CSP QuarterlyMagazine
Tips Nursery Management
Women in cocoa world
Petronela, between cocoa and household Inspiration Proud to be farmers
Environmental issue
CocoaSomething to write about?
CSP History
Editor’s Note Cover
A New Beginning We try to make Cokelat magazine has the latest information for all of cocoa actors, especially in Indonesia. Welcome to the inaugural edition of Cokelat, CSP quarterly magazine! First of all we thank all the contributors who have given “color” on the pages of Cokelat. Thanks also to all those who provide input and positive comments. This magazine is a development of the previous CSP Bulletin, and becomes special because of the support from you all. We take “A New Beginning” spirit as a major issue in this edition, and we try to make Cokelat Magazine has the latest information for all actors of cocoa, especially in Indonesia. For those who are doing activi-
Cokelat Team Editor in Chief: Najemia TJ Editor: Rison Syamsuddin Graphic Designer: Ilal Beneamata Finance: Dian Mirnawati Sultan CSP Secretariat: CSP (Cocoa Sustainability Partnership) Graha Pena Building 8th floor No. 812 Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 20 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Phone: 0411 436 020 Email: CSP (Cocoa Sustainability Partnership)
ties directly in cocoa plantations, we have tips of nursery management that can be applied in the coming months. We also review briefly a decent cocoa cultivation module used as a reference. For those who just heard about the CSP, you need not worry because we also have the history of the CSP. Related to the sustainability issue, particularly with the environment, we introduce one new breakthrough, that is how to utilize the Cocoa waste, you can get the information from Environmental Issues column. There is also a special column on women in cocoa world, and a travel review that can be enjoyed as an alternative tour for cocoa lovers. This first edition is prepared as a form of service that is (hopefully) better. This edition of course is still far from perfect. If the appearance of this first issue, does not meet your expectations, then do not hesitate to give advice and criticism. We are happy to wait for a letter, email or your opinion on our facebook account. Hopefully we will get better. The End!
Najemia TJ
*Note: There 10 interesting souvenirs for best ideas, suggestions and or Left -right: Ilal, Mia, Rison, Dian.
Supported by:
critics that
we will announce in the next September issue. Your input will be expected by the end of August 2012.
What they say…
“Looking at our world from a distance, for example looking from another planet to our globe; for example from MARS.”
PROF. SIKSTUS GUSLI Chairman of CSP General Assembly
HERWIN HARTAWAN Ninanature Indonesia Owner, Cultivating cocoa since 1989. “Time Demand to do a work or activity that means to our life” “Hope of something that brings gain and change from earlier towards a better one, without leaving the existing base at this moment.“
“As long it’s good ,and runs well, the result will be great.“
KANIS WONDA Chief of the joint groups of farmers (GAPOKTAN) BEYA DANI 1, Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua.
KUSNAN Manager, ICS Papua, PT. Armajaro Indonesia
“Something’s that valuable, creative, and innovative.“
“Improvements toward required characters for a better future” ARNIATY ZAKARIA Sustainability Manager, Continaf.
“Emerging improved service for a better achievement.” H. M. DAKHRI SANUSI General Secretary Askindo, South Sulawesi. CSP Chairman of Board of Trustees.
“A Chance to make a change” HISWATY HAFID Researcher, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
Dr. Ir. H. Burhanuddin Mustafa, M.M. Head of Plantation Department, South Sulawesi.
…about a new beginning?
“Policies, actions and or implementations that never happened before and it leads to a better thing”
“Finding process based on the old thing that produces something new and can be justified” ASTUTI Cocoa farmer from southeast Aceh
“Something that must be endured which there is a challenge in it, and targets to be achieved” DARNA ISMAIL Certification Manager, PT. Mars Symbioscience Indonesia.
H. MUCHTAR BELO Head of Department of Plantation West Sulawesi. “The beginning of any work to achieve new goals”
Contents Editor’s Note
Our Contributors are...
What they say... A Letter from Executive Board
Ruud Engbers, Chairman of the CSP Executive Board/ Country Manager, PT Mars Symbioscience Indonesia
Files >> CSP History Intern CSP Inspiration >> Proud to be farmers Women in Cocoa World >> Petronela, between cocoa and household
<< Noel Janetski, Technical Advisor for Business Development for PT KokoSmart having previously served as President Director of PT Mars Symbioscience Indonesia, based in Makassar, Indonesia. Noel has more than 33 years experience with Mars Incorporated in Research & Development, Personnel and Organization, Commercial, and General Management. An Australian national, who joined Mars Confectionery of Australia in 1979, has worked in the USA, Europe, China and in Indonesia, where he has been for the past 16 years establishing the Mars business there and supporting the development of the Mars cocoa business with particular focus on cocoa sustainability.
Kate Janetski. Managing Director PT. Community Solutions International. Went to Ballarat & Clarendon College, Australia. An Australian, now lives in Kuta, Bali.
>> <<
Etih Suryatin, Program Manager, Swisscontact Indonesia. More than 9 years of experience in local economic - sector development in East Indonesia. Having knowledge about improving capacity of SMEs issues, opening access to market SMEs products, enabling business environment – EBE, product certification, local economic development, management, and monitoring and evaluation.
>> Nursery management-Top grifting Activities >> Aceh Cocoa & Coffee Conference 2012 >> UTZ Cocoa Certification Workshop >> VECO Indonesia Country Forum
>> Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Yield
Module Workshop >> Swisscontact Training of Trainers (TOT) for extension Workers & Officers
Suharman, Program Manager SCPP Sulawesi Regional, Swisscontact Indonesia. With 8 years experience in the cocoa development program, and 15 years in Rural Development.
Muhammad Agra Putra Rivay, Fasilitator RA wilayah Sulawesi. Menyelesaikan study di Perlindungan Tanaman, Universitas hasanuddin. RA Facilitator, Sulawesi region. Studied in Plants Protection, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Training Module Reference Trip’s Note >> The difference in Mamuju Environmental Issue >> Cocoa-Something to write about?
Anton Muhajir, Working part-time as coordinator Publications VECO Indonesia that works on website, media 4-monthly LONTAR, social media, popular reports and other publications. Also occasionally works as a freelance journalist.
<< Heri Soba. A Journalist of Suara Pembaruan, and an editor of real economy sector reports, i.e farming/plantation, fishery, industry and trading. Economy reporting knowledge gained from some Journalist International Institute Trainings, Berlin, Germany and internship in Deutsche Welle. This Maumere, Flores man’s activity, as an editor had also been in some books, especially in Disaster and Conflict issues. This time, Heri becomes a Guest Editor for Cokelat.
A Letter From Executive Board Dear CSP members and other Cocoa Sustainability Stakeholders, The first half year of 2012 has been both exciting as well as challenging for our Cocoa Sustainability Partnership. Exciting because there is tremendous increasing awareness and commitment for sustainable cocoa, with new sustainability projects starting in Indonesia e.g. IDH/Swisscontact projects with Armajaro (Sulawesi Tengah), ADM (Sulawesi Tenggara) and Nestle (Sulawesi Barat), Veco in Luwu, Amarta II, Swisscontact/Veco/Mars CDS in Flores and other (certification) projects, with more and more farms being certified. This is good news for the cocoa farmer and the industry. We have also seen increasing interest over the last couple of months from various parties to join the CSP, confirming our importance for the Indonesian sustainability journey. CSP office unfortunately has had some unanticipated personnel movements in the last 6 months. First our Communications Officer resigned in February and in May our General Secretary resigned. Najemia has joined the team as Communications Officer in March, and the recruitment process for the GS is currently in progress. Financially, the CSP is in good shape with a record budget for 2012 (USD 136,501) and currently we are working on the budget for 2013. I hope and have strong confidence that we will be able to secure sufficient funding for 2013 and the years ahead, with the support of all the CSP members. Please let me know in case your organization is willing to fund the much needed money to run the CSP. Last but not least the Executive Board would like to encourage all members to join the quarterly CSP meetings, as the CSP needs your active contribution for the bright future of the cocoa farmers. Kind regards,
Ruud Engbers Chairman of the CSP Executive Board
CSPHistory Cocoa Sustainability Partnership (CSP) has become a stakeholder partnership forum that takes a special place not only in Indonesia, but also in international cocoa world. CSP has been through steps before being nowadays. NOEL JANETSKI enlightens CSP history. On Monday, 23rd January, 2006 the future of the Indonesian cocoa sector was changed forever.
The Success Alliance project was the first to pull together Indonesian and regional stakeholders
On that day, a number of key cocoa sector stake-
who were active “on farm” to share experiences and
holders, met in the International Finance Corporation
‘workshop” ideas for improving the effectiveness of
(IFC) office in Makassar to discuss how they might work
cocoa sector development.
together more closely to coordinate their activities for
ing was held in Palawan in The Philippines in July 2005.
The first regional meet-
greater effectiveness, efficiency and long term sustainability. By the end of the meeting the “Cocoa Sustain-
Cocoa sector alignment was also significantly influ-
ability Partnership” (the “CSP”) had been officially “born”
enced by the preparatory work undertaken in mid 2005
and a new era of co-operation and focus had begun.
by the World Bank, which planned to include a cocoa component in the proposed “Farmer Empowerment through
In fact, the need for greater coordination of co-
Agricultural Technology and Information,” (FEATI) Project.
coa sector development had been recognized long before that day. The Governor of South Sulawesi es-
The FEATI project team recognized the critical im-
tablished the Cooperative Cocoa Development Centre
portance of sector alignment on key issues as well as
(CCDC) in 2000, and in 2001 a regulation was passed
best solutions for technology development, transfer and
to collect a Rp40/kg “fee” on all cocoa shipments from
farmer empowerment. They also saw the need for public
Sulawesi to fund cocoa sector development. However,
–private partnerships in the implementation of interven-
as the CCDC lacked industry support and the Rp40/
tions to change and develop a plan for bringing the sec-
kg was largely absorbed into the general budget,
tor more together. Unfortunately the cocoa component
the net effect of these initiatives was not sustainable.
of FEATI was not adopted by the Ministry of Agriculture, but the extensive communication that had been taking
The national government formed a multi-stake-
place already had many key people on the same page.
holder working group in November 2005 to consider how a National Cocoa Commission (NCC) could improve cocoa sector coordination. The NCC, which was formed through a Ministry of Agriculture Decree, was later replaced by the Indonesian Cocoa Board comprising the major cocoa sector associations and related government departments, to provide input to policy makers.
The Success Alliance project was the first to pull together Indonesian and regional stakeholders who were active “on farm” to share experiences and ‘workshop” ideas for improving the effectiveness of cocoa sector development.
So the scene was set well for the meeting of 23rd
Those days ended in the first half of 2006.
January, 2006 and the cocoa sector players in attendance
The second working group was asked to de-
quickly found common ground and history was made.
velop and agree the best means to transfer technology to cocoa farmers. This was recognized as a serious
The original members of the CSP included; Puslitko-
issue as even the largest of the previous aid programs,
ka (ICCRI), Dinas Perkebunan SulSel, the Indonesian Cocoa
the USAID funded “Success Alliance project” experi-
Association (ASKINDO), the Indonesian Cocoa Farmers
enced a very low adoption rate by farmers who had
Association (APKAI), IFC Pensa, the BPTP Sulsel, the PPS-
attended farmer field schools. A number of technol-
DAK Hasanuddin University, and Mars, Incorporated, with
ogy transfer methods were being tried by different
participation and the valued patronage of the Indonesian
organizations and this “Technology Transfer Working
Cocoa Commission and the Director General Perkebunan.
Group”, which included Disbun Sulsel, ASKINDO, APKAI, Mars and Success Alliance alumni, was asked to study those experiences and identify the keys to success. While the “silver bullet” may still elude us and we
This simple observation along with the understanding that “economic security”, and family development are the key motivators of the cocoa farmers.
know that not every cocoa farmer is engaged / motivated in the same way as another, this working group clearly identified that “demonstration” is a critical success factor. “The brain of a cocoa farmer is in his eyes” and his motivation is based around housing, feeding and providing for his family, educating his children, and owning a “hand-phone” and a motorcycle. This simple observation along with the understanding that “economic security”, and family development are the key motivators of the cocoa farmers has meant that a lot more emphasis is now placed on
The group agreed to a set of critical activi-
showing the benefits of adopting a particular practice
ties and assigned them to three working groups.
in addition to “training” in the more traditional sense.
The Research and Development group, led by IC-
The farmer field school remains important,
CRI, included UNHAS, BPTP, DitJen Pekebunan, Disbun
but it’s even more important to clearly show what is
Sulsel, was asked to engage other organizations active
possible in real practical examples with other farm-
“on farm” to agree and prioritize the key issues being
ers who have successfully changed their cocoa farm-
faced by cocoa farmers and to develop and agree a sin-
ing business. It is essential to create the vision, prove
gle set of “Best Practices” to manage those issues. They
the benefits and to work with both the older farmers
were also asked to develop a list of all research activities
and young farmers of tomorrow to ensure that co-
being undertaken in Indonesia at that time and to prior-
coa farming has the future that we all want it to have.
itize both short term and long term work that needed to
The IFC led the third group to document ac-
be done in order to further improve the “Best Practices.”
tivities being undertaken to strengthen farmer organizations and to distill the keys to success. They
This action represented a new dawn in the align-
also sought to identify the needs of farmer organi-
ment of Indonesian cocoa sector stakeholders on the
zations and to create lists of farmer organizations in
“real” issues being faced by cocoa farmers and on a sin-
each Kabupaten as a means to better target activities.
gle set of best practices that could be recommended to all those working in the field. The subsequent communication focused the sector on farm productivity, soil and cocoa tree management and the application of good agricultural practices for the management of pests and diseases. Prior to that time, many people believed that the biggest issues being faced by the sector were the US Automatic Detention system for quarantine management and the lack of fermentation, and that plastic sleeving (“saronganisasi”) was the best solution for Cocoa Pod Borer (“CPB”) control.
This work clearly recognized the essen-
the enormous opportunity for the Indonesian
tial role that farmer groups play in facilitating
cocoa sector as global demand continues to
knowledge transfer, farmer financing / credit
rise, demand for sustainable certified cocoa
systems, quality improvement and improv-
increases and as regional grinding capacity
ing access to farm inputs and to the market. It
outstrips regional supply. In this environment
also identified how under-developed farmer
of great challenge and great opportunity we
groups are in the cocoa sector and how much
can look back upon that momentous day five
work has yet to be done to ensure that fu-
years ago and be proud that, as an Industry
ture cocoa farmers manage their farms as a
sector, we are now in the best possible posi-
business rather than a subsistence activity.
tion to deliver sustainable success for us all.
These outputs were communicated widely during 2006 and as a more common understanding of the issues and best practice solutions grew, the activities of those working in the field became more aligned and focused and additional resources were brought to bear. The government GERNAS program sought to build on this new appreciation of the issues and many other NGOâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and other organizations came on board. The Australian Centre of International Agricultural Research has been strong supporter of the CSP for many years and is heavily involved in the identification and validation of better cocoa trees to improve cocoa farm productivity and resistance to pests and diseases. Swisscontact, Veco and Mercy Corps joined the technology transfer and farmer empowerment teams and took the agreed best practices to Flores, Aceh and Ambon. Many more cocoa sector stakeholders have since engaged with the CSP and more than 25 public and private organizations are now working together to ensure the long term sustainability of cocoa farming in Indonesia. Today, as we continue to face into the issues of ongoing low farm productivity, poor quality and climate change we also recognize
CSP office now.
The demand for sustainable certified cocoa increases and as regional grinding capacity outstrips regional supply.
Women in cocoa world
Petronela is giving examples for the other farmers.
PETRONELA, Between cocoa and household
Petronela and her family.
Women can also take a place in the cocoa world. ETIH SURYATIN narrated.
difficulties did not weaken her spirit, she tried and tried to continue, till to practice while cutting the watercress at home.
“In the beginning I was angry to my
ages for the participants of the training.
husband, because he was very busy becom-
While waiting to eat, sometimes they sat
ing a cocoa facilitator and he wasn’t often
together with the participants and listened
at home because he needed to train other
to the training given by facilitators, who
cocoa farmers. Besides my daily activities as
also their husbands. Every two weeks she
a housewife, I also had to do the work which
joined the farmer group “KSM Atefongan II”
before had been done by my husband, so I
to work together and exchange experiences.
had to take care of our pigs and also of our co-
“Oh… there are really a lot of things
coa plantation. Whereas I didn’t know how to
that have to do so that our cocoa is grow-
take care of cocoa trees in the right ways,” says
ing well” whispered Petronela to her partner.
a wife of a cocoa facilitator living in the village
With limited knowledge, Petronela
of Wolosoko, in the Sub-district of Wolowa-
then started to take care of their cocoa plan-
ru, District of Ende on the Island of Flores.
tation so it kept well maintained, especially
Cocoa is the main income for Gre-
when her husband trained the farmers in
gorius Bhoka family. Around 1.700 cocoa
other villages. But she couldn’t do much,
trees planted in a garden sizing around
because she was scared of doing some-
2 hectare (ha), with a total production of
thing wrong and damaging the garden. The
1000 Kg per year. This output is already in-
desire to learn seriously grew constantly.
creased compared with previous one, when
She was being trained by her hus-
it was only around 250 Kg per hectare.
band about good cocoa farming practices
Mrs. Petronelsa Wunu (45 years old) is a
like pruning, fertilizing, constant harvest-
housewife with 4 children, and all of them still
ing and sanitation and she also learned
go to school. In every old day, around 4 o’clock
about good post-harvest practices. Now,
in the morning, she already prepared the
Petronela finally takes care of the co-
breakfast for her children and her husband,
coa farm and the new seedling business.
started to do the laundry and cleaned up the
As the result, she is now more skilled and able to take care of her own seedlings. “Ibu, now I am not alone anymore to manage our garden and business, with your support I am sure our business will grow” said Rius, her husband’s nickname After some tests and following her husband’s footsteps, Petrolena was slowly encouraging and transferring her knowledge to the other 18 wives of the farmer group’s members “I support my wife and I am proud that she is able to help developing our cocoa business. It can be done along as a housewife and without any sacrifice for our family.” comments Rius proudly. What Petrolena does is very encouraging and enviable for other women. The woman’s support and role as Mrs. Petronela Wunu has in the cocoa family business turn out a positive outcome. Their yield increased from 250 kg per ha to 1 ton per ha, so the income is increased. In addition, cocoa quality is obtained, and there are also earnings from sale of seeds and training services. The
save more money to provide a higher living standard for their children education, to buy a motorcycle for business purposes, to fix the house, and to have better meals.
house. There were not a lot of things to do, ex-
patiently teaching techniques of top graft-
cepted helping her husband to pick and split
ing and maintenance of good nurseries.
the cocoa fruits during the harvest season.
Although she got already used to hold a
In 2007, the activities began to in-
kitchen knife, it was very difficult to hold
crease after her husband and 4 other farmer
the knife at the time of grafting and several
group members became cocoa facilitators.
times she almost cut herself. It was also dif-
Their cocoa plantation became a training
ficult, when she needed to select and to
tion of in the future.” Petronela said cheerfully.
location for other cocoa farmers. Petronela
cut buds (entres), because it was not as
with other wives prepared food and bever-
easy as cutting vegetables. However, the
What Petronela does is very encouraging and enviable for other women
“I am pleased to have knowledge about the cocoa cultivation. I want to become a facilitator too, especially for seedlings and post harvest management. I also hope to gain new knowledge of the cocoa cultiva-
Proud to be Farmers While the lack of interest in the young generation to become cocoa farmers, these two men are still faithful to keep their work. Cokelat had the opportunity to meet and share. ‘HAM’ shares his cocoa cultivation knowledge.
“Farmer is a noble job, if it is done sincerely”
For HAM (his nickname), cocoa is his
manure is also mixed with cocoa waste such as
world. The man, who is 70s, has been already fa-
leaves, stems and skins to be mixed into compost.
miliar with cocoa at early age. He learned from
This pioneering effort is still constrained in
his father who was a cocoa farmer. From the
the supply of equipment and marketing. Biogas
garden of approximately 2 ha area, he can con-
still needs supporting tools to make it useable for
tribute about 1.5 tons of cocoa beans per year.
many more people, while the resulting compost has
HAM is known humorist, also trusted as
not been received in the marketplace. It is realized
the chairman of a farmer group SAMUSENGA-
as a lack of promoting efforts. HAM hopes relevant
NA, Bebanga Village, Kalukku Sub-District, Dis-
parties can participate in supporting his works.
trict Mamuju, West Sulawesi. SAMUSENGANA is
Various innovations that he does invite the
taken from the Mandarese, which means ‘defi-
curiosity of parties to come learning and sharing.
nitely be missed’. It is a hope of its 25 members.
If you see a list of Samusengana guest book that
Together with his farming group, HAM
filled with all cocoa components including gov-
does not only maintain the cocoa, but also de-
ernment, industry, NGOs, academics and farm-
velop the integration of cattle and compost fer-
ers themselves, then it is not wrong if TEMPO
tilizer. For the integration of cattle, he builds a
honored him as “Guru” Cocoa of Mandar Land.
cow shed at one corner of the land and plant
His love to cocoa also wants to be shared,
grass staria around the cocoa trees as a model.
especially to the young generation. Unfortunately,
This shot is expected to take a part in contrib-
none of his son follows his footstep. However, it
uting to the beef supply for the community.
does not make him downs to inspire. He hopes that
Not only meat, cow manure also empowered.
one day his land and cocoa farming group can be
Cow manure is used for biogas energy de-
developed into one of the Agro tourism destina-
velopment. Under the current Samusengana’s
tions, where visitors can learn and be inspired to
saung tani (traditional farming house) which can
cultivate cocoa. His goals to create tough farmers
accommodate about 20 people, there is one eye
who can help themselves continue to be fought for.
stove that its fuel use biogas as cattle integration results of the cocoa fields. In addition, cow
H. Abd. Malik HS
Proud to show the compost which he produced.
“Cocoa Plants always keep their promises. They said that if we take care of them, they will counter worth it”
1&3 At his cocoa farm that he prouds of. 2. Workers who help him.
“I don’t want to work a bit. Many works doesn’t guarantee success, more over a bit” Motto of life in his hand has been made
The secret of his success is to follow
Umar (people call him) as a strong farmer.
a lot of training. Umar believes that farm-
Since he decided to plant cocoa in 1987, he
ers should be smart and diligent in follow-
has been working hard to endorse his land,
ing the training, whether conducted by
and now enjoys the results. No half-hearted,
the government and other organizations.
his cocoa land which 2 Ha produces about 7
According to Umar, many farmers fail or
tons per year. It was once to make Indone-
give up half way through because they can-
sia Vice President; Budiono visited his farm
not bear to suffer. They just have a high dream
that is located in Sondong village, Kalukku
that, but having lack of efforts. This quiet fa-
sub-district, Mamuju District, West Sulawesi.
ther hopes that other farmers do not give up
His persistence also makes him credible
and keep trying to do the best maintenance
to be the chairman of a farmer group INGIN
in order to also achieve the best results.
MAJU that has 25 members. He is already 66 years old, but age does not stop him to treat the cocoa plants to treats which sometimes need extra attention. Unfortunately, the plants that are known in Europe as the god’s plants make him unable to sleep peacefully when pests or plant diseases are sweeping. Umar works directly dealing with the cocoa plants that he puts alongside with his 3 Ha vegetable farm. To help him, he entrusts the three women to work every day with him. “Women are more careful and caring. So I prefer them to help “he explained.
His cocoa land which 2 Ha produces about 7 tons per year
Umar Aco
Tips coa rt of co a p t n a t r an impo South ment is , East Luwu – e g a n a ery m engge >>Nurs .. MCDC Ter n io cultivat hares tips. is Sulawes
Nursery Management
Top Grafting
INTRODUCTION For the nurseries producing superior clonal seedlings by top grafting is critical a very good management system that will assure production of healthy seedlings, resistant on pests and diseases, high yielding and quickly growing with an early start of pod production after being transplanted in the field. LOCATION Flat ground that is not waterlogged, near to the access road, close to the water source,
located in the cocoa development
area, fenced and away from source of diseases. NURSERY BUILDING AND SHADING Materials used for shading the nursery should be able to provide
reduction of sunlight by 60 – 70
% .The UV plastic used for roof should provide 30 % reduction of sunlight and it will also protect seedlings from VSD as well as the excessive water in rainy season. The size of the nursery depends on the needed seedling production but the height is normally 2 – 3 meters and for additional shade coconut leaves may also be placed on the top of the plastic roof.
resulting in wilt and eventually dead of
Size of poly-bags depends on the
seedling. Soil for filling poly-bags should
length of period that seedlings will remain
be topsoil, with no clumps, old wooden
in the nursery . If the planting will occur
roots or stones. Each polybag should be
within the period of 6 months , the used
provided with fertilizer SP -18 (superphos-
poly-bags should measure 20cm X 25 cm.
phate) with the rate of 20gm / poly bag. Full
It is not recommended to use smaller poly-
poly-bags should be arranged in rows with
bags. Usage of too small bags will nega-
4 – 8 poly bags arranged in a set of rows
tively affect the growth and development
with distance of 50 -60cm between each
of seedlings that will be stunted and weak.
set to facilitate maintenance and grafting.
Especially strong impact will be on the
Polybags containing soil should be wa-
root system as seedlings with weak roots
tered regularly daily since application of
will have difficulties when transferred from
fertilizer, seeds planted and until seedlings
nursery and planted in the field. These seed-
are ready for planting. Watering should
lings will much quicker become stressed,
stop only one day before and after grafting.
SEED AND GERMINATION Seeds of the best cocoa clones with large beans should be used as rootstock. The best seeds for planting are taken from the middle of the pod as this helps for quicker development of seedlings. Extreme 1/5 part of beans on both ends of pod should be discarded. Seeds should be rinsed until the pulp is gone and then seeds should be soaked with fungicide(0.002%) for five minutes. After this seeds are placed on a sack.
will germinate within 24 hours, with a developed root measuring 0.3 – 0.5cm and should be planted with root facing down and about
½ immersed into the ground .
MAINTENANCE AND PEST & DISEASE CONTROLLING Control pest and disease regularly and selectively by using recommended insecticide, fungicide and foliar fertilizer with concentration 0,001%, 0.002% and 0.002%, respectively. Seedlings should be sprayed with the solution of these 3 ingredients once every 10 - 14 days from the moment when the cotyledons break off and until the seedlings are ready to be moved for planting in the field. For weed control is recommended manual weeding and utilization of herbicides should be avoided. For uniformity of growth, the slowly splitting cotyledon should be assisted manually and any poly bag with dead seed should be removed. Low quality seedlings should be selected and discarded at one month and before grafting work.
Seedling (rootstock) is ready to be graft at
Grafting is done by cutting off the top of
age of 2.5 – 3 months. It is recommended for graft-
seedling and leaving 5 – 8 bottom leaves below the
ing work to be performed during the night, this
base of the graft. This way the same seedling can be
way avoiding high evaporation that is a problem
re-grafted in case if the first grafting will not be suc-
if performed during the day time. Should use
cessful. Split the stem of seedling towards the bot-
bud sticks with green brown to dark green colora-
tom 3 – 5 cm, and insert the previously prepared V
tions from the selected and healthy clones with
(spear) shaped bud stick with the same 3-5 cm cut
2 – 3 scion eyes with. If the bud sticks are trans-
sides and tie up the bud stick after aligning very
ported long distance they should be packed in
carefully both sides of rootstock and bud-stick. Use
plastic bags or banana fronds. Before closing the
ice plastic to cover the grafted, and then tie bottom
pack, dip both ends of bud wood sticks in the
part. Process of preparation of the bud-stick for
melted wax and spray with fungicide (0.002%)
grafting is very critical and cutting the V shape on
Tools and materials for grafting:
the bud-stick should be done with a lot of care and
previous training to really make a very sharp and
clean cut that will attach well to the rootstock plant.
plastic pole,
measuring grafting
The grafting cover should be open after 2 -3 weeks
sides of rootstock and bud-stick. Use ice plastic to cover the grafted,
and it is important to make immediately the pest and dis-
and then tie bottom part. Process of preparation of the bud-stick
ease control spraying and continue with this control once in
for grafting is very critical and cutting the V shape on the bud-stick
every 10 -14 days until move the clonal seedling for planting.
should be done with a lot of care and previous training to really make
For better results add also foliar fertilizer in the same mixture.
a very sharp and clean cut that will attach well to the rootstock plant.
The cost for producing one clonal seedling, including la-
The grafting cover should be open after 2 -3 weeks
bor cost and with capacity of nursery for the production of 1000
and it is important to make immediately the pest and dis-
clonal seedlings is for the 1st round around Rp4,500.00 as also
ease control spraying and continue with this control once in
the investment should be paid. For the 2nd round of produc-
every 10 -14 days until move the clonal seedling for planting.
tion the cost of production is reduced to Rp2,050.00/seedling.
For better results add also foliar fertilizer in the same mixture.
Grafting is done by cutting off the top of seedling and leaving 5
The cost for producing one clonal seedling, including la-
– 8 bottom leaves below the base of the graft. This way the same seed-
bor cost and with capacity of nursery for the production of 1000
ling can be re-grafted in case if the first grafting will not be successful.
clonal seedlings is for the 1st round around Rp4,500.00 as also
Split the stem of seedling towards the bottom 3 – 5 cm, and insert
the investment should be paid. For the 2nd round of produc-
the previously prepared V (spear) shaped bud stick with the same 3-5
tion the cost of production is reduced to Rp2,050.00/seedling.
cm cut sides and tie up the bud stick after aligning very carefully both
In Pictures...
From the beginning to distribution process of nursery.
Cocoa Certification Sustainability Improves Farmers’ Position Farmers’ Position in the map of cocoa sector plays an important role. ANTON Muhajir told from VECO Indonesia Country Forum Workshop
Farmers are a major factor in the de-
the potential products to be developed
velopment of sustainable cocoa chain.
in Indonesia. Besides the large number of
Therefore, sustainable cocoa chain
market demand, Indonesia also has the po-
development program should be able to
tential to expand this world commodity.
improve the lives of the farmers. “Although
“Certification is a powerful enough tool for the industry to support the farmers,”
a lot of important stakeholders involve in
es many challenges, both in quality and
the cocoa chain, farmers remain the most
quantity. Today, most of the cocoa trees
important,” said A. Sitti Asmayanti, Sustain-
are more than 15 years. Cocoa soil fertil-
ability Coordinator PT Mars Symbioscience.
ity is also declining. Consequently, since
Yanti delivered this while speaking in
they age older, land fertility gets less and
front of about 25 participants of VECO Indo-
less, and nutrition keeps on decreasing, so
nesia Country Forum Workshop in Bali, 28-29
that productivity continuously declines.
May. This activity was attended by partici-
Another challenge is the decreasing
pants from the NGOs, farmer organizations,
availability of young farmers due to high ur-
researchers, governments, and private parties.
banization, and the rise of pests in beans and
According to Yanti, who spoke for the
cocoa trees. According to Yanti, another chal-
private perspective, because farmers are a
lenge in the development of the cocoa chain
major factor in the chain of cocoa, the cocoa
in Indonesia is a lack of farmers’ organizations.
chain development program should be ori-
For this reason, VECO Indonesia also
ented to the farmers. Sustainable cocoa cer-
continues to provide support for farmers
tification program must also be understood
especially in organization capacity build-
as an effort to improve the farmers’ position.
ing. Especially for cocoa farmers, VECO In-
“Certification is a powerful enough tool
donesia supports farmer organizations in
for the industry to support the farmers,” said
East Flores (East Nusa Tenggara) and Pole-
Yanti. Through this certification program, co-
wali Mandar (West Sulawesi). With the sup-
coa processing companies including PT Mars,
port of VECO Indonesia, cocoa farmers in
provide the training of farmers’ capacity. One
the region may increase production, get a
is the training of internal control system (ICS)
higher price, so that their lives gets better.
for farmers. When farmers are able to control the quality of cocoa internally, then they will be certified as sustainable cocoa products. Sustainable product certification will improve the bargaining position of farmers in marketing, expanding the target market, while increasing commodity prices. According to Yanti, cocoa is one of
Aceh Cocoa And Coffee Conference
With the “Excellent Aceh Cocoa and Coffee for the World Market”theme, this annual conference was held again. Here is Cokelat report! For two days (14 to 15 March 2012)
On the first day, it began with an
about 300 invitations were in Aceh cocoa
explanation from the Coordinating Min-
and coffee Conference held at the Hermes
istry of Economic Affairs on the develop-
Palace Hotel. The event which was organ-
ment prospects of Aceh cocoa and coffee
ized by Swisscontact and IOM, successfully
towards accelerating the development
gathered the invited parties from govern-
of agro-industries within the action plan
ment, the National and Regional level, co-
framework of Sumatra economic corridor,
coa and coffee forum and farmers’ groups,
the Indonesia Acceleration and Expan-
NGOs, industry, traders and the media.
sion Economic Development Master plan
The conference opened by the
2011-2025. At the next session, Directo-
Head of BAPPEDA Aceh, Iskandar M.Si,
rate General of Agricultural Processing and
was expected to get support for the poli-
Marketing of the Ministry of Agriculture
cies of National and local government as
also explained the increase of cocoa and
the result. Establishment of partnerships
coffee quality to meet the global market,
between farmers and buyers, an increase
followed by the Directorate General of
of entrepreneurial spirit, government
Foreign Trade, Ministry of Trade, which dis-
support industry to increase produc-
cussed the policies and regulations related
tion with National standards quality and
to exports of cocoa and coffee with the cri-
can be welcomed in the global market.
sis economy and the American-European
This conference was a part of the
market. In addition, Deputy Economic De-
Economic Development Financing Facil-
velopment and Business Affairs Ministry
ity (EDFF) and financed by Multi Donor
of Regional Development also explained
Fund through the Indonesia Ministry of
the strategy of local commodities devel-
Rural Development which has been con-
opment. The Head of Bappeda Aceh pre-
tinued since July 2010, as described by
sented the strategy and policy planning
Manfred Borer, as the Project Manager of
and sustainable agriculture development.
Swisscontact. “The government can be the link. So that Aceh could be expected to be Sumatera largest cocoa producer, and at national level,” he explained.
Besides the government, there were also researchers who
(BRI) which described the capital market development strategy and
presented research findings, including a review from ICCRI on pest
policy in agriculture. Not least, the exporters and the industry also pre-
and disease on cocoa and coffee crops. UNSYIAH (University of
sented, that discussed the opportunities and challenges of the domes-
Syiah Kuala) and WCF (World Cocoa Foundation) shared the re-
tic market and export for the development of Aceh cocoa and coffee.
sults of joint research on the development of the use of Tricho-
One of the significant achievements of this activity was the
derma to control pests in cocoa. And followed by the exposure
recommendation of Aceh Cocoa and Coffee Conference, which the
of joint research results of UNIMAL (University of Malikussaleh)
Aceh province government was expected to actively promote the
and WCF on research and testing of super clones of cocoa Aceh.
integration of cocoa and coffee in the Sumatra economic corridor,
The first day was closed by the Coffee Cupping Session and
and also to cooperate with other stakeholders to facilitate the le-
Brewing Method activities, which explained how to serve good
gal protection through the certification program on cocoa and cof-
and delicious coffee. This session attracted many participants.
fee. Aceh Cocoa Forum was considered important to be a bridge
The second day was opened by presentation from lo-
of farmer / community cooperation partnerships, government,
cal government and Certification Institute. To deliver the mate-
private sector and international agencies. In addition, the role of
rial, District Head of Central Aceh and District Head of Southeast
the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDF) was also expected to continue
Aceh described the districts’ commitment and strategy in the de-
community development program funding through EDFF for co-
velopment of cocoa and coffee commodity. In the next session,
coa and coffee in Aceh, as well as other agricultural commodities.
the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights presented
“Changing program’s approach orientation which conducted by
the protection of cocoa and coffee commodities, while the Rain-
MDF post-tsunami in the area of development program, is consid-
forest Alliance as a certification agency described the product
ered important because it refers to the development of commodi-
certification as a preparation for the world market competition.
ties” Giri Arnawa, Chairman of the Recommendation drafting team.
The next agenda was to discuss the financial access, with guest speakers from BAPPETI, Bank Indonesia (BI) and Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Reference Integrated Pest and Disease Management for Sustainable Cocoa Production: Training Manual for Farmers and Extension workers (Indonesian Translation) Publisher : Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) Kode Publikasi : MN 131 (Indonesia) ISBN : 978 1 921531 91 0 (Print) 978 1 921531 92 7 (Online) Release Date : 18/07/2008 Authors : Dr John Konam & Yak Namaliu Division of Plant Diseases, The Cocoa Coconut Institute, Papua New Guinea Dr Rosalie Daniel & Prof. David Guest University of Sidney, Australia. Summary : A booklet that addresses knowledge gaps in cocoa production. New management approaches, based on sound agronomic practices and integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) strategies, have been developed to assist farmers to optimize their cocoa production. Farmers can expect significantly higher yields if these approaches are implemented completely and correctly. *For Hard Copies, Please contact CSP Secretariat.
UTZ certified cocoa Training Improving the welfare of cacao farmers by means of Certification
Certification gives greater opportunities for cocoa farmers to sell their crops in the international market. This is possible because it facilitates the quality standard which is received by the world. One international agency that provides certification is UTZ Certified. To increase awareness and knowledge about the certification program, especially the code of conduct, UTZ, collaborated with CSP, held Certification Training for 4 days (9-12 April 2012) in Makassar. This training combined classroom and field trip methods. The first two days, activities centered in the Horizon hotel Makassar with 33 participants from 30 agencies, institutional and agricultural actors, particularly in the cocoa fields. On the third Day, all participants departed from Makassar to Bantaeng, Gantarang Keke district. With a trip for about 4 hours, the participants then practiced how to inspect cacao plantations in the certification program. Mandiri and Sinar Ujung farmer groups were visited where participants could learn firsthand in their cocoa plantations. After returning from the field trip, participants reviewed and discussed their findings in the field on the last day. This activity is expected to not only stop after 4 days, but can be followed up into sustainable smaller forums in which all parties in particular cacao farmers and agricultural experts are able to communicate, support each other to improve the quality of cocoa production. It is similar to what was presented by Angela Tejada Chavez from UTZ. Like tit for tat, the farmers also put great hopes on this certification, as said by Sarding, Polman origin cocoa farmers who joined this training.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;UTZ at least could help the government for the welfare of cocoa farmersâ&#x20AC;?
1. Angela Tejada at UTZâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s certified cocoa training 2-3. Field trip exploration.
Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Yield Module
Workshop M. AGRA PUTRA RIVAY reports for Cokelat.
Located at Hotel Bambu, Poso, central Sulawesi, Rainforest Alliance (RA) conducted Sustainable Yield Module Workshop for 2 days, from 15 to 16 March 2012. This workshop aim was to disseminate Sustainable yield module prepared by the RA, which contains about plantation management in accordance with RA standards, how to increase sustainable productivity and to produce good quality cocoa beans. Besides the class-room materials, this event also visited farmers in cocoa plantations and directly discussed about the problems faced by farmers, and composed a training schedule for next year in the village of Pendolo, South Pamona that would be guided directly by the RA and assisted by ICCRI. The workshop was attended by 20 farmers, including representatives of Mars, Plantation and Forestry District Office of Poso, and ICCRI. This activity was not only attended by RA Sulawesi facilitator (Muh. Agra Putra Rivay), but the facilitators of the National scale (Gede Agung and Diani Fardinatri Intan), and International (William Crosse, Edward Miller, and Michelle Deugd). Hopefully, this event would be able to achieve the ideal targets.
respective areas of responsibility. As a follow-up
Nestlé Indonesia in cooperation with Swisscon-
of this training, it would be the same training
tact, had conducted ToT sustainability of cocoa
for core farmers of chosen farmer groups or vil-
production and quality on May 28-June 3, 2012 in
lages to be delivered later in each farmer groups.
Teak Park, Kalukku, Mamuju. A total of 33 partici-
The main material of this ToT training was
pants followed the training, consisting of 29 peo-
to review the technical aspects of cultivation
ple from extension workers and technical officers
which was the more sophisticated, like cocoa
of Department of Plantation and Forestry Majene
rehabilitation and replanting, the deepening of
and Mamuju, a person of BT Cocoa, 1 person from
pests and diseases, and to discuss the standards
Nestle and 2 field facilitators of Swisscontact. From
of quality cocoa. It also reviewed the dynamics of
the total number of participants, there were 7 fe-
farmers’ groups to strengthen institutional and
male and 26 male participants. ToT was officially
cocoa sustainability efforts through certification.
opened by West Sulawesi Governor, Anwar Ad-
In this ToT training, all participants seemed
nan Saleh and also attended by the Program Di-
very enthusiastic, and responded positively to the
rector SCPP Swisscontact Manfred Borer and the
training process even though some parts of the
representative of Nestlé Indonesia, Arif Kartika.
training was familiar to the participants, but be-
ToT aimed to build capacity and techni-
cause of the high spirit of sharing experience and
cal skills in improving the production and qual-
skills of the participants, the training process was
ity of cocoa sustainability for the farmers in their
progressing well and provided maximum results.
it o
Cocoa Sustainability Partnership (CSP) is excited to announce the launch of our newly designed Web site, which goes live on Wednesday 27 June 2012 and is located at the same The siteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s homepage welcomes visitors with attractive colors, a clean uncluttered design, and high resolution images with featured content focused on our mission to provide with most accurate information, strengthen partner relations and share our knowledge and expertise in the field of trainning and technology especially for Cocoa Sustainability. The new site is divided into three main sec-
tions: Slideshow Welcome To CSP Website, Members and Cocoa House. By moving to a more partners-centric layout, we allow visitors to access information based on their own choice rather than sift through everything to decide what is of interest to them. Our current and prospective partners will find detailed information about update and latest activities in CSP. The news area will give information on who we work with and shows the vast number of projects we participate in as well as different approaches depending on the partners. The website will feature new types of rich content, inspired by our experience, gathered
CSP (Cocoa Sustainability Partnership) Graha Pena Building 8th floor No. 812 Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 20 Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan Phone: (0411) 436020 email: CSP (Cocoa Sustainability Partnership)
materials and a great team of people working at Cocoa Sustainability Partnership (CSP). You will find this content in the Cocoa House section in the form of articles, report, module, publication, videos and presentations. The website will be updated on a regular basis, with news of events, and many more. We will be encouraging our parnerts to contact us through the website and sign up for our newsletter. If you experience any problems using the new website or if you have any suggestions, please contact us at:
Tripâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Note
The Difference
in Mamuju
The beauty lies in its territory which is sandwiched by beautiful beaches and hills covered with cocoa. When planning a trip, we usually make a list of must-see tourist attractions in the destination. However, it could not hurt to get out of the habit. Planning a trip to Mamuju City for example, where the city is the capital city of Mamuju District, and West Sulawesi provincial capital as well that newly formed in 2004, has its own charm.
Chocolate Mama Tour
vice where all the offices located in one
As we all know, chocolate that is fa-
area along with the governor office.
mous for its delicious taste comes from co-
Welcome at the office was very
coa beans which Mamuju is a producing
warm; even better, I got a guide to ac-
cocoa region with unquestioned quality.
company me to explore the cocoa fields.
Therefore, it is not wrong if Mamuju ex-
This service is open to everyone, simply
ploration is called Chocolate Mama tour.
by contacting the Department of Plan-
There are many farmer groups
tation. My guide that time was Abdul
that can be visited around the city. To
Madjid SP., Who daily serves as head of
easier this tour, my first destination was
Seedling UPTD, Disbun West Sulawesi.
Department of Plantation West Sulawesi Office. It was not hard indeed to find
it, because it imposed a one door ser-
chocolate that is famous for its delicious taste comes from cocoa beans which Mamuju is a producing cocoa region with unquestioned quality. The first place that we stopped off was
the Nestlé Cocoa Plant, a pilot cocoa gar-
On the second day, I had scheduled to
den about 3 hectares. Taking place in the vil-
see Mama Chocolate direct from the planta-
lage of Tadui, Mamuju District, this garden
tions. Together with Mr. Madjid, we head-
is a joint project of Nestlé, IDH, PUSLITLOKA
ed to the District Kalukku taken approxi-
Jember and West Sulawesi Government.
mately 45 minutes from the city downtown.
To reach this location, it only takes about
In this Kalukku district, we could at once
25 minutes from downtown Mamuju City.
see well maintained cocoa trees. Things that
In this place, we could see all the pro-
fascinated me were to imagine that tempt-
cesses and the way of producing cocoa
ing chocolate came from beans produced
beans, from nursery to post-harvest pro-
by the trees that lined regularly. Other than
cesses. There was also a field facilitator who
cocoa plants, we could also witness how the
would accompany any visitors, so this place
farmers empower cocoa waste, such as rinds,
is not only suitable for the training of farmers,
stems and leaves into compost that were eco
but also worth a study tour with the family.
friendly because it did not use chemicals.
After enjoying a fun learning time at Nestlé Cocoa Plant, I did not miss the opportunity to visit Jordan Water Boom located in Gentungan, not far from Nestle Cocoa Plant. Just paying Rp. 10,000 as entrance fee, we could relax in the swimming pool set with cool and beautiful hills background. A way Index: 1. West Sulawesi Governor office. 2. Jordan waterboom, Gentungan. 3. Nestlé Cocoa Plant Mamuju 4. Masjid Raya Mamuju
to close the first day of an exciting journey.
Kali Mamuju.
Unfortunately, some cocoa land in Mamuju was con-
A visit to the city of Mamuju feels less complete if has
verted to other crops lately, such as palm oil and vegetables.
not visited Kali Mamuju. Kali itself is adapted from the Java
This could be seen on the way from Kalukku to the city. As
language, which means river. Acculturation can be seen there.
confirmed by H. Muchtar Belo as the Head of Department
The distance is fairly close, only about 10 minutes from down-
of Plantation West Sulawesi on this matter, he explained
town; making lively visit each day. Unfortunately, this place has
that economic factors played a role as well. â&#x20AC;&#x153;When planting
not managed to its full potential, looked from the garbage that
palm trees, it is still possible for farmers to grow corn in their
littered here and there. Actually, this place has potential, es-
land. It is certainly advantageous from an economic point
pecially its green scenery and also cool and crystal clear water.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;he explained. In addition, the extra maintenance required by cocoa rather than other plants is also one of the trigger.
Converted cocoa farm into palm oil farm.
Mamuju cocoa potential
Flavor Exploration For those who are the seafood lovers, Mamuju city is one place that can explored for a wealth of seafood flavor. The quality of fish that certainly fresh serving makes the taste of Bau Piapi, Bau Minyanno, Bau Nitunu, Bau Nitapa or any typical food of this area is so special. Uniquely, every dining, a bowl of node vegetable contains spinach, beans, and squash that are cooked quite simply always accompany with no need to be ordered. Its marinade is just salt, flavoring and chili slices. Also, there is always lime to accompany bottles of ketchup and chili sauce, typical of Sulawesi menu. Pillows and Vehicles Traveling must always deal with the inn. No need to worry, because the city provides a stout options, ranging from guesthouse to star hotel can be found easily. To facilitate the traveling, we can use the TC Taxy, the only provider
The quality of the fish that certainly fresh serving makes the taste of food feels special
in Mamuju city with 8 cars. Due to the limited number of units, I suggest you to record the drivers’ mobile numbers, so you can contact them directly. Kita juga dapat merental mobil seharian penuh dengan harga yang lumayan terjangkau. Pilihan ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk Anda yang berkeinginan untuk bereksplorasi sampai kedaerah sekitar Kota Mamuju. We are also able to rent a full day car with a fairly affordable price. This option is highly recommended for those who wish to explore the area around Mamuju City. How to get to Mamuju From Makassar, there are two options to reach the city. First choice is by the plane, about 45 minutes and the second, by using the bus, about 12 hours. If choosing the air way, we will land in the Ahmad Kirang Airport, in the village of Padang Tampa, about 35 km from the city. There are several inter-provincial bus services which can be cho-
Ahmad Kirang Airport
sen. Each of them provides facilities for the trip such as blankets, pillows and seats that of course prioritize convenience. Salama Lamba’!
Need to Know: • To enjoy getting information about potential cocoa in Ma-
ply. If you drink only the branded mineral water, do not worry.
muju, we are able to contact Untuk Abdul Madjid (Head of
Branded gallon water is distributed till the suburb. Boiled wa-
Seedling UPTD Disbun West Sulawesi) through 081342030490
ter can also be an alternative. As long it boils well, it is saved
• Many people like travelling. But only few numbers know
for your health, and you can have healthy eco friendly life.
how to environmentally friendly travelling. These following
4. When hiking or following the local footpath, avoid taking short-
tips are collected by Cokelat from some resources so that we
cuts on steep sections of trail: our footsteps will be followed
can concern on the ecology sustainability while travelling:
by many others. Although our actions may seem minuscule in
1. Be aware of local history, culture and customs of the. Learn
comparison to the natural processes of weather and erosion,
enough knowledge of the polite language i.e. Sorry and
when they are multiplied by several thousand trekkers each
thankyou. By making the effort to learn even the basics, it
year they become rather significant. If you happen to dam-
will be appreciated by locals; and enrich our experience.
age walls or irrigation channels when walking about, make
2. Be sensitive to the local culture by wearing clothing
sure you repair them as someone’s livelihood may be at stake.
that is accepted. Be aware of people’s sensitivity to being photographed; always ask first. Observe local customs. 3. Treat your own water – Buying bottled water when we travel amounts to a trail of trash that is difficult to be recycled, as Indonesia still cannot recycle all of plastic waste. Treating our own water is more simply than we thought, just by bringing water bottle that can be refill. At some food courts, we are able to refill. Offer some money if they do not have water refill service. It is wiser than pay indirectly the world’s waste sup-
Have a nice shot!
CSP Inside
InternCSP General Assembly Meeting CSP General Assembly meeting held on 2nd Floor of Graha Pena, Makassar on 12March, 2012.
ers gathered to discuss strategic issues for the advancement of cocoa sector, especially in Indonesia. Attended by 30 participants representing government, industry, and Non Government Organizations, Chairman of the CSP Executive Board, Ruud Engbers, in his speech, explained the latest developments of CSP, and included the CSP secretariat and financial condition. Thereafter, Chairman of the Farmers Empowerment and Sustainable Supply Working Group, A. Sitti Asmayanti also reported the development and discussion of the working group that she leads. Furthermore, meeting was led directly by Prof. Sikstus Gusli as the Chairman of CSP General Assembly. The agenda discussed the issues of certification, application of fertilizer and SE seed. For the certification issue, participants agreed that this had to give benefits for farmers, and voluntary. Government and NGOs were encouraged to work together to help the farmers in terms of certification. It was considered important, because the farmers had to understand the importance of certification which is hoped to be held directly by the farmers. SE discussion showed that this problem was a sensitive issue that had to get a careful handling. As for the application of fertilizers, it was agreed to consider the productivity and quality, which it was a part of soil management. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that the CSP Working Group would discuss more about the certification process and Soil Management. Both CSP Working; Farmers Empowerment and Sustainable Supply (FE and SS) and Research & Development and Technology Transfer (R & D and TT) would be held in two consecutive days. This GA meeting was followed by a meeting of the CSP executive board.
CSP Working Group Meeting
working group discussed about whether we
Taking place in the Graha Pena, Makas-
need more research on the benefits of certifi-
sar, R & D and TT executed its second quarterly
cation. Considering there has been numbers
meeting on 24May, 2012. As a working group,
of research on related issues, the working
R & D and TT discussed the issues which were
group recommended to avoid duplication
mandated by the General assembly, and add-
and ensure synergies of the all researches.
ed with other considered important issues.
Another agenda discussed was the
In this meeting, it was discussed
development progress of Certification Train-
about the working groupâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s focus and action
ing Manual which this activity was under the
plans, which agreed to execute a meeting
FE and TT responsibility. The manual was
with researchers from the Australian Cen-
expected to help field facilitators in easy
tre for International Agricultural Research
ways in assisting farmers in the certification
(ACIAR). Another interesting agenda was
process. This meeting was also including
sharing from a total of 11 participants, 3
sharing the activities of each participant.
of them came directly from Flores. The meeting was also plus with the distribution of experience from the demonstra-
Executive board meeting
tion plots of IFC fertilization which Boosting cocoa production through fertilization. The next day, at the same place, FE and SS working group also held its second quarterly meeting. With also 11 participants, the
* Next GA Meeting: Wed 26 Sepetember 2012
Save our world, cuz itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the only planet that has got chocolate.
Save our cocoa quality, cuz itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the only thing that produces chocolate in the world.
Isu Lingkungan
Something to Write About? Cocoa potential is huge to be explored. KATE JANETSKI shares her experience. People give gifts of chocolate and send greeting cards to each
to prune, and provides extra income to the cocoa farming family.
other to mark special occasions and as signs of affection while business
As it is usually the women in the farm who strip and sell the bark,
people exchange business cards to introduce themselves, but what
the additional income most typically goes toward domestic needs.
do chocolate, greeting cards and business cards have in common?
The cocoa bark is pulped, mixed with up to 40% recy-
Paper or cardboard products have been part of our everyday life
cled office paper and processed using a traditional paper mak-
since the Chinese invented paper in the 2nd century BC, and mankind
ing process that has not changed much since the 2nd century
has been consuming cocoa in one form or another for their health and
AD Chinese Han court eunuch, Cai Lun, invented it in 105 AD.
happiness since the days of the early Aztecs, but apart from some pack-
By using the natural cocoa fiber, which is normally wasted, as well
aging connections they have had very little in common in all that time.
as recycling office paper and using an environmentally friendly process
That all changed when in 2009 Community Solutions Inter-
that avoids harsh chemicals, these cocoa paper products are good for
national (CSI), an independent company based in Indonesia, dis-
consumers, good for the environment, good for the artisans employed
covered a way to combine these important parts of our daily lives
in the paper making and good for cocoa farmers and their families.
in a way that not only reduces the demands on our precious for-
CSIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mission is to identify and develop economically vi-
ests but also improves the livelihoods of cocoa farming families.
able business opportunities that can be adopted by people, and particularly women and marginal communities to improve their
They invented the cocoa paper!!
livelihoods in a long term sustainable way. These business solu-
CSI now produces a range of cocoa paper and cocoa cardboard
tions will typically add value to existing waste streams or develop
products handmade from the cocoa tree bark. It is stripped from
new applications for the skills or sustainable natural resources
waste branches removed in the process of pruning the cocoa trees.
available within the community. New products, processes and
The CSI team encourages and trains farmers to correctly
market mechanisms developed will seek to maximize the finan-
prune their cocoa trees and they buy the bark that is stripped
cial and social benefits to individuals and communities engaged
from the pruning waste. Pruning is essential to develop the ideal
in production and minimize any impact on the environment.
tree shape, maximize productivity and control pests and diseases
CSI therefore developed cocoa paper products and the as-
but cocoa farmers often neglect this critical activity. Being able
sociated supply chain processes in a way that maximizes the
to sell the bark from pruning waste is a great additional incentive
benefits to cocoa farmers and developing area communities.
CSI engages with community based organizations for the paper making, supply chain and production processes, which involve largely women from farming communities or disadvantaged areas. In this way CSI is able to minimize its overheads and ensure that the largest possible portion of the proceeds of sales of the cocoa paper products goes to the people who most need it. The Cocoa paper range currently includes: Boutique -Delicate and suitable for ballpoint pens, Standard - Print ready, for use in most applications including offset printing, Calendered - Ideal for brochures and other printed materials, Cardstock - Suitable for business cards, hang tags, greeting cards, and Machine Finished- Strong & durable 80gsm paper ideal for envelopes, letterhead, printer paper, note books etc. Cocoa paper products may be designed and customized to suit your specific personal or business needs include: notepads and conference materials, journal that including hand-crafted authentic sheep and cow hide, greeting cards, business cards, product tags, bookmarks and picture frames. These days, many people think more about where their paper
comes before they buy. They also care more and more about how their cocoa is produced and are demanding that the product they buy are produced in a sustainable way. They understand the negative impact that excessive use of our forests has had on our environment and they seek ways to minimize, reuse and recycle paper. They also understand that cocoa is produced by mostly small and often poor cocoa farmers who struggle to make a living under difficult conditions of declining productivity and increasing pest and disease pressure. Cocoa paper connects the dots. By using cocoa paper products you can directly reduce the environmental impact of your paper use choices, directly increase cocoa farmer incomes to improve cocoa farm sustainability and communicate your concerns to your friends, consumers and business partners who receive your gifts, products or business communication materials.
2 Picture 1-2: The making of cocoa paper
These days, many people think more about where their paper comes before they buy