He Has Risen - April 2010 Issu

Page 1

Sports: Swashbuckler Schedule What to Do? - LSU

Fitness: Indoor Cardio Training Nature’s Calling


World News: Killings in Nigeria Out of The Desert - Egypt

magazine Issue 16 april 2010



Christian Star News




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April • 2010 • Issue 16 General Information: www.csn-paper.com 337.515.7196 337.853.9883 news@christianstarnewspaper.com feedback@christianstarnewspaper.com Publisher: Monica Soileau monicasoileau@christianstarnewspaper.com Editor: Rolland Soileau rollandsoileau@christianstarnewspaper.com Contributing Editor: Bryan Coleman bryancoleman4@gmail.com

Scripture of the Month Luke 23:34

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

Advertising: Amy Carpenter-Sales Manager ac@christianstarnewspaper.com 337.515.7196 Graphic Designer: His Eye for Design - Sasha Singleton sashasingleton@christianstarnewspaper.com 337.853.9883 Distribution Managers: Derrick Singleton: Louisiana Nolan Melonson: Houston, Tx Christian Star News P.O. BOX 5482 Lake Charles, La 70606 Contributors: Cover Art Photographer-Caroline Coleman Amette Tritico Dr. Alfred Adams Theodore Dalrymple Sharon Galicia Amy & Mike Carpenter Derrick Singleton Mario Bard Michele Ledoux Abshire E.J. Kemper III Carl Comeaux Martie Richmond Kirk Fontenot M.L. Vincent Cheri R. Gaston-Montie Ronotta Guillory Chauncy Latigue Vivian Reed Guillory Nanette Cagney Rolland Soileau His Eye for Design Disclaimer: The entire content of this paper is copyrighted © April 2010 by Christian Star News. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher. Christian Star News is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the publisher. Display rates are available upon request. By accepting an advertisement, CSN does not endorse any advertiser or product. We reserve the right to reject advertisements not consistent with the magazines objective.

Thank God for the Spring time! Thank you God for the beautiful days you created… Help us to take the time to admire the gorgeous blue sky days, Smell the perfume scented flowers, walk in the cool green grass, Listen to the birds singing and to spend time with those we love! Help us to slow down and appreciate the Spring season, One moment at a time, one day at a time! Sincerely, Annette Tritico, RN & Evangeline Home Health Staff

csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


A “Word” from the Publisher Ephesians 2:10-13 NIV For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Therefore, remember that formerly you who are Gentiles by birth and called "uncircumcised" by those who call themselves "the circumcision" (that done in the body by the hands of men) — remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus, you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ. What a wonderful time of the year! Springtime! Brown begins to turn green. Just as seeds have to dry out, we too have to empty out the old, so that the new can begin to manifest within us. We have new life through the Holy Spirit that dwells within us. The seed in the springtime begins to bring forth new life as well.

Write Us Send your comments to feedback@ christianstarnewspaper.com or CSN, P.O. Box 5482 Lake Charles, La 70606. Letters become property of CSN and may be edited for length and clarity. Printed letters do not reflect the views of CSN or its staff.

Christian Star News

Unify... Reach... Gather... The vision of CSN is to UNIFY all believers through printed media. We provide a forum for the Body of Christ to REACH out to the Church, the community and the world. We accomplish this through GATHERING encouraging news and uplifting stories that strive to make a difference.

God prepared a plan in advance for us to be reconciled with Him. By accepting Jesus Christ, our old man has passed away and a new creation is born again within us. Now is the time for us to focus on redefining ourselves if we know that we are not being true to God’s plan for us. With Love God Bless All,

Monica Soileau

csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN




The Fix is In Americans would do well to ponder a recent admission by a former British minister in the Blair government. On March 2 Inspirational

A Redemption Story • Cover Story What significance does the scripture have and how can it be applied?


Explosion Youth Activity Contests Take a chance at one of our monthly contests, this month brought to you by Dairy Barn & The Bridge.

06 16 18


Important Tips for Indoor Cardio Training Indoor Training tips sure to keep you fit, this spring. By Carl Comeaux


Departments World News Politics Inspirational Community Health Fitness Youth Activity Financial Cooking Sports

Financially Speaking

Smart Insurance Planning Tips It is imperative that your financial and estate plan takes into consideration the risks that you, your family and your business cannot afford to take.


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World News

Archbishop laments Killings in Nigeria Nigerian Archbishop Kaigama about recent killings in villages surrounding Jos

26 csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


The Fix Is In THEODORE DALRYMPLE Why Britain’s National Health Service spends so much and does so little Americans would do well to ponder a recent admission by a former British minister in the Blair government. On March 2, the Guardian reported

that the ex-minister, now Lord Warner, said that while spending on Britain’s National Health Service had increased by 60 percent under the Labour government, its output had decreased by 4 percent. No doubt the spending of a Soviet-style organization like the NHS is more easily mea-

surable than its output, but the former minister’s remark certainly accords with the experiences of many citizens, who see no dramatic improvement in the service as a result of such vastly increased outlays. On the contrary, while the service has taken on 400,000 new staff members—that is to say, one-fifth of all new jobs created in Britain during the period— continuity of medical care has been all but extinguished. Nobody now expects to see the same doctor on successive occasions, in the hospital or anywhere else. The ex-minister admitted that most of the extra money—which by now must equal a decent proportion of the total national debt—had been simply wasted. (The same might be said, of course, of the increased outlays put toward state education.) But his explanation for this state of affairs was superficial and self-exculpating, to say the least: he said that the NHS received more money than it knew what to do with because of managerial inexperience. “It was like giving a starving man foie gras and caviar,” he said. As it happens, the NHS knew exactly what to do with the money: give it to its staff, new and old. British doctors, for example, are now the second-highest-paid in the world, though not necessarily the happiest. They have accepted the money on condition that they also accept—as quietly as mice—increasing government interference in their work. When you go to a family doctor in Britain, he is more likely to do what the government thinks he ought to do and will pay him a bonus for doing than what he thinks is right. This is sinister, even when what the government thinks is right happens to be right. There is a possible explanation other than managerial inexperience for the waste, namely that the waste was intended and desired: indeed, that it was the principal object of the spending. Experience has long shown that further spending by state-monopoly suppliers of services (if services is quite the word I seek) benefits not the consumers but the providers. And they—ever more numerous— naturally vote for their own providers, the politicians. Thus the NHS has become an enormously expensive method of ballot-stuffing. Personally, I would rather have outright electoral

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fraud. It would be less expensive and slightly more honest. Just before the last election, the chief executive of one of the hospitals in which I once worked was overheard saying, “My job is to make sure that the government is reelected.” (The government’s job, in turn, was to make sure that she remained chief executive.) She also explained that the hospital could expect no increase in its government funding, unlike

other hospitals—because it was located in an area in which most people voted for the government anyway. Theodore Dalrymple, a physician, is a contributing editor of City Journal and the Dietrich Weismann Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. His most recent book is The New Vichy Syndrome. Reprint by permission of City Journal

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By Sharon Galicia We all live with all of these things, in fact, they are all constants in our lives, but we have to prioritize. Is what we are doing today really going to matter ten years from now? Will it matter ten hours from now, or even ten minutes from now? Every day when we wake up, we need to ask ourselves, “What can I do today to make a difference?” I read a quote just yesterday that resonated profoundly with me. It said, “Champions make decisions today that create the future they desire, while losers make decisions that create the present they desire” - Mike Murdock. What decisions are you making today? How will they affect your future? How will they affect your children’s future? I sit on several area

boards, and sometimes we get into a discussion about why some things seem so urgent, even though after we begin the project it will still take years to see the desired outcome. We then begin to ask ourselves, well, how far along would we be if our parents had seen the urgency in this and started the process years before..... Here is a little legend that I found written by C.S. Lewis “about Satan and his imps planning their strategy for attacking the world that’s hearing the message of salvation. One of the demons says, “I’ve got the plan, master. When I get to earth and take charge of people’s thinking, I’ll tell them there’s no Heaven.” The devil responds, “Ah, they’ll never believe that. This Book of Truth is full of messages about the hope of Heaven through sins forgiven. They won’t believe that. They know there’s






STRESS a glory yet future.” On the other side of the room another says, “I’ve got the plan. I’ll tell ‘em there’s no hell.” “No good,” he says. “Jesus, while He was on earth, talked more of hell than of Heaven. They know in their hearts that their wrong will have to be taken care of in some way. They deserve nothing more than hell.” And one brilliant little imp in the back stood up and said, “Then I know the answer. I’ll just tell them there’s no hurry.” And he’s the one Satan chose. Although C.S. Lewis wrote this passage referring to salvation, it actually refers to many aspects of our lives. How many times do we put off until tomorrow what we can do today? What I am trying to say at the very top of my lungs is, “Get involved today; don’t wait. Tomorrow may be too late”!

MAKING A DIFFERENCE The “Patriot’s Ball”, sponsored by the Mayor’s Armed Forces Commission, pays tribute to someone who makes a difference in the lives of veterans and their families in SWLA.

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Send in your nomination of someone who you think has helped our veterans or their families in our community. The Mayor’s Armed Forces Commission will recognize one civilian and one living veteran. There will also be one award that will go to someone who has passed but who made a difference while they where alive. This award will be presented to the family. Please send your nominees to the American Patriot store at 3026 Ryan Street or the Mayor’s office. All nominees must be in by May 15th. Please write a short bio telling us why you think the nominee is worthy of this recognition. The Mayor's Patriot Ball will be held on June 26th. For more information contact American Patriot store. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


Cajun Creole Cooking on the Bayou Pepper Jack Salmon

with Monica Soileau & Ronotta Guillory

Sprinkle salmon with seasoning and lemon Bake salmon 20 minutes at 350 degrees Place cheese slices over salmon and return to oven for 2 more minutes.

2 lb salmon 8 slices pepper Jack cheese half a small lemon 1 teaspoon christian star seasoning with Mike & Amy Carpenter

4 Talapia Filets 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp butter 1 cup crushed tortilla chips Salt & Lime Pepper to taste 1 can Green Giant Southwestern Corn Spicy Ranch Dressing

Santa Fe Talapia Season fish with salt and lime pepper. Sautee in oil and butter in pan until browned well. Plate fish and top with heated corn mixture, spicy ranch, and crushed tortilla chips.

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csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


Big Brothe rism By: Dr. Alfred Adams www.nearingmidnight.com Marxism, communism, Nazism, fascism-these evoke thoughts of tyrants and dictatorships. Well, Marxism and communism might be wishful utopianism to some within political ideology circles in these days of movement toward socialism. But for the most part, thoughts of these isms generate study-related memories of the likes of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, and other such humanity-destroying beasts. The matters involved within the recollection include revolution, war, torture, gulag, genocide--any and all systems of governing that should be avoided at all costs. Fear and apprehension over dictatorships were the very reason the United States Constitution was written. Specifically, the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to that Constitution, spells out the rights of each citizen that government cannot usurp. These rights are, the shapers of the Constitution meticulously wrote, "inalienable." That is, these are rights given by God, thus cannot be taken away by men--and/or women--in government. Another ism has developed that threatens the inalienable rights of man. Its ominous construction continues at a torrid pace and will ultimately be worse than any of the aforementioned isms. As a matter of fact, it will be all of those tyrannical nightmares rolled up into one system of utter decimation. George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, authors of well-known novels, played upon fear of such governments in their futuristic books, 1984 and Brave New World. The swiftness of movement of the developments of late makes their works of fiction look ever more prophetic. Orwell used London and Britain in 1984 as the genesis of a world of ruthless control. "Big Brother is watching you" is a phrase the author used with portentous effect. It continues to be used by those who warn of the exponentially-encroaching surveillance technologies. Again, Orwell's vision was almost prophetic in the biblical sense.

A friend who is a well-known journalist in Great Britain recently e-mailed me with the following troubling, though fascinating, information: I was putting together some slides for one of my presentations yesterday and discovered that Britain has 1.5 times as many surveillance cameras as China! We now have cameras that talk to people, bossing them around in the streets! They are being installed in twenty cities. They are also getting listening devices. Some places also have face-monitoring systems so they can scan for people the authorities are interested in. The average Briton is now filmed about three hundred times per day! We also have camera cars patrolling the streets, filming whatever takes their fancy and harassing motorists. We are years ahead of America in plans to put GPS systems in cars, etc. They also want even more speed cameras, speed-averaging cameras--you name it. All of them are being linked into one enormous grid. The records of journeys are logged and kept. As you drive down the main highways, your number plates are scanned every few miles. Our son and I spent a day in the control room where all this information is monitored--an astonishing operation, with screens showing all the main roads. The EU is now planning to store all e-mails, log every web page visited, every phone call, etc., which Britain has done for years. My friend has told me--has told the world-that cameras train on his home from right across the street, atop a telephone-type pole. It is just a matter of time until all of England is under a surveillance system much more sophisticated and intrusive than our 1940s author, George Orwell, could have imagined. All of Europe is sure to follow suit, and we can see more than cursory evidence that America is coming into Big Brotherism's orbit of control. The whole world is on track for super-sophisticated tracking. And a familiar name pops through the inky blackness of cyberspace to make this a readily observable

fact. The familiar name is google.com. Who in the world knows as much about you and your private thoughts as Google? That's the question Katherine Albrecht, radio talk-show host and spokeswoman for Startpage, a search engine that protects user privacy, is posing to American Internet surfers. "It would blow people's minds if they knew how much information the big search engines have on the American public," she told WND. "In fact, their dossiers are so detailed they would probably be the envy of the KGB." (Chelsea Schilling, "Life with Big Brother: Killer Way to Slay the Google Beast!" WorldNetDaily, 1/27/2010) Albrecht detailed how Google and other search engines gather and maintain dossiers on everyone who uses the service. The information is released to governments--to, for example, America's Homeland Security Agency--when such information is requested. It seems the Bill of Rights is cast aside, without a constitutional amendment of any sort even being considered. Such ability to collect data on their victims was merely the dreams of such people as those in Stalin's secret service and Hitler's Gestapo. Albrecht said Americans unwittingly share their most private thoughts with search engines, serving up snippets of deeply personal information about their lives, habits, troubles, health concerns, preferences and political leanings. . "We're essentially telling them our entire life stories–stuff you wouldn't even tell your mother–because you are in a private room with a computer," she said. (ibid.) Big Brotherism, of course--in our view at Nearing Midnight--is another way of defining the ideology that is heading up the drive toward establishment of the regime of Antichrist, found in Revelation 13:1618. With government's groping for control in ways that totally disregard the wishes of U.S. citizenry, more often than not throwing constitutional safeguards to the winds of political expediency, the ideology becomes ever more manifest through our daily headlines. csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


Please send in photos of your soldier to be recognized in the May Edition of CSN. One Photo will be selected for the cover. Please provide their name, city and where they were serving in the photo. Email to SashaSingleton@ ChristianStarNewspaper.com. We will provide a Pull-Out Centerfold featuring these soldiers. Why do you think your mom should be named “Mother of the Year”? Please send in a short story no longer than 300 words to SashaSingleton@ ChristianStarNewspaper.com . Your story may be selected for the May Edition of CSN for Mother’s Day. Why do you think your father should be “Father of the Year”? Please send in a short story no longer than 300 words to SashaSingleton@ChristianStarNewspaper. com . Your story may be selected for the June Edition of CSN for Father’s Day. csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


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Let us help enhance your home & yard 1845 North Martin Luther King Highway • Lake Charles csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


Gardening Derrick with

PLENTY OF WORK IN APRIL April brings the time of year I love most. There is so much work to do and I get to play in the dirt all I want! From transplanting, sowing seeds, raking leaves, to working the dirt in the garden there is so much to do. Remember this is the time of year where you can get ahead and make your gardening experience pleasant. The list I have prepared for you this month will help you prepare and enjoy this year’s harvest. Hopefully by now you have decided what you want to grow and where you want to grow it. I Hope you enjoy this month’s to do list as much as I do. The lawn The application of a spring type lawn fertilizer should perk up the lawn and improve its over-all color and appearance. If there is moss growing in the lawn, use spring lawn fertilizer that has the moss-killer included, so you can do both jobs in one easy application. Spring is also a good time to thatch and over-seed the lawn. Thatch buildup can smother your

lawn and provide an environment for diseases. Remove thatch with a brisk raking, or with a dethatching machine. Over-seeding will help fill in the lawn and deter the regrowth of moss and weeds. Use about one pound of quality grass seed for every 300 square feet of lawn area. Apply a light compost or soil over the seed to keep it moist and in place. Aerating the lawn will allow water to penetrate deeper into the lawn soil and reduce the need to water during the dryer months ahead. Use a garden fork and punch holes over the surface of your lawn. As mowing becomes necessary, be certain that the blade is sharp to prevent tearing the grass tips. (Did you get the mower tuned up and sharpened back in January when I suggested it????) Set the blade on your lawnmower to cut the grass at 2 1/2 inches to avoid scalping. (A mulching blade will eliminate the need to rake or bag the clippings, prevent thatch buildup, and the clippings will provide food for the lawn.)

House Plants Rotate your houseplants so that each side receives it's share of light, for even growth and a balanced shape. As the sun's rays strengthen, some plants, such as African Violets, may need to be moved away from a south-facing window to avoid leaf scorch. Spring cleaning your plants will keep them beautiful and help to avoid diseases. Remove any spent flowers, dead leaves, branches, or any yellowing leaves. Rinse the dust from the leaves with the kitchen sprayer. Clean leaves allow the plant to breathe! Pinching back the tips of foliage plants will stimulate new growth and make your plant fuller and bushier. If you keep a Coleus as a house plant you can still start cuttings for transplant to the garden. Use a sharp clean knife to cut the stem just below a leaf node. Remove the lowest leaves, dip the cut end into a rooting hormone and insert it into some fresh, sterile potting soil. These cuttings

csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


G with Derrick ardening

will be ready to use as a bright garden accent by early June. Fruits and veggies Control weeds and aerate the soil by cultivating between the rows of plants. April is a great time to select and plant fruit trees and berry plants. Fruits and berries do best when planted in full sun. Plant perennial vegetables like asparagus, rhubarb, horseradish, etc. It's also time to plant peas, carrots, beets, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. Root crops like potatoes, radishes, parsnips and onions can be planted at anytime. Late this month you can plant beans and corn. Warmer weather crops like tomatoes, squash, cucumbers and peppers should not be planted until next

month. As your direct-seeded crops sprout, be sure to keep them thinned out to avoid crowding. Cut out all the dead canes from your raspberry patch. The new canes that will bear this year's fruit should have new, swollen buds along the edges. Thin these to five canes per foot per row to allow good air circulation and prevent overcrowding. When danger of frost has passed, uncover strawberry beds and keep them well watered. Odds and ends It seems that different states can't agree to a universal Arbor Day, but more than likely the day exists in your individual state or country, at some point this month.... plant a tree! Although we think of this as a rainy month, it can fool us. Keep transplanted flowers well watered during dry spells.

Be sure to take a little time to check the plants in containers and those under the eaves of the house and under tall evergreens to see that they are getting enough water. If you receive mail-order plants or can't resist the urge to pick up a few perennials before you are ready, make a trench and heel them into the ground in a protected area. Driving around the neighborhood or visiting a local nursery may give you some great ideas of what you'd like to have blooming in your yard at this time next year. Take a stroll in the woods or the park at least once each season to enjoy a little bit of Mother Nature’s gardening handiwork! Remember that whatever you accomplish in the garden now will definitely cut down on yard maintenance later this season!

A redemption story A Lamb for a Donkey

Many times when I read scripture I am perplexed by what I read. As I ponder what I am reading, I ask myself why the passage is there and what is its meaning. What significance does the scripture have and how can it be applied? What is God saying to me through the scripture? Then I turn to prayer asking God the same questions; sometimes He gives me insight to help me see what He is saying.

When reading Exodus 13 recently I stumbled upon one such scripture that I wondered at. In this chapter God has been working to deliver the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt. God instructs Moses to tell the people to Sanctify unto Him, “all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine.” Moses then outlines the instructions that the people of Israel are to follow for what was to be the first Passover Feast. As I read I came to verse 13 which says, “And every firstling of a donkey thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck; and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem.” My first thought was, “how cruel.” Why would God demand that the Israelites kill an innocent young animal [a donkey or in some text, an ass] if it had not been redeemed by a lamb? However, when God makes a rule and places something in scripture there is a reason for placing it there. So, I began to pray about verse 13. God gave me a bit of insight about this scripture that I would like to share. The Passover feast is a picture of what Christ would do for us on the cross. He would redeem man. Jesus was the innocent “lamb of God.” It was His blood that would be shed for all mankind. Apart from accepting Jesus’ shed blood and what He did for us on that cross, we would die in our sins and trespasses. That fateful night, in Egypt, every firstborn died UNLESS they obeyed God and put the blood of a slain lamb on the doorpost of their homes. Just as the Israelites had to obey and trust so to be protected, we must trust and accept the free gift of God. When we accept His

sacrifice then we are redeemed from spiritual death.

It is interesting that the donkey is known for its stubbornness and bull headedness. They are not the easiest animals to train or deal with. Donkeys want to do what they want to do when they want to do it. They stay when you want them to go and they go when you want them to stay. Donkeys don’t want to follow the direction you point them to but to go on their own path. They buck, kick, and have the most irritating bray which sounds like someone who is complaining or talking back. Isn’t it interesting that God lumps the donkey and man in the same scripture? Aren’t we a lot like the donkey before we come into relationship with God through Christ? If the truth be known, even when we come to Christ we can be just like this stubborn animal until we allow God to change us and mold us into His image. I still wonder that God would put this rule in the Bible at all. Why pick on the donkey? Why not just talk about man’s redemption by shedding the blood of a lamb? When God made this rule, every time a firstling donkey was born a lamb had to die! I suppose if the Israelites did not want to redeem their firstling donkey, they could have broken its neck, been done with it and waited for the second donkey to be born! They were not forced to sacrifice one of their valuable lambs for the firstling donkey. However, the donkey had to die if they did not sacrifice a lamb. As I pondered this portion of the scripture, my heart was overwhelmed. God’s love was so great that He gave a redemption plan for a “second class” animal that people really didn’t care much about anyway. Donkeys were not the most favored of animals; you could not eat them, they were difficult, ornery, and if cross bred, couldn’t reproduce. In those days, a lamb was a much more useful and valuable creature. Lambs were easier to deal with, could be eaten, gave milk, reproduced, and their wool could be used for clothing. Yet God gave

the Israelites a redemption plan for the non-favored donkey which is exactly what He did for us when He sent Jesus to us. We are not always perfect, beautiful people; we are lost in our sins, we are stubborn and difficult at times. There was no redemption for a first born donkey apart from an innocent lamb dying in its place. There is no redemption for man without the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Without His redemption in our lives, we will die in our trespasses and sins. God sent Jesus, His only begotten Son, to die for each and every one of us, the best and the worst of us alike. His great love just overwhelmed me as I pondered the awesome truth in Romans 5:8 that “God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Jesus was that perfect “Lamb of God.” He was God’s only begotten Son. God gave us the gift of His Son and Jesus went to the cross in obedience to the Father. He offered Himself as a sacrificial lamb. Praise and honor be to God for His redemption plan for all of mankind. Praise be to God that He saw each and every one of us from the very foundation of the world. He prepared a Lamb to be slain so that our names could be written in the Book of Life (Revelation 13:8). That fateful day so long ago, when Jesus entered Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast, the people “took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord” (John 12:13). Little did they know He was to become the Passover Lamb that very week! He would give everything for us. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Jesus laid down His life because of His great love for us. During this Passover/Easter season let us be thankful and rejoice in our Savior, The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ! Love in Christ, Michele Copyright March 2010 ~ Michele LeDoux Abshire csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


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he Problem: Is it waste or worship?

The Bible tells a wonderfully inspirational story about Mary and her alabaster box of perfume. In this story one of the indignant disciples asked the question; “To what purpose is this waste?” It is this question that I want to examine. We all have heard the colloquialism “you only live once”. According to this expression we only have one life, chance or opportunity to live. For that reason, according to this expression, we should do everything that we are big, bad, and bold enough to do. You only live once. Furthermore, according to this expression, having Godly morals and boundaries is a waste of life. The world believes that modesty is a waste. The world believes that the marital covenant is a waste. The world believes that respect is a waste. According to the world prayer, hope, faith, and religious devotion are a waste. But I want to encourage you, my dear reader, by telling you that it’s not waste; it’s WORSHIP. Mary, in Matthew 26:7, had the audacity to worship Jesus. After closely examining the text we find that everyone in this house had been directly influenced by the life of Jesus. The disciples were called by Jesus, taught by Jesus, and witnessed His greatest works. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were directly influenced by Jesus. The Bible says that they were close friends of Jesus and that He loved them dearly. Furthermore, it was that same Lazarus that Jesus had previously raised from the dead. Even the man of the house, Simon the leper, had been healed by Jesus. Yet out of all of these who had been touched by the life of the Savior, only Mary was worshipping Him. She had the audacity to worship Him when no one else would. She had the audacity give her best when everyone else was giving to something else. She had the audacity to appreciate Him when everyone else seemingly was taking His presence for granted. What about you? Do you have the audacity to worship Him in a world where no one else seems to? Do you have the audacity to worship Him all by yourself? Don’t allow the ungratefulness of the world to hinder your worship. Open up the alabaster box of your heart and pour out your worship. The Bible then says that the disciples were filled with indignation when they saw her worship. Let’s look not only at the audacity of her worship, but let’s look at the affect of her worship. The disciples were angry. Her worship

rescriptions With E.J. Kemper III

offended them. My dear reader, there will be times when your worship will cause people to be offended by you. They won’t ask your opinion. They won’t include your ideas. They won’t invite you to the party. Have you ever walked into a room and everyone got quiet? I know because I’ve been there. Why the negative affect? It is because you don’t talk how they talk, walk how they walk, live how they live, or think how they think. Yours is a life guided by a higher power and that offends the world. Oh, that the world might understand your worship. If only they understood your worship, it might have a different affect on them. If only they understood the price that Jesus paid. If only they understood where He has brought you from. If only they understood how he keeps you in your right mind. If only they knew what you used to look, talk, and act like, they might then understand your worship


he Prescription: Worship Anyhow

Let’s not only look at the audacity and affect of her worship but finally let’s look at the appraisal of her worship. Understand that Jesus and those that were filled with indignation came to the same conclusion about Mary’s worship –“That it was valuable!” The indignant disciples said “for this could have been sold for much”. Allow me to tell you, my dear reader, the devil knows that your worship is valuable. The devil wants you to give your worship to something other than Christ. You remember he told Jesus that he would give Him the world if he would bow down and worship him. This is what the devil wants you to do. He wants you to worship your house, car, spouse, children, money, etc. The difference between you and the world is the object of your worship. You know that Christ is the only one deserving of your worship. Your worship is valuable to God. No matter how small it may be in the eyes of man, it is valuable to God. Nowhere in the text do we read that Mary stopped her worship because of her haters. My dear reader, don’t allow the world to hinder your worship. Tell yourself “WORSHIP ANYHOW”. Oh come let us adore Him, kneel down before Him! Open the alabaster box of your heart and pour out your worship! In store now is the new book by E.J. Kemper, No More Baggage: Overcoming the strongholds that keep us from healthy relationships! Get your copy today at www.ejkemperministries.com csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


Brought to you by The Bridge

CONTEST Send in for your chance to win an awesome prize from The Bridge ! PO BOX 5482 Lake Charles, La 70606 Entries must be in by 04/23/2010

What is Easter?

On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches. Christians believe according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. As part of the Easter season, the death of Jesus Christ by crucifixion, is commemorated on Good Friday, always the Friday just before Easter. Through his death, burial and resurrection, Jesus paid the penalty for sin, thus purchasing for all who believe in him, eternal life in Christ Jesus.

csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


Easter Bible Trivia

Name:__________________________Age:_______ Address:___________________________________ Phone Number:_____________________________

Dairy Barn Ice Cream Party Contest Color the picture below and send in for a chance to win. All group entries are eligible to receive an ice cream party. Entries must be in by 04/23/2010. Please make copies as needed.

1. As Jesus rode into Jerusalem (on Palm Sunday), what did He say would cry out if His disciples didn’t? 2. What was the man carrying whom Peter and John followed to prepare the upper room for Passover? 3. What did Jesus give to Judas as a sign that he was to betray Him? 4. What was the sign that Jesus gave Peter in stating that he would deny Him? 5. Where was Jesus when he was arrested? 6. At Jesus’ arrest, who cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant? 7. Who was the chief priest who had Jesus arrested? 8. Which of these people did NOT question Jesus after he was arrested? 9. On what charge did the Jewish court sentence Jesus to death? 10. What was the name of the prisoner the people wanted released instead of Jesus? 11. Who was told to carry Jesus’ cross for him? 12. Where was Jesus crucified? 13. What were the soldiers told to say regarding the missing body of Jesus? 14. On what day of the week was Jesus first seen after His resurrection? 15. To who did Jesus first appear after his resurrection? 16. Which disciple said he would not believe Jesus had risen unless he could see the nail marks in his hands? Answers:

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Dairy Barn csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


1.) the stones, 2.) a pitcher of water, 3.) Bread, 4.) a rooster would crow twice, 5.) a garden, 6.) Peter 7.) Caiaphas, 8.) Caesar, 9.) Blasphemy, 10.) Barabbas, 11.) Simon the Cyrenian, 12.) Golgotha, 13.) His disciples stole the body at night, 14.) Sunday, 15.) Mary Magdalene, 16.) Thomas

Important Tips for Indoor Cardio Training Since the weather in our area requires many of us to be exercising indoors at this time of year, I thought I’d provide some tips on Indoor Cardio training. I hope this gives you some good ideas. If you are using indoor cardiovascular machines, try staying on the same machine for only about 10-15 minutes and jumping from machine to machine instead of staying on the same machine for extended periods of time. This will create better muscle balance. It’s better for you to spend 10 minutes on each of the Stairmaster, bike, treadmill and elliptical rather than spend 40 minutes just on the Stairmaster. If you are using the same machine or performing the same activity all the time, the muscles targeted with this exercise will continue to get fitter but the other neglected muscles will get weaker and muscle imbalances are sure to surface. By varying your machines you will develop a more overall toned physique and reduce your risk for repetitive stresstype injuries. And finally, mixing up your indoor machines will also help to prevent boredom. Most exercisers have no difficulty going for a 2 hour bike ride outside but after 10 minutes on a stationary bike you start to go stir-crazy! Most indoor machines offer a variety of program options. Try to avoid getting into the habit of always punching in the same

program and the same level each time you work out on a machine. Mix it up. For one workout try the steady climb program and the next time, try the intervals. Then go for the hill or the random program. Each program will challenge your body in a different way. Treadmill Tips: • Make it a goal to not hold onto the rails while jogging or walking. Instead, use your muscles to balance and support your body. • Keep your abdominals contracted, look forward and avoid swinging your arms side-to-side and crossing the mid-line of your body. • Once a month, try a time-trial workout. Program in a distance like 5km (3miles) and record how long it takes you to complete. Next month, try it again and this time try to go a little faster. As you get fitter, you should be able to perform the same distance in a shorter period of time. Eliptical Trainer Tips: • If your Eliptical does not have poles, do not lean onto the rails. Instead, develop the balance and stability to use the machine without holding on. Pump your arms just like you were running. • While exercising, make sure that your knee caps always point forwards. Avoid allowing your knees to collapse inwards. • While exercising, try to keep the weight

of your body distributed evenly on all 4 corners of your feet. Avoid allowing your arches to collapse inwards - avoid pronating. • Once a month, try this workout test. Program in a 10 minute manual workout. Record how far (in miles or kilometers or steps climbed) you get at the completion. Next month, try it again and this time try to go a little farther in the 10 minute time-frame. As you get fitter, you should be able to go further and further in 10 minutes. Stairmaster Tips: • Don’t hold onto the rails. Most people hold on for dear life and take fast, choppy little steps. This technique is very ineffective at burning calories and maximizing fitness goals. Most of you will find that you’ll have to reduce the level you normally perform at once you let go of the rails, because your muscles will have to work so much harder to support your body weight. This increased intensity will get you results much more quickly and you’ll find you’ll also develop good balance and stability. • The next important tip is to make sure that your steps are not too shallow. Think about the height of a step you would take while walking up the stairs and strive for this. Remember to work through the full range of motion. Tiny, fast steps are not effectively engaging the lower body muscles and instead, using a lot of momentum. • Try not holding onto the rails for 40 seconds and then holding on for 20 seconds. Do this for 10 minutes. Recumbent Bike Tips: • The most common error with technique on a bike is seat adjustment. It’s important to position the seat so that you are positioned neither too far back nor too close. When the leg is in a fully extended position, you should only have a slight bend in the knee. Make sure your knee is not maintaining a large bend throughout the entire cycle and vice versa, make sure that the seat isn’t positioned so far away that you have to rotate your hips to spin. • Because you’re reclined back, it’s easy to slouch while riding. Remember to keep upright posture throughout the entire workout. Keep your abdominals contracted inwards, your chest lifted and shoulders back. • Program in a hill workout and try to keep your RPM’s (how many times your legs cycle in a minute) constant even while climbing the hilly parts of the program. This will be a leg-burner! Carl Comeaux, M.S. Carl@LiveFIT7.com 337-853-2122 www.LiveFIT7.com csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


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Nature’s Calling Martie Richmond Considering the season at hand, I was going to address the subject of sinuses and allergies. However, I walked outside into the beautiful sunlit morning and changed my mind. God’s word tells us “Light is sweet; how pleasant to see a new day dawning” (Ecclesiastes 11:17). It then speaks to young people: “It’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every moment of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do. So refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy”. This was written 3000 years ago, yet it still applies today! Step outside, turn your face to the sun and receive, absolutely free, as much vitamin D as your body needs, and it needs a lot. In a recent Canadian study doctors recommended 15 to 20 minutes without sunscreen at least twice a week. It’s possible to overdose on vitamins D using supplements, but not on what God gives us naturally. D is created by exposure of our skin to the sunlight, then carried to our liver where is made useful to our bodies. It helps the body absorb calcium, assists the immune system, insulin secretion, lowers risks of many cancers, skin conditions, and helps lower cholesterol, triglycerides, incidents of depression and so on. Recently I met with two young people (35-40ish). Both eat a healthy diet, but were stressed, suffering fatigue, signs of mild depression, and crazy mood swings. They surely were not enjoying life as Ecclesiastes suggests we should. Unfortunately, in this fast paced world this is becoming all too common. Both are now taking vitamin supplements and a good herbal combination for the mild depression and mood swings with success. However, with spring right around the corner they would be wise to take advantage of one of God’s special gifts and spend a few minutes daily, quietly basking in the sun. Inquiries, suggestions & comments are welcomed at martierichmond@yahoo.com.

THE TEMPLE In this month’s issue I'm so excited to explain how protein and water work in the body. To keep it simple, protein supports our lean body mass and internal organs. Protein is very vital to the body. When there is a lack of protein, consumption symptoms like sugar cravings, mental and physical fatigue, slow metabolism, along with many others, can occur. With today's fast pace and busy lifestyles, people tend to cook less. This decreases preparation of healthier meals with value and balance. Unfortunately, this leads to more refined and processed carbohydrates. The end result is a lack of quality protein to support the core of the body. Then come health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and other ills. Water is the transport system to carry nutrients to the cells throughout the body and on the way out it carries free radicals and toxins that don't belong in the body. Everything is about flow. Without water in the body there is no flow. When this happens the body becomes sluggish. With today's high stress levels,

the body chemistry generates more toxic substances. Staying hydrated will provide a way out for free radicals and toxins and increase your energy level. In the physical realm the temple is crying out...”Give me something to work with, and I will give you the desire of your heart, which is to feel great!!!” You will feel great, not just physically but in every area of our life. The way we feel about ourselves will determine how we feel and how we make decisions in every area of our life. Protein and water are to the body in the physical realm like the Word of God (The Meat) is to the Soul in the spiritual realm. Remember that whatever we put in our temples is working for us or against us. My prayer today to you my friends is the same as John’s to his friend in 3 John 1:2...Dear friend, I pray you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well...In Jesus Mighty Name…Amen! Sincerely, Kirk Fontenot

Local Talent... National Recognition Dave Miller began singing in church at the age of twelve. His singing accomplishments are growing rapidly. He has been in the Sam Houston High School Concert Choir, All State Youth Choir of the Louisiana Assemblies of God for three years, McNeese State University Concert Choir, and soloist at multiple churches, weddings, and funerals. Dave feels that his singing touches the heart of God, and God then touches others through him. On March 3, 2010, DayStar TV-22 invited him to perform at their Christian studio in Houston, Texas. He has been recorded singing and playing guitar along with four sound tracks, three of which were songs Dave wrote the music and lyrics. The TV studio now has these songs in their library to use whenever they have an opening. One of the songs, entitled “No One Else”, was recently released as a single CD and is gaining popularity everywhere it is played. It is currently stocked at the Lake Charles Christian Book Center and at the Galilean bookstore in Leesville.

www.martiesherbs.com csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


The Time Has Come! You’ve raised your children, gotten them through school, now it’s YOU time – Time to take care of YOUR needs. Maybe you will plan that much dreamed of vacation; possibly buy a smaller, newer home or a vacation home. But one thing that is often overlooked is protecting your future by securing your hard earned dollars. There are a few different ways that we can help to ensure a smoother transition into your retirement years - planning well now, so you don’t outlive your money in the future! One way is to make sure that your retirement savings are getting you the very best value and protection possible for your money. This is especially important when you are no longer working and have to depend upon the money that was put away for your retirement. We can help make sure that your money is invested with products that guarantee no loss of your principal; guarantee earnings for your lifetime of income needs as well as guarantee a death benefit no matter your health status. Another concern to be addressed is the uncertainty of your remaining years’ physical and mental health and the costs that are involved. One very important way to protect yourself from these unknowns is through shielding your assets and providing control over your choice of care. Take the risk off you! More and more people are living much longer than they did 20-30 years ago. If you worked until age 65 and died at age 68-70 – there wasn’t much planning needed or involved. However, now that’s often not the case. People are living well into their 90s and beyond. If you work from 20-65 (45 years) and then you retire and live from 65-95 (30 more years) much planning is needed to ensure a comfortable lifestyle. Just look at the rising cost of living! It is important to implement plans NOW to ensure that your retirement money is working for you and will be there for as long as needed. One way to provide for this risk is through long-term care insurance. There are two main reasons for having this protection - to give you the choice of the kind of care that you want/ need while protecting your assets. For instance, most people don’t want to be a burden to their family - and they would rather be able to stay at home for as long as possible. Having this coverage is the only way to accomplish this and not drain all of your assets that could be better

used for other things throughout your (and your spouse’s) remaining years. Think about this. You or your spouse has a stroke or develops Alzheimer’s – and you think that ‘your kids will take care of you’, but in reality, who is going to be able to give up time away from their jobs; family; and their own obligations, to be able to take care of your needs as you recover – and what if you don’t recover and never become fully functional again. How will you be able to lift and carry yourself or your spouse to the bathroom – depending upon who is afflicted? Being a full-time caregiver is exhausting - especially if they are part of your family - the emotional bind is sometimes even greater than the physical. Long-term-care insurance provides two things; your ability to choose the kind of

giver who struggles to provide the necessary care. The amount of effort it takes to provide the kind of care needed demands a terrible price on the caregiver's health (typically a daughter) and relationships with other family members - usually those siblings who do not share the burden. Anyone doubting this only needs to ask someone who has been through it. First, you MUST QUALIFY - apply for coverage while you are both physically AND mentally well. Key point - the younger you are when you purchase it (ideally around age 45), the less expensive it will stay; not like health insurance that goes up every year. However, even if you are already in your 70s and you purchase now, the annual price is still only a small fraction of the actual cost of the care. Most people do not realize that

There are a few different ways that we can help to ensure a smoother transition into your retirement years - planning well now, so you don’t outlive your money in the future! care you want without draining your savings. Coverage when you will need it at a price that is way more affordable than not having it. I’d like to point out some key factors that most people don’t really know concerning long-term care insurance and what it actually does for people. First, it allows you to stay in your home and have care provided right there - if that’s what you choose. Additionally, it provides for assisted living in or out of your home, and if needed, nursing care. Right now, today, right here in the Lake Charles area – the cost of care is upwards of $85/day – that’s over $2500 per month! Over $30,000 per year! As you can see in this example, it will quickly deplete all of your assets – IF you even have them to deplete. And NO, Medicare does NOT pay for this care. To qualify for Medicaid, you have to have no liquid assets and there is a 5 year look-back. Don’t even think about ‘hiding’ assets – they’re smarter than that. There is no need to put yourself and your family through such an ordeal. Plus, premiums are now taxdeductible! Actually, it is not the afflicted who suffers the most, but rather the caregivers. If the patient expects for their care to be taken of by his or her family, it is the care-

even if they would pay into a policy for as many as 25 years before using it, the total amount you paid could be exhausted within only a few months of care. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out these policies provide a whole lot of bang for your buck! Another key point – if you are single, widowed, divorced, no children or family, it is equally, if not more important to provide yourself with coverage. Help make sure that you will be cared for properly and at a more affordable price! There are several key features that will make or break coverage into a good or inadequate policy. It’s imperative that you work with someone who is fully qualified to explain all the features to you so that you have a complete understanding of how the policy works. Personally, I work with my customers to custom-fit plans that fill their particular needs and help them to get the most value for their dollar! For a private consultation, please call me. Cheri R. Gaston-Montie, LUTCF Registered Financial Planner Gaston Financial Consulting 337-477-5504 csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


Financially Speaking... Insurance Planning You got where you are today by working hard and working smart. This means using all your resources to their maximum. Your time, talent and resources are on the line and at risk. It is imperative that your financial and estate plan takes into consideration the risks that you, your family and your business cannot afford to take. In a portfolio, you diversify risk, but when it comes to protecting your ability to think, earn money, plan and create, how do you react? To protect your family, business and assets, the risk to your abilities also must be diversified. The least expensive and most intelligent method is through insurance. At Vincent & Liles Financial Group 1405-B W. Prien Lake Road, Lake Charles, LA 337-562-0900 we are the experts in helping those we service, protect what they care about: •

Life Insurance is a unique property. It can create an estate with low premiums in comparison to the total death benefit. It also enjoys many tax advantages, and may be an ideal product for your finan-

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cial plan. Disability Insurance – what are the sources of income when someone becomes disabled and can no longer earn a living? Note the options shown below. When disability occurs, most other options, except insured income replacement, may be unsatisfactory or quickly exhausted Savings-If you save 10% annually, one year of disability may wipe out 10 years of savings. Social Security-Almost 70% of applicants are rejected. Sell investments-Will you get the true value? Loan-Without an income, who will lend you money? Family, friends and charity-Do you want to depend on them? Disability is bad enough; disability without income is even worse. Long Term Care InsuranceThe Health Insurance Association of America estimated in 1998 that at least 40% of the population over age 65 would enter a nursing home before they die. The average cost is $41,000 a year. Who pays the cost of Long Term Care? For the most part the people, who need the care, or their families, pay the bill. The most intelligent method to cover Long Term Care is Insurance. This may protect assets from confiscation by the State to pay for care.


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W rld Out

of the desert...… Egypt

A unique centre for the intellectually challenged in Egypt will undergo significant expansion of its work, thanks to help from an international Catholic charity. By John Newton, ACN UK Adapted by Amanda Griffin, ACN Canada Thanking Aid to the Church in Need for its support of the project, Mr. Magdi Asham Henein from the Al-Fulk Community in Minia, upper Egypt, explained how the centre will be able to leave its current home in the desert and move to the nearby city. “We cannot integrate people into society if we are living in the desert – and with the help of ACN we have bought the land for the new community building.” Aid to the Church in Need has already given more than (€15,000 or $ 20,928.00 CAN) and promised further support for the construction of the new premises. According to Mr. Henein, the Al-Fulk community began because of the great need for support of the intellectually challenged people living in Egypt. “Ten years ago people were rejected in society, nobody understood the nature of mental handicap – it was seen as a punishment from God.” Families of people with intellectual challenges rejected them, and threw them out, explained Mr. Henein and then he added: “Mentally handicapped people were suffering a lot in

society – many were living in the streets, and passers-by would make fun of them. They were completely marginalized.” Inspired by L’Arche One of the members of Faith and Light, an international association of people supporting those with learning difficulties, went to live with L’Arche in Guise, France and upon his return set up Al-Fulk in Egypt, in 2002. Al-Fulk, is affiliated with L’Arche International, but under the care of the Coptic Catholic Diocese of Minia. Like L’Arche, Al-Fulk means “the Ark”. “AlFulk means the ship, the ship of Noah, so this is the Ark.” explained Mr. Henein. The founder of L’Arche, Jean Vanier, spoke of community as a place of resurrection; Mr. Henein said this was what he was witnessing in the community of seven people living in their home in Egypt and also including another eight who come to make candles in the workshop in Minia, receiving a salary in return at the end of the week. They hope to expand to 10 in the house and 20 in the workshop, mentioned Mr. Henein going on to say that “the changes in their lives are a sign of resurrection, they were completely marginalized but now they have changed, a resurrection has taken place for them and for their families. Society has changed its attitudes, so there is a resurrection both for the person and for the wider society.” Outlining the planned move out of the desert, Mr. Henein added: “It will create

some kind of social life for the residents with mental disabilities – they like to buy things from shops and to visit people.” Example of hope and of unity through dialogue The community is also a sign of unity as they have both Catholic and Orthodox living in the same home – and they are hoping to include Muslims in the future. Mr. Henein said: “Muslims are the majority, but our work is not widely known and Muslims can be suspicious of it. But in the future Al-Fulk could be a bridge bringing Muslims and Christians together – as other social activities of the Church manage to do.” With sincere hope of seeing Al-Fulk’s work expand further “there is a great need in Egypt and we want to spread and have many communities,” he concluded. – – Source: Mario Bard, Information, ACN-Canada (514) 932-0552, Extension 224 1-800-585-6333 com@acn-aed-ca.org Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is an international Catholic charity whose mandate is “to serve with love the most suffering and destitute local Churches.” Founded in 1947 by Father Werenfried, it gives spiritual and material aid to the Church in need in more than 137 countries. csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN



Archbishop laments Nigerian killings Nigeria

A large scale Mass has been planned for March 19 (the Feast of St.Joseph, Patron of Canada) – Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos, has called upon Christians to pray for the country on that date. By John Newton, ACN UK Adapted by Amanda Griffin, ACN Canada Aid to the Church in Need, the charity for persecuted and other suffering Christians, spoke to Nigerian Archbishop Kaigama about recent killings in villages surrounding Jos this past weekend which left between 100 and 150 dead - among the dead, were women and children. “All I know is yesterday [Sunday 7th March] at 2 a.m. in the morning a group of people – we don’t know their identity – surrounded the village, and attacked it. “They even killed women and children.” said Archbishop Kaigama. “Usually in conflict you protect children – but they had no pity even on the little ones.” The attackers used: rifles, knives, machetes and similar weapons, leaving many wounded. After wounding and killing residents in Dogo-Nahawa they then moved on to attack three nearby villages. The parish priest of St. Thomas Shen Church reported between 100 and150 slain during the onslaught. According to the Archbishop, it is strongly believed that the attacks may have been related to violent clashes that took place earlier in January of this year which left a death toll of more than 200. It is also thought, that the assailants came from a neighbouring state and were able to bypass the security of the area surrounding Jos that has been under a military curfew since. Describing the killings over the weekend Archbishop Kaigama expressed that it was “very tragic” and “Everybody is very

sad about it.” Reports suggest that the killings may have been motivated by tensions over grazing lands and a loss of cattle earlier in the year. “Please remember us on the 19th of March” Previously this year, the president established a peace committee of 26 members comprised of: ex-governors, ex-generals, religious leaders and elders representing different tribes in order to deal with tensions in the regions. The committee met for the first time yesterday (8th March), following the recent clashes and was chaired by Chief Solomon Lar; the first civilian governor of Plateau State. “This shows they are serious. It was a sign of solidarity, everyone who spoke was very upset,” commented Archbishop Kaigama. “We need to look for solutions. It’s too simplistic to say it’s just Christians fighting Muslims, that it’s a religious war. We need to look beyond that, we cannot say it’s just religious, we need a political and social solution – I said this at the conference.” “We will be gathering together – but the people need to pray above all. Please remember us on the 19th of March,” implored the Archbishop. Source: Mario Bard, Information, ACNCanada (514) 932-0552, Extension 224 1-800-585-6333 com@acn-aed-ca.org Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is an international Catholic charity whose mandate is “to serve with love the most suffering and destitute local Churches.” Founded in 1947 by Father Werenfried, it gives spiritual and material aid to the Church in need in more than 137 countries.

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CSN Recognizing Local Church St. Andrew Presbyterian (PCUSA) It seems that we are all being pulled in one direction or another. We want to do well at our jobs, or in school. We need quality time with those we love. We have a duty to reach out to others in our community. Even still, we long for fellowship with other Christians. St. Andrew is a welcoming church that offers a place where we can experience the grace of God and be renewed through Christian fellowship. St. Andrew was started in 1959 with a mission of ministering to McNeese students and faculty. Located on Hodges Street, just north of McNeese, St. Andrew has an active outreach ministry to the university called the Presbyterian Campus Fellowship (“PCF”). There is a weekly Bible study. The study changes every semester and students from several different churches attend. St. Andrew and PCF offer a study hall every semester. During the study hall professors and graduate students volunteer their time to help tutor students, usually in math and science, in preparation for exams. A meal is offered, as well as childcare so that McNeese students can study. At Thanksgiving every year, a Thanksgiving meal is shared with the interna-

tional students, many of whom are unable to fly home for the short Thanksgiving holiday. The PCF group plans local mission outreaches and the church has been very active in supporting a valley hospital in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. There are different worship services offered. On the first Sunday of every month, we share the Lord’s Supper. On the first, second, and third Sundays, we meet in the sanctuary and have a traditional worship service. On the last Sunday of every month, we have a very informal, more contemporary service in the fellowship hall that is followed by a fellowship luncheon. St. Andrew offers Bible studies and we are involved in supporting several missionary outreaches. There is a very active women’s sewing group where lap blankets are made for unwed mothers in Mexico and homeless veterans. One of the newest things at St. Andrew is the formation of a “Vision team.” St. Andrew has always had a well-defined mission, but we are actively trying to discern God’s vision for our church. Our church is changing; the Holy Spirit is moving, and we long very much to be all that

our God wants us to be. In preparation for Easter, we will have a foot washing service on Maundy Thursday, remembering that Jesus came as a suffering servant and that He gave us the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper by which we can remember His sacrifice for us. We will have silent meditation in the sanctuary of Good Friday. On Easter Sunday, we will celebrate with a “Sonrise” service at 7 a.m.; have an Easter egg hunt for the children at 10:00 .am., and an 11:00 service in the sanctuary. With great joy we will worship and celebrate our Risen Lord! Regardless of whether we are studying God’s Word, worshiping, or supporting missions, we strive to offer a safe place for those who need spiritual healing and restoration. The power of God’s saving grace motivates us to reach out to those in the church and in our community. Nanette Cagney Commissioned Lay Pastor St. Andrew Presbyterian Church (USA) 4020 Hodges Street Lake Charles LA 70605 (337) 477-6166 www.standrewpres.com

The Salvation Army Empty Bowl Doing Great Things The Salvation Army recently held their annual Empty Bowl fundraiser. The night was a great success. This event is held to help support the general operating expenses of the Center of Hope located in Lake Charles. The Center is essentially a “transitional shelter with a life-transforming purpose”. Here at the Center, a homeless or transient man can find a good home-cooked meal, refreshing shower, warm bed, and a good dose of hope. Residents of the Center are also shown the love of Christ. They are taught that Jesus loves them and has given His very life for them. The Army witnesses men being won to Christ regularly. They are encouraged to attend the Army’s church services held in the brand new sanctuary located next door. The men can also receive direction and help for long term solutions to their homelessness. Some may choose to stay long term at the Center under the approval and mentorship of Captain David Sams, who teaches them the basic importance of holding a job, paying rent, and saving money responsibly. The Center also reaches out to men who are recovering from alcohol and/or substance abuse. There are 8 beds and regular in-

house AANA meetings for them. All of the residents can enjoy a very peaceful atmosphere, complete with an almost one-acre garden to cultivate. The garden produces tomatoes, okra, cucumbers, squash, and peppers along with many more crops. This not only helps the men connect with nature, but helps offset the cost of food for the Center. The Center also helps with transitional housing for entire families on ocassion as the need may arise. The Salvation Army originally began (122 years ago) as a church and still operates as church alongside its missionary efforts to “feed the poor, clothe the naked, and befriend the friendless”. The church here in Lake Charles currently has about a hundred members, including about 25 children, and is open to the public. Services are: Sunday school on Sundays at 9:45 am with worship service at 10:45 am and Bible study at 6:00 pm. There is also “a word from the Word” on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm and a youth service at 5:30 pm on Tuesdays. Captain Sams is an ordained minister and officiates the services. As you can see, the Salvation Army truly is…..Doing Great Things! csn-paper.com April • 2010 CSN


How Can Communities of Faith Prevent Interpersonal/Relationship Violence? The first step is to acknowledge that the problem of interpersonal violence exists within the faith community and make a commitment to address it. If we accept the premise that all of us are affected in some way by interpersonal/relationship violence, people might intervene, be more willing to say something, or do something when they see an opportunity to act/help. At one point in our lives, we have all been silent when we were unsure about what to do or say in a situation. We must increase the number of people who are willing to say or do something in the face of interpersonal/relationship violence. Breaking the silence around violence is a critical strategy in prevention and awareness. Why should males get involved? Interpersonal/relationship violence occurs on a spectrum, from seemingly harmless cat calls directed at women on the street, to date and acquaintance rape, to gang violence. When we don’t speak up, we support a culture that allows perpetrators to engage in such behaviors without any consequences. Think of your sister, your mom, your girlfriend, or your niece in a violent situation. What if someone watched or knew it was happening and did nothing to stop it? Small interventions make a big difference. Just distracting someone can stop the momentum of a violent act. (Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault, 2009) It is the mission of Rape Crisis Outreach to provide support services for those who have been sexually assaulted, to educate the community, and train professionals to eliminate conditions which contribute to sexual assault. RCO offers the following age appropriate educational programs: •

Headstart through 3rd grade… Listen to Me is a 10-15 minute interactive puppet show that discusses safe and unsafe touches, good and bad secrets, and trusting your instincts. It encourages children to tell and keep telling until someone listens. Grades 4th and 5th… Care-ageous Kids is an evidence-based primary prevention curriculum. It is designed to assist children in an age-appropriate manner with developing positive social skills that will

reduce their likelihood of perpetration. (Provided by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault) • Grades 6th thru 8th… T.R.U.S.T. (Teaching Respect, Understanding, Safety & Tolerance) is an evidencebased / informed primary prevention curriculum. The purpose of this curriculum is prevention through teaching respect, understanding, and tolerance. (Provided by Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault) • Grades 9th thru 12th… Safe Dates is a researched based program. This program strives to raise students’ awareness of what constitutes healthy and abusive relationships. (Halzen) Anyone interested in having any of these programs presented at a school or church organization please contact RCO. April is National Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Each April RCO plans, develops, and executes a social awareness project. This year we have chosen to present “The Clothesline Project” for the survivors/victims of interpersonal/relationship violence. The “Clothesline Project” is a compelling visual display that bears witness to the many forms of interpersonal/relationship violence against men, women and children. We are now scheduling t-shirt art expression sessions for groups or individuals who would like to honor the survivors and help with the healing process. Any survivor, witness, or anyone in support of a victim of interpersonal/ relationship may participate. This includes past or present violence. These t-shirts will be displayed throughout the five (5) parish area that we serve in Southwest Louisiana. If you or your group is interested please contact RCO. You can learn more about our program by visiting our webpage at www. cwshelter.org and click on the evergreen branch at the bottom of the page. We at RCO would like to thank Christian Star Newspaper for the opportunity to educate and reach their readers. Vivian Reed Guillory Community Educator & Trainer Crisis Hotline (337) 494-7273 or 1-866570-7273

Will it be your LIFE or your DEATH? This nugget is a reflection section of your life. I will ask a series of questions and you can answer them. You will need a Bible, I am a firm believer in the fact that you should read and get wisdom for yourself. Don’t take anyone’s word as concrete. Get and read a Bible for yourself. Are you ready? Here goes. 1. Do you believe in God/Jesus? John 5:24 , John 10:30 2. Have you personally accepted Jesus Christ into your heart? Do you hate or argue? Are you unforgiving? Do you lie? 3. Do you love and Honor your parents? 4. When no one is around that you know, how do you act? 5. When you pray, to whom do you pray? 6. Do you attend church regularly? 7. Do you repent often? Have you been baptized? ( Most important) 8. Do you have faith in God only? 9. If you die today, right now after you read this, would you go to heaven and live forever in spirit with Christ? No one said being a Christian is easy. In fact, it is a hard thing if you have no wisdom (Proverbs 4:7) in Life on Earth. Being saved in Christ is a very simple thing to do. No self condemnation (Romans 10:9-10). You must have faith in everything about Christ to even please him (Hebrews 11:1-6). I’m not trying to tell you what to do; however, you must understand that without Christ in your life, living for him every day, praying and rejoicing, thanking him ( 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) YOU are killing yourself, and the outcome for you will be ETERNAL DAMNATION OF YOUR SOUL IN HELL ( 2 Peter 2, 2 Peter 3:9). What I’m saying is that you need to get saved today. Tomorrow may be too late. Jesus is coming back quickly. Yea, no man knows the time. A twinkling of any eye is quick (1 Corinthians 51-52). Save yourself from Hell. It is REAL! (Acts 2:40)…Revelation 22:7, 12, 20). Find a word church where Jesus is preached and the Spirit has liberty to teach. One Love, Bro’ Chauncy

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We're Talking About Walking! NAMI Southwest Louisiana 8th Annual NAMIWalks for the Mind of America Saturday, April 24th, 2010 at the Lake Charles Civic Center! NAMI SWLA began in 1984 under the name of New Hope for Mental Health, Inc. The organization began as a result of family members looking for support in their community. Through the help of Lake Charles Mental Health Clinic, a support group was started. In 1992 New Hope founded the Lafayette Alliance for the Mentally Ill, which was affiliated with the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. After discovering the benefits of being connected with a national organization, New Hope joined as an affiliate of NAMI and became Southwest Alliance for the Mentally Ill, Inc. In 1999 SWAMI adopted a name change to become NAMI of Southwest Louisiana, Inc. in order to be more uniform with the National Organization. Since the inception of NAMI, the NAMI SWLA membership has grown from 16 paid family members to over 200 with

2800 families on the local mailing list. The NAMI SWLA office is located at 715 Ryan St. Suite 203 (second floor) in the United Way Building and is still a total volunteer organization. NAMI SWLA is gearing up for our 8th Annual NAMIWalks for the Mind of America on Saturday, April 24th, 2010, at the Lake Charles Civic Center.

Currently we are looking for Sponsors, In-Kind Sponsors, Volunteers, Team Captains, Committee Members, and Walkers! For more information, contact Penny Miller, Walk Manager, at 337-433-0219 or 337-438-3038. So...Step Up to Stomp Out the Stigma of Mental Illness!

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Saturday, 6/26 @ 7:00 PM Lafayette Wildcatters @ Louisiana Swashbucklers

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Saints Alive! The last couple of months I found myself excited every time the Saints won a game and over the very real prospect that the Saints might actually win the Super Bowl. I was ecstatic when they made it into the playoffs, an accomplishment in itself. However, the main reason for my excitement is that I have seen many spiritual truths that can be applied and gleaned from the New Orleans Saints history and winning season. The Fleur-de-lis has Christian meaning apart from being connected to New Orleans and the French monarchy. In the Middle Ages the symbol of the lily and the fleur-de-lis were found in religious art. The fleur-de-lis symbolizes purity and chastity. It also represents the trinity and has been used as an iconographic attribute of the archangel Gabriel found in representations of the Annunciation. The Saints age-old losses and recent victories captured my attention long before I researched the symbols and meanings surrounding the team. Over the years the Saints have been ridiculed, put down and laughed at but they never gave up. They kept playing the game through all the persecution thrown against them. No matter how many times they lost, they got back up and played again striving against insurmountable odds to reach the goal of playing in the Super Bowl; winning the cherished trophy and Super Bowl rings. Sometimes in life we too are ridiculed, put down and made fun of. Do we get back up or do we quit? What motivates us to keep on trying? What is the goal that keeps us going? As the Saints of God we should be just as tenacious as the New Orleans Saints have been over the years. We must get back up to play again because our goal is worth far more than any trophy or rings.

As Saints of God we should be no different than the Saints’ football players who are bruised and broken yet have a burning desire in their hearts to finish the game. When we are injured in life, we should allow God to heal us, bind our wounds, and strengthen us again so that we can get up and accomplish the work to which He has called us. On a football team, all the players are important, each with his own important place on the team. However, the quarterback is the leader and the most important man on the field. It is amazing to me that the year they won the Super Bowl the Saints’ quarterback was a man named Andrew Christopher “Drew” Brees. Andrew means “manly, brave, masculine.” Andrew was the first of the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus and he followed Christ. Christopher in Latin means “with Christ inside”and in Greek it means “Carrier of Christ, Christ Bearer.” Brees was interesting to me because I think of the Holy Spirit as “breeze” “breath” or “wind” which are often found in the Word when speaking about the Spirit of God. The Saints’ playoff game against the Minnesota Vikings also had hidden truths. Several things struck me about this particular game. Throughout history the Vikings have been a warring people known for raiding the northern and western coasts of Europe. Likewise, the devil raids our lives. He is a thief. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. We must never let fear of our enemy stop us from doing what God has called us to do. Fear immobilizes; faith mobilizes. Ephesians 6:12 tells us our war is not against men (flesh and blood like Brett Favre). In prayer we must come against the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. We should pray always and upset the devil’s kingdom here on earth so that victory can come

into our lives and the lives around us. The fact that the players each win a ring reminded me of the story in Luke 15 about the prodigal son “But the father said to his servants… and put a ring on his hand…” This story is a type and shadow of a relationship between God and His children, the Saints of God. We are all prodigals before we come to Christ but when we come to Christ our Father in heaven make us His own; He puts His ring or seal upon us. Rings in history were often worn by kings or the rich and any child or servant that was given a ring became the representative of the king or master. That person then had rights and privileges only belonging to the king or master. We are representatives of God and Christ and we have special blessings bestowed upon us because we are His saints. The trophy the New Orleans Saints won was the Vince Lombardi trophy. Vince Lombardi was the revered head coach of the Green Bay Packers who won the first two Super Bowls. Vince means “Conquering” and Lombardi means “Winner!” Conquering Winner! That is what we are when we are in Christ. As Christians we are conquerors and winners and in the end we will conquer and win. James 1:12 says “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.” John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” So, when all is said and done, the Saints of God conquer and win! Who dat? We dat! Go Saints!!! Love in Christ, Michele LeDoux Abshire © February 2010

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What to Do? Rolland Soileau So what does an avid football fan (LSU style) do with himself (or herself) during the offseason? Let’s see: search the internet for articles and tidbits on the team and new recruits, follow the spring practices and wait for the Spring game to reveal some juicy nugget on next year’s squad, watch old re-runs on the NFL network, follow the NFL pro days and ponder why some of the graduates from your favorite school perform so poorly in some events, or continue buying team monogrammed what-evers. If you answered “yes” to any or all of these, then welcome to our club of “Wait Till Next Year!” Our membership is large and growing with each passing month. Despite a fairly good year overall, LSU football must get better. They must beat their arch-rivals, Florida and especially Alabama, convincingly. They must be mentioned somewhere in the conversation of BCS national championship contenders. If they don’t achieve this goal by year’s end, they must at least finish in the Top 5 in the country. That’s a state law now, and if it isn’t, then it should be. My, how our expectations have grown for our tigers. They now carry the mantle of our entire state’s hopes and dreams squarely on their backs. Not really. But I’ll bet it feels like that in Baton Rouge in the fall. It’s amazing the pressures that we can place upon 19 and 20 year kids. Succeed at the highest level and we love you. Fail and…. Les Miles and Co. has done a pretty good job in recruiting since his arrival at LSU. This past recruiting haul was no exception. Although there were a few defections, the school managed to pick up some really talented players. The highest ranked of these players was Spencer Ware, a quarter-back from Cincinnati who has been converted to running back.

Ware looked very good in the US Army all-star game last year, prompting Rivals to raise his rating from a 4-star to a 5-star. The tigers also picked up defensive ends J.R. Ferguson of Hargrave Military Academy and J.C. Copeland of Lagrange, Georgia. Suddenly, it appears our defensive line play is not quite going down the chutes. Not quite yet. We have great supply of young, but talented players ready to anchor our defensive line for a few years. But it is hard to gauge just how good your recruiting has been simply based on ratings systems developed by outside parties. Many players simply don’t get the coverage that others do. If memory serves me, Jacob Hester was only rated a 2-star player, but you can’t find a back in recent memory that could get you that tough yard or half-yard. We definitely have some players who have similar potential. Michael Ford appears ready to really show what he can do in the SEC. He was an all-world back at Leesville with amazing strength. One year of red-shirting seems have been just what the doctor ordered for him. Bring in Ware, Jakhari Ware, Alfred Blue, and a dose of Russell Shepard here and there (yeah, I’m still trying to get him in the game more), and you have the nucleus of a very young and capable stable of running backs. And next year it just gets better. Add to this from the class of 2011 – Kenny Hilliard (everyone’s consensus stud running back) and Jeremy Hill. For 2011, the state of Louisiana is loaded with talent. Les Miles is already securing several of these players for the tigers. If he locks down the state again, LSU will be set for several years. The only worry will be who will be quarter-backing this team for years to come. Without capable quarter-backing play, you watch the BCS championship game on television with the rest of us. Hold up! I think these tigers play pretty good baseball too…..

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Batter Up Pokes! Rolland Soileau If there ever was a sport where the smaller schools stand a ghost of a chance to compete with the big boys, it is baseball. At this point in the season, McNeese State is currently 8-11, having dropped a few close ball games to some pretty strong nationally ranked teams. Twice now McNeese has dropped one-run games to 20th ranked Arkansas of the mighty SEC division. They had also won 1 out of 3 games against 17th ranked Southeastern La. Add to that a 2-1 loss to 3rd ranked LSU in Baton Rouge and you can see that McNeese is not to be taken lightly by anyone. So when you consider that 5 of their 11 losses

were against Top 20 nationally ranked teams, it makes their record look a lot more respectable. A few of the early statistical leaders for the team are: batting average – Steven Irvine (392) and Jace Peterson (375); slugging percentage – Steven Irvine (649) and Blake Ellender (632); hits – Jace Peterson (30) and Steven Irvin (29); RBI’s – Steven Irvin (17) and Lee Orr (15); and home runs – Steven Irvin and Lee Orr (tied with 6). On the pitching side for the team, Jonathan Conrad (3 wins) has an era of 3.65, while Jaden Dillon (3 wins, and the sophomore was named the pitcher of the week last week for the Southland Conference thanks to pitching a complete game in the team’s

4-3 victory over Southeastern Louisiana on Sunday) has an era of 3.86. Dustin Lloyd (26 k’s) and Tyler Davis (21 k’s) lead the team in strike-outs. The Cowboys have six home games coming up in April and seven slated for May. Check out their schedule and show them some love by attending a game (or 2 or 3) whenever you can. I think you’ll be pretty impressed with their quality of play. There is plenty of room in the stands and our support is critical to this team’s success, just as it is for any team. You will enjoy yourself. Former player and coach at MSU, Terry Burrows, is the current baseball coach for the school.

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