In Yerevan and in the regions, most principals inform the abusers about the new school of the children. We explain that there is a safety issue, but in many cases the same principals also inform the abusers about the location of the mother.� Representative of Women’s Support Center NGO
Prevention of Domestic Violence in the Educational System Article 16 of the DV Law mandates the National Competent Executive Authority for Education to: 1) conduct regular trainings for teachers and educators on their role in prevention of violence within the family and procedures for notifying relevant authorities about cases of violence within the family; 2) review curricula with a view to prevent violence within the family and exclude the encouragement of violence within the family in textbooks and teaching materials; and to include in curricula topics on the nature of violence within the family and its impact on family and society. In reality, these provisions are not implemented nor are there mechanisms for the implementation of these mandates. Recommendations: 1. To train the entire school staff on domestic violence and the best interests of the child;