Tahoka Lake Ranch 2,278± acres
Wilson, Texas
(806) 763.5331
Lynn County
Tahoka Lake Ranch Property Description We are pleased to offer for sale this Lynn County ranch. The property is a desirable combination of native pasture and CRP. The pasture portion of the property contains approximately 1,021 acres and has historically been operated as a cow/calf operation. The remainder of the property, approximately 1,257 acres, is currently enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The CRP contract expires in 2023, but the current payments are in the range of $50,000 per year, just under $40.00 per acre. This land that is currently in CRP will be suitable for grazing livestock once the contract expires. During the term of the CRP contract this land is still usable for hunting and recreation purposes. The native grass portion of the property is comprised of five pastures, several small traps and horse pastures. The highlight of the property is the abundance of surface water. Located in the northwestern portion of the property there is a spring-fed lake that covers approximately 8 surface acres and has a reported depth of about 12 feet. This lake is spring fed by fresh water and therefore is at a constant level. The lake is surrounded in a park-like setting with hackberry trees being in abundance. Deer and turkey are often seen around the lake, and this should be an exceptional dove hunting location.
(806) 763.5331
There are pumps in the spring fed lake that are used at times to divert water through a series of underground pipelines to other areas of the ranch. In particular there is a scenic draw located in the northcentral portion of the property that has a smaller pond. Water can be pumped from the larger lake to maintain the water level in this smaller pond. The draw that this pond is in is lined with scattered hackberry trees and is very scenic as well. There is yet another large lake located in the central part of the ranch that is fed entirely by runoff. This lake is fairly shallow but typically covers several surface acres. At one time this lake was surrounded by a dense canopy of invasive salt cedar. Most of these have since been grubbed and removed, however, it is reported that this lake is salty. This remediation has transformed the area that was once a near impenetrable canopy of dense salt cedar and mesquite and made the lake much more accessible. Due to the removal of the invasive salt cedar this lake may clear up in the future. There is an electric water well located in the eastern portion of the property that services an underground pipeline to four drinking troughs. It is reported that this well produces approximately 10 gallons per minute. Additionally, there is a windmill with concrete drinking trough that is in the southern portion of the property. Currently this windmill is not in use but is reported to be in operable condition, however, the concrete drinking trough is cracked and will require some repair. Approximately 140-150 acres of the property takes in the eastern portion of Tahoka Lake. From the Texas State Historical Association Online: “Tahoka Lake is a natural spring-fed body of water. The bed of the lake is sometimes dry, but its normal level is 2,982 feet above sea level. Its steep banks are surfaced by sandy clay loam that supports grass.” From Sibley Nature Center Online: Tahoka Lake is a large salina (salt lake) set deep into the Llano Estacado. The bottom of the salina is over a hundred feet below the surrounding plains. Cliffs of limestone, alkali seeps, draws with springs, sandy ridges, and freshwater pools create an amazing diversity to the location. Tahoka Lake is a large attractant to migratory waterfowl and throughout most of the winter is covered with thousands of Sandhill Crane as well as geese and ducks. There is no public access to Tahoka Lake.
(806) 763.5331
Hunting, Wildlife, and Recreation Wildlife in this area is abundant. Tahoka Lake acts as a magnet drawing in thousands of Sandhill Crane each year. This area is well known for outstanding waterfowl hunting and every year geese, crane and ducks come in by the thousands. It is not uncommon to see flights of up to 10,000 Sandhill Crane on the lake at a time along with hundreds of ducks. From TPWD Website: Of the 338 species that are listed as Nearctic-Neotropical migrants in North America (north of Mexico), 333 of them (or 98.5%) have been recorded in Texas. This means that of the 615 species of birds documented in Texas, 54% of them are Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds. Texas is important to these migrants and these migrants are important to Texas. Migratory dove hunting in this region is generally very good and there is a good population of resident birds as well. Typically, quail hunting is considered to be good. Turkey were released on the ranch several years ago and have adapted well. They are seen frequently around the fishing lake and in the brush of the native pasture. This area is home to a good population of mule deer and many trophy class deer have been viewed on the ranch over the years. Whitetail have also moved into the area in decent numbers and there is a season for both species in Lynn County. Per TPWD regulations a legal mule deer buck has an outside spread of 20” or greater. These regulations in place by TPWD will help to ensure a huntable population of trophy class deer in the future.
Improvements The ranch has been well improved, and improvements appear to be in good overall condition. A nice manufactured home is located overlooking the large spring fed lake in the western portion of the property. This home contains three bedrooms, two full baths, and a nice open floor plan with kitchen and living area. A large barn that is approximately 100’x80’ with concrete flooring serves as a shop building and equipment storage. Nearby, another 50’x20’ (approximate) barn serves as additional storage. This barn also has concrete flooring. There is a set of panel livestock pens and a chute located near the barns with several traps for holding livestock. Water is furnished by a well located nearby. A mobile home nearby has served as a weekend home in the past but is currently occupied by a part time worker on the ranch.
(806) 763.5331
Location The property is located northeast of Tahoka, approximately a 25-minute drive from Lubbock. Access to the property is by a paved county road.
Price and Remarks The Tahoka Lake Ranch is very realistically priced at $1,275 per acre. Property taxes are very reasonable being around $5,500/year.
Broker Comments I am unaware of anything like this ranch in this area. It must be restated that this property is extremely unique and the spring fed lake is a highly unusual feature in this part of the country. I have been familiar with this ranch over the course of more than a decade and I have spent a fair amount of time on this property. I have seen this lake in times of abundant rainfall and in times of drought and I can say I have not seen the level of the lake vary much. Previous owners had a pump in the lake and would use it for irrigation purposes with a pipeline that ran to a pivot irrigation system. When thousands of gallons were pumped out of the lake for irrigation through the pivot the water level in the lake would drop some but would refill back to the original level in just a few days time. Additionally, the same owners would use the lake to irrigate the grounds surrounding the lake through use of water cannons. If you are in the market for a ranch within close proximity to Lubbock that offers excellent hunting opportunities as well as great water features do not let this opportunity pass you by. From downtown Lubbock to the ranch gate can be driven in less than 25 minutes. There are very few areas, if any, within 90 miles of this ranch that match the recreation potential that the Tahoka Lake Ranch has to offer. The paved county road that accesses the property dead-ends into a neighboring ranch, thus providing very limited traffic in the area. I seriously think that you could wear out a brand-new truck looking for a ranch that has everything this property has to offer. There is no need to look far and wide, just buy this one.
For more information or to schedule a showing, please contact Charlie Middleton at (806) 786.0313
chassmiddleton.com 15
Slaton Lubbock County
Crosby County
Lynn County
Garza County
Tahoka Lake Ranch Post
34.4868, -100.4726
Charlie Middleton Associate Broker Real Estate Sales Agent (806) 786.0313 charlie@csmandson.com
(806) 763.5331