Remnant Magazine: Campus Edition (Fall 2010)

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The Fruit of Discipleship


Free Tools for Your Chapter


3 Questions From Students


Impact, Black Culture, & Faith


True Fellowship


More Tools For Your Chapter

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The lifeblood of Impact is our college chapters, and more specifically the college students that year after year put in the legwork to reach their campuses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As we, The Impact Movement and college students like you from across the country, team up to take the truth of Jesus Christ to the campus, community, and the world, we want to be able to provide you with the resources, tools, and knowledge that you will need to thrive in your relationship with Christ, your relationship with the other leaders on your campus, and the tons of others you will reach. This magazine is filled with success stories from Impact chapters on various campuses; guides on important topics like Discipleship and personal finance; as well as a wealth of other knowledge from chapter alumni, and staff members from The Impact Movement and Campus Crusade for Christ International. We pray that you will take these resources and articles to heart, use them in your chapters and in your life as we continue to spread the truth of Jesus Christ together!

Not Just That Impact Girl... By Curtis Beverley

One student, Clarissa, on right, takes a step of faith to intentionally invest in the spiritual growth of another, LaTonya, on left, to ultimately effect the lives of many at Virginia Tech.


ike any other campus, we would schedule regular Bible studies and small groups for girls and guys to attend at Virginia Tech. As you would expect, we would meet up and dive deeper into the Word. And, while I always knew God could make big things happen in the least expected places, I didn’t know how much He would do through my relationship

with one particular student, Latonya.

her own pace.

It all began my sophomore year. One particular girl seemed very shy to me. I would reach out to her, but she seemed quite hesitant to speak or even read aloud during our events. I dared not push her though, because she had been coming to every Impact event on campus. So, I let her move at

Although I wanted things to move a bit faster, I began to see the Lord developing my patience through my interactions with her. I started to pray and intentionally pour into her spiritually. I knew God had a place for her in His kingdom, so I continued to pour.

Week after week, Latonya would attend small group with two other girls. The Lord would use me to breakdown and teach the Scriptures, leading us into conversations about various Biblical principles. Then, after about a year’s time, we decided that she and I should move towards one-on-one discipleship. She had been faithfully attending small groups and I could tell, although she was quiet, she had a deeper thirst for growth. That’s when it happened—a small, but significant change. It started when she prayed aloud for the first time in small group. This was momentous! Her prayer was brief, but it was a huge display of her growth.

Soon after, I slowly began sharing more with her about my struggles and areas of spiritual growth. We’d get together outside of our usual setting. I realized how important it was for her to see me as a real person, as a friend, and not just “that Impact girl.” My vulnerability with her made her more comfortable with sharing her story with me. Things she’d tell me were really inspirational. Her life story included stories of strength and moments of weakness. For such a quiet girl, she had been through a lot. Being able to talk to someone about what she’d been going through seemed to help her quite a bit. Eventually, we’d grown so close that she even began to call me over breaks to catch up. I could not believe it!

During her sophomore year, she attended her first Impact Conference where she found out about Impact K.A.M.P. She told me about her desire to attend, and then the following summer, she went! She’d prayed for direction and guidance because God had really been moving in her heart. Who knew this once timid girl would decide to take a big leap of faith and allow God to equip her for His service specifically within Impact? She later filled me in on stories of the amazing things they did and how she’d been a part of something she knew was in God’s plans for her life. Back on campus, she learned about the cycle of momentum and servant team responsibilities. She was amazed at how much work went into making

“ I realized how important it was for

her to see me as a real person and not just ‘that Impact girl.’

each event happen. Eventually, she seemed to express interest in serving with us. I was speechless. After several conversations amongst the servant team, we decided that we would slowly integrate her into our team. We began to involve her in the decision making process for several of our events. This worked out really well for her; she really had a servant’s heart. She helped plan a karaoke night-something we’d never done before. She also helped with several other events that really got the community talking about Impact. She even co-led inductive Bible study for the servant

team with one of the guys. We could tell that she was growing in her Biblical knowledge and that soon she would be able to teach Biblical truths to others all on her own.

studies. We are very proud to have her aboard our team and look forward to seeing her light shine in all the areas God will enable her to go into.

It had been a remarkable journey to watch. Finally, after observing the progress she’d made and after much prayer, we decided it was only right to have her join the servant team. She began serving with us the spring semester of her junior year.

The sky’s the limit for this girl and I am just so thankful that God has allowed me to be a part of her journey. The cycle of momentum continues.

Currently, she’s involved in virtually every aspect of ministry on campus, from making decisions to planning events for Impact. She even helps lead large and small group Bible

the discipleship do’s [and 1 don’t] Pray often!

As much as you care for the person you're trying to help grow, God cares so much more. He also knows, better than you do, exactly what the person needs for growth to happen.

Have fun!

Challenge the person’s misconceptions about Christianity. Life as a Christian is not dull or boring, nor is a relationship with Jesus all about rules and todo lists.

Be who you are.

People also need to know that you are a real person, flaws and all. Sometimes, people are intimidated by the Christian life, thinking perfection is all that God accepts.

Ask questions.

Sometimes, a person may learn more from thinking through a problem and eventually arriving at an answer than being offered the solution immediately. This may also help this person to not be overly dependent on you for their growth.

Remain friends.

Be careful not to try to parent this person. Try to remain objective as he or she shares their struggles. This will help you to build trust.

Take it slow!

Trust is earned and developed over time. Generally, people are more likely to be open to accountability after trust is built.

Honesty and vulnerability is key. This will help you two to grow closer. Spiritual growth happens in the context of authentic Christian community.

Don’t think too hard.

Much of discipleship is just “doing life” (or modeling your walk with Christ) with people. People will learn more from watching your actions than from what you say to them.

Trust God!

God by His Spirit is the One who actually causes growth to happen, not you.

Check Out These Free Online Tools For Your Impact Chapter Easily see th e availabilit y of your gro or assist yo up for mee ur group in tings, events making a de to all those , fundraisers cision . Usin involved an , etc g Doodle, you d once they administrato can send ou complete th r can view e t links e form with veryone’s a best for all their availb vailbility an those involv il it d y, the choose the ed. Visit the time that w ir website to orks try it out!

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Been There, Done That... We asked you, student leaders from Impact chapters across the nation, what your main concerns were as chapter leaders and more generally as college students. See the advice Impact chapter veteran Chase Grogan and Campus Crusade For Christ staff member Ben Rivera had to offer.

How Do I Manage My Time Wisely? Written by Chase Grogan Alumnus, Virginia Tech University

10 Tips to Curing Busyness

Click the icon for this great article from Relevant with advice on managing your time.

As a student leader on the campus of Virginia Tech, there was so much to do. There were meetings to run, Bible Studies to lead; praise team rehearsals and community service to plan. Needless to say, this list omits a couple of very important things: my personal devotional time and my academics. Although I knew they were both important, these things began to subconsciously take a back seat as I filled my life with Christian tasks and neglected what was most important. When it comes to managing our time, we will have many choices. The idea here is that we chose what is best. There are plenty of GOOD things, but what is the GOD thing? We must prioritize the most essential things. You are in college; you are a student. You are called to please God in that as you are working for the Lord (Col. 3:17). What kind of witness do we set to others when we are so ministryminded that we are no earthly good. As a ministry leader you must delegate and learn to say “no”. Many leaders share the common trap of “doing it all because nobody else will do it correctly”. If we are indispensable in ministry then we have missed it as leaders. Proper delegation should spread tasks out to all the leaders in a way that allows each person to have a significant piece of the puzzle. On campuses where the leadership team is small, you must learn to say “no”. Your “yes” and “no” is valuable; stick to them and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you where your time and energy needs to be spent. Busyness does not equal Godliness.

Written by Chase Grogan Alumnus, Virginia Tech University It is inevitable that we, as leaders, begin to develop and train future leaders that will serve the ministry after we are gone. Even in the secular arena, when I asked a friend who works as a recruiter, what he looks for in recruits, the answer was humility and teachability. The same is true across the board. When you, as a ministry leader, look for leaders in your ministry it is important not that they can quote the most scripture or can preach the best sermons. Christ modeled it best in Philippians 2:5-8: “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And, being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross.” Leaders have to give of themselves to serve others. Even as Jesus hand-picked His disciples, He never called the most qualified. Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit qualifies the called! Your leadership can be found in the “least likely” individuals.

How Do I Identify Leaders In My Chapter?

Use wisdom and discernment in making your decisions and when you have found a core group that is willing, pour. Pour your life into them as a drink offering (Phil. 2:17). Train your leaders with all you know and every resource you can find; get them to a place where they can fully function without you being present. The greatest task of your job as a ministry leader happens not when you are there, but even more in your absence as they will have to carry on the responsibilities with or without you.

The Right People for Be encouraged by the following quote by an unknown author: Discipleship “A good leader inspires others with confidence in him; a great leader inspires them with confidence in themselves”. Be great; empower others as you are empowered by the Holy Spirit.

From Cru Press, dive into this article on how to choose wisely those students to invest in.

The Seven Habits of Team Leaders

This article features Leadership principles from the book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

How Do I Manage My Personal Finances?

Be Wise Stay out of Debt. Consider working your way through college and not taking any school loans. The New York Times reported that, “student loan debt has risen to its highest level ever, with starting balances averaging $24,000 among two-thirds of graduates who borrowed for their degree.” The article continues by stating “there is a real risk that some graduates with $24,000 of debt will face unmanageable monthly payments particularly in the early years of their careers. The monthly payment at 6.8% interest is $276 a month for 10 years! One needs to make about $33,000 annual income in order to comfortably manage this debt.” Here’s the bad part, “the default rate on student loans is now 7% and the government is aggressively suing those in default, garnishing wages and placing liens against homes. Bankruptcy does not erase student loans”

Check out what Dave Ramsey, well-known Personal Finance Written by Ben Rivera professional has to say: Campus Crusade for Christ Staff Member Be Prepared

Some Tools to Use:

Here is a book written from a non-Christian perspective, which has excellent advice on paying for college without debt.

Dave Ramsey is well-known figure in the Personal Finance arena. His website has great advice and tools to help you stay on top of your personal finances.

Come up with a spending plan using cash envelopes and your checkbook. Use envelopes and label each one with one of the following budget categories: “Food”, “Entertainment”, “Clothes”, “Gas” and “Gifts”. Each month go to the bank, take out the amount in cash you have allocated according to your spending plan for each category and put the money in each envelope accordingly. Once that envelope runs out, you’re done. You can move cash between envelopes but you won’t overspend as long as you don’t pull out a credit or debit card when the cash is gone. Most people have found it best to go get cash and put it in the envelopes twice a month – so just take out 1/2 your budgeted amount each time. You’re guaranteed to spend less money and save more for college. Use your checkbook to pay your rent, utilities, giving, tuition and any other monthly items that you need to be able to prove you paid. On those categories be sure and record the amounts down on your tracking sheet. Here’s a sample spending-plan: There is so much more that can be said, but if you do your homework, and seek out quality advice, you’ll be well on your way toward financial stability and freedom!


culture culture

Impact focuses heavily on reaching people of African descent to have an effect on their comunities. What makes this emphasis on cultural-based ministry so needed and important? Keep reading... Article By Tim Swain

Why focus on leaders of African Descent?


s perhaps the largest evangelical, Christian movement to college students of African descent in the world, The Impact Movement is often asked what makes it so successful. With an appeal to young, urban audiences, Impact attempts to effectively and strategically utilize hip hop culture to transform thousands of lives through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. With a presence on dozens of college campus nationally and internationally, The Impact Movement has maintained a successful track record for over two decades of ministry. However, regardless of the thousands of lives changed as a direct result of the movement and the countless communities restored by leaders therein, one of the most frequently asked questions is “why only African Americans?” To address this, is it imperative to understand the historical and theoretical framework from which Impact was birthed. More than twenty years ago, The Movement began out of necessity to reach minority students on college campuses and in the community through a more culturally relevant context. Although initially founded as part of Campus Crusade for Christ, The Impact Movement

gained formative roots a few years later as a national conference founded by Thomas Fritz. This, in turn created a platform in 91’ for more than 500 students to assemble, worship and experience what would later be known as The Impact Movement. Through this conference and those subsequent, Impact has been able to equip successive generations of emerging leaders by providing a contextualized experience that addresses the needs of those in communities of African Descent.

How Is It done?

These problems such as educational and economic disparity between communities of African Descent and other races, as well as abysmal attrition rates of students in public schools is at the focus of the movement. The Impact Movement impacts the culture through the culture and provides leaders

with an opportunity to excel as agents of change in the community. Cumulatively, these initiatives help Impact create what is known as a “culturally contextualized” (Johnson, 2010) ministry.

Simply put, The Impact Movement understands the critical need to respond to problems plaguing our community, and the urgency in reaching the community through relevant mediums such as hip hop culture.

The Impact Movement impacts the culture through the culture

* This content of this article, in part, is taken from the research and dissertation of Dirke Johnson from Bethel Seminary, St. Paul and from the Great Commission Research Journal (GCRJ)) *

ABCs of Ethnicity Like most things, understanding and categorizing culture isn’t just a one or the other type of conversation. Below is a spectrum of the culture a person most aligns themself to. Coined the ABCs of Ethnicity1, this spectrum ranges from Assimilated, to Bi-Cultural, to Contextualized. Again, the diagram represents a range and does not suggest that a person must fit into one of these categories.


Assimilated This means that a person embraces the main, dominant culture as their own and do not largley adopt elements of other cultures.


Bi-Cultural Here, a person embraces multiple cultures. They are comfortable interacting with those of the cultures in which they embrace and interact as a part of the culture.


Contextualized Here, a person is most comfortable and largely embraces the culture in which they were raised as a natural member.

What is a Culturally Contextualized Ministry? Johnson, (2002) suggest, “Predominantly White Christian campus ministry organizations have a difficult time attracting and retaining students of African descent (AD)”. On this assertion he compared and contrasted three racial models in an attempt to identify the most effective one for attracting students of African descent. Table. 1 illustrates some of these comparisons and contrasts. He noted three racial models from which most churches and Christian organizations may operate: the dominant-cultured model, multicultural model and culturally-contextualized model (Johnson, 2010).

The first of the three, the dominant cultured model “is led from a White value system and organizational structure. It is usually marked by two-thirds of its membership being White” (Johnson, 2010). He suggest this model is often ineffective in reaching students of African descent, not because it is not a theologically or biblically legitimate ministry, but because its values are more stemmed from the White American experience. The second, a multicultural model attempts to “value each culture represented and integrate them as one in an expression of unity” (Johnson, 2010). In essence, its endeavor is to create a salad bowl ministry. The third, culturally-contextualized model is operated from an African descent cultural value framework and organizational composition. This is to say, it specifically integrates the cultural, social and economic factors of people of African descent into its ministry philosophy and operation.

1 The ABCs of Ethnicity are taken from the research and dissertation of Dirke Johnson from Bethel Seminary, St. Paul and from the Great Commission Research Journal (GCRJ)) *

How does this affect Impact? The findings were, out of these three models, the culturally contextualized model is not only needed, but vital in creating ministries effective in reaching students of African descent: hence, Impact. Johnson (2010) concluded, each of these models is significant in ministry and although one does not supersede the other, the culturally contextualized model is more effective in reaching students of African descent because it functions from a culturally relevant ethos. This research is significant because it attempts to build philosophical and theoretical rationale that justifies the need for African descent-focused ministries. Although this research is culturally and socially based, its assertions are rooted biblical doctrine in an effort to more successfully fulfill the mission of Christ. For example, passages of scripture that denote unity in the body of Christ through varied cultural extensions such as 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4 are used as bedrock examples to support the cause for such research.

A college student gives back to the local community during the Day of Outreach at an Impact National Conference

In addition to this, these critical findings “validate the significant need for contextualized ministries like The Impact Movement that ministers in the Black student community” (Johnson, 2010). They also endorse the work of missions such as The Impact Movement and those similar to it. Addressing the social, spiritual, socio-economic and educational needs of the communities of African Descent through culturally relevant discourse creates pathways for enhanced ministry efficacy. Impact is not an African American exclusive movement; however research such as this explains why it is African descent focused.

A Final Note These findings are not to validate or promote religious silos built on cultural differences; however they are to be used as a tool to demonstrate the capacity for ministries that serve from an African descent value system. This is exactly what Impact strives to do by addressing detrimental Issues permeating the African American community that are often overlooked by dominant culture and exacerbated by socio-cultural internal passivity. Impact reaches out to the world’s ethnically and racially marginalized populations through the power of Christ and His commission as noted in Matthew 28:19.

Whether through the work of hundreds of missionaries tearing down and rebuilding homes in New Orleans or dozens of missionaries in Africa, Impact attends to the needs of its people and empowers others to do the same. Just ask one of the thousands of conferees who have experienced an Impact national conference or one of the hundreds of chapter leaders throughout the nation. The fact is, this movement is a God breathed mission that glorifies Him and fulfils its part in the global Christian community. Its name

is indicative of what it embodies and what it strives to live out. The unambiguous, tactical mission and vision allows it to influence those who without the movement, may be forgotten by dominant culture. With a relevant look and cultural contextualized ministry entrenched in the principle threads of Christian theology, The Impact Movement will continue to help communities of African descent fulfill their destinies as a reflection of the redemptive power of Jesus Christ. So, why does Impact focus on leaders of African descent? If they don’t, then who will?

A More Comprehensive Look





Surrounding environment necessary for success of each model.

The surrounding community is predominantly White. The leadership understands that culture well and comfortably operates in it.

The surrounding community has varying cultural groups. The leadership understands the culture of the groups and the effects of the leadership’s own culture on their ministry style and approach.

The surrounding community has the cultural group the contextualized group is attempting to reach. The leadership understands that culture well and comfortably operates in it.

Factors that will attract people of AD.

There is up-front Black leadership that helps set direction for the group. Leadership understands the culture of the surrounding Black community. Some of the ministry will intentionally be within the Black community and address felt-need concerns.

Spiritual Benefits of each model.

The gospel will be shared and lived out in a culturally attractive way to those who prefer the dominant culture. This cultural expression of faith reflects one facet of God. Members of other cultures may be subordinated. Not as effective at reaching people of other cultures. Might become ethnocentric and not experience or embrace other cultural expressions of faith. May become numbers oriented and in-focused.

Dangers of each model.

Demonstrating unity in the body of Christ.

The gospel will be shared and lived out in a culturally attractive way to those who prefer a multicultural setting. This cultural expression of faith reflects one facet of God

The gospel will be shared and lived out in a culturally attractive way to those who prefer the group’s prominent culture. This cultural expression of faith reflects one facet of God.

Pseudo-multicultural group that may have multiracial attendance but is primarily a monocultural group. May subordinate members of other cultures. Not as effective at reaching people who are cultural type Cs and some Bs. May fail to embrace and value monocultural expressions of faith. May become in-focused.

Members of other cultures may be subordinated. Not as effective at reaching people of other cultures. Might become ethnocentric and not experience or embrace other cultural expressions of faith. May become numbers oriented and in-focused.

Identify needs in the surrounding community and help meet those needs by building cooperative and collaborative partnerships with culturally contextualized and multicultural ministries. Learn from and lean on one another. Value all cultural expressions of faith (be they monocultural or multicultural) that will give us a richer and fuller picture of our God.

* Dirke Johnson, Determining the most effective racial model to reach College students of African Descent for Christ (St. Paul, Minnesota: Bethel University, Bethel Seminary St. Paul)

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At the University of South Carolina, the bond between members of The Impact Movement goes far beyond the confines of our small group sessions and our weekly prayer meetings. We are a family. Whether we need someone to pray with us or someone to discuss our struggles with, we know that our brothers and sisters are there for support.

Having a community of believers in college is crucial because of all of the peer pressure that arises. It’s easy to get caught up in activities that do not glorify God, but we are commanded in Romans 12:2 not to conform to the world. Our brothers and sisters help us to stay grounded in our beliefs so that we can positively influence our surroundings without our surroundings influencing us. One important aspect of our community is our “Family Time.” It’s basically a time of fellowship that’s held every other Friday. During this time, the liaison of our chapter gives us some words of encouragement. We also hear announcements on future events and outreach opportunities, such as our Bible study at the Department of Juvenile Justice. Afterwards, people share praise reports of how God is working in their lives as well as prayer requests. Then, we take turns praying, making sure that someone prays for each request. The remainder of the time is spent playing Taboo, Telephone Charades, Signs, or Mafia. Occasionally, those who are gifted with music provide background music for us as well. We really have a good time. So much so, that sometimes students outside of Impact drop in. Usually, they want to come in just to see what is going on. This is a great opportunity for us to share our faith and show others the love of Christ.

Female students from USC’s Impact chapter get together to learn more about God and grow clser to each other

Just for the Ladies While fellowship amongst us all is great, we also have some Impact events strictly for the sisters. Once a month, we hold a women’s fellowship so that we can get to know each other better, and more importantly, so we can draw closer to God. In February, we held a “Jesus is My Valentine” sleepover. Veteran Impact members spoke on the topics of loving yourself, loving others, and God’s love for us. After each speaker, there was reflection time followed by a discussion of what God was speaking to us individually. One of the highlights of the evening involved a challenge. Each woman was challenged to remove her make-up. Then to symbolize cleansing the minds of negative self-thoughts, each woman put on facial masks. We all got a chance to celebrate the fact that we were each fearfully and wonderfully made.

Summer Plans Because staying connected is so important, over summer break we plan to begin our Break Accountability Groups. These will serve to help us stay in contact since we won’t be able to meet in person. Members of the groups will also commit to checking on each other to make sure that we are honoring commitments that we may make to enhance our spiritual journey over the break. Every week, each group will receive a passage of scripture to study, and the opportunity to talk about it. Hopefully, this will help to ensure that we are all maintaining our individual times with the Lord. Also in these groups, we will be able to share about hindrances in our relationship with God in order to seek prayer and godly counsel. As believers, we understand that our spiritual journey can sometimes be challenging. Knowing this, we do whatever we can to help our brothers and sisters at USC stay encouraged. The love we have for each other is so strong that even our USC Impact alumni still come back to fellowship with us. In accordance with Acts 2:42-47, we work together as a family to share the Gospel with members of our community and carry out the mission of The Impact Movement.

campus tips Want to connect on a deeper level within your Impact chapter? gs.” “normal settin le outside of op pe w o kn Get to 1. n? Is there a ur college tow yo t ou ab l ia ly available What’s spec 2. event that on or od fo of place, type age. to your advant there? Use it ecret” find out the “s to e m ga a y pla apter. Take a poll or lved in your ch vo 3. in e os th es of talents/abiliti talents to s to use these ay w e tiv ea cr Brainstorm ent. 4. t-of-the-box ev ou an p lo ve de not usually ople who may pe ok rlo ve o feel more Don’t 5. uld help them co is Th r. ee nt volu connected. for what le make time op Pe ! ch ar se e students Do your re 6. pe of events ar ty t ha W . em interests th s drawn to? on your campu mester e month or se th r fo e ng le al gives you Try a group ch icipate in. This 7. rt pa d ul co that everyone rward. celebrate afte all a reason to

A Cool Way To End the Year The theme of the March women’s fellowship at USC was inspired by a poem written by one of the Impact ladies. The poem outlined classic Disney movies and related them back to the Gospel. During the event, they all watched The Lion King and Pocahontas. In viewing the cartoons, they wanted to see what else they could discover as a group. After each movie, they discussed biblical elements that stood out to them. Inspired by the March women’s fellowship time, the ladies decided to go see Disney On Ice for their final gathering of the semester. This gave them an opportunity to relax and enjoy the company of their sisters outside of their normal environment.

Check Out These Free Online Tools For Your Impact Chapter anage its m r e t p a h ur c g t. Help yo siderations usin n u o c c a n er co email n just an calendar, and oth your chpater and place, a h t e r o is m one rs of ents, This tool e membe ur chapter has in place s, docum h n t o h ti it u w ib r d o t email dis an then be share the information y hat will remain in c ll t r, t a a e t h e Gmail t Centraliz ally for your chap .. m a e t ip ecific leadersh ccount sp a il a m G . using a graduate s r e d a le when

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February 10 - 13, 2012

The Impact Movement takes the truth of Jesus Christ to the campus, community and the world by producing leaders of African descent who are spiritually focused, financially responsible and morally fit. | | 1-888-672-2896


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