The Cauldron: Spring 2010

Page 1

US Aids Nation in Need

The Media’s Take on Race

Men Beat Green Bay, Women Get Past YSU, Vikings Take Doubleheader

The Cauldron By Samantha Shunk

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Melting Pot

Student Government’s Spring Semester Plans

By Kristen Mott

*** ESTABLISHED 1929 ***

By Robert Ivory

Issue 2 | FREE

Obama’s First Year

By Nikki Kochman


CSU Parking Services Raises Parking Citation Fines By Alexes Spencer

Arts & Entertainment

Spring Theater


By Shanette D. Buford & Jonathan “Killstring” Herzberger


Former CSU Star Makes It To NBA; Cedric Jackson To Sign With Cavs By Robert Ivory

The nation was behind him—as he began with approval ratings of over 70 percent —and the people had united to elect him, calling some to wonder whether this young populace of voters who had turned out in resounding numbers was signaling the beginning of a new political age. By Reid May


Volume 110 • Issue 2 Tuesday, January 25, 2010


Obama’s First Year

by Reid May…………………………page 8

His strong victory, as well as the overwhelmingly Democratic numbers in the House of Representatives and Senate, seemed an inherent mandate on key issues such as healthcare, the foreign conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, restoring disregarded civil rights (at home and by closing Guantanamo Bay prison).

the melting pot

<< Opening Statements……………………………………………… Page 3 US Aids Nation in Need……………………………………………… Page 4 Student Government’s Spring Semester Plans…………………… Page 4


arts & entertainment

<< The Media’s Take on Race……………………………………… Page 5 Martin Luther King, Jr. Brunch as a Call to Action……………… Page 5

The Cauldron breaking news |

The Staff Editor-In-Chief Samantha Shunk Managing Editor Reid May Advertising Manager Jayson Gerbec News Editor Alexes Spencer Arts & Entertainment Editor Jonathan D. Herzberger Sports Editor Rob Ivory Layout Editor Steve Thomas Business Manager Anne Werner Student Media & Web Specialist Daniel Lenhart Faculty Advisor Dr. Rodger Govea

Weekly Event Calendar…………………………………………Page 6

Mission Statement

Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Raises Money for Haitian Relief Efforts………………………………Page 6 CSU Parking Services Raises Parking Citation Fines…………… Page 6

As Cleveland State University’s student run, managed, and operated alternative weekly paper, The Cauldron is dedicated to delivering information to the student and professional body of CSU; doing so without bias, without constraints, and without fear.

<< Though filled with plot holes, The Book of Eli is far too much fun to hate………………… Page 10 Spring Theater Preview………………………………………Page 11 60x60 and Physical Graffiti – CSU’s Own Shine………………… Page 11


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Presenting news, entertainment, opinion and other media that originates organically from within the student body, our distinctive media will organically flow and adapt to suit that body’s needs. The Cauldron prints according to sound journalistic principles of accuracy, accountability, integrity, transparency and with a recognition of press freedom and student expression.

Spring Music Preview…………………………………………Page 11 Concert Picks of the Week……………………………………Page 12

The Cauldron shall remain a forum; maintaining a strong connection to the diverse campus community, regarding but not limited to Cleveland State University, the city of Cleveland, the United States, and the Global Community.

<< CSU Basketball: Men Beat Green Bay, Women Get Past YSU, Page 14 Vikings Take Doubleheader………………………………………

For advertising inquiries e-mail us at cauldronadvertisements@ or contact Jayson Gerbec at (216) 687-2270

Former CSU Star Makes It To NBA; Cedric Jackson To Sign With Cavs……………………………… Page 15 Greatest Goaltender Ever?………………………………………… Page 15 CSU Wrestling Falls to Nation’s Top Programs Page 16 Vikes Start Year, 0-1 In EWL………………………………………

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Monday, January 25, 2010

The Melting Pot


<< US Aid Nation in Need Since the first earthquake in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince, the United States has provided relief aid of over $167 million dollars. As making a donation is as simple as3 sending a text message, the donations to this effort grow daily……Page 4

Student Government’s Spring Semester Plans | If you are interested in joining the SGA you can visit or go to MC 123. | Page 4

Opening Statements By Jonathan “Killstring” Herzberger, The Cauldron A&E Editor

We stand at a crossroads, on the brink of a defining moment in international politics, a moment which – if I understand the magnitude of what is occurring – is nothing less than history in the making, for good or ill. A moment which most of us have completely missed. In all fairness, the world's eyes are fixed squarely on Haiti right now, which is absolutely and exactly as it should be. The tragedy that has ravaged, and indeed continues to ravage that country is one that should be focused on. It is nothing short of right that we send our resources, our rescue workers, our hopes and in some cases, prayers to the citizens of Haiti during this extremely trying moment in their nation's history. However, as a result of this, something monumental is occurring; and many seem completely unaware of the events transpiring, and their potential impact on the way we understand international politics to function. For those with short attention spans (guilty), let me sum this up for you in seven words or less: Google versus China. I think Google's winning. Now, this might seem more than a little ridiculous. The mere thought of a software developer intimidating one of the world's few true superpowers, a rigid communist mega-state with an army to make any nation – yes, including this one – more than just a little nervous; the thought of a global force like that, having pressure of any kind exerted by a single commercial enterprise, well, this is the stuff of pulp science fiction novels. This is cyberpunk, not real life. And even as I successfully avoid making a joke about how many of these stories are set in 2010 (okay, so almost successfully), I cannot shake the notion that this is exactly what's happening. Some background: back in July of 2009, Australian iron-ore giant Rio Tinto found four employees detained in China on charges of “stealing Chinese state secrets.” Which sounds pretty serious, until you realize that this covers such dangerous territory as readily accessible phone numbers or weather forecasts. Nope. Not a typo. Now, what makes this a particularly sticky sort of unethical blending of China as government and China as commercial entity (as opposed to just their normal unethical blend of the two) is that the arrests came straight on the heels of two rejected offers of serious acquisition of Rio Tinto by arms of the Chinese government – first, a $14 billion offer, and about a month before the arrests were made, a $19.5 billion offer was also summarily rejected. It might be coincidence that the arrests – the actual information in question allegedly China's negotiating position – happened so quickly after a business plan fell through, but tell that to the international business community. No, this wasn't the sort of thing that one reads about in the New York Times; it's the sort of thing

image couresty of Getty Images

one reads about in the Wall Street Journal. Fast forward to January 12. The international business community is wary. Tensions are high. Google issues a press release. In their words, they suffered “a highly sophisticated and targeted attack on our corporate infrastructure originating from China,” and they reveal that the target was in fact, the email accounts of Chinese human rights activists. Additionally, they all but imply that the Chinese government is responsible. They go on to say that they no longer see fit to censor search results on Now, for the record, the Chinese government wasn't forcing Google to filter out things like profanity and nudity – they forced them to conceal things like the concept of Tibetan freedom, the Tienanmen Square massacre of 1989, and other things that portray the Chinese government in a negative light. Atrocity is to be ignored, forgotten, and swept under the rug. But despite risking severe financial losses, Google has finally said “no.” But a funny thing has happened. Numerous reports started coming in; various news sources and lawmakers from throughout the U.S. all chimed in: this sort of thing happens all the time. The only difference being that Google apparently possesses the clout to stand up to this kind of bullying. And then, things got interesting. Secretary of State Clinton released a statement legitimizing and lending official weight to the proceedings. “We have been briefed by Google on these allegations,” which just there, right there. Google is briefing the government on China. I officially live in the future. Clinton continues to say that these allegations “raise very serious concerns and questions,” and that the United States “look(s) to the Chinese government for an explanation.” Last Friday, a White House

spokesman weighed in, saying that President Obama wanted "some answers" and agreed those responsible should "face consequences." China's expressed desire for this matter to be handled quietly evaporated in that moment. Now, there are a great many ways that this situation can play out, but China seems to be painted into a corner. Do they play hardball with Google, and risk losing a significant chunk of the international business community? The Chinese economy might not survive the blow that could turn into. On the other hand, do they capitulate to Google's demands? It's difficult to run an oppressive regime when you've been outed as such by an American company of all things – and one that is now providing unrestricted access to the truth about your actions as a government to your people. The whole idea behind censoring this information was in quashing riots and potential revolutionaries. Do you risk your government imploding under its own weight? And this leads us to the most shocking realization to come out of all of this: Google hasn't just engaged a superpower in a bout of global politics: they've outmaneuvered them. And as the rallying cry of “this isn't Google leaving China; it's China leaving the world” starts to spread throughout the Internet, and is picked up by various outlets, as Chinese citizens turn the Google offices in Beijing into an honest-to-goodness Google Shrine, complete with flowers and lit candles, the levity of the scene finally begins to sink in. Will we tell our children of this day? When it was strange for a corporation to flex its muscles at a nation? Will the future even remember January 12, 2010 as significant? I can't say for certain. It is, after all, the future. The one thing I can say with certainty is that I'd better have a flying car by then.

4 • Monday, January 25, 2010

Student Government’s Spring Semester Plans By Nikki Kochman, The Cauldron Contributing Writer

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US Aids Nation in Need

By Samantha Shunk, The Cauldron Editor in Chief Since the first earthquake in Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince, the United States has provided relief aid of over $167 million dollars. As making a donation is as simple as sending a text message, the donations to this effort grow daily with more and more Americans opting to assist those in need. Some believe that the United States should not be spending so much time and energy helping Haiti when there is still great need in our own country. While it is important not to forget about those our own backyards, it is equally important to provide aid when disaster strikes in an already impoverished country, especially one that has been so specifically neglected as Haiti. Without help from the United States, the world would see our country as without compassion for the suffering of mankind. Haiti is a country so physically close to ours that there is no reason for us to not help them in their time of extreme need. Many citizens of other countries feel that Americans are self absorbed and have no concern for others, and this action of aid shows that the people of the United States are a humanitarian people, concerned about all others. By showing the world the compassion that Americans have for those suffering from disaster, hopefully others nations will choose to aid the United States if another disaster takes place on our soil. If all the wealthy countries of the world followed the example the United States has set in Haiti when disaster strikes in any country, then the world would have more of a sense of community knowing that everyone cares about each other.

Being the largest funded organization at Cleveland State University, the Student Government Association (SGA) has a reputation to maintain. On Friday, January 22, they held an open house, inviting all students to come and see what they were about and what they can expect to see this semester.

Recently, the SGA put out their second issue of their new monthly newsletter, called S.L.I.C.E (Student Leaders Improving Campus Engagement). In this they include what events they are hosting and important issues they think the students should know about.

LeAnn Westfall, the science senator, says their goal is to increase awareness about SGA. She spoke of plans to host a college pride week. Different colleges (such as the College of Education and Cleveland-Marshall College of Law) will compete in a series of Olympic-esque games. This will get more people interested in SGA, and allow students to represent their college while still bringing the university together as a whole. Also being planned is another town hall meeting with President Berkman, in similar style to the one held last semester. It will be a question and answer forum, for students to come and ask any questions they have about CSU. A second town hall meeting is in the works for students to discuss the possibility of having a football team, and what that would mean for our tuition costs. Mohammed Faraj, President of SGA, took time from his popcorn serving during the open house to comment on the clothing drive they recently had, saying the SGA raised over 636 pounds of clothes for the Salvation Army.

Student Leader Luncheons are once again being planned, with the hopes of having Dr. Majid Rashidi as a guest speaker. Rashidi is the developer of Cleveland State’s wind amplification turbine system. Fenn Tower Senator, Tasiana Stigall, is working towards having the Fenn Shop’s hours extended. She would also like to have a digital media board instead of using paper flyers and have something in the lobby to create better student interaction. Perhaps most exciting about this semester is the online voting available for the upcoming election, which will be held April 12, 13 and 14. As of right now they are working out the kinks involving security for the site and will be holding a mock election shortly before the regular election, so that students are able to get a feel for the new site. The link should be available through the CSU homepage, and in order to vote you must provide your CSU student ID number and password. If you are interested in joining the SGA you can visit or go to their office located in MC 123.

giving away free classified ads for the February 1st issue. In appreciation of all our readers, we have decided to give away free classified ads to all students for our next issue 2/1/10.

When a country does not have the resources to help itself, then it is the duty of those with resources to care enough for their neighbors to want to help. Compassion for the suffering is something that is part of being human, and those who feel the need to deny available help to those who are in need have clearly lost that sense of humanity. The support that Haiti is receiving comes from the citizens more than the government that organizes the efforts. There is no reason to claim that the United States is helping too much when much of the help is from the Americans that care about those suffering in the aftermath of the earthquakes in Haiti. If anything, our country could stand to provide more disaster relief because there is so much work that needs to be done to preserve the lives of the Haitians and rebuild all the devastation. By providing such a huge chunk of the relief in Haiti, the United States is showing that Haiti is becoming a priority and a country that deserves to be treated equally. The treatment Haiti has received in the past was not that of an equal nation, but in moving forward, every nation can contribute to moving toward a just world.

Please call 216-687-2270 or email by Friday, 1/29/10 at noon to get a free classified ad in the 2/1/10 issue.

Monday, January 25, 2010



Next Week’s Feature >> 2012: Is or Isn’t it the End of the World

>>> Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Raises Money for Haitian Relief Efforts | “I was very pleased with how the student body came through to help donate.”| Page 6 Keynote Speaker: CSU Board of Trustee Treasurer and President of ShoreBank Stephanie McHenry

Martin Luther King, Jr. Brunch as a Call to Action

Cleveland State University President Ronald Berkman

By Samantha Shunk, The Cauldron Editor in Chief

Tri C Choral Ensemble performs “Lift Every Voice and Sing”

Mistress of Ceremonies: Sharon Reed, Action 19 News.

Images couresty of CSU Photography Department

The Media’s Take on Race By Kristen Mott, The Cauldron Contributing Writer

In celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Cleveland-Marshall Black Law Students’ Association presented a panel discussion on January 21st in the Moot Court Room. The discussion, entitled ‘The Effects of Media on Race,’ focused on how the media portrays different races and the consequences of those representations. The Moot Court Room was filled with professors, staff and a handful of students. Geoffrey Mearns, the Dean of the CSU Law School, opened the event and hoped “to have an educational and inspirational program.” The discussion consisted of three distinguished panelists. The first was Dr. Benjamin Chavis, who joined the Civil Rights Movement during college. He has held leadership positions in the NAACP and is currently the CEO and Co-Chairman of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network. Next was Avery Friedman, who is a graduate of Cleveland-Marshall and a famous litigator of civil rights. Finally, there was Professor Lolita Buckner Inniss, who has taught at Cleveland-Marshall since 1998. The event began with a series of video clips. These clips showed various people in the media spotlight making racist remarks or joking about other races. The people in the clips ranged from news anchors to comedians, and showed just how often remarks about race are made in the media. Following the video, each panelist took some time to speak about the media and how different races are portrayed and stereotyped. Dr. Chavis was the first to speak and stated that the media often “puts a slant and spin on the news – a negative spin.” He discussed how the media has a responsibility to portray news accurately, and that the media has the power to influence how people feel about certain races. Although the media often portrays races inaccurately,

it is still a powerful tool. “Media should be utilized for social change,” continued Chavis. “It should advocate change, help bring about change, and then comment about that change.” When Avery Friedman took the microphone, he talked more from personal experience. Friedman was recently involved in a case where a hate crime took place against an African American family in Mentor, Ohio. “When language turns into trying to hurt someone, we need to use the law,” commented Friedman. He was successful in winning the case for the family, but received quite a large amount of hate mail and angry messages on the Internet. This example showed once again how media can be used in a negative way, and Friedman stated that “our duty is to be responsible and responsive to American media.” Professor Inniss was the last to speak and she discussed the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. After the hurricane hit, the natives were searching for supplies and clothing. The newspapers described white people as “finding” these items whereas African Americans were described as “looting.” This stereotype is found far too often in newspapers and various types of media. The discussion made the audience consider how often the media inaccurately portrays races and what steps should be taken to remedy the situation. It demonstrated how much power the media has in shaping people’s perceptions, and challenged attendees to break away from racial stereotypes. There has been a large amount of social change since the time of Martin Luther King Jr., but experts believe there is still room for improvement. According to the panel, if the media moves away from stereotypes and racial judgments, that improvement will come much quicker.

Last Monday at 8:30 in the morning, while many of you were probably still in bed enjoying one last day of winter break, CSU and TriC partnered to present the 19th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Brunch. The hour was early, the sky was dreary, the food was delicious, and the theme was “From the Mountaintop to the Promise Land.” On the fourth floor of the Wolstein Center that day, there was a spirit of not only celebration of all that Dr. King accomplished but of the desire to improve the world we live in. Both the presidents of these two schools greeted the audience emphasizing the partnership between the two entities in education, especially in the Greater Cleveland area. President of Cuyahoga Community College Jerry Sue Thorton concluded her greeting to the crowd saying, “We join hands in partnership with Cleveland State University in the opportunity to continue to absorb and continue to reflect on the legacy of Dr. King.” President Ronald Berkman stated that unlike other American holidays, what is remembered about Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not the food. Instead, he said, “What we will remember is a morning in which we can align with the vision of Martin Luther King.” And, on that day, the room seemed to be full of individuals that desired to move forward to develop a world where everyone is truly treated equally. After everyone had eaten their fill of the brunch buffet, student government leaders from CSU and TriC briefly spoke of Dr. King. Then, President of Shorebank Stephanie McHenry, the keynote speaker, came to the podium and said that on this day she challenges “all of us to continue to move our nation forward.” As McHenry revealed how as a child in a newly integrated junior high school she was tracked into classes far below her ability levels as a result of her skin, she warned, “While diversity brings exciting opportunities for us to get to know each other, we must always be diligent to make sure that stereotypes don’t keep any of us from becoming all that we can be.” McHenry supports higher education as Dr. King did because “he understood that along with more rights came more responsibility, which requires knowledge.” She also reminded everyone that “we must remember that intelligence is not enough; intelligence plus character, that is the true education.” She continued to say that a person with intelligence can use reasoning to make any decision, but a person with intelligence and moral character can use reasoning to make the choice best for all. In concluding her speech, McHenry said, “I hope that you’ve been reminded this morning of Dr. King’s challenge to all of us to continue our work toward a just world.”

Weekly Event Calendar

6 • Monday, January 25, 2010

By Alexes Spencer, The Cauldron News Editor

<< Coffee with

Monday 01/25

the Provost Provost Mary Jane Saunders invites faculty to meet with her and share in an open dialogue in MC 104 between 9-10:30 a.m.


Student Organization Fair


Looking for ways to get involved on campus? Visit the MC Lobby between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. for information on various student organizations.

<< Information

Meet your Faculty Friends

on Going Vegan Looking for ways to get involved on campus? Visit the MC Lobby between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. for information on various student organizations.

Meet the 2010 Faculty friends over chocolate fondue in MC 103. Event starts at 2 p.m. Call 687-2048 for more information.



Winter Hoops Luncheon

Join Vikings Basketball Head coaches at the Wolstein center to discuss the 2009/2010 season. Tickets are $12. Call 687-5454 for more information.

CAB Ski Trip

Sign up today in MC 106 to join the Campus Activities Board at Brandywine on Friday from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m. Cost is $40 which includes ski/snowboard rental and transportation.

Friday 01/29 Saturday


Puppy Mill Protest

Join Cleveland SALAD members at Petland in North Olmsted from 12-3 p.m. for a peaceful anti-puppy mill demonstration.

All Week event: Orientation Leader Recruitment

Want to help new CSU students get acclimated? Interested in meeting new people before they even become one of your fellow students? Visit one of the Orientation Leader Recruitment tables in the MC Lobby this week.

Week long events

Hey! Don't see your organization or group's event here? Contact to ensure that your next one makes it into the weekly events calendar.

CSU Parking Services Raises Parking Citation Fines

Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Raises Money for Haitian Relief Efforts By Alexes Spencer, The Cauldron News Editor If you spent any time in the MC Lounge this week, the phrase, "donations for Haiti" is probably permanently etched on your brain. The phrase found popularity among students working tables to collect money for various non-profit organizations working in Haiti after the earthquake measuring 7.0 hit near the capitol of the country two weeks ago leaving an estimated 200,000 dead. Students set up tables around 9 a.m. every day, provided volunteers had signed up for time slots early enough to do so. Tables offered donors the option of specifying where their donations would go, giving them the choice of four organizations: Direct Relief International, Doctors ‌Continued on page 13

By Alexes Spencer, The Cauldron News Editor People who park on campus may receive a big shock on Monday, February 1st when the recently approved increase in parking citation fines takes effect. In November, the CSU Board of Trustees approved the new rates which will finally be put into action on Monday. While most parking fines are increasing from $10 to $25, others will be drastically increased. Students, faculty, and staff that use counterfeit hangtags or permits will see fines increase from $150-$175. Those who park on a yellow curb, on a crosswalk, or too close to a fire hydrant will find a huge jump as fines increase from $10 to $50. The biggest jump in citation rates occurs with parking illegally in a handicap space. The previous cost for this was a mere $75.

Doing it after Monday will cost offenders $250. According to Parking Services, the fines have not been raised in several years. The hike was necessary to keep fines effective in enforcing the rules as many students, staff, and guests thought it more financially feasible to rack up a series of tickets rather than to pay for parking and/or follow parking rules and laws. Parking Services also expressed that fines for parking in a handicap spot were well below the state minimum. The $250 fine now meets that minimum. For more information on the new fines, visit or call 216687-2023. How do you feel about the change in parking citation fines? Visit to voice your opinions.

Debt Relief . . . It’s All We Do. Call today. We can help. (216) 421-0578


Obama’s First Year By Reid May, The Cauldron Managing Editor


t has been a challenging first year for President Barack Obama. Twelve months ago last week, the 44th President had just taken the oath of office and begun a presidency that was being heralded as groundbreaking and unifying. The nation was behind him—as he began with approval ratings of over 70 percent—and the people had united to elect him, calling some to wonder whether this young populace of voters who had turned out in resounding numbers was signaling the beginning of a new political age. His strong victory, as well as the overwhelmingly Democratic numbers in the House of Representatives and Senate, seemed an inherent mandate on key issues such as healthcare, the foreign conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, restoring disregarded civil rights (at home and by closing Guantanamo Bay prison) and that it was time to remake the United States in the eyes of the world. Today, a little over a year later, the national landscape looks very, very different. Obama’s approval ratings have tumbled to a mere 49 percent, according to Gallup, one of the lowest first years among recent office-holders. Challenges on Capitol Hill have led to a healthcare standstill, after the President had spent most of his political capital on pushing that cause through. The economy, an issue he was hit with by mere chance, has struggled to rebound. Many question whether the stimulus plan or the auto and bank bailouts were wise ideas. While the United States may finally have the

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international community falling in behind them again, only so many tangible successes have occurred. What follows is a look at the progress the President has made in his first year, including what went right, what went wrong and how he can recapture the faith of America. An excellent way to review the first year of President Obama’s term is to examine his campaign promises and the overall success rate he had adhering to them. The St. Petersburg Times sponsors an online forum called “Politifact,” which has kept track of just that, charting Obama’s progress on promises from removing combat brigades from Iraq to allowing the international purchase of prescription drugs. According to Politifact, Obama made 502 campaign promises. To date, he has fulfilled 91, achieved partial success on 33 and done well enough with more than half of his promises to pronounce them “In the Works.” Whether or not all of the “In the Works” promises are ultimately fulfilled, almost 25 percent achieving at least partial success should stand as an achievement for the President, if campaign promises are considered to be a four-year project and 100 percent success over four years is not expected. However, it should be noted that most of the 91 fulfilled promises were what Politifact calls “low hanging fruit.” Essentially, items that did not require congressional approval to administer and were instead processed by Executive Order. This is very clearly representative of Obama’s struggles with the legislature, particularly those in the minority. To date, Obama’s greatest successes are in the realm of foreign policy. He promised to begin the end of the conflict in Iraq and did so immediately, putting the United States on target to end the war “safely and responsibly” by Aug 31, 2010—which was within the 16 month time frame he spoke of during the campaign.

The President also sent two additional combat brigades to Afghanistan, fulfilling his pledge to beef up the efforts there and support our undermanned forces. These additional brigades were well explained to the public, in an address from West Point, New York at the U.S. Military Academy, keeping with Obama’s mantra of a transparent government. Obama’s work to end torture of prisoners and close Guantanamo Bay (currently stalled), as well as his commitment to the reduction of nuclear arms internationally won him the Nobel Peace Prize. An award that was questioned by many opponents, but telling nonetheless. Obama has made a great impact on foreign policy and the international standing of the United States. At home, the President has encountered more of a struggle. He was able to pack the stimulus bill with incentives for renewable energy and green jobs and announced plans to increase fuel efficiency standards and increase the renewable fuels standard, which requires that more biofuels be mixed with gasoline. However, the economy has greatly challenged the new President. His bailouts of the auto and banking industries have been highly criticized, though in fairness both were inherited issues and it would have been equally as disruptive to allow large automakers and financial institutions to fail mercilessly. It was a tough decision, certainly, but probably the right one considering the implications of those losses. Ultimately, the issue that has most defined the President at home has been healthcare, which looks more and more likely to fail as each day passes. The recent devastating loss of the late Ted Kennedy’s Mass. Senate seat to Republican Scott Brown has removed the Democrat’s filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, which also seems to have eroded their chances of passing the legislation in its current form. If the legislation were to pass, it is unlikely that

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it would include a public-option, as the Senate version has failed to include that part of the bill. The plan would, however, include a number of Obama’s other goals, including a national health insurance exchange, investments in electronic records and tax credits to individuals and small businesses that are forced to purchase insurance. Healthcare could be the issue that defines Obama’s presidency, simply because so much time has been spent focusing on the issue during the last year. Congressional leaders have admitted to tabling other, important issues just to focus all attention on the reform. Now that it looks unlikely to pass (whether that means returning to the drawing board, or forgetting healthcare all together) Obama is in jeopardy of wasting a year in office toiling over an issue that went in circles. The President had a fine line to walk, but should

have taken more control of the healthcare bill from day one, as opposed to allowing eager Congressional leaders—who had not had a Democratic government to work with—full discretion. Fair or not, if this issue runs into the ground, the President will be on his heels explaining. Ultimately, the Presidency of Barack Obama will be decided by more than the first year, but the first year is an important starting block and his receives mixed reviews. Healthcare is important, but cannot be the sole focus of the government, especially when the minority is so vehemently opposed to its passing. Obama has other stated goals—immigration reform, border control, nuclear weapons security and wiretap restrictions—that he should focus on while healthcare is negotiated concurrently. And healthcare, for that matter, is not dead. No, the Democrats can no longer prevent a struggle through Republican cloture votes, image couresty of

How would you rate Obama’s first year? Go to and leave us a comment on how you feel that Obama’s has perform during his first year in office.

but the majority is still 59-41 and healthcare can be passed. One of the talents that former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton had that allowed them to have long-term success was the big picture they painted for the American people. President Obama will find greener pastures (for himself and his party) if he explains why healthcare, the stimulus and budget concerns (among his other plans) are important to the big picture and works to tie all of his efforts into this master plan. A man who motivated the electorate so gracefully two autumns ago should have little trouble orating these ideas. Overall, the first year of this Presidency merits a grade near the middle. Obama has not earned an ‘A’ but he has not earned an ‘F’ either. For now, a ‘B-’ for managing somewhat broad success but missing on the biggest stated goal. image couresty of

Vice President Joe Bidden looks on as President Barack Obama signs the stimulus bill.


Arts & Entertainment

Monday, January 25, 2010 Free Movie Passes | Page 7

Concert Picks of the Week | When you’re an old sell-out, you can lecture your co-workers about how they don’t understand Punk. You’ll seem sexy and mysterious. | Page 12

Though filled with plot holes, The Book of Eli is far too much fun to hate. By Paul Kahan, The Cauldron Contributing Writer The Book of Eli, featuring Denzel Washington, is full of astonishing color schemes, and beautiful scenery despite the post-apocalyptic setting. Set 30 years after war has torn the entire world apart, the film leaves us with a gritty, and outright harsh, dystopian world. Playing opposite of Washington, Gary Oldman returns to doing what he does best: playing the bad guy. Also featuring the beautiful Mila Kunis, who continues to impress since That 70's Show ended somehow managing to escape the horrible typecasting that has plagued almost the entire cast, aside from Ashton Kutcher. So what do we have here? We have Eli (Washington), a man armed to the teeth with guns and swords, journeying west across the now-riven country. Times are harsh. But through the bitter winters, lousy meat (animal lovers.. shield your eyes in the first few minutes), and grim everyday situations, every night Eli reads from a book he keeps under careful lock and key, as well as listening to a bit of Al Green through his beat up iPod. But don't worry Denzel lovers, Eli may come off as a softy before bed and meals, but when he isn't reading or praying, he is kicking some major ass. The absolute highlight of the movie, was watching Denzel waste anybody that got in his way. Eli crosses through a town that happened to be run by Carnegie (Oldman). Carnegie, is one of the few literate men left in the world. Sending dozens of bikers out on the road in search for a book that he claims could help rebuild the world, he learns of Eli's literacy. And it would just so happen Eli is in possession of the book Carnegie was so hell-bent on finding. Unfortunately for Carnegie, Eli is not interested in handing the book over. Instead of spoiling the movie for anybody, I can tell you that while the movie is filled with a few plot holes, the movie completely sucks you in. The religious theme of the movie is presented in a way that does not insult or protrude on other beliefs. This is not one for the ages, it will not be seen in Denzel or Oldman’s top ten movies (or possibly even twenty..), but it is a fun ride through an apocalyptic wasteland that I think most people with a thirst for violence will enjoy. And hey, there is nothing like a visit to Alcatraz, right?

images couresty of

Spring Theater Preview 60x60 and Physical Graffiti By Shanette D. Buford & Jonathan “Killstring” Herzberger The Cauldron Contributing Writer and Arts & Entertainment Editor The Cleveland State University Theatre Department stays busy with various staged productions throughout the academic year, and provides some traditionally unappreciated entertainment and culture. During the spring semester, there will be three major productions, all of which promise to be worth a look. In the Blood (February 25th- March 7th) The Suzan-Lori Parks production of In the Blood is “a classical tragedy for the postmodern age.” Based on The Scarlett Letter’s Hester Prynne, Blood is the story of Hester: a homeless single mother trying to survive, take care of her five children while beset by adversity on all sides. In the play, different social programs try to reach out to help her, with varying degrees of success. In the Blood takes a hard and good look at society as we know it and promises to pose difficult questions along the way. A production that's been called “beautiful, funny, and at times shocking,” In the Blood looks to be the kind of show that you'll be talking about with your friends for weeks afterwards. Be advised though – the show explicitly warns theater-goers about its “strong sexual content.” Spring Student Show (April 1st-April 4th) The Spring Student Show has traditionally been a popular production and huge success during the spring semester, and this year looks to be no different. Each year the students of CSU create their own original work in the Factory Theater Studio, where all the theater productions take place. Last spring, Dream’s Café was, by most accounts, a rousing success. As we progress through the semester, stay tuned, flipped, bookmarked and otherwise attentive to this space, for more details on this mainstay of CSU theater. Constructed Theater (April 22nd-May 2nd) April 2010 the Cleveland State University Theater department will be welcoming a guest artist all the way from Turkey, who'll be coming here for a two month-long program. The project will consist of CSU students; collaborating and constructing their own original theatre production utilizing what we're told will be “contemporary improvisation methods, freeform playwrighting, and advanced explorations of the medium of theatre.” Curious as to what precisely that means? We are too – so be sure to keep up with The Cauldron as we take a closer look at these projects throughout the spring semester! For more information, contact the CSU Dramatic Arts program @ (216) 6872113.

Spring Music Preview By Shanette D. Buford & Jonathan “Killstring” Herzberger The Cauldron Contributing Writer and Arts & Entertainment Editor Cleveland State University’s Music Department is well-known amongst students and faculty alike for their exciting recitals and guest speakers. Despite this, the performances that occur throughout the semester quite possibly qualify as CSU's “best kept secret.” During this semester, there looks to be no shortage of quality shows for you to attend. The kicker? Most of these are completely FREE. Nope. Not a typo. Free. The upcoming performances feature students, faculty, traveling ensembles – and all promise to deliver a myriad of varied…Continued on page 13

– CSU’s Own Shine

By Jonathan “Killstring” Herzberger, The Cauldron Arts & Entertainment Editor The best part about visual art? It's objective. I am by no means an art major, but I have been to the art museum and used finger paints before. Recently I had the opportunity to attend two of Cleveland State Art Gallery's artist discussions. One of the two exhibitions in full flight is 60x60 (originally the “60 Square Inches Collection” - home base: Purdue University) which is a collection of pieces being gathered since 1977 and showing biannually ever since. The “Physical Graffiti” collection is visually at the other end of the spectrum. A mixed media barrage from artist Kushmere Bell. Both are hosted at CSU's gallery at 2307 Chester. The 60x60 will be showing for 6 more weeks, and “Physical Graffiti” for another 3. Professor Russ Revock is one of our own here on campus. He teaches printmaking, and not only have his own prints been showing with this exhibition for a number of years, but he also hosted the discussion. The exhibit has almost every form of printmaking from intaglio to relief (you too can learn the meaning of these terms with the 60x60 book available at the gallery). The collection holds over 150 total works, but is limited due to gallery space. Discernibly stunning, the details that printmaking media showcase are not only precise and beautiful, but are also key in conveying message and impact. The layers and the process bleed into the work, and combine that with someone who knows a thing or two about imagery and content and this becomes a glaringly effective medium. I highly recommend this exhibit for anyone, even the most inexperienced art critic (such as myself). The standouts are Prof. Revock's own “Skull Division and the PostDramatic St. Valentine's Day Infarction” - a very early 90's academia elitist title, don't ya think?, “The Water Cycle” from Robert DeGroff – the piece with the most delicate and beautiful malleability to it, pulling an M.C. Esher meets Chris VanAlsburg hum, “Twirling” from Charlene Collins Haug – featuring a baton twirling girl on a beach with pyres burning in the background, “Dancing Bruja” from Oscar Gillespie – which combines intense refined engraving with layers of well-placed highlights and deep rust hues, and “The Critics” from Raymond Gloeckler, a commentary on art critics which darkly contrasts children's imagery with bloated metaphorical animals, playing perfect to the medium's original forte - social commentary. The engaging Prof. Revock had the chance to get in a few words with me and informed me that after the 60x60 leaves, the student juried exhibit will take it's place. Organized by the Student's Organization of Fine Art, this exhibit will be open to the entire CSU community. Every student will have a 2 day window sometime after spring break to submit up to 4 pieces of finished art. 50 to 60 works will be picked and displayed, as well as judged by a panel of critics or faculty, whichever non-biased group the student organization decides to go with, for awards. Details will be announced in the near future by the school. Kushmere Bell is a 1992 graduate of the CIA with a major in photography. Unassuming, articulate, detached and a self-proclaimed “square,” Bell's work seems to reflect what is going on in his head, which is...who knows? He lacked explanations for his work, stating that he just builds until he sees balance and lets everyone else discern the symbolism later, if they can find any. When asked what it all means, he could only answer in inquest, “What does it mean? That's a great question” leaving the appreciator puzzled with vague and muddled references. “Physical Graffiti” is a very distracted collection. The impressionistic stylings of Bell's mixed media format are confusing. Old screen prints are taken, applied, and then painted over with acrylic for a dramatic effect. The acrylics are great, taken from old comics and obscure cartoons, but the rest doesn't measure up. There is a piece entitled “Public Square” with an ancient screen print featuring human impalement that is visually striking, but the piece is ruined by the cut out face of an Asian woman leering in the upper corner. Britney Spears and the Coors Light twins are a few more examples of collage elements that really ruined some serious-toned works. I was submerged in intrigue at first walk through, and found myself filled with questions pertaining to the meaning of Kushmere's works, but after hearing his discussion and Q and A segment I was left feeling thwarted. I couldn't find the meaning because none existed. Hopefully in the future, Bell can find a reason to his rhyme and play off of his strong suits. In the meantime, this looks like a balk. The true highlight of my afternoon was sneaking to the offshoot of the gallery and seeing the small case of student prints. Students from Professor Revock's ART 102, 231, 331, and 431 classes had about 30 works displayed in a nondescript case that should have been in the gallery, deserving of their own spotlight. The collected student's prints were bold, well-thought out and worth a trip to the gallery on their own merit. I'm not sure how long they'll be displayed, but if you're reading this, Prof. Revock, leave them up as long as 60x60 is showing. These two exhibits highlight the integrity of CSU's art program.

12 • Monday, January 25, 2010

concert picks of the week

By Jonathan ‘Killstring’ Herzberger, Cauldron Arts & Entertainment Editor & Alexes Spencer, Cauldron News Editor

Ah, it feels good to be back in the swing of things, doesn't it concerteers? The glories of education, the joy of learning. Forget that. You just had to do homework for the first time in about a month. You're cranky and tired, and wish you could sleep in. The solution to this problem? I bet you can guess, seeing as how this is a weekly concert column. That's right - you should take in some extraordinary musical reverie! Will it help you finish your math homework? No! But it might make said stack of equations non-existent for a merciful few hours. You’re welcome.

On Tour Now

Jonathan’s Pick


Anti-Flag w/Aiden, Cancer Bats, Star (expletive deleted) Hipsters @ the Beachland Ballroom

01/30 Anarbor

@ Grog Shop

Anarbor has a sort of soft spot in my musical heart. It might be the fact that they're all still attending college in spite of the fact that they're touring musicians. It could be the passion they have for the industry and the respect they have for other bands. It's possible that it's just because their lead vocalist and bassist has a really kickass name. Slade Echeverria, I'm talking to you! Either way, you should go to their show. It's only $10, and they're some cool guys with some cool tunes. That, and they were on a Scooby Doo soundtrack, which is pretty much awesome.

Man, I've always wanted to use the line expletive deleted in a header. Thanks, guys! Now that that's out of the way, let's talk punk rock. What, exactly, is punk rock? We can all agree on The Sex Pistols, The Ramones, and The Clash - but after that, it becomes difficult. Was Minor Threat punk rock? Is Rancid frontman Tim Armstrong doing a reggae solo record? Is Green Day - and if not, were they at some point? Is Punk Rock something you can lose? (Yes, yes, no, certainly, and it looks that way) The term means many things to many people, and is a deeper topic than we have space to cover here. However. Anti-Flag is Punk Rock.

Disagree with our favorites? Well, we bring you even more choices, with the power of our 3,000 ton engine of democracy! By which we mean, well, here’s some more shows. Hooray?

They will shock, upset, disturb and probably offend you - even if you agree with most, if not all, of their politics. Since the release of Die For The Government in 1993, A-F have been a sneering, unapologetic kick in the pants. Whether you're a dyed-in-the-wool anarchist, or a member of the Young College Republicans, AntiFlag is worth seeing live, no matter how outrageous they might seem. It's $15 for an advance ticket, and The Devil Dolls Rock n' Roll Street Gang will be there too, despite not fitting in the header. This is the sort of experience everyone should have at least once in their lifetime - and your time is now. When you're an old sell-out, you can lecture your co-workers about how they don't understand Punk. You'll seem sexy and mysterious, and won't that be fun?

Other Shows This Week: 1/25 - Between the Buried and Me @ Peabody's, $18 1/26 - Emmure w/ After the Burial & Miss May I @ Peabody's, $16 1/26 - State Radio @ Grog Shop, $13


1/27 - Behemoth @ Peabody's, $19 1/27 - Motion City Soundtrack @ House of Blues, $23

Pentagram @ Peabody’s, $17

1/28 - We Are The In Crowd @ Rockstar (Peabody's), $8 1/29 - Winter Jam feat. Third Day, Fireflight @ Wolstein Center, $10 1/30 - Ventana and Tenafly Viper feat. members of Mushroomhead & Chimaira @ Peabody's, $12 2/01 - Take Action Tour w/ We The Kings @ House of Blues, $19

Alexes’s Pick

Very rarely would I ever consider telling you to go see a band like Anarbor. I mean, I almost considered making this one of those weeks where I tell you what NOT to attend accompanied by a rant about the crappy generic pop punk bands littering the Take Action Tour. If only it weren't for charity, but I digress...


Young Buck @ Peabody’s, $14

Monday, January 25, 2010 • 13

Spring Music Preview

Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs Raises Money for Haitian Relief Efforts | Continued from Page 6

Continued from Page 11

experiences, while leaving you with pizza money afterwards. Here's just a small taste of what's to come. CSU Keyboard Area Student Recital Thursday February 11 @ 7:30 p.m. in Drinko Hall This recital will feature keyboard majors working their magic – and as with any performance-based major, you can bet they'll bring their “A-game.” (Or at the very least, their “high-B-Game”) Undergraduate Composition Concert Thursday, February 17 @ 7:00 p.m. in Drinko Hall For those who've never experienced the work of student composers being performed, we cannot recommend this event enough: student composers are prone to taking risks that established professionals would never dream of. Entertaining, adventurous, and if not always brilliant, at least interesting – and really, what else are you doing on a Thursday night? Don't say homework. We know better. American Piano Trio Sunday February 21 @ 3:00 p.m. in Drinko Hall The American Piano Trio is an faculty ensemblein-residence from Ball State University in Indiana. The faculty includes Robert Palmer, piano, Anna Vayman, violin, and Peter Opie, cello. When was the last time you saw a pianist, a cellist, and a violinist get down? Can we say that? Is “Get Down” an appropriate term for this kind of performance? The only way to find out is to see the American Piano Trio for yourself, and write a scathing/complimentary email to cauldroneditors@ and let us know! WCLV live broadcast, featuring Iron Toys Tuesday, February 23 @ 8 p.m. In Drinko Hall. What are Iron Toys? Err, who is Iron Toys? Good question – we didn't know either. So we looked it up. Turns out, Iron Toys is the name of a saxophone and woodwind quartet with a combined resume that probably doesn't fit in the paper. Things you need to know: These guys are professionals – Cleveland Jazz Orchestra, Blossom Festival Band, various plays on Broadway and out on tour – these guys have been around. One member, (Howie Smith, if you're curious)

has played with the likes of Dizzy Gillespie and Elvis Presley, to name a few. An Iron Toys performance is as much about the multi-instrumental antics of the quartet as it is the music by itself – this performance promises no less than 20 different instruments to be employed by the four performers. Have you ever seen a concert like that before? We haven't. But our breath is suitably baited in anticipation. CSU Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combos John Perrine and Bill Ransom, conductors. In the 1920's, jazz music was blamed for a great many of society's ills, much like rock in the 50's, and hip-hop from the 90's up to the present day. And even as the word jazz would go on to mean many things – much in the same way that we have “radio rock” music, and “mainstream rappers” - the soul of jazz is alive and well throughout all its incarnations – excepting perhaps, Kenny G. This will be significantly more awesome than Kenny G, however. CSU Chamber Orchestra Victor Liva, conductor Tuesday March 2 @ 7:30 p.m. in Drinko Hall. It's the Chamber Orchestra. If you honestly don't already know why you should attend, then you should already be clearing out your calendar. And that's only a small, small sample of what's coming down the pipeline. The work of Chopin, Beethoven, and others is waiting, and John Zorn himself is coming (in cooperation with the Cleveland Museum of Art, in a decidedly un-free event that's worth checking out anyway) Keep an eye on The Cauldron at the beginning of each month for events that we feel will enrich your life, entertain you, or at the very least, make for an awesome cheap date. For a complete listing of shows and information please visit, or call (216) 687-5010

Without Relief International, Doctors Without Borders, Action Against Hunger, and the U.N. World Food Program. Unspecified donations went to Doctors Without Borders. Tables were closed at 3 p.m. by Roberto Chavez, the Multicultural Coordinator. Workers were students in organizations operated through the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (ODAMA), most of them members of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Alliance (GLASA). Most students were pleased about the generosity of their fellow students throughout the week. Many gave $5, $10, even $20. A Cleveland State professor contributed $80 to aid the Caribbean country where it is estimated that 1.5 million are now homeless. "You guys are doing a really good thing here" became a popular sentiment among students visiting the table to give what they could. Others expressed disapproval at the students who did not give, especially those who appeared to ignore the table. Students cited the fact that if all of Cleveland State's approximately 16,000 students would give at least a dollar, the CSU community could make a huge impact on the relief effort. "I can't believe people won't just stop and give a dollar," a student visiting the table said. "I can't believe how many people are just walking right past it." Though some students believed people could have given more, donations totaled over $1500 by Thursday afternoon. Students who worked the table on Friday estimated that donations made that day would add at least a couple hundred more to the final total for the week. "I was very pleased with how the student body came through to help donate to the different organizations that are helping to provide relief efforts to Haiti in this crucial time," junior and volunteer Steve Lambrou said. "It's truly remarkable how people are willing to step up and help out their fellow brothers and sisters in this desperate time in need, regardless of how far away they may be." Visit,,, or for more information on the organizations mentioned in this article and to continue to donate to relief efforts in Haiti.

The Cauldron breaking news |

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Monday, January 25, 2010 Greatest Goaltender Ever? Brodeur who has played for over 62,000 minutes and has a save percentage of a .914 is arguably the greatest goalie to have ever played the sport. Check online for upcoming podcasts and exclusive sports content!

Photography by Robert Ivory

CSU Basketball:

Men Beat Green Bay, Women Get Past YSU, Vikings Take Doubleheader By Robert Ivory, The Cauldron Sports Editor

The Cleveland State Vikings doubled their pleasure as the men’s team (8-12; 4-4 Horizon League) beat the University of Green Bay (14-7; 6-3 HL), 64-50, and the Vikings women (10-8; 5-2 HL) started the night off right as they also beat the Penguins of Youngstown State (0-18; 0-6 HL) 57-43 on a Friday night of basketball at the Wolstein Center. The men’s team came out with a mission to get on top of the Phoenix of Green Bay, and they certainly did that. Norris Cole, who led all players with 22 points and eight assists, hit a three pointer within the first 15 seconds of the start of the game to get the Vikings going. “I think we came out with a good mind set,” Cole said after the game. “We were happy to be back home and show that we are one of the better teams in the league.” With a couple of three pointers to compliment Cole’s by sophomore guard Trevon Harmon and junior guard D’Aundray Brown, the Vikings really had taken it to the Phoenix and were leading by 13 at the 14:02 mark of the first half. A three pointer by sophomore guard Jeremy Montgomery with only three minutes to go in the first half and a jumper by Norris Cole had given the Vikings their biggest lead of the night and led 38-20. The Vikings’ next top scorer was Aaron Pogue, who had 11, as the Vikings had planned to get the ball into the big man standing among four guards in the lineup. “All the hard work in practice paid off and I was happy about that,” Pogue said of the scoring drills Waters and his assistants gave the team. “Any time we are under 12 turnovers, we win those games,” Cole added. Coming into the game, the Vikes had averaged 14 turnovers a game, but have forced their opponents to give the ball up 17 times. The Vikes made 10 turnovers and the Phoenix had 11. “As long as our defense stays consistent, we know we have a chance,” Cole pointed out. As for Cole, his 22 points was the 15th time in his career that he posted a 20-points game in his career, which included raising his career points total to 984. “We go as Norris goes,” Waters stated after the game. “If Norris is playing good basketball, we’re playing good basketball.” The Vikings never looked back from that point, and their 16-point lead at the half would be good enough to hold off Green Bay, as the Phoenix never got closer than nine points to the Vikings. “We got out toughed by a tough team,” Green Bay head coach Tod Kowalczyk said after the Phoenix loss. “We have not had problems against the press this year, but the press at the start of the game bothered us.” With the win, the Vikings sit at .500 in the league and tied with three other teams for forth place. Green Bay falls to 6-3 in the league, but still good enough for second in the league to Butler. “It’s a very good basketball league. It’s one of the best, if not the best mid-major conference in the country,” Kowalczyk exclaimed.

The Vikes now get a week off before they play the Penguins of Youngstown State (2-7) at home. Cleveland State will then head to Chicago and face Loyola (3-5), and then the Flames of UIC (1-7) in early February The next home series for the Vikings include Valparaiso (4-4), then the big matchup, the Butler Bulldogs (8-0) in February. The women started the night off well, despite a slow start and a slow finish. The Vikings really took it to the Pens in that middle period, and that was enough to keep the Vikings in the thick of the fight atop the Horizon League. Twice the team had 15 point leads in the first half (6:55 and 1:20), which were aided by a 15-2 run for about a seven and a half minute run. In that run, Kailey Klein hit her only bucket of the night, which was a three pointer. When asked if only scoring one bucket and if she can shake it off, the senior guard said, “Yea, we won, so I don’t care.” The Vikings looked to have the Penguins on the ropes in the first half, despite the slow start, as Cleveland only gave up 17 points, which is somewhat close to the Penguins lowest, ever, which was only 10 against the Vikings last February at the Wolstein Center. “I felt that we were having a tough time tonight, putting the ball into the basket,” head coach Kate Peterson-Abiad said after the game. “I think we could not get the offense going and that hurts us.” Leading the team in points were freshman guard Shalonda Winton and senior guard Angel Roque with 13 points, Winton added 11 rebounds to complete her double double. The Penguins took too long to get their run together as they took a ten point Cleveland State lead with 6:50 left to go in the game and got it down to six in less than a minute and a half. After a Winton layup and a free throw, the Vikes got back a nine-point lead, then after a YSU layup, Angel Roque reclaimed the lead, and the Vikings looked to be safe with 3:30 left to go in the game. In total, the Vikings again held the lowly Penguins to only 43 points and another loss. The Penguins have now lost to the Vikings five straight times, dating back to February of 2007. For Cleveland State, they have now rattled four straight wins and move to 4-1 at home in the Horizon League this year. “I look at 43 points given up, so I’m really not disappointed about our defense,” Peterson-Abiad noted. Cleveland State also inches close to the Green Bay Phoenix, as they are only one Green Bay loss from having the same record in the league (5-2). The Vikings now take to the road and face off against a team that has traditionally been tough for the Vikings, Wright State (1-5). “We just have to play as a team with much energy in both halves,” Roque said. “Hopefully we will play like we know how we can play.” The trip gets harder as they face the surprise of the 2009-2010 season, the University of Detroit (5-1). “In our history, Callahan Hall has been a difficult place to play, but in our recent history we have won there. The girls that I have here remember that. It will be a dogfight,” the coach said of the upcoming fixtures.

Monday, January 25, 2010 • 15

Former CSU Star Makes It To NBA; Cedric Jackson To Sign With Cavs By Robert Ivory, The Cauldron Sports Editor

There was a buzz in the Wolstein Center on Friday night. The Cleveland State women’s basketball team had beaten the Youngstown State Penguins in the first game of a doubleheader. The men’s basketball team had gotten a huge start to their game with the University of Green Bay on their way of a rout. And that was not even the biggest news of the night. Former Cleveland State University guard and star has been signed by the Cleveland Cavilers on a 10-day contract. “My cheeks have been hurting from smiling so much,” Jackson admitted, who made time to attend the basketball games on campus Friday night. Cedric, who may have an impact with the team right away since Delonte West and Mo Williams have sustained injuries this week, had been playing for the Erie BayHawks, a member of the NBA Development League, until signing this past Saturday.

When asked what coach Waters said when Cedric called him, Cedric answered, “Congratulations and just keep it going. It’s not done yet and you have more work to do.” The Cavs will face the Miami Heat Monday night in Florida, then come home to take on the Minnesota Timberwolves Wednesday this week, then two nights later travel to Indianapolis, before coming back home to take on the Los Angeles Clippers. “I am very proud of him, but I knew this was going to happen for him,” Cleveland State head coach Gary Waters said of the Viking product. “He’s got the talent and he’s dedicated. As long as he’s committed to what he is trying to do, he’s got a chance of even staying.” Jackson displayed not only not only his loyalty to the people that worked with him and worked at Cleveland State, but remains loyal to his second home. He has called Cleveland home since he transferred to CSU

from St. John’s and started in all games in the 2007-08 season for the Vikings. “He is very socialable, very charismatic,” Waters said about Jackson. “He can go out and communicate with anybody, that’s Cedric.” Cedric has done so well for himself, but at the same time helps out Cleveland State immensely. “We’re looking at a transfer now, and we can tell them that this guy was a transfer (Jackson), came in and had some success and look at what happened to him,” Waters said. “You can use it recruiting, too.” The hard work, time, and effort that Cedric has put into reaching his life’s goal has been there for him, but Waters admits there is a deeper reason why he has been able to get to where he wanted so quickly as college. “That’s the one thing about Cedric, and they love that he doesn’t have tattoos, he does not have earrings, and he doesn’t have any of that. They love him for that.”

Greatest Goaltender Ever? By William Wodka, The Cauldron Contributing Writer Over the winter break The New Jersey Devils goaltender Martin Brodeur broke the career shutout record previously held by Terry Sawchuk. With Brodeur still shutting teams out during his amazing career this raises the question is he the greatest goalie to have ever played? Looking through Brodeur’s career, he has played in 1,045 games with 587 wins and counting. He currently sits a-top most of the goaltending records. His unbelievable saves help his team stay in the games and give them a fighting chance. He is only one of nine goalies in the history of the sport to score a goal, and was the first of two to score in both the regular season and the playoffs. He is the product of Canada’s own Denis Brodeur who played hockey as well. Denis was a goalie for many minor league teams and went on to serve his country of Canada as a net minder in the 1956 Winter Olympics where they won bronze. Denis is known more for his picture taking rather than his playing time. The 81 year old is the photographer of the Mon-

treal Canadians and had the pleasure of snapping the final pictures to his son’s record breaking 552nd win over the Canadians in Montreal. The record was previously held by the former Montreal Canadian Patrick Roy, who was in attendance to congratulate him. His first NHL game was way back in 1992, though he spent the rest of that season in the AHL, he worked harder to improve his game. He later returned the next season to the NHL where he won over the respect of the fans and the coaching staff. He went on to win the Rookie of the year award that year, though this would not be his last award. His ever growing trophy case is filled with multiple trophies and awards. He also has pucks and hockey sticks from games where he broke records and hit personal milestones. He has participated in ten all-star games, and has won three Stanley cups. He has five medals including a gold that he got with Team Canada in the 2002 Winter Olympics. He is also a four time Vezina winner for best goaltender in the NHL. Brodeur who has played for over 62,000 minutes

and has a save percentage of a .914 is arguably the greatest goalie to have ever played the sport. Taking a look not only at his stats but at his style of play and his work ethic, he is a god. He has not only won the Stanley Cup three times, but won it with virtually three different teams. This includes the 2002-2003 run where the Devils fired coach Julien and named Lou Lamoriello as their coach just a week before the playoffs. Each time the Devils won the Cup the team had a different look. In fact besides Brodeur, Scott Stevens, Ken Daneyko and Scott Niedermeyer are the only players to have played on all three Stanley Cup winning teams. Brodeur is going to go down in the record books as a skilled and talented goalie. I think through his talented and long career as well as his overall leadership on and off the ice he is one of a kind. Many compare him to Jacques Plante and only time will tell when he hangs up the pads. But until then, he continues to play at the highest level producing magnificent saves and leading his team to victory.

16 • Monday, January 25, 2010

CSU Wrestling Falls to Nation’s Top Programs, Vikes Start Year, 0-1 In EWL By Robert Ivory, The Cauldron Sports Editor

Photography by Robert Ivory

There is no doubt that the Pittsburgh Panthers are one of the most talented squads not only in the EWL (Eastern Wrestling League), but are one of the best in the entire nation. That squad came to Woodling Gym Thursday night to compete against the young, yet talented Vikings. However, the Vikings dropped their opener against Pitt 43-3 in Cleveland State’s first matchup in the EWL this week. “I think you saw us wrestle in spurts, which is what a young team does,” Cleveland State’s second year head coach Ben Stehura said after the match. “We’re doing a lot of good things out there. We are making progress and that’s all you can ask for.” The Vikings had much to improve on from last year’s meeting, which saw the Panthers beat the Vikings 38-3 at Pitt, but the Vikings’ overall record against the Panthers stood at 14-16-1 coming into Thursday night. The Vikings had to face a Pitt scorecard that featured five wrestlers that were in the top 26 of their weight class in the most recent NCAA Coaches Panel Ranking (as of 1/17/2010), and Pitt sat at #18 on the NWCA/USA Today’s Ranking. “They are a good team, I would venture to guess they’re moving up,” Stehura said. “When you get into

the EWL schedule, there are no slouches in there.” The Panthers jumped out early on the Vikings and after four matches, Pitt was up 19-0 and moving into cruise control. However, sophomore Corey Carlo came through for the Vikings at the 157 level and was able to rescue 3 points for the Vikes as he won the decision 7-4 over Pitt’s Donnie Tasser. “Corey is capable of big wins like that,” Stehura said. Pitt still led 19-3, but the Vikings looked to get back into the match as they had the 30th ranked wrestler in the same poll, Robbie Michaels, who probably had the best performance of the night, was just seconds away from winning, when his opponent, Adam Counterman scoped up the deciding points. Michaels, who lost 8-7, showed his frustrations after the match, as he knew he let the match get away from him. The Vikings were swept in the final four matches as Pitt had leads of 25-3, 31-3, 37-3, and finally 43-3. The Vikings will now have a week off until they meet EWL opponent Lock Haven in Pennsylvania on Saturday, January 30. The next day they tangle with Bloomsburg University, also on the road, before facing Edinboro University in yet another tough and talented EWL matchup on February 6. The coach has much to be happy about, though. When asked how much progress the team has made, he replied, “It’s night and day. It really is.” He also added, “We are wrestling much tougher opponents and wrestling better against those opponents.” The Vikings last home match will be against West Virginia University (February 19), which is their last matchup before the EWL’s Championships, which are

hosted in Morgantown, WV. “It’s not going to get any easier, the guys are dedicated and we are going to get right back into the room tomorrow and start getting at it again.” Cleveland State does have a long road ahead of them before the end of the year. However, the coach has approached the remaining part of the EWL schedule with almost a Zen like approach: “Our goal is that when we wrestle somebody; beat somebody that you lost to before, if you do that, you’ll going to run out of people to lose to.” Pittsburgh 43, Cleveland State 3 125: Anthony Zanetta (Pitt) wins by forfeit (6-0 Pitt) 133: Jimmy Conroy (Pitt) 16-0 Tech Fall Zech Huff (CSU) (11-0 Pitt) 141: Tyler Nauman (Pitt) 17-2 Tech Fall Mike Mencini (CSU) (16-0 Pitt) 149: Kyle Patton (Pitt) 7-3 dec. Dan Castillo (CSU) (19-0 Pitt) 157: Corey Carlo (CSU) 7-4 dec. Donnie Tasser (Pitt) (19-3 Pitt) 165: Adam Counterman (Pitt) 8-7 dec. Rob Michaels (CSU) (22-3 Pitt) 174: David Sullivan (Pitt) 3-2 dec. Marcus Effner (CSU) (25-3 Pitt) 184: Zac Thomusseit )(Pitt) Fall 4:41 Nick Anthony (CSU) (31-3 Pitt) 197: Matt Wilps (Pitt) Fall 2:11 Jeff Schuller (CSU) (37-3 Pitt) HWT: Ryan Tomei (Pitt) Fall 1:29 Chris Weber (CSU) (43-3 Pitt)

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