Cleveland State Magazine
EDITOR/WRITER Barbara Chudzik
CSU and Parker Hannifin define strategic engagement
PHOTOGRAPHY Brian Hart Rob Wetzler
PRESIDENT Ronald M. Berkman PROVOST Deirdre Mageean
Annual tribute recognizes outstanding graduates
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COVER Students enjoying the last few days of summer sun at CSU's annual Tiki-Frosh event, which welcomes the incoming freshman class. Photo by Brian Hart
If you were asked to complete the sentence “Cleveland is …,” how would you respond? That’s the challenge I faced recently at the annual meeting of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. Each of us at the head table was asked to stand, introduce ourselves and briefly respond to “Cleveland is...” No one put it more succinctly than Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson (a three-time CSU alumnus), who declared, “Cleveland is a great city!” I couldn’t agree more. Cleveland is people, diversity, culture, health care, business, education and, of course, sports. Cleveland also is much more than the sum of its many parts. It’s one of the great urban centers and as a best-in-class urban university, CSU is committed to using its expertise and resources to helping its home city continue to grow and thrive. The lead story in this issue of Cleveland State highlights some of the ways we are actively engaging Northeast Ohio’s other anchor institutions and creating robust partnerships that will renew the entire metropolitan area with enduring competitiveness and long-term vitality. Some of these exciting partnerships include: our new Parker Hannifin Motion and Control Lab in the Fenn College of Engineering, which received a front page story and an editorial in the Plain Dealer for its potential to advance “smart”
prosthetics; our collaboration with Northeast Ohio Medical University to train primary care physicians for urban areas; our Arts Campus with PlayhouseSquare and Cleveland Play House that is garnering national attention; our Campus International School and MC2STEM High School which are providing a continuum of education in conjunction with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District; and so much more. Strategic partnerships are win-win-win – Cleveland, our partners and Cleveland State all benefit from aligning for the greater good. Partnerships also are an integral component of CSU’s engaged learning experience that is educating students for careers that we hope will keep them in Northeast Ohio. With our new academic year underway, enrollment has reached nearly 18,000 students, with 1,730 freshmen – our largest freshman class ever. At a time when other state universities are facing declining or flat enrollment, Cleveland State University is growing. Just like Cleveland, Cleveland State University is getting better every day. Ronald M. Berkman PRESIDENT
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FRESHMAN CLASS SETS NEW RECORD For the fourth consecutive year, CSU’s fall semester freshman class was larger than the year before. With 1,730 students, the new class represents a 15-percent surge. Total fall enrollment is nearly 18,000, also topping previous years. President Ronald M. Berkman has focused recruitment efforts on attracting a greater number of high-quality freshmen. Over the four years of his presidency, freshman enrollment has nearly doubled while grade point averages and ACT scores of incoming students have surpassed national averages. “Students who have a plethora of academic options are choosing Cleveland State over other schools throughout the region,” he notes. “This speaks to our intense focus on student success and the many initiatives we have underway to save students money and accelerate the time to graduation.”
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CSU has developed an intensive student-success initiative aimed at optimizing the value of higher education. Among the many new measures is a Graduation Incentive Plan (see story on page 7) that saves $389 for undergraduates who complete 30 credit hours per year. Another change saves students $394 for each additional credit hour scheduled beyond 16 hours per semester. Finally, a 120-credit-hour cap reduces the number of credits needed for graduation, saving students an average of $3,150. These and other student-success programs are aimed at reducing overall costs and incentivizing students to graduate faster. The student-success initiative also includes more internships and co-operative education experiences to prepare students for their chosen careers. Last year more than 3,000 CSU students completed internships and co-ops with local corporations, government institutions and cultural organizations. Welcome events for the Class of 2017 included a New Student Convocation with President Berkman and a Hawaii-themed Tiki-Frosh party with food, music, contests and giveaways from CSU and downtown businesses.
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RASCAL HOUSE RELOCATES The former Viking Hall and Wolfe Music Building have been demolished. The land has been cleared and leveled. And in November, ground will be broken on Euclid Avenue for CSU’s new Health Professions Building. Slated to open in 2015, the $45-million facility will house all the University’s health profession and medical education programs, including the Partnership for Urban Health with Northeast Ohio Medical University. By design, the new facility will foster interaction and collaboration among departments campus-wide, as faculty, students and health professionals work together to advance research, teaching and learning. To help make way for the building, Rascal House Pizza will be razed. But students and alumni who have enjoyed meals at the campus landmark need not fret. Rascal House and CSU have reached an agreement to move the restaurant just down the street to the newly renovated Union Building at 1836 Euclid Ave. The new location will include state-of-the-art commercial equipment and new customer amenities aimed at students, such as power outlets for laptops and high-speed Wi-Fi. The building will become
the new corporate headquarters for the five-restaurant chain and catering business. A campus gathering spot since 1980, Rascal House is also a friend to CSU, supporting athletic teams and scholarships and providing employment for countless numbers of students. “We are excited to enter a new phase in our longstanding relationship with CSU and enhance our services to a growing campus community,” said Mike Frangos, CEO of Rascal House. The Health Professions Building promises to be a world-class showcase that will enable Cleveland State to be a leader in a fully integrated approach to medical and health-care education.
NO SMOKING ZONE CSU is now a tobacco-free campus. With the start of fall semester, smoking and use of tobacco products of any form are no longer permitted. The ban complies with an Ohio Board of Regents request that all public universities in the state adopt a tobacco-free policy.
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The University is working to achieve maximum voluntary compliance by providing information about the new policy to the campus community and to visitors. Violations could result in disciplinary actions. In 1993, CSU adopted a smoke-free environment policy that prohibits smoking inside all University buildings. Since 2006, CSU has complied with Ohio’s Smoke-Free Work Place Act, which includes the posting of “No Smoking” signs within 20 feet of building entrances.
Want to show your Viking pride while supporting CSU student scholarships? It’s easy! You’ll be riding in style for a great cause when you purchase an Ohio license plate featuring the Viking logo and Magnus mascot. The cost of the special CSU plate is your annual renewal fee plus an additional $35. You’ll feel good knowing that $25 of the added charge comes directly back to the University and will be used to support student scholarships. Personalized CSU plates, with initials, names or messages, are also available upon request and approval of the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Visit for more information.
OPEN HOUSE WELCOMES VISITORS CSU’s largest-ever Spring Open House brought more than 1,850 visitors to campus. Throughout the day, prospective and admitted students, their families and the general public learned more about the University’s unique brand of engaged learning and checked out the vibrant campus in the heart of the city. Guests kept busy with a variety of activities, including campus tours; a campus fair featuring 40-plus CSU programs, departments and student clubs; special events in each of CSU’s colleges; information sessions on such topics as financial aid, academic programs, and selecting a major; and more. CSU will again open its doors for Spring Open House in April 2014. Visit for details.
STUDENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION AWARDED FOR EXCELLENCE Congratulations to CSU’s Student Alumni Association (SAA), winner of four awards for excellence from the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education/Affiliated Student Advancement Programs.
• Outstanding Student Leader to Dominique Brooks, an engineering student and four-year SAA member who has worked to advance the student-alumni relationship and promote student understanding of the importance of philanthropy.
SAA was recognized as District 5’s best in the following categories:
• Outstanding Adviser to Kathleen Kulik, CSU’s coordinator of Young Alumni Engagement who has developed programs to enrich the student-alumni relationship and strengthen lifelong loyalty to the University. Kulik is a 2006 graduate of CSU.
• Outstanding External Program for Almost Alumni Dinners – topic-based dinners hosted by alumni to promote social interaction between alumni and students while helping students learn life skills. • Outstanding Internal Program for Leadership Retreat – an annual overnight event for SAA board members to promote teamwork and develop leadership skills.
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Shannon Johnson, a junior majoring in finance, received a Gilman Scholarship to study in Beijing, China.
Monica Ward, a senior majoring in international relations, received a Gilman Scholarship to study in Rabat, Morocco.
Five outstanding CSU students were awarded prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships to study abroad this summer. The scholarships are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
They were among 700 undergraduates from 270 colleges and universities across the nation who received Gilman Scholarships for the 2013 summer term. The scholarships are awarded to students who are receiving federal Pell Grant funding to help finance their higher education. Gilman Scholars receive up to $5,000 to apply toward their study-abroad program costs. A limited number of students also receive additional funding for language study, for a total award of $8,000.
Congratulations to Marcella Johnson, a junior majoring in communication management (Berlin, Germany); Shannon Johnson, a junior majoring in finance (Beijing, China); Samantha Kash, a senior majoring in health sciences (Amman, Jordan); Monica Ward, a senior majoring in international relations (Rabat, Morocco); and Mu’id Ghani, a senior majoring in international relations (San Jose, Costa Rica).
“Cleveland State University is extremely proud of our Gilman Scholarship winners,” said Julie Good, manager of education abroad programs in CSU’s Center for International Services and Programs. “They embody CSU’s emphasis on engaged learning. They’re ambassadors for CSU and for Cleveland, and the fresh international perspectives that they gained will enrich our campus and our community.”
GRADUATE PROGRAMS RECEIVE NATIONAL RECOGNITION CSU’s graduate programs once again are showcased in U.S. News & World Report 's Best Graduate Schools. The annual guidebook highlights top programs to help prospective graduate students make an informed choice on which school to attend. The graduate specialty program in city management and urban policy at CSU's Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs is ranked number 2 in the nation – for the second consecutive year and the fourth time in the past 10 years. 6
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Levin College is ranked number 42 overall on the 2014 list of top public-affairs schools. “I am extremely pleased that our graduate programs continue to rank among the finest in the country,” said Dean Ned Hill. “This latest recognition reiterates our high academic standards and our ongoing commitment to change America’s cities one graduate at a time.” CSU’s Cleveland-Marshall College of Law improved its standing to number 119 in the latest U.S. News & World Report ranking of top law schools, up from number 135 the previous year.
“Cleveland-Marshall continues to lead all Ohio public law schools in terms of the percentage of graduates working in legal professions,” said Dean Craig Boise.
FINANCIAL INCENTIVE REWARDS STUDENT SUCCESS To help students progress steadily toward graduation, Cleveland State has unveiled an innovative new plan to rebate two percent of tuition cost plus $100 per semester in book expenses to undergraduate students who complete their academic year in good standing with at least 30 credit hours. Following a two-percent tuition increase, the CSU board of trustees approved the Graduation Incentive Plan as a way to offset the rising cost of tuition and books and provide added incentives to timely degree completion and graduation. The plan is one of several new initiatives CSU has designed to help undergraduates accelerate progress toward graduation. Other recent changes include capping the total credits needed for graduation at 120 hours; offering preregistration for an entire academic year; and eliminating additional tuition costs for students
nIKI LIves engaged LearnIng at CsU.
AN mBA sTuDeNT AND ceo of AmPlifieD wiND soluTioNs, Niki is GreeN iN more wAys ThAN oNe. she’s PArTNeriNG wiTh A csu eNGiNeeriNG Professor To liceNse AND commerciAlize his wiND TurBiNe AND leADiNG The chArGe TowArD cleAN eNerGy. Learn HoW YoU Can PersonaLIZe YoUr CsU eXPerIenCe at engageCsU.Com
rYan LIves engaged LearnIng at CsU.
few Pro PhoToGrAPhers cAN BoAsT of hAViNG Their work feATureD iN The New york Times —The couNTry’s lArGesT circulATioN NewsPAPer. As A seNior ArT mAJor, ryAN showcAseD The csu cAmPus To The NATioN ThrouGh A sTuDeNT’s leNs. Learn HoW YoU Can PersonaLIZe YoUr CsU eXPerIenCe at engageCsU.Com
JUstIn LIves engaged LearnIng at CsU.
while PursuiNG A GrADuATe DeGree iN exercise scieNce, JusTiN PumPs uP his kNowleDGe By TrAiNiNG clieNTs oN cAmPus AND off. usiNG skills he’s leArNiNG iN clAss, he suPerVises fiTNess AND wellNess AT The csu rec AND lAuNcheD A successful TrAiNiNG sTuDio. Learn HoW YoU Can PersonaLIZe YoUr CsU eXPerIenCe at engageCsU.Com
JUstIne LIves engaged LearnIng at CsU.
JusTiNe hAs A wAy wiTh worDs. AN hoNors sTuDeNT sTuDyiNG liNGuisTics AND freNch, she sPeNT A semesTer iN frANce refiNiNG her lANGuAGe skills. AT home she iNTerNs AT AN iNTerNATioNAl serVices ceNTer TeAchiNG eNGlish To foreiGN refuGees. Learn HoW YoU Can PersonaLIZe YoUr CsU eXPerIenCe at engageCsU.Com
who exceed 16 credit hours per semester. “This is an extraordinary new incentive for students to facilitate their goal of earning a degree as quickly as possible at a reasonable cost,” says President Ronald M. Berkman. “We are firmly committed to student success, and this is one more piece of the puzzle. Together, these initiatives have the potential to save one to two years of attendance and tuition.” Under the plan, students must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average and complete 30 credit hours within the academic year, which can include a combination of fall, spring and two summer terms. The tuition rebate will be credited to the student’s CSU account toward future tuition, and credit will be issued at the CSU book store. Graduating seniors will be given an option of applying their earned credits toward graduate school tuition.
BUCK LIves engaged LearnIng at CsU.
Buck, A music comPosiTioN mAJor, is The TchAikoVsky of TwiTTerVerse. he wroTe A 140 secoND symPhoNy for TwTrsymPhoNy ThAT wAs selecTeD As oNe of 20 Pieces from ArouND The worlD To Be recorDeD oN A comPilATioN AlBum. Learn HoW YoU Can PersonaLIZe YoUr CsU eXPerIenCe at engageCsU.Com
Professor van den Bogert LIves engaged LearnIng at CsU.
Professor VAN DeN BoGerT is A mAN oN The moVe. The BiomechANics exPerT woN AN AcADemy AwArD for DeVeloPiNG sofTwAre ThAT coNVerTs humAN moTioN iNTo ANimATioN. his TechNoloGy is useD iN BlockBusTer moVies AND ViDeo GAmes. Learn HoW YoU Can PersonaLIZe YoUr CsU eXPerIenCe at engageCsU.Com
ARTWORK SHOWS OFF ENGAGED LEARNING Five students and one faculty member who epitomize engaged learning are featured on a new series of CSU posters. Created by the Department of University Marketing in conjunction with flourish, inc., the posters highlight the word ENGAGE. The “stars” of the 2013 posters are: Niki Zmij, an MBA student and CEO of Amplified Wind Solutions, who is partnering with engineering professor Majid Rashidi to license and commercialize his wind turbine energy (illustrator Andy Council, United Kingdom); Ryan Upp, a senior art major whose photos have been featured in the New York Times (illustrator Michael Koelsch, Orange County, CA); Justin Porter, a graduate in exercise science, who supervises fitness and wellness at the CSU Rec Center and
has launched a successful training studio (illustrator James Steinberg, Amherst, MA); Justine Keenan, an honors student in linguistics and French who spent a semester in France and teaches English at an International Services Center (illustrator Carol Del Angel, London, England); Buck McDaniel, a music composition major, who wrote a 140-second symphony for TwtrSymphony that was selected as one of 20 pieces from around the world to be recorded on a compilation album (illustrator Meg Hunt, Portland, OR); and Professor Antonie (Ton) van den Bogert, a biomechanics expert who is making great strides in human motion and control research (illustrator Jeff Koegel, Los Angeles, CA).
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CAPTAIN AMERICA VISITS CSU A portion of the CSU campus became a Hollywood movie set when the crew of Captain America: The Winter Soldier set up shop to shoot scenes for the upcoming superhero film. Most of the action occurred in and around CSU’s Physical Education Building. In one scene, police vehicles screeched to a halt in front of the PE Building, after speeding past Fenn Tower. In another scene, police officers with guns drawn hustled up the PE Building steps.
BENCH HONORS ERNIE ANDERSON, AKA GHOULARDI CSU benches are a unique way to pay lasting tribute to someone special. So when super Ernie Anderson fan Valerie Schneer, a retiree from the New York City area, wanted to show her appreciation for the late television performer and his wife Bonnie, she purchased a bench in their honor. Anderson, in character as Ghoulardi, hosted late night horror films on Cleveland television in the 1960s. His bench is located in front of CSU’s Music and Communication Building. CSU green steel benches are 72 inches wide and feature the seal of Cleveland State University along with a personalized, laser-cut plaque “in memory of” or “in honor of” adhered to the top of the bench frame. The benches are strategically placed on campus to create a welcoming environment for students and visitors. For information on honoring someone with a bench, call 216-687-3557.
The movie’s cast and crew spent a month in Cleveland, filming at various locations around town. Captain America: The Winter Soldier arrives in theaters April 4, 2014.
CSU WINS BEST OF CLEVELAND POLL Scene Magazine’s Best of Cleveland 2013 poll named CSU the Best Local University. Listing some of CSU merits, the magazine wrote, “President Ronald Berkman has pumped dollars and energy into the Campus District and has revitalized the school as not only a worthy commuter school but a kick-butt college with solid academics and active student life. The
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area around campus has improved so much that a development organization now exists for the ‘neighborhood.’ Enrollment is up and the buildings have never looked shiner. And that basketball program is an exciting calling card.” Best of Cleveland winners are selected by Scene readers and the general public, who vote for the people, places, businesses and products that make Cleveland unique.
JULKA HALL WINS LEED GOLD Julka Hall has been awarded LEED Gold certification by the U.S. Green Building Council and the Green Building Certification Institute. LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is the nation's preeminent program for the design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings. There are four levels of LEED certification: Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum.
Julka Hall, which opened in 2010, is home to the College of Education and Human Services and the School of Nursing. Designed by the Columbus, Ohio, office of the international architecture and design firm NBBJ, the building is named in honor of CSU alumnus Anand "Bill" Julka, founder of the Cleveland-based information-technology company Smart Solutions. Julka Hall's LEED Gold makes it the third LEED-certified building on campus, which has been transformed dramatically in recent years
by a $500-million architectural makeover. The Recreation Center is LEED Certified and Euclid Commons residence hall is LEED Silver, with certification for the Student Center pending. A number of green design elements helped win LEED Gold for Julka Hall. Regional materials comprised 22 percent of the construction, with certified wood used throughout; 95 percent of construction waste was recycled; displacement ventilation, high-performance glass, radiant floors and sun shading yielded a 26 percent reduction in energy usage; water usage was reduced by 30 percent; and more.
MICROSCOPE PROVIDES NEW VIEWS The new Nikon A1Rsi confocal microscope in CSU’s Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD) is opening windows into new worlds for researchers in the biological sciences. CSU received the $600,000 piece of equipment – one of the few such microscopes in Northeast Ohio – through a grant from the National Institutes of Health and the National Center for Research Resources.
“This microscope allows us to study cellular structures and their behavior in great detail,” said Sailen Barik, director of GRHD. “It can be used in a variety of modes, ranging from fully manual to fully automated, and will tremendously help cellular and molecular research at GRHD.” The high-definition video and still images captured by the microscope can be analyzed with cutting-edge software to yield rich experimental data.
GRHD is dedicated to improving the understanding of biological processes and how the malfunction of molecular mechanisms results in heart disease, infectious disease, neurological disease and cancer. With $55 million in annual research and development expenditures, CSU ranks among the top 20 percent of universities in the nation for research and development, according to the National Science Foundation. Cleveland State University CSUOHIO.EDU
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The Partnership for Urban Health, a collaboration between CSU and Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED), is generating excitement – and not just for its mission of educating primary care physicians to serve urban communities. This fall, a second class of 35 pre-medical students was admitted, bringing to 63 the number who are taking pre-med courses in sciences and urban health at the academic campus of NEOMED at CSU. These students qualify for early assurance admission to NEOMED in Rootstown, Ohio, in 2014 and 2015, where they will pursue a newly created urban health curriculum.
And the partnership has welcomed a new director – Sonja Harris-Haywood, an award-winning family medicine educator, physician and researcher specializing in health disparities and cultural competency. Dr. Harris-Haywood is leading the partnership’s unique effort to diversify the workforce and establish a nationally recognized model in urban health. For the past nine years, she has been an assistant professor of family medicine, as well as a medical staff physician and preceptor with Case Western Reserve University and University Hospitals Case Medical Center. Previously she taught family medicine at New Jersey Medical School and the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. The NEOMED-CSU Partnership for Urban Health was established to address the unique health-care needs within urban metropolitan areas. NEOMED and CSU have created two paths for CSU students to become primary care physicians: the Post-Baccalaureate/M.D. and the Baccalaureate/M.D. These programs build upon CSU’s pre-med curriculum and NEOMED’s Doctor of Medicine curriculum to include courses in urban health. Currently based in the Union Building on CSU's campus, the partnership will eventually be housed in CSU's new Health Professions Building, scheduled to open in 2015. The partnership was recently named a member of the Urban Universities for HEALTH Learning Collaborative, a national academic initiative that investigates approaches to improve the health of urban communities by developing the health-care workforce. A grant of more than $400,000 over a four-year period was awarded to CSU and NEOMED by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of Health, administered through a collective effort between the Coalition of Urban Serving Universities and the Association of American Medical Colleges. Through the Urban Universities for HEALTH Learning Collaborative, CSU and NEOMED will work with peer institutions to identify, exchange and disseminate information on approaches to health-care workforce development that lead to improved health outcomes in local communities.
NEOMED Partnership for Urban Health – Fall 2013 Class
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Parker Hannifin Corporate Headquarters
AND As the global leader in motion and control technologies, Cleveland-headquartered Parker Hannifin Corporation is best known for hydraulic pumps, electric motors and other industrial devices. Now the firm is expanding into human motion and control, using its expertise to advance technology that helps those who are paralyzed or face other significant mobility challenges due to stroke, injury or disease. Parker has tapped Cleveland State University as a partner in this groundbreaking venture, providing $1.5 million to build a human motion and control laboratory in the Fenn College of Engineering and to fund an Endowed Chair, held by Dr. Antonie van den Bogert, an international authority on biomechanics who is leading CSU’s research on prosthetics that replicate the movements of healthy limbs. The collaboration is the latest milestone in the long-standing CSU-Parker partnership, a relationship that defines “strategic engagement.” “Cleveland State takes great pride in, and greatly values, our long-time partnership with Parker as an outstanding example of how institutions can work together for the mutual benefit of each other and the community,” said President Ronald M. Berkman. “Parker has consistently supported our commitment to making engaged learning opportunities available to students whose careers will be vital to Northeast Ohio’s future growth and prosperity. We couldn’t be happier to be joining Parker in this new venture, using our respective areas of research expertise to advance smart prosthetics and orthotics.” The Parker-CSU connection began years ago, when the father and uncle of firm chairman, CEO and president Don Washkewicz earned their degrees at CSU. In what became a multi-generational tradition, seven additional family members graduated from CSU, including Washkewicz, who earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the Fenn College of Engineering in 1972. Following graduation, he joined Parker Hannifin and as he rose through the ranks, became an ambassador for CSU, crediting the University for
DEFINING STRATEGIC ENGAGEMENT providing the springboard to success. Through the years, he has been instrumental in Parker sharing its success with Cleveland State and engaging the firm in ensuring educational excellence for future generations of engineers. In addition to the new human motion and control lab, Parker’s unparalleled generosity includes: • A $4 million gift commitment – $3 million for engineering scholarships and $1 million for two campus buildings, Parker Hannifin Administration Center and Parker Hannifin Hall. • A $1 million leadership gift in support of the Allen Theatre renovation as part of CSU’s Arts Campus. • Lead sponsorships for Radiance: CSU Realizing the Promise, the University’s annual event in support of student scholarships. • A motion and control lab in the Fenn College of Engineering that has been regularly maintained and upgraded so students learn by using the most advanced technology. • Endowments to support scholarships; support for programs that encourage minority and high school students to pursue engineering studies; support for student organiz • Recruitment and hiring of graduates; internships for students. CSU has shown its gratitude by awarding Washkewicz a Distinguished Alumni Award in 2002, an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree in 2004, and the President’s Medal in 2011. “Don used his CSU education to build a successful career and to propel his company into a global enterprise. Both he and Parker are committed to educating future generations of engineers, serving the community and enhancing quality of life,” said President Berkman. “We are deeply grateful for Parker’s generosity and belief in CSU. We look forward to a partnership that continues to expand, thrive and set a standard for excellence.”
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Arts Campus
When it comes to “engaging well with others,” Cleveland State is at the top of the class. Whether it’s providing an educated workforce to meet employer needs, tackling health care disparities, building a strong neighborhood, leading the way in cutting-edge technology or enriching cultural life, CSU is redefining the way urban universities engage with their communities. Under President Ronald M. Berkman, CSU has intensified its commitment to engaging in strategic partnerships for the greater good of the city, the region and the University. In the process, CSU has emerged as one of the most influential institutions in the community. As an urban university with the city as its campus, Cleveland State is obliged to use its expertise to help Cleveland and Northeast Ohio become the best they can be, says Dr. Berkman. “As part of the fabric of Cleveland and Northeast Ohio, CSU is tremendously enriched by the community it serves, and is committed to enriching the community in return,” he says. “With outstanding partners in health care, the arts and business, CSU is sharing knowledge, research and resources to make a positive difference not only within our campus community, but in the community at large and beyond. “Strategic partnerships and collaborations – and the opportunities they present – are an integral part of CSU’s engaged learning experience and the key to helping our city and region thrive,” he adds. “Our engagement with the community is bringing Cleveland State recognition as a best-inclass urban university.” Byron White, vice president for University engagement and chief diversity officer, is tasked with creating an infrastructure to support and sustain strategic engagement efforts and align partnerships for the greater benefit of the University, its students and the community.
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As part of that effort, in September the University opened an Office of Civic Engagement which Dr. White hopes will serve as “a place of connection and interaction between CSU and the community.” Sharing space with Campus District, Inc. at a street-level location on Euclid Avenue, the new office “provides convenient, visible and accessible space for the campus and broader communities to collaborate,” says Dr. White. CSU has hundreds, if not thousands, of partnerships already in place. While some collaborations are institutional in nature and include many CSU departments and external partners, others involve just one faculty member or student organization and one external partner. And their objectives are just as diverse. To help leverage resources for the benefit of all, Dr. White and his team are working to inventory CSU’s partnerships, communicate what’s being done, measure successes, and promote and reward community engagement. The new Office for Civic Engagement is just one way to “provide resources and institutional support for the engaged scholarship already underway and enable new partnerships to thrive,” says Dr. White. “The story of our partnerships is evolving,” he adds. “Ultimately we want community engagement to be a core competency of the University, and for Cleveland State to be recognized for learning, teaching and discovery done in collaboration with a rich and diverse community. “Partnerships that emphasize shared learning, reciprocity and mutual benefit are the core of engaged learning. Partnerships and engagement give our students the skills and experience that will enable them to get jobs and have successful careers, be civically involved and contribute to the quality of life in their communities, and navigate an increasingly complex and diverse global and urban society.”
Proposed Health Professions Building
PARTNERSHIP FOR URBAN HEALTH This collaboration with Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) exemplifies workforce, civic and multicultural engagement. The Partnership for Urban Health addresses the critical need for primary care physicians with specific training for underserved urban communities. The Partnership will take students out of the hospital and into city neighborhoods for clinical training, and will link families to individual medical students who will follow their patients for an extended period to yield a more specialized approach to care. At least half of the medical school program will be offered at Cleveland State. See story on page 10
Progressive Day
Set to open in 2015, this new facility will foster interdisciplinary collaboration and interprofessional education in classrooms and hightech “collaboratories,” where future physicians, nurses and health professionals will learn and work together. The building will house the School of Nursing, the School of Health Sciences, the NEOMED academic campus, and all healthrelated disciplines. Engagement with external partners, including Cleveland’s world-class hospitals, will complement clinical training and doctoral research already being done with Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, MetroHealth Medical Center and St. Vincent Charity Medical Center.
CSU’s Career Services Center networks with more workplaces than any other public university in Ohio. As a result, students can choose from more than 1,500 co-op and 3,000 internship opportunities at nearly every major corporation and organization in the area, including Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals, NASA, Sherwin-Williams, Eaton Corporation, Parker Hannifin, KeyBank, Lubrizol and Progressive Insurance – giving them the practical experience, skills and knowledge to excel in a global economy.
Nearly 850 CSU alumni – including 41 with doctoral degrees – work for Progressive. Twenty-three graduates were hired last year after connecting with the company through Progressive Day at CSU, a career fair/education expo that is just one of the ways the insurance giant is working with the University to provide an engaged workforce for Northeast Ohio. At Progressive Day, students learn about job opportunities, attend group information sessions focused on job-related skills, and meet oneon-one with recruiters who review resumes, conduct mock interviews and provide career coaching. Continued on page 14
CSU and Parker Hannifin are partners for progress. See stoy on page 11.
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Campus International School
CAMPUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL An innovative collaboration between CSU and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, CIS provides an educational alternative for families, as well as hands-on training for education majors. CIS embraces the academically rigorous International Baccalaureate curriculum, and all students study the Mandarin Chinese language through a partnership with the Confucius Institute at CSU. The only Cleveland school with a waiting list, CIS currently offers grades K-5 and eventually will expand to K-12, adding a grade each year. Early test scores indicate the school is a top performer in the region.
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MC 2 STEM HIGH SCHOOL This fall, a division of Cleveland’s MC2STEM High School opened on the CSU campus, providing a new academic home for 150 11th- and 12th-graders who are studying science, technology, engineering and math. Funded with a $1.25 million grant from the KeyBank Foundation, the MC2STEM facilities include renovated classrooms and a state-of-the-art fabrication laboratory in Rhodes Tower West. Immersing these students in a university environment will help prepare them for success in higher education.
A collaboration between Fenn College of Engineering, 44 Northeast Ohio high schools, five government agencies and five donor corporations, Fenn Academy is dedicated to building the next generation of engineers by attracting students to the profession through educational programs, technical support and scholarships. During the past academic year, Fenn Academy staff spoke to more than 1,000 high school students and met hundreds more through participation in college and career fairs. Other activities include on-campus engineering days, a job-shadowing program, an engineering open house, and a faculty speakers program. Recent corporate support includes a gift from Lincoln Electric for recruitment and general activities of Fenn Academy.
CAMPUS DISTRICT The Campus District, an alliance of institutions anchored by CSU, Cuyahoga Community College and St. Vincent Charity Medical Center, is working to develop a thriving business and residential neighborhood in the heart of downtown Cleveland. A new master plan, created with input from students in CSU’s Master of Urban Planning, Design and Development program, calls for new housing, more green space, better signage, and new uses for historic buildings. See story on page 19
Arts Campus
A partnership between CSU and private developers has brought new life to an area just north of campus. The city’s largest residential development in 30 years provides housing for 600 residents; the “sold out” sign went up as soon as phases one and two were completed. The first retail outlets in The Langston are expected to open soon.
ARTS CAMPUS CSU’s Arts Campus, a collaboration with PlayhouseSquare and Cleveland Play House that has garnered national interest and publicity, enables undergraduate students to hone their skills alongside working arts professionals. The partnership raised $30 million to convert the historic Allen Theatre into three versatile performance spaces for the University’s Department of Theatre and Dance and the Play House. The Arts Campus also includes The Galleries at CSU in the historic Cowell & Hubbard Building, and two renovated floors in the Middough Building which serve as the educational and administrative headquarters for the Arts Campus. CSU’s fast-growing Film and Digital Media program soon will move to the Arts Campus as well. The Langston
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to CSU
Following national searches, three senior-level administrators have joined CSU’s leadership team – Dr. Deirdre Mageean, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs; Dr. Joseph B. Mazzola, dean of the Monte Ahuja College of Business and Monte Ahuja Endowed Chair; and Brian Breittholz, assistant vice president for alumni relations and executive director of the Alumni Association. “These highly respected individuals bring experience, energy and exceptional skills to their respective areas of responsibility,” said President Ronald M. Berkman. “We are honored they have chosen to join CSU as we continue to strengthen our University and our community engagement and build a best-in-class urban university.” As provost, Dr. Mageean is CSU’s chief academic officer and chief operating officer. She joined the University in July after serving for the past year as Dean in Residence at the Council of Graduate Schools in Washington, D.C., and professor of geography at East Carolina University, Greenville, N.C. “All of the challenges and opportunities facing our nation – whether they are related to education, health or social and economic issues – can be found in urban areas like Cleveland,” she says. “CSU is invested in the city and its well-being and is educating the human capital that will shape Cleveland’s future.”
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For seven years, Dr. Mageean served as vice chancellor for research and graduate studies at East Carolina University, the third-largest campus in the University of North Carolina system. She oversaw all issues related to research, graduate education, academic engagement and economic development; under her leadership, external research funding increased 40 percent. As one of three members of the university's Leadership Council she also was involved in all major academic decisions. Prior to her tenure at East Carolina, Dr. Mageean was associate vice president for research and dean of the graduate school at the University of Maine, where she also was director of the Margaret Chase Smith Center for Public Policy. She taught in the departments of resource economics and policy and public administration. A native of Ireland, Dr. Mageean holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology and philosophy from Queens University of Belfast, a master’s degree in sociology from the University of York in England, and a doctorate in geography from The Open University in England. With funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Economic Development Administration, her research has focused on historical patterns of migration, population-environment interactions and the policy implications of demographic change. Dean Mazzola, who also joined the University in July, was most recently the Belk College of Business Distinguished Professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He also served as dean for three years.
DEIRDRE MAGEEAN loves the water and owns a 35-foot sailboat and a kayak. But she also has snow skis, boots, a snow shovel and ice scraper ready for Cleveland winters.
JOE MAZZOLA and his wife, Peggy, enjoy theater and the arts and plan to take full advantage of Cleveland’s world-class cultural offerings.
A distinguished scholar of operations management, Dr. Mazzola was a professor at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University from 1999 to 2008, where he served as senior associate dean and executive dean of faculty. From 1984 to 1999, he was a tenured faculty member in the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. He also served on the faculties of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University and the Governor’s School of North Carolina, and was a visiting faculty member at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France. Dr. Mazzola has published extensively, including two books and a wide variety of scholarly peer-reviewed articles on topics that include operations management, management science, mathematical programming, manufacturing and global supply chains. “The business world has changed dramatically in recent decades through globalization and technological innovation. It is critical that business education be equally as transformative,” he said. “Our graduates must be prepared for not just what they can expect in today’s business climate, but they must also develop their capabilities and hone their skills to address tomorrow’s challenges.” Dr. Mazzola holds a Ph.D. in industrial administration, as well as a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. He also holds a master’s degree from Wake Forest University and a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
BRIAN BREITTHOLZ is the “proud father” of three beagles, an avid black-and-white photographer, and enjoys movies and gardening.
Breittholz joined CSU in June. His more than 25 years of experience in alumni engagement, development, campus programming, student organization advising and Greek life will help the University advance and strengthen its relationship with its 120,000-plus alumni. “I am honored to be leading the University’s alumni program during this exciting period of growth and accomplishment. I’m eager to work with our alumni in the Greater Cleveland area and throughout the country and with our students to enhance existing programs and build new, dynamic and purposeful initiatives,” he said. Breittholz’s career achievements include leading a 10-person team as senior alumni programs officer at Indiana University. During 19 years with Miami University, he served as director of Greek Affairs, director of advancement for Student Affairs, director of the Student Foundation, and director of Alumni Education/associate director of the Alumni Association. He began his professional career at The University of Akron where he was assistant director of Student Development and coordinator of Fraternity and Sorority Life. A native New Yorker, he earned a bachelor’s degree from the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University, as well as a master’s degree in College Student Personnel from OU.
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MATH EMPORIUM BOOSTS STUDENT SUCCESS Freshmen who need to boost their math proficiency are now finding the help they need through a newly created Mathematics Emporium. One of CSU’s Student Success Initiatives and funded by a $700,000 President’s Initiative Grant, the emporium is a learning resource center that combines interactive software with tutorial support. Located on the second floor of the Michael Schwartz Library, the emporium is equipped with 110 computers and desks, set up in clusters of six. Students visit the emporium three times a week for 65-minute regularly scheduled class sessions and can work from home as well. 18
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Delving into a curriculum of 13 math modules, students first watch a 10-minute video explaining a mathematics principle, and then tackle online homework exercises to demonstrate their understanding of the material. Immediate online feedback enhances student engagement while faculty and student tutors monitor progress and provide one-on-one support as needed. Students work at their own pace, can skip a module if they score 80 percent or higher on a pre-test, and move on to the next module when they score 80 percent or higher on a posttest. The goal is to complete all 13 modules in a semester; however, students who do not finish can return to the emporium the following semester and pick up where they left off. As part of CSU’s general education requirement, all freshmen must take two mathematics courses. Students whose ACT or placement test scores indicate they are not
quite ready for college-level mathematics are enrolled at the emporium. “The emporium learning model lets students test out of the mathematics they already know, move quickly through mathematics that just needs a refresher, and spend time and indepth study with mathematics they truly need to master before moving on to college-level courses,” says John Holcomb, professor and chair of mathematics. A summer pilot program at CSU and emporiums at other schools have produced impressive gains in student learning. “We expect the emporium will boost student success through improved performance in mathematics courses, while also impacting retention and graduation rates,” added Dr. Holcomb.
STUDENTS DESIGN CAMPUS DISTRICT MASTER PLAN The face of downtown Cleveland’s Campus District could be changing, thanks to recommendations from 23 students in the Master of Urban Planning, Design and Development program. In a capstone project that completed their coursework and epitomized CSU’s brand of engaged learning, the students spent four months creating a master plan for the Campus District. Formerly known as the Quadrangle, the Campus District envelops 550 acres of downtown between Lakeside and Broadway avenues and East 18th and 30th streets, and is home to CSU, Cuyahoga Community College, St. Vincent Charity Medical Center and many other businesses and organizations.
Calling themselves Studio 611, the urban students put their classroom learning into practice by proposing a number of ideas to create a more cohesive identity for the District. Their recommendations included: 1,615 new units of housing for students, senior citizens and families to diversify the resident base in the neighborhood; more green space, including parks and improved pedestrian and bicycle paths; better signage; and new uses for historic buildings. Studio 611 suggested the third district police station on Payne Avenue become the future site of Campus International School, a collaboration between CSU and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and the former Juvenile Court building on East 22nd Street be reconfigured as a collaborative space for CSU, Tri-C and St. Vincent.
urban studies, and James Kastelic, adjunct faculty member and a planner with Cleveland Metroparks. Bobbi Reichtell, Campus District executive director, praised the master plan as “a robust menu of redevelopment strategies that build on the strengths of our anchor institutions. It identifies ways to create a more complete neighborhood that can attract new businesses, students and residents and help in building the residential population of downtown to 25,000 people.”
To create the master plan, Studio 611 surveyed some 800 CSU students and interviewed nearly 50 District stakeholders. The student team was advised by Robert Simons, professor of
HELPING TEACHERS ENHANCE STEM SKILLS Now in its second year, the Center for Innovation in STEM Education (CISE) is helping K-12 teachers in Northeast Ohio enhance their classroom skills while engaging students more fully in the learning process. A partnership between Cleveland State, Great Lakes Science Center, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s MC2STEM High School, and the Ohio STEM Learning Network, CISE offers teachers professional development workshops that focus on project-based instruction and introduces them to innovative tools such as the mobile Fab Lab, which brings digital fabrication
and rapid prototyping to schools and events across the country. STEM – the study of science, technology, engineering and math – is increasingly important for success in today’s world. Projectbased instruction integrates all content areas of the curriculum into projects that have realworld applications. For example, instead of just learning about electricity from a textbook during science class, students design, build and sell a light bulb. The Fab Lab provides a hands-on environment for working on STEM projects. CISE combines MC STEM High School’s nationally recognized success with projectbased instruction, the College of Education and Human Services’ expertise in providing pre-service and in-service teacher STEM training, and the Science Center’s unique STEM learning environment and skill in informal 2
science education to engage educators and school districts in improving STEM teaching and learning. More than 100 area teachers have already attended CISE workshops at the Science Center. This year, some workshops will be held at CSU. CISE co-directors are Debbie Jackson, CSU associate professor of teacher education; Whitney Owens, Great Lakes vice president for education; and Jeffrey D. McClellan, MC2STEM head of school. This fall, 11th and 12th graders at MC2STEM High School began attending classes on the CSU campus, in renovated classrooms and labs in Rhodes Tower West. Ninth grade classes are held at the Science Center; 10th grade classes are held at GE Lighting’s Nela Park.
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STUDENTS HELP VETERANS FIND JOBS CSU’s student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) received a merit award recognizing excellence from the national SHRM. Among the CSU programs lauded was an initiative to help veterans return to the workforce. On the second Saturday of each month, CSU students visit the Veterans Domiciliary at Wade Park to help vets prepare resumes and find jobs. According to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, about 13 percent of the adult homeless population is comprised of veterans. The “Dom,” a partnership between Volunteers of America of Greater Ohio, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Louis Stokes Cleveland Veterans Affairs Medical Center, is a unique residence that offers rehabilitative clinical services and case management to help homeless veterans get back on their feet. Many veterans who enter the six-month program suffer from mental health issues, substance abuse problems and post-traumatic stress disorder. Students are paired with a veteran to work with one-on-one to translate skills learned in the service and past employment into a resume that will help secure a job. Many of the veterans assisted have little or no experience with computer programs, so students often teach these skills as well.
Vernon Kellogg working with Air Force veteran Charles Schmokel.
Michelle Hocevar, a student in the master of labor relations and human resources program, helped initiate the resume program and hopes to expand it to help veterans with interviewing and job searching. “I thought this would be a great opportunity for the CSU SHRM chapter to give back to the community while learning valuable skills and gaining experience that can be applied to the human resources field,” she says.
CERTIFICATE PROGRAM COMBINES HEALTH CARE AND LAW C M LAW’s new Health Care Compliance Certificate program, which began this fall, is a post-professional certification that trains students for sought-after skills in today’s evolving health care industry. The program is one of just five in the country. As the health care compliance industry continues to grow and regulations become more advanced, many compliance officers need to further their legal knowledge or obtain education specialized to the industry. The 18-credit compliance certificate program was created by C M LAW to fill that gap. The program is expected to appeal to health care compliance officers, practicing attorneys, and health professionals – including doctors,
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nurses, social workers and health care administrators – as well as current law students. Students take courses focusing on the areas of health care law, finance, fraud and abuse, compliance skills, ethics, and HIPAA and privacy. After completion of the 18 credits, they take an examination administered by the Compliance Certification Board to become certified as a compliance specialist. Non-law students pursuing a certificate interact and sit in courses with traditional law students; however, they are graded separately. “About 60 percent of health care compliance officers are non-lawyers,” says Browne C. Lewis, director of C M LAW’s Center for Health Law and Policy. “Our certificate program enables working professionals to gain the legal knowledge they need while attending classes part time for a year or two.”
To learn more, visit
NURSES MAKE MEDICAL MISSION TO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Instead of donning caps and gowns on graduation day, 16 nursing students made memories of another kind. On the morning of CSU’s spring commencement, the nurses travelled to the Dominican Republic on a one-week medical mission. Class of 2013 valedictorian Kelly Zaleski represented her fellow nurses at commencement and joined the medical mission in the mountains of San Juan de la Maguana the following day. The new graduates brought with them 21 suitcases filled with medications, supplies and tooth brushes and toothpaste, all of which were donated to the Dominican people. They treated some 500 patients in remote villages which usually see a doctor every 12 to 18 months, and treated everything from runny noses and congestion to high blood pressure and diabetes. A portable pharmacy was established and many patients were given the medications they needed for their illnesses. Every adult and child received a toothbrush and paste. Nurses distributed coloring books and crayons and sang a tune in Spanish to teach youngsters how to brush their teeth and wash their hands. The nurses raised $12,000 to fund their medical mission through candy and bake sales and other activities. In addition, four Cleveland-area schools donated to the “tooth education” initiative. The group was accompanied by three nursing faculty members, two registered nurses, a high school student, a nurse practitioner, a physician’s assistant, and a pediatrician. The School of Nursing plans to make this an annual trip.
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ENGINEERING WORK IN BELIZE BRINGS NATIONAL AWARD Work done on a school/hurricane shelter in Belize resulted in a Connecting Professional Practice and Education Award for CSU's Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. The award is sponsored by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying. The department took home the $25,000 grand prize for its design and construction of the combination school and hurricane shelter in the rural village of August Pine Ridge, Belize. In its first-ever project, civil engineering students from CSU’s chapter of Engineers Without Borders collaborated with faculty, professional engineers, and allied professionals, both locally and in Belize, to address insufficient classroom space for more than 400 children attending school and the community’s lack of hurricane shelter capacity for its population of about 3,000 people.
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Students visited Belize twice during the design of the 3,700-square-foot facility, which includes three large classrooms, a computer room, library, principal’s office, and toilets and sinks integrated into a new on-site waste treatment system that replaced outhouses and 25-year-old cesspools. After ground was broken on April 6, 2011, groups of students worked alongside some 100 villagers and professionals from various trades to construct the building. The $500,000 project was completed on June 1, 2012, followed two months later by completion of the septic system. “This was engineering on the frontier and back to basics. Our students and the professionals involved dealt with circumstances we do not find at home,” said Norbert Delatte, chair and professor of civil and environmental engineering. “Our students witnessed firsthand the awesome power of engineering’s ability to elevate and improve the human condition.” Fenn College’s $25,000 grand prize will be used to support future operations, including planned projects for improving water quality in August Pine Ridge.
COLLEGE MERGES TWO PROGRAMS In July, the College merged its former Departments of Religious Studies and Philosophy into a new Department of Philosophy and Comparative Religion. Housed on the 13th floor of Rhodes Tower, the streamlined department ensures the continued presence and vitality of both fields of study, while providing students unique interdisciplinary perspectives. The merger, which came after months of discussion and helps the College achieve administrative efficiencies, does not affect the programs offered. Curricula remain separate and distinct. Students are still able to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees in philosophy, undergraduate and graduate certificates in bioethics, and a bachelor’s degree in comparative religion.
While Philosophy retains its name, Religious Studies was changed to Comparative Religion to better reflect its emphasis on the humanistic study of particular religions. The new name suggests that the purpose of the program is not to teach students how to think religiously but rather how to study religious behaviors from comparative and historical perspectives and to subject those behaviors to critical analysis. While each program continues to have its own coordinator, both now function under the leadership of a single chairperson, Professor Mary Ellen Waithe, in a combined Department of Philosophy and Comparative Religion. “I believe all members of our new department are looking forward to this exciting new chapter in our history,” said Dr. Waithe.
GRADUATE WINS NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOR RESEARCH Jacqueline R. Kemp, who graduated from CSU in May with a Ph.D. in regulatory biology, has been honored with a Women in Endocrinology (WE) Young Investigator Award in recognition of her research. She presented her research, “VSMC-Specific miRNA Signature Induced by Angiotensin II,” at WE’s annual dinner and awards ceremony in San Francisco in June. Now a postdoctoral fellow at the Cleveland Clinic in the molecular cardiology lab of Dr. Sadashiva Karnik, Dr. Kemp’s doctoral dissertation and research focus on a hormone, Angiotensin II (AngII), that was thought to only control blood pressure and water balance and now has been shown to regulate expression of
genes. Specifically, she is examining the ability of AngII to alter levels of microRNAs (miRNAs) in vascular smooth muscle cells. These small RNAs can regulate gene expression, which has importance in physiology and pathology. In fact, miRNAs have been implicated in cancer, atherosclerosis, and heart failure. She is striving to discern the role of AngII-regulated miRNAs in the vascular system. During the first of her five years at CSU, Dr. Kemp was a teaching assistant for anatomy and physiology classes. She says the graduate education she received was “remarkable, with professors who are genuinely concerned with their students' development as independent thinkers and scientists. “With the guidance of my mentor, Dr. Karnik, and the support of my advisory committee, Drs. Anton Komar and Barsanjit Mazumder from CSU and Dr. Christine Moravec from CCF,
I have thrived. Being a graduate student at CSU taught me a lot in terms of independence and confidence in my decisions and my work.” Dr. Kemp hopes to become a college professor, noting that “a University setting is the best of both worlds. You have the ability to maintain a research career, which I have a passion for, and also interact with students and aid in their personal and professional development.”
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SEEN AND HEARD A look at just some of the special events and guests that brought visitors to campus recently.
PARKER HANNIFIN LAB Funded by a generous gift of $1.5 million from the Parker Hannifin Corporation, CSU’s new human motion and control laboratory in the Fenn College of Engineering is officially up and running.
Parker Vice President Craig Maxwell, President Ronald M. Berkman, Engineering Dean Anette Karlsson, and Dr. Ton van den Bogert
At a ribbon-cutting ceremony, guests marveled at a demonstration of the lab’s research, which is focused on prosthetics and orthotics that replicate movement of healthy human limbs in order to improve mobility for those who suffer from impairments. Faculty member Antonie (Ton) van den Bogert is the Parker Hannifin Endowed Chair in Human Motion and Control. See story on page 11
IN TRIBUTE TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE Steven C. LaTourette received the 2013 In Tribute to the Public Service Award from CSU’s Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs. He is a 1979 graduate of the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. LaTourette represented Northeast Ohio in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 2013. Prior to that, he was the Lake County prosecutor for six years. In Tribute to the Public Service honors individuals who demonstrate exemplary leadership in public life and contribute significantly to the betterment of the community. Proceeds from the annual event support scholarships for students attending Levin College who aspire to careers in public service.
POLISH RABBI During a brief visit, Poland’s Chief Rabbi Michael Schudrich met with President Ronald M. Berkman and delivered remarks on the improving state of Catholic-Jewish relations in today’s Poland. Rabbi Schudrich was in the Cleveland area and other cities to meet with educational, civic and community groups to share the work he is doing in Poland. Since his appointment as Chief Rabbi in 2004, he has been instrumental in fostering discussion and interaction between Poland’s Jewish community, its government and the Catholic Church. His CSU visit was sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences’ Polish Studies Initiative.
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Steve LaTourette
MAL MIXON It was standing room only for “An American Journey with Mal Mixon,” part of CSU’s Presidential Dialogue series. A. Malachi Mixon, chairman of the board of Invacare, inspired students and faculty alike with humorous stories from his successful career, leadership advice, and words of wisdom for up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
BEYOND CURRY CSU premiered a pilot television program, Beyond Curry, to a sold-out audience as part of the ongoing About Town speaker series. The project was a collaboration between School of Communication film and digital media students and faculty, Bill and Neeraj Julka (in whose kitchen it was filmed), and their friends Nandlal and Latta Varyani. As guests viewed the show, which focused on cooking fish in a tandoori oven, they dined on the same dinner being prepared on-screen. Bill Julka, an avid cook who “cooked up” the idea for Beyond Curry, earned a master’s degree at CSU in 1974 and is a member of both the CSU board of trustees and CSU Foundation board of directors. He and his wife are generous benefactors to the University.
One of the largest graduating classes in CSU’s history – more than 2,100 students – received their degrees at spring commencement.
Thinking outside the box was “de rigueur” at the sold-out Creative Voices Summit and Arts Education Day Luncheon.
In addition, three distinguished citizens were recognized with honorary degrees for their outstanding achievements in public service, the arts, teaching and innovation. The new honorary “doctors” are Mayor Frank Jackson (a three-time CSU alumnus), choreographer Dianne McIntyre and Professor Emeritus Lewis E. Patterson.
Presented by Cleveland State in partnership with Ideastream and the Cleveland Arts Education Consortium, the annual event brings together nationally known artists and urban planners to examine the role of creativity in improving cities and engaging citizens.
Two days before commencement, May and December 2012 grads celebrated their achievements at the fifth annual Alumni Association graduation party. Food, games, live entertainment and raffle prizes – plus the joy of knowing they had completed their academic degrees – made for a festive atmosphere.
This year’s summit featured an audience interaction program with popular National Public Radio Radiolab hosts Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad. The luncheon – on the stage of PlayhouseSquare’s State Theatre – featured actress Anna Deavere Smith, a 2013 recipient of the National Medal of Arts, with performances by students from Cleveland School of the Arts and New Tech High School.
Mayor Frank Jackson
Anna Deavere Smith
Rabbi Michael Schudrich and President Ronald M. Berkman
President Ronald M. Berkman and Mal Mixon
Bill and Neeraj Julka, Dean Gregory Sadlek, Latta and Nandlal Varyani
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Co-chairs Tim Cosgrove and Tom Adler
Radiance Scholar Dick Powis
President Ronald M. Berkman
Cindy and Dale Brogan, CSU Foundation Director Linda Kane
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William Wendling and Lynne E. Woodman
Dean Ned Hill, Janice and Professor Emeritus Lewis Patterson
Mayor Frank Jackson with President’s Medal recipients Jennie and Trevor Jones
CSU REALIZING THE PROMISE EVENT RAISES $782,000 FOR SCHOLARSHIPS Building on its past successes, the third-annual Radiance: CSU Realizing the Promise surpassed its goal and raised $782,000 for student scholarships. Since its inception in 2011, Radiance has brought in more than $1.6 million to provide scholarships for undergraduate students, mostly juniors and seniors, who are in good academic standing but at risk for dropping out of school due to financial issues. Nearly 550 students have already been helped by Radiance scholarships, including students who not only stayed in school but went on to graduate. Hundreds more will now be added to those totals, thanks to the generosity of corporate and individual sponsors. Held the evening before spring commencement, Radiance is a celebration that grows bigger and better each year. More than 500 guests filled the Student Center ballroom for a party that included music by the CSU Jazz Ensembles, brief remarks, and lots of cheers, applause and radiant smiles. “These scholarships are more than just dollars. They are truly lifechanging and allow students to achieve their goal of graduating from college,” said President Ronald M. Berkman. “Scholarships are an investment in Northeast Ohio because when our students graduate, most stay here to pursue careers. Scholarships open the door to successful futures for our students.” Special guests at Radiance included three individuals who were awarded honorary degrees at commencement the next day – three-time CSU alumnus Mayor Frank Jackson, choreographer Dianne McIntyre, and Professor Emeritus Lewis Patterson.
Radiance Scholar Dick Powis shared his story of personal growth and academic achievement. Recently named the Emerging Leader in Medical Anthropology by the National Association of Student Anthropologists and the Society for Medical Anthropology, he spent part of his summer doing research in Senegal, West Africa for the second consecutive year. “I have a 4.0 grade point average and scholarships and awards, not because I’m particularly clever but because I work very hard. I have a support system of mentors who push and inspire me and I have benefactors like you who have taken the risk and invested in me and my future,” he said. The President’s Medal – CSU’s most prestigious non-academic recognition – was awarded to Jennie and Trevor Jones. Champions for CSU, the couple twice served as host committee chairs for the Moses Cleaveland Scholarship Dinner, forerunner to Radiance. “Radiance supports the dreams of young people who are the future for all of us and this city,” said Mrs. Jones, a respected photographer who has donated 22,000 of her images to CSU’s Michael Schwartz Library. “Education is Cleveland’s number one challenge and CSU does an outstanding job of meeting that challenge. Radiance is critical to continued success,” added Jones, a distinguished scientist and entrepreneur and former vice chairman of the CSU board of trustees. As in the past two years, Radiance was led by co-chairs Tom Adler, member of the board of trustees, and Tim Cosgrove, member of the CSU Foundation board of directors, and a steering committee of volunteers. Next year’s Radiance, CSU Realize the Promise will be Friday, May 9. Please join us. Continued on page 28 Cleveland State University CSUOHIO.EDU
Suzanne & Robert Tomsich
Joanne & Craig Black
Kathy & Anthony Bakale
Neeraj & Bill Julka
Patsy & Ronald M. Berkman
Judy & Mort Levin
Richard Fleischman + Partners Architects, Inc.
Toby D. Lewis
Leah S. Gary & J.B. Silvers
Polly & Steve Percy
Gina & David Gunning
Judy & Bob Rawson
Annie & Mike Hanks
Usha & Monte Ahuja
Enid & David Rosenberg
Jessica Hart & Matt Dolan
Richard A. Barone
Mary & Bill Weber
Meredith Bond, Ph.D. & Toni Scarpa, MD, Ph.D.
Linda M. Kane Cheryl & Joe Levanduski Berinthia & Mark LeVine Barbara McWilliams & Tom Piraino Dolly & Steve Minter Marge & Dan Moore Katie & Ray Murphy
TITANIUM SPONSORS The Adler Family Foundation
David & Inez Myers Foundation Gary Oatey Daria Roebuck Peter Rubin Rani & Tejbir Sidhu
GOLD SPONSORS Richard L. Bowen & Associates Inc. Ali Faraj / Seaway Wholesale Denise & Matt Hlavin Jennie & Trevor Jones Joanne & Steve Kirk Terri & Ron Weinberg
CSUOHIO.EDU Cleveland State University
June E. Taylor
John C. Vitullo
Mary & Jack Boyle
Erika & George Walker
Cynthia Brogan
Richard Watts
Annette Garner Butler
Tracey & Jeffery Weaver
Rita & Peter Carfagna
Irene Zawadiwsky
Sharon & Fred Christie
C. Ellen Connally
Mary & Bill Conway
Ciuni & Panichi
Kimberly & Timothy Cosgrove
CM Wealth Advisors Inc.
Janis & Paul DiCorleto
FirstMerit Bank
Diane M. Downing
flourish inc.
Natalie & Morton Epstein
Functional Building Supply
Sally & Tom Florkiewicz
GCA Services Group
Jane Frankel & Alan Weinstein
GETCO Environmental
Lynne & Derek Green
Global Spectrum
Xiaoxing He
Hartland & Co.
Oliver "Pudge" Henkel
Horizon League
Marsha & Tom Hopkins
Nelligan Sports Marketing
Jennie S. Hwang
Neptune Plumbing & Heating Co.
Jayne & Richard Janus
North American Cement Co.
Mary Beth & Ken Jayjack
Novogradac & Company LLC
Donna & Stewart Kohl
Old Republic National Title Insurance Company
Debbie Krenzler
Oppenheim Construction Companies
Bracy Lewis
Pasadena Builders
Christine & Jim Mastandrea
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Jack Matejka
The Sherwin-Williams Company
Nancy W. McCann
Simplex Grinnell
Stacey McKinley
Sisters of Charity Health System
Amanda & Stephen Morris
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Barbara I. Morse
Thorson Baker & Associates
William J. Napier
Tucker Ellis LLP
Caroline & Ed Oberndorf
Walthall, Drake & Wallace LLP
Elaine & Stanley Pace
Warren Roofing and Insulating Co.
Amy & Brent Pieper
FACULTY & STAFF SPONSORS (not listed elsewhere)
Anonymous (7) Anthony Berdis Barbara Chudzik Henry Eisenberg Caryn Eucker Yiying Fan Scott L. Hamilton Heike Heinrich Carla J. Howard Patricia Lohiser Jane McCrone Barbara L. Miller-Willis William R. Morgan Deborah E. Morin Kevin C. Neal Amy M. Nelson Tawanna Sojourner Truth Norton John N. Petrus Anne Price Mercier Robinson Ieda W. Rodrigues Julia Ross Vallipuram Sarveswaran Robert Shields Barbara E. Smith Patricia L. Sokolowski Terri C. Steindler Patrick Sweeney Renee Tana Willis Jianping Zhu
Marla & Joe Shafran Debra Simmons Janice Smith & Creighton Murch Rob Spademan Frederick G. Stueber Bridget & Tom Sukys Nelson Talbott
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CSU Foundation Director Richard Barone, student Arit Umana, CSU Board of Trustees Chairman Robert Rawson, President Ronald M. Berkman
THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT Special events hosted by the CSU Foundation and Division of University Advancement highlighted the importance of private support, especially for student scholarships, and provided opportunities to say “thank you” to donors.
SCHOLARSHIP LUNCHEON The annual Scholarship Luncheon brings together students who have received scholarships and benefactors who are making those scholarships possible. “My Story” was the theme for this year’s event, which featured donor Richard Barone, chairman of the Ancora Companies and CSU Foundation director and past board chairman, and Honors Program student Arit Umana. “Donors have the power to make a difference. Simple acts of generosity have the potential to spread and multiply,” said Barone, who funds the Richard A. Barone Scholarship. Representing her fellow scholarship recipients, Umana pledged to “accept your faith in us, preserve your investment and offer a return for the greater good.” President Ronald M. Berkman noted that more than 80 percent of CSU students depend on grants, loans and scholarships to finance their education. “Financial support is absolutely essential for them to realize their aspirations,” he said. “That’s why raising scholarship dollars for our students has been one of my top priorities.” Over the past year, 12 new scholarships were established at CSU.
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TOMORROW MADE POSSIBLE Nearly 500 students showed their appreciation to donors at CSU’s firstannual Tomorrow Made Possible (TMP) event. Sponsored by the Student Alumni Association (SAA) as part of a national Student Engagement and Philanthropy Day, TMP was designed to generate student awareness and appreciation for the impact of philanthropy. Students signed thank-you notes which were sent to donors, participated in activities and games that stressed the importance of giving, and even made a video that can be seen at “Communication from students is a great way to let donors know they are valued. Getting students engaged with philanthropy will help ensure they remain engaged as alumni,” notes Kathleen Kulik, SAA advisor.
RECOGNITION SOCIETIES Donors and those who have included the University in their estate plan were honored for their leadership and philanthropy at CSU’s inaugural donor recognition event. Held in a well-appointed tent on the Mather Mansion lawn, the event welcomed members of CSU’s newly established donor recognition societies. The reception featured musical entertainment by a student string quartet and brief remarks by President Ronald M. Berkman. As a thank-you gift, guests received distinctive CSU lapel pins, with a unique design for each level of giving. CSU’s recognition societies are: President's Cabinet for cumulative giving donors of $1 million and more, President’s Circle for $500,000-$999,999, Honors Circle for $100,000-$499,999, Scholars Circle for $10,000$99,999 and Legacy Society for planned and estate gifts.
George Voinovich and Provost Deirdre Mageean
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Cleveland State University’s 23rd annual Distinguished Alumni Awards will salute 11 outstanding graduates for their service, leadership and career achievements. This year’s honorees are: Louis Stokes, Kabir Singh, Martin J. Sweeney, Joseph C. Krysh, Dr. Robert A. Mengerink, Rebecca A. Bompiedi, Teresa K. Demchak, Thomas F. O’Toole, John C. Vitullo, Nickie J. Antonio and Susan L. Collier. Part of Homecoming Weekend, the awards ceremony will be held Friday, Oct. 18 at the Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein Center, 2000 Prospect Ave. Tickets are $125 each. The evening includes a reception at 5:45 p.m., followed by dinner and the awards program at 6:45 p.m. Valet parking is included. For reservations, call 216-687-2078 or visit
PRESIDENT’S ALUMNI AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT Kabir Singh is the recipient of this special award recognizing international alumni for their career achievements. The family business, Sigma Group, comprises six companies (one in Troy, Mich.; the others in the area of New Delhi, India) that manufacture and market automotive components. Believing that the United States offered the best opportunities for higher education, the Singh family sent eldest son Kabir from New Delhi to Cleveland to enroll at CSU. He earned a master of business administration degree from the Monte Ahuja College of Business in 1997. Other family members soon followed in his footsteps, with brothers Preet earning a bachelor of science in industrial engineering in 2000 and Jagmit earning a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering in 2000. Following graduation, Singh joined the family business. He credits his education with his success in growing Sigma Group into a leading global enterprise. Today he is president of Sigma Vibracoustic Pvt. Ltd. and Sigma-Freudenberg-NOK Pvt. Ltd. in New Delhi.
PRESIDENT’S ALUMNI AWARD FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE Martin J. Sweeney is the recipient of this special award recognizing alumni for their service to the Greater Cleveland community. Sweeney, BS political science ’88, has been president of Cleveland City Council since December 2005. Born and raised in Cleveland’s Ward 18, he has represented that neighborhood since first being elected as a member of City Council in January 1997. During his time on Council, more than $350 million in economic development has been invested in Ward 18, creating more than 1,500 jobs. He has worked with the Jackson Administration to make neighborhood improvements, including safer
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streets, more police visibility, a stable housing stock, more jobs and responsive city government. He also has been deeply involved in the redevelopment of downtown. At CSU, Sweeney was a member of the legendary 1986 Viking basketball team that advanced to the Sweet 16 round of the NCAA Tournament.
GEORGE B. DAVIS AWARD FOR SERVICE TO THE UNIVERSITY Louis Stokes, JD law ’53 and honorary doctor of laws ’89, has championed social and economic justice, education, health care, veterans’ issues and more throughout his distinguished career. A native Clevelander and the first African American to represent Ohio in Congress, Stokes was a highly respected national leader during his 15 terms (30 years) in the U.S. House of Representatives. His many prestigious appointments included membership on the House Appropriations Committee, where he was influential in bringing revenue to Cleveland; chair of the Congressional Black Caucus; chair of the House Select Committee on Assassinations; and membership on the House Iran Contra Panel. After retiring as Dean of the Ohio delegation in 1999, he served as senior counsel for Squire, Sanders & Dempsey. Stokes was instrumental in helping CSU and Northeast Ohio Medical University establish the Partnership for Urban Health, a collaboration that is training primary care physicians for urban areas, and he co-chairs its advisory committee. He has been a member of the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law National Advisory Council for the past eight years, supports law students through the Louis Stokes Scholarship Fund, and serves on C M LAW’s Alumni Association board of directors. His numerous honors include the Congressional Distinguished Service Award and CSU’s In Tribute to the Public Service award. He lives in Maryland and Cleveland.
COLLEGE AWARD CATEGORY MONTE AHUJA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Joseph C. Krysh, BBA accounting ’80 and MBA finance ’81, is the founder and managing partner of Regency Business Partners, which represents entrepreneurs and investors seeking to buy small to mid-sized companies. His 30 years of business experience also includes serving as an executive vice president for Medical Mutual of Ohio and as co-founder of Orion Consulting Inc., a national management and health care firm. Krysh, a graduate of the Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program, is a nine-year member and current chair of the College of Business Visiting Committee. An Eagle Scout, he is an executive board member for the Greater Cleveland Council of the Boy Scouts of America. He lives in Westlake.
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Dr. Robert A. Mengerink, MEd education administration ’74, is superintendent of the Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County, which impacts the pre-K through high school education of some 160,000 students by providing school districts with curriculum development, fiscal management, leadership training, technology assistance, grant writing, and more. For 21 years, Dr. Mengerink served as superintendent of the Kettering and Northmont City Schools in the Dayton area. He was named Ohio Superintendent of the Year in 2008, received the national Excellence in Educational Leadership Award from the University Council for Educational Administration, and twice received the Exemplary Educational Leadership Award from the state association for school superintendents. He lives in Hinckley, Ohio. FENN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Rebecca A. Bompiedi, BS chemical engineering ’84 and MS industrial engineering ’90, recently accepted the position of senior vice president, business transformation, for Philips Lighting Americas. For the past 23 years she has been with GE Lighting, most recently as lighting transformation/ strategic initiatives leader where she led a $500 million restructuring and transformation initiative due to the global phase out of incandescent and certain types of linear fluorescent lighting. At GE, she led the Six Sigma corporate quality initiative and held leadership roles in engineering and technology in the areas of product development, manufacturing capacity management, quality, and research and development. Bompiedi serves on Fenn College’s Visiting Committee and has provided experiential learning opportunities for students at GE Lighting. She lives in Chagrin Falls. CLEVELAND-MARSHALL COLLEGE OF LAW Teresa K. Demchak, BA social work ’70 and JD law ’76, is the retired managing partner of Goldstein, Demchak, Baller, Borgen & Dardarian (now Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian & Ho) in Oakland, Calif. A respected litigator, she was with the firm for 22 years before retiring last December. Demchak’s professional experience includes election to the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers and serving as a Wasserstein Civil Rights Fellow at Harvard Law School and an adjunct professor at Hastings College of Law. She is a member of C M LAW’s National Advisory Council and established the Teresa K. Demchak Scholarship for students interested in careers in public interest law. She lives in Houston, Texas. COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Thomas F. O’Toole, BA ’79 communication and MA applied communication theory and methodology ’87, is senior vice president of marketing and loyalty/president of MileagePlus at United Airlines. He is responsible for all marketing, ancillary revenue, e-commerce, loyalty, co-brand credit cards, distribution and product management for the company.
and chief operating officer of MileagePlus, and senior vice president and president of MileagePlus. His career also includes 14 years with Global Hyatt Corporation, where he was chief marketing officer and chief information officer. He lives in Chicago. COLLEGE OF SCIENCES AND HEALTH PROFESSIONS John C. Vitullo, Ph. D. regulatory biology ’84, is the chief executive officer and co-founder of Omega Laboratories, Inc., one of only six hair drug-testing laboratories in the world. Dr. Vitullo completed two post-doctoral fellowships at the Cleveland Clinic, where he was recognized for his work on the effects of cocaine on the cardiovascular system. He also has done biomedical research at the Veterans Administration Hospital at Wade Park and Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine, and was a partner in a forensic laboratory which provided evidence analyses for more than 30 law enforcement agencies. He recently completed a three-year term on the College of Sciences and Health Professions Visiting Committee and established the John and Florence Vitullo Endowed Scholarship in honor of his parents. He lives in Cleveland. MAXINE GOODMAN LEVIN COLLEGE OF URBAN AFFAIRS Nickie J. Antonio, BS education ’80 and MPA public administration ’92, is serving her second term in the Ohio House of Representatives for District 13, which includes Lakewood, Linndale and parts of Cleveland. She chairs the Ohio House Democratic Women’s Caucus and serves as the highest-ranking member on the Health and Aging Committee. Antonio served for five years as an at-large member of Lakewood City Council. She was the first openly gay member of both the Ohio House and Lakewood Council. A former special education teacher and nonprofit administrator, Antonio has taught women’s studies and public administration courses at CSU. She serves on the board of the Cleveland Tenants Organization. She lives in Lakewood. SCHOOL OF NURSING Susan L. Collier, BA English ’76 and BS nursing ’86, is vice president of nursing/chief nursing officer at Hillcrest Hospital, ranked as one of the top 50 hospitals in the nation. She also is the mother two School of Nursing alumni. Affiliated with the Cleveland Clinic Health System since 1977, Collier operationalized the integration of care management across the Cleveland Clinic system as associate chief nursing officer for care management. She also was the chief nursing officer at South Pointe Hospital for 15 years, and held positions as director, nurse manager, nursing supervisor and staff nurse at South Pointe and Huron Hospital. For many years she has helped provide clinical training placements for CSU nursing students at Clinic facilities. Now pursuing a doctor of nursing practice degree at Case Western Reserve University, Collier has been recognized by the Plain Dealer as a “Best of the Best” nurse. This year she received the Center for Health Affairs’ Northeast Ohio Nursing Initiative Lifetime Achievement Award. She lives in Claridon, Ohio.
O’Toole joined United in 2010. Since then, he has advanced steadily, holding the positions of senior vice president and chief marketing officer, senior vice president Cleveland State University CSUOHIO.EDU
Rediscover your alma mater by joining us for Homecoming Weekend – October 18 and 19. Check homecoming for complete details.
Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein Center, 2000 Prospect Ave. 5:45 p.m. reception, 6:45 p.m. dinner and program $125 per person – call 216-687-2078 for reservations Honoring graduates for their career achievements and service to CSU (see story on page 32)
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 Midtown Cleveland Health-line Classic 10K/5K Race 8:30 a.m. Race begins and ends at the Agora, 5000 Euclid Ave. Visit roadracing/events/midtown.asp for details
Reunion Classes Breakfast Fenn Tower Ballroom 8:30 a.m. $15 per person – call 216-687-2078 for reservations Honoring Classes of 1963, 1988, 2003 and 2008 (includes 50-year medallions)
Social Media Mini Courses Music and Communication Building 10:00 a.m. Register at homecoming
Campus Tours Welcome Center, 2398 Euclid Ave. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tours leave every hour on the hour.
CLASS Featured Alumni Speaker 11:00 a.m. – Noon Drinko Hall, Music and Communication Building “From CSU to ESPN” with Dwayne Bray, ’88, Senior Coordinating Producer, ESPN
Presidential Lunch with Dr. Ronald M. Berkman and Patsy Bilbao-Berkman Student Center Ballroom Noon – 2:00 p.m. $15 per person – call 216-687-2078 for reservations Open to all CSU alumni, students, faculty and staff.
Afternoon Activities 2:00 – 5:00 p.m. College-sponsored activities, children's fun, local bands, VIKEtoberfest, Viking Olympics, and much more at various locations across campus. See www. for details.
School of Communication, Departments of Economics, Philosophy and Comparative Religion Alumni Reunions Call 216-687-2078 for details. Parade and Tailgate Party 5:00 p.m. Parade begins at Krenzler Field and ends at Wolstein Center for the tailgate party.
Basketball Viking Madness 6:30 p.m. Wolstein Center Meet the men’s and women’s basketball teams as they prepare for another great season.
Concert featuring Childish Gambino 8:00 p.m. Wolstein Center $10/$5 for CSU students; $20 for others Visit for tickets
SPECIAL OFFERS • FREE PARKING on Saturday (except Prospect Garage) • Rec Center FREE to alumni on Saturday • 20 percent off all CSU apparel at Rec Center • 20 percent off select CSU clothing and imprinted giftware at Viking Outfitters
2012 Homecoming Photos 34
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VIKINGS WIN McCAFFERTY TROPHY Bolstered by four Horizon League championships (men’s soccer, men’s swimming and diving, men’s tennis and women’s volleyball) and a pair of league runner-up finishes (men’s golf and women’s swimming and diving), Cleveland State claimed the James J. McCafferty Trophy, presented annually by the Horizon League to its all-sport champion. CSU also won the McCafferty Trophy for the 2007-08 season.
Women's Volleyball
“Capturing the Horizon League All-Sports Trophy is a source of great pride for our studentathletes, coaches and support staff,” said John Parry, director of athletics. “Our theme for 201213 was ‘Finish Viking Strong’ and that’s exactly what we did.”
Men's Soccer
ATHLETES EXCEL IN CLASSROOM For the second straight year, five intercollegiate programs received Academic Progress Rate (APR) recognition from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The awards are presented each year to teams finishing among the top 10 percent of their respective sport based on the most recent multiyear academic performance rate. CSU teams earning honors were women’s cross country, men’s basketball, men’s and women’s fencing and women’s tennis. This marked the eighth straight year the cross country team was honored. Team members
Brittany Elmlinger and Kelly Zaleski were named valedictorians for CSU’s commencement ceremonies in December and May. Women’s fencing was honored for the fifth consecutive year, men’s basketball and women’s tennis for the second straight year, and men's fencing earned its first honor. The APR provides a real-time look at a team's academic success by tracking the academic progress of each student-athlete. The APR includes eligibility, retention and graduation in the calculation and provides a clear picture of the academic culture in each sport.
Named in honor of James J. McCafferty, who served as the conference’s first commissioner from 1979-80, the McCafferty Trophy is awarded annually by the Horizon League to a member institution compiling the greatest number of performance points, based on its finish in the league’s 19 championship sports. For men’s and women’s soccer and basketball, as well as volleyball, softball and baseball, points are awarded based on combined regular-season and championship finishes. For all other sports, points are based on performance in the league championships. CSU finished the year with 45 points, four points ahead of Loyola. The Vikings were tied for third place with 14 points after the fall season and remained in third place after the winter season with 26 points. But in the span of 48 hours in late April, the Vikings scored 17.5 points in men’s and women’s golf and men’s and women’s tennis to vault to the top of the standings. And when the softball team defeated Loyola in an elimination game of the league tournament, the trophy belonged to CSU. The Vikings earned 26 of their 45 overall points in men’s sports to also claim the Men’s All-Sports Award. CSU finished fourth in the Women’s All-Sports Award. Cleveland State University CSUOHIO.EDU
1970s MICHAEL STEIRER, MEd ’72, is retired but continues to teach English composition at Lorain County Community College. He lives in Medina and recently returned from a trip to South America, where he visited Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro. BILL BADDERS, MEd ’74, is president of the Arlington, VA-based National Science Teachers Association, the world’s largest professional organization promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning. His more than 40 years of teaching in the Cleveland schools includes serving as director of the Cleveland Math Science Partnership program. RONALD W. HONGOSH, BA ’77, is the executive vice president and chief operating officer at Century Federal Credit Union. RICHARD E. SAROSI, BA ’78, is a retired personnel administrator for the Cuyahoga County Office of Human Resources. The Solon resident serves as a national director on the board of directors for the Pittsburgh-based William Penn Association, a fraternal organization. MARY SPREMULLI, MA ’79, is the owner/president of Voice Aerobics, LLC, a speech-language pathology private practice specializing in the treatment of adults with voice, speech and swallowing problems. Based in southwest Florida, she provides educational seminars across the nation.
MARCIA FUDGE, JD '83, JEANETTE R. PRESTON, BS '85, and SHARON TOEREK, BA ’85 and JD '91, were recognized on the Crain's Cleveland Business 2013 Women of Note roster. Fudge is a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for the 11th Congressional District of Ohio. Preston is the president and lead auditor for Smithers Quality Assessments. Toerek is a partner in Licata & Toerek, a Cleveland-area law firm.
This column: ELAINE STILES, '04 WILLIAM RAGAN, '04
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BRIDGET BERO, BSCE ’81, holds a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Idaho. She is a professor and chair of civil engineering, construction management and environmental engineering at Northern Arizona University. She lives in Flagstaff, AZ. JOHN TILLMAN, BA ’83 and JD ’89, is the North American regional counsel for Novelis Corporation. JAMES “JAMIE” MILKOVICH, BA ’83 and MEd ’91, won his 400th career dual meet as head wrestling coach of the Maple Heights High School Mustangs. He holds the record for most wins by a Division I coach in Ohio wrestling history. The city of Maple Heights named him Citizen of the Year and celebrated Jamie Milkovich Day on June 19. JOHN V. GOODMAN, BA ’84, is a senior managing partner and senior managing director of investments at McDonald Partners LLC. DAVID WALDRON, BA ’84, is vice president for information technology at St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. KEVIN J. GOODMAN, BA ’85, was honored by Crain’s Cleveland Business as a Healthcare Hero for his work on behalf of the Northern Ohio chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. He is the managing director of BlueBridge Networks, LLC.
MICHAEL P. HARVEY, JD ’87, is a Rocky River attorney who was recently appointed to an at-large position on that suburb’s City Council. DON SHADRAKE, BA ’87, of The Reserves Network in Fairview Park, was recognized by Crain’s Cleveland Business as a chief information officer of the year. ANNIE HOFFMAN GOODRICH, BA ’88, is president and co-founder of the Sportscast Stars Training Company.
1990s DAVID T. RITCHIE, BA ’91, is an associate professor at Mercer University School of Law. GEORGE ALLEN, MEd ’92, was promoted to vice president, market manager for Clear Channel Media+Entertainment in Raleigh, N.C. Allen, who has been with Clear Channel for 18 years, previously was vice president of sales for CCM+E in Cleveland. SCOTT M. SAZPANSKY, BA ’92, is in his 14th year as a deputy bailiff with Cleveland Municipal Court. He and his wife Heidi, who wed in April 2013, live in Cleveland. ADAM CARR, JD ’93, of the Carr Law Office, LLC, was selected for inclusion in the 2014 edition of The Best Lawyers in America for insurance law. He lives in Cuyahoga Falls. JILL DAVIS, BA ’94 and MA ’97, is an attorney and owner of Toast, a new bar-restaurant in Cleveland’s Gordon Square district. STANLEY R. GORDON, BA ’94 and MUPDD ’99, earned an Associate’s Certificate in Project Management from The George Washington University and is a disaster recovery project manager with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community. JOSE ESTREMERA, BA ’95, was named by Crain’s Cleveland Business as “one to watch in nonprofits.” He manages WIRE-Net’s Youth Workforce Programs and To the Max, a collaborative effort to implement a 21st century educational model at Max Hayes Career Tech High School in Cleveland. STEVE ALIC, BS ’96, is the director of communications for USA Football and is helping to launch Heads Up, a national program to promote safer football for youngsters. He lives in Indianapolis. KIMBERLY RICHARDSON, MSUS ’96, is the president and principal consultant of Kimberly Richardson Consulting, LLC in Birmingham, Ala., a firm specializing in grant writing and management, training and technical assistance. The author of The Official Federal Grants Prep Guide: 10 Tips to Position Your Organization for Success recently renewed her Grant Professionals Certification and is the only grant professional in the state of Alabama to hold this certification. STEVE ANTHONY, JD ’97, is a special agent in charge of the Cleveland division of the FBI. BRYAN OSTROWSKI, BA ’98, transferred from Cargill’s Minnesota headquarters to accept a position as continuous improvement leader in the firm’s Gainesville, Ga. operation. MICHELE POLAK, BA ’98, completed her first year as an assistant professor of English at Centenary College in New Jersey. Dr. Polak established and directs a new composition program in the Department of English & Foreign Languages. MICHAEL WAHLSTER, JD ’98, was named chief executive officer of ImPACT Applications, Inc. in Pittsburgh. He also was named to the firm’s board
of directors. ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) develops tools used by sports teams and others to evaluate and manage concussions. HEATHER CLAYTON TERRY, BEd ’99 and MPA ’06, is associate director for Women in Science and Engineering and advisor to the Women in Science and Engineering Roundtable for the Flora Stone Mather Center for Women at Case Western Reserve University. She lives in Lyndhurst. CONGRATULATIONS TO THESE ALUMNI WHO WERE NAMED TO THE CRAIN’S CLEVELAND BUSINESS FORTY UNDER 40 LIST: DALITHIA C. SMITH, MBA ’97, director of recruiting and training at Lincoln Electric MARK ABOOD, JD ’98, senior vice president of Chartwell Group, LLC MATTHEW K. HLAVIN, BA ’98, president and CEO of Thogus Products and member of the CSU Foundation board of directors GRETCHEN L. SCHULER, MA ’98, vice president for insurance risk management and technical documentation at Invacare Corporation FRANK L. GALLUCCI III, JD ’00, managing partner of Plevin & Gallucci Company, L.P.A. ALEX GERTSBURG, JD ’00, executive vice president and general counsel of Broadvox, Inc. NICOLE M. BELL, MBA ’10, executive director of The Presidents' Council Foundation.
2000s STEPHEN SUSNJARA, BBA ’00, and VERONICA TARASKA SUSNJARA, BA’ 00 and MSW ’11, were married in January 2013 and live in Wickliffe. He is a driver for UPS. KRISHNA C.V. GRANDHI, BSCIS ’01, MSCIS ’02, BS ’07, and JD ’10, is an associate in the intellectual property group of Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP. He also is a board member of the Asian American Bar Association of Ohio, president-elect of the South Asian Bar Association of Ohio, and chair of the technology advisory committee on the Ohio Asian American Pacific Islander Advisory Council. CARLA JENKINS, MBA ’02, was promoted to GS-14 program analyst with the U.S. Small Business Administration in Washington, D.C. She recently passed the Project Management Professional certification exam. STEVE STAHL, Teaching Certificate ’02, is a coach at Rocky River High School and teaches at St. Joseph School in Avon Lake. The Bay Village resident was the Plain Dealer Boys Coach of the Year for 2012. BETTE LOU VERSACI HIGGINS, MEd ’03, is the founder and artistic director of Eden Valley Enterprises (EVE), which produces theatrical programming spotlighting Ohio and Great Lakes history. EVE received one of only 11 grants awarded for 2013 from the Ohio Historical Society. The $15,000 matching grant supports a project about Ohioan Emma Gatewood, the first woman to solo thru-hike the Appalachian Trail in 1955 at the age of 67 after raising 11 children and surviving domestic abuse. CHRISTOPHER L. CLARK, BMusic ’04, received the Yale University Distinguished Music Educator Award at the 2013 Symposium on Music in Schools. He teaches in the Southern Berkshire Regional School District
in Sheffield, Mass. WILLIAM RAGAN, BA ’04, is a mental health specialist with Corizon Correctional Healthcare at Lowell Correctional Institute in Ocala, Fla. ELAINE STILES, BBA ’04, was promoted to regional vice president at Business Wire, and is leading sales and operations for the Chicago, Austin, Dallas and Houston bureaus. Stiles joined Business Wire as an account executive in 2005 and worked her way up to senior account executive in 2008 and regional manager of the Chicago office in 2010. She was recognized as an outstanding account executive in 2008 and a top regional manager of the year in both 2010 and 2011. MICHAEL OATMAN, MA ’04 and MFA ’08, is the founder and artistic director of New African Theater, which focuses on new works and serves as an incubator for playwrights, directors and actors. The theater is based at Garden Valley Neighborhood House in Cleveland. AUDREY LEONARD, MEd ’06, is a paralegal with the Atlanta public schools. She assists the general counsel with maintaining district compliance in special education programs. WENDY PEEL, BA ’06, joined the business development division of USA Swimming in Colorado Springs. She serves as local marketing manager and lives in Castle Rock, Colo. MICHAEL FLEMING, MUPDD ’07, is executive director of the St. Clair Superior Development Corporation. It was his idea to import a flock of 12 sheep to “mow” a grassy area along the lakefront and North Marginal Road. The urban grazing program has been a success. NAIMAH O’NEAL, BSW ’08 and MSW ’12, is a medical social worker for the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland. EDWARD GAILEY, DBA ’09, was promoted to master of business administration program director at Fairmount State University in West Virginia. PAUL INFIELD, BS ’09, graduated with honors in 2012 from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Iowa. He opened his own practice, Infield Chiropractic Clinic, in downtown Euclid, Ohio in April. JOE JURECKI, BA ’09, and TRAVIS POLLERT, BA ’10, had a short film accepted into this year’s 37th annual Cleveland International Film Festival. Fusion: The Art of Collaboration followed Cleveland’s Inlet Dance Theatre group as it hosted a Sri Lankan artist-in-residence and created a new dance performance. KAREN SCHUBERT, MFA ’10, won an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award for her poetry in 2012 and a residency to Headlands Center for the Arts for summer 2013. Her chapbook, I Left My Wings on a Chair, won the Wick Poetry Center chapbook contest and will be published in fall 2014. Schubert teaches English at Youngstown State University. MATTHEW SKITZKI, MMusic ’10, released his third album, Do What You’re Good At, featuring former CSU student Ken Peplowski and former faculty member Howie Smith. He is the owner of Skitzki Piano Performances in South Euclid. JOSEPH MAYETTE, MBA ’11, was promoted to administrator of the Canton Outpatient Clinic for the Department of Veteran Affairs. The facility offers a multi-disciplinary approach to health care to more than 11,000 veterans.
ALYSSA A. MURRAY, BA ’11, is a financial services representative at Vantage Financial Group, Inc. in Cleveland and Akron. MICHELLE L. DIFRANGIA, BA ’12, is an editorial intern at Ohio Magazine. She wrote the May 2013 cover story, “102 Days and Nights of Summer.” CORTNEY KILBURY, EMBA ’12, received Inside Business magazine’s Athena Award in recognition of her professional accomplishments and community service. The youngest member of the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority’s executive leadership team, she serves as director of marketing and communications. MARGARET (MAGGIE) McGUIRE, BA ’13, is the reception administrator at the Virginia Marti College of Art and Design in Lakewood. CSU’s Department of Theatre and Dance was well represented in the Talespinner Children’s Theatre production of The Emperor’s Ears, which played for three weekends this summer at the Reinberger Auditorium in the Gordon Square area of Cleveland. From top left clockwise: KATELYN CORNELIUS, BA ’08 (cast member); BRITTANY NICOLE GAUL, BA ’12 (stage manager); CHARLES HARGRAVE, BA ’11 (designer); STEPHANIE WILBERT, BA ’11 (choreography/rhythm); student BEN MEROLD (cast member); TANIA BENITES, BA ’12 (Talespinner artistic associate). Not pictured are former student JOSH HEIDINGER and MELANIE BOEMAN, BA ’83, (designers). Photo courtesy of Alison Garrigan / Talespinner Children’s Theatre
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IN MEMORIAM ALUMNI Dezso Ladanyi, BSCE ’42, in March 2013 Glen A. DeWyer, BS ’43, in February 2013 George C. Nebesar, BSME ’44, in October 2012 Paul W. Cassidy, JD ’47, in July 2013 Roger G. Benjamin, BS ’49, in December 2012 Charles J. Lantz, BSME ’49, in February 2013 Andrew Slivka, BS ’49 and LLM ’53, in March 2013 Monroe G. Marks, JD ’50, in December 2012 Ludd M. Dunn, BS ’50 and BBA ’52, in December 2012 Eugene Fellmeth, JD ’51, in March 2013 Raymond T. Yunker, BSCE ’51, in January 2013 Douglas M. Fortner, BBA ’53, in June 2013 Henry J. Tushar, BS ’53, in June 2012 John J. Grady, JD ’56, in June 2013 Shavarsh Manoogian, BS ’58, in May 2013 Dennis Drake, BSME ’61, in February 2013 Ronald A. Pecek, BBA ’67, in December 2012 William L. Richard, JD ’67, in April 2013 Kenneth T. Willis, BBA ’69, in January 2013 Ted R. Klammer, JD ’70, in March 2013 John L. McCaskey, BS ’70 and MS ’77, in July 2013 J. Dennis Omlor, MS ’71, in April 2013 Donna Serfilippi, BEd ’71, MEd ’88 and Ph.D. ’94, in June 2013 Gregory M. Gilson, JD ’72, in April 2013 Melvyn A. Diamond, JD ’73, in December 2012 Glenn F. Torch, JD ’74, in
February 2013 Ruth N. Moon, BEd ’74 and MEd ’78, in February 2013 William Fischer, BA ’76, in May 2011 William J. Kappy, BBA ’76, in December 2012 Nancy Wahonick McGormley, BA ’76, in February 2013 Dorothy F. Loftin, MEd ’77, in March 2013 Russell R. Nelson, JD ’78, in January 2013 William I. Sims, BEd ’78, in January 2013 Mary Frances Ahern, BA ’79, in January 2013 Vincent G. Morreale, BBA ’79, in November 2012 Richard J. Beeler, MEd ’80, in September 2011 Marilyn A. Hadaway, MEd ’81, in November 2012 Joanne Kmets Walsh, BBA ’82, in July 2013 Nick Satullo, BA ’82 and JD ’84, in June 2013 Thomas P. Campbell, BBA ’83, in February 2013 Sherri L. Hughes, BA ’83, in October 2012 Thomas G. Kunzler, BS ’84 and MS ’89, in February 2013 Christine Shaefer, BEd ’88, in March 2013 Beryl A. Becker, BA ’89, in June 2013 James L. Burns, JD ’89, in July 2013 John S. Murray, BS ’89, in April 2013 Susan J. Senger, BBA ’92, in March 2013 Mayako Kobayashi, BS ’96, in February 2011 Glenn Looman, Ph.D. ’97, in February 2013 Julie E. Taylor, BBA ’02 and MLRHR ’03, in May 2013 Aria Beullah, BA ’03, in October 2011 Chad Richendollar, BEd ’08, in June 2013
IN MEMORIAM CSU DEATHS John Purcell in June 2012. During his 33 years at CSU, Dr. Purcell taught Spanish and chaired the foreign language department. He retired in 2003. Carl Glickman in March 2013. Mr. Glickman was a member of the CSU board of trustees from 1999 to 2008 and a generous philanthropist who supported several endowed scholarships at CSU. John Konstantinos in March 2013. Mr. Konstantinos served as CSU’s Athletic Director from 1990 until his retirement in 2002. Paul Aspelin in May 2013. An associate professor and former chair of anthropology, Dr. Aspelin retired in 2012 after 40 years of service to CSU. Suzanne Hartman-Byerley in May 2013. She was director of communications and development in the Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs from 1984 to 1987.
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William F. Kerka, BSME ’48, in May 2013. An associate professor emeritus of mechanical engineering, Dr. Kerka was a faculty member from 1961 until his retirement in 1981. Donald Linkmark in May 2013. A professor and former chair of biological, geological and environmental sciences, Dr. Lindmark joined CSU in 1984 and retired in May 2013. Paul Skalski, BA ’97, in May 2013. Dr. Skalski joined the faculty in 2007 and was an associate professor of communication. Lucille Eva Johnson Wright in June 2013. A professor of education, Dr. Wright joined CSU in 1971 and retired in 2001. Pieter J. von Herrmann in July 2013. Dr. von Herrmann was director of CSU’s Advanced Manufacturing Center from 1987 to 1990.
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Looking for something to do? Check out CSU’s calendar of performances, exhibitions and concerts featuring talented students and faculty at
Aerosmith rocked Woodling Gym and a crowd of 3,200 at an April 1975 concert. CSU’s campus has more than 22 acres of green space with more than 500 kinds of trees, shrubs and flowers.
Dionne Warwick headlined CSU’s Inaugural Ball and Fenn College Alumni Homecoming at the Sheraton-Cleveland Hotel on December 12, 1965.
Become a Friend of the Arts at CSU and receive a twice-per-semester calendar of cultural events. Visit and click on the alumni and friends tab for info.
With a newly approved FCC license for a 10-watt radio station, WCSB 89.3 FM began its first broadcast at noon on May 10, 1976. A new Presidential Student Ambassador program, launched by Patsy Bilbao-Berkman, gives students the opportunity to represent CSU at special events.
Almost Alumni Dinners, held four times each academic year at Elements Bistro, give students a glimpse of life after graduation. To volunteer as a host, call 216-687-2078.
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I wanted to do something to give back to Cleveland State. Helping to fund students' education through a bequest in my will seemed the best way to show my appreciation. I may never see the faces or know the names of the students my gift has touched.
My greatest reward is knowing I have made a lasting difference in the lives of others. Dan Avis Distinguished Alumni Award Recipient 1991
Danferd C. Avis, BBA ’51, was a varsity basketball player, student council representative and officer in Lamda Tau Delta fraternity. And his involvement with Cleveland State University has remained strong — supporting Athletics as a member of the Viking Club and Big Green, and serving as president of both the CSU Alumni Association and Varsity C, the Athletic Alumni Association. Still, he wanted to do more. So he included CSU in his estate plan, with planned gift commitments to provide scholarships for both Viking swimmers and business students.
You, too, can create a legacy of giving and impact the future of Cleveland State University and its students. Donors who include the University in their estate plan become members of CSU’s Legacy Society. For information, call 216-523-7228 or visit
Cleveland State University Magazine 2121 Euclid Avenue UN 501 Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214