The AI-driven future of customer service We sat down with Richard Kimber, the CEO and Founder of Daisee, who provides a SaaS solution that automates quality management using artificial intelligence (AI) for customer service, to learn more about AI and how it’s shaping the future of customer service. Some people are nervous or sceptical about AI—what’s your view? RK AI is a very exciting technology that should be embraced widely within the Australian and broader community. It's one of those areas around which people tend to have a low level of understanding, so it's important to emphasise the benefits and opportunities it provides and not to be too sceptical or nervous about it. How can AI be used in customer service? RK There are many ways AI can be used. A particularly useful way is analysing and prioritizing masses of information: being able to sift through thousands and sometimes millions of different
customer interactions to understand which ones matter. Another is prediction: using AI to predict what will happen in the future to allow you to adapt to provide better, consistent customer service. AI is very much underused in these areas but it’s also where a lot of companies can benefit from using it. What are the benefits of AI and automation in customer service? RK The main benefit is in the removal of waste, such as the wastage of customers’ and agents' time. We can use AI to identify mundane or straightforward interactions that can be automated using self-service technology—things like password resets or tracking packages. Ultimately, we want to make sure high-value or complex interactions are directed towards people in the customer service teams.
AI analysis of customer interactions can also be used to dramatically improve customer experience as it can provide deep insight into the reason for customers calling in, as well as their sentiment, emotion and any other characteristics of the call that may indicate a poor customer experience. This information can then be used to customise and personalise coaching and development for each team member to ultimately improve customer experience.