1 minute read

Asexual and Aromantic

Penultimately, our astounding asexuals are, as defined by the LGBT Community Center, “[people] who do not experience sexual attraction.” This includes demisexual, graysexual and other folk; however, some ace folk are described as hating sex or romance, but everyone views sex differently. Also, people who don’t feel romantic attraction are aromantic, and they can fall on the ace spectrum.

The ace community has used both the ace of spades and the dragon as a symbol, with aromantic spaces opting for the arrow, or “aro-w.”

Last, but certainly not least, we have our personable plus people. The plus sign represent all those who have various other gender identities and sexual orientations that were not previously included our yet recognized, as stated by the APA.

As a result, the plus at the end of LGBTQIA+ is a bit more all-encompassing compared to previous identities, but it may also be easier to understand.

Referring to anyone and everyone whose identity lies outside what we can currently and accurately assign names and descriptions to, the plus symbolizes our ever-evolving understanding of gender and sexual identities.

The LGBTQIA+ community, as it is now, may only be a recent develop spanning the last several decades, but we have been around since time immemorial, found all over the globe.

Whether it be in ancient Greece, Japan or Egypt; whether it be in the many indigenous communities around the world; whether it be in the present or past - we exist.

And I’m not referring to just those identities mentioned in this guide, no. There exist so many more identities within the community, with their own unique history and subculture that is rich with expereinces both wondrous and terrible.

So, whether it is to discover more about yourself or inform yourself of a marginalized community to be a greater advocate, I implore you to explore the community.

And that really is the least of it.

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