President, California State University, Fullerton
Provost and VP for Academic Affairs
ARNOLD HOLLAND, EDD Dean, College of the Arts
DR. RANDALL GOLDBERG Director, School of Music
Assistant Director, School of Music
Assistant Director, School of Music
Kimo Furumoto – instrumental
Dr. Robert Istad – choral
Dr. Dustin Barr – instrumental
Jazz and Commercial Music
Bill Cunliffe* – jazz piano; arranging; Fullerton Jazz Orchestra, Fullerton Big Band and combo director
Rodolfo Zuñiga – jazz studies, jazz percussion, and music techology; Fullerton Chamber Jazz Ensemble director
Piano, Organ, Piano Pedagogy
Ning An – piano
Bill Cunliffe – jazz piano
Alison Edwards* – piano, piano pedagogy, class piano
Myong-Joo Lee – piano
Dr. Robert Watson – piano
Music Education, Teacher Training, and Teaching Credential
Dr. Christopher Peterson – choral
Dr. Gregory X. Whitmore* – instrumental
Music in General Education
Dr. John Koegel*
Dr. Katherine Reed
Music History and LIterature
Dr. Vivianne Asturizaga – musicology
Dr. John Koegel* – musicology
Dr. Katherine Powers – musicology
Dr. Katherine Reed – musicology

Kimo Furumoto – Director of Orchestra Studies and University Symphony Orchestra conductor
Bongshin Ko – cello
Dr. Ernest Salem* – violin
Theory and Composition
Dr. Pamela Madsen – composition, theory
Dr. Ken Walicki* – composition, theory
Vocal, Choral, and Opera
Dr. Robert Istad – Director of Choral Studies and University Singers conductor
Dr. Kerry Jennings* – Director of Opera
Dr. Christopher Peterson – CSUF Concert Choir and Singing Titans conductor
Dr. Joni Y. Prado voice, academic voice courses
Woodwinds, Brass, and Percussion
Dr. Dustin Barr – Director of Wind Band Studies, University Wind Symphony, University Band
Jean Ferrandis – flute
Sycil Mathai* – trumpet
Dr. Gregory X. Whitmore University Symphonic Winds conductor
Michael August – Production Manager
Eric Dries – Music Librarian
William Lemley – Audio Technician
Jeff Lewis – Audio Engineer
Chris Searight – Music Instrumental Services
Paul Shirts – Administrative Assistant
Elizabeth Williams – Business Manager
Gretchen Estes-Parker – Office Coordinator
* denotes Area Coordinator

soundcloud.com/csufmusic music.fullerton.edu

Welcome to the Spring 2024 Performing Arts Season at Cal State Fullerton’s College of the Arts. Whether you are a first-time or long-time patron, a friend, or parent to one of our exceptional students, thank you for joining us. Your support makes all the difference to their success.
I am pleased to present another semester of programming powered by the incredible gifts of our Art, Dance, Music, and Theatre students. This spring, the School of Music starts the season with a trio of concerts February 16–18 by artists-in-residence Talich Quartet; faculty artist Damon Zick and his Quarteto Nuevo featuring fellow faculty artist Bill Cunliffe; and University Symphony Orchestra. In May, University Symphony Orchestra and Symphonic Chorus will close the concert season with a performance of Mozart’s emotionally charged “Requiem.” Begovich Gallery presents the Begovich Visual Arts Lecture Series with visiting artists’ talks throughout the semester, including multidisciplinary artist Hings Lim on February 22, whose work will also be exhibited at Grand Central Art Center. The Department of Theatre and Dance begins their season in March with “Marisol,” a darkly comedic fantasy where the title character must find hope in a post-apocalyptic Brooklyn where angels are taking up arms and coffee is extinct. Hilarious, multiple Tony award-winning modern musical send-up “Urinetown” closes the theatre season just as CSUF’s dancers and choreographers take to the stage for “Spring Dance Theatre.”
When our students demonstrate their talents on stage and in the studio, their creative energy is undeniable, but the sacrifice and struggle it took to get there is often less perceptible. We can’t see the hours spent creating, the days of rehearsals, and the years of practice. For many students, the sparks of innovation and artistry that drove them to pursue the arts are often diminished by the high cost of an education. The Dean’s Fund for Excellence provides support for students in need through scholarships, artist residencies, and other financial assistance, ensuring them the opportunity to thrive in the arts. If you believe in their sparks of brilliance, please consider a donation of any amount to the Dean’s Fund for Excellence.
Thank you again for joining us this season and for championing the arts in higher education. I hope to see you at one of the college’s many performances and events this spring.

Primo Soldato
Secondo Soldato
April 18 and 20
Savana Thomas
Salma Bawardi
Sara Preston
Timothy Cervenka
Dominic Preston
Jaime Reza
Sophia Khurana
Frank Watnick
Emily Nelms
April 19 and 21
Gabriela Atkinson
Sarah Cabrera
Nya Nulty
Gabriel Cazares
Dominic Preston
Jaime Reza
Amber Napoli
Hart Chen
Rachel Williams
Marilyn Negron*
Martina Goldring
Eileen Garrido
CJ Koehn
Evan Banks
Sidney Wu
Jing Wang
Jenna Hansen
Katelyn Cruz
Adam Daruvala
Aron Demarest
Anthony Alcain*
Gabriela Gonzalez
Kaitlin Chheng*
Emily Hernandez
Quintessa Wedell*
Bryson Huang
Bryce Rivera
Miles Rojo
Anthony Alcain
Alexei Rehorn
Miles Rojo
Students, soldiers, servants, disciples of Seneca, etc.: Anthony Alcain, Gabriela Atkinson, Evan Banks, Sarah Cabrera, Gabriel Cazares, Timothy Cervenka, Kaitlin Chheng, Katelyn Cruz, Adam Daruvala, Aron Demarest, Eileen Garrido, Sarah Gediman, Gabriela Gonzales, Emily Hernandez, Bryson Huang, CJ Koehn, Marilyn Negron, Emily Nelms, John Nguyen, Nya Nulty, Katelyn Pacpaco, Hannah Park, Dominic Preston, Sara Preston, Alexei Rehorn, Jaime Reza, Bryce Rivera, Miles Rojo, Jing Wang, Quintessa Wedell, Rachel Williams, Sidney Wu
*denotes Study Cover
To Our Voice Faculty for all their help in preparing and coaching each student for their roles.
Kerry Jennings (coordinator), Joni Prado, James Martin Schaefer, Susan Montgomery-Kinsey, Rebecca Tomlinson, Krystle Menendez, Robert MacNeil, and Courtney Taylor
Claudio Monteverdi is often called the ‘father of opera’ by many scholars, and it is always a treat to be able to introduce students and audiences to his operatic genius. Lifting it from a treat to a thrill is being able to work with a group of students who are trained and taught so well that they have the vocal skill and intellectual acuity to do justice to all the demands of Monteverdi’s works. Add to that the collaboration and continued support from our wonderful colleagues throughout the College of the Arts, including, but not limited to, the creative mind of our set designer and her team, and we all get to enjoy a fresh and invigorating interpretation of Monteverdi’s masterpiece, L’incoronazione di Poppea.
Kerry Jennings, opera director
Everyone celebrates their Emperor and Empress, Nerone and Ottavia. The goddesses of Fortune and Virtue, and the god of Love interrupt the festivities and argue about who is the most powerful. They intervene and set the world rotating.
Act 1
Scene 1
Ottone, Poppea’s lover, stands at dawn outside the palace of his beloved, venting his amorous passion; but seeing Nerone’s guards asleep nearby while Nerone himself is happily inside Poppea’s house, Ottone laments his misfortunes.
Nerone’s soldiers awake; while complaining about the discomforts of the previous night, they curse the love of Poppea and Nerone, and gossip about the court.
Nerone and Poppea, fondly embracing, bid farewell to one another with tender caresses.
Scene 2
Poppea talks with Arnalta, her old confidante, of her ambitions; Arnalta warns her to put little trust in great men, or Fortuna.
Scene 3
The empress Ottavia tells her sorrows to her attendant Drusilla and condemns the faults of her husband Nerone. Drusilla suggests that she take new lovers; but Ottavia perseveres in her afflictions.
Seneca consoles Ottavia and exhorts her to be steadfast. Ottavia’s page, Valletto, makes fun of Seneca. Ottavia leaves to pray in the temple.
Pallade, the goddess of war, announces to Seneca in a vision that this may be his last day on earth. Undaunted by the horrors of death, he gives thanks to heaven, and speculates on the transitory grandeur of this world.
Nerone declares to Seneca that he will follow his own wishes in marrying Poppea. Appealing to moral and political reason, Seneca tries to dissuade him, but Nerone, in a fit of rage, dismisses him.
Scene 4
Poppea and Nerone bask in their happiness. Nerone promises to make her empress. Seneca is slandered by Poppea, and Nerone angrily decrees his death.
Scene 5
Ottone accuses Poppea of faithlessness; she disdains him scornfully, telling him that she is Nerone’s.
Ottone, in despair, rages against Poppea. Rejected by Poppea, Ottone returns to his former love, Drusilla, and swears fidelity to her. Drusilla rejoices in her regained love.
Scene 6
The page Valletto and Damigella, a maid of the empress, amorously jest together.
Scene 7
Seneca receives the death sentence which Nerone has decreed. Steadfast, Seneca prepares to leave this world. Seneca consoles the members of his household who try to dissuade him from death, and orders them to prepare the bath in which he will die.
Act 2
Scene 1
Nerone, has heard of Seneca’s death and together with his friend and confidante Lucano, they celebrate and sing amorously, delirious with Poppea’s love.
Scene 2
The empress Ottavia commands Ottone to kill Poppea, under threat of her imperial rage, and to disguise himself as a woman for his own safety. Ottone, deeply grieved, leaves in confusion.
Scene 3
Drusilla rejoices, consoled by Ottone’s vows. Ottone enters and reveals to Drusilla that under Ottavia’s order, he must kill Poppea, and asks her for her garments so that he may disguise himself. Drusilla agrees to give not only her clothes, but her help and secrecy as well.
Scene 4
Poppea, rejoicing at the death of Seneca, prays to Amore that her fortunes may
prosper. She decides to rest in the garden and is lulled by Arnalta’s lullaby.
Amor hides near Poppea while she is asleep, to prevent her death.
Ottone, disguised as Drusilla, enters the garden in order to kill her, but Amor prevents him. Poppea awakens and Ottone (who is thought to be Drusilla) escapes. Amor declares that having saved Poppea he will crown her empress that very day!
Scene 5
Drusilla rejoices, hoping soon to hear the news of the death of her rival Poppea.
Arnalta comes to seize Drusilla, who bemoans her fate.
Nerone questions Drusilla about the attempted murder. Though innocent, in order to save Ottone, she confesses to having tried to kill Poppea, and is therefore condemned to death.
Ottone, seeing that the innocent Drusilla has been sentenced, reveals himself as guilty of the crime. Nerone spares their lives and condemns him and Drusilla to exile. Nerone decrees the repudiation of Ottavia and orders that she be exiled.
Nerone swears to Poppea that she will be his bride that very day.
Scene 6
Repudiated by Nerone, Ottavia leaves alone, as she abandons her country and her family.
Scene 7
Arnalta enjoys her new-found status and exults in her contentment.
Scene 8
Everyone rejoices in the coronation of Poppea as goddess of beauty on earth, and as the opera ends, Nerone and Poppea sing of their love.
Violin 1
Emma Hill
Soo Hyun Park
Charlotte Bouck
Violin 2
Margaret Wu
Ruisi Gong
Joshua Teng
Ty Kanauchi
Zoe Lee
Ethan Gathe
Justine Williams
Ji-Won Park
Benjamin Her
Jinny Im
Josia Sulaiman
Nathan Eskridge
Trevor Cannon
Susanna Sun
Keyboard (reed organ/ flue organ)
Daria Muzanova

There is something unnerving about a story with no true hero. As empathetic creatures, our connection to a story relies on the ability to find personalities to root for or collectively hate. Love often muddles that commitment–altering the very nature of a character–sometimes beyond recognition. With Monteverdi’s dramatization of Emperor Nero’s affair, I found my affections bouncing wildly from person to person as ulterior motives and true colors emerged.
The complicated nature of human beings (especially those in love) inspired the world we wanted to create. Everything feels both familiar and strange. Signs, warnings and lights that normally guide our path lead to nowhere. There are recognizable shapes of cities, maps and skylines but in the wrong place and scale. Structures are designed to feel both torn down or, perhaps, reconstructed. Wait–is the city on fire?
In the same way human love and passion produces textured, gritty, layered versions of ourselves–but there is beauty and hope that makes vulnerability worth the risk.
Stage and Music Direction
Stage Director ........................................................................................... Kerry Jennings
Conductor Kimo Furumoto
Assistant Conductor/Chorusmaster Elizabeth Provencio
Vocal Coach/Music Direction ....................................................................... Mark Salters
Vocal Coach/Music Direction David Bergstedt
Scenic Designer .................................................................................... Nicole Bernardini
Technical Director ............................................................................... Harold Kast (guest)
Props Assistant Sophia Beeles
*Mentor- Nicole Bernardini
Costume Manager ........................................................................... Carson Julian (guest)
Lighting Designer Alex Bennet
*Mentor- Scott Boleman
Stage Manager .............................................................................................. Taylor Bryan
*Mentor- Shay Garber
Assistant Stage Manager ...................................................................Anastasia Hamilton
Assistant Stage Manager ............................................................................ Scarlett Price
Supertitles Operator Ashley Kocour
Light Board Operator .............................................................................. Ryan Marroquin
Stage Crew ........................................................................ Kate Bowles, David Gonzalez
Zohary Gonzalez, Avery Morton
Kayleigh Servin, Justin Slater, Kallia Taylor
Intimacy Coordinator Amanda Rose Villarreal
Production and Technical Staff
Mike August Production Manager
Master Electrician .............................................................................................Lois Bryan
Scenic Lab Foreman .................................................................................. Matt Connelly
Scenic Lab Foreman Mandy Horack
Scenic Artist ..................................................................................................... Heidi Cole
Production/Business Coordinator Jen Frauenzimmer
Costume Lab Manager ......................................................................................Terri Nista
Costume Lab Technician ................................................................................ Lori Koontz
Audio Engineer Jeff Lewis
Theatre Technician ......................................................................................... Will Lemley
Eric Sheehan
Staff Properties Master Bob West
Box Office Manager ........................................................................... Stephanie Tancredi
Marketing ....................................................................................................... Jason Pano
Audition Coordinator & Production Assistant Charlotte Bouck
$1,000,000 +
Terri & Bob Niccum
Stanley Mark Ryan
$100,000 - $999,000
Darryl Curran
Gregory & Shawna Ellis
David & Shirley Sepel
William Wagner
$25,000 - $99,999
Lee Begovich
Johnny Carson Foundation
Leo Freedman Foundation
Karyn L. Hayter
Robin & Steve Kalota
Sallie Mitchell Revocable Trust
Donna & Ernest Schroeder
Sue & Dr. Edward A. Sullivan
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts
Apple Inc.
Drs. Joseph and Voiza Arnold
Robin de la Llata Aimé & John B. Aimé
EMC Associates, Ltd
Ellen M. and William A. Groves
Kathleen A. Hein
J. P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
Marianne R. Kreter
Eleanore & James Monroe
Lucina L. Moses & John Brennan
Dana Praitis
Louise P. Shamblen
Dr. Kristin K. Stang & Dr.Gordon P. Capp
Jeffrey A. Stang & Lisa
McDaniel Stang
Boeing North American Fitness Inc.
Steven Caulk
Continuing Life LLC
Morningside of Fullerton
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Friends of Jazz, Inc
Leslie Garman
Dr. Margaret Faulwell Gordon
MaryLouise & Edward Hlavac