Grade 5 Poetry e-book

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Poetry from the Heart

Dedication We dedicate this book to our beloved Vivienne Finn and Marian McLeod.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller

About us... During this unique time of distance-learning, the fifth grade has used poetry to express their thoughts and feelings about our new world. In recent weeks, they’ve explored techniques of alliteration, onomatopoeia, metaphor, and personification. As you enjoy each poem, notice how many of these techniques you can spot at work. You’ll be amazed by the creativity of these wordsmiths.

Come, take a listen! 5th graders used Flipgrid to record performances of their own poetry, as well as some old favorites. Click the link below to explore our videos.

5th Grade Poetry Performances

Madeleine Beaudry The Beach The waves somersault onto the beach, Sand flies around like a bird, Seagals chat about what they’re having for lunch The sun looks for something on the beach with a flashlight. Shells whistle in the wind. And the beach slowly breathes, in and out.

Lauren Bellissimo Lauren Bellissimo

Lots of red flowers on a bush, in the corner of my yard. A bright sunny day, lots of plants all around. Birds chirp, wind rustles the leaves. The dog barks and people talk Will it rain soon? Will the flowers wither and die? Lots of red flowers on a bush, in the corner of my yard.

The white puffy flakes pour down like rain The sun seeps out from hiding

Caitlin Buford

The clouds are full and look squishable Yet they are so far away The river is frozen The ice’s searing touch feels more like fire than snow The blanket looks so smooth Yet more snow is coming The clouds part and the sun comes out from a nap The snow still dances around me The silence is still, yet beautiful The trickle of water is coming from the river Woshhhhhh, the wind gives the snow a ride On his back and whispers he’ll be back But for now the wind and snow They play alone

By Caitlin Buford

Porter Campbell Nudge as the wind nudges me. Buzz the bee buzzes when it’s flying to each flower. I hear a sizzle, my dad is grilling some yummy food. Boom! Fireworks for the Fourth of July! Pow Wow! I see a dog running around rapidly. Crunch I take a bite of a chocolate bar.

Laurel Cary Everywhere you go all you can see are masks Especially at night That is when it is safest to do tasks The stores are empty Just like the streets Except for walkers Who may be looking to grow beets At home it is quiet And people might be cheating on their diet The disease spreads quickly just like fire And most people are barely using their tires But the community is fighting back While a vaccine is in sighting We all are hoping for the best So we can let the doctors and nurses rest

Caroline Collins The Sky When you wake up, it’s nice to see the beautiful sunshine, you go outside and look. When you see the beautiful clouds y, soon it is noon, and you feel like listening to your favorite tune. Now it is the evening and the moon lights the sky, and the sunset is as pretty as ever.

Japanese Ana Gazoni


The cherry blossoms fluttering The sun beaming The streets gleaming

Zeba Hart-Syed

My Dog

My dog is like a cannonball of energy, on a infinite loop. Running around the house, with his tongue lolling out, like a kid who has had too much sugar. Once he's done, he'll lay down and sleep for a while and if you wake him, he's like a bear with no honey.

Meghan Marshall Guilty Pleasure If it’s reading a book or watching tv Going on a walk, or binging James Charles videos is always fun for you and me Some say its bad, when they have one too Enjoy your pleasure when it last Don’t be cocky, have a blast, even if it’s trash When your’re sad, try it, you might just not want to stop.

Whoopsy Doops Test

Carolyn McBreen Quarantine oh Quarantine How I hate corona Quarantine oh Quarantine How I hate Quarantine Quarantine oh Quarantine How I am stuck Quarantine oh Quarantine How I am stuck inside Getting stuck in place Quarantine oh Quarantine Quarantine oh do go away Quarantine oh Quarantine Leave me alone Quarantine oh Quarantine Oh Thee so sick of you Quarantine oh Quarantine I don’t like cabin fever Quarantine oh Quarantine Quarantine oh Quarantine Quarantine oh Quarantine I don’t like cab i n fever

Test The test The test is today O my O gee Everyone is down To their knees Except one girl And she said “Whoopsy Doops, I forgot to study for the Whoopsy Doops Test!” Wait what? Whoopsy doops? What is whoopsy doops? A club? A class? Whatever, I’m in But they didn’t know What whoopsy doops meant So they walked right on in O MY! Their thy got cut right off All because they failed the Whoopsy doops test

Children playing with a ball In the dim light Shatter! Goes the grumpy man’s window Awakened from sleep Startled, he lunges for his cane And gets a heavy metal bat And creeps out the back door Into the bomb shelter Children realizing what They have done, run around screaming, Fearing the old wrinkly lumpy man, Will hit them with his bat and DEVOUR THEM And the old man cowering Lost In fear that the young The sun & the moon hooligans Use to be side by side Are going to throw balls at Then one day him The moon AND STEAL HIS CANE Just wandered away His only good cane The sun will walk around So will the moon That’s how day & night Took to flight

Allergies O my ACHOO My Pfft Allergies Hu hu hu Are so CHOOOOO Annoying Cough Please Pfft Help Pfft Pfft Me HA HA HA CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Get rid of HA HA HA HA Pfft Cough Pollen CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

All written by Carolyn McBreen

Haley Millowitz Lovely day The sun is like a big lightbulb in the sky. There is a light breeze that makes the day feel perfect. As I sit on my couch outside, I feel a little chill through my legs. I take in the beautiful day. Before you know it, the night has came.

Emilia Olivia 2019 Planes with excited tourists Trains full people A virus in other places No one cares Hugs between pairs Beaches full of life Cities full of noise Shops full of little boys

2020 Anyone out, not one Plane rides oh there done Stuck in foreign places Online is the only place where you can see faces The only thing at the beach is the water Can’t even bring your own daughter Deserted trains No one remains There are no jobs For toilet paper there are mobs Masks and gloves this is normal Later we will think it’s abnormal Families trying to stay afloat If you have paper towels you can gloat

Sophia Tavarez Streets are filled with bikes As the sidewalks protect They don't dare go into the streets But the sidewalks because sidewalks protect They are safe because sidewalks protect I shall protect you from danger Stay on the sidewalk and I will protect you

Gabrielle Arredondo

Bang! Bong! I look outside. A creature going through the trash. Mash, dash! The creature runs fast. He runs through town, swims in the lake, jumps over the rake. What a mess he can make!

Julia Beaudry

The bee and the snake All of a sudden there was a bee buzzing by my ear it sounded like the bee was whispering something, but I could not make out the words Then it happened, the bee has stung me It was dead silent and all you could hear was the wind When it was silent, I could hear nothing except for a loud hissing noise. Because that was the sound of a deadly snake hissing, so then we started to run and run Until we got to a safer place, but we never found one and we were never seen again

Audrey Carache

New yorkThen and now

Then the streets they were all packed the shoving banging, pushing acted! But now the streets are sad and subtle, no one’s there except the trouble! When the streets were big and busy I just stood there just getting dizzy! and now the streets are big and lonely very quiet this is bologna! Yes, New York used to move and struggle. But now the streets are sad and subtle, Yes, New York used to move and struggle. But now the streets are sad and subtle,

Charlotte Coppola Guess Who Haiku I lie down in bed I have pointy ears and purr I love to be pet

Who am I?

Carolina Figueiredo Waters of Silence It’s calm blue waves

and the howling rain

With hushes and cries

Water is nature with a single wet drop

Whispering widely, as you come by

Everyday giving peace a lot

The soft gentle bubbles reaching the top

When the river comes by

Popping with grace, then an awakening pause

Or when the lake comes to visit

The water rises when the wind wants to meet

Water is everywhere

On warm sandy beaches touching your feet Big title waves, screaming in pain With tsunamis that join them

and everybody loves it

Grace Hamilton at the beach he stops to wonder, about life under the water, sleeping through the midnight thunder, racing through the daytime summer! with toothpick legs he runs to the water, finding clams, like hidden treasure! Running back, undercover, he calls his victory to all who wonder.

¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ Alexandra Lynch Quarantine is good and bad Sometimes it can make you sad Missing your friends every day Wanting this to go away But quarantine is also good A memory from your childhood Spending time with your family every day Having fun with your dog while both of you play Movie night is also fun And relaxing in the sun But quarantine is rolling in Sticking you down like a pin Quarantine is chasing you It watches everything you do You feel like you can’t run away At least not for today

Margaret Pascal

Summer Day I walk along the pool, feel the sunlight hit my face, listen to the water. Swish, swash. I hear the dogs barking, woof, woof. The water hits against the beach, whack whack. I watch as waves hit the dock, wham wham. The people playing cornhole, whop whop. As I watch the sun go down, I wonder... how am I ever going to get a better summer day?

Ana Pizzimbono THE SUN The sun is as bright as the moon at night, its as yellow as a lemon, it shines when it’s winter, it shines when it’s summer. IT’s as big as a giant and so high you can never reach it.

Tessa Rigert

Sunset. Every color blending so

One early morning when I was younger I

peacefully. I felt so happy and my

woke up to a beautiful sunset the sky was:

heart was beaming with joy, I

icy blue, lemon yellow, orangy-pink, lavender

wanted to run right to it but I

purple, and cotton pink. I could hear the

didn't know where it started. I

birds chirping and the waves crashing

remember that day so well cause

against the shore.

that was my ďŹ rst day seeing a

It was so calming with the bright and clear

sunset from my house

sky and the sun gleaming right on the

Sarah Bellissimo

Clouds They float around Like lost travelers With no place to call home. Sooner or later, they burst Their unshed tears spilling out Like a child who lost his favorite toy

After they cry A rainbow appears, For the burden that sat on the shoulders of the clouds Has been lifted And the clouds are now free.

Xan Collins I run to the ocean Mysterious and fun There is a bright reflection It must be the sun Waves crashing Dogs barking Are there sharks and creatures in the sea? I wonder nervously I feel calm happy relaxed and joyful

Maggie Condron Guess Who Haiku I bring joy to many I come in with big waves I have many friends, like sharks Who am I?

BUBBLES Campbell Curry Campbell --Curry

You can find them in the shower,or outside. Always happy to be “alive”. But then, POP! A four-year-old becomes a bubble murderer. What a surprise. POP! Bubbles popping everywhere, it may feel sticky in your hair! As some bubble “survivors” start rising to the sky they laugh about how we never popped ‘em… POP! The wind has done it for us.

The Candy Shop! Annabel English Annabel English

Bright and colorful with flavors galore,

Awkward apple pudding, And the sappy, scarlett sauce,

This is what to expect in the candy store.

And my favorite chocolate snack, Dicey, dip, and doss!

Chewy, chocolate, chunk,and Rosy razzleberry,

The slimey, fishy fruit rolls, And the sour lemon dung,

A few of my favorite flavors, Can’t forget chiseled cherry.

Oh and I love the spicy sugar strudel, It dances on my tongue!

Gaping gumdrop swirls, and salty Sizzling fudge,

The candy store is quite a place, A sweet abounding shop,

Sticky lobster lollipops, gross, but who am I to judge.

The candy never ends, And the flavors always POP!

Maria Fieler Tree In the beginning of the year my leaves are taken off I hear a hiss and a squeal in the cold, icy frost I am reaching the middle and buds start to bloom I am booming and dinging with colors to prune The summer is coming to an end Zap and a zing and it’s almost winter again The trickle of rain comes down on my branches My leaves start falling like lots of reches Now that fall has set winter may rise And a whole new season will come up right before my eyes

Olivia Franco Nobody Knows What Else Grows Fluffy plant, pure green stem, cloth bright white and green Where? When? What else grows? Nobody knows Birds chirpingm wind and leaves crunch, like a kit-kat People walk, yet it’s peaceful. What else grows? What else grows? What else grows?

Emme Gerardi Quarantine As boring as a rock

People sleeping all day Wishing to go back outdoors Feeling like your locked in jail BANG! People stealing each other’s toilet paper Cold and sad Quarantine Quarantine

Gabrielle Hughes When We Come Together BING! BING! A message tells me that they’re coming SPlASH! SPLASH! I hear they’re rain boots on the ground DONG! DONG! The door opened and they’re here CRASH! CRASH! I here the door closing in my face BANG! BANG! I can high five someone again! When we come together again our ears will hear sounds Our mouths will laugh Our hands will be clasped And our hearts will fill with joy.

This Rainbow By Olivia Morris

Peaceful, calming, relaxing A big, sideways, colorful, bright rainbow. At each side are fluffy, puffy, white clouds Shimmering above a waterfall Where does this waterfall lead to? Is this on an island? Birds chirping, chirp, chirp Water dripping, drip, drip The sound of a light breeze blowing Whoosh Peaceful, shiny Every color you could think of or even imagine Bright like a star Colorful, colorful, colorful The one and only rainbow

Camilla Pazmino The snow

The snow cold and white the snowakes falling in the air A cup of hot chocolate sitting on the chair Watch as the snowakes fall on the ground Looking at the window where the grass used to be The snow falls down gently and soft The snow By Camilla P

Suddenly I’m on the lions side of the plain.

Cara Sedgwick

He owns the place.

No one but the lion dares to go. But here I am hoping not to perish. He gives me a quick glance. Now “ROAR, GROWL!” “I Surrender” I cower But it’s not me whose life is in jeopardy. It’s the poor zebra who is unlucky. His pretty golden fur glides in the african sun like a gold bar. He pounces at the zebra from not so afar. I don’t know what’s going to happen next. Am I his next snack?

lions Side

Maria Walsh The Dream At night I lie down

Then I see cookies,

I fall asleep

which are calling my name

But first

So I eat them

My bed swallows me in and comforts me


And in my dream, I see a window, it’s shouting for me to open it


So I do

I’m back in my bed

Carrigan Willie-Lawes


A house isn’t a home without individuals. This place is somewhere you gather that has lots of love and memories, and people you appreciate the most. In some houses they might have the height of children drawn on walls, or pictures of people you love. (memories of the good moments ) The house that you live in is where you rest after a long day, or it’s where you gather while eating. My very own house is cozy, and keeps us warm in the winter, it keeps us brisk in the spring, and keeps us cool in the summer. My very own house gathers us to have celebrations for all different reasons. A house is a home that brings people together, after long journeys away. A house is like a grandma giving you hugs when we need it the most, it gives us signs that no other house does. A house is like a blanket covering you when it’s cold and raining outside. It helps us feel safe even when things are happening outside. A house is like when you meet a friend and you know that their gonna be your life long friend forever. A house is like a mother or a father. My house is like a thousand puppies cuddling you, while you’re reading a good book. This place is somewhere you assemble, that has plenty of individuals a lot of memories, people you revere, and family members you sustain.

Lily Wise Dark and Stormy Night! It was a dark and stormy night, there was no one in sight. Except a little girl. The wind soared through the ocean, splishing and splashing, tumbling and turning. All of a sudden, the girl flew high up above the sky. “Ahhhh!� she screamed, as she went into the foggy air, to be nowhere in sight.

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