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Scripture of the Month

August • 2010 • Issue 20 General Information:

Luke 12:31 (KJV)

337.257.8972 337.853.9883 Publisher: Monica Soileau Editor: Rolland Soileau Sales Team Dan Allen Jay Soileau Billie Jean Bauer Bernadette Seaberry Jill Tate Amy Carpenter

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III. The Biblical View of Singleness.

The Marriage Position Paper I am an attorney that represents individuals involved in personal injuries, injuries on-the-job, and who need Social Security disability. I would be happy to meet with anyone who needs legal advice involving such claims. Simply call my office and schedule an appointment.

decree is harmful to the participants and in violation of God’s mandates for all people (Mark 10:9 12).

However, given the present practice of cohabitation outside of marriage, the prevalence of same sex unions and the disintegration of marriages in our world, I, as a Christian, must offer the following Biblical principles relative to the sanctity of the Institution of Marriage. In this article, we will look at Marriage as discussed and blessed under the authority of Jesus Christ and God’s written Word, the Bible (2 Timothy 3:16). God has revealed to all people in all cultures a sense of morality in the ordering of human relationships.

God ordained marriage for the following ends: The Glory of God: Marriage exists first and foremost to glorify God. Human beings individually are image bearers of God (Genesis 1:26), but man and woman in marriage also display His glory (vv. 27 28). Beyond that, however, marriage is to glorify God as Creator, and as Redeemer, for Christian marriage is the consummate illustration of the redeeming grace of God in Christ (Ephesians 5:22 33). To the degree that Christians live out this pattern of God’s love through His grace in Christ (Ephesians 5:1 2), they witness to one another, their children, the Church and the World the gospel of God’s redeeming love in Christ. However, God’s glory and our good go hand and hand. For this reason, marriage exists also for our own good in the following ways:

II. Marriage as a Creation Ordinance.


However, I understand that this month’s theme is on the importance of family. Therefore, instead of discussing a legal topic, I wanted to address the topic of “Marriage” and the biblical instructions regarding it. I. Introduction. Christians believe marriage is a gift from God for the blessing of men, women and children and for the good of society. We all want to find someone special and be united with them. Furthermore, anyone who is a parent understands the true joy of life that a child brings.

When God created Adam and Eve, He ordained marriage as the fundamental institution of society (Genesis 1:27 28). In Marriage, a man and woman leave their families of origin and become united as “one flesh” in a new family unit (Genesis 2:24). The judgment of Scripture is that marriage is to be honored by all (Hebrews 13:4). Marriage is a covenant (promise for life) between one man and one woman and between the participants and God (Malachi 2:14 16). It is therefore more than a temporary agreement of convenience, a contract or a well intentioned promise. As a binding relationship established by promises, the marriage covenant is solemnly sealed by a ceremony witnessed by family and friends, as well as God, and is now regulated by every state. When a believer marries, it is God’s will that he or she should be united only with another believer (2 Corinthians 6:14). Because God has created and instituted marriage as a lifelong covenant (Matthew 22:23 30) and because the marriage covenant is to reflect the strength of God’s covenant love for His people (Hosea 3:1), any variation from His ordained

The sanctity of marriage does not negate the gift of celibacy (1 Corinthians 7:6). While marriage is a great blessing, it is not God’s will that all should be married. This was certainly the case for the Lord Jesus and other followers of Christ. Singleness in Scripture is also a great blessing and offers unique opportunities for an undivided devotion to the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:1,35). Consequently, those whom God has called to be single for His sake should be recognized and honored. However, these individuals face greater sexual temptations that marriage was meant to keep under control. IV. The Biblical View of Marriage. Scripture teaches that the one flesh union of marriage constitutes an intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual unity. “So they are no longer two, but one” (Matthew 19:5 6). When the two become one flesh, the God created individualities of the husband and wife are not lost; rather they complement and enrich each other. Furthermore, the Apostle Paul demonstrates that this “profound mystery” is analogous to the spiritual relationship between Christ and His church. (Ephesians 5:31 33).

Marriage is a covenant (promise for life) between one man and one woman and between the participants and God (Malachi 2:14 16).





Companionship: Genesis 2:18 teaches that “it is not good for a man to be alone.” Therefore, from the beginning, God has called men and women together to promote mutual care and friendship within their marriage relationship. Mutual Assistance: Genesis 2:18 adds, “I will make a helper suitable for him,” reminding us that we are to be a help to one another in our marriage relationship. Also, each husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her (Ephesians 5:25). Bearing, Nurturing & Training of Children: Genesis 1:28 and Ephesians 6:4 teach that the purpose of our marriage relationship is also for procreation and moral teaching of children (Deuteronomy 6:4 7). Promoting the Stability of Society: When Marriage, the foundational human relationship, is degraded, the family unit disintegrates and the fabric of any nation unravels (see Genesis 2). Affirming the Proper Context of Human Sexuality: Hebrews 13:4 clearly teaches that sexual intimacy should be reserved for a man and a woman within the covenant of Marriage.

From Genesis to Revelations, sexual union in marriage is to be between a man and a woman. Scripture emphatically condemns same sex unions and sexual intercourse between people of the same sex, as well as sexual intercourse between a man and woman outside of marriage. In the Old Testament a homosexual relationship was a capital offense, and in the New Testament it is repeatedly condemned (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, Romans 1:24 27, and 1 Corinthians 6:9 11). God designed marriage to be a lifelong relationship. Jesus said, “What God has joined together, let not man separate (Mark 10:9).” The marriage covenant should be kept sacred and unbroken under those conditions stated in the Bible. Given the complexities and challenges inherent in the merging of two lives into one, pastoral counseling or guidance is strongly recommended in the period prior to the marriage ceremony. God ordained marriage should remain pure in thought, motive and practice. The seventh commandment prohibits adultery (Exodus 20:14). Jesus sets an even higher standard in his statement: “...anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery” (Matthew 5:27 28). Furthermore, sexual relations outside of marriage are forbidden by Scripture (1 Corinthians 6:16 20 and 1 Thessalonians 4:3 4). The Apostle Paul specifically commands believers to “abstain from sexual immorality” (1 Thessalonians 4:3).

Continues on page 11

Marriage Restored Cheryl O’Neal

As I was praying over this article, I had several ideas to share. I wanted to share stories of several of my friends who had ended their marriages in divorce to have GOD miraculously restore them. I have seen marriages torn apart by sin…selfishness, adultery, anger. I have seen GOD whisper into the hearts of believers to intercede in prayer for divorced couples when neither party wanted reconciliation. I have also seen GOD redeem those marriages for the good of people and to His glory. It is an amazing thing to see GOD change the hearts of a woman and man, to see His forgiveness wash over them and His redeeming power heal hurts and wounds, to see beauty rise from the ashes. That was my plan. But then, the LORD reminded me of another marriage. One that

We made many mistakes and did a lot of things the wrong way. We would be the first to admit it. But we also did some things right, thanks to a GOD who loved us and many who counseled with and prayed for us. First, we asked GOD for His help. It was painfully obvious we couldn’t do this on our own. Second, we did all we could to honor our commitment to GOD, to one another, and to our family. Third, we willingly placed others (GOD, each other, and our family) above ourselves and our own desires. Lastly, we learned to focus on the positive instead of the negative. Unfortunately, try as we may, there were times we faltered and failed miserably. We learned to forgive, forget, and re-focus. We looked at the big picture. So what if Jeff put the toilet paper on the wrong way, he changed our babies’ diapers. I love that man! We just celebrated our thirtieth anniversary, still crazy in love with each other (most days), enjoying our life and our family. GOD continues to teach us many things along the way.

GOD can take your ashes (the mess that you have made of your life, of your marriage) and turn them into beauty beyond your imagination. was wrought with hurt and anger, bitterness and despair - A marriage I was most familiar with because it was my own. My husband and I married when we were young and looked forward to our “happily ever after.” We were so clueless; Life soon began to invade our dream come true. We were not prepared for it, didn’t know how to cope with it, and so we began to react to it. We reacted with anger, hurtful words, resentment …a whole multitude of emotions, mostly negative. We began to speak of the D-word. Maybe it would be “better for all concerned; we had made a terrible mistake. It just wasn’t meant to be. We had married for the wrong reasons- just too much water under our bridge.” We could find lots of excuses- others had. There were times when we both felt anything but “in love”. But we had made a commitment to one another and to GOD. We both felt strongly about it and that commitment now included our children. And so we stuck it out, through the good, the bad, and the ugly. When we didn’t feel like holding each other, we clung to the Faithful One.


One night at dinner, Jeff looked down the table at our ever-growing family and became overwhelmed with emotion. He whispered in my ear, “Look at what we’ve done!” I cannot express in words what that moment was for us, as we gazed at our sons, daughters-in-love, and precious grandchildren. You see, we knew that precious moment could have never been. We almost blew it. Oh, how I thank GOD for redeeming our marriage, for taking our ashes and turning them into a thing of beauty. He is always so good and faithful. I remember talking with a friend when GOD was doing a miracle work of restoration in her life. Her then ex-husband (they had been divorced for seven years) was doing all he could to win her back. But she felt it was too late; she was still hurt and couldn’t allow herself to feel anything for him. I began to pray with her for GOD to help her forgive him and restore those romantic feelings. Soon she was relating how she was overcome with love for him. They were remarried months later and remain so almost two decades later. Only GOD can do things like that. As I write, I am praying for you who read this article. I don’t know where you are in your life or in your marriage. What I do know is that GOD can do for you what He has done for us and others. It is never too late. GOD can take your ashes (the mess that you have made of your life, of your marriage) and turn them into beauty beyond your imagination. Just ask Him. He is the Great Redeemer!

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The media doesn't understand it. The academic elitists can't explain it. The politicians who fight to resist the timeless values you and I share simply don't get it. It's the most misunderstood thing about Louisiana Family Forum (LFF). But it's a question that's come up a lot lately in the media – and at the Capitol. “What's the secret to LFF's legislative success?” You see, LFF just completed the most successful legislative session in its short 12- year history! With the support of friends like you and God's amazing grace, 18 LFF-supported bills were signed into law this year, and these aren't your runof-the-mill pro-family bills. Each victory takes back ground that was lost over the years to ambitious politicians and an activist judiciary! There were 13 other victories bringing our legislative wins to 31! Here are just a few of the bills: • Preservation of Religious Freedom (SB 606) - Establishes a wall of protection by limiting the circumstances under which governmental regulation would be permissible to abridge religious freedom. • Ultrasound Before Abortion (SB 528) - Requires that any woman seeking an abortion must receive an ultrasound, that she must be given the opportunity to view the ultrasound images, and that she must be given an ultrasound photograph of her unborn child. • Recognition of Home School Diplomas (SB 798) - Recognizes that a diploma issued to a student who has successfully completed an approved home

study program carries the same privileges as one issued by a non-public school Johnny’s Milk Money (SB 53) - Requires the withholding of delinquent child support from the casino winnings of gamblers.

I hope that you are as excited about these successes as we are - as well as the 13 other victories outlined in the legislative summary. That means 31 powerful, pro-family victories were won in this legislative session. None of these successes would be possible without pastors, churches, and friends like you who make LFF's work possible. That's what our opponents in the media and at the Capitol don’t understand. They're absolutely confounded by how LFF can be so successful at the Capitol. It just doesn't make sense to them. The media does their best to label LFF-supported bills as "unnecessary" or "dangerous." Liberal legislators attack LFF directly during floor debates and make baseless allegations about how LFF operates. Yet, despite the media's distortions and anti-traditional policy makers, LFF-supported bills get passed and signed into law - time after time. It drives our opponents crazy. They simply can't comprehend how LFF can be outspent, outmanned, and out-communicated yet still be successful. They think there's some sort of well- kept secret. While our opponents don’t support all that we do, many do respect the

work of LFF. “They’re very professional,” Rep. Juan Lafonta, D- New Orleans, said of LFF in the Independent Weekly. However, you make the difference. You - and the thousands of Louisianans who share your values - are why LFF-supported bills get passed so often. Your prayers and your votes cast for legislators who support your values. Your calls and emails to legislators on specific bills. You're making a difference and, little by little, helping reclaim lost ground and recapture the values that have made Louisiana great. There's no secret. No hidden agenda. No "wizard" behind the curtain. It's simply the good, old-fashioned statesmanship and a well-informed citizenry that our Founding Fathers envisioned. Those who oppose the values you and I share can't get their minds around that! Now that the people of Louisiana are again being represented at the Capitol, things are changing. Our opponents aren't happy about it, and their angry outbursts should serve as a warning sign for you and me. Our work is far from over. Despite all of the recent success your support has made possible, there's a lot of work that is still left to be done... •

LFF Victory tour of the state to highlight these 31 significant pro-family wins

• •

2011 Senate Redistricting Plan and Town Hall meetings Voter Education and Registration efforts in time for this fall's elections

That's why it's critical that you and I appropriately thank the Legislators who made these successes possible at the 2010 Legislative Awards Banquet. That event is scheduled for September 23 in the Crowne Plaza in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and was quickly sold out in 2009! So, mark your calendars and reserve your table today! Will you help me "bestow honor where honor is due"? To make a contribution to celebrate LFF's success at the legislature in 2010 or to sponsor a table at the 2010 Legislative Awards Banquet, visit: 655 St. Ferdinand Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802 1-800-606-6470 Sign up for the weekly email: Family Facts Thank you, in advance, for your investment in Louisiana Family Forum! Together we will write Louisiana's best chapter! In His Service, Gene Mills President Louisiana Family Forum Action

NATURE’S CALLING Can the start of school really be just around the corner already? I’m thinking it is probably a good time to prepare in advance for the onslaught of colds and all of the other ‘bugs’ that plague the kids throughout the school year. In other words, it’s time to begin building up their little immune systems. Most children today have fairly lousy diets; all of the good vitamin and mineral filled vegetables and fruits simply don’t find their way to the youngster’s tummies. It surprises me how many children don’t take a good multiple vitamin daily. No wonder they catch every ‘bug’ that plows through the school. Following are a few suggestions: First, they need to be on a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement formulated for children. I really like Nature’s Sunshine Sunshine Hero line: chewable, ‘gummies’ containing a proprietary blend of whole foods and fruit juices and supply 100% of the RDA of vitamins A, C , D3, E, B6 & 12, folic acid, biotin, pantothenic acid and zinc. Next, if your child spends most of his/her time indoors, the Hero’s line has a Calcium plus D3, which supplies the equivalent of an 8oz glass of milk and 75% of the RDA for D3. Recent studies are confirming our kids are seriously deficient in D3, an extremely important vitamin supporting both the skeletal and immune system, especially during the cloudy months. Finally, consider Elderberry Plus, a chewable tab for kids, which supports both the immune system and the respiratory system. It contains elderberry extract, plus the powerful adaptogens reishi mushroom and astragalus, all known historically to support the immune system. The bottom line is: start early boosting your child’s immune system. They will miss less school, and you will spend less time in the doctor’s office. It’s a win, win situation! Inquiries, suggestions & comments are welcomed at Christian Star News is seeking Sales Representatives who are established and well-respected within their community. Must have dependable transportation. Must be self-motivated, prepared to meet set sales goals, and be able to work in a team environment. Positions available in SWLA, Houston & Baton Rouge areas. Please contact Monica Soileau at 337.257.8972 or send your resume to August • 2010 CSN



Let the people decide! Catholic Bishops in Sudan The bishops of Sudan have issued an official statement warning the country may return to widespread violence unless political leaders prioritize their work of preparation ahead of the critical referendum on the future of south Sudan. By John Pontifex, ACN UK Adapted by Amanda Griffin, ACN Canada At the end of an extraordinary plenary session, the Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference released a document detailing a lack of progress towards the vote on whether the south should secede to become a separate country or remain part of a united Sudan. Noting the deadline of January 9, 2011 for the referendum as set out in the peace deal, which formally ended Sudan’s 21-year civil war, the bishops make clear that inadequate progress could lead to violence affecting the entire country. Among nine key deficiencies spelled out in the statement released earlier this week, the bishops claim that voter registration has yet to begin, the work of raising awareness about the referendum has barely commenced and crucially the north-south border has not been demarcated, a factor influencing voter eligibility. The statement, a copy of which was sent to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), goes on to state that in five years Sudan “has come a long way” since the civil war and that a more lasting peace is possible, with increased awareness of human rights and greater acceptance of tribal, religious and cultural differences. But the bishops stress that such progress could be jeopardized by further setbacks in preparation for the referendum. In the statement the bishops conclude: “We remain deeply concerned that the time remaining before the due date [of the referendum] is painfully short and inadequate.” Outlining the ongoing tensions in key parts of southern Sudan, the document continues: “We fear that dissatisfaction [with the referendum process] in transitional areas may lead to violence which could derail any peaceful future for the whole of Sudan.”

A source close to the bishops’ conference emphasized southern Sudanese conviction not to compromise on the referendum date saying, “The people are not ready to accept a postponement whatever the reason coming from [politicians in] the north or the south.” More than five years have passed since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement which formally brought an end to Africa’s longest-running civil war, but in that time regional tensions have continued to spark conflict. The bishops’ statement highlights security concerns centring on Abyei, an oil-rich region on the border between north and south. Although the bishops acknowledge that referendum voter eligibility in the area has been officially agreed, concerns have risen that a referendum commission has not been set up, meaning that the election process risks breaking down, especially as “currents of dissatisfaction” persist in the region. The statement also outlines tensions in the Blue Nile state and the Nuba Mountains, indicating fears that the referendum process in both regions risks being manipulated, sparking unrest among the people. ACN’s Sudan source commented: “If the people feel that there has been a manipulation of the referendum process, they may take the law into their own hands,” signalling potential government manipulation of voters, he spoke of fears that southerners living in the north may come under pressure from the Khartoum regime. And further, that concerns had been heightened by Sudan’s general election in April having taken place amid allegations of vote rigging and other forms of

electoral malpractice. Sudan is a priority country for the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need whose focus is to bring assistance in the areas of Christian education, the formation of seminarians, support for catechists, religious Sisters and of priests by way of Mass stipends. Its work also involves in aiding in the construction of churches and in the distribution of Childs’ Bibles as well as other catechetical materials. (514) 932-0552, Extension 224 1-800-585-6333 Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is an international Catholic charity whose mandate is “to serve with love the most suffering and destitute local Churches.” Founded in 1947 by Father Werenfried, it gives spiritual and material aid to the Church in need in more than 140 countries.

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The Power in Your Word Sharon Galicia People may not always remember what you say, but they will remember how they felt when you said it. Do you recall having an argument with someone you love? You may not remember the exact words they said, but you certainly remember the hurt you felt afterward. Who do you choose to spend time with? Do you want to be around people who are constantly negative; who belittle and degrade you, or those who build you up? We all want to be around positive people. Be the person you would like to be friends with, the type of person who draws people to yourself because of how you make others feel. The greatest leaders on earth make people feel like they are important. I once spoke with a gentleman who served in Congress when Ronald Reagan was Presi-

dent. This gentleman told me that when he would meet with President Reagan, Reagan would say things like, “You know, I can’t get this budget passed without you. I am really counting on you to help me out there. You make the difference for us.” He told me that when he left President Reagan’s office, he felt like the most important person on the planet. Truly great people put others first. In a similar story, Jennie Jerome (Winston Churchill's mother) glided through the loftiest social circles in Great Britain. Once, on consecutive nights, Ms. Jerome dined with England's premier politicians: Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli and his chief rival, William Gladstone. When questioned about her impressions of the two men, Ms. Jerome made the following observation: "When I left the dining room after sitting next to Gladstone, I thought he was the

most clever man in England. But when I sat next to Disraeli I left feeling that I was the most clever woman." Who do you think was the better leader? How do your words make others feel? Too many people, when in the presence of others, search for ways to make themselves look good. When spending time with people, search for ways to make them look good. Doing so uplifts them and ultimately raises their opinion of you as well. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those that love it will eat the fruit thereof.” What are your words doing? Are they tearing down, or building up? You see, words give us hope and inspiration to put behind our perspiration. People will quit when no one believes in them. Who do you believe in? Let them know today.

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? t s i r h C r o f b m a Will You Be a L As I wrote the story in March called “A Redemption Story ~ A Lamb for a Donkey” I began to think about our responsibility in being a Christian. These thoughts were reinforced during a sermon my Pastor taught recently. The message was about challenges that we face. Do those challenges cause us to give up hope in Christ? Are we standing by those that are weak and helping them up? Or are we “stepping on them” and “breaking their necks” with our self righteous attitudes? Are we holding them up in prayer or judging them? Do we realize that God has called us to be a “savior” to others in this life? That very morning I went to church ready to give up, not in Christ, but on those very difficult people in my life. I was ready to throw in the towel, but pastor’s message brought conviction to my heart. Right there, sitting on the church pew, I envisioned the lamb being sacrificed for the donkey.

Tears sprang to my eyes and I heard that small still voice “I placed that ‘donkey’ in your life for a reason. I have called you to be a lamb that they might have hope and be redeemed.” I knew it in my heart, I am Christ’s; I belong to Him. I have been paid for with a price and I have a responsibility. He has placed people in my life that I might be a light to them. Certain people can be downright difficult and not always easy to love. They are just like a donkey-stubborn, ornery, selfish, and mean at times. Do you have anyone like this in your life? Maybe it is even more than one person- a family member, friend, co-worker or boss? Have you ever wanted to just give up your stand and stop believing because it seemed to be not worth it? Have you thought “that person is just too difficult to love, too difficult to deal with?” You know, one of those people that are “bridge burners” instead of “bridge builders.” At some time or another in life we all have someone in our life that fits this description. I was overwhelmed with these thoughts as I contemplated the fact that Jesus was the precious Lamb of God that lay down His life for me. How much more should I lay down my life for those God has put in my life, difficult or not? We are all called to be Christ in someone else’s life. We may be God’s “Plan A” to lead someone to Christ. We may be the only “Bible” that person ever reads. In the Old Testament, God instituted a redemption plan for a donkey. A lamb had to die or the donkey’s neck would be broken (Exodus 13:13). It is the same in this life. Believers are known as God’s sheep and He calls us to die to self. Then there are the lost, those who have never placed their lives into the hands of Jesus. If they never accept the free gift of salvation, they face eternal damnation. We are the messengers of God’s redemption plan. We are ministers of reconciliation. The Bible tells us to forgive as Christ forgave (Ephesians 4:32); love as Christ loved (Ephesians 5:2). The Lost need to see these things lived out in a Christian’s life so that they can see and know that God is real. To love the unlovable we must die to our own selfish nature. If we do not allow God to use us to reach others there is a possibility the Lost will face eternal damnation, all because we did not do what God called us to do in this life. Continues on page 37


McNeese defensive ends Terrance Freeman (left) and Josh Ellison (right) flank SFA quarterback Jeremy Moses during the SLC football media event at L'Auberge du Lac. The Cowboys and the Lumberjacks meet Oct. 9 in Cowboy Stadium.

During the recent Southland Conference media day, McNeese came away looking very impressive. They were picked to finish the conference second, behind Stephen F. Austin. The cowboys also placed 14 players on the all-conference team, while Stephen F. Austin was represented with 12 players. McNeese will definitely have something to say about who wins their conference before the season is over. This year’s squad will be missing a few key players who had a lot to do with their past successes. Gone are SLC Player of the year, quarterback Derrick Fourroux. The Cowboys

will also be without their all-American tailback, Toddrick Pendland. There is plenty of young talent available to fill these and other voids on the team. Coach Matt Viator is a proven coach who has won SLC titles in 2006, 2007, and 2009, with the 07 squad going undefeated. The schedule for the Pokes has two notable games that local fans should be watching for. The first game of the season marks the return to the college football scene for the Lamar Cardinals, one of McNeese State’s primary rivals from years gone by. This game is slated for September 4th at McNeese. The 2nd game is

going to mark a move-up in the caliber of opponent when they travel to Baton Rouge on October 16th to play the LSU Tigers. This is going to be an interesting game for everyone in Louisiana to watch. While everyone fully expects LSU to win this game handily, don’t think for a moment that McNeese is going to just lie down and not compete. Since this is an instate battle, many of these kids know each other already. That alone levels the playing field somewhat. LSU will be loaded this year, but look for McNeese to do what they always do – compete. Compete from beginning to end.

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FOOTBALL Sniff! Sniff! Smell that? That’s the smell of has rated as #4 in the country. But does LSU’s ment. There are new coaches this year for the football engines revving up in college camps 9-4 record from last year not mean anything? running backs and wide receivers, but the one across the country. For the people of LouiMaybe by digging a little dipper into the stats area that really has tiger fans frustrated is the siana, that means that LSU Tiger football has you can see why expectations for the tigers are lack of productivity and cohesion on offense. returned, along with the highs and lows that down this year. There is no perceivable way that LSU can win come with that. Take a deep, deep breath and What cannot be lost when looking at this the west if they produce another offense that promise yourselves that as loyal fans you will all year’s tigers is the fact that they are very young. is ranked as low as last year’s squad was. This support the tigers through thick and thin for the Gone are the productive starting running backs year Jordan Jefferson has been looking more upcoming season. We have to admit that we that seem to have been around forever – confident and may actually be ready to show have become spoiled with the recent success of Charles Scott and Keiland Williams. Gone is one his fans what he is capable of doing. What will the program. And you know what? We want to LSU’s most productive wide receivers in school make him and the offensive production increase stay “spoiled” if winning turns you into spoiled history – Brandon LaFell. Gone is one of the by leaps and bounds will be a dramatic improvefans. It appears that LSU has a lot to ment in the running game. There prove this upcoming season-to the were key injuries to the running fans, experts, opponents, and most backs last year, but it often seemed importantly, to themselves. as if LSU could not block anyone. Our During the recent Southeastern current stable of running backs and Conference Media Days that were wide receivers is very young, but man held in Hoover, Alabama, the tigers is it talented!! Rueben Randle, Ruswere picked to finish 4th in the westsell Shepard, Steven Ridley, Michael ern division of the SEC. Alabama, Ford, incoming freshmen Jakhori Arkansas, and Auburn were picked Gore, Kadron Boone, Spencer Ware, to finish ahead of them. They’re and Zach Lee bring a ton of talent the A-teams of the west it seems. with them to the offensive side of the Alabama is a given based on their reball. Defensively, the tigers finished cord of late as they are the returning a respectable 12th in the nation in collegiate national champs and they scoring defense. Any improvement haven’t lost a regular season game in by the offense could really make this 2 years. They also have a pretty good squad over-achieve big. Unlike the Patrick Peterson was among the first-team preseason All-SEC members coach over there too. Arkansas, with previous year, LSU was never beaten Bobby Pitrino as head coach, returns badly in any of its losses last year and a pretty good quarterback in 6’7” Ryan Mallet to fastest players that have ever worn an LSU jersey actually had opportunities to win just about all lead their high powered offense. Their win over – Trindon Holliday. There are also several holes of them. Add to that the key injury to Jordan LSU in Baton Rouge was a painful one to watch on defense that have to be filled with players Jefferson during the Alabama game and the and their 8-5 record last year has a lot of Hogs that have lots of talent, but little playing experiinjuries that sidelined Charles Scott and Keiland fans dreaming big, but wake me when Pitrino ence. Still it may work to LSU’s advantage to be Williams and things could have looked a lot ever gets a defense to match his offenses. Liketaken so lightly by the media. LSU has had sevbetter, even though 9-4 records don’t just fall off wise, Coach Gene Chizik has the Auburn faithful eral highly ranked recruiting classes during Les trees in the SEC. It may be a “prove yourself” feeling good about their chances this year after Miles’s stay. There is talent at LSU. Lots of it. year for the fighting tigers, but I wouldn’t count posting a similar 8-5 last year. They also put The question marks of late have been directed this group out just yet. together a pretty solid recruiting class that Rivals at the coaching staff and their player develop-

Announcements....... Yvonne Marie If you are a connoisseur of Gospel and Inspirational music then the accomplished singer/songwriter Yvonne Marie is the artist you will want to have in your ear. Her smooth yet powerful vocals can take you on a journey, put you in a good mood and encourage you with the word of God put to music. Currently Yvonne Marie has recorded three CD’s, “Introducing Yvonne Marie” in 2003, “He Changed Me” in 2005, and “I Want to Live Holy” in 2008. Later this fall, Yvonne Marie will release her 4th CD project titled, “Look at God.” In this project, Yvonne Marie will introduce Christian Jazz and love songs. To hear samples of Yvonne Marie’s Music, go to: or

Women’s Commission of SWLA, Inc. Annual Fall Conference CONTACT: Melonie Himel EVENT DATE: October 21, 2010 EVENT LOCATION: Lake Charles Civic Center The Women’s Commission of SWLA, Inc. is a local non-profit organization that strives to empower women in our community. We invite you to recognize a special person in your life with a tax deductible gift to this wonderful organization. An Honor Gift is a meaningful way to acknowledge a special person who has made

a difference in your life. Honor gifts can also be made in memory of an honoree. A tribute card will be sent notifying them or their family of the donation. All honorees will be recognized on our website and on our Wall of Honor at the upcoming 20th Annual Women’s Fall Conference, October 21, 2010. For additional information contact Melonie Himel at

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