May 2012 CSI PHX Newsletter

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Special Events

MONTHLY MEETING SRP’s Sustainability Plans for 2013 Thursday, May 10, 2012

Table of Contents

Program SRP’s Renewable Energy & Sustainability Programs will be the topic of Karen Collins’ presentation. While discussing SRP’s commitment to sustainability, Mrs. Collins will also cover:

President’s Message. . . . . . 2

1. What types of renewable energy production makes up SRP’s Sustainable Portfolio Mix. 2. SRP’s solar incentive program performance and new incentive levels for FY13, both residential and commercial. 3. SRP’s new Community Solar program. 4. Other program offerings geared at sustainability and enhancing the environment.

Technical Committee . . . . 3-6

Guest Speaker Karen Collins, Manager, Residential Solar & Sustainability Programs, SRP Click link for speaker biography

The Reference Library . . 9-11


Location The Phoenix Place (formerly Radisson Hotel Phoenix City Center) 3600 North Second Ave Phoenix, AZ 85013

Education Program . . . . . . 3 Member Profiles . . . . . . . . . 3

Honors & Awards . . . . . . . . 6 Bowling Sponsorships . . 7-8 CSI LinkedIn . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Sheldon Wolfe . . . . . . . 12-13 Master’s Painters . . . . . . . 13 Southwest Region . . . . . . . 13 AZ Builder’s Exchange . . . 14 From the Editor . . . . . . . . . 15

Schedule 11:30 am – Networking/Table Tops 12:00 to 1:00 pm – Dinner/Meeting & Program 1:00 to 1:30 pm – Table Tops

AIA Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 15 New Ad Rates . . . . . . . . 16-18

Reservations must be made by May 7th at noon. Contact Louise Rehse at 602-258-7499 or Cost for non-members is $25. Only check or cash accepted at the meeting. Pay by credit card at the chapter web site. This program qualifies for 1 AIA LU credit.

Key Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . 19

UPCOMING EDUCATION COMMITTEE EVENTS CSI Phoenix Annual Spec Rep Academy June 1, 2012

Come hear professionals from your industry speak on current construction topics that will influence you as a product rep and how you do your job. Is your architecture/construction knowledge current? Questions, please contact Jill Anderson at


I will keep this message short, since I also have a technical article due this month as well. Hopefully everyone is having a good spring enjoying the mild temperatures so far. Like everyone else I hope we get some more rain before summer sets in. One good thing with the lack of rain is the lack of weeds. Has anyone done any spring cleaning for 2012? The board did some spring cleaning on February 7th by reviewing our financial status of the Chapter. With our diminishing membership over the last couple years we have been using our savings to balance our bottom line each year. We identified some additional expenses that were not budgeted each year along with some overruns on budgeted costs. We have had some receivables that didn’t meet the expected, budgeted amount. We came out of the meeting with several items to be investigated. We will be looking at new ways of fundraising beyond our educational classes and golf outing. We will be raising the meal cost for guests. We will be looking at other possible locations for our monthly meeting. We asked Pamela Bir, Your Computer Lady to look at ways reduce costs for the work on our web site and newsletter without affecting the product she has given us. Everyone by now should have observed her revised proposal in action. She will be selling advertising space in the newsletter to meet her expenses. By June we will see no cost to the Chapter for her work. Lastly the board has decided to raise the Chapter dues in FY 2013 for a couple of our different types of members. Member Types Professional Retired Emerging Professional Student

Previous Chapter Dues $155 $65 $65 $30

FY 2013 Chapter Dues $200 $65 $100 $30

Not a huge increase, but one we felt was necessary to balance our budget. As before your meals at the monthly meetings are included with your Chapter dues. One last item that I mentioned during the April monthly meeting. Dennis Barr, CSI passed away in a motorcycle accident at the end of Arizona Bike Week. The accident occurred near Globe. His wife was also involved in the accident and at the time of this writing is still in the hospital in a coma. Dennis was a great guy and will be greatly missed. As I have said before – Expected the Unexpected – whether you are on a motorcycle or in a car. Be safe.

EDUCATION PROGRAM UPDATE Meltdown Glass’ Let’s Get Dirty Event Summary By: Jill Anderson

On Thursday, March, 29, CSI members got to take a tour of Meltdown’s studio, learn about the manufacturing process and make our own coasters! We all had a great time and learned a lot. Every attendee got to bring something to mold into their own custom coaster. It was a great way to learn how cast glass is made and how every piece is truly custom!

NEW CSI PHOENIX MEMBER PROFILES One aspect of the new advertising program that is a first time effort for CSI Phoenix is the Member Profile. A page has been added to the web site “Member Profiles.” All members will be listed in alpha order. But as one powerful advertising option, a member can create a Member Profile. This is an entire web page dedicated to the member and their company. 

Company Description with photos and links to your web site. There is room for new product info here!

Member Description with a member photo. - Show your expertise in your industry. - Add some personal information to help other members get to know you. (We do business with people we know!)

There are 6 profiles online already!

TECHNICAL COMMITTEE The CSI Institute Technical Committee is developing the Specifiers Properties Information Exchange (SPie). SPie templates are currently being developed to contain uniform building product information that may be imported in BIM models. Currently there are 1,125 SPie templates, in MasterFormat order. CSI Institute Technical is looking for CSI members and interested participants (i.e. product associations, etc.) to review the templates by June 1. The primary goal for the review is to confirm and expand the ‘attributes’ and not the ‘values’ for building products and systems by MasterFormat number. For example, ‘thickness’ is important for a door, but not to establish all the thicknesses. ‘Integral color’ is important for laminate - but not red, white or blue. Our collective expertise may not reach to all the templates, but here we go.... If you are interested, please contact CSI Phoenix Chapter Technical Committee Chairman, Brian McClure at or Tim Garver at


By: Stephen Smith, CSI, AIA, CSI HDR Inc.

I thought I’d review this subject, since I had to write a “lessons learned” for my office regarding an atrium design from my last project. I thought I could kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes! Note: All IBC Code References are from the 2006 IBC, which was the one used for this project design and review. Designers seem to have a love affair with atriums, unfortunately, without a good understanding of all the requirements that go into making them code compliant. Many times the designers would like the atrium at the center of the building and not having a portion of it as part of the exterior wall. This design feature makes it more difficult to meet code requirements. I didn’t say impossible, but definitely more difficult (and costly). I will get into the reason a little further in my article. Rolf Jensen & Associates (RJA) had provided HDR with a presentation on Vertical Openings, Atria and Smoke Control Systems about the time I was working on my project, some of the information in this article is from our meetings and emails with individuals from RJA. First, let’s define atrium. Section 404 Atriums, paragraph 404.1.1 defines atrium as an opening connecting two or more stories other than enclosed stairways, elevators, hoistways, escalators, plumbing, electrical, air-conditioning or other equipment. Note atriums are not defined by use or size. During the RJA presentation, they identified several ways to avoid the space from being called an atrium. One way is to limit the vertical opening to two stories. Another is to identify the space as a vertical shaft per Section 707 Shaft Enclosure. Another is per Section 707 Shaft Enclosures, paragraph 707.2, exception 2 where a shaft enclosure is not required in a building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 for an escalator or stairway that is not portion of the means of egress protected in according to Item 2.1 or 2.2 (Open Stair / Escalator Approach). Other alternative options include rated glass or fire shutters (vertical or horizontal). All of these options require planning and cost, but the cost would still be less than that required for a smoke evacuation system needed for an atrium. We reviewed all of these options with my project owner during design. As the cost estimates developed and we were over budget, they began entertaining the open stair approach. The original atrium openings at each level were infilled with a horizontal glass floor so the area around the monumental stair met the requirements identified in Section 707.2, exception 2.1. The infill was inside the limits of our glass guardrail so no one would be allowed to walk on it. In reviewing this approach with the code reviewer, he deferred to ICC for their interpretation. The direction given back to us was that the glass floor would need to meet the load requirements of a structural floor. We proceeded in this direction until a value engineering session identified enough savings to go back to the original atrium design! Atrium Considerations Per paragraph 404.4, a smoke control system shall be installed in accordance with Section 909. Remember this will be an expensive system that will require a lot of pre-testing prior to the final testing and approval by the State Fire Marshal’s office and/or any other authority having jurisdiction. Per paragraph 404.5, the atrium spaces shall be separated from adjacent spaces by a 1 hour fire barrier constructed in accordance with Section 706 or a horizontal assembly constructed in accordance with Section 711, or both. When you have glass walls at the atrium enclosure, the glass wall will need to meet

the requirements of paragraph 404.5, exception 1. This paragraph deals with location of sprinkler heads on both sides of the glass wall and the glass framing system should be gasketed. There should be no intermediate horizontal mullions in the window system. If there is a door in the system it needs to be full height (no transom above it) in the framing system. Also note the location of the head in relationship to the window head is important. At most locations on our project, the ceiling adjacent to the window were level with the top edge of the frame head, but in some cases we provided a gypsum soffit at different heights above the window head. These soffits created a hardship during construction when the inspector felt the entire surface of the glass would not be wet upon activation of the sprinkler system. I would highly recommend keeping adjacent ceiling at the same height as the window frame and specifying and installing a sprinkler system using Tyco Model WS sprinkler heads as described in ICC-ES Evaluation report ESR-2397 with the heads located per the report. This system is specially designed for glass wall assemblies to provide a two-hour fire resistance rated nonload-bearing interior fire barrier assembly. Make sure the mechanical engineer has properly shown all fire dampers in the 1 hour rated fire barrier separating the atrium spaces from adjacent spaces. Per paragraph 404.6, the equipment required for the smoke control shall be connected to a standby power system in accordance with Section 909.11. Section 909.11 is discussed in detail later in the article. Per paragraph 404.7, the interior finish of the walls and ceilings of the atrium shall not be less than Class B with no reduction in class for sprinkler protection. During the plan review on our project, all data cut sheets for ceiling and wall finishes were required to be submitted for approval. Please keep this in mind as the project moves into construction and the subcontractors try to substitute finish products in the atrium space. Smoke Control System Considerations I will repeat this again – this system will be expensive. That was the reason our team tried to investigate other options with the owner of our last project prior to moving forward with a smoke control system. Mechanical considerations for the smoke control system include exhaust and make-up air fans and areas to induce make-up air (louvered area, blow open doors, etc). Outside air will most likely be needed to meet the required amount of relief air. Remember the designer wanting the atrium in the middle of the building with no exposed wall to the exterior of the building; now try to get the relief air required for the atrium into the space! Paragraph 909.4 requires a rational analysis to support the types of smoke control systems to be employed, their methods of operation, the systems supporting them and the methods of construction to be utilized. The analysis will accompany the construction documents when submitted to the authority having jurisdiction for plan review. Methods are described in paragraphs 909.6, 909.7 and 909.8. On our project we use the exhaust method as described in 909.8. The exhaust method removes the smoke high in the space, supplies make-up air low in the atrium and creates a smoke layer above the walking surfaces. Smoke control systems using the exhaust method shall be designed in accordance with NFPA 92B. NFPA 92B presents several ways to address the removal of smoke, which includes the use of any of the following tools; scale modeling, algebraic calculations or computer modeling. In our case we used computer modeling due to the complex tiering within our atrium. The modeling helped confirm the amount of relief air needed and where the relief air needed to enter the atrium space. For us, it identified the need for blow open doors to get the additional relief air required and which doors needed to be blow-opens. The modeling also identified a third level shelf within our atrium that collected smoke. We installed a smoke curtain behind our guardrail in a horse shoe shape and then provided relief air from behind the curtain from perforated ceiling tiles to push smoke out from the shelf area. Section 909.10 describes the equipment to be used for smoke control and their requirements. Make sure your mechanical engineer is very familiar with this section. Per paragraph 909.11, the smoke control system shall be supplied with two sources of power. The primary source will be from the normal building power system. The secondary power system shall be from an approved standby source. The standby power source and related transfer switches shall be in a separate room from the normal power transformers and switch gear. The enclosed room shall be constructed of not less than 1 hour fire barriers ventilated directly to and from the exterior.

Section 909.12 identifies detection and control systems. We used automatic controls as outlined in paragraph 909.12.3. When automatic controls are used the sequences shall be initiated from an appropriately zoned automatic sprinkler system complying with Section 903.3.1.1, manual controls that are readily accessible to the fire department and any smoke detectors required by the engineering analysis. A zoned fire sprinkler system means the sprinkler system for the atrium space is separate from the system for the remainder of the building. The controls system shall include provisions for verification. Verification shall include positive confirmation of actuation, testing, manual override, the presence of power downstream of all disconnects and through a programmed weekly test sequence, report abnormal conditions audibly, visually and by printed report. One item that was missed by our engineer but was discovered during pretesting of the system was control contacts verifying the presence of power downstream of all disconnects. The fire fighter’s smoke control panel is described in Section 909.16. The smoke control panel shall be installed in an approved location adjacent to the fire alarm control panel. The fire alarm system for atriums is outlined in paragraph 907.2.13. Within this paragraph there is a sentence that states that occupancies in Groups A, E or M shall be provided with an emergency voice/ alarm communications system complying with the requirements of Section 907.2.12.2. During the code analysis of the building we had identified the building and the atrium as Group B occupancies, but during the plan review the reviewer had the first level atrium space revised to Group A after reviewing the furniture plan. We had not noticed the requirements for an emergency voice/alarm communication system until we were well into construction and needed an interpretation letter from RJA. The reviewer accepted the interpretation and an emergency voice/alarm communication system was not installed, thus leaving the system as originally designed. Paragraph 909.18.8.1 identifies that special inspection of the smoke control system is required. Special inspection will occur at two different stages of construction. The first special inspection will occur prior to concealment of the ductwork and fire protection elements. The second will occur prior to occupancy. A special inspection report was due to the State Fire marshal’s office and to the plan reviewer’s office prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy. Also per paragraph 909.18.9, the design team provided written procedures that defined proper operation and test procedures to follow when completing the required recurring testing of the smoke control system, which will be kept on-site. I didn’t dive into all the specifics of the rational analysis for a couple of reasons: the article would become extremely long and I do not know the requirements as well as an consultant versed in atrium smoke control design and modeling such as RJA. In short, the atrium can be a beautiful space for the owner and users of the building but it can be one of the more complex and costly spaces in the building when designed as an atrium.

HONORS AND AWARDS The CSI Phoenix Chapter is seeking to recognize individuals, groups or firms that have made a difference in the construction industry through the 2012 CSI Honors and Awards Program. This is our way to say THANK YOU for their contribution and time. If you know any individual, firm or group—member or non-member of CSI—that deserves to be recognized for their achievements, involvement, participation and commitment to the growth and development of the construction industry. Please contact: Carlos A. Murrieta, CSI Honors and Awards Program (480) 991-0800. Deadline May 4th

CSI PHOENIX CHAPTER BOWLING NIGHT As you know, CONSTRUCT 2012 will be in Phoenix this year on September 11th to 14th. This is the Construction Specifications Institute's largest annual event. On Thursday night, September 13th, the Phoenix Chapter will host a social event including food, drinks, bowling and pool at Lucky Strike Lanes at CityScape in downtown Phoenix. We expect to have several hundred members from around the country join us that night for bowling, networking and fun. Of course to make the evening memorable and exciting we need your continued support. Over the years, the Phoenix Chapter of CSI has benefited greatly by your support of our activities. We are hoping we can count on you once more to show your support with a sponsorship. This year we are offering eight different sponsor tiers requesting donations from $100 up. All contributions will be highlighted through out the night and included in various printed materials. Please see the attached flyer for details. Donations are due by May 15, 2012. Attached you will find the CSI Bowling Night Sponsorship Tiers flyer and registration form. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Thank you for your continued support and generosity to the Phoenix Chapter of CSI. Neil Davison, CSI, CCS, CCCA Phoenix Chapter CSI Phone: 602.906.9605

Wayne Shirlaw, CSI, CDT Phoenix Chapter CSI Phone: 602.748.3226

CONSTRUCT 2012 PHOENIX CHAPTER CSI BOWLING NIGHT SPONSOR REGISTRATION FORM MC Sponsor: $3,000 Donation—Taken Event Sponsor: $2,000 Donation—Taken Bar Sponsor: $1,000 Donation Food Sponsor: $750 Donation Full Lane Sponsor: $300 Donation Half Lane Sponsor: $300 Donation Pool Table Sponsor: $200 Donation Award Sponsor: $200 Donation Award Sponsor: $100 Donation Company Information Name: Company Name: Email: Address: Phone Number: Please make checks out to: Phoenix Chapter CSI Please send checks to: Construction Specifications Institute, Inc., Phoenix Chapter, PO Box 16212, Phoenix, Arizona 85011-6212 To pay by credit card: Please go to the Phoenix Chapter web site at In the lower right hand corner of the page is a red box that says “Make a Payment”. Click on that and follow the instructions

CSI LINKEDIN Join CSI LinkedIn. See the screenshot below for some active discussions.

MAY 2012 MAY 02 NATIONAL GYPSUM, David Sebastian, 602-625-2023

MAY 09 INPRO, Jim Bandle, 602-502-1168

“Gypsum Board: Beyond Recycled Content” 1 AIA LU with HSW and SD

“The Flawless Interior” 1 AIA LU with HSW, IDCEC Credit 0.1

The program explains how gypsum manufacturing process minimizes environmental impact and how recycled content applies to gypsum board. It also covers how gypsum board should be transported, stored, handled, installed and maintained in order to eliminate mold and mildew. It concludes with how gypsum board contributes to healthy indoor air quality and how specialty product applications can optimize indoor air quality, mold prevention, durability and fire safety.

-Understand how the proper installation of wall protection materials when specified with standard wall construction options, determines their effectiveness in interior applications. -Recognize when to specify wall cladding vs. targeted wall protection. -Understand which best practice options to specify to achieve effective and aesthetically pleasing corner protection. -Develop strategies to successfully specify and document sustainable options in wall protection materials.

MAY 16

Ipg, (ITape), Drake Nelson, 480-652-7509 “Code Changes for Air Barriers and Wall Assemblies”

MAY 23 HILTI, Heath Ludwig, 480-747-8305


“Firestop – A Matter of Life Safety” 1 AIA LU

-Review the changes made to the ICC-AC11 and ICC-AC36 -We’ll discuss the drainage in wall assemblies -We’ll cover air barriers in commercial and residential buildings -What are the latest techniques to solve drainage and air barrier issues?

This seminar has been developed to provide a comprehensive overview of firestopping from theory to practice – why passive fire protection is necessary, how to correctly identify applications and install firestop, inspection guidelines and tools and how to effectively manage the firestopping installations in new and existing buildings.

MAY 30 Chase Doors, Jon Nevison, 480-532-7950 “Double-Acting Traffic Doors for Restaurant & Specialty Retail Applications” 1 AIA LU This program is a study of double acting traffic doors, their applications and the factors to consider when specifying a double acting traffic door. We will evaluate the factors to specify a double acting traffic door and implement the new generation of double acting traffic doors in the design.

PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING SEMINARS: o 05/02 National Gypsum o Call and remind me at 05/09 InPro o o Call and remind me at o 05/16 ITape o Call and remind me at o 05/23 Hilti o Call and remind me at 05/30 Chase Doors o o Call and remind me at NAME(S)




RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email or

1 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


MAY 2012 May 10 Cultured Stone, Sharon Clair, 602-269-2288 x1333

MAY 24 SUPERLITE BLOCK, Ed Freyermuth, 602-352-3853

“Designing Commercial Projects with Manufactured Veneer Stone” 1 AIA LU with HSW

“Mold in Buildings” 1 AIA LU with HSW and SD

   

LEED benefits in manufactured veneer masonry construction. Proper installation detailing to achieve high performance buildings. Highlighting the abundant design options available in veneer masonry. Design options to fully maximize your project’s budget.

There are many differing opinions and misinformation currently in circulation about mold, its affect on people, and how to minimize the occurrence of mold in buildings. This seminar will offer clarifying advice on the subject by covering the basics of mold, how it grows, and mold abatement strategies using concrete masonry construction, which, unlike other types of construction materials, provides inherent mold-resistance properties.


05/10 Cultured Stone 05/24 Superlite Block

o o

Call and remind me at Call and remind me at

NAME(S) (limit 3 from one company)



RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email or

2 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


MAY 2012 MAY 17 ARCADIA, Ken Martinek, “The Doors to Gracious Living” 1 AIA LU Our topics will include: Swing Doors – oversized, entrada pivot Series and non traditional applications Sliding Doors – oversized 12’ and up, roller options and pocket/non traditional applications Bi-Folding Doors – economical/LOCAL/options Budget assistance with regards to finish, hardware and the VE options.


05/17 Arcadia


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NAME(S) (limit 3 from one company)



RSVP TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARY – Fax 602-297-6613 Phone 602-258-7499 Email or

3 ©1988 The Reference Library, LLC. All rights reserved.


SHELDON WOLFE What Happened to the Master Builder? By: Sheldon Wolfe, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, CSC

The master mason was in charge. He was architect and builder rolled into one. He often directed a work force numbering into hundreds. But he also worked among his people. He cut stone and installed plumbing. That puzzles us, wed as we are to the notion that academic and manual knowledge don't mix. John H. Lienhard, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering and History, University of Houston; my emphasis. architect: 1550s, from M.Fr. architecte, from L. architectus, from Gk. arkhitekton "master builder, director of works," from arkhi- "chief" + tekton "builder, carpenter". An O.E. word for it was heahcræftiga "high-crafter." Online Etymology Dictionary. About 2,000 years ago, Roman military engineer and architect Marcus Vitruvius Pollio wrote De architectura, now commonly known as the Ten Books on Architecture. As I'm sure most readers will know, he said good design required three things - firmitas, utilitas, venustas, or strength, utility, and beauty. We are less familiar with other things Vitruvius had to say about architecture. His first chapter discusses the profession of architecture and the education of the architect. [Architecture] is the child of practice and theory. Practice is the continuous and regular exercise of employment where manual work is done with any necessary material according to the design of a drawing. Theory, on the other hand, is the ability to demonstrate and explain the productions of dexterity on the principles of proportion. It follows, therefore, that architects who have aimed at acquiring manual skill without scholarship have never been able to reach a position of authority to correspond to their pains, while those who relied only upon theories and scholarship were obviously hunting the shadow, not the substance. But those who have a thorough knowledge of both, like men armed at all points, have the sooner attained their object and carried authority with them. …Let him be educated, skilful with the pencil, instructed in geometry, know much history, have followed the philosophers with attention, understand music, have some knowledge of medicine, know the opinions of the jurists, and be acquainted with astronomy and the theory of the heavens. Translation by Morris H. Morgan, PHD, LLD, professor, Harvard University. The ten books address a wide range of other subjects: planning, civil engineering, pavement, plaster, flooring, painting, color, aqueducts, geometry, astronomy, drainage, water mills, hoisting, building technology in general, siege engines, and more. Given the extent of his knowledge, I think we can say Vitruvius was a master builder. He wasn't the first, nor was he the last. As we will see, the profession of the master builder existed throughout much of history, until relatively recently. How much of the education Vitruvius discusses is found in modern schools of architecture? The curriculum at my alma mater didn't match up too well with what he had in mind. I don't know what is offered at every school of architecture in the US, but I suspect they are similar. High school English, or perhaps another year in college seems to be enough for good writing. My college believed that sketching still lifes and nudes was more valuable than producing working drawings. Hard sciences were, well, too hard for architects, so we had only minimal requirements for math and physics, followed by engineering for dummies. We did have a brush with history, but only of the architectural variety, and that focused on the appearance of buildings rather than their function. Many architecture schools spend years teaching planning and Big D design, give some attention to building systems and professional practice, and spurn construction experience as beneath the dignity of the architect. What did Vitruvius say? "…those who relied only upon theories and scholarship were obviously hunting the shadow, not the substance." To be a master builder requires knowledge of construction materials and how they are assembled.

I haven't been around long enough to say from personal experience, but from what I have heard and read, architects were respected people well into the twentieth century, when they still were thought of as "master builders". They knew a lot about the products they used and how they were to be installed, and they probably had hands-on construction experience. And when they visited the project site, the contractors feared the words, "Take it down and do it again - right!" or "Stop the work!" Those days are gone. Today it's more common for the visiting architect to be ignored, sometimes sneered at. Owners don't trust architects as they did in the past; they now feel the need to hire construction managers, owner's representatives, and commissioning agents, each of whom assumes some of the architect's traditional responsibilities. Architects have, over the last few decades, given up many of the services they formerly were expected to perform. This is partly due to the enormously increased complexity of construction and building systems it is no longer possible for an architect to be familiar with all products - but there has also been a conscious effort to avoid responsibility, to just do the fun stuff. Many schools do not prepare future architects for their jobs; they do students a disservice by encouraging their belief that one day, they will be design architects. The reality is that few architects do Design, while the majority translate the design into drawings and specifications, or, more recently, a model. Next month, we'll look at some of the things architects have given up. © 2012, Sheldon Wolfe, RA, FCSI, CCS, CCCA, CSC Follow me at,

MASTER PAINTER’S INSTITUTE Now, there’s an efficient, cost-effective way to teach your staff the best practices for specifying and working with paints/ coatings and avoiding premature failure. Designed for both new and seasoned professionals, MPI’s on-line courses put the collected knowledge of the industry’s experts at your fingertips, and MPI certification provides credibility and public recognition of your expertise. Level 1 covers the basics every professional should know. The Level 2 courses describe best practices for painting each of the many different substrates found in the built environment and how to avoid costly mistakes. Level 3 covers the quality assurance practices that lead to becoming an MPI-Certified Architectural Coating Inspector. For more information, go to the following link at APL/AD_News/paintinfonewsletter/mpi-whats-new-training2.asp or contact Gina Fleitman at or 412-431-8333.

2012 CSI SOUTHWEST REGIONAL CONFERENCE CSI Southwest Region Educational Conference & Product Show Hosted by the Tucson Chapter of CSI June 7 – 9, 2012 http:\\

FIVE MONTHS OF POSITIVE CONDITIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL BILLINGS INDEX Original Source: American Institute of Architects This article was shared by Arizona Builder’s Exchange

The commercial sector continues to lead the Architecture Billings Index (ABI) which has remained in positive territory for the fifth consecutive month. As a leading economic indicator of construction activity, the ABI reflects the approximate nine to twelve month lag time between architecture billings and construction spending. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) reported the March ABI score was 50.4, following a mark of 51.0 in February. This score reflects a slight increase in demand for design services (any score above 50 indicates an increase in billings). The new projects inquiry index was 56.6, down from mark of 63.4 the previous month. “We are starting to hear more about improving conditions in the marketplace, with a greater sense of optimism that there will be greater demand for design services,” said AIA Chief Economist, Kermit Baker, PhD, Hon. AIA. “But that is not across the board and there are still a number of architecture firms struggling so progress is likely to be measured in inches rather than miles for the next few months.” ◦ Regional averages: Midwest (54.1), Northeast (53.9), South (50.1), West (46.6) ◦ Sector index breakdown: commercial / industrial (56.0), multi-family residential (51.9), institutional (47.7), mixed practice (47.2) ◦ Project inquiries index: 56.6 AZBEX Follow-up AZBEX spoke with Mike Medici, Sr. Vice President & Office Director of SmithGroup JJR in Phoenix regarding his thoughts on the market. He has seen an uptick in many sectors of the market, specifically in Tenant Improvements (TI), and Data Centers. Tenant Improvement projects have always been there according to Mike, but confidence is coming back up and tenants are investing in their spaces. Medici also noted that he’s receiving calls from both Economic Developers of public agencies, as well as private developers. He stated that they all seem to be ‘testing the marketplace’ and the projects range from residential to modest office developments. Some developers are beginning to go on spec as well, which is a big change in the market. Medici also pointed out that local governments are being more proactive, sending out development RFP’s trying to get the ball rolling, so to speak. “Arizona is a little behind other states in market recovery. For the past few years we’ve been traveling to places like Colorado and Texas for work, but lately we’ve had to shift and refocus on Arizona, and the players in our own backyard.” Mike Medici, Sr. Vice President & Office Director, SmithGroup JJR.

AZBEX is proud to partner with CSI in providing the information above.   

For more on any of the following topics, contact us today!

Projects in the Planning/Development, Bidding, and Awarded States Legislation Affecting the Local A/E/C Industry Permits, Zoning Issues, and Local Industry Events

(480) 709-4190

FROM THE EDITOR The power of words. Too often we forget just how powerful words can be. This video was a strong reminder for me so I wanted to share it with you. As a business person, we must be particularly careful. Many of our words are in print or stored electronically. The mistakes we make are recorded forever! There’s a chance your spouse will forget that comment about your mother-in-law but the Internet is forever.  

 

Take the time to proof your emails. They have no visual cues so the reader can easily be hurt or angered by what is perceived as a blunt or rude tone. Use spell checker on everything! Yes, it does matter. The reader doesn’t know if you’re so poorly educated that you can’t spell or if you’re too lazy to pay attention. If someone is sloppy with their text messages or emails, will they pay attention to the details of my building? Be constructive. While it’s easy to complain, gripe and whine, it takes more effort to give constructive feedback to improve a situation. Say thank you. Two simple words can boost the morale of an employee or rejuvenate the spirits of a volunteer. Former Phoenix mayor Skip Rimza credited a large part of his business and political success to his habit of sending three thank you notes every day.

AIA ARIZONA MAY CALENDAR May 2: Member Communications Meeting May 3: Phx Metro Affiliates Meeting May 10: Phoenix Metro Board of Directors May 11: University of Phoenix Stadium Tour May 16: Membership Development May 17: VDC Committee - AIA Phx Metro

PUBLICATION DEADLINE Publication deadline for the May 15, 2012 issue of the Phoenix Chapter Newsletter is May . Articles and items of interest should be submitted to Laurie Pretzman at We welcome member articles, ideas and suggestions.

Advertising Rates

CSI Phoenix Chapter Email, Newsletter and Web Site The Rules    

Ads are sold for 3, 6 or 12 months. Payments are in advance via credit card or check. Payment must be received by 15th of each month prior to publication. You must provide your own artwork and/or copy. (If you need assistance, Your Computer Lady can assist you at their regular service rates.) Artwork and/or copy must be received by the 15th of the month prior to publication.

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200 x 200 pixels; jpg, tif, png or gif format




Digital image of business card or ad of similar size

300 x 175 pixels; jpg, tif, png or gif format




Table Tops


Limited to 3 per meeting. Fee includes 1 meal for a guest. 5 minute presentation at the beginning of the meeting. One 6’ skirted table. No electricity. Handouts on dining tables are optional. Raffle prizes are optional.


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Select 2 ads and get a 10% discount. Select 3 ads and get a 15% discount.

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Your Computer Lady

(480) 929-0335

10% of Ad Profits are Rebated to the Phoenix Chapter

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Your Computer Lady

(480) 929-0335

Officers 2011-2012 Past President Gary Mittendorf Traditional Roofing in Phoenix 480-440-4140

Secretary Mark Yarish The Orcutt Winslow Partnership 602-257-1764

President Steve Smith HDR, Inc. 602-474-3930

Treasurer Teri Hand Tnemec/Southwest Coating Consultants 602-418-1268

President Elect Angie France Sherwin Williams 623-606-1130

Professional Director 2009-2011 Jon Hammond 602-992-7449

1st Vice President Brian McClure Stantec 602-320-5323 2nd Vice President T.J. Valdez The Twenty-One Tech Co. 480-812-8800

Professional Director 2010-2012 Eduardo Galindo CDM 602-281-7900 Industry Director 2010-2012 Gary Campbell Assa Abloy 602-494-3235

Bobbi Jo Huskey Soprema, Inc. 480-421-8186

COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2011-2012 Education Chair Jill Anderson The Reference Library 602-258-7499

Awards Chair Carlos Murrieta, CSI, AIA SSWP Architects LLP 480-991-0800

Technical Chair Brian McClure Stantec 602-320-5323

Media Communications Chair Tim Garver, CSI, CDT Dunn-Edwards Corporation 480-736-7126

Membership Chair Alan Minker, CSI, CDT GAF 602-432-5267

Fundraising Chair & Golf Tournament David Spice, CSI, LEED AP DAS Products 480-894-9858

Imagination Cube Tim Garver, CSI, CDT Dunn-Edwards Corporation 480-736-7126

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