Corey Squire Design Portfolio

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Design Portfolio

COREY Z SQUIRE 5937 Constance St. New Orleans, LA 70115 516 816 5060





Bicycle Infrastructure

Nolliable City

Fretet Towers

Nolliable City

Colli Albani, Rome

St. Lorenzo, Rome

Uptown, New Orleans

Bywater, New Orleans


Elephant meeting & Staircase

Program - Create an event to occupy a neutral ground Site - Colli Albani neighborhood in the suburbs of Rome, Italy

Bicycle Infrastructure Infrastructure Conceptual Residential Institutional Digital

Section Perspective

Section Perspective

A comparison between European and American cities shows a striking correlation between urban density and human health. The layout of most American cities is based on transportation by car while the average city in Europe was designed before the car was introduced. Because of this, European cities tend to be denser and more reliant on pedestrian and public transportation which encourages physical activity, a factor leading to lower levels of obesity and cardiovascular disease. As European cities expand into suburbs, they become less dense, more reliant on cars, less active, and less healthy. A potential solution is to design infrastructure for bicycles. This project, located in the Colli Albani neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome, is an example of what citywide bicycle infrastructure could look like. Cyclists are given a wide, recycled rubber surface, separate from cars and elevated from the street. This arrangement provides space for a pedestrian zone at ground level. There are two separate bicycle lanes, a meandering one for the leisurely cyclist and for sightseeing, and a direct route for commuters. Beneath the raised bicycle route is space for a bicycle sharing program, stationary exercise bikes which power street lamps, and other program to further the goal of bicycle transportation and health.


stationary bikes work out area bike rentals bike taxi service seating cafe bike repairs pumping station bike racks park access showers


biking - North pedestrians - non directional biking - South


cyclists pedestrians


release compression


Plan Section N-W

Program - Combine an event with housing Site - St. Lorenzo neighborhood in Rome, Italy

Nolliable City Infrastructure Conceptual Residential Institutional Digital

Section Perspective

The title of the project comes from the map of Rome drawn by Giambattista Nolli which shows public spaces, both interior and exterior, as white continuous space, and walls and private buildings in black. The project explores the idea of a city where the ground level is entirely public and a Nolli map would show a wide open public domain with no black other than specs for columns. The site is an entire city block in the St. Lorenzo neighborhood of Rome near the Universita degli Studi di Roma la Sapienza. The working class neighborhood, one of the only to be bombed during WWII, is showing signs of economic prosperity as a “hip� area focusing on art and nightlife. The project introduces low income housing to the neighborhood as part of a project to encourage entrepreneurship and to integrate people of various socio-economic backgrounds. The housing hovers above a new park area that provides shade below and views from above. There is also space for retail shops and other small businesses which connect to each unit. The retail spaces are partially buried under the park, but the entrances remain at street level allowing for park topography and providing passive climate control. The project focuses on the positive externalities provided by the people living in the units and the citizens presently living in the community. The community members will economically benefit the tenants through the retail shops and small business opportunities. The units will also provide surveillance and security at night, when lights from the hovering units illuminate the park.

Ground Plan

Roof Plan

Section Perspective - showing night lighting

Sun Shading

Horizontal Structure

Main Units

Addition Unit Cluster - showing shared outdoor space Upper Level

Vertical Structure

Retail Space

Ground Plain Exploded Axonometric

Composite Axonometric

Program - University residence hall in an urban infill site Site - Freret Street, Uptown, New Orleans

Freret Towers Infrastructure Conceptual Residential Institutional Digital

Axonometric Model

Conceptual Models

The Freret Towers residence hall is an experiment in vertical living. Suites of four rooms are stacked vertically in an attempt to emphasize the positive attributes of both communal and individual living, similar to the experience of living in a city. Privacy is enhanced by giving each room direct outdoor access, while individual and inward facing stoops, porches, and front doors emphasize community interaction. The tower design increases the building’s surface area and channels wind to provide passive cooling while the exterior circulation creates unique and varied social spaces.

Section perspective


Program - A fire station that engages the community Site - North Peters Street, Bywater, New Orleans

Fire Station Infrastructure Conceptual Residential Institutional Digital

Drive Through Study

Generative Diagram

This Fire Station on North Peters Street serves a dual purpose of emergency response and community outreach. Beginning with a concept of protecting and serving the community before, during, and after an emergency, the building encourages the responders and residents to interact through amenities such as a public meeting room / exhibition space, a classroom, and a community garden. The building is equipped with features to increase response time such as individual fire poles from each bedroom and a dynamic floor plan that funnels responders towards the apparatus bay. To continue the community outreach after a crisis, the building has storage for large quantities of food and collected rain water and has temporary apartments for disaster victims.


Section S - N

Elephant Meeting Cetacean Staircase






20 Shapes

The Cetacean Staircase, based on a whale skeleton, consists of a series of seemingly floating lily pads that guide a traveler along a curving path to another floor.

The Elephant Installation is the result of an exercise to create a unique design by altering a cube with twenty different operations. Staircase Contour

Staircase Axonometric

cetacean sensation Axonomentric

Corey Squire Assignmnet 3 ADGM 310

Elephant Model

Piazza Del Popolo Rome, Italy

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