Tuttle Farm

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160± acres | $400,000 | Tahoka, Texas | Lynn County Tuttle Farm chassmiddleton.com • (806) 763.5331

Tuttle Farm

We are pleased to have obtained the exclusive listing on approximately 160 acres located in the central portion of Lynn County, being just north of Tahoka, Texas.


According to the Lynn County Appraisal District, this property contains a total of 160 acres, more or less.

Location • Access

As mentioned, the Tuttle Farm is located in the central portion of Lynn County, being approximately 4 miles north of Tahoka. Access is good, being by graded CR 18 on the north and graded CR R on the east. This farm is located approximately .5 of a mile east of US Hwy 87.

Legal Description

The Northeast-quarter (NE/4) of Section 511, Block 1, EL & RR Co. Survey, Lynn County, Texas.

General Description

The Tuttle Farm is currently operated as a partially irrigated farm, with 120 acres, more or less, being under pivot and 40 acres operated on a dryland basis. The terrain is mostly level, with slope sloping land on the east sides. Slopes across this farm range from 0-3%. The soil quality found on the Tuttle Farm is good, being primarily Zita fine sandy loam, 0-1% slopes.


Eight (8) irrigation wells are developed on this farm. All eight wells are equipped with electric submersible pumps. According to information obtained from the High Plains Underground Water District, these wells are approximately 100 feet deep. A monitor well for the HPUWD is located approximately .5 of a mile southwest. In 2023, this well indicated a saturated thickness of approximately 54.1 feet.

The center pivot irrigation system is a 2006 model Zimmatic brand system. It consists of 7-towers and is approximately 1,290 feet long. According to the tenant, this pivot is nozzled at 300 gpm.

(806) 763.5331 3

Price • Resources

$2,500/ac. Seller will retain all minerals owned; however, all other interests will convey.

2023 Property Taxes


If you are looking for a great investment property or to expand your current farming operation in the Lynn County area, please call Rusty Lawson at (806) 778-2826 for additional information.

± $900
chassmiddleton.com 5

33.2358, -101.7932

Lubbock Slaton Tahoka Wilson Tuttle Farm
(806) 763.5331 chassmiddleton.com (806) 778.2826 rusty@csmandson.com Real Estate Broker • TX Certified Appraiser • TX Rusty Lawson

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