C S U: YO UR O N E STO P D EST I N AT IO N FO R A DVA N C E D N DT U N D E RWAT E R P IP E LI N E R E PA IR SO LUT IO N S Central States Underwater (CSU), i.e. us has been successfully offering field-proven and innovative underwater pipeline repair technologies and services that respond rapidly to respective concerns. Our engineers believe in safe and reliable implementation of solutions that could actually abate the environmental impact, restoring production at a time. Our well-planned and field-proven solutions let you avoid environmental and economic impacts that usually come associated with underwater pipeline failures and abrupt pause of production. Covering an expansive range of pressure ratings, water depths and sizes, we offer identity failure modes, underwater inspection services, and also rebuild damaged structure, performing repairs that help bring the production back in line. CSU has been a leader in underwater repair and maintenance for years now. Having mainly operated in oil and gas industry, our experience includes Construction sectors and Power Plants too. Over years, we have gained access and expertise to operate tools and technologies for pipeline protection and repair. Our engineers have experience in doing composite pipe repairs. Thus, when it comes to offering the best underwater pipeline services Texas, we are committed to helping out with the best on the market. With years of experience providing inspection services on critical subsea structures, we intend to deliver project-appropriate optimized solutions that could meet the required criteria, ensuring your assets are OKAY for service.
Conventional non-destructive testing (NDT) Used to prevent failure by identifying and evaluating damages or flaws
Conventional non-destructive testing has been serving as the preparatory point in identifying and evaluating underwater pipeline and its structure fitness to support ongoing production. From manufacturing to decommissioning, conventional NDT is likely to detect defect and anomalies, some of which may even require further expert inspection or treatment.
Advanced NDT by us From the past few years, the NDT has advanced its focus to addressing emerging concerns, which we have. CSU specializes in providing an expansive range of expert inspection solutions for applications ranging from identifying complex flaws arising at the time of manufacturing to process-induced integrity problems in upstream, midstream and downstream pipeline structures.
Underwater pipeline inspection services by us We provide integrated solutions for your underwater assets The integrated call or approach helps meet the inspection requirements quickly and efficiently. From ROVs and vessels to subsea inspection and divers tooling – our engineers have the required expertise to offer optimized underwater inspection, integrity management and cost-effective solutions.
Final words‌ Our service track record puts us at the forefront of underwater pipeline NDT service as our engineers have evidently met all inspection requirements within hard construction cycles. We deploy a range of ultrasonic and radiographic tools in order to collect data you need for compliance confirmation with pipeline construction standards.