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Department for International Trade (DIT) - BAME Network
The aims of REMN • Provide support for BAME staff wellbeing and inclusion within DHSC • Provide a safe space for BAME staff and allies to share experiences • Provide mutual advice and support to BAME colleagues on career development • Raise awareness of race equality through activities such as celebrating Black History Month, identifying race equality issues in the workplace and working towards resolution of these issues • Provide advice, support, insight and challenge to the DHSC’s senior leadership and HR community on strategies, policies and initiatives on race equality, diversity and inclusion • Engage with Civil Service Race Forum on cross-government race priorities and challenges and internal DHSC and other government department’s staff networks on intersectional issues.
To contact the network please email EqualityMattersNetwork@dhsc.gov.uk.
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Department for International Trade (DIT) - BAME Network
The DIT BAME Network aims to support BAME staff at DIT to thrive as an empowered community and network, and advocate for change to DIT’s structures to achieve parity for BAME colleagues in the department.
It does this through: • Embedding the BAME Network’s reputation as consistent, welcome, proactive, transparent, evidenced and “here to stay” • Directly supporting BAME staff to survive and thrive in a difficult environment • Directly support the career progression of BAME staff through network events and communications • Advocating for change to DIT’s structures to achieve parity for BAME colleagues in the department. • Working with DIT to improve inclusion at all levels and areas of the department, particularly by challenging DIT to implement its zero-tolerance policy for BHD and tracking relevant data relating to race inequality • Supporting HR and Cabinet Office to improve the lived experience of ethnic minority women in the Civil Service, through a series of Diversity and Inclusion Sprints, reporting back on progress to our membership.
You can contact the network at ditbamenetwork@trade.gov.uk 16