Mac Pasture Ranch

The 440± acre Cottle County Mac Pasture Ranch is located in Cottle County, Texas some 22 miles north of Guthrie and 19 miles southeast of Paducah. Lubbock is 105 nautical miles to the west and Amarillo lies 150 miles to the northwest. This ranch is located 5.6 miles east of U.S. Highway 83 and accessed by paved Farm to Market 1168 on the east and County Road 460 on the south.
The property supports a diversity of sparse to medium-density brush and shrub species along the drainage slopes to the Middle Fork of the Wichita River and include mesquite, hackberry, soap berry, ephedra, tasahillo, prickly pear, and sand sage. In the flatter plains region, mesquite provides cover and overstory for a multitude of grass species. Blue grama, side oats grama, King Ranch blue stem, little bluestem, silver bluestem, and a host of low-growing forbs provide excellent ground cover and browse for whitetail and in years of good population density, bobwhite quail.
Whitetail deer is the predominate specie of native game inhabiting the property although in favorable years, the habitat is supportive of bobwhite quail numbers. Feral hogs, whitetail, and coyotes filter in from adjoining property to the north as no hunting is allowed in that region. Some areas within the central portion of the property are defined by semi-open savannah acreage allowing for relatively easy UTV access throughout the entire property boundaries.
Water supply for the property sources from the Cottle/King County Water Coop and electricity is available by South Plains Electric. High-Speed Internet through Caprock Telephone Coop is also available via lines paralleling FM 1168 on the east boundary and County Road 460 to the south.
The condition of fences is excellent on two sides while on the east and south property line only an electric fence exists.
$770,000 • $1,750 per acre
With a good offer, some minerals may convey while all wind and solar rights will be conveyed with the sale.
Please feel free to call Wyman (940-256-8932) or Sylinda (806-392-5396) for an inspection of the property at any time.