Driving a better customer experience Please tell us about your role as Chief Customer Officer. Talkdesk partners with customers to help design their CX vision, enable the implementation of that vision into their organisations and measure the results, and I am responsible for looking after that customer journey. It’s an honour to look after this responsibility and it's the client services teams at Talkdesk that are the true difference-makers.
CSIA was delighted to recently talk to Kieran King, Talkdesk’s Chief Customer Officer and hear her thoughts on what drives her customer service team to deliver outstanding results, the importance of diversity and why Talkdesk founder and CEO Tiago Paiva’s belief that customers must be at the heart of every conversation and interaction is just as important as ever.
How has your career journey to date put you in good stead to develop such exceptional client service teams? I’ve spent my entire 25-year career in client-facing roles. Working at a global level, I have had the
privilege of consulting with companies across various industries and continents. The work itself has been inspiring – helping brands facilitate digital transformations and each experience has been full of learnings and best practices. The most significant of which is how to listen intently, apply balance to decisionmaking and how to ‘channel the chair.’ This technique fosters empathy where you put yourself in the customer’s seat.