Horizons: Fall, 2009

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FALL 2009

Celebration of Community: Welcome Home Pamela Juan Hayes ’64!

FA L L 2009

Editor: Kathleen S. Failla, Director of public relations and communications faillak@cshgreenwich.org

Contributors: Judith S. Becker Virginia B. Downer Donald E. Foley, Treasurer of the Board of Trustees Ethel Z. Geisinger John Kahl Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, Board of Trustees member and President of the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association Judy Musho Michelle M. Smith Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84, Board of Trustees member and Vice President of the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association

Design: Good Design LLC / www.gooddesignusa.com Print: Villanti & Sons Mail letters to: Kathleen S. Failla faillak@cshgreenwich.org Send alumnae news to: Michelle M. Smith smithm@cshgreenwich.org Send address changes to: Virginia B. Downer downerg@cshgreenwich.org

Convent of the Sacred Heart 1177 King Street Greenwich, CT 06831 203-531-6500 www.cshgreenwich.org

On the cover: Applause and blessings for the new head of school

Mission Statement

Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich, founded in 1848, is an independent, Catholic, college preparatory school for young women, from preschool through grade 12. True to its international heritage, the School provides students with experiences of diversity and welcomes students of all races, socioeconomic backgrounds and religious beliefs. Convent of the Sacred Heart, steeped in a solid academic tradition, educates women to have independence of judgment, personal freedom and strength of character so that they can become leaders with broad intellectual and spiritual horizons. Service to others is a compelling commitment of our education, and the entire School community, as a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, is dedicated to the Goals and Criteria. Horizons is printed on paper comprised of 10% post consumer fiber and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council as sourced from wellmanaged forests and controlled sources.


CONTENTS 2 Letter from the Chair of the Board of Trustees


3 Letter from the Head of School 4 Welcoming Our New Head of School by Ann Conroy, rscj

6 A Celebration of Community by Kathleen S. Failla


10 Inaugural Address by Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 12 Class Acts 14 Letter from the Alumnae Board President 15 Class of 2009 16 Alumnae by the Numbers


17 Reunion 2009 by Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 22 Awards Presented to Outstanding and Honorary Alumnae 24 Mission and Vision by Lori Wilson

25 Convent of the Sacred Heart Annual Report 2008–09

25 Message from the EDitor Dear Friends of Sacred Heart, We are pleased to share with you this issue of Horizons, which celebrates the installation of our new head of school, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64. Mrs. Hayes was officially installed at a special liturgy celebrated by the Most Reverend William E. Lori, Bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport on September 25. Sacred Heart alumnae were thrilled to “welcome home” one of their own as our new head of school. Reunion 2009

reflected this excitement and we share it with you in Horizons. This year’s reunion was one of the most well attended in the history of the School. The 2008-2009 Annual Report is presented to you in this magazine. This new format enables us to reduce our publishing expenses and the use of paper. The sheer length of the report is a testament to the support we received from our alumnae, parents, past parents, grandparents, faculty and staff, trustees and friends.

Thank you to the many volunteers who worked on the Annual Fund. The report includes donors whose gifts were received by the close of the past fiscal year, June 30, 2009. With gratitude for your ongoing dedication to Convent of the Sacred Heart, Kathleen S. Failla Editor of Horizons Director, Public Relations and Communications

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Message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees Dear Parents, Alumnae and Friends, It is with great pleasure that I ask the Sacred Heart community to please join me in warmly welcoming one of our own, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, as our new Head. Pam joins us after serving as Director of the Sacred Heart Schools in San Francisco, California. Many alumnae and past parents will know Pam from her times here as a student, teacher and administrator. We are so very blessed to have Pam back as our Head. On behalf of the trustees, students, faculty, administration and staff, I would like to offer my thanks for your support of Sacred Heart last year. At a very difficult time economically, you have been so generous to our beloved School in so many ways—with your donations, your time and your talents. I am reminded of the words of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, “Your example, even more than your words, will be an eloquent lesson to the world.” Please know that your example is greatly appreciated.

I would also like to thank our trustees, students, faculty, administration, staff and parents for their fidelity to the Goals and Criteria. It is your commitment that has made the Sacred Heart community what it is. As St. Madeleine Sophie Barat said, “What is the good of teaching various subjects, of wasting time in learning them, if at the same time we cannot teach children the words of life and touch their hearts and consciences?” You understand this and have made sure our students have had their hearts and consciences touched. The academic year 2009-2010 represents a time of great excitement for the Sacred Heart community as we look toward the future, but embrace our faith, traditions and values. For the first time in more than 51 years, our School is being headed by an alumna. Alumnae continue to play an active and important role in the School community including: for the first time ever, alumnae serving as both Board Chair and Head of School; five alumnae currently sitting on the Board of Trustees; a total of seven alumnae

as administrators, teachers and staff; and countless alumnae who participate in School functions including our very special Christmas Eve Mass. We welcome home not only Pam Hayes, but hope to welcome home our alumnae, past parents, current parents and friends at Convent of the Sacred Heart throughout the year. Thank you for all you do for Sacred Heart. With deep gratitude,

Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88

Co n v e n t o f t h e S ac r e d H e a r t B oa r d o f T r u s t e e s 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0 Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88, Chair Stephen J. Sweeny, Vice Chair Donald E. Foley, Treasurer Paula G. Tennyson, Secretary Joseph J. Ciancaglini Lenore de Csepel Imma De Stefanis, rscj Anne Dyer, rscj Wilfred A. Finnegan

Kevin J. Grehan Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Head of School Donna Hickey Hascher, Parents’ Assn. President Kimberly J. Huchro Jeanet H. Irwin Joan C. Kirby, rscj ’43 Kevin A. Knight Robert G. Leary Patricia E. Molloy

Deborah Brown Murdock Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, Alumnae President Thomas F. Murphy Anthony J. Scala, Jr. Mary Ellen Vouté Sutherland ’85 Joseph N. Walsh, III Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84

The Board of Trustees, from left to right, seated: Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, Mary Ellen Vouté Sutherland ’85, Jeanet H. Irwin, Patricia E. Molloy, Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84, Paula G. Tennyson; standing: Deborah Brown Murdock, Wilfred A. Finnegan, Donna Hickey Hascher, Robert G. Leary, Kimberly J. Huchro, Donald E. Foley, Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Stephen J. Sweeny, Imma De Stefanis, rscj, Lenore de Csepel, Kevin A. Knight, Joseph N. Walsh, III. (Missing from the photo: Joseph J. Ciancaglini, Anne Dyer, rscj, Kevin J. Grehan, Joan C. Kirby, rscj ’43, Thomas F. Murphy and Anthony J. Scala, Jr.)

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After the Mass of the Holy Spirit, newly commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist pose with Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 in the outdoor chapel.

Letter from the Head of school Dear Sacred Heart Community, Welcome home to our 161st year at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich. “Welcome home” is where I begin my service with you as a proud alumna, who is honored to have the opportunity to carry on the mission with this generation of students and their families. This year we return to recommit our energies to the education of youth as members of a vibrant mission-centered school. We return to an historic episode in our life marked by new lay leadership and a student body that has sustained its numbers in these uncertain economic times, due to a shared belief in a common value system. Throughout all the progress, excitement and innovative accomplishments occurring in our School, none I think is more important, or central to our reason for being, than our commitment to ensuring that sacred trust of God’s love. What sustains us in this mission is the emphasis that we, as a community, place on fidelity to relationships. This is to me what we need to keep in front of us; the central idea that our success as a school, and all of our future prosperity, rests not on what we have, but who we are with one another. As I begin my journey with you, the famous saying attributed to St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, foundress of the Society

of the Sacred Heart—“For the Sake of a Single Child”—is our school-wide theme. Rooted in the love of God, preparation for our students’ future will continue to be focused on the development of faith, intellect, community building, service and wise decision making. These ideals, as expressed in the Goals and Criteria, are alive and well and shaping the young women of Greenwich today, just as they were in my time. The Goals and Criteria are the envy of so many educational groups because they provide a road map for education that enables us to build a better world. They guide us in keeping us clear about living the Gospel values, and knowing who we are and where we stand. They provide a context for our every success and a cornerstone for our every decision. The world today is more in need of this kind of educational commitment than ever before, as individuals search for relevance and meaning in their lives. As Janet Erskine Stuart, a former Superior General of the Society wrote: “all the system converges to this—to give personal worth to each child, worth of character, strength of principle, and anchorage in faith.” And so the journey continues. For more than 209 years the mission has been held in trust by the Religious of the Sacred Heart,


and now in a bold prophetic, courageous and public act, they have encouraged us to be with them as stewards and collaborators of this mission. God has called us to create a community that is life giving whose influence can reach far beyond our walls. It is my wish for all of us that we continue to build and feel the strength in each other, and in the exhilaration that comes from being involved with the people who share our life and mission. Welcome home! With love and gratitude,

Pamela Juan Hayes ’64

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Welcoming Our New Head of School By Ann Conroy, rscj, Director of Sacred Heart Heritage Program

As I looked at Pamela Juan Hayes, our new head of school, welcoming 777 students and the members of the faculty and staff to the opening of our 161st year, a picture flashed across my mind of a 17- or 18-year-old Pamela in her student uniform with the blue ribbon fluttering in the breeze. That was how she looked when I first met her—a member of the Fourth Academic Class with her whole life before her. This was her twelfth year at Greenwich, the school she loved and in which she had fully invested herself each year. By her senior year, she was active in sports; she headed the Committee on Games and captained the White Team. The blue ribbon was the sign that her leadership skills were recognized by students and faculty, as in those days the ribbons were the result of the vote of the students “ratified” by the votes of the nuns, who were the majority of the teachers and who

held all administrative positions. Even from her early years, Mrs. Hayes’ sense of humor, enjoyment of a good time, and her love of people, coupled with a desire to help them, distinguished her among her peers. After Greenwich, she received her bachelor’s degree from Briarcliff College, and, at the invitation of Headmistress Nancy Salisbury, rscj, she returned to Greenwich to teach Upper School history of the theater, coach drama and field hockey, and supervise a dormitory (in those days we were a weekly boarding school). After surviving this experience and realizing that she had no interest in entering the business world, Mrs. Hayes decided that if she was going to be in education, she needed more preparation, so she enrolled in the masters’ program in education at Manhattanville College. Imagine her surprise when she was greeted by Miriam Schumann, rscj,

who had taught her to read and write in the first grade at Greenwich! Now, Sister Schumann would teach her how to teach. Upon completion of the degree program, Sister Salisbury, then head at 91st Street, hired Mrs. Hayes to teach in the Middle School, which she did with great success for several years until she was asked to become head of the Middle School. Seven years later, New York City began to pall on her and after an interlude away from the classroom in the West she returned to Greenwich to head our Middle School. This was a challenging time as the Middle School was expanding on the second-floor of the main building and Mrs. Hayes’ office was so small that it was easily missed. However, a trait that was characteristic of Mrs. Hayes as a student, and has remained a part of her, is the ability to make light of inconvenience and even joke about it, as she goes about discharging her duties.

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It was fun serving on the A-Team with Mrs. Hayes for two years after my return from San Francisco and before her departure to head Convent Elementary School there. Mrs. Hayes had admired RSCJs as risk-takers and she decided this was her moment to risk a new area of the United States. She was so successful that when Dr. Mary Smith resigned as Director of Schools to move to Seattle, Mrs. Hayes was chosen to be her successor. When talking with Mrs. Hayes about her life up to the present, I asked “what has made you so committed to Sacred Heart education?” She replied that, basically, she so treasures what she received through her own Sacred Heart education that she wants today’s children to enjoy this unique education. She wants them to have the opportunity to grow to their full potential because each one is the child for whom St. Madeleine Sophie Barat would

have founded the Society. Fidelity to relationships comes across as a vital factor in Sacred Heart education. “Our success as a School rests not on what we have, but who we are with one another,” she said. This is the base on which Mrs. Hayes expects the community at Greenwich to operate and which she models so well and so unselfconsciously. In her opening talk to the faculty and staff, Mrs. Hayes raised the question: “What then does it demand of us individuals as we seek to build the future and ensure our legacy?” She responded, saying: “It demands that we cultivate our own hearts to be open to others and to be faithful, wise, kind, persistent in pursuing our ideals and always full of humor.”

I remember hearing once that the things we treasure are the things we most want to pass on to the next generation. Mrs. Hayes’ words to our students indicate what she treasures the most: “Yours is a wonderful heritage, and you are a child of the Sacred Heart. This is a moment marked by change, challenge, and growth. St. Madeleine Sophie’s vision rooted in the love of God was focused on an all-around preparation for intelligent, active, noble, and courageous living. Put your whole self into what you do and you will be filled with confidence and peace.” Our Head treasures her own education and so she has devoted her life to passing on her treasure to the next generation.

W e lc o m e h o m e Pa m e l a J u a n H ay e s !


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A Celebration of Community






O n S e p t e mb e r 2 5 , 2 0 0 9 , C o n v e n t o f t h e S a c r e d H e a r t i n s ta ll e d a n e w h e a d o f s c h o o l , Pa m e l a J u a n H ay e s ’ 6 4 , a n a l u m n a a n d t h e f i r s t l ay p e r s o n t o l e a d t h e Sc h o o l i n t h e 1 6 1 y e a r s o f i t s e x i s t e n c e . S h e i s o n ly t h e s e c o n d a l u m n a t o s e r v e a s h e a d .

“ W e lc o m e h o m e , Pa m e l a J u a n H ay e s ! ” wa s t h e j o y f u l m e s s a g e d e l i v e r e d at t h e o f f i c i a l i n s ta ll at i o n .



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The Most Rev. William E. Lori, bishop of the Diocese of Bridgeport, blessed Mrs. Hayes at a special liturgy attended by approximately 1,000 people on the school campus. The installation resonated with an excitement of new beginnings balanced by an affirmation of the strengths and values of the past, as well as an appreciation for Sacred Heart’s unique educational community. In her installation speech, Mrs. Hayes addressed her vision for the School, focusing on the relationship of all to Sacred Heart’s mission of educating girls and young women to transform society. (See page 10-11) The event took place on a bright, beautiful autumn morning at the Mass of the Holy Spirit, the traditional back-to-school liturgy for all Network of Sacred Heart Schools. It was a day filled with history, tradition, prayer and celebration. The installation featured a range of voices and participants from throughout the School community, the Network of Sacred Heart Schools and the Society of the Sacred Heart. It reminded everyone of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat’s mission and how it is lived out today in the Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart education. The chair of the Board of Trustees, Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88, welcomed everyone with words that highlighted Mrs. Hayes’ ability to preserve the best of the School’s past, while striving to embrace the future. Mrs. Hooper spoke about the transformation taking place, as students were present with alumnae of all ages and with parents, faculty, former board chairs and current trustees, the Religious of the Society of the Sacred Heart, and guests. “When I think of Mrs. Hayes and the work we all will be doing together at Sacred Heart,” said Mrs. Hooper, “I am reminded of a quote from St. Rose Philippine Duchesne: ‘We cultivate a very small field for Christ, but we love it, knowing that God does not require great achievements, but a heart that holds back nothing for self.’ We look forward to all the members of the Sacred Heart community joining us, as we lovingly cultivate that small field for Christ together.” As the music began, a procession led by Mrs. Hayes and the Board of Trustees entered the Veronique DuBois Gymnasium. Banners from the three Sacred Heart schools where Mrs. Hayes taught and served as an administrator—Schools of the Sacred Heart,





1. Students singing at the liturgy, with music directors Annette Etheridge and James Bruni 2. Delaney Colaio-Coppola and Caroline Hughes carrying a basket of food in the Offertory procession 3. Altar server Abbi Wilson 4. Accepting a framed copy of the Goals and Criteria from Sister Mary Clark 5. Banners lead the procession 6. A gift from the Board of Trustees 7. Mikhaila Archer, third grade 8. Mrs. Hayes with Bishop Lori and Mrs. Wellington T. Mara 9. Madeleine Ortman, executive director of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, with Mrs. Hayes

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San Francisco; Convent of the Sacred Heart, New York City and our School—were carried in the procession by two students and kindergarten teacher Sarah K. Grogan ’97. Trustee Imma De Stefanis, rscj spoke next as both a member of the School’s board and a Religious of the Society of the Sacred Heart and delivered the Call to Worship. “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad! But today we are not simply glad, we are brimming over with joy and with gratitude. This is the day we officially install Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes as the next head of school for Convent of the Sacred Heart in Greenwich, Connecticut,” said Sister De Stefanis. She gave a warm welcome to Bishop Lori, the Reverend Frank Winn, the Reverend Thomas Collins, and Mrs. Hayes’ family, thanking them “for celebrating with us today.” “We Religious of the Sacred Heart are not only present physically, but also joining from as far as California,” said Sister De Stefanis. “We are joined, as well, by our Provincial, Sister Paula Toner in St. Louis, and our Mother General, Sister Kathleen Conan, in Rome. For now, however, I ask you to set aside labels and titles, and to remember there is only one unifying name we bear. We are Sacred Heart. May this name we bear always be our focus and our guide.” Sister Conan and Sister Toner sent their warm wishes to Mrs. Hayes in messages published in the program. From Rome, came the words of Sister Conan, who had served as headmistress of Convent of the Sacred Heart from 1980 to 1990. “It is with great joy that I send this message to welcome Pamela Hayes to the leadership of Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich. I have known Pam since we worked together at Sacred Heart, and I sensed early on that she was someone from whom I would learn what it meant to educate with the vision of Madeleine Sophie. Pam’s care and passion for the students, her belief in their capacities of mind and heart, and her creative and tireless commitment to their growth inspired and energized me,” Sister Conan wrote. Sister Toner sent prayers from the U.S. Provincial Team. “Pam, you have the wholehearted support and prayers of the Religious of the Sacred Heart all over the country,” she said. Sister Conan and Sister Toner were joined in spirit and prayer by

by the Religious of the Sacred Heart and all the lay women and men who have given their lives to the service of education.” Mrs. Hayes went on to state that Sacred Heart has “all the ingredients of greatness,” and she urged everyone to rededicate themselves to the Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart education. Following Mrs. Hayes’ speech, Lori Wilson, the director of Upper School campus ministry and Theology Department chair, invited Mrs. Hayes to accept two special gifts from the School. They were presented by Mary Clark, rscj, a 1931 graduate of Convent of the Sacred Heart, Overbrook (now Bryn Mawr), and Alexandra McNulty ’10, student body president. Sister Clark presented Mrs. Hayes with a beautiful, framed copy of the


“ T h at M r s . H ay e s s h o u ld b e t h e f i r s t l ay w o m a n f o llo w i n g a lo n g l i n e o f RS C J h e a d s o f s c h o o l i s m o s t c e r ta i n ly n ot e w o r t h y, b u t i t i s n ot s u r p r i s i n g . I n fa c t, M r s . H ay e s i s a n e s p e c i a lly fit ting selection for this distinguished m o m e n t i n t h e Sc h o o l’ s h i s to r y. ”


Imma De Stefanis, rscj in the Call to Worship you will remain faithful to the Sacred Heart mission of educating young women to do God’s work,” Bishop Lori said. “My dear friends, it is my joy to present to you, your new Head of School, Mrs. Pamela Juan Hayes” said Bishop Lori. The gym erupted with thunderous applause. Then it was the turn of the thirty-third head of Convent of the Sacred Heart, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64. She spoke of the vitality of the School and the importance of working together to build on past accomplishments. “As I begin my services as your head of school, let me assure you from the beginning that any progress we experience will only occur as a result of a mutual respect toward one another and the living out, on a daily basis, of our mission as centered in the Goals and Criteria,” Mrs. Hayes declared. “Today isn’t about one day, one accomplishment or one person. It is about 160 years of history and preparing for the future, guided

Goals and Criteria. Ms. McNulty delivered a huge, wrapped box, a gift from the students who all wrote notes of welcome. Bishop Lori concluded the liturgy with a prayer and the community joined in with the spirited singing of “Coeur de Jésus.” The ceremony was over, but the festivities continued with a reception in the Cora E. McLaughlin, rscj ’29 Art Gallery. The Board of Trustees presented Mrs. Hayes with a large crystal bowl engraved with her favorite quotation from St. Madeleine Sophie, “For the sake of a single child…” Students, faculty and staff were treated to a goûter. It had been a historic day at Convent of the Sacred Heart—a day when many constituencies in the school community had come together to deliver a loving message to their new head of school. Sister Toner summed it up in her message: “We rejoice today with your new Sacred Heart community as you come back home.”

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people throughout the U.S. and the world, who viewed a webcast of the installation broadcast live over the School’s website. The liturgy included readings and prayers by representatives of the many groups that comprise the Sacred Heart community. Following communion, Bishop Lori invited the administrative team, representatives of those they serve, and student representatives from each division to come forward for the Prayer of Installation. “Mrs. Hayes, those who stand here symbolize the community of Convent of the Sacred Heart. May they assist and counsel you as you minister to the needs of the community. As the head of school, we entrust to you the mission of the School as expressed in the Goals and Criteria; may these eternal values be a constant source of inspiration. By following these ideals,


10. Mrs. Hayes with her niece, Elizabeth Juan ’13, and cousin, Avery Juan ’16 11. Trustee Paula G. Tennyson with Ann Conroy, rscj 12. Trustee Lenore de Csepel with her former 91st Street teacher, Mary Clark, rscj 13. Mrs. Hayes with Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, trustee and alumnae president 14. Trustees preparing for procession into gym for the installation 15. Mrs. Hayes with Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGrath 16. Board Chair Kristina Sekor Hooper ’88 presenting Mrs. Hayes with gift from the board 17. Imma De Stefanis, rscj delivering the Call to Worship

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Installation Address S e p t e mb e r 2 5 , 2 0 0 9


Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Head of School


Good morning and welcome to our 161st year at Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich. This year we return to recommit our energies to the education of youth as members of a vibrant mission-centered Sacred Heart community. We return to a moment marked by many changes and to a tradition that allows us to be dynamic and to connect the past with the future. I want to express my gratitude to each and every one of you present today for your many kind and thoughtful expressions of support as we begin our journey together to advance and strengthen our School and to my mother and father for the opportunity to receive the gift of a Sacred Heart education. As I begin my services as your Head of School, let me assure you from the beginning that any progress we experience will only occur as a result of a mutual respect toward one another and the living out, on a daily basis, of our mission as centered in the Goals and Criteria. Today isn’t about one day, one accomplishment or one person. It is about 160 years of history and preparation for the future, guided by the Religious of the Sacred Heart and all the lay women and men who have given their lives to the service of education. It is fitting that we celebrate today the Mass of the Holy Spirit who has guided these educators to build this spirit filled place we call Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich.

As we read the history of the School, you can note that the accomplishments at this institution have always been the result, not of any individual, but out of a communal effort. And how true these words are today and how gratifying to see how much, together, this community of people over the past 160 years has accomplished. Certainly, there is so much of which we must be proud. Understanding this, we also recognize that women and men who always look backwards stumble into the future, while those who never look backward will not know from where they came. Past and future hinge upon the present. The old and new are closely interwoven. The new grows out of the old, and the old finds fuller expression in the new. And so, today, after looking over my shoulder at past school accomplishments, I fix my gaze on what lies ahead. I pray that what we begin today will lead each and everyone associated with Convent of the Sacred Heart to challenge themselves to become that better educator, that better administrator, that better student, that better parent as an individual who possesses a deep respect and conviction for the work we have been called to do and the heritage we are called to proclaim.

Why, then, have we been so successful? Because people had the courage and conviction to dream dreams and also had the wisdom and determination to see them through to reality. What do we need to do, then, to insure this legacy? Down through the years, the Religious of the Sacred Heart and laypersons have labored together to build the place we call Convent of the Sacred Heart. Indeed we are grateful for our success, but our journey is far from over. We still have a long way to go: new dreams to dream and new challenges to face. As stewards of this institution, we must avoid being complacent. St. Madeleine Sophie, the foundress of the Society, reminds us that we need to grow with the times. I assure you that here at Convent of the Sacred Heart we are not standing still and evidence suggests that we continually strive to improve the education we offer students. All of this success, I believe, will only continue if we remain faithful to our mission. And what elements are essential in this institution? They are the elements we share with the other members of the nationwide Network of Sacred Heart Schools: five common goals and the commitment to educate to:


the Sacred Heart that unique place with an added dimension: it makes a school a home and a community a family. As we stand poised to enter a new year of service, we acknowledge today that not only has much been accomplished here, but we also must recognize that we have a responsibility to build on our legacy. The School faces many challenges in the years to come, but also exciting opportunities to refine our identity. By educating students and families to share in our mission, by encouraging professional development of the adult community, and giving them access to adequate resources, the School will continue to provide students with an exceptional education for the future. Today, I thank you so very much for all your work to date, but remind you of our task to continue to challenge each other, i.e. to take the risks that are necessary to carry out our goals and objectives as we continue our most important educational work. We have here at Convent of the Sacred Heart all the ingredients of greatness. To succeed, we must continue to have the will, individually and collectively, to reach down inside and give to our task what the months and years ahead will demand from each one of us. I ask you, though, is this not the perfect time to rededicate yourself to the Goals of a Sacred Heart education and experience? Is this not the perfect time to help build on the strong excellence that has gone before us? I believe that this is an historical, critical moment in our history and that we have grasped it. We will not look back and say “it might have been.” We will say that recognizing the opportunity, we galvanized as a


community to make it happen. Let us not forget that all we do must be inspired by the challenge of faith and trust in God. For, it is His work that we strive to advance on earth. It is St. Madeleine Sophie’s vision that through the education of youth God’s love for all would be known. It is from Him that we receive our commission and the strength to carry it forward. As we read in Psalm 127, “If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders labor. If the Lord does not watch over the city, in vain does the watchperson keep vigil.” May God help us in our sacred task. Once more we are at the moment of a new beginning. I look forward to the adventure of working with each of you as together we begin to foster connections for the sake of a single child and build on the heritage we celebrate today—a celebration of a glorious past and commitment to an even more glorious future. Members of Convent of the Sacred Heart’s family, I challenge you to join in the dream, St. Madeleine Sophie’s vision. Welcome home. 1. Mrs. Hayes accepts a gift from the students presented by Student Body President Alexandra McNulty ’10 2. Mrs. Hayes with her family, left to right: niece Elizabeth Juan ’13, mother Mrs. Paul D. Juan, and brother and sister-in-law, Mrs. and Mrs. Henry W. Juan III 3. Bishop William E. Lori


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• A personal and active faith in God; • A deep respect for intellectual values; • A social Awareness which impels to action; • The building of community as a Christian value; and, • Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. This statement not only defines who we are and what we are about, it also helps us understand the remarkable achievements of the past 160 years. Keeping faith with our mission, remaining firm in our commitment to excellence, undertaking and fulfilling our role as stewards in union with the Society of the Sacred Heart, have brought us to the current gratifying position we hold today as an outstanding educational institution in Connecticut. This, then, is why Convent of the Sacred Heart has achieved so much. All our administering, all our teaching, all our daily work, all our planning, indeed, all that we do must flow from and advance our mission. More to the point, we will remain strong and effective in mission only to the degree that each member of the community—student, faculty, administration, staff, parents, trustees, alums—continues to recognize the importance of his or her function as part of the whole and more importantly respects the function of every member and unit of our community. For I believe that it is the combined impact of each one of us doing absolutely the best job we can, at whatever the task happens to be, that will make the difference in providing the positive excellent education for all those who come to us. We must never forget that it is all of us working together that make Convent of


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Classacts Scores of vibrant, talented individuals serve Convent of the Sacred Heart— students past and present, friends and family, faculty and staff. This article presents a snapshot of the seven alumnae of Sacred Heart, Greenwich who serve our School. They grace us with their unique gifts, dedication and humor, and we are deeply grateful to them. To find out more about them, we asked: “How does your experience as an alumna help shape your daily life at Sacred Heart, Greenwich?” Their answers reflect their individuality and inspire us on our journey.

Kaye Cherry, rscj ’53

Megan Costa Wallace ’97

“Attending Convent of the Sacred Heart obviously had a profound effect on my life: The faith I profess was nurtured here, my love of literature—a subject which I have spent most of my adult life teaching—and my vocation to the Society of the Sacred Heart are all due in large measure to the five years I spent here at 1177 King Street between the ages of thirteen and seventeen many years ago.”

“I have a BA in Liberal Studies from Fordham University. I have been working at Sacred Heart since June 2000 and have had the opportunity to work with the children, faculty and administration in various positions, including Child Care, the Early Childhood program and now as assistant to the business manager. Continuing to work in the Sacred Heart community has been a great experience. I have enjoyed the friendships I have made with the faculty, staff, children and families. Working in a supportive community with people who have shared goals is Sacred Heart’s greatest asset.”

Upper School faculty


• Manhattanville College, B.A. 1957, M.A. 1966 • Post-grad courses at Oxford University (England), Boston College, SUNY Albany, University of Massachusetts • Taught at our sister schools at Bloomfield Hills, Kenwood and Rochester before Greenwich • CSH Facts: Served her alma mater in many ways and is an English teacher beloved by alumnae. Headed Advanced Placement, served as advisor to The King Street Chronicle and chaired the English Department.

truly prepared me for the real world. The experiences and qualities and values that I developed as a young girl here have enabled me to share my experiences with my students now. The Goals and Criteria are a part of my everyday life and I am honored and proud to share them here in this “family” we call Sacred Heart. I am on a continuous journey that I cherish and hope to pass on all that I have learned with my students and community.”

Business Office

• Barat College, B.A. 1977 Manhattanville College, M.A.T. 1979 Manhattanville College, M.A.T.S.E. 1980 • At Sacred Heart since 1977: Lower School teacher, Lower School head, Lower School coordinator of technology • CSH Facts: Proud mother of Jean Dunn ’10 and Magee Dunn ’11; alumnae board member.

• Fordham University, B.A. 2000 • Master’s degree in progress • At Sacred Heart since 2000: Child care assistant, Early Childhood assistant, assistant to the business manager. .

Kathleen Williams Dunn ’73 Lower School faculty

“Who I am and what I have accomplished has stemmed from lessons I learned here at Sacred Heart. I had the best academic and social experience that Kathleen Williams Dunn ’73

Lower School faculty

“My Sacred Heart education provided a strong sense of confidence, commitment and compassion…the very underpinnings of St. Madeleine Sophie’s vision for students and educators alike. The tender affection that was the distinguishing mark of Sophie’s educational philosophy is mirrored in all that I do for my students, as it was modeled for me by my own teachers. Our Goals are part of who I am. Accordingly, I have a vested interest in each and every student in my charge and understand the influence I have on and my responsibility to assist each girl on her own spiritual and academic path.” • Trinity College, B.A. 1984 • Manhattanville College, M.A.T. 2000 • At Sacred Heart since 2000: Lower School second-grade homeroom teacher, Annual Fund representative, Lower School Admission Committee • CSH Facts: Proud mother of Lindsey Festa ’09.

Sarah K. Grogan ’97 Lower School faculty

“To me the best part of being a teacher at CSH is the ability to share my education with a new generation of Sacred Heart girls. While the world has changed, our School still has the same mission as when I was a student. Sacred Heart continues to offer every child the opportunity to be her best self in and out of the classroom, on and off the field or stage, and gives students the tools needed to navigate the world with purpose. We, as alums, who work at CSH, are able to participate in this exciting and relevant education.” • Loyola University, Maryland, B.A. 2001 • At Sacred Heart since 2003: Lower School kindergarten homeroom teacher, Middle School field hockey and soccer coach

Left to right, sitting are Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Margaret Finn King ’93; Standing: Sarah K. Grogan ’97; Megan Costa Wallace ’97, Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80, Kaye Cherry, rscj ’53

• CSH Facts: Sarah is a lifer, having started kindergarten in 1984. Her sisters are Katy Grogan ’95 and Meg Grogan ’04. She is an alumnae board member and vice chair of the alumnae board Development Committee.

Pamela Juan Hayes ’64


Head of School

“Being an alumna of CSH, Greenwich has shaped my life more than I ever imagined. My teachers, who were Religious of the Sacred Heart and some lay people, inspired me to give back to my students the love, faith and wisdom they passed on to me. My education was full of academic rigor and challenge, and a dedication to community service, all the while infused with a sense of confidence and joy. Every young girl deserves this, especially if they are being educated to be the future leaders of our society. The women who came before us have left us with a proud 161-year legacy and tradition, and have given us all the foundation we need to shape an even more exciting future for ourselves and others.” • Briarcliff College, B.A. 1968 • Manhattanville College, M.A.T. 1970 • At Sacred Heart since 1968 with intervals teaching at other schools: English and drama teacher (1968-69), Middle School teacher (1970-72 and 1979-82), Middle School head (1989-96), and since July 1, 2009 as Head of School

• CSH Facts: Pam Hayes enrolled at CSH in first grade. She was a teacher and administrator at Greenwich, and served at our sister school, 91st Street in New York. In 1996, she became Head of Convent of the Sacred Heart Elementary School in San Francisco. In 2000, she was appointed Director of the Schools of the Sacred Heart in San Francisco, a position she held until becoming our Head of School.

Margaret Finn King ’93 Admission Office

“Coming to CSH every morning doesn’t feel like work; it’s simply a part of who I am. While the School may look different than it did years ago, the values and traditions that make up a Sacred Heart education are timeless. Whether I’m meeting a current student or a prospective family, my CSH experience feels as special today as it did 20 years ago. Being a “Sacred Heart Girl” is something that stays with you forever.” • Colgate University, B.A. cum laude 1997 • At Sacred Heart since 2008: Assistant Admission director and sixth-grade advisor. Before her return to CSH, Mrs. King was director of marketing at Workman Publishing in New York. She is secretary of the GreenwichMaplehurst Alumnae Board and on the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals Steering Committee.

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Suzanne Pavese Festa ’80



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M e s s a g e f r o m t h e Al u m n a e p r e s i d e n t


Dear Fellow Alumnae and Members of the Extended Sacred Heart Family, The new school year has always been associated with new beginnings—the chance to meet new friends, try new things and make a fresh start. It is about the promise of what is to come and the hopes of great things ahead. And so it is with this school year, as we, the alumnae, experience a unique moment in time — the chance to see one of our own, Pamela Juan Hayes, Class of 1964, Greenwich, come home to lead us and this place we love, as our Head of School. What a gift for all of us to be able to experience it! But the new school year is also about homecoming. A homecoming that allows us to return to old friends and familiar places, building on past accomplishments, knowledge accrued and sharpened, shared experiences, and most importantly relationships, that grow and strengthen the ties that bind, year after year. While the excitement of the new is always appealing, it is the joy of the renewed—the homecoming—that is most enduring. And that is why this particular issue of Horizons is so special. It is a celebration of two very important homecomings—Pam

Hayes’ Installation and our CSH Reunion and we try to capture the spirit of both in this issue. We changed the timing of Reunion this year to enable as many of us as possible to return and to feel welcomed back home. To that end, we have made a very special effort to bring Reunion to life by including many photos from the day. But Reunion is only one way to come home to Sacred Heart. Please take a special look at our alumnae calendar on the back cover, which lists upcoming events where we would love to see each and every one of you. Additionally, please refer to the information on the inside back cover about our alumnae website that shows you how to keep in touch with the School and each other anywhere and at any time. A Sacred Heart homecoming happens wherever and whenever we as alumnae gather together. Staying connected to Sacred Heart with your presence, either in person or by email, is the key to making it all happen. We have so much to celebrate and be grateful for as an alumnae family. Our homecomings are wonderful because our alumnae family is strong. And to keep us strong in our mission, during the coming

school year, we will embark on a journey with the national Sacred Heart Commission on Goals to review the Goals and Criteria as they are lived at CSH Greenwich. Truly, the Sacred Heart mission is the most important, meaningful thing we share as alumnae. The mission is found in the Goals and Criteria that have shaped and influenced each and every one of us. Sacred Heart is a part of who we have become, and the mission is alive in each alumna. It is our heritage and we are charged, by the wise and courageous women who formed this mission, to protect and promote it. To renew and reaffirm our commitment to the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria is the most powerful and joyful homecoming of all. Welcome home! With warmest regards,

Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 President, Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association

The alumnae board at Installation of Pamela Juan Hayes ’64: Left to right are Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo '86, Catherine Finnegan Nix '71, Shannon O'Leary Pujadas '87, Magee Finn King '93, Susan Callagy McCloskey '84, Patreece Williams-Creegan '84, Pamela Juan Hayes '64, Mandy Dawson Murphy '85, Sarah Grogan '97, Hope Houston Hirshorn '82, Patricia Davis Verrochi '79, Vanessa Arredondo '87, Cindy Dinger Knoll '93 and Xanthe Alban-Davies '92

2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 0 G r e e n w i c h - M a pl e h u r s t Al u m n a e A s s o c i at i o n B o a r d President: Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 Vice President: Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84 Treasurer: Cynthia Dinger Knoll ’93 Secretary Magee Finn King ’93 Board Members: Xanthe Alban-Davies ’92

Vanessa Arredondo ’87 Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo ’86 Lucy Coudert Conrod ’89 Kristen Darr ’98 Kathleen Williams Dunn ’73 Lisa Burke Fallon ’89 Carli Garcia ’01 Sarah K. Grogan ’97 Hope Houston Hirshorn ’82 Colleen Mara McLane ’91 Susan Callagy McCloskey ’84 Catherine Finnegan Nix ’71 Shannon O’Leary Pujadas ’87 Katie Phelan Contino ’95

Nicole Seagriff ’03 Laura Treanor ’90 Patricia Davis Verrochi ’79 Elizabeth H. White ’67 Ex Officio Members: Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Director of Development John Kahl Director of Alumnae Relations Michelle M. Smith


C onvent of the S acred H eart

Congratulations, Class of 2009!

On Friday, June 5, 2009, family, friends and faculty gathered for the commencement of the Class of 2009. Bishop William T. Lori celebrated the Baccalaureate Mass. Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers of the Connecticut Supreme Court spoke at graduation. The Class of 2009 is heading to distinguished colleges and universities. To see the full list of their college acceptances, please see the inside back cover. Lauren Nadine Alexander+ Alyssa Jeanne Almeida Natalie Elizabeth Andriano Erika S. Arias+ Gina Marie Aufiero Rachel Celeste Bornstein Kristin Maria Carey Elizabeth Hayes Carr*+ Caitlin Ruth Cassidy Tara Marie Cochran+ Cailey Anne Cron*++ Joan Marie DeGennaro*+ Bea Therese Dizon Jennifer Eliezer Nora Frances Falk (awarded posthumously) Bryar Lynne Falvey Maria Alejandra Ferrara*++ Lindsey Morgann Festa Marisa Danielle Fezza Helen Carr Finnegan Kate Long Foley Morgan Grace Forester Mary Kathleen Gavin Millicent Eliza Green Danielle Andrea Greirson Olivia Katherine Grubert*++ Allison Marie Hagan Kyla Nicole Harrington Maura K. James Natalie Rose Jorgensen Alexandra D’Errico Jung*++ Alessandra Nikole Knight Susannah Agnes Kristin Lawrence+ Antonia Vinia Libassi*+

Iris Louise Longo Allyson Michelle Manning Lauren Alyssa Manning Elizabeth Theresa Masi Elise Elizabeth Mazurak Mary Catherine Mara McDonnell Megan Alexandra Morelli Katherine Ann Murray Oanh-Nhi Nguyen Erin Alexis O’Callaghan Emily Lauren Oehlsen*++ Emily Katherine Perlstein Lisa Noelle Pietronuto Danielle Elise Pozzi Gillian Marie Redman*+ Alexandra Colette Rizk+ Eileen Mary Rooney Olivia Nicole Ruggiero*++ Emily Elizabeth Schloss+ Kirsty Mary-Jane Sievwright+ Mary Bridget Shouvlin Aline Inocencio de Souza+ Margaret Taylor-D’Ambrosio Jessica Valdez Elizabeth Mary Walsh Emma Lauren Anne Ward*++ Amanda Lorelei Weber*+ Kerri Alane Whelan*++ Brittany Margaret Williams Joan Claire Ziminsky+ Valedictorian: Olivia Grubert Salutatorian: Emily Oehlsen National Merit Finalist: Olivia Grubert

National Hispanic Recognition Scholar: Alejandra Ferrara

Alumnae Community Service Award: Kirsty Sievwright

National Merit college-based scholarship winners: Joan DeGennaro Allyson Manning

Lucie White Award: Erin O’Callaghan Aline de Souza

National Merit Commended Students: Lauren Alexander Elizabeth Carr Marisa Fezza Kyla Harrington Maura James Emily Oehlsen Gillian Redman Alexandra Rizk Olivia Ruggiero Emily Schloss Emma Ward Kerri Whelan Joan Ziminsky Lifers: Kate Foley Alexandra Jung Alessandra Knight Susannah Lawrence Alexandra Rizk Amanda Weber Brittany Williams

Philippine Duchesne Award: Alejandra Ferrara Class Spirit Award: Kyla Harrington Greenwich Award: Cailey Cron Alejandra Ferrara * Cum Laude Society ++ Graduating with high honor + Graduating with honor

Convent of the Sacred Heart Announces the renaming of “Lifers” as the Mater Society. (Effective 2010)



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G r e e n w i c h A L U M NAE : B Y THE NU M B ERS Number of alumnae under the age of forty:



Number of current students who have alumnae or associate alumnae relatives: Number of alumnae who currently work for Convent of the Sacred Heart:



38 Number of alumnae who live abroad:

Number of living alumnae:

Students in the Class of 1905:


1,957 Students in the Class of 2009:


2009 R e u n i o n D ay

wa s f i ll e d w i t h laughter and wa r m t h a s m o r e

C onvent of the S acred H eart


t h a n 2 0 0 Al u m n a e g at h e r e d t o c e l e b r at e t h e event ’s theme, “TrÈs Bien Women o f Sp i r i t ! ”

w e lc o m e h o m e a l u m n a e !



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Reunion 2009: Home Is Where the Heart Is By Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85 President, Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association


Saturday, October 3 was a momentous day for Sacred Heart alumnae as we were all welcomed back for Reunion 2009 by one of our own, Pamela Juan Hayes, Class of 1964. Attendees truly embraced the day’s themes, “Très Bien Women of Spirit!” and “Welcome Home,” as our lively group was so excited to welcome Pam in our turn. The day was packed with a variety of wonderful events, each designed to appeal to the different interests and ages of our ever-growing alumnae family, but all shared that special Sacred Heart spirit. Keeping with tradition, a Golden Anniversary Luncheon was held to honor the 50th Reunion class, the Class of 1959. This devoted and close-knit group was also joined by graduates of classes earlier than 1959. Keeping our alumnae family strong and our spirits high, a first-ever “Alumnae Admission Forum” was held, along with school tours and an athletic tie-in that saw alumnae cheering on the Sacred Heart varsity soccer team at a home game. The soccer team went on to win the game! At the heart of the day was a traditional liturgy taking place in the heart of the School—the Chapel. Father Joseph Cavoto, S.A. celebrated a Mass that was filled with loving spirit, featuring readings and hymns specially selected to echo the “Welcome Home” theme. During the liturgy, awards were presented to June Dolce Heffernan ’59 and Nancy Murphy, rscj ’59 for Outstanding Alumna. Each was recognized for her devotion and contributions to Sacred Heart and for setting an inspiring example to all alumnae. The Honorary Alumna Award was presented to retired librarian Maureen Wade, S.C. and Middle School history teacher Andrea Whitton for their many years of devoted service to Sacred Heart students. The highlight of the liturgy was the Class of 1959 Endowment Gift of $50,000—a wonderfully generous gift that captures the uniquely generous spirit of this terrific class. The gift was presented to Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 by Class of ’59 members, June Dolce Heffernan and Barbie Bertrand Saxe. Most touching of all was the Class of 1959’s designation for the endowment to fund scholarships for relatives of alumnae so all generations of daughters of the Sacred Heart can continue to call this School home. We salute the Class of 1959 for this thoughtful and inspiring gift! We are so very grateful! Finally, the event was capped off with the “Welcome Home” cocktail reception—a festive gathering that marked the official alumnae celebration for our new Head of School! Most importantly, Reunion Day was the chance for alumnae to be with each other in a place very near and dear to our hearts and which all of us consider our home.

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1. Julen Harris ’04, Kristen Steller ’04, Lorena Ferrara ’04 2. Patty Kast Meyer ’64, Cynthia Hickey Rockmore ’64, Pam Powers Prokop ’64, Virginia Donahue Donohue ’64, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 3. Mary Scotti Toulouse ’91, Siobhan Hammer Dolce ’92, John Dolce, Colleen Mara McLane ’91 4. Lee Szczypkowski McKenna ’84, Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84, Meg Walsh ’84 5. Elissa Forstmann Moran ’66, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 6. Emily van Buitenen ’04, Megan Hannigan ’04 7. Marisa Baldaccini Rokuson ’99, Katie Molloy ’99, Kerry Higgins ’99 8. Molly Smith ’13, Michelle M. Smith 9. Madrigals at the liturgy 10. Alicia LaCroix Lowitz ’84, Dana Bertrand Bennett ’84 11. Susie Callagy McCloskey ’84, Lynn Rhatigan Callagy ’57, Sara Callagy Finn ’88 12. Maggie Heffernan Trimble ’83, Libby Trimble 13. Class of 1959 14. Mrs. Hayes with Anne Correa ’69 15. Catherine Phelan Contino ’95, Kara Hartigan Whelan ’94, Erin Hartigan O’Rourke ’97, Sarah K. Grogan ’97


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w e lc o m e h o m e a l u m n a e !

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16. Class of ’04 reconnects with Assistant Head Michael Baber 17. Xanthe Alban-Davies ’92, Libby White ’67 18. DeDe Burke ’59, Sr. Ellie Carr, rscj, Cate Ryan ’59 19. Class of 1989 20. Class of 1979 21. Jennifer Williams Byrne ’84, Kathy Keogh Weidner ’84, Louise Bell Connor ’84 22. Anne Correa ’69, Mary Elizabeth Correa ’64, Louise Correa Newland ’67 23. Class of 2004 24. Class of 1984 25. Mandy Dawson Murphy ’85, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64, Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84 26. Dolores Cox Agnew ’59, 50th Reunion co-chair 27. Barbie Bertrand Saxe ’59, June Dolce Heffernan ’59 (50th Reunion Giving co-chairs) 28. Kate Nugent West ’59, Rita Murphey Cleary ’59 (watching the slide show) 29. Sr. Ellie Carr, rscj and Liz Byrnes Watt ’59 30. Jean Hunter, rscj ’49 and Mrs. Hayes 31. Andrea Azuaje ’04, Andrea Whitton, Chrystele Lauture ’04, Catherine Stanford ’04 32. Patty Kast Meyer ’64, Sheila Hickey Cameron ’62 33. Three generations with Mrs. Hayes: Kim Kupik ’05, Louise Meiere Dunn ’48 and Hildreth Dunn ’77



w e lc o m e h o m e a l u m n a e !






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G r e e n w i c h - M a pl e h u r s t Al u m n a e A s s o c i at i o n

Does the Honors At this year’s Reunion, four outstanding women were honored for their service to the School and their commitment to the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart. June Dolce Heffernan ’59 and Nancy Murphy, rscj ’59, were presented with the Outstanding Alumna Award. Maureen Wade, DC and Andrea Whitton were presented with the Honorary Alumna Award for their 20 years as members of the Sacred Heart faculty. Following are the testimonials that accompanied the presentations. Sister Murphy was not able to attend Reunion because she is continuing her ministry in Indonesia. On a future visit to the U.S., she will speak to our students at a special liturgy in her honor.

JUNE Dolce HEFFERNAN ’59 Outstanding Alumnae Award June Heffernan is the quintessential Sacred Heart alumna and embodies all the criteria for the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association Outstanding Alumna Award. Selfless in service to others, she is an inspiration to her family, her friends and her charitable causes. She has fed the hungry, given drink to the thirsty and sheltered the homeless, all in her very quiet and humble way. She exemplifies a true child of the Sacred Heart in her love for and devotion to Sacred Heart and the Religious of the Sacred Heart. June’s devotion to Convent of the Sacred Heart has extended over more than 50 years. In the spring of 2008, she and Jack were honored at the dedication of the new turf fields that they named in honor of Joan Magnetti, rscj, and Rosemary Sheehan, rscj. The family’s support of the School in

so many different ways has never wavered. June was blessed with an artistic talent that she has used to the glory and honor of God. She has donated countless paintings to non-profit auctions to help those organizations raise money for the causes they serve. Her beautiful paintings adorn the walls of her family and friends, and have at times, graced the walls of the Cora McLaughlin Art Gallery, as they do now. Saint Madeleine Sophie said, “When you educate a woman, you educate a family; when you educate a family, you educate a society.” June has proven these words in her daily life. Her four daughters have graduated from Convent of the Sacred Heart, Greenwich and her granddaughter is currently a student here. An extraordinary woman, a role model, a devoted and loved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, godmother, and friend, June Heffernan is a most worthy recipient of the Outstanding Alumna Award of 2009.

N a n c y M UR P HY, RS C J ’ 5 9 Outstanding Alumnae Award Ann Elizabeth Murphy (known as Nancy), a Religious of the Sacred Heart, is an extraordinary example of one whose life has been lived in service to others. An educator, nurse and volunteer, she is an extremely gifted, selfless woman, and respected by all whose lives she touches. A native of Bridgeport, Connecticut, Nancy took her First Vows on March 23, 1966 at Kenwood Convent of the Sacred Heart in Albany, New York, and made her Profession in Rome, Italy in 1972. From

1966 to 1974, Nancy taught at Kenwood, Sacred Heart Greenwich, Bloomfield Hills and 91st Street. The subjects she taught varied from religion to social studies, English, philosophy and drama. In 1974 Nancy enrolled at New York University as a nursing student and, during her studies, volunteered at Lenox Hill and New York Hospitals. Following her graduation from the nursing program in 1977, she was a staff nurse at New York Hospital and the following year moved to Kenwood infirmary, where she was the staff and charge nurse in the care of the elderly infirm. In 1982 Nancy began her service as a dispensary nurse abroad, serving first in Dairut, Egypt, followed by Cairo and Abuoan, Egypt. Three years later she returned to New York and worked as a community health nurse at the Little Sisters of Assumption Family Health Services for seven years. Continuing her work with the poor and underprivileged, she later served as a pediatric nurse practitioner at the Children’s Aid Society and Mt. Sinai Hospital, where she also was the clinic coordinator of a school-based clinic. After the tsunami in Indonesia, Nancy traveled to that country as a volunteer to assist the local Religious of the Sacred Heart in ministering to the refugees. In January 2008 she returned to Indonesia where she is continuing her ministry. For her dedication to the vision and mission of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, for her unwavering commitment to help the elderly, poor and underprivileged, for the

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34. The Heffernan Family 35. Joani Egan Mendelson ’59 (50th Reunion co-chair), Cathleen Mendelson Daly ’85, Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 36. Dana Bertrand Bennett ’84, Barbie Bertrand Saxe ’59 and Marion Glennon ’54 37. Magee Finn King ’93, Andy King, Catherine Phelan Contino ’95 38. Betrand Coleman ’71 and Lorraine Routh Nelson ’72 39. Class of 1964

courage she has demonstrated throughout her life, and for the lives she has touched in her loving and gentle manner, Sister Nancy Murphy is a most worthy recipient of the Outstanding Alumna Award of 2009.


Nancy Murphy, rscj ’59

is doing, to listen and to give the kindest and wisest counsel. She has impacted the lives of hundreds of Sacred Heart students, always with love and compassion in her heart. Maureen has been a beacon of faith, light and hope to faculty, staff and students. The joy she brought into our lives cannot be measured. We are profoundly thankful for Maureen’s many years of dedication and service to Convent of the Sacred Heart.

AN D REA W HITTON Honorary Alumnae Award The Honorary Alumna Award was presented to Andrea Whitton, Middle School history teacher and educator extraordinaire. Andrea has a deep devotion to Sacred Heart and a true love of both history and working with children. A conscientious and innovative teacher, she is committed to keeping her ideas and approaches current. During a recent sabbatical, Andrea revamped her entire curriculum. She works tirelessly to plan interesting and creative lessons for her students. Greatly respected by her colleagues, Andrea is an excellent team member. She is always looking for ways to build consensus

Maureen Wade, S.C.

Andrea Whitton

and to incorporate interdisciplinary work. In 2008 she led the sixth-grade team in working with the students to create an Islamic Museum to celebrate the religion and Middle Eastern culture. The project was chosen by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) to be presented at the 2008 NAIS National Conference, where Andrea also served as an expert panelist on teaching Islam. Andrea has often been lovingly referred to as “Mother Whitton” by her colleagues for the gracious welcome and the kind mentoring she has offered new faculty, and for the maternal role she often takes with her team members. She is also the “go to” person for Middle School history. For her exemplary work, her deep commitment to Sacred Heart education and to the hundreds of students she has taught and continues to teach, the Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association is proud to present Andrea with the Honorary Alumna Award.

Judith Becker, director of planned giving, Jayne Collins, head of the Upper School, and Dave Olson, head of the Middle School contributed to this article.


TR È S B i e n cl a s s o f 1 9 5 9 !

Honorary Alumnae Award It is a great pleasure to present the Honorary Alumna Award to Sister Helen Maureen Wade, S.C, former Director of the Library and Media Center, for her extraordinary dedication and service to Convent of the Sacred Heart. A most dynamic woman, Maureen has been a force of change and growth. As a leader in school library and media associations, she led the way in introducing technology in the early 1980s and continued to be in the forefront of its implementation and use. She was the person most responsible for the creation of our library and media center, which is of extraordinary quality and sophistication for a school. Her intellectual acumen, desire for excellence and strong leadership have positively affected the place of honor the library holds in the life of the School. It is a hollowed space of intellectual pursuit that is respected and loved. Maureen is always the “teacher” and “library professional” who role models so beautifully the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education. In her work with faculty, staff and students, her strong faith was always present in both words and deeds. She has had a profound effect on students, whether as an advisor, librarian or simply a friendly face always willing to stop what she

June Dolce Heffernan ’59


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A Look in the Mirror By Lori Wilson, Director of Upper School Campus Ministry and Theology Chair

Goals and Criteria As a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, the entire School community is dedicated to the following Goals and Criteria:

Goal One A personal and active faith in God

Goal Two A deep respect for intellectual values

Goal Three 24

A social awareness which impels to action

Goal Four The building of community as a Christian value

Goal Five Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.

The self-reflection will be directed by an 11-member steering committee representing all our constituencies. The committee includes: Jenn Bensen–Middle School faculty Andrew Byrne–Dean of Faculty Gail Casey–Upper School faculty Lorena Ferrara–Parent Johanna Golden–Student Pamela Juan Hayes ’64–Head of School Magee Finn King ’93–Staff Shelia McCorry–Lower School faculty Paula G. Tennyson–Trustee Patreece Williams-Creegan ’84–Alumna Lori Wilson–Steering Committee Chair

At a SHCOG meeting for parents are Ivelis Reyes, left, and Megan Ziminsky.

Driving along King Street one can almost see the banners that lead up to this School on the hill. These are merely sound-bites that point to what makes us the unique community that we are. The fundamental difference between our School and others are the Goals and Criteria, the foundation of Sacred Heart education. This year we are embarking on a journey to examine how best we are living out our mission. SHCOG, which stands for Sacred Heart Commission on Goals, is a term we will hear a lot this year. Sacred Heart will participate in a self-study reflection on how we live the Goals and Criteria. It is based on the belief that a community can renew itself by means of a reflective self-evaluation that yields fresh insights and recommitment to our mission. The purpose is for us to unleash our passion for the Goals and Criteria so that we can become a School more strongly aligned with our mission. Ann Taylor, rscj, who heads SHCOG, visited Sacred Heart on September 1 to share with faculty and staff what this selfreflection is all about. Later that day, she spent several hours training the steering committee. Insights gleaned from Sister Taylor’s presentation were that this is a thoughtful process that will fully engage all within the School community and provide us with an opportunity to become more deeply aware of our mission and live it fully.

Left to right, Victoria Allen, Salvatore Rotondo, Maria Lombard and Ethel Geisinger discuss Goal 1.

Teachers met to discuss the Goals and Criteria in after-school meetings.

College Acceptances of the Class of 2009 Note, numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of students accepted. Bold text indicates that at least one student is attending.

University of Alabama American University (4) University of Arizona Barnard College (3) Binghamton University (4) Boston College (9) Boston University (7) Brown University (4) University of California, Los Angeles Catholic University of America (2) College of Charleston (8) University of Chicago Clemson University Colgate University (2) University of Connecticut (8) University of Delaware Dickinson College Drexel University (2) Duke University Elon University (9) Emerson College (2) Fairfield University Fordham University (13) The George Washington University (2)

Georgetown University (4) University of Georgia Hamilton College (3) High Point University (2) Hobart and William Smith College (6) College of the Holy Cross (5) University of Indiana, Bloomington (3) Ithaca College (2) James Madison University (2) Johns Hopkins University University of Kansas University of Kentucky Lafayette College (2) LeMoyne College Lehigh University (4) Loyola Marymount University (3) Loyola University Maryland (6) Manhattan College (5) Manhattanville College Marist College (2) University of Maryland, College Park (2) University of Massachusetts University of Miami University of Michigan (2) Middlebury College (2) University of New Hampshire New York University (4)

The Sacred Heart Alumnae Community has a new look! As a member of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, GreenwichMaplehurst Alumnae Association, you are already part of the growing network of Sacred Heart alumnae. Now there is a new way to connect with this vibrant community: The Sacred Heart Alumnae Community Register now to join the new Sacred Heart community for access to: Social Networking—maintain and expand your circle of friends Online Directory—search a comprehensive alumnae directory Class Notes—share personal or professional news with photos and text Photo Galleries—enjoy photos of School events, alumnae gatherings, friends and families Career Resources—build business and social connections.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Northeastern University (3) Northwestern University (3) University of Notre Dame (4) University of Oregon Penn State University (3) University of Pennsylvania (3) Providence College (2) Quinnipiac University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rhode Island School of Design University of Rhode Island American International University in London (Richmond) University of Richmond (3) Roanoke College (5) Roger Williams University Rollins College (2) Rutgers University Saint Joseph’s University (2) Saint Michael’s College (3) University of San Diego (3) Santa Clara University (4) University of Scranton Scripps College (2) Siena College Skidmore College Southern Methodist University (5)

St. John’s University St. Lawrence University (3) St. Mary’s College of Maryland Stanford University SUNY Albany SUNY Buffalo SUNY Geneseo (2) Stonehill College (4) Susquehanna University Syracuse University (4) Temple University Texas A&M University Trinity College (2) Tufts University (2) Tulane University (5) Union College (4) Vanderbilt University (4) University of Vermont (7) Villanova University (7) Virginia Tech (2) University of Virginia (2) Wake Forest University (5) Washington and Lee University Washington University in St. Louis Wellesley College West Virginia University Western New England College College of William and Mary Williams College

To register now, follow these steps... • Email Michelle Smith, alumnae director, smithm@cshgreenwich.org for your security information. • Go to the “Alumnae website” • Click on “Sign in to the Alumnae Community” • Follow the on-screen instructions by entering your last name and clicking “Find My Record” • Click your name once it appears • When prompted, enter your security information • Follow the on-screen instructions until registration is complete • Contact Michelle if you have any problems logging on! Once you have registered... • Connect with Sacred Heart alumnae on Facebook • Friend Michelle M. Smith to stay up to date on all Sacred Heart alumnae happenings! • We hope you will stay connected to the Sacred Heart Alumnae Community and look forward to hearing about your successes in the years to come.


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Greenwich-Maplehurst Alumnae Association Events Christmas Party—December 5, 2009 College 101/Young Alumnae Gathering—January 5, 2010 NYC Young Alumnae Mid-Winter Blues with 91st Street— January 22, 2010 Alumnae Career Panel—February 4, 2010 Alumnae Annual Giving Reception—February 4, 2010 Spring Alumnae Phonathon—March 23-24, 2010 New York City Alumnae Gathering—March 31, 2010 Alumnae Generations Tea—April 8, 2010 Senior Alumnae Induction Luncheon—May 20, 2010 Alumnae Father/Daughter Dinner Dance—May 21, 2010 8th Annual Katie Cassidy Higgins ’96 Memorial Lacrosse Tournament—May 22, 2010 Graduation—June 4, 2010 Alumnae Family Picnic—June 13, 2010

Reunion Photos:

Alumnae Receptions Sacred Heart is coming to a city near you!

Visit with fellow alumnae and meet new Head of School Pamela Juan Hayes ’64 Stay tuned for details on events in the following cities! Boston—Vero Beach—Washington, D.C.

Reunion photos may be purchased at www.picproofs.net/derekphotographers. Enter the password: 10364 and place your order online with Derek Photographers.

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