Special Events
MARCH MONTHLY MEETING Design/Build & BIM - Dan Russell Specifications & Construction Documents March 14, 2013 Sundt Construction has completed over 100 projects using Building Information Modeling (BIM) and currently has an additional 25 BIM projects either in design or construction. Sundt’s Director of Construction Technology, Dan Russell, CM-BIM, LEED AP will be sharing the positive aspects of using BIM with a Design/ Build approach versus traditional contracting methods, with us at our March luncheon meeting. Dan Russell’s biography Beginning with the background and driving forces behind BIM and the impact it has had on construction; Mr. Russell will describe how BIM is used in the different project delivery methods ranging from the traditional Design, Bid, Build through Design/ Build, and CM at Risk. He will also discuss information flow in Design/ Build and explain how Specifications are integrated with a BIM project approach. Time 11:30 am - Networking / Table Tops 12:00 pm - Lunch, Meeting, Program 1:00 pm - Table Tops
Table of Contents President’s Message. . . . . . . 2 Code Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CSI Golf Tournament . . . . .4-5 Technical Article . . . . . . . . 6-7 AZ Builders Exchange . . . . . 9 Bylaws Update . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Technical Article . . . . . . .10-12 AIA Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Reference Library . . 15-17 Key Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Where DoubleTree Suites 320 North 44th Street Phoenix, AZ 85008 Reservations can be made by contacting Louise Rehse at 602-258-7499 or OR online at Cost Members: Free Non-Members: $25.
Register NOW for the March meeting online! Click the link below
Recently, I attended the Las Vegas Chapter’s 25th Anniversary celebration. This was a wonderful evening at the Smith Center in Las Vegas with attendance well over 140! This truly was a “CSI Experience”. The Chapter celebrated past presidents, board members, members, Fellows and anyone holding a certification. It was a night of memories, appreciation and inspiration for the future! The Phoenix Chapter was represented by Ron Geren, Teri Hand, Robin Snyder, and myself. We all had an exceptional time. The CSI Awards Nominations are due Friday, May 3rd. If you know someone you would like to nominate please do so! You can download guides/forms for the honors and awards program via We also have an Awards Committee formed to help coordinate our efforts as a chapter. Jim Bandle is volunteering to lead the committee over the next few months. Please contact Jim directly at if you have a firm or individual in mind that should be considered. I look forward to seeing you at the March meeting!
PUBLICATION DEADLINE Publication deadline for the April 2013 issue of the Phoenix Chapter Newsletter is March 15, 2013. Articles and items of interest should be submitted to Laurie Pretzman at We welcome member articles, ideas and suggestions. Original articles are great! But if you are not a writer, we will reprint articles from your company, your industry organizations or your trade magazines. It’s a win/win for everyone. Educate your prospects and clients.
CODE CORNER Openings—Part 1
By: Ronald L. Geren, AIA, CSI, CCS, CCCA, SCIP
“The act or an instance of becoming open or being made to open.” “An open space serving as a passage or gap.” “An unfilled job or position; a vacancy.” “A breach or aperture.”1 The word “opening” has many meanings, as indicated above. However, with its many specific code-related definitions, it is surprising that the International Building Code (IBC)2 does not provide its own definition of “opening.” So, in the absence of a code-specific definition, the latter definition from the above list is very apt when referring to doors, windows, and other “breaches” in fire-resistance-rated assemblies. Click on the link to read the full article:
CSI PHOENIX CHAPTER ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT (Benefits the CSI Phoenix Chapter & Kenn Lockhardt Scholarship Fund)
Friday, April 26, 2013 Registration @ 6:45 AM. Shotgun @ 7:30 AM Vistal Golf Club 701 E. Thunderbird Trail Phoenix, AZ ENTRY FEE: $85.00 Per Player (Includes Green Fees, Cart, Range Balls & Prizes) FORMAT: 4 Player Scramble Format AWARDS: 1st & 2nd PLACE AWARDS Special Hole Prizes – $100.00/EACH RAFFLE PRIZES: Tickets Available at Registration Table – GREAT PRIZES FOOD: “RANCH COOKOUT” Hamburgers & Chicken
BRONZE ($100) SILVER ($150) GOLD ($350) PLATINUM ($600) SINGLE ($85/PLAYER) TEAM
DAVE SPICE, CSI DAS PRODUCTS, INC. 8620 E OAK ST. MESA, AZ 85207 480-894-9858 or 480-213-4534 (C) Or Fax 480-838-0821
(Please Make Checks Payable To: PHOENIX CHAPTER CSI)
BRONZE: $100 - Includes a hole sign, your Company Name in any advertising and recognition at the luncheon following golf.
SILVER: $150 – Includes a hole sign, your Company Name in advertising and recognition at the luncheon following golf. BONUS: Round of golf for ONE (1) player at a later date!
GOLD: $350 – Includes all of the BRONZE items PLUS two (2) rounds at no charge in the tournament. BONUS: Round of golf for TWO (2) players at a
later date! 4.
PLATINUM: $600 – Includes all of the BRONZE items PLUS four (4) rounds of golf at no charge in the tournament. BONUS: Round of golf for FOUR (4) players at a later date!
Please review and complete the registration form noting whether you are a Sponsor or Player. Contact Dave Spice or Kelli Steward at 480-894-9858 for any assistance. Dave can
also be reached on his cell phone @ 480-213-4534.
We would like to acknowledge the Sponsors of 2012!!
Arcadia Inc.
Berridge Mfg./Elite Architectural Products
PHP Pipe Supports
BASF SPF Roof/Wall Systems
DAS Products, Inc.
Firestone Building Products
FiberTite Roofing Systems
Metal Sales
Robert Gomez Architect
Lane Awards
Spectra Consulting
Partitions & Accessories
Tech 7 Solutions
Star Roofing
Progressive Roofing
Technical Resource Consultants
Stego Industries
Rollfab Metal Products, LLC Soprema, Inc. Sprayfoam Southwest United Coatings
The Reference Library
TECHNICAL ARTICLE Unintended Greenwashing
By: Dan Marks, CSI CDT LEED Green Associate, Southwest Regional Manager for Stego Industries, LLC
Greenwashing is almost never intentional. Most manufacturers, for good reasons (ethical and legal), want to tout the characteristics of their products with integrity and accuracy. Doing otherwise would run the risk of having a product removed from consideration by the design and construction communities (to say nothing of the effect on reputation). However, it often appears that the best of marketing intentions yield some of the most grievous examples of ways in which sustainable characteristics are improperly reported, poorly interpreted, and/or invented out of thin air. While there are several general categories in which these examples may fall, a few stand out as perhaps the most common and, to one observer and industry member, inexcusable (despite the best of intentions): Misreading of LEED Rating Systems LEED offers, with little argument, the most recognized rating system for evaluating building/construction sustainability. Therefore, the fact that its credits are often misunderstood is problematic. While there are many examples of mistakes made in misreading or misreporting product information regarding the various Rating Systems under LEED, a few will suffice:
Manufacturers often that claim their systems or products "qualify" for LEED; however, LEED does not qualify products individually or specifically. Products are evaluated based on how they fit into the intent of the credits within the rating system, and one product may provide significant contribution toward earning points in a given credit, but LEED does not qualify or certify products.
Along similar lines, products can contribute toward specific credits, but it would be rare to have a single product alone earn a point. A classic example pertains to Materials & Resources Credit 4: Recycled Content where 1-2 points can be awarded if thresholds are met for recycled content of the total value of the building materials (by cost). Unless a single product comprised a very significant portion of the total cost of building materials, and also had a relatively large percentage of recycled content, the best it could hope to do would be to contribute toward the intentions of this credit. A product simply being made of, say, 100% recycled content, denotes contribution toward the credit; however, most individual components or products comprise a very small proportion of the total costs of materials used in or for a building.
Material and Resources Credit 5: Regional Materials is designed to "increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region." The key word here is 'and.' Often, a manufacturer will only provide information as to where their products are made or assembled; however, for a point to be earned, at least 10% of the total building materials, by cost, must be "extracted, harvested or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of the project site." The Point: Take general statements about product contributions with a grain of salt, know intimately what the LEED Credits require and how points are earned, and scrutinize the hard data when evaluating a system or material.
Fuzzy Math If you approach the checkout counter at a local store, ready to purchase a single item, and are offered to select between receiving a discount of 25% on your purchase or, for the same price, being handed 25% more of that item, which would you choose? Which should you choose? The answer may not always be clear, and the confusion is often used to the advertiser's advantage. Infomercials are notorious for this; in fact, in the world of internet gadgets, you may have seen a device/service that guarantees "500% shorter download times." Note that nothing (literally nothing) can be more than 100% less than something else without dipping into negative numbers. When 100% of something is gone, all of it is gone. The mistake is made when confusing more download speed and less download time. The two are inversely proportional, and thus percentage gains or losses between the two are not interchangeable. There are numerous examples of characteristics whose inverse may be useful to know but are not the basis of design (for insulation, R-value vs. U-factor). In my industry (under-slab vapor barriers), the most useful value pertaining to a material's effectiveness is its water-vapor permeance rating (where lower numbers are more effective in stopping vapor migration). The inverse could, I suppose, be thought of as resistance to water-vapor migration, but this value/concept is never used and would be misleading. Narrow Scope Recycled content, regional materials, etc. are important ideas whose time has come, but they do not necessarily always translate to sustainability directly. The industry, fortunately, has understood for a very long time that we need to take a holistic approach in defining what sustainability truly means. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), which serves to provide a detailed and immensely useful understanding of how products and systems impact the world around them (from conception through disposal), is taking aim at this target. One example helps to highlight the importance of this new, expansive approach:
Recycled Content, in many applications, may not be ideal. Recycled products, especially in the world of plastics, can translate into inferior performance characteristics. Applications that suffer from weakened materials, only preferred because of the use of recycled content, may incur larger losses (monetarily and in the form of negative environmental impacts) than if "new" materials were employed originally.
The Point: Products ambiguously identified as being "green" because of a single trait or component may or may not be the ideal choice for the application in question. This conclusion will only materialize through a more complete approach to product evaluation utilizing information gained through LCA. 1
This discussion is based on LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovations
From the perspective of getting the most of that item for the least amount of money, you should select the 25% discount. In this case, your unit cost will be 75% of the original price listed. In the case of selecting 25% more product for "free," your unit cos t will decrease by the ratio of the additional product to the new total amount of that product (.25/1.25 = .2 or 20%). Thus, your unit cost in the latter situation is 80% of the original listed price, slightly higher than what your unit cost would be in the first example (75% of the original listed price). 3
Twice the download speed [100% increase] results in 50% less download time; a three-fold increase in the download speed [200% increase] results in ~67% less download time; etc. 4
ASTM E 1745-11 Standard Specification for Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs references water-vapor permeance, measured in perms [gr/(h·ft2·in.·Hg)], as the preferred metric.
SIERRA VISTA HOSPITAL SET FOR $100M EXPANSION This article was shared by Arizona Builder’s Exchange Last week ASU broke ground on what is arguably one of the more meaningful developments to this industry in the Downtown Tempe campus – Block 12, or, College Avenue Commons – where the Del E Webb School of Construction (DEWSC) will have a permanent place to call home. This building is a “tremendous step forward for the Del E. Webb School of Construction” says Dr. Michael Crow, President of ASU. Click on the link to read the full article
AZBEX is proud to partner with CSI in providing the information above.
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BYLAWS UPDATE By: Mark Yarish, CSI Phoenix Chapter Secretary
In July 2010, Institute President Dennis Hall formed the Membership Classification Update Recommendation Task Team charged with evaluating the issue of combining the three voting member classifications - associate, industry, and professional - into a single member class and submitting a recommendation to the board. After reviewing bylaws of AIA, AGC, CSC, USGBC, as well as several engineers' organizations, the task team submitted its recommendation to the board in September 2010. The recommendation was to: Combine the three groups of voting members into a single group named Professional Members. Change the name of intermediate members to Emerging Professional Members. Make it possible for Emerging Professional members to vote and to hold office at the chapter and region levels. Create a bylaws review task team to help the Institute Secretary process the large number of chapter and region bylaws. Change the membership occupation codes to a structure that would better match the "four teams" concept. In 2011, CSI members approved an amendment to CSI’s bylaws implementing the recommendations. As a result, our Chapter bylaw provisions based on the old member classifications are no longer valid and therefore the Phoenix Chapter Board is proposing a change in our bylaws to bring them into compliance with the Institute bylaws. Additionally, several grammatical corrections/clarifications are proposed to make this revised document more CLEAR, CONCISE and CORRECT. In this newsletter, we have published the proposed amended "Bylaws of the Phoenix Chapter of The Construction Specifications Institute" for our members’ review and welcome any input or questions you may have. A formal vote to accept these revised bylaws will be held at the April member meeting. Click on the link to view bylaws.
TECHNICAL ARTICLE Polished Concrete Finishes By: T.J. Valdez, CSI
Polished concrete has become one of the most popular floor finishes of the last few years. Given the benefits, it is not hard to see why. It is durable, low maintenance, versatile, and is not susceptible to the detrimental effects of moisture vapor emission. Its popularity has also resulted in a slew of polished concrete equipment manufacturers, material manufacturers, and subcontractors hitting the market, each with their own preferences and idiosyncrasies. Yet there are some global consistencies that when observed, can assist any spec writer in creating a functional and informative specification. Generally speaking, a polished concrete system will consist of a grinding process (optional), a silicate or siliconate based liquid hardener, a polishing process, and a sacrificial guard for added protection. Levels of Grind and Polish There are two general types of diamonds: metal bonded, or grinding, diamonds and resin bonded, or polishing, diamonds. The grinding process, which is not always used, utilizes the metal bonded diamonds for leveling a concrete slab or removing the top portion of the slab exposing the small and/or large aggregate. For the grinding process, it is not as important to specify the grit of the diamonds to be used as much as it is the level of the grind that is desired. Generally, there are four levels of grind from which the owner, designer, and specifier can choose:
Cream Finish – Little to no grind or aggregate exposure.
Fine Aggregate (Salt and Pepper) Finish – Light grind usually resulting in no more than 1/16” of concrete being removed from the surface of the slab.
Medium Aggregate Finish – Medium grind usually resulting in 1/16”-1/8” of concrete being removed from the surface of the slab.
Large Aggregate Finish – Heavy grind usually resulting in 1/8”-1/4” of concrete being removed from the surface of the slab.
Cream Finish
Salt & Pepper Finish
Achieving the deeper grinds requires additional passes with the grinding equipment and with that, more wear and tear on the diamonds. These finishes may add anywhere from 15%-45% to the cost of the floor when compared to a Cream Finish. Medium Grind
Heavy Grind
The polishing process, beginning with resin bonded diamonds of 100 grit and going up to 3000, will determine the final gloss level of the surface. Because this shine can be replicated with topical sealers, waxes, and guards (all of which are temporary), it is imperative to specify the final grit level of polishing diamonds to correspond with the desired gloss level (the 3000 grit, for example, will leave a permanent, mirror-like, high level shine on the surface). The gloss level itself (measured according to ASTM E 430) may also be listed in the specification, but the specification should require that any gloss readings be taken before the application of the guard. Matt Finish (400 Grit)
Semi Gloss (800 Grit)
High Gloss (3000 Grit)
Color In addition to the levels of grinding and polishing, the color of the concrete surrounding the aggregate (exposed or not) will make the greatest impact on the appearance, and the cost, of a polished concrete floor. These colors can be achieved through one of four processes: acid stain, dye, integral color, dry shake hardener. Acid stain is a spray-applied material that chemically changes the color of the top 1/16”-1/8” of the surface of the concrete slab. It is applied after the grinding process, but before the polishing. It provides a UV stable, semi-transparent, mottled finish. Colors are usually limited to 8-10, depending on the manufacturer, and are in the earth tone and blue/green range. The final color of an acid stain is dependent on the reaction between the stain and the cement, and can therefore be a bit unpredictable. Dyes are available in water-based or acetone-based formulations, both VOC compliant. They are interior only, as the color is not UV stable and will fade over time with UV exposure. The material is also spray applied and can be made to be uniform or mottled. Color selection is much wider than with acid stains and the final finish is much easier to control. Integral color is mixed into the concrete while it is in the mixing truck. The color is more consistent than an acid stain, but tends to be more muted. It is more UV stable than the dyes, but will slightly fade over time with extended UV exposure. Dry shake hardeners are often seen on warehouse, hangar, and shop floors. The material is applied at the time of placement and therefore cannot be used for ground finishes. It gives a normal polished floor added surface density, abrasion resistance, impact resistance, and hardness. When used in these applications, the dry shake hardeners usually are only available in white or gray but can be made in colors. Acid Stain & Polish
Acetone-based Dye & Polish
Integral Color & Polish
Managing Clients’ Expectations Due to the wide variation of polished concrete finishes (level of grind, level of polish, coloring method, etc) it is imperative that the different options and associated costs are clearly communicated to all parties involved, especially the owners/owners’ reps. As previously mentioned, heavier grinds and finer (higher grit) polishes come with a price premium. This can come as a serious reality check to an owner/architect/general contractor who may be familiar with the costs of a Cream Finish, but are now expecting a Heavy Grind finish.
Additionally, each coloring method comes with its own benefits and limitations. For instance, an acid stain will never produce a uniform finish, but nor is it supposed to. A client that requires a uniform finish should be informed that no concrete finish is 100% uniform, but a dyed or integrally colored floor are his best options. Not only do the clients need to know what to expect, but the contractors must also know what is expected of them. The best way to manage this is to write a specification that requires a mockup. The mockup should be done in the exact method that the main floor will be done and should be at least 10’ x 10’. This allows the client and the designer to see any common variations in color and aggregate exposure as well as the level of gloss. Conclusion With polished concrete becoming ever more popular, architects and specifiers should be prepared to offer this as a functional, durable, cost effective, and aesthetically pleasing flooring option. Familiarizing oneself with the basic grind and polish levels as well as the coloring methods will benefit architects and specifiers in conveying their vision to the installer and ultimately delivering to the client the desired result.
Register NOW for the March meeting online! Click the link below
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AIA ARIZONA MARCH CALENDAR March 4th—AIA SAC Chapter Meeting/Lecture (tentative) March 6th—Member Communications Meeting March 7th—Phoenix Metro Affiliates Meeting March 8th— +2030 Professional Series & Scottsdale Section March 12th—Cornerstone Building Foundation—19th Annual Awards Banquet March 14th—Phoenix Metro Board of Directors March 15th—COTE March 19th—AIA SAC Board of Directors Meeting March 21st— VDC Committee—AIA Phx Metro March 25th—ARE Seminar: Schematic Design
Contributed by: Tammy Stevens | Architectural Specialist, Editorial (AZ,NM) CSI, AIA AF | Phone: 602-896-0867 Fax 602-862-9940 cell: 480-747-2769
THE CHAPTER NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT TODAY THE CHAPTER NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT In order to cut costs to keep the chapter profitable, the Board of Directors decided to outsource the newsletter and web site to a publisher – Your Computer Lady. Your Computer Lady had been creating the newsletters and updating the web site for over a year for a fee. But with this change to a publishing agreement, YCL sells advertising to cover the costs of each month’s newsletter and each month’s updates on the web site. Each of you have received numerous emails about advertising. Each newsletter for six months has included advertising info. Many calls have been made. But advertising is still not covering the basic costs of either the newsletter or the web site. These communications are important to the chapter. The newsletter promotes each monthly meeting not only to encourage member attendance but to encourage guests and potential members to attend. The newsletter provides educational information including the opportunity for you to educate the members about your industry and your issues. The web site provides a gathering spot of technical data, chapter information such as by-laws and the member roster. Do business with other chapter members! YOU NEED THE BENEFITS OF ADVERTISING WITH THE CHAPTER The newsletter has an Open Rate between 31-42%. That’s well above the national average of 25%. Your target market reads the newsletter! Click-through rates on the newsletter run between 16-28%. Again, well above the national average of 5%. Your target clients visit web sites and read articles from the newsletter! For the 3rd Quarter of 2012, the web site averaged 4,049 visits a month with 9,783 page views. In November 2012, a traditionally slow web site month, the site had 1,494 unique visitors who viewed 4,138 pages. Web traffic has consistently grown in 2012 over the 2011 numbers. UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY Three table tops are available at most meetings. You get a table top to display your products or services before, during and after the meetings. But you also get a 5 minute presentation to the entire chapter! Put your best foot forward and contact 80+ prospects at one time. Call Pamela Bir at 480-929-0335 today to arrange your advertising. Click on the link below see the low Advertising Rates. Click on the link for the Advertising Agreement.
MARCH 2013
MARCH 06 Veneerstone, Tim Skaggs, 602-388-2807 1 AIA LU with HSW and IDCEC
MARCH 13 Julius Blum & Co., Inc., David A. Janis, 760-341-2864 1 AIA LU with HSW
“Manufactured Stone Applications for the Building & Design Industry” What is manufactured stone? Where can manufactured stone be used? What are the benefits of manufactured stone? Special installation considerations How is it made? How do you recognize quality manufactured stone?
MARCH 20 MeltdownGlass/LoopArchitectural, 1502 1 AIA LU
“Technologies & Processes for Integrating Specialty Decorative Glass into Architecture and Interiors” What is kiln-fired glass? How to use decorative glass in applications that require ratings for sound, fire or bullet/blast. Process of how specialty glass features are designed with architects and highlight the process of working with contractors and end users through submittals, engineering, lighting and installation Integrating specialty glass into hardware and glazing systems including exterior/cladding applications.
“Use of Stock Components for Architectural Metalwork” Background review of the metal industry & fabrication trade. Material selection for aluminum, bronze, steel, stainless steel, malleable steel & nickel-silver based on properties, relative costs & fabrication expertise which include assembly, finishing & installation Company products & systems Pertinent codes Design liability MARCH 27 Total Wall, Randy Donovan, 904-239-8927 1 AIA LU “Keys to Quality Construction when using EIFS”
We will review the steps the specifier can use to help ensure a quality EIFS installation. Understanding the value of pre-construction meetings What to look for during EIFS installation Coordinating the different trades Key design details to use
PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING SEMINARS: o Call and remind me at o 03/06 Veneerstone o 03/13 Julius Blum & Co., Inc. o Call and remind me at o Call and remind me at o 03/20 Meltdown Glass/Loop o Call and remind me at o 03/27 Total Wall NAME(S) COMPANY
RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email or
1 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.
MARCH 2013
MARCH 07 Dyson, Dale Lee, 602-549-9878
MARCH 21 National Gypsum, David Sebastian, 602-625-2023
1 AIA LU with HSW/SD and IDCEC and GBCI
1 AIA LU with HSW
“New Hand Dryer Technology: Sustainable Hygienic & Cost Effective” List the key characteristics & benefits of different methods of hand drying Explain the new concepts in energy efficient hand dryers Identify sustainability & cost effectiveness issues that relate to commercial hand dryers Summarize the hygiene advantages of the new technology hand dryer
“Gypsum 101” At the end of this program, the participants will be able to identify the appropriate gypsum board for the intended application so that the system that is designed for performs correctly. The presentation will walk you through the basics of gypsum board and introduce you to the latest innovation of high-performance products available in the marketplace.
03/07 Dyson 03/21 National Gypsum
Call and remind me at Call and remind me at
NAME(S) (limit 3 from one company)
RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email or
2 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.
MARCH 2013
MARCH 28 Gloster, Phil Payne, 434-446-0514 and Ron Carlson, 928-777-8989 1 AIA LU , ASID, IIDA and IDC “Successful Specifying of Outdoor Furniture” Learning Objectives: Better understand the importance of correct specification & timing of specification Be informed of the typical materials used in the construction of outdoor furniture, why they are used and their relative merits Be advised of testing and standards required in the manufacture of the furniture Make known the importance of maintaining outdoor furniture & to educate on suitable sourcing of outdoor furniture
03/28 Gloster
Call and remind me at Or email at
NAME(S) (limit 3 from one company)
RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email or
3 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.
OFFICERS 2012-2013 President Angie France Sherwin Williams 623-606-1130
Treasurer Teri Hand Tnemec/Southwest Coating Consultants 602-418-1268
President Elect Brian McClure Stantec 602-320-5323
Director 2012-2014 Jim Daniels Atas International, Inc. 480-558-7210
Jeff Cox HKS, Inc. 602-462-0966
1st Vice President T.J. Valdez The Twenty-One Tech Co. 480-226-5809
Director 2011-2013 John Campbell Architect 480-399-1805
Bobbi Jo Huskey Soprema, Inc. 480-421-8186
2nd Vice President Eduardo Galindo CDM 602-281-7900
Past President Steve Smith
Secretary Mark Yarish The Orcutt Winslow Partnership 602-257-1764
COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2012-2013 Education and Certification Jill Anderson The Reference Library 602-258-7499
Awards Jim Bandle InPro Corporation 623-551-6067
Technical T.J.Valdez The Twenty-One Tech Co. 480-226-5809
Media Communications Carlos Murrieta Merge Architectural Group 480-544-8000
Membership Bobbi Jo Huskey Soprema,Inc. 480-421-8186
Fundraising & Golf Tournament David Spice, CSI, LEED AP DAS Products 480-894-9858
Imagination Cube Ken Martinek Arcadia, Inc. 602-437-2514 Academic Programs OPEN
Programs Angie Smith Sherwin Williams 623-606-1130 Calling Louise Rehse The Reference Library 602-258-7499