The Runner issue 5-6-20

Page 1 California State University, Bakersfield

May 6, 2020

Vol. 45, No. 16

A virtual farewell to the

Class of

News: Pages 2-4

Feratures: Pages 5-6

Opinions: 7-9

The Runner’s tribute to the Class of 2020. See inside: Page 11



The Runner

May 06, 2020

The Runner Staff Volume 45, Issue 14

The Runner California State University, Bakersfield 9001 Stockdale Hwy. Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099 661-654-2165 ADVISER Jennifer Burger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sam Underwood MANAGING EDITOR DIGITAL Carlos Hernandez PHOTO EDITOR Mari Woodmansee PODCAST EDITOR Damian Lopez ASST PODCAST EDITOR Briana Lopez SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER Allea Nalaine Paguia NEWS EDITOR Katrina Singleton ASST NEWS EDITOR Paige Atkison FEATURES EDITOR Lauren Hill OPINIONS EDITOR Destinee Sims CO-SPORTS EDITOR Elisa Fuentes CO-SPORTS EDITOR Chris Burdick COPY CHIEF Amy Pachla MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Ace Harrison COPYRIGHT Copyright belongs to the Communications Department at California State University, Bakersfield. BUSINESS MANAGER

Sidney Wicks MARKETING MANAGER Edgar Noriega DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Kimberly Benitez-Anguiano STAFF Marci Ruiz, Adriana Hernandez, Megan Tishman, Gabriela Reyes, Rachel Russ, Yoana Andrade, Francisco Ruiz, Estafany Henriquez, Braden Moss-Ennis, Erin Dailey, Chase Anderson, Angela Jordan, Brian Melgar, Pearl Hernandez, Carla Alvarado, Dalton Bell, Eli Miranda, Clarissa Alderete, Chasadee Sims, Caleb Melson, Joe Youngblood, Jenn Pardinas, Rosie Callejas, Gabriella Lopez, Faith Okoli, Briana G. Hendrix.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send letters to runner@ All letters must be signed, verified, and be no more than 300 words in length. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. OUR MISSION The Runner is an independent student news organization, operated under the communication department at CSUB. The Runner is committed to exposing truth and promoting accountability while upholding professional journalistic integrity. We engage with the community through print, digital and social media publications as the premier news outlet for the student body. DISCLAIMERS Views and opinions expressed in The Runner are not necessarily those of the editors, staff or the Communications Department. The staff of The Runner reserve the right to refuse or omit any advertising or material which advocates illegal activity, or which may be considered libelous, irresponsible or tasteless.

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Students concerned about virtual graduation options By Katrina Singleton News Editor and Marci Ruiz News Reporter With CSU Bakersfield switching to a temporary virtual campus because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the question of how the spring 2020 commencement ceremony will be executed has been up in the air. COVID-19 restrictions, such as social distancing and staying six feet away from anyone from outside one’s own household, make holding a natural ceremony difficult. This is compounded by the economic factors that would make purchasing items like graduation regalia a financial burden. These concerns have weighed on the minds of CSUB students for weeks. There have been questions from students about whether CSUB will be holding a virtual ceremony or if CSUB will hold the ceremony at a later date when social distancing is over. Having a physical ceremony is important to students like Brenda Flores, a liberal studies major and first-generation college student. “I feel the current situation is very disappointing and unfortunate (mainly because it was out of everyone’s control). I am a first-generation college student, so my family was very excited, more so than me. It is something I have come to accept. I do not wish for a virtual ceremony; I rather wait until this is all over and have a physical ceremony. However, I feel it should be separate from that of the fall class. They deserve their own spotlight as much as we do,” Flores said in a Facebook post. On April 9 during a virtual Runner Walk and Talk with CSUB President Lynnette Zelezny, commencement was addressed. The administration at that time had no plans to hold a virtual ceremony, nor did they plan to combine fall 2020 graduates with spring 2020 graduates for an expanded ceremony in December. Holding a virtual ceremony did not seem like a

Photo Illustration by Grace Maness good option to Maya Rodriquez, a sociology major. Rodriguez wants to be able to celebrate the achievement with her graduating class in person. “I think the current situation is extremely disappointing. The ceremony means a great deal, I know to a lot it is just that a “ceremony” a social construct, [but] that doesn’t take away from the fact that we actually earned our degrees. But to a lot of us and me it’s disappointing and makes me sad to think about. I hope CSUB doesn’t head toward the virtual direction. I hope they postpone the ceremony until they give the graduating class their proper ceremony and recognition for the work we did,” Rodriguez said. Steffany Lara, a psychology major, was grateful for the decision CSUB administration had made about graduation, and is hopeful for a commencement. However, Lara would be disappointed by a virtual

graduation. “I think I was mostly grateful that the CSUB administrators made the decision to postpone commencement and not cancel it completely. A virtual ceremony is not at all as meaningful for many of us first generation students who want to make that culminating event special for ourselves and loved ones. It is frustrating that we have to wait now for a potential fall or spring ’21 ceremony but either of those options is better than a virtual one,” Lara said. Sallie Solis, a CSUB graduating senior, has mixed emotions about the ceremony being postponed. “The whole situation is saddening, and disappointing. I’m 47 and commencement was a big deal. I’m grateful at the same time [because] things are way crazy currently. To do a virtual thing would by no means come close to feeling the same nor having close to the same effect. As for coming back another

time for a commencement to graduate with others in their time I think would be unfair. I think us graduates earned our commencement and if its set for August or September we deserve to have ours. I think our grads are more than deserving of the moment in our own commencement time,” Solis said. Information regarding the postboned spring 2020 commencment ceremony will be emailed to graduates as soon as it becomes available. No new information has been released since the university’s decision to postpone the spring 2020 commencement ceremony on March 17. The postponement was announced shortly after CSUB declared a state of emergency. CSUB administration is listening keenly to the voice of the students when making a final decision on commencement to celebrate the Class of 2020.

The Runner

May 06, 2020




The Runner

May 06, 2020

Canvas set to replace Blackboard By Paige Atkison Assistant News Editor

The switch is official. The CSU Bakersfield Academic Senate voted to make the change from Blackboard to Canvas as the learning management system (LMS), with CSUB President Lynnette Zelezny approving the decision shortly thereafter. This change was prompted partially by the fact that CSUB’s contract with Blackboard expires June 30, 2021, giving administrators time to examine an alternative LMS. CSUB has used Blackboard since 2006, along with the majority of the California State Universities. However, now that Canvas has arisen as a competitor to Blackboard, nearly half of the universities in the CSU system have switched to Canvas. The decision also came from an examination of transfer students from community colleges who were using Canvas, only to come to CSUB and re-learn an entire program. The California Community College (CCC) system made the change to Canvas recently, along with the majority of Universities of California. According to Faust Gorham, Associate Vice

President Administrative and Information Technology Services & Chief Information Officer, after the administration ran a pilot program and received student feedback, “it was quite clear that students supported Canvas much more than Blackboard.” Online polls put out by The Runner have shown many students are willing to make the switch to Canvas, though some are hesitant as Blackboard is the only LMS they have used in their academic careers. One concern among students is that faculty will not know how to properly navigate Canvas, impeding the learning process. Gorham reassured students that faculty will be provided training. On a Facebook post asking CSUB students about the change in LMS one thing became clear: most students responding viewed Canvas as more “user-friendly.” Sophomore sociology student Asiyah Mohammed says she is excited to change to Canvas. “Canvas is a lot easier to navigate for students and professors. I noticed this semester that some of my professors couldn’t figure out how to organize their Blackboard class page

Illustration by Sam Underwood/The Runner properly, creating a disaster for students. I imagine this is due to Blackboard’s complicated and out of date layout,” Mohammed wrote in a Facebook post. Sophomore communications student Julia Gaworski also noticed that Canvas has made a difference in the ease of access to her classes and professors. “I am thrilled that we are making the shift!” wrote Gaworski. “Canvas is not

only more friendly for students, but it’s more friendly for professors as well. I’ve noticed that it’s been way easier to get in touch with professors via Canvas than it was with Blackboard.” Another common thread among students was that transfer students were relieved to return to Canvas after graduating from a CCC. According to the CSUB

Information Technology Services website, nearly half of all CSUB students are coming from the CCC system. Natalie Frieson, a junior criminal justice major and community college transfer, also found Canvas to be a more user-friendly option. “I got used to Canvas much faster than I did Blackboard. I know Canvas from Bakersfield

College and was saddened by the switch [to Blackboard] when I transferred,” Frieson said. Faculty training is expected to roll out during the summer 2020 semester, and the transition to Canvas as the LMS will happen as of the winter 2020 semester. Spring 2021 is projected to be the last semester where Blackboard will be available.

Students sue the UC and CSU systems in a class action lawsuit for tuition refunds By Caleb Melson News Reporter

A class action lawsuit demanding refunds of student fees has been filed against the California State University and University of California systems as of April 27. The lawsuit asserts that student fees that have already been paid for by students should be partially refunded due to the closure of all California campuses and the inaccessibility of the services those the fees pay for. The lawsuits were filed in federal courts in Los Angeles and Oakland. The lawsuit demands that the UC and CSU systems return millions of dollars to the more than 700,000

students they serve in refunded student fees. The inaccessibility of the student services at the forefront of the lawsuit comes from the closure of all California campuses following California Governor Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order on March 19. The student services the lawsuit asserts are inaccessible include recreation centers, health and counseling centers, and libraries. Different CSUs have found virtual or alternative ways to deliver some of these services, like virtual computer labs and counseling and advising sessions over platforms like Zoom. Senior Director of Public Affairs for the CSU system Mike Uhlenkamp has

stated that the lawsuit filed by university students “misstates the facts.” “Although classes were converted to online instruction after Governor Newsom issued his stayat-home order, every CSU campus continued to fulfill its mission of providing instruction and services to its students,” Uhlenkamp said. Uhlenkamp noted that the CSU system has been remotely processing some requests for refunds. The CSU system issued interim policies for refunds regarding tuition and fees on March 19. The refunds delivered are ones that were categorized by the CSU system as being unearned by the campus.

These unearned fees include parking services and housing fees. Attorney Adam Levitt is one of the lawyers representing the students in this lawsuit. “It is improper for them [the universities] to attempt to retain what amounts to many millions of dollars in aggregate in campus fees they collected from their students, even though they terminated the services that these fees covered,” said Levitt. The CSU system policy states, “All campuses plan to continue for the foreseeable future to provide academic credit for courses taken and delivered by alternative means, therefore refunds of tuition and other campus mandatory fees are

not warranted.” The CSU system denies any wrongdoing, and Uhlenkamp has stated that the CSU system will “vigorously defend against the suit.” The UC system also issued guidelines regarding their refund procedures. The UC refund policies also state that “tuition and mandatory fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded.” “The tuition is to pay for instruction, not for a particular medium of instruction,” said Janet Napolitano, president of the UC system. However, amidst the closure of all campuses, the UC system has issued partial refunds to students

who were living on campus and are no longer able to do so. Prior to the lawsuit, some UC and CSU students started petitions asking for partial refunds of student fees. A petition started by a University of California Los Angeles student Michaella Baltazar, set up through, currently has over 44,000 signatures. The case will be heavily impacted by the statewide order from California Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye on March 23. This oder has left nearly all California courts closed entirely or only partially open in order to lower the risk of spreading the coronavirus throughout the state.


The Runner


May 06, 2020

CSUB seniors share what their plans are after the spring 2020 graduation By Francisco Ruiz Features Writer As the stay-at-home order continues due to the COVID-19 pandemic, spring semester is coming to an end and graduation is around the corner. Graduation is an important milestone in a student’s life, because it shows that many obstacles have been overcome. After graduation, some students decide to pursue their education further, such as going to graduate school and getting a master’s degree or a PhD, while others decide to stop at Bachelor’s degree and search for a career. “I was just accepted to the masters of social work at CSU Bakersfield, so after graduation I’ll do that full time,” CSUB sociology

student Maya Rodriguez said. Rodriguez explains that in fall 2020, she will continue to pursue her education and is going for the MSW at CSUB. Rodriguez explains that even though she is going to be attending the graduate program for social work at CSUB, she will not be working during her progress in the program because she wants to focus and attend to the MSW program full time. “I will be doing the Rehabilitation Counseling Master’s Program at the University of Northern Colorado,” CSUB psychology student Kayla Meyer said. Meyer explains that in the upcoming semester, she will be continuing her education, attending a uni-

versity in Colorado so she can pursue her psychology degree in as a rehabilitation counselor. According to Meyer, as a rehabilitation counselor she plans to work either in a veteran’s hospital so she can help the veterans get back into society, or in a residential program to help people with eating disorders, depression, or alcoholism. “After I graduate, I plan to work with delinquent children and children who struggle in school. I want to help them improve themselves and teach them that they are capable of great accomplishments. I later hope to apply for master’s in social work,” CSUB sociology student Diana Padilla said. Padilla explains that once she graduates from CSUB

Are we more isolated from nature in lockdown? By Yoana Andrade Features Writer With the lockdown going on all over the world due to COVID-19, everyone has to stay home, and that does not leave much room to go out into nature. Going out into nature is something people do as a hobby, a pastime, photography, or even for their mental health, to destress, or for their anxiety. Students of CSU Bakersfield are doing whatever they can to get any bit of nature into their systems during isolation. Elaine Gonzalez has been going out in her neighborhood to take morning or night walks. Eileen Diaz goes out in her backyard around noon to watch her dogs play and to sunbathe. Diaz says that going out to even just her backyard has been relaxing, and feels nice to have some fresh air. Dami Gonzalez bought houseplants before the lockdown, and says they add a relaxing element to her room. Denise Gonzalez has been going out on bike rides or goes to Lake Ming, since it is pretty

Yoana Andrade/The Runner The vibrant sunset as it rains in Bakersfield, CA isolated from most people. Sarah Atkinson also planted a mini garden on her apartment patio. Christopher Madrigal has been going out on bike rides with his family, going to the local park, and still continues to do his aerial photography. Madrigal uses his drone to take videos or photos of the nature around him. Lauren Melendez goes on hikes, walks around her neighborhood, and goes out to her porch to enjoy the sunshine and rain. Me-

lendez says that it is about enjoying the simple things she is still able to do. There are ways to go out and enjoy nature regardless of the circumstances the world is in right now. Going out in nature has been helping CSUB students to stay busy and isolated during this time. Not knowing when the lockdown will be over can be frustrating, but to enjoy little things like the nature around you can help with that.

Maya Rodriguez

Diana Padilla

this semester, she is planning to use her education to help youth children grow and learn from their past. She wants to help children by showing them they can do whatever they want and if they work hard, their dreams and aspirations will come true. Padilla also explains that she will take a year off from school so that she can gain experience and

save money for the MS program, and once the year passes, she will apply to the MSW program at CSUB. College is fun because that is where individuals make memories with other people that are going to last a lifetime. As the spring semester comes to an end, it will be a bittersweet moment for seniors. Congratulations Class of 2020!

Kayla Meyer



May 06, 2020

Cilantro Lime Tortilla Crusted Chicken Tenders

By Destinee Sims Opinions Editor

I’ve always had an appreciation for some delicious chicken tenders; they’re crispy, flavorful, and filling. Of course, this meant the first part of this cooking adventure was to browse the internet for healthier alternatives to the heavily salted and greasy tenders I would normally get at a restaurant. After trying a variation or two Destinee Sims/The Runner from the web, I eventually These flavorful chicken strips will be a hit with the whole decided to trust my own household. culinary instinct. This resulted in 14 affordable, zesty tenders with minimal for me to feel guilty about. Best part? The whole, notably picky, family loved them! If you’re looking for a way to switch up your dinners on a budget, this dish is perfect for you! Yield: 14 chicken tenders Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 35 minutes Destinee Sims/The Runner Top the strips with fresh cilantro for the best flavor. 14 chicken tenderloins. Add your egg to a bowl loins in the oven(s) and 3 cups tortilla chips of or plate, as you will be allow them to cook for 10 choice, crushed dipping the chicken tender- minutes. Rotate the tray to 2-3 eggs loins in it soon. ensure even cooking, and 3 limes, cut into wedges In a separate container, then allow the tenders to 1/2 tablespoon garlic mix your crushed torticook for about another 10 powder lla chips and seasonings minutes. The crust should 1/2 tablespoon cumin together. be turning a nice golden 1/4 tablespoon onion Take one tenderloin and brown, and any visible powder dip it in the egg, ensuring chicken should have gone 1/4 tablespoon paprika that all sides have been from pink to white. 1/4 tablespoon black covered. Then take the Optional step: for a more pepper egg-dipped tenderloin and even cooking job, flip 1/4 tablespoon turmeric roll it in the crushed tortilla each tender over half way Cilantro, to taste blend. Be sure to cover it through cooking. I personOptional: 1/4 tablespoon as much as possible. ally avoid this to prevent kosher salt Once you have rolled the the crust from potentially tenderloin, place it on one being knocked off, but this Tip: for a low sodium of the foiled trays. Repeat is up to the chef’s preferoption, choose unsalted the process with each ence. tortilla chips. tenderloin. When the tenders are When all of the chicken done cooking, top with Directions: has been battered and addlime juice and fresh ed to the tray, add anything cilantro to taste. Serve Preheat the oven to 375 left over from the tortilla these savory strips with F; this will use two trays, chip blend to the chicken your favorite sides, such as so I recommend using both tenders on the tray. I try to cilantro lime rice. ovens if you have access to spread any extra crushed Tip: My family absolutely a double wall oven. tortilla chips evenly across loves these strips, especialCover two baking sheets, all of the tenders. ly when paired with their glass or metal is acceptGently squeeze a small favorite salsa. I personally able, with aluminum foil. amount of lime juice over recommend pairing them This is to prevent the each tenderloin, following with pico de gallo. cooked chicken tenders it up with cilantro to taste. from sticking. Place the chicken tenderIngredients:

The Runner

Eggplant Parmesan By: Chris Burdick Sports Co-Editor Are you looking to spice up dinner during this pandemic? Ditch the traditional spaghetti and meatballs and try out this twist on the eggplant parmesan. The Italian staple is a delicious way to change up your menu and learn some new culinary skills. Yield: 3-4 servings Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 35-40 minutes Total time: 45 minutes Ingredients: 2-3 bell peppers 1 eggplant 48 ounces of tomato pasta sauce ½ -¾ pounds of ground beef 8 ounces of parmesan cheese 1 ½ teaspoons garlic, ground 1 ½ teaspoons oregano 1 teaspoon basil 1 teaspoon of white pepper 1 teaspoon cumin ¾-1 cup of oil; I highly recommend olive oil Directions: First you will want to season your ground beef with your mix of spices. Put the beef in a bowl and season it well with garlic, oregano, pepper, and cumin. Mix the ingredients inside the bowl with your hands until seasoning is even. Be

sure to clean your hands properly after to prevent spreading bacteria from handling the raw meat. Next you will need to slice up your eggplant and peppers. Using a sharp knife, cut your eggplant into quarter inch slices. Make sure they are similar sizes because you will need to stack them later. Then you will need to take your bell peppers and de-seed them. An easy way to do this is to take a sharp knife and cut off the top of the pepper to expose the core inside. Cut down the side of the bell pepper and pull it open. Then remove the remaining seeds and slice the pepper into slices similar to French fries. Cooking Directions: Place a saucepan over medium heat. Add olive oil, or oil of choice, into the pan. You will want just enough to glaze the bottom. Place your beef in the pan and cook it until it has browned; this typically takes about 10 to 15 minutes. When that’s finished, take a pot and place it over equal medium heat and add 24 ounces of tomato sauce into the pot. Stir until it has warmed, taking one minute or so. Add your beef and basil to the pot. Mix well to finish your meat sauce and pour into a separate bowl. Next, place a new saucepan over medium-high heat

with cooking oil glazing the bottom. Adding your bell peppers, cook them in the pan for 5 minutes. Be sure to stir regularly until the peppers are softened slightly. When they are finished, remove them from heat and place the vegetables on a clean tray. Using the pan the ground beef was cooked in, add a small amount of cooking oil. Place your eggplant slices in, and turn on the stove to medium heat. Eggplant has a spongy quality, so it will soak up some of the leftover juices from the meat as it cooks. Continue cooking for about two minutes on each side, allowing the eggplant to brown. Preheat the oven to 350 F. In a glass baking dish, lightly layer the unused 24 ounces of tomato sauce to the bottom of the dish. Place each eggplant slice side by side, lining the bottom of the pan. Then place a layer of bell peppers on top. Carefully, pour your meat sauce over the vegetables, and apply a second layer of peppers. Top the dish with a heavy layer of parmesan cheese. Repeat these steps for an additional layer. The completed dish should have two layers of eggplant and four of the peppers. Place the dish in the oven and let cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from the oven, let the dish cool a little, and you’re all finished and ready to dig in!

Chris Burdick/The Runner This cheesy dish is a great way to take a break from traditional spaghetti.


The Runner

May 06, 2020


Letter from the Editor: A final word from the editor-in-chief Dear Runner Staff, I wanted to take a minute to address the Runner staff while I still have time. This semester is slipping away quickly and before we know it, we will be wrapped up in finals, barely keeping our heads above water. I have missed you all terribly during the shelter-in-place. This has been one of the most challenging semesters of college I have experienced in the last five years. This was supposed to be my “easy” semester before I graduate, but the pandemic has ensured that that is not the case. I could not have made it through without having an amazing staff. Even through all the challenges we have faced this semester, as a team, we have accomplished more than any other staff that I am aware of. I could not imagine trying to do what we have done with anyone else. Each and every one of you should be proud of your accomplishments. I know I am proud to lead this team. For those of you who will be graduating and moving on from CSUB, I wish you all the best. take what you have learned with The Runner and strive to achieve excellence. Don’t for a second think that what we were doing was for “just a school paper.” The Runner is as real as any news organization in the valley, and we gave them all a run for their money. Often, we were first and more accurate in our reporting. Often, they looked to us as a source. If anyone graduating this semester needs a letter of recommendation, let me know. I will happily draw up one for you. If you are continuing on at CSUB, I urge you

Contributed by Vada Underwood

Sam Underwood, editor-in-chief of The Runner.

to take The Runner again and find your voice as a leader. Jennifer will push you as a leader, possibly more than you have ever been pushed. Sometimes she is difficult to work with, especially when she decides at the last minute to suggest completely rearranging a page or emails you twenty story ideas at midnight, but you will not find a more dedicated advisor on campus. You may think she is dedicated to The Runner, but in reality, she is dedicated to all of us. She has improved my writing and editing skills tenfold. I like to tell people on staff, “you haven’t been edited till you have been edited by Jen.” There has been nothing more gratifying than being able to lead a team of unique individuals such as yourselves. Most importantly, I got to watch you grow, and grow with you, as writers, reporters, photographers, artists, business men and women, designers and producers. Take what you have learned and help the next team be as great as

you are now; help them be better. Help them be the next voice of the students. The Runner is more than a class; it is life experience. I believe that it is closer to the real world experience that you need than you will find anywhere else on campus. Above all else, it is home and The Runner is a family. Often times, I have thought to myself that I have been very fortunate. The transition to digital and the entire semester went so smooth. I can’t take the credit. I had an amazing team to make that happen. You are the ones that made the difference. Everyone knows how to reach me, and I hope we can all stay in touch after this is over. Thank you for a great semester. Sam Underwood Editor-in-chief The Runner



May 06, 2020

Illustrating the pa All art and commentary was provided by the Comm 3170 course, instructed by Jennifer Cordova.

“My life evolves around basketball and they closed all gyms and parks. I put the image in black and white to portray how miserable I am without being able to play.” Micacle Saxon

Curtis McDonald Wendy Luong

“With the month of Ramadan starting this week, I wanted to express the sense of unity and community through this illustration.” Marsalh Musaad

nions l


The Runner

andemic experience

Kevin Reyes Navarro David Hernandez

“I decided to draw a doctor alone in a room with infected patients and how, like a superhero, he is able to save them all.”

“In times like this, it is important for not only Americans to take precautions to protect themselves and others, but in fact the entire world.”

Hector Jimnez

“It’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything, especially work and academics. Take a break every once and a while, and take care of your mental health!

Brigid Macy


Sports May 06, 2020

The Runner

The Runner Spotlight: Frausto Twins

By Elisa Fuentes Sports Co-Editor

For this edition of the Runner Spotlight, we look at CSU Bakersfield seniors Alejandra “AJ” Frausto and Bianca Frausto, identical twin sisters on the track and cross-country teams who are eager to continue running next year when they return for graduate school. Growing up in Bakersfield, CA, AJ and Bianca attended North High School where they began pursuing their long-distance running careers. While taking physical education in summer school before her sophomore year, Bianca was approached by a security guard as she was running a timed mile because of how well she was running. After the security guard encouraged her to try out for cross country, the desire to run was ingrained. “I ended up going to the classroom of the teacher who coached cross country and I told him I wanted to join. And then that following fall, I started my first season of cross country,” Bianca said. AJ started running the following semester when the track season came around, after Bianca encouraged her to try out with her. Since then, they have been running, and while they compete with each other, they see the competition as an opportunity to perform better.

Photo contributed by Alejandra and Bianca Frausto CSUB senior long-distance runners Alejandra (right) and Bianca (left) Frausto

“It’s kind of like the best thing I can do for her for something that she loves is give it 100 percent when I’m competing against her, because at the end of the day it’s gonna push her and it’s gonna push me and we can grow together,” Bianca said. Through training together, both AJ and Bianca have become each other’s number one fans, and their relationship on and off the track has become stronger. AJ said that while the two are training together, they are able to balance each other out, and have

reached the point where they are able to give meaningful critiques and coach one another. Her sister feels similarly. “Running isn’t linear. You have an amazing workout some days and some you don’t. When I have a bad workout, she’s like, ‘You know what? That’s one bad day out of so many good days…’ We definitely figured out how to maneuver the sport together,” Bianca said. Although the two were growing closer, there were some moments that tested the sisters’ growing

bond. “I think it’s taken a long time to get to a place like where we can say things to each other… You don’t wanna hear it sometimes. You don’t wanna be held accountable sometimes, and I think that’s definitely something like we’ve kinda learned how to master better with each other,” Bianca said. Now, when the sisters do become mad with each other, it is because they are training partners. AJ said that this recently happened a couple of weeks prior when they were running 14 miles and argued for the first half, but it was resolved with a simple apology, and they talked the remaining miles. AJ and Bianca have shared many memories through their running careers, but each has a different memory that they hold dear to them. For AJ, she shared the memory with Bianca at her very first track meet in her sophomore year at North High. “I remember we were at the line and my hands were getting really sweaty because it was my first race, and we were just holding hands together…I was just so nervous I wasn’t going to be able to perform to the standards I was supposed to,” AJ said. Bianca’s favorite memory is one that she did not participate in, but was on the sidelines of AJ’s meet where she ran her career fastest in the 5000 meters

at the University of California, Los Angeles for the Bob Larsen Distance Carnival their sophomore year at CSUB. “It was something that she had put her mind to for a long time, and at the end of the day, I was like if she can do it, oh man I can do it,” Bianca said. Running is not the only thing AJ and Bianca do together; they both major in psychology, and after they graduate this semester, they will be back next year for graduate school to earn their therapy certifications. The sisters do have different career paths, as AJ plans on going into marriage and family therapy and Bianca plans on going into sports therapy. How they chose to do psychology is similar to how they discovered cross-country and track. “Again, she influenced me. But she would come home and tell me about it…I was really interested and then as we got into the field, I think we both, I would say we have similar tastes, so we both just fell in love with it,” AJ said. With the year ending and not having much of an outdoor track season because of the spring cancellation due to the coronavirus pandemic, AJ and Bianca have still been able to continue training due to track and cross-country being no-contact sports. The two plan to continue to train in anticipation of next year.

CSUB Athletes get ready for the ROWDY Awards By: Brian Melgar Sports writer

Even with the strange times going on amid this COVID-19 pandemic, time was made to honor the achievements of the student athletes of CSU Bakersfield. Thus, the ROWDYs are still taking place this year, albeit through the new medium of Zoom. It’s important to take time to appreciate everything the CSUB student body achieves, and athletics is no exception. This award ceremony, normally held at the Fox Theater with a gold carpet rolled out, is still in important event for CSUB staff, faculty, and students. This year, the ROWDYs have an impressive list of nominees, including Sidney Wicks, Macie Mills and De’Monte Buckingham. Award ceremonies are their own form of competition outside of the field, court, pool and whathave-you. Even so, these athletes do not let their desire to win outshine their camaraderie. CSUB junior center Vanessa Austin on the women’s basketball team and Blue-Gold Award nominee said, “The ROWDY awards ceremony is something that I always look forward to, it is a time where we

all get to dress up and celebrate each other.” Damian Henderson, junior and outfielder for the baseball team, who is also nominated for BlueGold Award concurred, saying, “I think the awards are a great way to show the community that there are hard workers at CSUB who strive to be the best they can be.” The excitement for the nominees has not been dampened by the fact that it now has to be held virtually via Zoom rather than being a physically attended awards ceremony. Kris Rogic, junior swimmer for CSUB and nominee for the Blue-Gold Award, had this to say: “Even though we are not able to attend the awards in person, it is still an honor to be part of a program that recognizes its student-athletes the way that CSUB does!” It’s clear that these nominations mean a tremendous amount to the Roadrunners, whatever team they may be on. The acknowledgement that comes with a nomination must be something incredible for these students to experience, as Austin said, “I am very honored that I was nominated for the Blue-Gold award, it’s crazy that I would be up for this

Photo contributed by: CSUB Athletics

with four other amazing women that bleed blue and gold!” Rogic shared similar sentiments, saying, “I know that I have worked really hard to get to this point and I am more motivated than ever.” The importance of holding this event during such a turbulent time cannot be understated. Many students feel displaced from their school and are stuck at home simply doing their assignments with no real fanfare or physical presence to keep their minds focused on the daunting task of finishing their coursework online when many are strictly physical-presence learners.

Holding this event for the student body gives them something to cheer for and lets them feel pride in their school and its athletes. This applies to the faculty and coaching staff as well, as these athletes feel gratitude towards them that they’d like to show. As Henderson said of the coaches at CSUB, “Without them, there is no opportunity to grow.” On the eve of an event like this, there is bound to be much gratitude flowing from the nominees and those involved, a lot of which was expressed by some of the nominees in the lead up to this event. Austin said, “I am

thankful to my mom for literally being my rock since day one. She has helped me strive to be the greatest version of myself each and every day.” Showing his own gratitude, Henderson said, “I’d like to thank all of my teammates as they are a huge factor into my own successes, let alone our program’s.” With such overflowing enthusiasm and humility, this year’s ROWDYs are sure to be a thrilling viewing experience. Tune in on the night of May 7 to watch the ROWDY Awards Ceremony via Zoom.

CSUB Class of 2020 The Runner

May 6, 2020

Class of 2020 The Runner is saying farewell to our graduating class of 2020. The following pages feature a small fraction of the amazing students to graduate this semester. We look to the future in this uncertain present. We are that future. Each graduate was asked three questions: 1. What is your proudest accomplishment? 2. What is your favorite CSUB memory? 3. What are your plans for the future?

Rhonda K. Reeves

Master’s in Social Work

Amanda Sullivan

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

I am most proud that I was able to obtain this degree in only 3 years through a lot of hard work and determination. My favorite memory was when I was officially told I would be graduating early! Dr. Duran met with me personally to help me navigate my way through registration and I am so thankful for her guidance. After graduation, I plan to attend the CSUB credential program and teach elementary school in my hometown of Lancaster, CA. I would then like to pursue a Master’s degree in School Counseling.

Crystal Cantley Jennifer Bachelors Degree in BusiOrosco ness Administration with a concentration in Agriculture Business.


Daisy Contreras

B.A in Psychology

The accomplishment I am most proud of at CSUB is passing all my courses with A's and B's. My favorite CSUB memory I am taking with me is being able to attend all the basketball games and cheer on the Runner's with the dance team! My plans after graduation are to continue working with my amazing kiddos at my current job as a Behavior Interventionist. I also plan to apply to graduate schools and pursue a career as a School Psychologist. Congrats Class of 2020!

Cindy Corado

Human Biological Sciences and a Spanish minor

Bachelor’s in Sociology and concentration in Human Services. The accomplishment I’m most proud of at CSUB is maintaining my GPA above a 3.5 while still being able to volunteer around campus. My favorite memory I’m taking with me are the amazing classes I had throughout my years here and meeting great people. After graduation I plan to continue my education and earn my masters in social work.

Finishing School while being a Mom of teenagers now, Business owner-Massage Therapist, Internship, Volunteer positions, and Wife. My Cohort they Rock!

Accomplishment most proud of: finishing my degree within 4 years. Favorite memory: making friends in all my classes.

Get a Social Work Job!! Thanking my whole family for the support they gave me Plans after graduation: get my Master’s thru this whole 5yrs of BA and MSW! Degree.

My proudest accomplishment I feel that I have done at CSUB is graduating. I am a first-generation college student in my family, and I am extremely proud to say that I have made it till the very end. For the journey had its ups and downs, but I remain persistent all the way. I grew my skills and mindset from the courses I attended on campus. Along with creating wonderful memories that I will cherish and hold. My favorite CSUB memory is being surrounded by my college friends as we all tried to study at the library

CSUB Class of 2020 12

May 6, 2020

Cydney Curran Michelle Leigh Janett Liberal Studies Psychology Melendez Minor in CAFS

Bachelor’s Child and Family Adolescent Studies

I am most proud of earning the 2nd team ALL WAC Infielder Award at the WAC Conference Banquet in Spring 2019. My favorite memory at CSUB is the overnight camp that my team & i had, we had so much fun competing in several games that our coaches planned for us.

Learning more about myself and how to better serve people of the community. Meeting new friends.

Never giving up!

A master’s program for social work at CSUB.

Meeting new people who have become life long friendships that I love! Begin the process to become a teacher.

Ashley Neilson Bachelor’s in Engineering Science

My proudest accomplishment at CSUB is graduating Summa Cum Laude. My favorite CSUB memory is the guidance my engineering Professors have given me during my time here, they were my mentors and were always there to help. I have been accepted for a Master’s program in Materials Engineering at Arizona State University.

I am returning to CSUB to take advantage of the my 5th year to play a full softball season, which would be my senior season. I plan on entering the Multiple Subjects Credential Program.

Samantha Brandi Borjon Marie Encinas B.A. in Human Biology Master’s of Social Work

The accomplishment I am most proud of is my resilience to pursue my educational endeavor and exceed my own expectations academically after losing my Grandfather days prior to applying to the program. I accepted grief and used this as inspiration to pursue what God set in my heart. Being a first-generation college student, I could not have accomplished this degree without my parents, husband, family, mentors, Shafter High School, Fresno Pacific University, Garden Pathways and now CSUB. I am truly humbled to set that precedent of education in my family.

The Runner

Elizabeth Menchaca

Liberal Studies degree and a minor in Child Adolescent Family Studies

My proudest accomplishment is finishing my degree while playing golf for CSUB in 4 years. My favorite CSUB memory I’m taking with me is all the late night study sessions with my biology friends. My plans after graduation is returning to CSUB to play golf 1 more year and get my teaching credential. (I get 1 more yr of eligibility due to COVID-19) Then I will go into nursing!

Terilyn Thompson Liberal Studies

Earning a Bachelor’s Degree!!! The accomplishment that I am most proud of at CSUB is being recognized as the outstanding graduate of the year in Liberal Studies for the 2019-2020 school year. As a first generation college student this award means so much to me. I have no words to describe how thankful I am to have been chosen. It’s definitely reminded me that all of my hard work has been paying off!

All the group chats full of so many great people. I plan to start working as a teacher and start the credential program.

CSUB Class of 2020 The Runner

Katelyn Hallmark

May 6, 2020

Joshua Annis

Falana Kelly

Eileen Diaz

B.S. Computer Science

Business Administration Concentration: Economics

Bachelor’s degree in History, with an emphasis in Public History and a minor in Religious Studies and a Social Science Certification

Liberal Studies

Being a part of the CSUB cheer team. Traveling to 3 different states with the Men’s Basketball team for the NIT Tournament. Get my multiple subject teaching credential and then get my master’s degree

Rebecca Zepeda

My most proud moment wrestling at CSUB was wrestling at 4 different weight classes and putting up the biggest fight of my career each match, while giving up tremendous weight. My favorite memories will always be getting up super early and getting in a brawl with my fellow brothers/teammates at 6 A.M.

I’m most proud of the network I have created through my time at CSUB. My undergrad has given me amazing friends and the skills I need for my career. After graduation I’m attending Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology for their Master of Fashion Entrepreneurship Program locates in Melbourne, Australia.

My plans after graduation are to become a software engineer, continue wrestling and to pursue a MMA career.

Natalie R. Velasco

Kayla Meyer Psychology

Bachelors in Business AdCriminal Justice, B.A. ministration (Concentration in Supply Chain & Logistics)

Accomplishment I’m most proud of: I’m proud that I stayed at it and finished, even though it took me a bit longer than expected.


I’m most proud of participating in the Spring 2020 Student Research Competition. Dr. McCullough was an excellent mentor and I was able to learn so much about research methods and policy analysis under her guidance. I’m proud of the outcome and feel prepared for future research projects.

Favorite CSUB memory: Working in the Extended University office and the friendships I gained there.

My favorite memories are the ones that I made with friends I met at CSUB.

Plans after graduation: I hope to find a fulfilling job in my area of interest.

I will be attending graduate school to earn a Master degree in Public Administration.

Cal State Bakersfield has been nothing but a wonderful memory for me. During my time at the university, I earned admission into Phi Alpha Theta (the Historical Honors Society), completed my Social Science Certification, and made lasting friendships with some very wonderful women from the Women in History club

Jessica Andrea Redondo Liberal Studies

I’m most proud of the relationships I’ve built with my professors and friends. Favorite Memory: Spending time in the Psych Lab with the best group of friends!

Being the first in my family to graduate, while managing work, and being a fulltime student. All of the friendships I have made through the course of my classes, and the work opportunities CSUB gave me. Plans after graduation: Apply to the credential program, while working as a substitute teacher.

CSUB Class of 2020 14

May 6, 2020

Ivette Nolasco Carlos Herrera Brooke Delavega Perez Jr. Communications with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Business Administration

Being awarded as an outstanding graduate by the communications department. Working as a News Reporter for The Runner and being “the voice” for thousands of students regarding all important events that affect our campus community. Continuing with my education by enrolling in CSUB’s Masters’ in Business Administration Program.

Sarah Cable

Bachelor’s in Accounting

Business with a concentration in Agriculture

I’m proud of myself for finishing up my degree while wrestling at a Division-1 level. My favorite memory was when I won the last match against Fresno State. This match determined whether CSUB won the dual, which made for such a rewarding accomplishment not only for myself, but for my team.

Iyana Dasia Haggins

Liberal Studies- BA

Accomplishment you are most proud of at CSUB: Just getting into CSUB is my biggest accomplishment! I am a first generation college student and after 7 years of junior college and feeling lost, I was ready to give up. Until, I decided to become a teacher and I hit the ground running. I transferred into CSUB with a 2.3 GPA and will be graduating with a 3.4 CSUB GPA Favorite CSUB memory you’re taking with you: I made the most amazing friends, who I will keep with me forever!

The Runner

Cassandra Marie Garcia Bachelor’s degree in Psychology

I am most proud to be the first in my family to attend and graduate from university. My favorite CSUB memory I am taking with me is when I was inducted into Psi Chi and received my regalia. It is nice to get to know people who have the similar interests and goals as you. After graduation, I plan to gain work experience and later apply to the masters program for educational counseling.

Navdeep Kaur Shanna Davidson B.S. in Biochemistry with a

minor in Public Policy and Communications (Digital Administration. Media) with a minor in Studio Art

Bachelor of Science, Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources

Accomplishments: Graduation. Accounting is not easy...but taxes and auditing are super fun! Favorite memory: My favorite memories at CSUB are meeting the people I call friends and having had the chance to build lasting relationships with many of my professors. Plans after graduation: I want to be either a forensic accountant or an auditor!

Accomplishment I’m most proud of: filming my first documentary and submitting it to my first festival! (CSU Media Arts Festival, 2019) Favorite memory at CSUB: Getting the chance to meet and work with my forever fam for 3 years while we’re all Resident Assistants and Business Service Interns at CSUB Housing! Plans after graduation: Hopefully working with FX or Netflix and starting up my organization to teach youth in small communities how to write, edit and film their own shows/short films!

The accomplishment that I am most proud of is completing a biochemistry degree within 4 years. My favorite CSUB memory is having the chance to study abroad in The Netherlands through the honors program. After graduation, I will be attending University of the Pacific, School of Pharmacy.

The accomplishment I am most proud of from my time at CSUB is learning how to effectively and successfully manage group/team projects. Due to COVID-19, my plans for after graduation are a bit up in the air, but regardless of what life throws my way I know I have the tenacity to persevere.

CSUB Class of 2020 The Runner

Vanessa Lara Liberal Studies

Jocelyn Betancourt

May 6, 2020

Diana Ruiz Liberal Studies


The accomplishment I’m most proud of at CSUB is graduating in four years and making my family proud! I couldn’t have done it without their love and support. My favorite CSUB memory that I will be taking with me is meeting so many new people who have become lifelong friends and, of course, Runner Nights! After I graduate, I plan on returning to CSUB to get my Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. After that, I hope to have a classroom of my own to inspire a new generation of students to never give up on their goals.

Andrea Perez Child, Adolescent and Family Studies

The biggest accomplish that I have reached at CSUB is becoming a first-generation college graduate. I am proud of this accomplishment because I believe that it reflects my entire support system. I would not have been able to reach this goal without the support of my mother, grandparents, siblings, friends, family, and the amazing CSUB faculty. My favorite memory from CSUB is when the SLAC team celebrated Christmas and went to Snow Day LA, which followed a dinner at Olive Garden. The whole team got to dress up in penguin and owl onesies while we went tubing in a winter wonderland. Becoming a part of the SLAC team and being able to represent the CSUB Antelope Valley Campus is an opportunity that I will forever cherish. After graduation, I plan on entering the Credential Program at CSUB to receive my Multiple Subject Credential and become an elementary school teacher.

The accomplishments I am most proud of is being apart the CSUB Softball being a student athlete has been such a wonderful experience. Another one is graduating from CSUB I will be the first one in my family with a college degree. Most of my favorite memories here at CSUB are with my team. When I went 3/4 against UCR my freshman year and I hit in the winning run in the 8th or 9th inning and we went 2-0 that day. One of my other favorite memories is when our coaches and Shelly carlin took us to Los Angeles for a cook off it was very different from what we usually do but it helped a lot with team chemistry.

The accomplishment that I am most proud of at CSUB is being able to say that I reached my goal of earning a Bachelor’s degree. Regardless of the challenges that were faced throughout my college journey, it was definitely worth it! My favorite CSUB memory that I will take with me is people that I have met throughout the years of being at CSUB. Overall, it was a great experience.


My accomplishment I’m most proud of at CSUB is taking steps to finish my degree with patience and determination; everything is possible. I’m also proud of being on the dean’s list a few times and being a member of the Student Life Advancement Committee. Also, being part of Business Club-Av as a treasurer. My favorite memory I’m taking with me is my participation in Homecoming 2020, and the friendships I made during my time at CSUB. I also had the opportunity to participate in the Leadership Summit 2020 with my officers from the Business Club AV. Furthermore, with my club members, we were able to help the youth of the community in a toiletry drive. My plans after graduation were to go to Sweden for the fall, but COVID-19 changed those plans. However, after graduation, I’m planning to look for work and prepare myself to apply for the master’s program for Spring 2021.

Dylan Baker Human Biology

I had a tremendous amount of favorable memories; however, my favorite is the life long friendships that I have made while attending CSUB. After obtaining a bachelor’s in Human Biology, I plan to apply to PA school or nursing school.

My plans after graduation is to go into the credential program so I can pursue my career as a teacher.

Tanya Fondren Dalis Jones

Business Administration


The Accomplishment I’m most proud of is being on the deans list my senior year and making it to the championship my sophomore year. My favorite memory was building stronger relationships with my friends and making fun memories with them. Plans after I graduate: Becoming a graduate assistant and getting my masters in education or sports psychology

Joana Castillo Child, Adolescent and Family Studies

CSUB has given me the opportunity to achieve something that I felt was out of reach for many years. “With struggle comes progress”, if one thing I learned here is that, challenges may be faced but there is always growth and a way to accomplish them. As a first generation graduate, I am proud to say the journey to accomplish my undergraduate degree has been quite the adventure. With great effort I was able to complete my undergraduate degree at CSUB in a shorter period of time than anticipated. All of this while juggling a very demanding job, and becoming a mother for a second time in the middle of my senior year! My plans after graduation are to enjoy my family. I would like to pursue a career that is community focused. In the future, I would like to pursue a graduate degree when the time is right.

CSUB Class of 2020 16

Rosalba Gonzalez Social Work

The accomplishment I am most proud of is graduating my masters program with academic honors and being selected as a member of the Phi Alpha Honor Society for Social Work. My favorite CSUB memory is when some of my cohort members and I raced through an obstacle course for one of our class exercise.

Deysi Cruz

May 6, 2020

Ashley S. Lopez Christian Torres

Child, Adolescent and Family Psychology Studies

An accomplishment I am most proud of at CSUB is being able to graduate after five years with two daughters even when times were difficulty.

The accomplishment that I am most proud of is pushing forward to finishing my degree and not giving up, no matter how much stress I was under.

My favorite CSUB memory I am taking with me was having the privilege of having amazing professors.

My favorite CSUB memory is hanging out and seeing my friends everyday in the Psych Lab

My plans after graduation will be getting into the masters program.

My plans after CSUB is to take a gap year and prepare to apply for grad schools

Liberal Studies

As for plans after graduation I am planning on continuing with school to get a credential and a masters degree in education. At the moment I am currently working on becoming a science teacher at a middle school. I am already applying to a teaching position which is really exciting. I also want to expand further than a teacher, I am also interested in coding.

The accomplishment I am most proud of at CSUB is that I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to open up for the R&B music artist “Miguel” for CSUB’s Spring 2018 Runner Nights. My favorite CSUB memory I’m taking with me is recognizing it is a privilege to attend CSUB and converting adversity into opportunities.

Norma G. Catalina Lemus Katiee McDaniel Hernandez History



Accomplishment you are most proud of at CSUB: Making lifelong friends with my classmates and professors. It might sound a little lame, but I would not be where I am without them. Organizing trips for The Runner staff to go NYC and D.C. Being part of the creations of Converge Magazine and The Ethicist’s Corner.

My proudest accomplishment is finding a major I like and sticking to it. It was tough but talking to the staff on campus and having an advisor to talk to was a great experience I have had. I am also proud to have made it through even through tough times. I am glad to be a graduate. I always tried to enjoy all the classes I have attended by making friends and having fun. As well as the walks around campus. It was tough sitting down in the classroom working diligently throughout the years at CSUB, but I will truly feel accomplished as a 2020 graduate.

Business Administration

My plans after graduation are to operate a business of my own and perhaps expand to own multiple different types of businesses.

After graduation, I will be continuing my education at Sacramento State University to obtain my Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Social Work.

Salvador Salazar Vega Jr.

The Runner

I always had this anxiety/fear of writing becauseI thought I was not good enough. Yet, I persisted! In the spring of 2019, Dr. Stango took our Hist 4770: Slavery in North America to the California African American Museum. We examined CAAM’s exhibition on California Bound: Slavery on the New Frontier, 1848-1865, which explores California’s underrecognized involvement with slavery in the 19th century, curated by CSUB alumni Tyree Boyd-Pate. After graduation I plan on pursuing a masters in Education’s curriculum and Instruction.

The accomplishment I am most proud of is graduating in 3 years. Favorite CSUB memory: Working with my favorite professors to create a portfolio of my writing. I plan to teach 5th grade after graduation.

The Runner became my home and I’m so lucky to have found it. I also enjoyed being a conversation partner for international students in the summer of 2016. I’ve made so many friends who I still talk with today. We had the entire campus to ourselves and I remember we threw a pool party on-campus. I also loved and miss so dearly the Jazz Festival at CSUB. It was my favorite event of the school year. This year, I plan on working as a producer at KGET. I also plan to put more time for myself because I’ve always been busy with work, classes, and internships. I hope to produce a documentary that raises an issue in Kern County.

CSUB Class of 2020 The Runner

Diana Padilla Sociology

May 6, 2020

Genesee Marie Medrano Traditional Biology

The accomplishment I am most proud of is being the first in my family to graduate from college and providing a good example for my siblings. My favorite CSUB memory is being able to build relationships, not only with my peers but with the professors and advisors. From this, I will take with me great friends and wonderful advice. My journey at CSUB had many ups and downs, but overall, I can walk away from CSUB with a smile on my face. After graduation, I plan to continue working with children in their education. I later plan to go back to school for my Masters and hopefully receive a Ph.D. in Sociology. I hope to help children succeed in life whether it is through their education or another form of success.

Janette Chhuon-Chan General Business

Proud of all your accomplishments! - Love Mom & Dad

Reaksmay Boi Phoeun Communications

I am most proud of being a father to my boy and baby girl, while I completed my education at CSUB. My favorite memories are gaining two beautiful twins along with meeting friends. My plans are to continue my career in digital media, and graphic design at various openings.

Samantha DeLaCruz

Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies


Delila Solis

Sociology:Women, Gender, and Sexuality & Child Adolescent and Family Studies

I am most proud that I was able to bring forward policy and training’s to help e ducators be more inclusive and supportive of Transgender and gender non-conforming students. My favorite memory is putting on the grand opening of Jai’s Library. Getting to be in community with my queer family, professors, and administrators to celebrate Jai Bornstein and her legacy was an unforgettable experience. I will be attending George Mason University in the fall for a MA and PhD in Applied Sociology.

Jason Rojas Business Administration

Janet Rangel Psychology Minor: Political Science

I’m proud of maintaining a cum laude honors. Since I’m a business major, I’ve had a lot of very cool projects at school. For example for my MGMT 3450 class (Small business mgmt) I made a website for my parent’s business. In FIN 3220 (personal finance) I recorded my budget and expenses for 2 months in detail. For MGMT 3400 (entrepreneurship), I came up with a business idea and made my own business model. I was supposed to go on the London trip for BPA but an assignment we have to do is come up with an itinerary for a study abroad program and come up with expenses, schedules, etc. A lot of the business classes were hands on which I loved. I plan on helping my parents with their business, College Coffee & Donuts. They are planning on opening a second location so I’m looking forward to helping them. I also plan on getting my masters in Business Administration as well. Hopefully in the future I can own my own business.

My proudest accomplishment has been successfully organizing events and resources for queer and transgender people in the Central Valley while c ompleting a double major. My favorite CSUB memory that I am taking with me is the opening of “Jai’s Library” at CSUB which is a queer/trans safe space and supply of gender and sexuality affirming books. After graduation I will be attending an MA program in Women and Gender Studies.

The accomplishment I am most proud of at CSUB, is being the first college graduate in my family. This has not been an easy accomplishment as I have juggled multiple responsibilities in addition to attending school. I am proud to lead by example and hope to pave a path for a brighter future for my children. My favorite CSUB memory is having the opportunity of learning from professionals from a variety of industries. I enjoyed that CSUB would host events with various guest speakers that would give a glimpse of their profession and motivate students to pursue their career goals. My plan after graduation would be to take a well deserved vacation. Then, I would like to secure a career as a financial analyst for a reputable company that will give me the opportunity to apply what I have learned at CSUB.

Surviving the remainder of our semester during the quarantine madness. The stayat-home order has had its ups and downs, but glad to have powered through. My favorite memories will be of the SRC, I’ve missed being able to go after class and sweating off the stress of exams, and studying. Given our circumstances, I’m not sure of any route to take, so plan on taking a year off, then apply to grad school.

CSUB Class of 2020 18

Destinee Sims Sam English Literature & Language

I’m most proud of my first story for The Runner. It was the launchpad for a hundred experiences and moments of pride. I will always love looking back on finals time for Video Games as Literature. After we gave our game pitch, we all hung out, played Smash Bros for a cash prize, ate pizza, and just enjoyed the last few hours of each others company. I will be attending CSUB again in the fall, as I will be beginning my MA in English.

Savannah Mosqueda

Business Administration Concentration: Management

May 6, 2020


English Literature and Language Minor: Communications

I am most proud of my work with The Runner. It has been an amazing experience working with such a diverse and talented group of individuals. I feel as though what we have accomplished as a team will make an impact on the students, the campus and the community. My favorite memory is spending late nights in MacQuarrie’s Renaissance literature class. We had so much fun. It was more like a group of like-minded individuals discussing literature than a class.

Jonathan Herrera Liberal Studies

I am most proud of accomplishing this degree because though it took me longer than I expected, I prevailed!

Mari Woodmansee

The Runner

Lauren Hill Communications


Biggest accomplishment was when I went to Washington DC with the runner I enter in a photo competition not only did I win class favorite I won 1st place out of about 50 students who entered. My favorite memory was going to Washington DC with the Runner. What I plan to do after graduation is hopefully be able to work for a sports organization handling their PR and taking sports photos for them.

I am most proud of completing my Bachelors Degree in four years. My favorite memory at CSUB is working for The Runner. I was the Features Editor for the 2019-2020 school year and I learned so many skills that I am looking forward to carrying into my career. After graduating, I hope to travel and see the world as much as I can before settling into a career. I hope to have a future in graphic design.

Thomas Perez Katheryne Monge Kinesiology Concentration: Physical Activity Leadership

M.S. Educational Counseling

My favorite memory is working on campus abs meeting great people! I just got a job! So that’s what I will be doing after graduation!

PPS Credential I come from a large family and I will be the first one to graduate from my 10 siblings. I couldn’t have done it without the support from my loved ones and I appreciate it with all my heart. I feel so blessed being able to take on college and graduat-ing with Honors! Thank you to everyone that believed in me and never gave up on me through this difficult ride. There were so many unforgettable moments that I was extremely lucky to experience. I got to meet some amazing students and professors! I would have to say my favorite memory was just getting to learn and getting one-on-one help when achieving my goals.

Graduating would be the accompaniment I’m most proud of My favorite CSUB memory I’ll be taking with my are the friendships I’ve built from working at the SRC and relationships I’ve made with peers in the classroom After graduation, I plan to continue and further my education as a graduate to pursue campus recreation as a profession.

I am most proud of the fact that I was able to maintain my full time job as a High School Teacher, complete my Graduate School Program with a 4.0, and complete the required 600 hour Internship for my Master’s Degree all while still balancing my every day life and responsibilities. My favorite memory at CSUB isn’t one specific memory, but all the new friendships I have made. My plan after graduating is still up in the air. I am not sure if I will start looking for a Counseling position at a local high school, or go back and see all my students since our in-person school year was cut short.

CSUB Class of 2020 19

Henna Singh

Biochemistry // Minor: Public Policy and Administration

There are many accomplishments that I am proud of at CSUB, but they all have one theme in common: involvement. At my time here at CSUB, I have learned to challenge myself, set higher expectations, and take risks. From becoming the executive assistant to CSUB’s Helen Hawk Honors Program as a freshman to being inducted into the Student Leadership Hall of Fame to being awarded Outstanding Undergraduate in Biochemistry, my journey at CSUB is characterized by involvement. I have always strived to create a name for myself at CSUB and I can gladly say that I have done just that. I feel very content in my experience at CSUB because I know I took every opportunity that came my way, including participating in clubs, working as an instructional student assistant, hosting events, performing at events, attending national conferences, and studying abroad. These are the moments that come to mind when I reminisce about my time at CSUB and it truly makes my heart happy! Although every CSUB memory is one that I will cherish, my favorite memory would have to be studying abroad in the Netherlands with my best friends. Being able to travel to the Hague and meet so many students from different countries was life-changing and I will always treasure that experience. After graduation, I will be attending the University of the Pacific’s School of Pharmacy. I aspire to become a successful pharmacist and hopefully open my own pharmacy one day.

Ashley Hernandez

May 6, 2020

Melissa Lee Davis

Art Education // Minor: Theater for Youth

Kassandra Ramos Biology

The accomplishment I am most proud of is probably either getting a perfect score on my midterm from the art departments’ hardest professor, or being awarded scholarships by my department chair

Accomplishment most proud of- Passing all of A. Bacher’s chemistry labs with an A! :D

Favorite memory is ... there’s too many to count! I loved every minute!

Favorite CSUB memory: Making those stressful study sessions on the Sci II floor fun with new lifelong friends.

My plans after graduation are to attend the Single subject Credentials Program at CSUB to get me one step closer to my dream job of being a teacher

Plans after graduation: applying for a CLS program and looking forward to new opportunities!

The Runner

Judith Carrillo History

One of the accomplishments that I am most proud of was the opportunity I had to present a paper during a conference. During my third year at CSUB I was invited to present one of my research papers in the America in the Trenches conference hosted by CSUB and the Public History Institute to commemorate the centennial anniversary of World War I. I was able to present my paper to some of my peers as well as other participants of the conference. This was a great experience that helped solidify my interest in becoming a historian. One of my favorite memories that I am taking with me from my time at CSUB was meeting one of my closest friends during our first week of classes as Freshmen. CSUB really is a close community and I have no doubt I have made countless life long friends and connections here. After graduation, I am taking a year off of my studies to work and have new experiences. I’d like to travel to historical locations near and far as well as spend some time doing nothing without being guilty about it.

Maritza Vargas

Child Adolescnet, and Family Studies

Lisette Guidos

Kinesiology // Concentration: Physical Activity Leadership

Jayde Parker

Business Administation // Concentration: Human Resource Managment

Liberal Studies

The accomplishment I’m most proud of achieving at CSUB is graduating with my Bachelors

Accomplishment you are most proud of at CSUB: Being recognized on the Dean’s List for my academic achievement Favorite CSUB memory you’re taking with you: Having met so many people throughout my time on campus who have now become part an essential part of my life Your plans after graduation: To hopefully be admitted back to the university and the Credentials Program to start my credential and work in the elementary school classroom

My greatest accomplishment while at CSUB was being able to balance being a full-time student, a mom, and an employee and being able to grow and learn from each of these aspects of my life. I intend to continue my education after graduation by applying to the credential program.

Accomplishment most proud of at CSUB: Going out of my comfort zone and trying new things. Favorite CSUB memory: Exercising in KINE3130 labs and finding my love for shooting hoops. Plans after graduation: Obtain a full-time job.

My favorite memory I’m taking with me from CSUB is just al the wonderful people I’ve met these past few years! I want to thank all of the professors and staff at CSUB for how helpful everyone has been along my journey.

I am currently seeking an internship within a construction or agriculture company so I can work on growing with the company.

CSUB Class of 2020 20

May 6, 2020

Sal Mayers

Karah Wiseman

Communications Concentration: Public Relations

Liberal Studies Concentration: Diversity

One of the accomplishments that I am most proud of is that I made it through with grades better than I anticipated. I’ve juggling health issues and surgery and pain along with seeing my son deployed. I struggled but It pushed me to keep going stronger. One of my favorite memories here at CSUB is being part of the Runner while my time was only a semester it helped me open up a bit more and meet people but it helped make my short time here memorable. My plans after this will be to start grad school in August. My hope is to one day be a part of St Jude Children’s Research Hospital as Developmental specialist but I will still keep my options open and keep looking for a job here locally. I just want to be in a field that allows me to work around people being able to use my voice to make a difference and bring good to people.

Karen Michelle Ortega

Child Adolescence and Family Studies

Graduating in four years while maintaining a spot on the softball field as a catcher. Favorite CSUB memory would be my freshman home series vs. New Mexico.

Plans after graduation: My plans are to begin the credential program here at CSUB so that I can complete my goal of becoming an elementary school teacher. I am excited to start teaching and empowering the next generation of students.

Gabrielle Fua


Kinesiology Concentration: Exercise Science

An accomplishment I’m proud of is getting involved with the LGBTQ+ Network Club and being an officer for the Psychology Club. I was able to meet an amazing group of people through my involvement. My favorite CSUB memory is being able to experience and be a part of the pride celebration this past October. It really got me out of my shell and got me more involved on campus.

After graduation, I will be starting with the company Hensel Phelps to pursue my career within construction management.

Alondra Angel

Carly Elliott B.A. Liberal Studies A.A. American Sign Language

The accomplishment I am most proud of is my advocacy for all CSU students as a Legislative Intern for CSUB’s Lobby Corps.

Accomplishment you are most proud of at CSUB: I’m most proud of not giving up on finishing my degree, even when it got tough juggling work, classes, and my personal life. Favorite CSUB memory you are taking with you: I am taking with me all of the friendships that I made with students who were striving to meet the same goals as me. It made things easier knowing that I had this support.

Alissa Gomez

After graduation I plan to gain some more work experience relating to the psychology or social work field. I will also apply to graduate programs to peruse a master’s degree in counseling psychology.

Communications Concentration: Digital Media

Graduating on time.

Meeting friends that have become family. Having people around all the time to do something - or to do nothing - with. Thanks, CSUB for the past 2 years. I’ve made some great memories.

The Runner

My favorite CSUB memory I will be taking with me is the opportunity I had to study abroad with my International management class, where we traveled to London, Northern Ireland, and Ireland. After graduation I will be interning for Kevin McCarthy in Washington, DC, and in the fall, I will be attending Texas A&M University to pursue a master’s degree in Public Service and Administration.

Obtaining my Bachelors degree in 3 years and being the first person in my family to graduate from college! Being on the CSUB Softball team and my Freshman year we played St. Mary’s and I hit in our winning run to give us our first win of the season!

Go to Graduate School and obtain a Masters Degree in Athletic Training

Lupe Zendejas -Ibarra M.A. Social Work

Masters in Social Work is the biggest accomplishment that I have here at CSUB. We did it my social work colleagues! My absolute favorite memories here at CSUB were meeting such amazing friends that I now consider very dear and near to my heart. We all cried, laughed, and grew together throughout this program. After graduation, I will apply to various counties to work in the area of Public Child Welfare. Here I hope to serve my population as to the best of my abilities. Go Runners!

CSUB Class of 2020 May 6, 2020

The Runner

Eddy Garcia Liberal Studies

Nakaila Fuggs Liberal Studies Minor: Criminal Justice

The accomplishment that I am most proud of at CSUB, is earning excellent grades and not procrastinating. An immense accomplishment that also made me feel extremely proud of myself, is passing my last science course: Integrated Life Science last semester. This class was very difficult and the professor that I took, was also very challenging but I learned a lot from Dr. Kloock last semester. This course made me view society in a different spectacular way. During the entire semester, I was extremely worried about not passing this course. In addition, I worked extremely hard to pass this class. I earned a C on my Life Science course, but it made me feel ecstatic to state, “This class was very difficult, but I received a passing grade”. I believe that hard work pays off. CSUB made me as a student learn that no matter how challenging a semester can become, we never give up if we really desire to pursue our dreams. We get up and keep trying. My favorite CSUB memory I am taking with me is: having the opportunity to live in the dorms. I loved this experience because it gave me the opportunity to learn more about the institution, meet more peers, I had the opportunity to hang out daily with a close friend of mine that also lived in the dorms, and most definitely, learning what it feels like to be independent and taking responsibility for myself. I will never forget this moments. My plans after graduation are: signing up for the CBEST and passing the test on my first attempt, begin substituting, then passing the CSET. After I pass this difficult exam, I desire to either come back at CSUB or attend Bakersfield college for my teaching credential courses which are approximately a year to a year and a half year of studying. Lastly, applying for my position at divergent elementary schools, and becoming admitted as a licensed teacher.

Pushing through all the adversity I’ve faced and never giving. I finished my Senior year with two of my best semesters grade wise

Yaritza Castro Psychology

My proudest accomplishment at CSUB has been stepping out of my comfort zone by taking on leadership positions through Greek life and being a teacher’s assistant for the psychology department.

My favorite CSUB memory was the UMKC game at home last year where I had quite a few awesome catches. One was a diving catch which was nominated for WAC top play of the week!!

My favorite memory has been organizing and participating in Pride Week at CSUB and bringing more visibility to the LGBTQ+ community.

After graduation I will be working and going back to school. I’m currently narrowing down my top choices for graduate programs. I would like to pursue a career in Forensics!

After graduation, I will continue my work as an ABA therapist, earn my Registered Behavioral Technician certification, and apply to graduate programs to continue my education

Bianca Arvizu

Liberal Studies Child Development and Sociology

Kimberly Pantoja Liberal Studies


Lee Ann Hannible Family Studies Minor: Psychology

Accomplishment you are most proud of at CSUB: Being a first-generation graduate student.

My favorite CSUB memory is from my night classes I took for my CAFS major. The professors are so warm and welcoming, making us students feel that we can do anything we set our minds to. With this being said I would like to give a special shout out Professor Dwyer, Professor Tumblin, and Professor Kimberlin of who gave me the tools and support I need to achieve this degree.

plans after graduation: To become an elementary school teacher and be in the CSUB credential program.

Taeyoung Mun Psychology

Michaelle Lopez Rodriguez

One of my accomplishments was attending WPA(Western Psychological Association) conference and presenting two posters with my colleagues in 2019. It was an extraordinary experience.

Communication Concentration: Digital Media

The accomplishment I am most proud of at CSUB is cheering on the roadrunners the past 4 years alongside my teammates. I am most proud to not only be first generation, but to be able to finish school with my children and husband by my side. My favorite memory at CSUB would be the day I got accepted. After graduation, I plan to pursue teaching, with my end goal to teach in the prisons or become a school social worker.

My favorite memories at CSUB are with all the long lasting friendships I have made. After I graduate, I plan on getting my multiple subject teaching credential and my masters in education, curriculum & instruction and educational counseling.

My Favorite CSUB memory I’m taking with me is the very supportive psychology department professors who assisted me when I was going through breast cancer in my early Senior year and they helped me complete the race. As well as the mentoring program has been a really good aid for me to pursue my career goals.

My plan after graduation is to attend MSW(Master of Social Worker) program at CSUB in the fall. Yeah, I was accepted!! I hope I can be an intern at a school setting or a clinic as a future candidate for social work.

CSUB Class of 2020 22

May 6, 2020

Maribel Galvan Jacob Montes M.S. Health Care Administration

B.S. Kinesology Minor: Business Administration

The accomplishment I am most proud of is completing the thesis and having the support from colleagues and faculty. My favorite CSUB memory is developing a relationship with my colleagues, the Three M’s, we know who we are! My plans after graduation is to celebrate the accomplishment with my family and to apply what I have learned to every day life and share my knowledge with coworkers.

Anesa Sasivarevic

Finishing in 4 years. The friendships I made on campus, and especially at the SRC. Explore postgraduate opportunities

Martha Barajas

B.A. Sociology Concentration: Human Services

B.S. Environmental Resource Management

Hannah Manzanares B.A. Human Biology Minor: Kinesology

The accomplishment I am most proud of at CSUB is winning the 2017 WAC women’s volleyball championship. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be apart of both Beach and Indoor volleyball programs in my time here at CSUB. To be able to represent my school in this way is so special to me. My Favorite CSUB memory I am taking with me is all the crazy bus rides and trips with my teammates. Traveling to different places to do something we all love is where most of my favorite memories have been made. After graduation I plan to become a medical assistant and begin applying for PA school to earn my masters.

Heather Pennella

M.A. Public Administration

The Runner

Khoa Thanh Truong

Computer Engineering

Currently, I feel happy about almost graduating from CSUB. But it was a little bit regretful not being able to attend the commencement ceremony as usual because the outbreak of Coronavirus. Over the past two years, I have had unforgettable experiences in my life at this campus. I met many amazing friends, learned with them, and shared with them such as Roland Terezon or Fernando Sepulveda. I wish them all the best of luck and success. After graduation, now I am excited to get my first position in the industry. My longer-term goals are to learn a variety of areas within the field of computer and work toward deciding what area of specialization I want to take. I would love to become an expert in one specific field like data scientist in the long term. Thank you CSUB for everything. “One day belong Roadrunner, forever belong Roadrunner” “Be Brilliant. Belong. Be CSUB.”

Bella Ochoa

Business Administration Concentration: Management

I am most proud of being able to graduate from a University! I am not first generation in my family but it feels amazing being able to have the opportunity to graduate just as my parents did.

Most Proud of: being a part of the CSUB Women’s Soccer team for 4 years. Earning the Dean’s list award for 3 consecutive years, and earning 3 WAC Academic All-Conference awards. Favorite CSUB memory: All the memories and friendships I have made the past 4 years! Plans after graduation: Continue my education and get my Master’s.

The accomplishment I am most proud of is receiving my bachelor’s degree at the age of 22. I take pride in the amount of work that I have put in, in each of my classes. I never just did the minimum in my classes. I tried my hardest and maintained a 3.0 GPA throughout my 15unit semesters. I am also proud of being a role model to my four-year old son. I may be a young mom, but I am more successful now than ever. I am living proof that having a child does not stop you from succeeding. My favorite memory is the people that I got to meet. I met some amazing people throughout my years at CSUB, in which we studied together and gave each other clarification whenever it was needed. My plan after graduation is to start my career as a social worker. I also plan to come back next year to start the master’s program in social work. My goal is to have my master’s degree by the time I am 26 years old. I am confident that I can accomplish this goal through hard work and focus. Anything is possible.

The education I received from CSUB was time and money well-spent! My proudest accomplishment is that I am graduating with a 3.92 GPA while working full-time and serving on two nonprofit boards...and I did it in two years!!! My favorite memory of CSUB that I am taking with me is the invaluable experience and friendships I gained from participating in Dr. David Olson’s International Business class, culminating with a trip to Italy just this past January. It was life-changing, and it has surely put a lot of this current situation we find ourselves experiencing in perspective. I also have deep gratitude for Dr. Chandra Commuri, Dr. Thomas Martinez, and the friends I made in my cohort. After graduation, I will continue in my role as Alumni and Donor Relations Manager for the Bakersfield College Foundation and hope to grow into the position of Executive Director of a nonprofit organization in the future. Cheers to us class of 2020!!!

My favorite memory from being at CSUB would be all the people I was able to meet. So grateful for everyone, including students and professors.

After graduation, I hope to find a career in my field and keep on growing. Yay to being one degree hotter!

CSUB Class of 2020 The Runner

Kinsey Saiz

Kinesiology concentration in applied exercise science The accomplishment I am most proud of is being apart of CSUB Women’s soccer program.

Brooke Boiseau

May 6, 2020

B.S. Biology

Zelma Uribe B.A. Human Biological Sciences

Jaquelyn Romero


Liberal Studies

Favorite memory from my time at CSUB would be my first time stepping on the field to play in my first collegiate game. After I graduate I will be taking a semester off then going to grad school.

I am most proud of graduating a year early while playing volleyball for CSUB. My favorite CSUB memory is home volleyball games in the Icardo. My favorite CSUB memory is home volleyball games in the Icardo.

Simply earning a degree from CSUB is an accomplishment that I am most proud of. As a first generation student, this not only means a lot to me, it means a lot to my family. I did it because of you guys! Thank you dad. I love you! My favorite CSUB memory that I am taking with me is meeting everyone from EOP. I will never forget napping on those couches. Thanks to this program I made new friends and was able to succeed academically. My plans after graduation include completing my current volunteer program, The COPE Health Scholars, and a CNA program. Hopefully through these programs I gain valuable experience that I can later apply as a Physician Assistant, which is my career goal.

Kyra McCormack B.A. Sociology

Maya Rodriguez Sociology

Christopher Montoya Business Emphasis: Marketing

Attending and graduating from CSUB has been a life-fulfilling experience. I was reluctant to finish school because taking time off and jumping back in can be intimidating. However, I am happy that I didn't give up and didn't let my reluctance hold me back. I am most proud of making the Dean's List each of the five semesters I spent here. I pushed myself harder than ever before and now my hard work has paid off. My favorite memory I've made is becoming friends with people who share the same career goals and same passion for teaching as I do. After graduating, I plan to complete the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential program so that I may become an elementary school teacher. I would like to thank my mother and father for always believing in me. Their continued support has motivated me to be the best that I can be. My degree does not only belong to me, but to them as well.

Macey Mills Psychology Minor: Business

I am most proud of the fact that I earned straight A’s and made the Dean’s List during the Spring 2019 semester at CSUB. My favorite memory of CSUB was getting to attend the Sexual Ethics fair last year. I hope to be a sex ed teacher, so it was great to see other like minded people be passionate about the subject. After graduation I will be earning my multiple subject teaching credential and will hopefully have my own classroom in Fall 2021. After that I hope to earn my Master’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies so that I can one day create health education curriculum.

An accomplishment I am most proud of is being accepted into Alpha Kappa Delta The International Sociology Honor Society and being accepted to the MSW program here at CSUB. My favorite CSUB memory I will take with me is all of the wonderful memories I made with all the new friends I met here. After graduation I plan to return to school full-time to obtain my Masters of Social Work.

An accomplishment I am most proud of is being able to obtain my degree while balancing work full-time and building experience towards me future career. My favorite memory I’m taking with me is meeting friends with the same work ethic and mentality as me After graduation I will continue to run my own business and pursue a career in Marketing.

I am most proud of the dedication it took to be on the CSUB women’s golf team. My favorite memories are the ones made with every golf team I have been apart of here at CSUB. My plans after graduation are to get my MBA here at CSUB and continue to play for the CSUB Women’s Golf Team.

CSUB Class of 2020 24

Mitchell Woodbury Kinesology

May 6, 2020

Jovelyn Tumamao

Kenia Lopez B.A English

B.S. Biochemistry Concentration: Food Chemistry Minor: Chemistry

I am most proud of maintaining straight A’s in almost all semesters during my time at CSUB. Accomplishment you are most proud of at CSUB: Learning scuba diving Favorite CSUB memory you’re taking with you: Creating a 5 person study group and making sure we all passed. Your plans after graduation: To enjoy life before returning for a masters degree

DaiJe Harris

B.A. Sociology Concentration: Human Services Minor: CAFS

The accomplishment I’m most proud of is pushing myself beyond my own boundaries. It is too hard to pick a favorite memory, but all the times in the biochemistry lab was definitely times I won’t forget..

My favorite memory was getting the opportunity to be the Illustrator for The Runner. It helped me expand my artistic skills and it gave me that extra boost of confidence I needed. After graduation, I plan to continue with my teaching career and achieve my teaching credentials. Overall, my experience at CSUB was beyond amazing and I cannot wait to walk across that stage!

After graduation I plan to enjoy the little things before venturing off to medical school to pursue forensic pathology.

The Runner

Jacqueline Cardenas

Communications Emphasis: PR Minor: Sociology

One of my biggest accomplishments is not giving up and being a role model to my siblings and also being the first to graduate in my family. My favorite memory at CSUB is running for Homecoming court and being a part of several clubs on campus like Gamers Club, Sociology Club, Multicultural Club and a member of Student Life Advancement Committee. Making and meeting some hopeful lifelong friends in the process and getting a small piece of college life. My plans after graduation are working for a company like NASA , which is my dream job, or becoming a news anchor or radio personality on KROQ or KISS FM or even start my own show.

Henley Pearson

Rafaella Bonifacio

Jocelyn Garibay

B.A Communications Digital Media Emphasis

Business Administration/ Management

B.A. Liberal Studies

I am most proud of being able to say I received a degree from a university.

My accomplishment that I am proud of at CSUB is when I changed position from Outside Hitter to Libero and I was able to help my team.

My favorite CSUB moment was when I discovered the Communications program here at this school.

My favorite memory at CSUB was my last trip with my team for beach season, it was so good, we had so much fun. I will miss them.

Honestly, I am not sure what I’m going to do after graduation. However, I can assure you it will be awesome

I am planning to play professional volleyball after graduation, and my second plan is working with my parents at their company.

I am proud to be a first generation college graduate in my family. As many times as I wanted to leave CSUB, I persevered and I am in love the end result. My favorite memory is being apart of the women’s basketball team. I got the opportunity to make lifelong friends and travel the world. Going to Puerto Rico with my team was the most exciting because it made me more aware of the possibilities in life. I was able to embrace the beautiful environment and scenery. I came in contact with so many people and ideas which influences me to become more open-minded to the opportunities that life brings. After I graduate from CSUB, I will continue to play basketball for my remainder 2 years. I plan on attending a HBCU to obtain a master’s degree, with the hopes of becoming a social worker in the future. I am even more excited for my next journey. Wish me luck! Thank you CSUB.

My proudest accomplishment is receiving my bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies. I will be first generation to be graduating from a University. One of my favorite memories is creating friendships that will last a lifetime. Throughout the ups and downs I had my family and friends who supported me along the way I am looking forward to continuing at CSUB to be part of the credentials program. After graduation I plan on receiving my credentials and working toward my master’s degree.

CSUB Class of 2020 The Runner

Madeline Cosgrove

Kinesology Allied Health

Neyda S. Canales

April 1, 2020

Sarah Alame B.A. General Biology

B.A. Liberal Studies


Dominic Isiah Balmer

B.A. Kinesology

Accomplishment: being a part of a winning WAC relay 2 years in a row. Favorite memory: living in the dorms with my teammates. Plans after graduation: Attend graduate school and get my doctorate in physical therapy.

Maria Zarza-Sanchez Psychology

My greatest accomplishment at CSUB is to be the first one in my family to graduate from a university.

I have overcome many obstacles to get to where I am today, and that’s an accomplishment I am very proud of.

My favorite memory at CSUB is the day I got hired as a tutor by Project Rebound because working for Project Rebound has given me a new perspective of life. I have met incredible people who inspire and motivate me to keep striving. I’ll always cherish the words a student once shared with me, “you might think you’re walking in the dark, but little do you know you’re the one who holds the torch and is leading the path.” I can say that I am blessed to have found this job at CSUB, which will make it so hard to leave one day.

My favorite CSUB memories are going to campus events with friends, like Tyga’s concert and MSA’s iftar night!

Emiline Rose Olmos B.A. Liberal Studies

Attending CSUB has been the final steppingstone as my undergraduate education comes to an end. When I felt I had more homework than I had time, I kept going and I pushed myself to get to where I am today. While pursuing my undergraduate degree, I got married and had two beautiful daughters I would lie if I said it didn’t get harder to balance work, school, and a family but I’m finally at the finish line. After transferring from Bakersfield College, my time at CSUB hasn’t been long. I was able to fast track the remainder of my classes and finished earlier than I originally expected. However, the little bit of time I spent at CSUB will always be cherished as it presented me with new challenges that I learned from and will take with me for a very long time.

I am most proud of making Dean’s list every semester. Favorite memory: Going to Starbucks to study with friends Plans after graduation: Csub credential program

After graduation I plan to pursue my master’s degree in biology, ultimately becoming a university professor.

The accomplishment I am most proud of is graduating with my degree.

My favorite CSUB memories I am taking with me are the times I spent working with my brothers on the CSUB wrestling team. My plans after graduation are to get into nursing and to become an RN.

Jennifer Aracely Rodirguez Applied Mathematics and Statistics // Minor: Computer Science

I am most proud of finishing my degree and overcoming personal barriers throughout my life. I am also proud of my time as Math Club President, Lead Math tutor, LSAMP student and MSTI scholar for CSUB. All these experiences shaped who I am and gave me the tools I needed to succeed in my academic career and build my leadership skills. Being a first-generation student and a student who has had to work full time throughout my undergraduate studies, made receiving my degree all the more special. My favorite memory must be seeing students I have helped, succeed in their classes. I have had various students come to me for help to understand a mathematics concept or for help preparing for their exam. It always felt like I was making a difference when they came back to tell me they did well and thanked me for my help.


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