Fall Week 2 Issue 206.2

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Oct. 6, 2014




C A L I F O R N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y, L O S A N G E L E S

Issue 207.2

Student Success Fees Draw Concern on CSU Campuses

PG 2






News Angeline Bernabe Staff Reporter An open forum for students and faculty was held on Tuesday, September 30th to speak about their concerns regarding the Student Success Fee. The open forum was one of many CSU-campus meetings to reach out to students and faculty members about what has or has not been working regarding the Success Fee. Those conducting the forum included CSU-Chancellor Timothy P. White, and the rest of the CSU Board of Trustees Workgroup. At Tuesday’s Open Forum in the Golden Eagle Ballroom, many students attended, including students from Cal State Fullerton and Northridge who showed no opposition to the Student Success Fee. Students from both campuses represented many different departments and programs at their universities that have impacted them in many ways. All claimed that those specific programs would not have been possible without the help of Student Success Fees. The Student Success Fee was first implemented in 2011,

Photo by Timmy Truong | A.S.I. President Shane Vera speaks to Trustee Douglas Faigin. and charged students at Cal State LA with an additional $80 to their tution. Over the years that amount has increased, with students paying up to $244 in Student Success Fees for the 2013-2014 school year. While these fees were supposed to provide further support for graduates and undergraduates such as new programs, new technology, or learning tools on campus, they have stirred controversy over the years and leave many students and faculty skeptical about where the fees actually go. A student from Cal State Fullerton highlighted their Athletic Program, and how the fees helped provide equipment for the Titan Track and Field Team, while another Cal State Fullerton Broadcast Journalism Student spoke about how the fees provided more counselor representation on their campus for their Communications Department. From Cal State LA, faculty members took the floor and also explained how the fees were important. Director of the University Writing Center, Lise Buranen, described

how the fees helped provide workshops for university and high school students. Another faculty member shed some light on how the fees were important, but questioned whether or not they were in support of students, and asked how the money was actually being used. Every CSU is different, and it was mentioned that not all campuses utilize fees in the same way. In fact, not all campuses share records publicly about where the money specifically goes. This posed a problem to some students who don’t receive financial aid, and have to pay increasing student success fees out of pocket. While other CSUs like Cal State Northridge explicitly share online what their student success fees are used for, other CSUs like Cal State LA do not. In a small discussion after the Open Forum with some members of the CSU Board of Trustees Workgroup, ASI President Shane Vera and Golden Eagle Television member Sasha Perez, the success fees were examined more closely. The fees were seen as more of an issue than a benefit at Cal State LA because no one

knows where the fees were particularly going. Vera, who started at Cal State LA when the fees were first implemented, expressed distress and said that not everyone on campus is in favor of the success fees. He claims that they’ve elicited tension in the past. The fees eventually became a nuisance that Vera decided to pay the success fee literally in pennies. Town Hall sessions that were formerly conducted in the past on campus about the success fees found that many opposed the fees, but the fees were implemented anyway. With the issue addressed, Vera suggested that a sense of transparency should be present and students should have the right to know where the fees are going. He questioned, “If you don’t take the students’ opinion into account, what’s the point?” Tuesday’s open forum was the last opportunity for the CSU Board of Trustees Workgroup to get together and gather student and faculty feedback about the Student Success Fees. A decision to keep or discard the fees must be made by February 1st of 2015.


University Times

Oct. 6, 2014

Quarter to Semester: The Professor's Perspective


Alexandra Del Salto

Contributor The sense of impending doom seems to loom over our campus as the Quarter to Semester conversion draws closer to Fall 2016. Deadlines, meetings, curriculum changes, arguments, revisions, and mixed emotions… to say this monumental transition induces high amounts of stress would be an understatement. The conversion affects the university on every level: students, faculty, staff members, advisors, courses, course units, and academic calendars. While most of the Q2S conversion focuses on students and its pledge to them (the number one key guiding principle of the semester conversion), sometimes a key factor that plays a vital role in the overall conversion process is overlooked: the professors. Professors bear the burden of reforming their entire curriculum, revising it, adding to it, researching new and/or different material to fill the new additional 6 weeks that will be added as a part of the new semesters. So, how do professors feel about the whole con-

Photo Courtesy | Calstatela.edu

Photo Courtesy | Calstatela.edu

Photo Courtesy | Calstatela.edu

Photo Courtesy | Calstatela.edu

version? There is a plethora of professors on campus, both old and new. For the professors who have taught at CSULA for years, some who were even students here themselves, the quarter system is all they’ve ever known. For the newer professors who have just joined our Golden Eagle flock in the recent years, they will need to completely revise their curriculums they have just gotten used to teaching. Regarding the conversion, professors here at CSULA seem to have mixed emotions about it, some passionately against it, some in favor, and some who don’t really have any strong feelings at all about it. Dr. Margaret D. Clark, Associate Professor in the Special Education and Counseling division and Advisor for the Urban Learning program, is a CSULA triple alumnus who earned her Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degree here, and has worked at CSULA full time for fifteen years. From dedicated to student to professor/advisor, Dr. Clark has known the quarter system her whole student and career life.

Like many on campus, she was not exactly thrilled when she heard about the official commencement of the conversion. Dr. Clark said, “The faculty and students both voted against it. But somehow it’s still happening. Through this all, they still haven’t provided a pedagogical reason as to why this is even happening. Not once have I heard a pedagogical reason.” When asked how she was revising, adding, our decompressing her curriculum to fill in 6 additional weeks, she said she was doing all of the above. She explained, “I’ve had to reconfigure my whole curriculum. It’s been very stressful. We were notified in a very short amount time, and there’s just not enough time to do what needs to be done.” In regards to the eventual outcome of the semester conversion, Dr. Clark had a positive outlook: “Sixteen weeks gives us a lot more time. I get to add more depth and more content to my curriculum without the rush. It’s going to be a big change; it’s going to be a new teaching load and just a real adventure.” Professors like Jon Beaupre, Associate Professor of Television Production and Broad-

cast Journalism, however, are in his words, “Just SO over it!...enough with the talk and meetings with everyone about it. Let’s just do it already. I’m burnt out. There will be a big relief when it’s finally in motion.” Professor Beaupre, like Dr. Clark, also looks forward to the positive impact the semester conversion will have on time. Professor Beaupre said, “It’s fewer classes with more units. It gives us more time to focus, and more time learn about how we learn.”

mester conversion will eventually turn out to be a profound lesson on adapting, as it will impact CSULA on every level. Adapting for both students, and professors. Just like Dr. Clark said, it’s going to be a real adventure. For more information and details on the conversion, visit www.calstatela. edu/semester.

It’s safe to say the se-

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University Times

Oct. 6, 2014


NIVERSITY IMES Staff Reporters Gerardo Amezquita Angeline Bernabe

Editor-in-Chief Yzzy Gonzalez

Managing Editor Timmy Truong

Columinist Roxana Hernandez

Production Manager Taylor Preza

Contributors Alexandra Del Salto Mai Nguyen Christine Tran

Web Editor Carol Venegas

Photographers Timmy Truong

Copy Editor Carol Venegas Business/ Advertising Mangager Jim Munson Faculty Advisor Suzanne Regan Distributor Carol Venegas

All opinions and letters in the University Times represent the opinion of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the UT or the university. Letters to the editor should include an address, telephone number and identification. Letters may be edited for grammar and length. University Times display and classified advertising should not be construed as the endorsement or investigation of commercial enterprises of ventures. University Times reserves the right to reject any advertising. University Times is published every Monday. Copyright 2014 University Times. All Rights Reserved.


Higher Education More Accessible with PALM NEWS

Gerardo Amezquita

Staff Reporter Thanks to CSU Affordable Learning Solutions (ALS), Cal State LA has obtained a $20,000 grant to finance a year-end campaign to raise awareness of the many alternatives to purchasing a high priced textbook. Additionally, it encourages faculty to become cognizant of their students’ struggle to obtain high valued volumes by opening their understanding of the utilization of older editions or online sources. The Program for Affordable Learning Materials (PALM) has partnered with the University Library to bring out students to their opening workshops and according to their website, “address issues of choice, affordability, and access to educational materials.” In order to gain a larger participating assembly they have partnered with Associated Students, Inc. (ASI), Student Union, and the University Bookstore to convey the mes-

sage. The PALM program offers exceptional advice and workshops to access free or low cost source materials and classes. Their listings of upcoming events can always be viewed on their personalized website located on the University Library’s homepage. Once you are on the Library website, click on the image of ‘Save on Textbooks!’ next to the reference help and free research help images. The PALM program hopes students will take advantage of their great offers such as free course materials, eTextbooks, and online courses. With rising tuition cost, their goal is to reduce the further stress of education by minimizing the average cost of textbooks for CSU students. According to PALM’s website, the average cost of textbooks for CSU students ranges at over $800 a year. With the fulfillment of this fiscal problem they anticipate to lower the confines of receiving a quality education.

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It is in their recognition that there are many options to take before purchasing any $400 textbook. The PALM program recommends that as a student you should check to see if the library has your book on reserve. Sadly when a textbook is on reserve, but students do not bother to check. Another cost saving method is to rent your book at the fraction of the cost. As a final appeal, the leading members of PALM encourage student organizations and faculty representatives to join together and entitle every student with a dynamic education from faculty who “provide[d] quality educational content that [was] more affordable for students.” For more information on their collaborative forums or have any questions, contact PALM through their website or e-mail Romelia Salinas, PALM coordinator, at rsalina@calstatela.edu.


www.csulauniversitytimes.com csula.ut@gmail.com

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Alicia Soto

Spring 2015 English Program in Korea (EPIK) $1,750 - $2,700/month

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Photo by Timmy Truong | JFK Memorial Library entrance

+airfares, housing, medical insurance, paid vacation – Must have BA degree and TESOL or TEFL certificate Last day to apply: *Sometime in November 2014 *this date is tentative and subject to Change depending on circumstances To learn more, please visit the website www.epik.go.kr Questions: EPIK office in Korea – epic@ korea.kr


Oct. 6, 2014

University Times

YASunidos Battle for Global Awareness


Gerardo Amezquita

Staff Reporter Cal State Los Angeles had the honor to have two members of YASunidos speak with students of the issues of macroclimate change on October 2nd, 2014. YASunidos is a fresh coalition based in Ecuador that hopes to stop the oil extractions of its Yasuni National Park, part of the Amazonian rainforest. The issue of climate change in various municipalities has been a strong conversation topic, with a large demonstration of protestors holding the People’s Climate March in New York City last month to attract the attention of the attendees of the United Nations Yearly Climate Summit. However, YASunidos’ presentation differed from the general consensus because their enemies are dominant petroleum-based companies, such as Texaco, Chevron, and PetroAmazonas. According to the World Wildlife Fund’s website, the Amazon rainforest, where Yasuni National Park is located,

covers about forty percent of South America and holds about twenty percent of our oxygen intake. The company’s methodology were

to hold eighteen tribes, but through the corruption of the land there have been two tribes that disappeared. The representatives of the YASunidos have claimed this act to be genocidal be-

"The Yasuni National Park used to hold eighteen tribes, but through the corruption of the land there have been two tribes that disappeared." to extract oil by creating a large hole in the ground, taking the oil, and leaving the land uninhabitable. So the oil juggernauts leave the land corrupted, destroyed, and withered. According to YASunidos, what the companies are doing is destroying this global oxygen source. As a result, this once great forest is under attack, along with its people who wished to commune in voluntary isolation. The Yasuni National Park used

YASunidos have exercised their full civil rights with an unpleasant response by the President. Case in point, when YASunidos launched a six month campaign to collect signatures to call for a national referendum, it was met with strict militarization from the nationalist state and accusations of fraudulent violations to the government for breaking the chain of custody of the collected signatures.

cause of the Ecuadorian government’s exploitation of the indigenous tribes’ non-legal representation.

Ruales and Cerda have also mentioned a violation of a constitutional article unique to Ecuador. The article “Los Derechos del la Naturaleza”— translates to the rights of nature, has been disregarded by the Correa-led government because of the oil extraction that is destroying the large biodiversity of the Amazon.

In an interview with Gabriela Ruales and Leo Cerda, representatives of the Yasunidos collective, have stated that their goal as a group is to engage in “climate, energy, and sustainability activis[m].” They discussed their frustrations with Rafael Correa, Ecuadorian President, who appeals to foreign business relations over public opinion.

Even though fate has not worked in their favor, YASunidos’s positivism is relentless because they are taking their case to the Inter-American Human Rights Commission this season. If you wish to remain updated on the status of this case, keep close attention to any major media outlet or you can visit their website at yasunidos.org.


University Times

Oct. 6, 2014

Her Campus Launches at Cal State L.A.

Photo courtesy | Her Campus Cal State LA Instagram


Angeline Bernabe

Staff Reporter After months of hard work, Cal State LA’s Her Campus Chapter finally launched last Tuesday, September 30th! Her Campus is an online community for college women and discuss topics regarding fashion, relationships, beauty, life, news and more. With over 240 chapters across the country and globe, Cal State LA’s chapter joined the Her Campus community as the second Cal State University (besides Cal Poly). The Cal State LA Chapter was organized by yours truly, and Television, Film, and Media major Yzzy Gonzalez. For most of the summer, the Her Campus Team of six worked hard and produced articles and content for the site prior to the official launch date on September 30th. What made Her Campus community so unique was that it served as a platform for aspiring journalists and writers to have their work showcased online. As mentioned in a previous article, what attracted Yzzy and I to Her Campus was how the organization provided a sense of community among college women throughout their website. While Yzzy enjoyed the interactive quality of the site and how relatable the articles were to anyone in college, I fell in love with the articles that Her Campus writers wrote about everything involving the college experience. As two actively involved

members of student organizations on campus, Yzzy and I have been looking for ways to elicit student involvement among fellow golden eagles on campus. Over the years we’ve understood that Cal State LA has been stereotyped as a large commuter university, thus making it difficult for students to take the time and join an organization on campus. With HerCampus.com, we want to help break the commuter stereotype on campus and generate more student involvement. In addition, as your Campus Correspondents for Her Campus, we also want to help promote writing and help students on campus understand how vital it is. We encourage students to find their voice through writing and hope to understand that writing doesn’t stop in the classroom. This week on the site, our contributors wrote about topics relating to back–to-school, gave a spotlight on an Anthropology professor, and discussed fashion trends for Fall (just to name a few). Content includes categories such as features, blogs, snapshot, events, Campus Cuties and Campus Celebrities. If you’re interested in contributing to Her Campus, please join Yzzy and I on Thursdays at 3:30 PM in King Hall C3098 to discuss ideas and collaborate. We hope to see you there!

follow us ! hccalstatela Her Campus California State University, Los Angeles




University Times


Oct. 6, 2014

Autumn On My Mind #YesAllWomyn/ #YesAllWomen

Mai Nguyen


Tuesday, 10/7/14 3:15 PM Alhambra Room - Student Union 3rd floor

Thursday 10/9/14 4:30 PM Forest Lounge & CCC Hallway - Student Union 2nd floor

It’s a celebration of the LGBTQ community! Join your friends for free good, fantastic music, fun games with prizes, and drag. Come support and learn more about your friends and fellow students in the LGBTQ community.

Fundamentals of Interviewing

We’ll all have to jump over this daunting hurdle likely more than once in our lives. Come get some help in learning how to prepare and practice from the Career Center. This is also a great opportunity to meet and network with others in the workforce. Practice makes perfect, and it could make a difference in whether you land your job or not.

Movie on the Green Wednesday 10/29/14 6:30 - 9:30 PM Reeder Field

Come out and scream with your friends for a showing of the classic flick “Scream.” Bring blankets, chairs, and friends. There will be food available for purchase from the food truck. *Courtesy of CSI & ASI

10/8/14 12 - 2 PM Main Walkway & Parking Lot 4

Join the international discussion on feminism and what it means to you, no matter what gender you identify with.

10/15/14 3:30 - 4:30 PM Career Center


Drag Bingo - National Coming Out Day


Nest Fest

It’s a new year, a new quarter, a new month. Who’s feeling good? There are plenty of fun, intriguing, and compelling events planned for students throughout the quarter, every quarter. Here are some highlights for the month of October!

D.I.Y. Crafty Wednesday: Vision Boards Wednesday 10/22/14 4:00 PM Alhambra Room - Student Union 3rd Floor

Have goals? Visualize them and create a masterpiece of art as a constant reminder of those goals. Sign-ups start on 10/13/14 at the Center for Student Involvement Room 204 of the Student Union. Space is limited and they fill up fast (even space on the waiting list)!

10/20/14 Friday 10/31/14 8 AM 7 PM Cross Cultural Center’s Lobby: Student Union 2nd Floor

Friday 10/24/14 9 AM - 12:30 PM

Join your friends at the Pan African Student Resource Center to celebrate, remember, and learn more about the incredible life of Maya Angelou: author, artist, and activist extraordinaire.

Come join your fellow students, faculty, and staff for a day of community service. Transportation is provided and space is limited, so sign up today in the CSI Room 204 of the Student Union. Deadline for sign-ups is October 17. Contact Anh Hong in the Center for Engagement, Service, and the Public Good at (323) 343-3380 for more information. Help make a difference in the lives of others.

Día De Los Muertos Thursday 10/30/14 12

PM LA Room - Student Union 3rd Floor

Come celebrate one of Mexico’s traditional holidays and honor your deceased loved ones. You can make your own masks, paint your faces, and enjoy a mesmerizing performance and great live music.

As excited as you all are to bury your heads back in your stacks of books, we encourage everyone to come out and support your fellow students who have worked very

Maya Angelou Exhibit Monday,

Cal State LA Gives Back! A Day of Community Service

Join your fellow Golden Eagles for an afternoon of free food, great music, and cool prizes. Fall is the time when students all flock back to the nest, so come hang out with old friends, meet new friends, and learn all about campus resources available to you.

We Play CSULA: Laser Tag night

Friday 10/17/14 6 - 8 PM Ultrazone, Alhambra, CA

Go out for a night of fantastic fun with your pals and fellow students. CSULA is putting on another game night and this time it’s laser tag! Come challenge your friends, classmates, sorority sisters, frat brothers, and fellow club/ org members! It’s always a great way to meet new friends as well. Nothing bonds you better than getting shot at with lasers together.

* You must use transportation provided by the U-SU * Sign-up deadline is Wednesday 10/13/14 * Open only to CSULA students with ID * Tickets are only $5!!! (Purchase them in the U-SU Room 306)

hard to put on great events for you. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two that just may surprise you.

* For more information on a ton of other events for the month, grab an events calendar in the Student Union and located throughout campus.

University Times

Oct. 6, 2014


What Student Success Fees do for CSULA CAMPUS Timmy Truong

Managing Editor The University Times surveyed twenty CSULA students about their opinions on Student Success Fees. Seventeen of the students had never heard of the fee and only three students were aware of the fee, but did not know enough to form an opinion. For many of these students, the mention of

the fact that they pay $81.36 a quarter towards a student success fee was a surprise. This small group by no means is a representation of the majority of the campus, but it does show that students need to be informed by this fee. According to the CSU website, the student success fees are a Category II fee and defined as “mandatory fees that must be paid to enroll or attend the university.” Currently 12 of the 23 CSU campuses have implemented the use of suc-

cess fees. CSULA has been in the middle of the pack, paying about $244 a year compared to the highest, San Luis Obispo, with a $780 fee and the lowest, Dominguez Hills, with a $35 fee. Student Success fees were implemented in 2012 by the previous CSULA President, James M. Rosser and previous CSU Chancellor, Charles B. Reed. The CSULA proposal was titled CSULA Student Success, Graduation and Career Placement Category II

Fee Initiative. It was planned to start the quarter of Fall 2012 and has been part of the Campuses’ Student Success, Graduation and Career Placement initiative. The money obtained from the initiative can be funneled into different uses: Advising and Retention, Student Development and Career Services, and Vital Technologies. The 2014-2015 fiscal year marks the start of the third year of Student Success Fees on campus and over the years there have been many propos-

als for a share of the fees. The following tables shows some notable proposals made possible by the Student Success Fee and do not show all proposals made. Source information on success fees are available at: http://www.calstatela.edu/ budget/student-success-fee/

For the 2012-2013 fiscal year $4,129,518 were allocated for projects. Student Development Vital Technologies Category Academic Advisement and Retention and Career Services 24 staff advisors hired across 6 colleges

A Deaf and Hard of Hearing Coordinator hired

Students received expanded access to computing applications

Graduate Studies and Research Coordinator was hired

Benefits Coordinator position established to assist Veteran students

provided access to a just-in-time learning system called lynda. com

University Tutorial and Writing centers hired more tutors and expanded hours.

Summer Bridge program established

Wi-Fi Availability Increased

For the 2013-2014 fiscal year $5,886,413, were allocated for projects. Vital Technologies Category Academic Advisement Student Development and Retention and Career Services

With the 2014-2015 year in progress, there have been many proposals that have been taken into consideration, one example would be the 24-Hour Open Access labs and has been available for use. There will also be upgrades to the wireless points on campus, addition of a peer mentor program for international students, professional development for graduate students and much more. Although information on how Student Success Fees has been not easy to track down, it is available. Currently there is a freeze on establishing new success fees at other campus-

Student scholarship coordinator established

Student Success and Retention Coordinator established

Peer mentoring for online/Hybrid Courses

Veterans Affairs Coordina- Secure password tor position established to alternatives to protect assist Veteran students from phishing

Student/parent academy for first generation students

Health and wellness promotion and education activities

Wi-Fi access point radios upgraded.

Adobe Creative Cloud for students

es’ before January 1, 2016. The current CSU Chancellor Timothy P. White and Trustee Douglas Faigin are touring different campuses and hosting forums in order to review the fee policy to see if there are changes to be made. The review will be conducted throughout the 2014-2015 fiscal year and the CSU has provided opportunities through their website to leave feedback. Visit www.calstate.edu/studentsuccessfeeforum/ to voice your opinion about the Student Success Fee.

Photo by Timmy Truong |Chancellor Timothy P. White listens to student during the open forum.


University Times


Oct. 6, 2014


Oct. 6, 2014

University Times

Photo Courtesy | Forocoches.coma

Buenas noticias para los indocumentados en Los Ángeles Daisy Baez A partir del 1 de octubre los indocumentados que quedaron fuera de Obamacare recibirán servicios médicos de manera gratuita. Más de $61 millones de dólares serán invertidos en el programa “Mi salud”, el cual beneficiará a personas de bajos ingresos e indocumentados. Algunas clínicas ya han comenzado a inscribir personas en el programa y sólo piden como identificación la matrícula consular. Así que ahora las personas que no cuenten con un seguro social o documentos podrán visitar a un médico para prevenir enfermedades sin importar si calificaron o no en el programa de Obamacare. “Todos somos iguales y es lo mínimo que podemos hacer. Contribuyen a la economía de nuestro país y todos los seres humanos merecemos un trato digno por igual”. Comenta Valeria Sánchez estudiante de maestría en CSULA.

e m e M

a n ma

e s a l e d





La cruel realidad de Lunes a Jueves



University Times

Oct. 6, 2014

Feminism: Fixed or Fa d? OPINION Chistine Tran

Contributor “Feminist: a person who believes in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.” If Beyoncé Knowles-Carter did not put that except of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Tedx Talks speech, “We Should All Be Feminists” in her hit song ***Flawless, I am convinced that many people to this day would still have a misconception of what a feminist really means. Belonging in the generation where kids thrive on social media and have this sudden interest in activism (and yes, this includes slacktivism), this once heavily negatively used word; “feminism” is finally getting its spotlight in the mainstream media. However, is it for a concrete purpose or is feminism just a fad? I was introduced to feminism four years ago on Tumblr after an anonymous person corrected me for slut shaming. From then on, I have proudly associated myself as a feminist. However, it eventually dawned on me that many influential fe-

males were not calling themselves feminists because they still believed it was considered as ‘man-hating.’ For example, in Huffington Post’s article titled, “10 Celebrities Who Say They Aren’t Feminists” posted on December 17th, 2013 revealed quotes by celebrities like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Madonna who have said they are not feminists. But as 2014 is coming to an end this year, feminism is finally showing up in mainstream media. Now I understand that Beyoncé was not the first influential female to call herself a feminist but I strongly believe her actions have helped the cause. From writing an essay on feminism for The Shriver Report titled, “Gender Equality Is a Myth!” to posting a photo of herself doing the famous Rosie The Riveter pose, and her infamous VMA 2014 performance where she stood in front of the word “feminist” on national television, Beyoncé has really helped push the awareness of feminism in today’s society. The reactions from Beyoncé’s actions however are still split in the middle. Many young adults have

embraced and supported Beyoncé’s ideas on feminism but the one thing many people still do not understand is her use of sexuality. There are people out there that believe that female artists who embrace their sexuality in videos or performances are contradicting towards feminism, which is completely false. Women like men, do have the rights to express their sexuality and because we are living in such an oppressive society, that is why slut shaming exists. In more recent news surrounding feminism, two events have occurred that had myself question whether or not people understand the serious need for feminism. On September 20th, 2014, Emma Watson was appointed by the United Nations to give a speech for the campaign, HeForShe. Although it is helping to put positive light to the word “feminism” as of right now, it is not extremely helpful. Men all over the world are posting pictures of them holding a sign with #HeForShe which is bringing awareness. However, Watson did not address issues like the division of domestic labor, how women are portrayed in the media, and specific groups like women of color and trans women who are dependent on the advancement of the feminist cause. This campaign is a good start but has a lot of work needed in order to be effective.

Photo Courtesy | Newrepublic.com

Photo Courtesy | Time Magazine

Photo Courtesy | Nocrybabies.net

In the fashion world, Chanel’s Spring/Summer 2015 show in Paris was all about a feminist revolution. Even if this was a huge step in bringing feminism into mainstream media, it was quite problematic. As much as you want to praise Karl Lagerfeld for giving a shout out to feminism, if you look at the models who walked the show, feminist Brenna Resnick states, “It’s a simple majority of white women whose industry has created contributes to some of the very problem feminism is trying to repair.” To go even further, Lagerfeld has been known to insult women based on their appearance, which definitely does not show feminism. In a Telegraph.co.uk’s post, “Karl Lagerfeld’s Most Outrageous Insults” posted on September 10th, 2014, he insults Pippa Middleton, Kate Middleton’s sister, by saying, “On the other hand, [Pippa] struggles. I don’t like the sister’s face. She

should only show her back.” On British singer Adele, he states, “The thing at the moment is Adele. She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice.” With that, the show gives off the attitude that you can just wear feminism and not do anything substantial about it. Feminism is not something that is “in style” in which you can be a part of until it is not popular anymore. This has been an ongoing struggle for women everywhere and it is important for people to not only advocate for but to seriously understand and act towards making changes. If you want to learn more about feminism, check out courses in Women's and Gender Studies or visit the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance, located in the Cross Cultural Centers' Gender and Sexuality Resource Center.

University Times

Oct. 6, 2014


The Mystery of Modesty


No one really knows what to expect from the Southern California weather, but one thing is for sure-those warm days are going to present themselves. For this reason, people do not always think a ‘modest look’ is appropriate for such weather and disregard the option that modesty exists.

Roxana Hernandez


There are many misconceptions about the perceptions of modesty. First of all, modesty is not all about clothes; it’s about personality and behavior as well. Modesty is not exclusive to religion, nor exclusive to body type. There is no definite right way or wrong way to dress when it comes to this idea.

vealing of the shoulders. Take Kate Middleton, the duchess of Wales. Her personal style has influenced many women to dress like her. She looks classic and modern at the same time, emphasizing her taste in modest attire. Kate’s key ingredients for this very classic and modest style is to wear ensembles of the same color: red skirt-red top, white blousewhite skirt, blue dress- blue jacket. Layering is another key to completing a look that will follow the Kate Middleton style. Lastly, well-fitted clothes can change everything. A red dress may be hem lined to below the knee, may be set down to long sleeves, and even crewed necked, but when it fits to the body like a glove, it looks 100% sexy. A great example could be a dinner dress. If one decides to wear a black dress that has a modest length and a modest touch, maybe taking away one modest feature at a time is the best way to go. In this case, a great suggestion is the re-

Surprisingly, the exposure of the shoulders is sexier than most think. The reason for this is because shoulders are the line between innocent beauty and raw sexuality. In truth, it’s all about the mystery that it eludes. Mystery is always sexy, and modest dressing is a way to achieve this. It’s very easy to think modesty is dead, but Kate Middleton, among other influential dressers, has truly inspired fashion through a more modest route. After all, there is nothing wrong with a little modesty. It really isn’t for everyone but for those who do embrace it there sure is a great upside to this. Modesty is sexy too and just because a woman prefers to simply expose less skin and slip on a more modest outfit does not mean that she is a boring dresser. In fact there is nothing boring about it, there is something really beautiful and even sexy to the mystery that modesty brings.

That said, what is modesty anyway? Everyone defines modesty differently, but objectively modesty is “The quality of not being too proud or confident about yourself or your abilities” or “Propriety in dress, speech, or conduct” as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It’s 2014 and there is still controversy about a woman’s modesty. This brings up serious issues that contain more than two sides to the story, but most people seem to think it falls one way or the other: modesty is a choice or modesty is body shaming. Before further discussing the issue it should be clear what body shaming is. According to the bodyshaming.org website, it is “inappropriate negative statements and attitudes toward another person’s

weight or size.”

The concept that modesty is body shaming seems like a really biased way of looking. While some people believe that modesty can be body shaming by not showing enough, others also see showing too much can be body shaming as well. However, there are instances where modest-wear is body shaming too. Sure, there are religions that are strict about dress codes and have women hiding their bodies to keep men from lusting over them. However, there is also the idea that women feel the need to hide their bodies if it does not conform to societies’ expectations. This isn’t just society telling women to hide their bodies, but also women telling themselves to hide their own bodies. A woman who likes to be discreet about her body should not be referred to as prude, and a woman who likes to be risqué should not be referred to as a crude. Modesty shows self-control and a very clear way of how one is presenting themselves, but that is not to say that wearing less clothes, or exposing more skin isn’t clearly presenting oneself either. Although there is great controversy about a woman’s modesty, there is currently a sort of “modest movement.” Fashion icons and style figures have influenced a large population into more classic taste and more modest dressing.

12 Calendar

University Times

OCT 6 - 11

Oct. 6, 2014


7 Tuesday

On exhibition until Oct 25 in the Luckman Gallery

Career Center

12PM Julie Orser: Madeline 3:30PM University Times

Volunteer Meeting King Hall C3098 Bobalicious: Asian Pacific Islander Student Resource Center Open House Asian Pacific Islander Student Resource Center, 2nd Floor U-SU


9Thursday Career Center

3PM A Day at the Fair

Grass area adjacent to Library South and the wallkway.

2PM U-Lead: Polishing Your Presentation Skills

Student Clubs and Organization Offices, 2rd Floor U-SU


#Yesallwomyn#Yesallwomen Alhambra Room, 3rd Floor U-SU Fraternity and Sorority Information Night U-SU Theatre, 1st Floor U-SU


vs Cal State Montery Bay, Eagles Nest Gym

Forest Lounge & CCC Hallway, 2nd Floor U-SU


10AM A.S.I. Farmers Market

4:30PM Mens Soccer

Salazar Hall Quad

Womens Volleyball vs Cal State San Bernardino

12PM Nest Fest


Volleyball vs Humboldt State, Eagles Nest Gym


Womens Soccer vs Cal State Montery Bay, Eagles Nest Gym

Main Campus Walkway & Parking Lot 4


A Day at the Fair Salazar Hall Quad


Bingo The Pit, basement of the U-SU


Relationships 101 Student Health Center, Room 210


10AM How to Choose a Major

4:30PM Drag Bingo

10AM Writing a Winning Resume

week Two 8Wednesday


5:30PM 17th Annual Billie Jean King & Friends Event Langham Hotel Grand Ballroom


Billie Jean King Tennis Clinic Cak State L.A. Tennis Complex

StratosFuel: Pioneers of the Future


Carol Venegas Web Editor It’s always fun and exciting to get in contact with CSULA alumni along with their whereabouts in life. In this issue, we uncover StratosFuel’s CEO Johnathan Palacios-Avila’s journey from student to #BOSS. Not much is known about hydrogen or its uses for fuel. However, the members of StratosFuel have all the information covered. Our interview covered StratosFuel’s journey, memories, and future plans. What is/was your major? If finished, what college or other line of education have you completed? Jonathan Palacios-Avila: I was a freshman at CSULA in the fall of 2007. When I originally entered school I was Biochemistry major, and switched to Public Administration to have an understanding of municipal government and how to integrate alternative fueling systems locally. I graduated with a BA in Public Administration in 2012. Waldo Bracamonthes: My major is Communication Studies. I am a senior at CSULA, I will graduate spring. How did you find yourself in hydrogen, or on the topic of

a hydrogen station?

J.PA: I read an article in Motortrend Magazine back in spring of 2003 about hydrogen being the fuel of the future. The article highlighted GM and their fuel cell vehicle; the technology involved with hydrogen interested me. At first I wanted to improve fuel cells by testing other catalyst, such as cobalt. Back in 2008 wired magazine put out an article about hydrogen vehicles and how they could be a success if they had an infrastructure. I began theorizing about a hydrogen infrastructure and the economics of one back in 2008. W.B: I found myself in hydrogen when my friend Jonathan [The CEO] introduced me to its capabilities. It was the vision he had as a high school student. I saw on your blog that you’ve received a great amount of funding for your hydrogen station, congrats! What steps were needed to receive this type of funding? J.PA: Thank you! Yes we received $2.1M in funding from the California Energy Commission and $200k from AQMD to build our first hydrogen station. The grant from the California Energy Commission is from AB 8 funds, which in 2013 Gov

Brown allocated $200M in an effort to build 100 hydrogen stations over the next 10 years. In order to apply there is a great deal of preparation that has to take place, we first have to secure land, equipment, and research the well to wheel of our hydrogen pathway. It took us about 2 months to write a 100 page grant and submit it.

What is StratosFuel and what are your plans for the future? J.PA: StratosFuel owns, builds, operates, and manages hydrogen-fueling stations. Our stations follow along a roadmap that was plotted by the Air Resource Board, and uses our own data from research that we have compiled over the last two years. The roadmap we have drafted spans across the State of California. Currently we have partnered with a company that owns over 100 gasoline stations in prime locations. StratosFuel plans on furthering gasoline station partnerships to better serve states that have implemented Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plans. We plan to have 30 stations by 2020 and begin to expand out of state. W.B: StratosFuel is a company that’s main goal is implement renewable technology for the future, via hydrogen

fuel. For zero emission vehicles. Can you tell me more about your journey towards the hydrogen station? J.PA: We see the pursuit of hydrogen as a responsibility. We see it as our due diligence for the environment. The path to hydrogen is tuff, many people say it is to difficult and the economics don’t add up, but we are willing to settle down for the long run and put the effort a new industry requires, because the world needs a cleaner fuel that will be sustainable for generations to come. CSULA has provided me with the skills to go out and be apart of the hydrogen revolution. I still come back to CSULA for support and advice. The CSULA hydrogen station has written us letters of support and guided my colleagues and I. W.B: As a Communications Studies student, my major has helped with being able to continue to learn to do research, to help me market green technology. Educating the general public in this technology is important. What prominent skills do you think helped you in your education (specifically any clubs, classes, professors, in CSULA) that helped you where you are now? J.PA: When my major was

Biochemistry I took chemistry classes and I learned about the environmental effects of hydrogen. These classes helped shape my understanding of the technology and benefits of hydrogen. Ever since I was young I would take things apart and try to rebuild them. When I was in tenth grade I made a fuel cell car that ran on salt water. I also made a small electrolyzer when I was in college to see how much hydrogen could be made with a low voltage unit. All of these aspects have allowed me to have a broad understanding for the technology and capability of hydrogen. Is there a way students or anyone can get involved with StratosFuel? J.PA: We are always looking for ways to get more involved in the community. Our focus is to reach out and educate people about hydrogen. Including CSULA in this effort would be beneficial. We spoke to Michael Dray, CSULA hydrogen station operator and we are thinking of having CSULA students help run test at our Ontario Station when it is complete in September 2015. We also want to get letters of support from community members and officials that want hydrogen stations in their cities. We are going to add a page that allows people to add where they want a station. If any students want to get involved, they can email info@ stratosfuel.com.

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