art. Ø cm. h. 44940-24 7,5 12,5 44940-25 8,0 13,5 44940-26 8,5 16,0

ml. u.pack 360 6 480 6 660 6

Bicchieri cocktail, MS Cocktail glasses, MS Cocktail Gläser, MS Verres à cocktail, MS Vasos para coctail, MS

ml. u.pack 150 6 240 6 290 6 360 6 480 6

Bicchiere martini, MS Martini glass, MS Martini-Gläser, MS Verre à martini, MS Vaso martini, MS

art. 44942-03

Bicchiere, PC Tumbler, PC Trinkbecher, PC Gobelet , PC Vaso, PC

art. 44942-01

Ø cm. 8

u.pack 6

art. 44942-04

Ø cm. 7,5

ml. u.pack 360 6 480 6 660 6

Bicchieri cocktail, MS Cocktail glasses, MS Cocktail Gläser, MS Verres à cocktail, MS Vasos para coctail, MS

h. 21

u.pack 6

Bicchieri cocktail, PC Cocktail glasses, PC Cocktail Gläser, PC Verres à cocktail, PC Vasos para coctail, PC

h. 20

art. Ø cm. h. 44940-32 7,5 12,5 44940-33 8,0 13,5 44940-34 8,5 16,0

art. 44942-02

Ø cm. 11

h. 21

u.pack 6

Bicchiere margarita, MS Margarita glass, MS Margarita-Gläser, MS Verre à margarita, MS Vaso margarita, MS

h. 23

u.pack 6

art. 44942-05

Ø cm. 12

h. 17,5

u.pack 6 289




Page 290






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Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

art. l. cm. 48305-01 23

u.pack 100

art. l. cm. 48305-02 23

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

u.pack 100

art. 48303-01

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

art. l. cm. 48305-03 23

Ø cm. 0,42

l. 20,5

u.pack 250

art. 48303-04

Ø cm. 0,5

l. 12,5

u.pack 100

l. 23

u.pack 250

art. 48303-26

art. 48303-02

Ø cm. 0,5

l. 12,5

u.pack 100

Ø cm. 0,5

l. 20

u.pack 250

Ø cm. 0,52

l. 24

u.pack 150

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

Ø cm. 0,65

l. 20,5

u.pack 250

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

Ø cm. 0,52

u.pack 50

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

art. 48303-25

u.pack 100

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

art. l. cm. 48305-04 23

art. 48303-03

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

art. 48303-05

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

Ø cm. 0,65

l. 23

u.pack 250

art. 48303-27





Page 292


Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

Ø cm. 0,65

l. 23

u.pack 250

art. 48304-02

Spilloncini legno Wooden picks Holz-Stocher Pics en bois Picos madera

art. 48301-03

l. cm. 7

u.pack 1000

art. 48301-04

u.pack 1000

Mescolatore, PS Stirrer, PS Rührer, PS Agitateur, PS Stick agitador, PS

art. l. cm. 48308-00 18 292

l. 31

u.pack 50

art. 48304-01

l. cm. 17

art. 48302-03

u.pack 100

l. cm. 8,5

u.pack 144

l. 20

art. 48302-01

l. cm. 7,5

u.pack 1000

Spilloncini plastica Plastic picks Kunststoff-Stocher Pics en plastique Picos plástico

u.pack 1000

Mescolatore, PS Stirrer, PS Rührer, PS Agitateur, PS Stick agitador, PS

art. l. cm. 48308-01 18

Ø cm. 0,6

Spilloncini plastica Plastic picks Kunststoff-Stocher Pics en plastique Picos plástico

Spilloncini plastica Plastic picks Kunststoff-Stocher Pics en plastique Picos plástico



l. cm. 10

Ø cm. 0,5

Spilloncini legno Wooden picks Holz-Stocher Pics en bois Picos madera

Spilloncini plastica Plastic picks Kunststoff-Stocher Pics en plastique Picos plástico

art. 48302-02

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

art. 48302-04


art. 48303-28

Cannucce Straws Trinkhalme Pailles Cañas

u.pack 50

l. cm. 10

u.pack 500

Mescolatore, PS Stirrer, PS Rührer, PS Agitateur, PS Stick agitador, PS

art. l. cm. 48308-02 18

u.pack 25

u.pack 200




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks

Stuzzicadenti in legno Wooden toothpicks Holz-Zahnstocher Cure-dents en bois Palillos

art. 48306-01

l. cm. 9

Stuzzicadenti in legno Wooden toothpicks Holz-Zahnstocher Cure-dents en bois Palillos

u.pack 1000

art. 48306-02

l. cm. 6

Spiedini legno Wooden skewers Holz-Fleischspiess Brochettes en bois Palillos madera

u.pack 1000

art. 48307-01 48307-02 48307-03 48307-04

art. l. cm. 48362-01 8,5

u.pack 500

Vassoietto party Party tray Party-Tablett Plateau party Bandeja party

art. dim. cm. 44049-01 25x18 25x18 44049-02

nero-black bianco-white

Cucchiaino plastica, monouso Small spoon, plastic, disposable Löffel, klein Petit cuiller Cucharita

art. l. cm. 48363-01 8,5

u.pack 500


Forchettina plastica, monouso Small fork, plastic, disposable Gabel, klein Petite fourchette Tenedor



Una punta - One tip

l. cm. 15 20 25 30

u.pack 100 100 100 100

Spiedini plastica, monouso Spits, plastic, disposable Fleischspiess Brochettes Palos

art. l. cm. 48364-09 9 48364-12 12

u.pack 500 500

Cucchiaino SAN, monouso Small spoon, SAN, disposable Löffel, klein, SAN Petit cuiller, SAN Cucharita, SAN

Forchettina SAN, monouso Small fork, SAN, disposable Gabel, klein, SAN Petite fourchette, SAN Tenedor, SAN

art. l. cm. 48345-01 12 12 48345-02

art. l. cm. 48345-03 12 12 48345-04

u.pack 24 trasp-clear 24 nero-black

u.pack 24 trasp-clear 24 nero-black

Cucchiaio bibita SAN, monouso Ice tea spoon, SAN, disposable Limonadenlöffel, SAN Cuillère à soda, SAN Cuchara refresco, SAN

Cucchiaio bibita, inox Ice tea spoon, s/s Limonadenlöffel, Edelstahl Rostfrei Cuillère à soda, inox Cuchara refresco, inox

Forchettine party, inox Party forks, s/s Party-Gabel, Edelstahl Rostfrei Fourchettes apéro, inox Tenedores party, inox

art. l. cm. 48346-01 22

art. l. cm. 41605-25 25

art. l. cm. 62550B27 12,5 62550B29 12,5

u.pack 12

u.pack 6

u.pack 12 12 293




Page 294

h. 6,5 6,5 7,0 9,0

ml. u.pack 50 100 80 100 100 100 160 100

Bicchierino, monouso Small glass, disposable Klein Glass Petite verre Bol pequeño

art. Ø cm. 48353-01 8,5 294

h. 6,5

ml. u.pack 120 100

art. cm. 48351-01 4x4 48351-02 5x5 48351-03 5,5x5,5

h. 5,5 7,0 8,0


Bicchierino, monouso Small glass, disposable Klein Glass Petite verre Bol pequeño

ml. u.pack 50 100 100 100 150 100

Bicchierino, monouso Small glass, disposable Klein Glass Petite verre Bol pequeño

art. Ø cm. 48354-01 4

h. 8,5

ml. u.pack 70 100

Bicchierino, monouso Small glass, disposable Klein Glass Petite verre Bol pequeño

art. Ø cm. 48352-01 6,5 48352-02 7,0 48352-03 7,5



art. Ø cm. 48350-01 4,2 48350-02 5,0 48350-03 5,5 48350-04 6,0


Bicchierino, monouso Small glass, disposable Klein Glass Petite verre Bol pequeño




h. 5,5 6,7 7,3

ml. u.pack 70 100 120 100 150 100

Piattino, monouso Small dish, disposable Kleine Schale Petite assiette Platillo

art. Ø cm. 48355-01 9

h. 1,5

ml. u.pack 20 100




Page 295

h. 3

ml. u.pack 30 100

Piattino, monouso Small dish, disposable Kleine Schale Petite assiette Platillo

art. Ø cm. 48359-01 6,5

h. 1,5

ml. u.pack 15 100

art. Ø cm. 48357-01 7,5

h. 3


Ciotolina, monouso Small bowl, disposable Kleine Schale Petit bol Bol pequeño

ml. u.pack 50 100

Piattino, monouso Small dish, disposable Kleine Schale Petite assiette Platillo

art. Ø cm. 48360-01 11x6,5

h. 2

ml. u.pack 20 100

Ciotolina, monouso Small bowl, disposable Kleine Schale Petit bol Bol pequeño

art. dim. cm. 48358-01 10,5x5



art. Ø cm. 48356-01 8,5


Ciotolina, monouso Small bowl, disposable Kleine Schale Petit bol Bol pequeño



BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks

h. 3

ml. u.pack 11 100

Piattino, monouso Small dish, disposable Kleine Schale Petite assiette Platillo

art. dim. cm. h. 48361-01 11,5x10,5 1,5

ml. u.pack 30 100





Page 296


Piattino doppio, monouso Double dish, disposable Doppelschale Plat double Platillo doble

Ciotolina, monouso Small bowl, disposable Kleine Schale Petit bol Bol pequeño

art. dim. cm. 48332-00 8,5x5 48332-01 8,5x5 48332-02 8,5x5 48332-03 8,5x5

h. 1 1 1 1

u.pack 50 50 50 50

Ciotolina, monouso Small bowl, disposable Kleine Schale Petit bol Bol pequeño

art. 48336-00 48336-01 48336-02 48336-03

Ø cm. 7 7 7 7


cm. 8 8 8 8

Ø cm. 6 6 6 6

h. 5 5 5 5

u.pack 50 50 50 50

h. 3 3 3 3

u.pack 50 50 50 50

h. 6 6 6 6

u.pack 50 50 50 50

Cucchiaino, monouso Spoon, disposable Löffel Petit cuiller Cucharita

h. 3,5 3,5 3,5 3,5

u.pack 50 50 50 50

Piattino quadro, monouso Square dish, disposable Viereckige Schale Plat carré Platillo cuadrado

art. 48330-00 48330-01 48330-02 48330-03

art. 48338-00 48338-01 48338-02 48338-03

art. dim. cm. 48339-00 12,5x3,5 48339-01 12,5x3,5 48339-02 12,5x3,5 48339-03 12,5x3,5

Bicchierino, monouso Small glass, disposable Klein Glass Petit verre Bol pequeño

h. 1 1 1 1

u.pack 50 50 50 50

art. 48340-00 48340-01 48340-02 48340-03

Ø cm. 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks

Ciotolina con coperchio, monouso Mini bowl with lid, disposable Kleine Schale mit Deckel Petit bol avec couvercle Bol pequeño con tapa

Piattino convesso, monouso Convex dish, disposable Konvexe Schale Plat courbé Platillo convexo

art. 48337-00 48337-01 48337-02 48337-03

art. 48331-00 48331-01 48331-02 48331-03

Ø cm. 9 9 9 9

h. 7 7 7 7

u.pack 50 50 50 50

cm. 8 8 8 8

h. 1 1 1 1

u.pack 50 50 50 50

Piattino triplo, monouso Triple dish, disposable 3-teilige Schale Plat triplé Platillo triple

art. 48334-00 48334-01 48334-02 48334-03

Piattino quadro, monouso Square dish, disposable Viereckige Schale Plat carré Platillo cuadrado

art. 48333-00 48333-01 48333-02 48333-03

cm. 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5

dim. cm. 16x5 16x5 16x5 16x5

h. 1 1 1 1

u.pack 50 50 50 50

Piattino esagonale, monouso Hexagonal dish, disposable Sechseckige Schale Assiette hexagonale Platillo hexagonal

h. 1 1 1 1

u.pack 50 50 50 50

art. 48335-00 48335-01 48335-02 48335-03

Ø cm. 9 9 9 9

h. 1 1 1 1

u.pack 50 50 50 50





Page 298


Coppa sangria, acrilico Sangria Bowl, acrylic Sangria-Punchbowle, Acryl Bol à sangria, acrylique Copa sangria, acrílico

h. 22,3

lt. 5,4

Antipastiera acrilico con inserto inox Acrylic appetizer tray with s/s plate Vorspeisenteller, Acryl Plateau hos d’oeuvres, acrylique Entremesera, acrílico

h. 7

Antipastiera, acrilico Appetizer tray, acrylic Vorspeisenteller, Acryl Plateau hos d’oeuvres, acrylique Entremesera, acrílico

art. Ø cm. 44947-05 28

art. Ø cm. 44947-02 42

h. 23

h. 6,5

Antipastiera con coperchio, acrilico Appetizer tray with lid, acrylic Vorspeisenteller mit Deckel, Acryl Plateau hos d’oeuvres, acrylique Entremesera con tapa, acrílico

Antipastiera con coperchio, acrilico Appetizer tray with lid, acrylic Vorspeisenteller mit Deckel, Acryl Plateau hos d’oeuvres, acrylique Entremesera con tapa, acrílico

art. dim. cm. 44947-09 50x29

art. 44947-08

h. 20

dim. cm. 36,5x36,5

h. 17

Portasalatini, acrilico Olive plate, acrylic Salzgebäckständer, Acryl Porte-appetizers, acrylique Entremesera, acrílico

Portasalatini, acrilico Olive plate, acrylic Salzgebäckständer, Acryl Porte-appetizers, acrylique Entremesera, acrílico

Portasalatini, acrilico Olive plate, acrylic Salzgebäckständer, Acryl Porte-appetizers, acrylique Entremesera, acrílico

art. 44991-04

art. 44991-02

art. 44991-03

Portasalatini, acrilico Swirl appetizer, acrylic Salzgebäckständer, Acryl Porte-appetizers, acrylique Entremesera, acrílico

art. 44991-01


dim. cm. 19x18

h. 3

dim. cm. h. 19x16 3,5

Portasalatini, melamina Swirl appetizer, melamine Salzgebäckständer, Melamin Porte-appetizers, melamine Entremesera, melamina

art. Ø cm. 44849-25 25 44849-38 38

h. 3 3


dim. cm. h. 11,5x18 9,5



art. Ø cm. 44947-04 36


art. Ø cm. 44947-01 28

Ciotola aperitivi, acrilico Hors d’oeuvre bowl, acrylic Vorspeisenschale, Acryl Bol hos d’oeuvres, acrylique Entremesera, acrílico

dim. cm. h. 27x13 3,5

Vassoio con ciotole melamina Tray with melamine bowls Tablett mit Melamin-Schalen Plateau avec coupes melamine Bandeja con copas melamina

art. dim. cm. 44838-07 29x20




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Page 300

Portasalatini, melamina/inox Relish dish, melamine/s-s Salzgebäckständer, Melamin/Edelstahl Porte-appetizers, melamine/inox Soporte entremesas, melamina/inox

Portasalatini, inox Relish dish, s/s Salzgebäckständer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte-appetizers, inox Soporte entremesas, inox

Portasalatini, inox Relish dish, s/s Salzgebäckständer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte-appetizers, inox Soporte entremesas, inox

art. dim. cm. 44839-05 17x17

art. 42976-03

art. 42976-02

Ø cm. 12

h. 30

Portasalatini, inox Relish dish, s/s Salzgebäckständer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Porte-appetizers, inox Soporte entremesas, inox

Coppetta, inox Multipurpose bowl, s/s Universalschale, Edelstahl Rostfrei Coupelle universelle, inox Copa universal, inox

art. 42977-04

art. 66388-10

Ø cm. 11

h. 35

Supporto cromato Serving stand, chromed plated Serviergestell, verchromt Présentoir, chromé Soporte platos pastre, cromado

art. dim. cm. 44840-01 29x17 33x21 44840-02 44840-03 37x21 44840-04 63x27


h. 41,0 44,0 44,0 44,5

Ø cm. 10

h. 3,5

Vassoio quadro, melamina Tray, square, melamine Tablett, quadratisch, Melamin Plateau carré, melamine Bandeja, cuadrada, melamine

art. dim. cm. 44841-18 18x18 bianco/white 21x21 bianco/white 44841-21 44841-26 26,5x26,5 bianco/white 44841-37 37x37 bianco/white 44841-51 51x51 bianco/white 44841B51 51x51 nero/black


h. 16





Ø cm. 12

h. 23

Distributore arachidi, plastica cromata Appetizer dispenser, chromed plastic Salzgebäckdispenser, verchromt Distributeur à appetizers, chromé Dispensador entremesas, cromado

art. dim. cm. 42978-03 16x20

h. 48

lt. 3,5




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks





Page 302

ø cm. 9 13 9 13


ø cm. 51

bianco/white nero/black

Ciotola quadra, melamina Square bowl, melamine Schüssel, quadratisch, Melamin Bol carré, melamine Bol cuadrado, melamine

art. 44847-09 44847-13 44847B09 44847B13

bianco/white bianco/white nero/black nero/black

Cucchiaio finger-food, melamina Party spoon, melamine Finger-food-Löffel, Melamin Cuiller, melamine Cucharita, melamine

art. dim. cm. 44850-13 13,5x4,5 44850B13 13,5x4,5 302

art. dim. cm. 44843B11 53x32,5 nero/black 44843B12 32,5x26,5 nero/black 44843B13 32,5x17,5 nero/black 44843B14 26,5x16,2 nero/black

bianco/white bianco/white bianco/white bianco/white

Coperchio tondo, melamina Round lid, melamine Deckel, rund, Melamin Couvercle rond, melamine Tapa redonda, melamine

art. 44846-19 44846-23 44846B19 44846B23

bianco/white bianco/white nero/black nero/black

Vassoio GN, melamina GN tray, melamine GN-Tablett, Melamin Plateau GN, melamine Bandeja GN, melamine

Piatto tondo, melamina Round dish, melamine Platte, rund, Melamin Plat rond, melamine Bandeja redonda, melamine

art. 44845-51


ø cm. 9 13 9 13

dim. cm. 53x32,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x17,5 26,5x16,2


dim. cm. 30,5x22,5 38x28

Ciotola tonda, melamina Round bowl, melamine Schüssel, rund, Melamin Bol ronde, melamine Bol redondo, melamine

art. 44846-09 44846-13 44846B09 44846B13

Vassoio GN, melamina GN tray, melamine GN-Tablett, Melamin Plateau GN, melamine Bandeja GN, melamine

art. 44843-11 44843-12 44843-13 44843-14

bianco/white bianco/white bianco/white nero/black

Piatto ovale, melamina Oval dish, melamine Platte, oval, Melamin Plat oval, melamine Bandeja oval, melamine

art. 44844-30 44844-38


dim. cm. 53x18 35,5x18 30x21 53x18



art. 44842-53 44842-35 44842-30 44842B53


Vassoio sushi, melamina Sushi tray, melamine Sushiplatte, Melamin Plateau sushi, melamine Bandeja sushi, melamine




dim. cm. 9x9 12,5x12,5 9x9 12,5x12,5

bianco/white bianco/white nero/black nero/black

Coperchio quadro, melamina Square lid, melamine Deckel, quadratisch, Melamin Couvercle carré, melamine Tapa cuadrada, melamine

art. 44847-19 44847-23 44847B19 44847B23

dim. cm. 9x9 12,5x12,5 9x9 12,5x12,5

bianco/white bianco/white nero/black nero/black




Page 303

art. dim. cm. 42988-05 22x22


Piramide luminosa, inox Shining pyramid, stainless steel Shining-Pyramide, Edelstahl Pyramide eclairée, inox Shining pirámide, inox

h. 31

Piramide , inox Pyramid, stainless steel Pyramide, Edelstahl Pyramide, inox Pirámide, inox

art. dim. cm. 42988-03 30x30

h. 53

Illuminazione a batteria. Set composto da: 1 piatto in acrilico (11,5x11,5 cm.), 1 piatto in acrilico rotante (31x31 cm.), 48 cucchiaini e 70 spiedini. - Battery operated. Set of: 1 acrylic plate (11,5x11,5 cm.), 1 acrylic rotating plate (31x31 cm.), 48 party spoons and 70 spits.

Set composto da: 1 piatto in inox rotante, 1 vassoio in melamina (51x51 cm.), 1 ciotola inox (11x11 cm.), 108 cucchiaini e 200 spiedini. - Set of: 1 s/s rotating plate, 1 melamine tray (51x51 cm.), 1 s/s bowl (11x11 cm.), 108 party spoons and 200 spits.

Piramide , inox Pyramid, stainless steel Pyramide, Edelstahl Pyramide, inox Pirámide, inox

Piramide , inox Pyramid, stainless steel Pyramide, Edelstahl Pyramide, inox Pirámide, inox

Display triangolo , inox Triangle display, stainless steel Dreieck-Display, Edelstahl Display triangle, inox Display triángulo, inox

h. 31

art. dim. cm. 42988-01 17x17


Illuminazione a batteria. Set composto da: 1 piatto in acrilico (11,5x11,5 cm.), 1 piatto in acrilico rotante (38x38 cm.), 108 cucchiaini e 200 spiedini. - Battery operated. Set of: 1 acrylic plate (11,5x11,5 cm.), 1 acrylic rotating plate (38x38 cm.), 108 party spoons and 200 spits.

art. dim. cm. 42988-02 22x22


h. 53



art. dim. cm. 42988-06 30x30


Piramide luminosa, inox Shining pyramid, stainless steel Shining-Pyramide, Edelstahl Pyramide eclairée, inox Shining pirámide, inox

h. 17

Set composto da: 1 piatto in inox rotante, 1 vassoio in melamina (37x37 cm.), 1 ciotola inox (11x11 cm.), 48 cucchiaini e 70 spiedini. - Set of: 1 s/s rotating plate, 1 melamine tray (37x37 cm.), 1 s/s bowl (11x11 cm.), 48 party spoons and 70 spits.

Set composto da: 1 ciotola inox (11x11 cm.), 24 cucchiaini e 20 spiedini. - Set of: 1 s/s bowl (11x11 cm.), 24 party spoons and 20 spits.

Spiedini, legno Spits, wood Spieß, Holz Broches, bois Pinchos, madera

Cucchiaio gourmet, inox Party spoon, stainless steel Gourmet-Löffel, Edelstahl Cuiller gourmet, inox Cuchara gourmet, inox

art. 42988-98

l. cm. u.pack 15 200



BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks

art. 42988-99

art. dim. cm. 42988-00 21,5x14

h. 27

Set composto da: 12 cucchiaini e 20 spiedini. Set of: 12 party spoons and 20 spits.

l. cm. 10





Page 304

h. 21 21

Piatto, PS Plate, PS Teller, PS Plat, PS Plato, PS

art. ø cm. 41869-04 26 304

bianco/white nero/black

h. 1,5


Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

art. dim. cm. h. 41868W01 100x40 20 bianco/white 41868K01 100x40 20 nero/black

art. dim. cm. h. 41868W02 70x43 14 bianco/white 41868K02 70x43 14 nero/black

Ciotola, ABS Bowl, ABS Schale, ABS Bol, ABS Bol, ABS

Ciotola, ABS Bowl, ABS Schale, ABS Bol, ABS Bol, ABS

art. dim. cm. 41869W03 21x21



art. ø cm. 41868W00 50 41868K00 50


Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet




h. 5,5

ml. 600

art. dim. cm. 41869K03 21x21

h. 5,5

ml. 600




Page 305

h. 10

art. dim. cm. 41869W01 33x12


h. 5

Ciotola, ABS Bowl, ABS Schale, ABS Bol, ABS Bol, ABS

h. ml. 7,5 1000

Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

art. ø cm. 41868W05 56 41868K05 56


Piatto, PS Plate, PS Teller, PS Plat, PS Plato, PS

art. dim. cm. 41869K05 30x30

ml. 900

h. 57

h. 57 57

bianco/white nero/black

Ciotola, ABS Bowl, ABS Schale, ABS Bol, ABS Bol, ABS

art. dim. cm. 41869W00 18x18


h. 5

Ciotola, ABS Bowl, ABS Schale, ABS Bol, ABS Bol, ABS

art. dim. cm. 41869K00 18x18

Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

art. ø cm. 41868-04 56

bianco/white nero/black

Piatto, PS Plate, PS Teller, PS Plat, PS Plato, PS

art. dim. cm. 41869W05 30x30


h. 57 57



art. ø cm. 41868W03 56 41868K03 56


Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet



BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks

h. 10

ml. 900

Ciotola, ABS Bowl, ABS Schale, ABS Bol, ABS Bol, ABS

art. dim. cm. 41869K01 33x12

h. ml. 7,5 1000





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art. dim. cm. 41870-01 54x47 h. 63

ripiani/shelves 47x34 - 37x25 27x17 - 23x13

Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

art. 41870-03



Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

ripiani/shelves cm. ø28 h.29 - 38x30 h.21 38x30 h.13 - 38x30 h.5

Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

art. dim. cm. 41870-02 40x40 h. 53




ripiani/shelves 40x40 - 30x30 - 22x22

Display per buffet Buffet diplay Büffetgestell Etagère à buffet Soporte platos pastre para buffet

art. 41870-04

ripiani/shelves cm. 40x27 h.29 - 40x27 h.21 40x27 h.13 - 40x27 h.5




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Aperitivi Appetizers & Drinks





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Alzata torte, specchio acrilico Cake stand, acrylic mirror Kuchenständer, Acryl-Spiegel Présentoir, miroir acrylique Pedestal para tartas, espejo acrílico

Specchio acrilico, ovale Acrylic mirror, oval Acryl-Spiegel, oval Miroir acrylique, ovale Espejo acrílico, oval

Specchio acrilico, rettangolare Acrylic mirror, rectangular Acryl-Spiegel, rechteckig Miroir acrylique, rectangulaire Espejo acrílico, rectangular

art. 41883-03 41883-05

art. 41877-45 41877-61 41877-81 41877-99

art. 41878-45 41878-61 41878-81 41878-99

ø cm. 20-30-40 20-25-30-35-40

h. 30 50

dim. cm. 45x30 61x45,5 81x61 110x70

dim. cm. 45x30 61x46 81x58,5 120x80

Specchio acrilico, ottagono Acrylic mirror, octagon Acryl-Spiegel, Achteck Miroir acrylique, octogone Espejo acrílico, octágono

Specchio acrilico, virgola Acrylic mirror, comma Acryl-Spiegel, Komma Miroir acrylique, virgule Espejo acrílico, vírgula

Specchio acrilico, cerchio Acrylic mirror, circle Acryl-Spiegel, Kreis Miroir acrylique, cercle Espejo acrílico, aro

art. 41879-30 41879-40 41879-50 41879-61 41879-81

art. 41875-40 41875-61 41875-80

art. 41876-30 41876-38 41876-45 41876-58 41876-81 41876-99

ø cm. 30 40 50 61 81

ø cm. 40,6 61,0 80,0

ø cm. 30,5 38,0 45,0 58,0 81,0 99,0

Specchio acrilico, esagono Acrylic mirror, hexagon Acryl-Spiegel, Sechseck Miroir acrylique, hexagon Espejo acrílico, hexágono

Specchio acrilico, spicchio Acrylic mirror, segment Acryl-Spiegel, Segment Miroir acrylique, quartier Espejo acrílico, segmento

Specchio acrilico, cubo Acrylic mirror, cube Acryl-Spiegel, Würfel Miroir acrylique, cube Espejo acrílico, cubo

art. 41880-38 41880-61 41880-81

art. 41881-30 41881-40

art. 41882-15 41882-20 41882-25 41882-30


ø cm. 38 61 81

ø cm. 30,5 40,5

dim. cm. 15x15x15 20x20x20 25x25x25 30x30x30




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Presentazione Display

Carrello adatto ad ogni forma. Fitting trolley for all shapes.

Vassoi CATERING componibili. Si possono impilare fino a 10 pezzi e sono trasportabili con il relativo carrello. Altezza max. per le composizioni di cibo 9,5cm. Le quattro forme di vassoi grazie alla loro complementarietà modulare, permettono di realizzare presentazioni regolari e ordinate. Possono essere refrigerati per mezzo di contenitori eutettici. La robusta cornice in materiale plastico trattiene uno specchio da 4mm. di spessore.


art. 41871-01 41871-02 41871-03


Esagono Hexagon Sechseck Hexagon Hexágono

dim. cm. 86x74,5 carrello esagono/hexagon trolley copertura vinilica/vinyl dust cover

Triangolo Triangle Dreieck Triangle Triángulo

art. 41873-01 41873-02 41873-03

dim. cm. 70x61 carrello triangolo/triangle trolley copertura vinilica/vinyl dust cover

Rombo Rhombus Raute Losange Diamante

art. 41872-01 41872-02 41872-03



Catering modular buffet trays. You can stack and trasport with the related trolly up to 10 trays. Max. height for food 9,5cm. The four tray shapes can be combined allowing to always make fancy presentations.They can be cooled by cooling packs under the platters. The strong plastic frame encloses a 4mm. glass mirror.

dim. cm. 74,5x50 carrello rombo/rhombus trolley copertura vinilica/vinyl dust cover

Rettangolo Rectangle Rechteck Rectangle Rectángulo

art. 41874-01 41874-02 41874-03

dim. cm. 74x54 carrello rettangolo/rectangle trolley copertura vinilica/vinyl dust cover 309




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Vassoi gn plexi, pratici, igienici, estetici, versatili. Prodotti in “Plexiglas” PMMA termoformato. Resistenza alla temperatura da -30°C a +80°C. Non idonei per cottura e surgelazione. Lavabile in lavastoviglie, si consiglia di asciugare con un panno soffice per garantirne la lucentezza nel tempo.

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

art. 44852K02 44852K05 44852W02 44852W05 44852B02 44852B05


Plexi gn trays and dishes, practical, hygienic, esthetic, flexible. Made in “Plexiglas” PMMA thermoformed. Temperature resistance from -30°C to +80°C. Not suitable for cooking and freezing. Dishwasher resistant, after dishwasher we suggest to dry with a soft cloth to assure the shine in the long run.

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

GN 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1 1/1

dim. cm. 53x32,5 53x32,5 53x32,5 53x32,5 53x32,5 53x32,5

h. 1,7 5,0 1,7 5,0 1,7 5,0

nero/black nero/black bianco/white bianco/white bordeaux bordeaux

art. 44854K02 44854K05 44854K08 44854W02 44854W05 44854W08 44854B02 44854B05 44854B08

GN 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4

dim. cm. 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5 48,7x26,5

h. 1,7 5,0 8,0 1,7 5,0 8,0 1,7 5,0 8,0

nero/black nero/black nero/black bianco/white bianco/white bianco/white bordeaux bordeaux bordeaux




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Presentazione Display

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

art. 44855K02 44855K05 44855K08 44855W02 44855W05 44855W08 44855B02 44855B05 44855B08

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

GN 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2

dim. cm. 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x26,5

h. 1,7 5,0 8,0 1,7 5,0 8,0 1,7 5,0 8,0

nero/black nero/black nero/black bianco/white bianco/white bianco/white bordeaux bordeaux bordeaux

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

art. 44858K02 44858K05 44858K08 44858W02 44858W05 44858W08 44858B02 44858B05 44858B08

GN 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3

dim. cm. 32,5x17,6 32,5x17,6 32,5x17,6 32,5x17,6 32,5x17,6 32,5x17,6

h. 1,7 5,0 1,7 5,0 1,7 5,0

nero/black nero/black bianco/white bianco/white bordeaux bordeaux

GN 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5 2/5

dim. cm. 53x20 53x20 53x20 53x20 53x20 53x20

h. 1,7 4,0 1,7 4,0 1,7 4,0

nero/black nero/black bianco/white bianco/white bordeaux bordeaux

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

GN 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4

dim. cm. 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2 26,5x16,2

h. 1,7 5,0 8,0 1,7 5,0 8,0 1,7 5,0 8,0

nero/black nero/black nero/black bianco/white bianco/white bianco/white bordeaux bordeaux bordeaux

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

art. 44859K02 44859K04 44859K08 44859W02 44859W04 44859W08

art. 44857K02 44857K05 44857W02 44857W05 44857B02 44857B05

art. 44853K02 44853K04 44853W02 44853W04 44853B02 44853B04

Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

GN 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5

dim. cm. 26,5x20 26,5x20 26,5x20 26,5x20 26,5x20 26,5x20

h. 1,7 4,0 8,0 1,7 4,0 8,0

nero/black nero/black nero/black bianco/white bianco/white bianco/white

art. 44861K40 44861W40

dim. cm. 56,5x40 56,5x40

h. 1,7 1,7

nero/black bianco/white





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Vassoio buffet Buffet tray Büffet-Tablett Plateau buffet Bandeja buffet

art. 44851K02 44851W02

Cucchiaio Spoon Löffel Cuiller Cuchara

dim. cm. 60x40 60x40

h. 1,7 1,7

nero/black bianco/white

art. 44870K00 nero/black 44870W00 bianco/white

Vassoio, inox dorato Dish, stainless steel gold plated Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei, vergoldet Plateau, inox doré Bandeja, inox dorado

Vassoio, inox dorato Dish, stainless steel gold plated Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei, vergoldet Plateau, inox doré Bandeja, inox dorado

art. 41571-94

art. 41577-58

dim. cm. 94x26,5

dim. cm. 58x29

Vassoio pesce, inox Fish tray, s/s Fischplattet, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plat à poisson, inox Salmonera, inox

Vassoio SWING, inox Tray, stainless steel Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau, inox Bandeja, acero inox

art. 41655-66

art. 41655-32

dim. cm. 66x22,5

Vassoio SWING, inox Tray, stainless steel Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau, inox Bandeja, acero inox

art. 41655-28 41655-53

dim. cm. 28,5x20 53x32,5

dim. cm. 32,5x32,5

Vassoio, inox Tray, stainless steel Serviertablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau, inox Bandeja, acero inox

GN 1/1

art. 41823-32 41823-53

dim. cm. 32,5x26,5 53x32,5

GN 1/2 1/1

Vassoio buffet, inox Buffet tray, stainless steel Büfett-Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau pour buffet, inox Bandeja para buffet, inox

Vassoio buffet, inox Buffet tray, stainless steel Büfett-Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau pour buffet, inox Bandeja para buffet, inox

art. 41822-48

art. 41822-53


ø cm. 48

h. 4,4

dim. cm. 53x32,5

GN 1/1




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Presentazione Display

Vassoio mezzaluna, inox Tray, half-moon, s/s Tablett, Halbmond, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau demi-lune, inox Bandeja luna, acero inox

Vassoio, inox per 45 bicchieri Tray, stainless steel, for 45 glasses Tablett, Edelstahl, für 45 gläses Plateau, inox pour 45 verrines Bandeja, inox para 45 vasos

Bicchierino, vetro Small glass Glas Verrine Vaso pequeño

art. 41421-53

art. 41432-11

art. 41399-01 41399-02

dim. cm. 53x32,5

Bicchierino, vetro Small glass Glas Verrine Vaso pequeño

art. 41399-03 41399-04

cl. 3 5

dim. cm. 53x32,5

ø 3,5

Coperchio per art. 41430-11 Cover for tray 41430-11 Haube für Art.-Nr. 41430-11 Couvercle pour plateau 41430-11 Tapa para bandeja 14130-11

u.pack 24 24

art. 42971-52

dim. cm. 53x32,5

h. 9

cl. 3,5 6,0

u.pack 24 24

Vassoio impilabile, inox Tray, stackable, s/s Tablett, stapelbar, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau empilable, inox Bandeja apilable, acero inox

GN 1/1

art. 41430-11

dim. cm. 53x32,5

h. 5

GN 1/1

Maniglie cromate. Altezza utile 4 cm. Chrome plated handles. Useful height 4cm.

Distanziali, set 4 pezzi Extension parts, set 4 pcs Distanzstück-Set (4 Stück) Pièces d’extension, 4 pcs Juego 4 estensores

Vassoio, inox Tray, s/s Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau, inox Bandeja, inox

Coperchio GN, impilabile Cover GN, stackable Abdeckhaube GN, stapelbar Couvercle GN, empilable Campana GN, apilable

art. 41430-AA

art. dim. cm. 41436-11 53x32,5 41436-12 32,5x26,5

art. 42971-32 42971-53

GN 1/1 1/2

dim. cm. 32,5x27 53x32,5

h. 9,5 9,5

GN 1/2 1/1

Per vassoio art. 41430-11. Da avvitare, per una nuova altezza utile di 8 cm. - For tray item 41430-11. By simply screwing you get a new useful height of 8 cm.

Vassoio bordo Deko, inox Tray, deko-edge, s/s Tablett, Dekorrand, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau avec décor, inox Bandeja, borde decorado, inox

Vassoio ovale, bordo Deko, inox Oval tray, deko-edge, s/s Tablett, oval, Dekorrand, Edelstahl Plateau oval avec décor, inox Bandeja oval, borde decorado, inox

Vassoio, inox Tray, stainless steel Tablett, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plateau, inox Bandeja, inox

art. dim. cm. 41437-11 53x32,5 41437-12 32,5x26,5

art. 41438-50 41438-60 41438-70

art. 41435-58

GN 1/1 1/2

dim. cm. 50x36 60x41 70x46

ø cm. 58





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Vassoio, bordo Deko, inox Tray, deko-edge, s/s Tablett, Dekorrand, 18/10 Edelstahl Plateau avec décor, inox Bandeja, borde decorado, inox

Vassoio ovale con bordo, inox Oval meat dish with rim, s/s Gebördelte Bratenplatte, oval, Edelstahl Plat à rôti ovale, bord roulé, inox Bandeja oval, borde vuelto, inox

Vassoio ovale con bordo, inox Oval meat dish with rim, s/s Gebördelte Bratenplatte, oval, Edelstahl Plat à rôti ovale, bord roulé, inox Bandeja oval, borde vuelto, inox

art. 41439-32 41439-38 41439-48

art. 41651-20 41651-25 41651-30 41651-35 41651-40

art. 41651-45 41651-50 41651-55 41651-60 41651-65

ø cm. 32 38 48

dim. cm. 20x14 25x18 30x22 35x22 40x26

dim. cm. 45x29 50x35 55x38 60x42 65x45

Vassoio pesce, inox Fish tray, s/s Fischplatte, Edelstahl Rostfrei Plat à poisson, inox Bandeja pescado, inox

Piatto ovale, inox Oval meat dish, stainless steel Bratenplatte, oval, 18-10 Edelstahl Plat ovale, inox Bandeja oval llana, inox

Vassoio tondo, inox Tray, round, stainless steel Tablett, rund, 18-10 Edelstahl Plateau rond, inox Bandeja redonda, inox

art. 41654-80 41654-99

art. 66325-30 66325-35 66325-41 66325-46 66325-54 66325-85 66325-99

art. 66326-30 66326-35 66326-40 66326-60 66326-80

dim. cm. 80x31 100x35

dim. cm. 30x19 35x22 41x26 46x29 54x37 85x58 100x68

ø cm. 30 35 40 60 80

Piatto pesce, inox Fish dish, stainless steel Fischplatte, 18-10 Edelstahl Plat à poisson, inox Bandeja pescado, inox

Vassoio, inox Tray, s/s Tablett, 18-10 Edelstahl Plateau, inox Bandeja, inox

Vassoio, inox Tray, s/s Tablett, 18-10 Edelstahl Plateau, inox Bandeja, inox

art. 66345-55 66345-65 66345-74

art. 66320-28 66320-35 66320-40 66320-50 66320-65 56020-85 56020-99

art. 66324-40 66324-50 66324-65 56024-85 56024-99


dim. cm. 55x23 65x27 74x29

dim. cm. 28x20 35x30 40x26 50x38 65x50 85x50 100x50

dim. cm. 40x26 50x38 65x50 85x50 100x50




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Oven porcelain. Stand made in antioxidant alloy.

Porcellana da forno. Struttura in lega antiossidante.

Pirofila ovale Oval porcelain dish Porzellanschale, oval Porcelaine ovale Porcelana oval

Pirofila rettangolare Rectangular porcelain dish Porzellanschale, rechteckig Porcelaine rectangulaire Porcelana rectangular

Pirofila per pesce Fish porcelain dish Fisch-Porzellanschale Porcelaine à poisson Porcelana pescado

art. 56451-44

art. 56452-35 56452-41

art. 56453-48 56453-65

dim. cm. 44x26,5

dim. cm. 35x22,5 41x26,5

dim. cm. 48x17 65x24,5

Antipastiera Hors d’oeuvre tray Vorspeiseteller Plateau à hors d’oeuvres Entremesera

Risottiera Porcelain rice dish Risotto-Porzellanschale Porcelaine à risotto Porcelana por el arroz

Piatto rettangolare Rectangular porcelain dish Porzellanschale, rechteckig Porcelaine rectangulaire Porcelana rectangular

art. 56478-04

art. 56471-36

art. 56461-56


ø cm. 50

ø cm. 36

dim. cm. 56x38




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Presentazione Display

Piatto ovale, falda larga Oval platter Platte, oval Plat oval Plato oval

Piatto tondo, falda larga Round plate Platte, rund Plat rond Plato redondo

Ovale pesce, falda larga Oval fish dish Fischplatte, oval Plat à poisson Plato pescado

art. 44388-35 44388-38 44388-42 44388-47 44388-55

art. 44387-44 44387-52

art. 44386-70

dim. cm. 35x23 38x25 42x28 47x31,5 55x37,5

Piatto tondo Round plate Platte, rund Plat rond Plato redondo

art. 44382-37 44382-43 44382-50

Piatto ovale Oval plate Platte, oval Plat oval Plato oval

ø cm. 37 43 50

art. 44383-37 44383-43 44383-48 44383-57

Insalatiera Salad bowl Salatschüssel Saladier Bol ensalada

art. 44359-29 44359-33 44359-38

ø cm. 29 33 38

h. 13 15 19

art. 44360-38

dim. cm. 37x26 43x30 48x34 57x40

art. 44384-53 44384-60 44384-70

art. 44358-02

dim. cm. 53x21,5 60x22 70x26

Piatto fondo Coup dish Schüssel Plateau Plato alto

ø cm. h. 38 16,5

Alzata buffet, 2 piani Cake stand, 2 levels Büffetständer, 2-stöckig Serviteur muet, 2 étages Confitero, 2 pisos

ø cm. h. 37 10,5

dim. cm. 70x28,5

Piatto pesce Fish plate Fischplatte Plat à poisson Plato pescado

Alzata buffet Fruit stand Obstständer Etagère à fruits Frutero

Alzata buffet Fruit stand Obstständer Etagère à fruits Frutero

art. 44361-37

ø cm. 44 52

ø cm. 23-27

art. 44362-38

ø cm. 38

h. 7

dim. cm. 35x26

h. 4

Piatto pesce Fish dish Fischplatte Plat poisson Plato pescado

h. 33

art. 44385-35





Page 318


art. 44380-28 44380-33 44380-41

dim. cm. 28x20,5 33x24 41x34


Conchiglia tropicale Tropical shell Tropen-Muschelschale Coquille tropicale Concha

h. 5 10 12

Espositore 3 piani, PMMA Tier display, PMMA Stufen-Display, PMMA Présentoir 3 niveaux, PMMA Expositor 3 alturas, PMMA

Ciotola, vetro Glass bowl Glasschüssel Bol en verre Bol vidrio

art. 41919-03

art. 41400-AA

dim. cm. 40x18 40x20 40x22

h. 4 8 12

ø cm. 23

Ciotola a doppia parete, inox Double-wall bowl, s/s Doppelwandiger Schüssel, Edelstahl Bol à double paroi, inox Bol, doble pared, inox

Supporto cromato, impilabile Bowl rack, chrome-plated, stackable Schüsselständer, verchromt, stapelbar Support à bols, chromé, empilable Soporte para bols, cromado, apilable

Contenitore a doppia parete, inox Double-wall dressing pot, s/s Doppelwandiger Dressingtopf, Edelstahl Conteneur à double paroi, inox Contenedor, doble pared, inox

art. 42961-23

art. 42961-12 42961-18

art. 42960-18

ø cm. 23 23

h. 12 18

Alzata, cromata Serving stand, chrome plated Serviergestell, Metall hartverchromt Présentoir, chromé Soporte platos de postre, cromado

Alzata, cromata Serving stand, chrome plated Serviergestell, Metall hartverchromt Présentoir, chromé Soporte platos de postre, cromado

art. 42962-26

art. 42962-44

ø cm. 10,5

dim. 18,5x16

h. 26

Taglia pane, base legno Bread slicer, wood base Brotschneidgerät, Holzsockel Coupe-pain, socle bois Corta-pan, base madera

art. dim. cm. 49833-00 41x15 318

h. 10

ø cm. 18

dim. 29x20

h. 44

Taglia pane, base legno Bread slicer, wood base Brotschneidgerät, Holzsockel Coupe-pain, socle bois Corta-pan, base madera

kg. 2,1

art. dim. cm. 49831-00 23x23

h. 21


ø cm. 23

ø cm. 15

h. 18

Alzata, cromata Serving stand, chrome plated Serviergestell, Metall hartverchromt Présentoir, chromé Soporte platos de postre, cromado

art. 42962-04

ø cm. 23,5

dim. ø 34

Tagliere pane, legno Bread cutting board, wood Brotschneidbrett, Naturholz Planche à découper en bois Plancha para cortar, madera

kg. 3,5

lt. 1,8

art. dim. cm. 42964-53 53x32,5

h. 2

h. 37




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Distributore panini, inox/acrilico Bread roll-dispenser, s/s-acrylic Brötchen-Spender, Edelstahl/Acryl Distributeur à pain, inox/acrylique Dispensador de pan, inox/acrílico

Porta panini, impilabile, RATTAN Bread basket, stackable Brotkorb, stapelbar Corbeille à pain, empilable Cesta pan, apilable

Porta panini, impilabile, RATTAN Bread basket, stackable Brotkorb, stapelbar Corbeille à pain, empilable Cesta pan, apilable

art. dim. cm. 42963-40 32x22 42963-55 32x22

art. dim. cm. 42965-51 51x33

art. dim. cm. 42966-60 60x35,5

h. 40 55

pcs 45-50 65-70

h. 16

h. 8

Bordo filo cromato/Chrome plated wire edge.

Bordo filo cromato/Chrome plated wire edge.

Porta panini, impilabile, RATTAN Bread basket, stackable Brotkorb, stapelbar Corbeille à pain, empilable Cesta pan, apilable

Porta panini, impilabile, RATTAN Bread basket, stackable Brotkorb, stapelbar Corbeille à pain, empilable Cesta pan, apilable

Porta panini, impilabile, RATTAN Bread basket, stackable Brotkorb, stapelbar Corbeille à pain, empilable Cesta pan, apilable

art. dim. cm. 42966-30 30x22,5

art. dim. cm. 42966-61 60x22,5

art. 42966-47

h. 8

h. 8

Bordo filo cromato/Chrome plated wire edge.

Bordo filo cromato/Chrome plated wire edge.

Cesto uova, imbottito, RATTAN Egg basket, keeps warm Eier-Korb, hält warm Panier à oeufs, fourré Cesta para huevos

Porta panini, impilabile, RATTAN Bread basket, stackable Brotkorb, stapelbar Corbeille à pain, empilable Cesta pan, apilable

art. 42949-26

art. 42966-38

ø cm. 26

h. 17

ø cm. 40

ø cm. 47

h. 10,5

Bordo filo cromato/Chrome plated wire edge.

h. 8

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

art. 42968-38

art. dim. cm. 42967-43 41x40

ø cm. 38

h. 10

h. 25


Bordo filo cromato/Chrome plated wire edge.

Cesta porta baguettes, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

art. 42967-35

ø cm. 35

h. 42 319




Page 320

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

Supporto cromato, 2 piani Frame, chrome plated, 2 tiers Brotkorb-Gestell, Doppeldecker Support chomé, 2 étages Estructura cromada, 2 alturas

art. dim. cm. h. 42967-53 53x32,5 15,5

art. 42965-AB 42965-AA

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

art. dim. cm. 42969-11 53,5x32,5

art. 42965-12

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

art. 42967-11


h. 9,5

dim. cm. 53x32,5




h. 9,5

art. 42967-13 42967-14 42967-15 42967-16 42967-17 42967-18 320

dim. cm. 53x32,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x17,5 26,4x16,2 17,6x16,2 32,5x35,4

h. 10 10 10 10 10 10

GN 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 2/3

dim. cm. 32,5x26,5

h. 35 42

h. 8

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

art. 42967-03 42967-04 42967-05 42967-06 42967-07 42967-08

Cesta porta pane, POLYRATTAN Bread basket Brotkorb Corbeille à pain Cesta pan

dim. cm. 29x27 56x36,5

dim. cm. 53x32,5 32,5x26,5 32,5x17,5 26,4x16,2 17,6x16,2 32,5x35,4

h. 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5 6,5

GN 1/1 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/6 2/3




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Cloche, PMMA Dome cover Abdeckehaube Cloche Campana

art. 41416-40

Coperchio roll-top, PMMA Roll-top cover Rolltophaube Couvercle roll-top Campana roll-top

ø cm. 40

h. 20

art. 41417-40

ø cm. 40

h. 21

Pomolo dorato. - Gold plated knob. Vassoio - Tray: 41439-48

Barretta dorata. - Gold plated knob.

Coperchio roll-top, SAN Roll-top cover Rolltophaube Couvercle roll-top Campana roll-top

Coperchio GN roll-top, PC GN roll-top cover GN-Rolltophaube Couvercle roll-top, GN Tapa roll-top, GN

art. 41447-38

ø cm. 38

h. 20

art. dim. cm. 41415-10 53x32,5 41415-12 32,5x26,5

h. 17 15

GN 1/1 1/2

Pomolo cromato. - Chrome knob. Barretta dorata. - Gold plated knob. Termoresistente - Heat resistant: -30+120°C

Coperchio roll-top, PMMA Roll-top cover Rolltophaube Couvercle roll-top Campana roll-top

Coperchio GN roll-top, PC GN roll-top cover GN-Rolltophaube Couvercle GN roll-top Tapa roll-top GN

art. 41429-50

art. 41415-11

ø cm. 48,5

h. 23

dim. cm. 53x32,5

h. 17

GN 1/1

Barretta dorata. - Gold plated knob.

Pomolo cromato. - Chrome knob. Termoresistente - Heat resistant: -30+120°C

Coperchio GN, PMMA GN cover GN-Kuppelhaube Couvercle, GN Campana GN

Coperchio GN, PMMA GN cover GN-Kuppelhaube Couvercle, GN Campana GN

art. 41418-11

dim. cm. 54x33

h. 20

GN 1/1

Termoresistente - Heat resistant: +65°C

art. 41418-12

dim. cm. 54x33

h. 20

GN 1/1

Termoresistente - Heat resistant: +65°C





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Vetrina girevole, 3 pezzi Swivelling showplate, 3-pcs set Käseglocke drehbar, 3-teilig Etagère tournante, set 3 pièces Quesera giratoria, 3 elementos

Vetrina, 3 pezzi Showplate, 3-pcs set Käseglocke, 3-teilig Etagère, set 3 pièces Quesera, 3 elementos

art. 41429-03

art. 41429-04

ø cm. 55

h. 30

ø cm. 45

Vetrina, set 2 pezzi Tray, 2-pcs set Set, 2-Tlg. Plateau, set 2 pièces Vitrina, 2 elementos

h. 24

art. 41447-02

ø cm. 38

h. 21

Set refrigerato 5 pezzi Cooled tray, 5-pcs set Thermo-Set, 5-Tlg. Plateau réfrigéré, set 5 pièces Vitrina refrigerada, 5 elementos

Vetrina refrigerata, 2 piani Cooled buffet showcase, 2 tiers Büffet-Vitrine, kühlbar, Doppeldecker Vitrine réfrigérée, 2 étages Vitrina refrigerada, doble

Vetrina refrigerata, 3 pezzi Cooled buffet showcase, 3-pcs set Büffet-Vitrine, kühlbar, 3-Tlg. Vitrine réfrigérée, set 3 pièces Vitrina refrigerada, 3 elementos

art. 41447-05

art. 41905-03

art. 41905-38

ø cm. 38

h. 24

ø cm. 43,5

h. 50

ø cm. 43

h. 4,5

Coperchi NON inclusi. - Lids NOT included.

Coperchio NON incluso. - Lid NOT included.

Top fresh, 3 pezzi Cooling tray, 3-pcs set Kühlplatte, 3-teilig Plateau réfrigéré, set 3 pièces Vitrina refrigerada, 3 elementos

Vetrinarefrigerata, 2 piani Cooled showcase, 2-tier Büffet-Vitrine, kühlbar, Doppeldecker Vitrine réfrigérée, 2 étages Vitrina refrigerada, 2 altonas

Vetrina refrigerata, faggio Cooled buffet showcase, wood Büffet-Vitrine, kühlbar, Buche Vitrine réfrigérée, hêtre Vitrina refrigerada, madera

art. 41411-03

art. dim. cm. 41428-03 61x38

art. dim. cm. 41906-60 59x39

ø cm. 42

h. 6

h. 52

GN 1/1

h. 4,5

GN 1/1

Coperchio NON incluso. - Lid NOT included.

Coperchi NON inclusi. - Lids NOT included.

Coperchio NON incluso. - Lid NOT included.

Vetrina refrigerata, inox Cooled buffet showcase, s/s Büffet-Vitrine, kühlbar, 18/10 Edelstahl Vitrine réfrigérée, inox Vitrina refrigerada, 18/10 acero

Top fresh, 4 pezzi Cooling tray, 4-pcs set Kühlplatte, 4-teilig Plateau réfrigéré, set 4 pièces Vitrina refrigerada, 4 elementos

Vetrina refrigerata, 5 pezzi Cooled showcase, 5-pcs set Büffet-Vitrine, kühlbar, 5-teilig Vitrine réfrigérée, set 5 pièces Vitrina refrigerada, 5 elementos

art. dim. cm. 41907-56 56,5x36

art. dim. cm. 41412-35 56,5x35

h. 8,5

GN 1/1

Coperchio NON incluso. - Lid NOT included.


h. 6,5

GN 1/1

art. dim. cm. 41408-05 63x41

h. 33

GN 1/1




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Vetrina, 3 pezzi Buffet showcase, 3-pcs set Büffet-Vitrine, 3-teilig Vitrine, set 3 pièces Vitrina, 3 elementos

art. dim. cm. 41409-03 63x41

h. 23

Vetrina refrigerata, faggio Cooled buffet showcase, wood Büffet-Vitrine, kühlbar, Buche Vitrine réfrigérée, hêtre Vitrina refrigerada, madera

Tagliere in polietilene PE cutting board PE-Schneidebrett Planche à découper en PE Plancha para cortar, PE

GN 1/1

art. dim. cm. 41409-AA 53x32,5

h. 1,5

GN 1/1

art. dim. cm. 41906-60 59x39

h. 4,5

GN 1/1

Coperchio NON incluso. - Lid NOT included.

Porta yogurt refrigerato, inox Cooled yogurt dispenser, s/s Yogurt-Ständer, kühlbar, Edelstahl Rafraîchissoir à yogurt, inox Enfriador para yogurt, acero inox

Ciotola refrigerata, base inox Cool bowl, s/s base Kühlschale, Fuß aus 18-10 Edelstahl Bol réfrigérée, base inox Bol refrigerda, base acero

Ciotola refrigerata, base inox Cool bowl, s/s base Kühlschale, Fuß aus 18-10 Edelstahl Bol réfrigérée, base inox Bol refrigerada, base acero

art. 58402-33 58402-40

art. 41448-06 41448-10

art. 41448-25 41448-40

ø cm. 33 40

ø cm. h. 14 9,0 14 11,5

lt. 0,6 1,0

Portaciotole, cromato Bowl holder, chromed Schalenhalter, Metall hartverchromt Etagère à bols, chromée Soporte para bols, cromado

Portaciotole, cromato Bowl holder, chromed Schalenhalter, Metall hartverchromt Etagère à bols, chromée Soporte para bols, cromado

Ciotole vetro Glass bowls Glasschalen Bols en verre Bols de vidrio

art. 41427-40

art. 41427-18

art. 41425-AA 41405-AA 41400-AA

h. 25,5

ø cm. 17,5

h. 36,5

Per 36 ciotoline ø 7cm. - For 36 bowls ø 7cm.

Per 15 ciotole ø 13,5cm. For 15 bowls ø 13,5cm.

Espositore cromato Buffet rack, chrome-plated Büffet-Ständer, verchromt Etagère chromée Dispensador cromado

Espositore cromato Buffet rack, chrome-plated Büffet-Ständer, verchromt Etagère chromée Dispensador cromado

art. dim. cm. 41442-14 30x30

h. 14

ø 13,5

art. dim. cm. 41442-23 50x50

h. 18


ø cm. 18

ø 23

ø cm. 22 22

h. 14 18

ø cm. 7,0 13,5 23,0


lt. 2,5 4,0

0,5 2,5

Coperchio ermetico, PC Airtight cover, PC Deckel, luftdicht, PC Couvercle hermétique, PC Tapa hermética, PC

art. 41400-BB

ø cm. 23 323




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Espositore 3 piani, cromato Buffet ladder 3-tier, chrome plated Büffet-Leiter 3-stufig, verchromt Escalier 3 étages, chromé Escalera 3 alturas, cromada

Espositore 4 piani, cromato Buffet ladder 4-tier, chrome plated Büffet-Leiter 4-stufig, verchromt Escalier 4 étages, chromé Escalera 4 alturas, cromada

Espositore 3 piani, cromato Buffet ladder 3-tier, chrome plated Büffet-Leiter 3-stufig, verchromt Escalier 3 étages, chromé Escalera 3 alturas, cromada

art. dim. cm. 41912-03 30x30

art. dim. cm. 41912-04 30x30

art. dim. cm. 41913-03 39x31


art. dim. cm. 41913-04 39x31

h. 66

ø 23

Espositore per cereali, plexiglas Cereal-bar, plexiglas Cerealien-Bar, Plexiglas Présentoir à céréales, plexiglas Expositor de cereales, plexiglas

art. dim. cm. 41918-01 26x15,5 324

h. 4

lt. 2x1,5

ø 13,5

Espositore per cereali, plexiglas Cereal-bar, plexiglas Cerealien-Bar, Plexiglas Présentoir à céréales, plexiglas Expositor de cereales, plexiglas

art. dim. cm. 41918-03 38x15,5

h. 4


Espositore 4 piani, cromato Buffet ladder 4-tier, chrome plated Büffet-Leiter 4-stufig, verchromt Escalier 4 étages, chromé Escalera 4 alturas, cromada

h. 48

lt. 3x1,5

h. 66

ø 23

Espositore per cereali, plexiglas Cereal-bar, plexiglas Cerealien-Bar, Plexiglas Présentoir à céréales, plexiglas Expositor de cereales, plexiglas

art. dim. cm. 41918-04 38x15,5


ø 13,5


h. 48

h. 8

lt. 3x1,5

Espositore per cereali, plexiglas Cereal-bar, plexiglas Cerealien-Bar, Plexiglas Présentoir à céréales, plexiglas Expositor de cereales, plexiglas

art. dim. cm. 41918-02 26x15,5

h. 8

lt. 2x1,5




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Caraffa cerali, PC Cereal pitcher, PC Cerealien-Karaffe, PC Carafe à céréales, PC Giarra de cereales, PC

art. 41918-05

ø cm. 10

h. 28

lt. 1,5

Caraffa, acrilico Juice pitcher, acrylic Saftkanne, Kunststoff Carafe à jus de fruits, acrylique Jarra de zumo, acrílico

art. 44994-00

ø cm. 14

Caraffa, acrilico Juice pitcher, acrylic Saftkanne, Kunststoff Carafe à jus de fruits, acrylique Jarra de zumo, acrílico

Caraffa, acrilico Juice pitcher, acrylic Saftkanne, Kunststoff Carafe à jus de fruits, acrylique Jarra de zumo, acrílico

h. 29

lt. 2,5

art. 44992-02

ø cm. 16,5

h. 26

lt. 2

art. 44992-03

ø cm. 26

h. 29

lt. 3

Antiurto, antigraffio, lavabile in lavastoviglie. Shockproof, scratchproof, dishwasher-safe.

Antiurto, antigraffio, lavabile in lavastoviglie. Shockproof, scratchproof, dishwasher-safe.

Caraffa con coperchio, PC Fruit-juice pitcher with cover Saftkanne mit Deckel Carafe avec couvercle Jarra de zumo con tapa

Caraffa con coperchio, PC Fruit-juice pitcher with cover Saftkanne mit Deckel Carafe avec couvercle Jarra de zumo con tapa

art. 44993-01 44993-02

ø cm. 11 11

h. 30 30

lt. 1,6 1,6

art. 44993-03 44993-04

ø cm. 11 11

h. 30 30

lt. 1,6 1,6

Multi-distributore 2 piani, inox Multi rack 2-tier, s/s Multi Rack 2-stufig, 18-10 Edelstahl Distributeur 2 étages, inox Dispensador doble, acero 18/10

Multi-distributore 3 piani, inox Multi rack 3-tier, s/s Multi Rack 3-stufig, 18-10 Edelstahl Distributeur 3 étages, inox Dispensador triple, acero 18/10

Multi-distributore 4 piani, inox Multi rack 4-tier, s/s Multi Rack 4-stufig, 18-10 Edelstahl Distributeur 4 étages, inox Dispensador cuadruplo, acero 18/10

art. dim. cm. 41911-02 19x24

art. dim. cm. 41911-03 19x24

art. dim. cm. 41911-04 19x24

h. 28

lt. 2x1

h. 41

lt. 3x1

h. 53

lt. 4x1





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Espositore girevole per müsli, inox Swivelling cereal stand, s/s Büffet-Etagère, drehbar, Edelstahl Etagère tournante à céréales, inox Dispensador giratorio de cereales, inox

Espositore girevole per müsli, faggio Swivelling cereal stand, beech wood Büffet-Etagère, drehbar, Buche Etagère tournante à céréales, hêtre Dispensador giratorio de cereales, madera

Espositore girevole per müsli, faggio Swivelling cereal stand, beech wood Büffet-Etagère, drehbar, Buche Etagère tournante à céréales, hêtre Dispensador giratorio de cereales, madera

art. 41400-60

art. 41401-40

art. 41401-60

ø cm. 48

h. 60

ø 23

ø cm. 48

h. 40

Distributore di cereali, inox Cereal dispenser, s/s Müslispender, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à céréales, inox Dispensador de cereales, inox

Distributore di cereali, inox Cereal dispenser, s/s Müslispender, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à céréales, inox Dispensador de cereales, inox

art. 41909-13

art. dim. cm. 41909-00 23x35

ø cm. 38

h. 54

lt. 3x4,5

ø 23

h. 55

Distributore di cereali DUO DUO cereal dispenser Müslispender DUO Distributeur à céréales DUO Dispensador de cereales, doble

Distributore di succhi, inox Juice dispenser, stainless steel Saftdispenser, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à jus, inox Dispensador de zumo, acero inox

art. dim. cm. 41810-09 22x35

art. dim. cm. 58353-17 22x35


h. 52

lt. 4,5x2

h. 56

ø cm. 48

h. 60

ø 23

h. 52

lt. 4,5

Distributore di cereali Cereal dispenser Müslispender Distributeur à céréales Dispensador de cereales

lt. 8

art. dim. cm. 41810-04 22x17,5

Distributore di succhi, inox Juice dispenser, stainless steel Saftdispenser, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à jus, inox Dispensador de zumo, acero inox

lt. 7

art. dim. cm. 41902-04 21x32 41902-06 23x35

h. 43 52

lt. 4 6




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Distributore di succhi, inox/faggio Juice dispenser, s/s-beech wood Saftdispenser, Edelstahl/Buche Distributeur à jus, inox/hêtre Dispensador de zumo, inox/madera

Distributore di latte, inox Milk dispenser, stainless steel Milchkanne, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à lait, inox Dispensador de leche, inox

art. dim. cm. 41907-04 21x31 41907-06 23x35

art. dim. cm. 41910-03 21x32 41910-05 23x35

h. 44 52

lt. 4 6

Distributore di latte, inox/faggio Milk dispenser, s/s-beech wood Milchkanne, Edelstahl/Buche Distributeur à lait, inox/hêtre Dispensador de leche, inox/madera

h. 39 52

lt. 3 5

art. dim. cm. 41920-03 21x32 41920-05 23x35

h. 39 52

lt. 3 5

Distributore di succhi DUO, inox DUO juice dispenser, stainless steel Saftdispenser DUO, Edelstahl Distributeur à jus DUO, inox Dispensador de zumo, doble, inox

Distributore di succhi DUO, inox/faggio DUO juice dispenser, s/s - beech wood Saftdispenser DUO, Edelstahl/Buche Distributeur à jus DUO, inox/hêtre Dispensador de zumo, inox /madera

Distributore succhi/latte, inox Juice/milk dispenser, stainless steel Saft-Milchkanne, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à jus-lait, inox Dispensador de zumo/leche, inox

art. dim. cm. 41917-02 42x35

art. dim. cm. 41907-02 42x35

art. dim. cm. 41910-02 42x35

h. 52

lt. 2x6

h. 52

lt. 2x6

Distributore succhi/latte, inox/faggio Juice/milk dispenser, s/s - beech wood Saft-Milchkanne, Edelstahl/Buche Distributeur à jus-lait, inox/hêtre Dispensador de zumo/leche,inox/madera

Distributore di succhi, inox Juice dispenser, stainless steel Saftdispenser, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à jus, inox Dispensador de zumo, inox

art. dim. cm. 41920-02 42x35

art. dim. cm. 41901-08 36x26


h. 52

lt. 5+6

h. 55

h. 52

lt. 5+6

Distributore di succhi DUO, inox DUO Juice dispenser, s/s Saftdispenser DUO, Edelstahl Rostfrei Distributeur à jus DUO, inox Dispensador de zumo, doble, inox

lt. 8

art. dim. cm. 41901-16 36x52

h. 55

lt. 8x2




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Distributore di latte, base legno Milk dispenser, beech-wood base Milchkanne, Buchenholz-Fuß Distributeur à lait, pied en bois Dispensador de leche, madera

Caraffa termica, inox Air pot, stainless steel Thermopumpkanne, Edelstahl Rostfrei Pot à air isothermique, inox Jarra térmica, inox

Caraffa termica, inox Air pot, stainless steel Thermopumpkanne, Edelstahl Rostfrei Pot à air isothermique, inox Jarra térmica, inox

art. dim. cm. 41900-04 23x32 41900-10 27x38,5

art. 42400-19 42400-25 42400-30

art. 42406-35 42406-40

h. 42 45

lt. 4 10

Alzata frutta, RATTAN Fruit stand Büffet-Etagère Etagère à fruits Expositor de frutas

art. 41821-55

ø cm. 30-40-50

h. 55

lt. 1,9 2,5 3,0

Alzata Royale, inox Fruit stand, stainless steel Obstständer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Etagère Royale, inox Expositor de frutas, inox

Ciotola porta frutta, inox Fruit bowl, stainless steel Obstschale, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bol à fruits, inox Bol de frutas, inox

art. 41820-03

art. 41449-33

ø cm. 24-33-42

Alzata frutta, 3 piani, inox Fruit stand, 3 tiers, s/s Obstständer, 3-stöckig, Edelstahl Etagère à fruits, 3 étages, inox Frutero 3 pisos, inox

Espositore porta frutta Fruit stand Obstspender Etagère à fruits Expositor de frutas

art. 42940-03

art. 41449-27

ø cm. 30-35-40

lt. 3,5 4,0

ø cm. 27,5

h. 50

ø cm. 33

h. 28

Ciotola porta frutta, inox Fruit bowl, stainless steel Obstschale, Edelstahl Rostfrei Bol à fruits, inox Bol de frutas, inox

h. 32

Ciotola inox . Struttura in filo cromato. Stainless steel pan, chrome plated wire.

art. 41449-32

ø cm. 32

h. 53

Ciotola inox . Struttura in filo cromato. Stainless steel pan, chrome plated wire.





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Alzata frutta, 4 piani, inox Fruit stand, 4 tiers, s/s Obstständer, 4-stöckig, Edelstahl Serviteur muet, 4 étages, inox Frutero, 4 alturas, inox

Alzata per torte, alluminio Wedding cake stand, aluminium Hochzeitstortenständer, Aluminium Support pour tourte de mariage, alu Pedestal para tartas, aluminio

Alzata torta, 5 piani, inox Cake stand, 5 tiers, s/s Kuchenständer, 5-stöckig, Edelstahl Presentoir pâtissier, 5 étages, inox Pedestal para tartas, 5 alturas, inox

art. 41532-04

art. 47100-03 47100-04 47100-05 47100-06 47100-07 47100-08 47100-09

art. 41533-05

ø cm. h. 22-27-30-36 64

ø cm. 20-26-32 20-26-32-40 20-26-32-40-45 20-26-32-40-45-50 16-20-26-32-40-45-50 16-20-26-32-40-45-50-55 16-20-26-32-40-45-50-55-60

ø cm. 11-22-24-30-36

Alzata torta, inox Cake stand, s/s Tortenplatte, Edelstahl Rostfrei Gueridon pâtissier, inox Pedestal para tartas, inox

Alzata torta, inox Cake stand, s/s Tortenplatte, Edelstahl Rostfrei Gueridon pâtissier, inox Pedestal para tartas, inox

Coppa punch, inox Punch bowl, s/s Punchbowle, Edelstahl Rostfrei Rafraîchisseur, inox Ponchero, acero inox

art. 41538-20 41538-24 41538-30 41538-36

art. 47099-22 47099-30 47099-36

art. 11956-37 11956-42

ø cm. 20 24 30 36

h. 5 5 5 5

ø cm. 22 30 36

h. 10 10 10

ø cm. 37 42

h. 64

lt. 9,5 15,0

Anello portabottiglie/bicchieri, inox Bottle/glass ring insert, s/s Flaschen-/Gläser-Einsatzring, Edelstahl Anneau porte verres et bouteilles, inox Anillo para botellas y vasos, inox

Coppa punch, policarbonato Punch bowl, PC Punchbowle, PC Rafraîchisseur, PC Ponchero, PC

Secchio champagne, acrilico Wine party tub, acrylic Flaschenkühler-Bowle, acryl Rafraîchisseur à bouteilles, acrylique Ponchero, acrílico

art. 11956-AA 11956-AB

art. 41541-44

art. dim cm. 44946-04 40x28


ø cm. 37 42

ø cm. 44

lt. 15

Piede inox. - Stainless steel bottom ring.

h. 23




Page 331

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Presentazione Display

Secchio portabottiglie, acrilico Big party tub, acrylic Flaschenkühler-Bowle, acryl Rafraîchisseur à bouteilles, acrylique Ponchero, acrílico

Coppa champagne, inox Champagne bowl, s/s Champagne Bowle, Edelstahl Rostfrei Vasque grand dôme, inox Ponchero, inox

Coppa champagne, inox Champagne bowl, s/s Champagne Bowle, Edelstahl Rostfrei Vasque grand dôme, inox Ponchero, inox

art. dim. cm. 44946-05 35x35 35x35 44946B05

art. 42979-50

art. 42982-01

h. 20 trasp./clear 20 nero/black

ø cm. 50

lt. 25

ø cm. 21

h. 39

Fontana cioccolato, inox Chocolate fountain, s/s Schokolade-Brunnen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Fontaine à chocolat, inox Fuente chocolate, inox

art. 42982-03

art. 42982-02

kg. 23,5

Elettric, per 40/100 persone. Cioccolato min. 3 kg max 5 kg. - Electric, for 40/100 guests. Chocolate min. 3 kg max 5 kg.

ø cm. 28

h. 56


W 170

kg. 4,5

kg. 7,5

Anello per fontanina Ring for chocolate fountain Ring für Schokolade-Brunnen Anneau pour fontaine à chocolat Anillo para fuente chocolate

art. 42983R21



Fontana cioccolato, inox Chocolate fountain, s/s Schokolade-Brunnen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Fontaine à chocolat, inox Fuente chocolate, inox

Fontana cioccolato, inox Chocolate fountain, s/s Schokolade-Brunnen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Fontaine à chocolat, inox Fuente chocolate, inox

h. 81

h. 41,5

A batterie, per 6/8 persone. Cioccolato min. 0,6 kg max 0,8 kg. - Powered by rechargeable batteries, for 6/8 guests. Chocolate min. 0,6 kg max 0,8 kg.

art. 42983-21

ø cm. 28

ø cm. 20

ø cm. 52

h. 16

Fontana cioccolato, inox Chocolate fountain, s/s Schokolade-Brunnen, Edelstahl Rostfrei Fontaine à chocolat, inox Fuente chocolate, inox

art. 42984-05

ø cm. 37,5

h. 80

Elettric, per 20/40 persone. Cioccolato min. 1,5 kg max 2,5 kg. - Electric, for 20/40 guests. Chocolate min. 1,5 kg max 2,5 kg.





Page 332

art. 42981-25

ø cm. 50

h. 60


Fontana cocktails, inox Cocktail fountain, s/s Cocktails-Laufbrunnen, Edelstahl Fontaine à cocktails, inox Fuente cocktail, inox

lt. 25

Cascata champagne, inox Champagne Waterfall, stainless steel Sekt Wasserfall,Edelstahl Rostfrei Cascade à champagne, inox Cascada champaña, inox

art. 42980-01

ø cm. 45

h. 5,5

Illuminazione della colonna, 12V. Prodotto NON consigliato per liquidi gasati o champagne. - With light inside the column, 12V. NOT recommend for use with fizzy drinks or champagne.

Fornita in cassa di legno, con 4 dischi inPMMA, 1 tubo diffusore bianco, illuminazione a LED a cicli di più colori. - Delivered in wood case, with 4 PMMA discs, 1 white diffusing tube, lightingh with LED in alternating colors.

Fontana cocktails, inox Cocktail fountain, s/s Cocktails-Laufbrunnen, Edelstahl Fontaine à cocktails, inox Fuente cocktail, inox

Cascata champagne, inox Champagne Waterfall, stainless steel Sekt Wasserfall,Edelstahl Rostfrei Cascade à champagne, inox Cascada champaña, inox

art. 42981-73

ø cm. 42

h. 56

lt. 15

Illuminazione della colonna, 12V. Prodotto NON consigliato per liquidi gasati o champagne. - With light inside the column, 12V. NOT recommend for use with fizzy drinks or champagne.





art. 42980-02

ø cm. 45

h. 5,5

Fornita in cassa di legno, con 4 dischi in PMMA, 1 tubo diffusore bianco, illuminazione a LED a cicli di più colori. - Delivered in wood case, with 4 PMMA discs, 1 white diffusing tube, lightingh with LED in alternating colors.




Page 333



Alzate Torta Cake Stands

Le alzate sono realizzate in robusto materiale plastico (polistirolo - PS) nel pieno rispetto delle norme che regolano la produzione di attrezzature destinate al contatto alimentare. Possono essere decorate direttamente sulla loro superficie, senza l’applicazione di alcun collante. La alzate scomponibili sono facilmente lavabili in lavastoviglie. Non necessitano di manutenzione particolare.

Made in strong plastic material (polystyrene - PS) suitable for food contact. They can be decorated straight on their surface, without need of glue. The cake stands can be easily washed and cleaned in dishwasher. No particular maintenance is required.





Page 334




Cinque piani utili, Ø piatti cm. 28, 26, 24 e nr. 2 da 22 cm. Five levels, Ø of plates cm. 28, 26, 24 and no. 2 of 22 cm.

art. 47910-10

dim. cm. 88x30

h. 39

porzioni/portions 45/55

art. 47910-AA

ø cm. 85

h. 23

porzioni/portions 85/95

Velocipede - Bicycle

Due cuori - Two hearts

Tre piani utili: 2 Ø 22 cm, 15 Ø 26 cm. Può essere utilizzata con la base 47910-AA - Fino a 110/120 porzioni. - Three levels: 2 Ø 22 cm, 1 Ø 26 cm. Can be used with base 47910-AA - Up to 110/120 portions.

Un piano utile. E’ possibile usare singolarmente il cuore intero. One level. It is possible to use the whole heart singularly.

art. 47910-02

dim. cm. 90x35

h. 60

porzioni/portions 25/30

art. 47910-05 47910-06

dim. cm. 120x65 85x45



Quattro piani utili: 4 ø 20 cm, 1 ø 25 cm. Four levels: 4 ø 20 cm, 1 ø 25 cm.

Quattro piani utili ø 30 cm. Four levels ø 30 cm.

art. 47910-17

art. 47910-16


ø cm. 62

h. 38

porzioni/portions 30/35

ø cm. 70

porzioni/portions 80/90 40/45

h. 50

porzioni/portions 50/60




Page 335

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Alzate Torta Cake Stands


Culla - Cradle

Undici piani utili: 5 cm. 32x16, 5 cm. 20x10, 1 ø cm. 18. Eleven levels: 5 cm. 32x16, 5 cm. 20x10, 1 ø cm. 18.

Piano utile cm. 50x30. Può essere utilizzata con la base 47910-AA. One level cm. 50x30. Ideal to be used with base 47910-AA.

art. 47910-11

art. 47910-14

ø cm. 70

h. 25

porzioni/portions 55/60

dim. cm. 55x50

h. 38

porzioni/portions 25/30



Dodici piani utili: 4 ø cm. 32, 7 ø cm. 26, 1 ø cm. 32. Twelve levels: 4 ø cm. 32, 7 ø cm. 26, 1 ø cm. 32.

Piani utili: 5 Ø 26 cm, 5 Ø 20 cm, 1 Ø 34 cm. Levels: 5 Ø 26 cm, 5 Ø 20 cm, 1 Ø 34 cm.

art. 47910-15

art. 47910-01

ø cm. 110

h. 130

porzioni/portions 145/155

ø cm. 80

h. 70

porzioni/portions 100/110

Conchiglia - Shell

Cornucopia - The horn of plenty

La base può essere riempita di ghiaccio. Può essere utilizzata con la base 47910-AA. Fino a 120/140 porzioni. - The base can be filled with ice to keep food fresh. Can be used with base 47910-AA. - Up to 120/140 portions.

Può essere utilizzata con la base 47910-AA. Can be used with base 47910-AA.

art. 47910-03

art. 47910-04

ø cm. 60

h. 70

porzioni/portions 35/45

dim. cm. 54x29

h. 62 335




Page 336


Colonna quadra - Square column

Colonna tonda - Round column

Quattro piani utili: cm. 40x40, cm. 35x35, cm. 30x30, cm. 25x25. Four levels: cm. 40x40, cm. 35x35, cm. 30x30, cm. 25x25.

Quattro piani utili: cm. ø 39, cm. ø 34, cm. ø 29, cm. ø 24. Four levels: cm. ø 39, cm. ø 34, cm. ø 29, cm. ø 24.

art. 47910-07

art. 47910-08

h. 80

porzioni/portions 80/85

Colonna cuore - Heart column

Quattro piani utili: cm. 40x34, cm. 35x30, cm. 30x26, cm. 25x21. Four levels: cm. 40x34, cm. 35x30, cm. 30x26, cm. 25x21.

art. 47910-09

dim. cm. 40x34

h. 80

porzioni/portions 40/50

Orsetto - Teddy Bear Tre piani utili: 2 Ø 20 cm, 1 Ø 35 cm. Three levels: 2 Ø 20 cm, 1 Ø 35 cm.

art. 47910-12

ø cm. 45

h. 51


dim. cm. 40x40

ø cm. 39

h. 80

porzioni/portions 40/50

Cicogna - Stork

Tre piani utili: cm. ø 25, cm. ø 30, cm. ø 35. Three levels: cm. ø 25, cm. ø 30, cm. ø 35.

art. 47910-18

ø cm. 35

h. 125

porzioni/portions 55/65

Coniglietto - Bunny Tre piani utili: 2 Ø 20 cm, 1 Ø 35 cm. Three levels: 2 Ø 20 cm, 1 Ø 35 cm.

porzioni/portions 24/26

art. 47910-13

ø cm. 45

h. 70

porzioni/portions 24/26

Le alzate sono realizzate in polistirolo espanso e dipinte mediante l’uso di coloranti alimentari. All’occorrenza pulire con una spugna morbida imbevuta con acqua. Made in strong polystyrene foam and decorated with alimentary colours. If necessary clean with a moist soft sponge.





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Sculture Ghiaccio Ice Sculptures

Stampi riutilizzabili per sculture di ghiaccio in speciale materiale plastico con l’aggiunta di uno strato esterno di resina arancione che conferisce ai due gusci più elasticità e resistenza durante l’espansione del ghiaccio. La guarnizione siliconica posizionata all’interno del guscio ed il sistema di fissaggio composto da un kit di volantini non permettono la fuoriuscita dell’acqua. Si consiglia di riempire lo stampo con acqua e piccoli pezzetti di ghiaccio. Per ottenere una scultura più trasparente è consigliabile prolungare il processo di congelazione. La temperatura ottimale è tra i –10°C e –20°C. Prima di aprire lo stampo lasciare a temperatura ambiente per 10 minuti. Aprire lo stampo quando si trova in posizione orizzontale. Estrarre la scultura dallo stampo, rimuovere il ghiaccio in eccesso con laiuto di un cutter, pulire e lucidare la scultura con un cannello e/o un panno.

Reusable moulds for ice sculptures made of special plastic with an additional external orange coating of resin which makes the two shells more elastic and more resistant against ice expension. The silicone trimming inside the shell and the fixing screws do not let the water come out. We suggest to fill the mould with water and small ice cubes. In order to obtain a more transparent sculpture we suggest to prolong the freezing process as much as possible. Recommended temperature between –10°C and –20°C. Before opening the mould leave it at room temperature for 10 minutes then open the mould horizontally on a table and extract the sculpture. Remove exiding ice with a cutter and polish the sculpture with a mini torch and/or a cloth.





Page 338


Cigno Swan Schwan Cygne Cisne

art. 47880R01

Ancora Anchor Anker Ancre Ancle

cm. scultura/sculpture 42x26 h. 53

cm. stampo/mould 60x25 h. 65

kg. 7

Delfino Dolphin Delphin Dauphin Delfin

art. 47880R03


cm. scultura/sculpture 47x26 h. 56

cm. stampo/mould 67x29 h. 62

kg. 8

cm. scultura/sculpture 48x56 h. 15

cm. stampo/mould 60x61 h. 15

kg. 7

cm. scultura/sculpture 41x25 h. 64

cm. stampo/mould 54x25 h. 78

kg. 7,5

Conchiglia Shell Muschel Coquille Concha

cm. scultura/sculpture 37x25 h. 58

cm. stampo/mould 65x25 h. 69

kg. 7

Chiave di Sol Treble clef G-Schlüssel Clef triple Nota musicale

art. 47880R05

art. 47880R02

art. 47880R04

Pantera Panther Panther Panthère Pantera

cm. scultura/sculpture 36x26 h. 67

cm. stampo/mould 50x26 h. 78

kg. 7,5

art. 47880R06




Page 339

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Sculture Ghiaccio Ice Sculptures

Sposi Bridegrooms Ehepaar Epoux Esposi

art. 47880R07

Pesce Fish Fisch Poisson Pez

cm. scultura/sculpture 41x41 h. 83

cm. stampo/mould 51x96 h. 41

kg. 9

art. 47880R08

Sirena Mermaid Seejungfer Sirène Sirena

art. 47880R10

cm. stampo/mould 69x25 h. 70

kg. 8

cm. scultura/sculpture 47x26 h. 56

cm. stampo/mould 67x29 h. 62

kg. 8

cm. scultura/sculpture 48 h. 19

cm. stampo/mould 62 h. 20

kg. 5

Cavalluccio marino Seahorse Seepferdchen Morse Caballito de mar

cm. scultura/sculpture 46x33 h. 86

cm. stampo/mould 60x100 h. 33

kg. 8

art. 47880R11


Poseidone Poseidon Poseidon Poseidon Poseidon

art. 47880R12

cm. scultura/sculpture 58x25 h. 56

cm. scultura/sculpture 48x56 h. 19

cm. stampo/mould 71x56 h. 20

kg. 5,5

Ares Ares Ares Ares Ares

art. 47880R13





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Efesto Efesto Efesto Efesto Efesto

art. 47880R14

Afrodite Aphrodite Afrodite Afrodite Afrodite

cm. scultura/sculpture 48 h. 30

cm. stampo/mould 52 h. 30

kg. 4

cm. scultura/sculpture 40 h. 20

cm. stampo/mould 52 h. 23

kg. 4

Demetra Demeter Demetra Demetra Demetra

art. 47880R18 340

cm. scultura/sculpture 51 h. 22

cm. stampo/mould 63 h. 24

kg. 5

cm. scultura/sculpture 39x39 h. 14

cm. stampo/mould 53x53 h. 18

kg. 4,5

cm. scultura/sculpture 39 h. 15

cm. stampo/mould 53 h. 19

kg. 4,5

cm. scultura/sculpture 40x40 h. 17

cm. stampo/mould 54x54 h. 20

kg. 5

Artemide Artemis Artemide Artemide Artemide

art. 47880R17



art. 47880R16


Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo

art. 47880R15

Vesta Vesta Vesta Vesta Vesta

art. 47880R19




Page 341

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Sculture Ghiaccio Ice Sculptures

Coltello ghiaccio Ice knife Eis-Messer Couteau à glace Cuchillo para hielo

art. 47885-01

l. cm. 25

Scalpello ghiaccio a V V shape chisel Eismeissel Ciseau à glace Cinsel a V para hielo

kg. 0,12

art. 47885-02

l. cm. 31,5

Scalpello ghiaccio 3 lati smussati Medium flat chisel Eismeissel Ciseau à glace Cinsel para hielo

kg. 0,28

art. 47885-03

l. cm. 50

Scalpello ghiaccio un lato smussato Big flat chisel Eismeissel Ciseau à glace Cinsel para hielo

Set 4 pezzi scalpelli ghiaccio Four pieces ice chisel set Eismeissel set 4 stück 4 pcs set ciseau à glace Cinseles para hielo, 4 piezas

Cannello professionale Chef’s torch Profi-Wärmepistole Chalumeau de cuisine Flambeador profesional

art. 47885-04

art. 47885-05

art. 47841-03

l. cm. 74,5

kg. 0,78

dim. cm. 8x7x16

kg. 0,45

ml. 20

gr. 220

Cannello professionale Chef’s torch Profi-Wärmepistole Chalumeau de cuisine Flambeador profesional

art. 47841-04

dim. cm. 12x7x18

ml. 28

gr. 420





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Atlantic Buffet System

Atlantic Buffet System: polifunzionale, pratico e maneggevole, impilabile e semplice nella forma. Facile da pulire è velocemente smontabile in tutte le sue parti senza l’uso di attrezzi e viti. Il coperchio si arresta nella posizione desiderata senza necessità di trattenerlo; il particolare meccanismo della cerniera evita la sua chiusura brusca e rumorosa. 342

Multifunctional, practical and easy to handle, smooth design and easily stackable. Easy to clean, all of the components can be easily and quickly disassembled (no screws, no tools are required). The lid rests in the desired position, no need to hold it while serving. The specially designed hinge mechanism will avoid the lid from dropping while closing.




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BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Atlantic Buffet System

Idonei per ogni tipo di cottura: gas, elettrica e induzione. Suitable for use on any type of stove: gas, electric and induction.

Vasca dotata di foro, raccoglie le gocce convogliandole direttamente nel bagnomaria senza dover aggiungere acqua durante l’uso. Basin with hole collects the water flow directly back into the bain-marie container without the need of adding water while in use.

Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

art. 58162A54

art. 58162E54

dim. cm. 57x47

h. 30,5

lt. 10

dim. cm. 57x47

Il coperchio può essere facilmente estratto sollevandolo verso l’alto. The lid can be lifted for an easy removal.

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

h. 30,5

lt. 10

art. 58162U54

dim. cm. 57x47

h. 30,5

lt. 10

Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

250V - 360W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

120V - 450W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

art. 58162A56

art. 58162E56

dim. cm. 68,5x35,5

h. 30,5

lt. 10

Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

dim. cm. 68,5x35,5

h. 30,5

lt. 10

250V - 360W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

art. 58162U56

dim. cm. 68,5x35,5

h. 30,5

lt. 10

120V - 450W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.





Page 344


Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

art. 58166A24 58166A30 58166A36 58166A40

art. Ø cm. 58166E24 24 58166E30 30 58166E36 36 58166E40 40

Ø cm. 24 30 36 40

h. 27 27 27 28

lt. 2,00 2,75 5,00 7,80

h. 27 27 27 28

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

lt. 2,00 2,75 5,00 7,80

W 80 360 190 190

art. Ø cm. 58166U24 24 58166U36 36 58166U40 40

h. 27 27 28

lt. 2,00 5,00 7,80

W 170 240 240

h. 35

lt. 7

120V 250V

Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

art. 58168A24

Ø cm. 24

h. 35

lt. 7

Zuppiera senza coperchio Soup-tureen without cover Suppenschüssel ohne Deckel Soupière sans couvercle Sopera sin tapa

art. 58168-GA


Ø cm. 24

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

lt. 7

art. 58168E24

Ø cm. 24

h. 35

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

lt. 7

art. 58168U24

Ø cm. 24

250V - 80W

120V - 170W

Supporto rettangolare Rectangular stand Ständer, rechteckig Suport rectangulaire Supporto rectangular

Supporto rotondo Round stand Ständer, rund Suport rond Supporto redondo

art. 58162-AA

art. 58166-AA 58166-AM 58166-AB 58166-AC

Ø cm. 24 30 36 40




Page 345

BAR HAPPY HOUR BUFFET Atlantic Buffet System

Descrizione - Description


dim. cm.



Atlantic Buffet System GN 1/1 Apertura lato lungo Opening long side





Atlantic Buffet System GN 1/1 Apertura lato corto Opening short side





Ricambio frizione per ABS apertura lato lungo Spare clutch for long side opening ABS


Ricambio frizione per ABS apertura lato corto Spare clutch for short side opening ABS


Elemento elettrico EU per ABS rettangolari - 250V - 360W Electric heating unit EU for rectangular ABS



Elemento elettrico US per ABS rettangolari - 120V - 450W Electric heating unit US for rectangular ABS



Atlantic Buffet System

58166-24 58166-30 58166-36 58166-40

ø24 ø30 ø36 ø40

Ricambio frizione per ABS tondo Spare clutch for round ABS

58166-AD 58166-AH 58166-AE 58166-AF

ø24 ø30 ø36 ø40

Elemento elettrico EU per ABS tondo ø24 - 250V - 80W Electric heating unit EU for ø24 round ABS



Elemento elettrico US per ABS tondo ø24 - 120V - 170W Electric heating unit US for ø24 round ABS



Elemento elettrico EU per ABS tondo ø30 - 250V - 360W Electric heating unit EU for ø30 round ABS



Elemento elettrico EU per ABS tondo ø36-40 - 250V - 190W Electric heating unit EU for ø36-40 round ABS



Elemento elettrico US per ABS tondo ø36-40 - 120V - 240W Electric heating unit US for ø36-40 round ABS



Termoregolatore EU per ABS rettangolari e tondi ø36-40 Thermoregulator EU for rectangular and round ø36-40 ABS


Termoregolatore US per ABS rettangolari e tondi ø36-40 Thermoregulator US for rectangular and round ø36-40 ABS


Set portacombustibile solido per ABS ø24-30-36 Fuel holder kit for ABS ø24-30-36


Set portacombustibile solido per ABS rettangolari e ø40 Fuel holder kit for ABS rectangular and ø40


Inserto porcellana Porcelain food pan

58166-EA 58166-EL 58166-EC 58166-EE

ø24 ø30 ø36 ø40

Inserto porcellana Porcelain food pan

58166-ED 58166-EF

ø36 ø40

2,00 2,75 5,00 7,80






ASIA 2000

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Page 347


Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

art. 58152A54

art. 58152E54

dim. cm. 67x49

h. 44

lt. 10

dim. cm. 67x49

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

h. 44

lt. 10

art. 58152U54

dim. cm. 67x49

h. 44

lt. 10

Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

250V - 360W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

120V - 450W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

art. 58156A33 58156A40

art. Ø cm. 58156E33 33 58156E40 40

Ø cm. 33 40

h. 47 61

lt. 3,5 6,0

Scaldacaffè Coffee urn Kaffeedispenser Réchaud à café Calentador de café

art. 58351A06 58351A09 58351A12 58351A18

h. cm. 53 59 69 85

lt. 06 09 12 18

h. 47 61

lt. 3,5 6,0

W 200 360

art. Ø cm. 58156U33 33 58156U40 40



Targhette, inox Plates, stainless steel Schilder, Edelstahl rostfrei Etiquettes, inox Etiquetas, inox

Scaldacaffè Coffee urn Kaffeedispenser Réchaud à café Calentador de café

art. 58341-EC 58341-EW 58341-EM 58341-ET

Coffee Water Milk Tea

dim. cm. 11x33 11x33 11x33 11x33

art. dim. cm. 41903-10 31x33,5

h. 47 61

h. 54,5

lt. 3,5 6,0

W 240 450

lt. 10,5

Disponibile anche nella versione con alimentazione elettrica (vedi listino). Available also with electric heating unit (see price-list).





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Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

art. 41693A54

art. 41693E54

dim. cm. 64x35

h. 40

lt. 10

dim. cm. 64x35

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

h. 40

lt. 10

art. 41693U54

dim. cm. 64x35

h. 40

lt. 10

Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

250V - 360W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

120V - 450W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

Riscaldamento a combustibile solido Solid fuel heating Mit Brennstoff beheizt Chauffage combustible solide Calefacción con combustible sólido

Riscaldamento elettrico, EU Electric heating, EU Elektrisch beheizt, EU Chauffage électrique, EU Calefacción eléctrica, EU

Riscaldamento elettrico, US Electric heating, US Elektrisch beheizt, US Chauffage électrique, US Calefacción eléctrica, US

art. 41694A54

art. 41694E54

dim. cm. 64x35

h. 40

lt. 10

dim. cm. 64x35

h. 40

lt. 10

Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

250V - 360W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.

Scaldavivande con zuppiere Standard chafing-dish with soup tureens Chafing-dish mit Suppentöpfe Chafing-dish avec soupières Chafing dish con 2 soperas

Scaldavivande per agnello Lamb chafing-dish Lamm-Chafing-dish Chafing-dish géant Chafing dish para cordero

art. 41694A02

art. 41694A60

dim. cm. 64x35

h. 33

Fornito con 2 portacombustibili. Equipped with 2 fuel-holders.


kg. 10

Ø cm. 66

h. 30

Fornito con 4 portacombustibili. Equipped with 4 fuel-holders.

kg. 17

art. 41694U54

dim. cm. 64x35

h. 40

lt. 10

120V - 450W Dotato di vasca GN 1/1, h. 65 mm. Equipped with food pan GN 1/1, h. 65 mm.




Page 349


Descrizione - Description


dim. cm.

Portavivande tondo, inox Round food pan, stainless steel

58136-EA 58136-EB

Portavivande tondo, porcellana Round food pan, porcelain



ø33 ø40

6,0 7,5

3,5 6,0

44352-30 44352-40

ø33 ø40

5,7 7,5

Portavivande tondo 2 scomparti, porcellana Round food pan 2 sections, porcelain

44355-30 44355-40

ø33 ø40

5,7 7,5

Portavivande GN 1/1, porcellana Food pan GN 1/1, porcelain

44332-03 44332-06

53x32,5 53x32,5

2,0 6,5

Portacombustibile, inox. Adatto per gli scaldavivande art. 41693 e 41694. Fuel holder, s/s. Suitable for chafing dishes items 41693 and 41694.




Portacombustibile, inox. Adatto per gli scaldavivande art. 58152 e 58156. Fuel holder, s/s. Suitable for chafing dishes items 58152 and 58156.




Portacombustibile, inox. Adatto per gli sclaldacaffè art. 58351. Fuel holder, s/s. Suitable for coffee urn item 58351.




Elemento elettrico EU per rettangolari e tondi ø40 - 250V - 360W Electric heating unit EU for rectangular and round ø40



Elemento elettrico US per rettangolari e tondi ø40 - 120V - 450W Electric heating unit US for rectangular and round ø40



Elemento elettrico EU per tondo ø33 - 250V - 200W Electric heating unit EU for ø33



Elemento elettrico US per tondo ø33 - 120V - 240W Electric heating unit US for ø33



Elemento elettrico EU per scaldacaffè art. 58351 - 250V - 80W Electric heating unit EU for coffee urn item 58351



Elemento elettrico US per scaldacaffè art. 58351 - 120V - 170W Electric heating unit US for coffee urn item 58351



Ricambio frizione per scaldavivande rettangolari art. 58152 e 58156. Spare clutch for rectangular chafing dishes items 58152 and 58156.

58132-KG 58132-KH

destra/right sinistra/left

Ricambio frizione per scaldavivande tondi art.58156. Spare clutch for round chafing dishes items 58156.

58136-KG 58136-KL 58136-KH

sinistra/left sinistra/left destra/right

PYROGEL® Gel combustibile, barattolo Jelly fuel tin Brenngel-Dose Gel combustible, boîte Combustible gel



PYROGEL® Gel combustibile, flacone Jelly fuel bottle Brenngel-Flasche Gel combustible, flacon Combustible gel, botella


lt. 1

PYROGEL® Gel combustibile, bidone Jelly fuel bucket Brenngel-Eimer Gel combustible, seau Combustible gel, bidon

41695-50 41695-90

lt. 5 lt. 10

Pompa dosatrice, polietilene Measuring pump, PE Dosierspender, PE Pompe doseuse, PE Bomba dosificadora


Per bidoni profondità max: For buckets max depth: 25 cm.

ø33 ø40 ø33-40



u.pack: 2

kg. 4 kg. 8





Page 350


Samovar, inox Samovar, stainless steel Samovar, Edelstahl Rostfrei Samovar, inox Samovar, acero inox

art. 49856-10

dim. cm. 39x46

Samovar, inox Samovar, stainless steel Samovar, Edelstahl Rostfrei Samovar, inox Samovar, acero inox

h. 51

lt. 10

art. 49855-05

dim. cm. 31x26

Samovar, inox Samovar, stainless steel Samovar, Edelstahl Rostfrei Samovar, inox Samovar, acero inox

h. 56

lt. 5

art. 49855-15

dim. cm. 42x37

230V - min 700W - max 3000W

230V - 1300W

230V - 1500W

Samovar, inox Samovar, stainless steel Samovar, Edelstahl Rostfrei Samovar, inox Samovar, acero inox

Bollitore acqua/thè, inox Water/tea boiler, stainless steel Wasser-/Teekocher, Edelstahl Bouilloire eau/thè, inox Hervidor agua/té, inox

Caffettiera elettrica Coffee maker, electric Kaffeeautomat Cafetière èlectrique Cafetera eléctrica

art. 49856-04

Ø cm. 27,5

h. 41,5

lt. 4

230V - 2500W

art. 49854-02

dim. cm. 43x27,5

h. 28

lt. 1,7

230V - 2200W

art. 49848-10 49848-15 49848-BB

h. 72

Ø cm. h. 25,7 53 25,7 62 200 filtri/filters

lt. 15

lt. 10 15

230V - 1520W

Caffettiera elettrica Coffee maker, electric Kaffeeautomat Cafetière èlectrique Cafetera eléctrica

art. 49848-05 49848-BA 230V - 1115W


Ø cm. h. 18,5 48 200 filtri/filters

Scatola portabustine thè, legno Tea-box, wood Teebox, Holz Boîte à sachets de thé, bois Caja para bolsitas de té, madera

lt. 5

art. 41614-33

dim. cm. 33,5x20

Scatola portabustine thè, legno Tea-box, wood Teebox, Holz Boîte à sachets de thé, bois Caja para bolsitas de té, madera

h. 9

art. 41614-34

dim. cm. 33,5x20

h. 9




Page 351


Scatola portabustine thè, legno Tea-box, wood Teebox, Holz Boîte à sachets de thé, bois Caja para bolsitas de té, madera

art. 41614-35

dim. cm. 31x28

Scatola portabustine thè, legno Tea-box, wood Teebox, Holz Boîte à sachets de thé, bois Caja para bolsitas de té, madera

h. 9

art. 41614-36

Zuppiera elettrica Soup warmer, electric Suppenwärmer, elektrisch Marmite à soupe, électrique Ollas para sopa, eléctrica

dim. cm. 31x28

h. 9

art. 49847-08

Ø cm. 32

h. 36

lt. 9


230V - 400W

Zuppiera, inox Soup warmer, stainless steel Suppenwärmer, Edelstahl Rostfrei Marmite à soupe, inox Ollas para sopa, inox

art. 49790-09

Ø cm. 48


h. 32

lt. 10


Zuppiera elettrica, duo Electric soup warmer, double Duo Suppenstation, elektrisch Marmite à soupe double, électrique Baño maria doble, eléctrica

Dosasalse, inox Condiment lever dispenser, s/s Hebeldosierspender, Edelstahl Rostfrei Doseur, inox Dispensador, inox

art. 49847-16

art. 41527-03

dim. cm. 34x57

h. 35

lt. 2x8

dim. cm. 50x18

h. 21

kg. 3x3

230V - 1200W

Lampada ad infrarossi, cromata Infra red lamp, chromed Infrarot-Wärmestrahler,chromiert Lampe chauffante infra-rouge, chromate Lampara a rayos infrarojos, cromado

Lampada ad infrarossi, cromata Infra red lamp, chromed Infrarot-Wärmestrahler,chromiert Lampe chauffante infra-rouge, chromate Lampara a rayos infrarojos, cromado

Lampada ad infrarossi, cromata Infra red lamp, chromed Infrarot-Wärmestrahler,chromiert Lampe chauffante infra-rouge, chromate Lampara a rayos infrarojos, cromado

art. dim. cm. 49991-11 64x28

art. dim. cm. 49991-21 75x53

art. dim. cm. 49991-31 103x53

h. 86

V 230

W 250

h. 72

V 230

W 500

h. 72

V 230

W 750 351




Page 352


Lampada ad infrarossi con piano caldo Infra red lamp with warming plate Infrarot-Wärmestrahler u. Speisewärmer Lampe infra-rouge avec plaque chauffante Lampara con plancha caliente

Lampada ad infrarossi con piano caldo Infra red lamp with warming plate Infrarot-Wärmestrahler u. Speisewärmer Lampe infra-rouge avec plaque chauffante Lampara con plancha caliente

Lampada ad infrarossi con piano caldo Infra red lamp with warming plate Infrarot-Wärmestrahler u. Speisewärmer Lampe infra-rouge avec plaque chauffante Lampara con plancha caliente

art. dim. cm. 49992-11 36x56

art. dim. cm. 49992-21 69x56

art. dim. cm. 49992-31 104x56


h. 72

V 230

W 700

h. 83

V 230

W 700

h. 83

V W 230 1400

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