Your daily prayer guide
prayer diary April–July 2021
Turn to the back cover to read your Response magazine
Your prayers are needed for India. Week 1: 11-17 April Christians, Muslims and minority groups in India have been the victims of growing discrimination, harassment and targeted communal violence since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) was re-elected in 2019. Over the last year there has continued to be systematic violence and hate speech aimed at vulnerable groups and religious minorities, growing harassment, arbitrary arrests and the prosecution of civil society actors. Find out more at
‘We feel really inspired because people are praying for us. That they would spend their time on doing these things for us – I think it's really amazing.’
Father Stan Swamy
Pray for protection Father Stan Swamy protest over all those in India who are facing targeted discrimination, harassment and violence because of their beliefs. Pray that they will be able to practise their religion freely.
Peng*, son of an imprisoned church leader, China
The times we live in are extraordinary. Over a year into a global pandemic, all of us have experienced upheaval in our lives. We have all had to come to terms with situations that until recently seemed unthinkable. Some of us have endured exhaustion, unemployment, hardship, grief. And yet. And yet. The poet Robert Browning said, ‘I have lived, seen God’s hand through a lifetime and all was for the best.’ This beautiful quote brings us back to the words of the Apostle Paul, that ‘in all things God works for the good of those who love him’ (Romans 8:28). But when we are in the middle of the struggle, it is sometimes hard to remember that God is working for our good. For someone experiencing harassment, imprisonment or worse for their faith, it can be a very lonely place. At those times, your prayers are a vital support. The quote above is from a young man whose father, a church leader, was imprisoned by the Chinese authorities.
2 All images by CSW unless otherwise stated.
Wednesday 14 April
It was an incredibly difficult time. Yet during the years his father was in prison, the family was encouraged by your prayers. In my role as Public Affairs Team Leader I work with our advocates across all different regions, and they tell me similar stories from other people who are facing injustice because of their beliefs, but feel upheld by the prayers of CSW supporters. So I want to thank you for your faithful commitment in using this Prayer Diary. Know that your prayers are powerful because the God we pray to is powerful! Kiri Kankhwende Public Affairs Team Leader The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 * Name changed for security reasons.
Sunday 11 April Father Stan Swamy, 83, a Jesuit priest and long-time activist on tribal rights, has been imprisoned since 8 October 2020 on terrorism charges. Days before his arrest he announced that he had filed a case in the Jharkand High Court on behalf of 3,000 unjustly imprisoned young Adivasis (members of indigenous tribes). Pray for protection over his health, and for his immediate and unconditional release.
Monday 12 April Pray that the UK government ensures that fundamental human rights, including freedom of religion or belief, are not left out of the UK’s bilateral dialogues with India.
Tuesday 13 April Thank God for the bravery of India’s human rights defenders and ask God to give those who are currently detained, as well as those who’ve been arrested on politically motivated charges, strength and courage.
Thursday 15 April In November, around 100 Christians from a tribal community in Signawaram village in the state of Chhattisgarh were attacked while they slept by a mob using homemade weapons. They’d spent the previous evening organising festivities for Advent. Pray for protection over the Christian families in Chhattisgarh state.
Friday 16 April ‘My God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. He is my refuge, my saviour, the one who saves me from violence.’ 2 Samuel 22:3 (NLT) Pray this verse over all those suffering for their beliefs in India today.
Saturday 17 April Loving Heavenly Father, we thank you for all those who are defending human rights in India. We ask that your hand of protection would be upon them and that all charges against them would be dropped. Amen.
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This week please pray for Cuba.
Your prayers are needed for Mexico. 36
Uriel Badillo Lara and his wife
Week 2: 18–24 April
Week 3: 25 April–1 May
Social media platforms such as Facebook are a great way for us to stay connected to the people we care about, enabling us to share messages and photos quickly and easily. It’s especially been a lifeline for many who would otherwise be feeling even more cut off during the COVID-19 pandemic.
‘On 28 July 2019 my family and I were expelled from the village... since then I’ve been prohibited from accessing the community.’ - Uriel Badillo Lara.
But in Cuba, social media has a darker side. State security uses the internet to monitor closely anyone who dares to speak out about the government’s human rights abuses. Fake social media accounts are also used to spread lies and disinformation about courageous activists and religious leaders. Find out more at
Sunday 18 April
Thursday 22 April
A blog believed to be run by Cuban state security has run articles about Reverend Alain Toledano Valiente, a national leader of a network of independent churches, accusing him of domestic violence, of rape, of embezzlement – all completely invented claims. Pray that the truth would be known and these claims would be ignored.
Last May, an individual was studying the Qur’an in their home with a group of fellow Muslims when two State Security officers appeared. At a police summons the following day, they were threatened that if they held meetings of this kind again they would be punished for the crime of ‘association to conspire and commit crimes’. Pray that they would be free to practise their faith with no further harassment.
Monday 19 April Even more disturbingly many of the articles target his daughters, some of whom are minors, with truly disgusting accusations. Understandably, this has caused them anxiety and stress. Pray for them to have the peace of God, which transcends all understanding (Philippians 4:7).
Tuesday 20 April ‘I committed no crime; it had to be manufactured...They [the government] want me to stop being a pastor.’ Pray for a fresh outpouring of courage and strength for Alain in the face of the vicious smear campaign against him.
Wednesday 21 April ‘Though the arrogant have smeared me with lies, I keep your precepts with all my heart.’ (Psalm 119:69) Thank God for Alain’s courage in continuing his pastoral work despite the government’s attempts to silence him. 4
Pastor Karel Parra Rosabel and his family.
Friday 23 April Pastor Karel Parra Rosabal was arrested in January this year on trumped-up criminal charges, but the police told him he was being arrested ‘so that you learn that illegal churches in Cuba are not allowed.’ The government has refused to register Apostolic Movement churches like Karel’s, effectively making them illegal. Pray for a complete end to this kind of intimidation and harassment.
Saturday 24 April Heavenly Father, thank you for the nation of Cuba and all your children there. As you commanded us, we pray for the persecutors: that they would have a change of heart and would turn from injustices they are committing. For those who feel they have no choice, we ask you to provide them alternative income sources. We lift them to you in the name of your merciful and loving son Jesus. Amen.
Religious minorities in Mexico face severe discrimination for not conforming to the majority religion. Uriel is just one of many. Under Mexican law, indigenous communities have the right to protect their culture and maintain traditional governing structures – as long as fundamental human rights, including the right to freedom of religion or belief, are respected. However, many local authorities lack an adequate understanding of these legal protections, and the state consistently fails to intervene in cases relating to religious freedom. As a result, the right to freedom of religion or belief continues to be regularly violated and the perpetrators benefit from a culture of impunity. Find out more at
Sunday 25 April Pray for six Protestant families from El Encanto village in Chiapas who’ve had their electricity supply cut off, because they refused to sign an agreement which would require them to participate in religious activities of the majority religion.
Monday 26 April Today, pray for ten Protestant families from El Mesón Zapote community in Guerrero who have been threatened with forced displacement for refusing to contribute towards the construction of a new Catholic church. The group have also seen their rights as members of the community restricted, including access to social benefit programmes and the right to vote.
Tuesday 27 April In January 2020 two Protestant families from La Mesa Limantitla village in Hidalgo were forced to sign an illegal agreement in which they renounced their right to hold religious services in order to have their access to water and other
essential services reinstated. They risk these services being cut off again if they cannot pay the remainder of a fine that was levied as part of the agreement. Pray for them today.
Wednesday 28 April Mexican law guarantees the right to freedom of religion or belief, but local leaders often fail to understand the legal protections, and the government is often reluctant to intervene in religious disputes. Pray for greater understanding and a willingness to follow the laws laid down by the constitution – at both a local and national level.
Thursday 29 April Pray the following verse over those who wish to impose a particular faith on others: ‘Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.’ (Philippians 2:3)
Friday 30 April Today is Children’s Day in Mexico. Pray for Kevin and Alma, whose stories we highlighted as part of our Faith and a Future campaign, and for all who are prevented from accessing education as a result of their religious beliefs.
Saturday 1 May Heavenly Father, we lift up to you the nation of Mexico today. Where there is division and discord, sow seeds of love and unity, we pray. May all Mexicans be granted the freedoms that their constitution guarantees – the freedoms that you will for them. Amen.
Pray for Egypt.
Join the 24-hour global wave of prayer.
Week 4: 2-8 May
Week 5: 9-15 May
Three staff members of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) were arrested last November and released a few weeks later, following international pressure.
On Friday 14 May we are gathering with hundreds around the world to create a 24-hour global wave of prayer (find out more on p.8 of Response). We hope you can join one of the online prayer events, hosted by CSW teams in South East Asia, Mexico, US, Nigeria and the UK. Even if you do not have internet access you can still take part throughout this week, by using this page to pray for the work of each of CSW’s regional hubs.
Gasser Abdel-Razek, the CEO, and directors Mohammad Basheer and Karim Ennara, were arrested following interrogations about their meetings with foreign diplomats. The EIPR is one of the few human rights organisations still operating in Egypt.
Gasser Abdel-Razek
Although the release of the EIPR staff is good news, these arrests and attacks are a worrying indication that the country’s ongoing crackdown on civil society may be intensifying. 2020 also saw an increase in the number of people arrested on charges related to contempt of religion and blasphemy. Find out more at
Sunday 2 May Thank God for the release from jail of the three staff members of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights. Pray that they will be completely healed of any lasting trauma from their experience.
Monday 3 May Last November sectarian violence broke out in the village of Barsha in Minya governorate, Upper Egypt. Hundreds of Muslim villagers attacked the homes and properties of local Christians. No one was hurt and police were deployed quickly. Thank God for the swift police response.
Tuesday 4 May The attacks began after rumours circulated that a Christian man had posted a comment on Facebook that was deemed insulting to Islam. The man claims his page was hacked. We are seeing an increase of this kind of incident in many countries, where social media is used to inflame existing religious tensions. Pray for an end to this trend.
Wednesday 5 May Youssef Hani, a Christian teacher, and a Muslim girl named Sundos were arrested in November, following an exchange on Facebook which was considered by the authorities to be ‘insulting to Christianity and Islam’. They were released 6
the next day after they apologised. Pray that the authorities would refrain from this kind of heavy-handed response.
Thursday 6 May Last June two men, Mustafa Al-Ramli and Mahmoud Youssef, were each sentenced to one year in prison for ‘spreading and promoting’ Shi’a Islam. Adhering to the Shi’a faith remains difficult in Egypt, where Sunni Islam is the majority religion; those who choose to do so face deep societal hostility and risk being arrested and imprisoned. Pray that the men would be released.
Friday 7 May ‘Seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.’ (Isaiah 1:17 ESV) Pray these verses over those in positions of authority who are responsible for administering justice.
Saturday 8 May Heavenly Father, thank you for the courage of those who not only continue to follow their own convictions, even when this could be risky, but also defend the rights of others to do the same. Protect these human rights defenders we pray, ensure justice for the oppressed, reconcile religious communities and hasten the day when equal citizenship will be a reality. Amen.
Sunday 9 May
Thursday 13 May
South East Asia: Today we pray for those throughout the East Asia region who have fled their homes due to religious persecution. We pray in particular for the Rohingya, Kachin and Chin people groups in Myanmar/Burma and ask that they would be able to return to their homes and live in peace.
EU: CSW’s office in Brussels remains as vital as ever. We give thanks for initiatives like the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime, through which the EU can impose travel restrictions on individual human rights abusers, freeze their assets and prohibit the availability of funds to them. Pray that in all EU trade deals, human rights would be prioritised.
Monday 10 May US: The new US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has spoken out strongly against the actions of China in regard to the Uyghur people. While this is encouraging, pray that the Biden administration would prioritise freedom of religion or belief through the swift nomination of a competent and effective Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom.
Friday 14 May Nigeria: Today is the 18th birthday of Leah Sharibu, the Nigerian schoolgirl who refused to renounce her faith in exchange for her freedom. Leah has been held captive by ISWAP, a faction of Boko Haram, since February 2018. Today thousands around the globe will join in praying for Leah’s release.
Tuesday 11 May
Saturday 15 May
Mexico: The number of internally displaced people, migrants and refugees in Latin America continues to grow. Scripture commands us to care for ‘the sojourner’ and many churches and their leaders do so, often at great risk to themselves from organised criminal groups. Pray for safety both for the sojourners, and those who care for them.
I lift up my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Spend some time meditating on Psalm 121 and recognising God’s sovereignty over all.
Wednesday 12 May UK: Please pray for energy and faith for all CSW staff, many of whom are based in the UK, that they would ‘not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’ (Galatians 6:9) Ed and Janet, CSW South East Asia]
This week please pray for Sudan. Week 6: 16-22 May
Week 7: 23-29 May
In October 2020 eight leaders from the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) were acquitted, with all the charges dropped, in a case that had been ongoing since 2017. This is just one of the encouraging developments we’ve seen in Sudan in recent months. However, hopes that a way may be being paved for a fairer, more inclusive society, were somewhat tempered by the fact that the illegal committee whose activities had engineered their conviction on spurious charges was yet to be dissolved at time of writing. Challenges for the realisation of freedom of religion or belief and equal citizenship remain, and extremist voices continue to hold considerable sway, while the civilian part of the new government appears increasingly to be losing ground to the military section, slowing down the process of democratic reform. Find out more at
‘We will continue to concern ourselves with all the sufferings and injustices, until the day that constitutionalism, rule of law, human rights and democracy come to China.’ These words are from a New Year’s Day statement made by the China Human Rights Lawyers Group.
Sunday 16 May On 3 January a church belonging to the Sudanese Church of Christ in Gezira State was burned down by a 13-year-old boy, on the orders of an adult. However, only the minor was arrested. Pray for justice, and for protection and hope for members of the church, who’ve long faced harassment from some local Muslims and Sudanese authorities.
Monday 17 May Give thanks for the courage of Dr Omar El Garai, the former Director of the National Centre for Curricula and Educational Research, who resigned after the prime minister halted the development of new school curricula, following intense opposition from Islamists. The proposed curricula would have seen all religions presented equally. Pray for the emergence of curricula that promote inclusivity and unity.
Tuesday 18 May Praise God for the decision of the governor of Gezira state to authorise the construction of four church buildings on empty land. Three of the churches will be given to the SCOC and one to the Evangelical Church. The last time a church was given land on which to build was in 2005.
Wednesday 19 May The trial of nine defendants accused of setting fire to a church in Omdurman, Khartoum began on 29 November 2020. These are the first prosecutions for damaging a church in the nation’s history. 8
Your prayers are needed for China.
Thank God for this significant step towards a fairer society and pray that justice would be served.
Thursday 20 May On 13 November, the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council of Sudan effectively pardoned everyone involved in any military action, including those responsible for the bombing of homes and churches in the Nuba Mountains, which resulted in the deaths of thousands. Pray that this decision would be overturned and those responsible for human rights violations are held to account.
Friday 21 May General Mohamed Hamdan ‘Hemedti’ Dagalo, deputy chair of the Sovereign Council, is the most powerful person in Sudan. His Rapid Support Forces (RSF, formerly a janjaweed militia) committed atrocities in Darfur and attacked sit-in sites in Khartoum in June 2019 resulting in at least 128 deaths, multiple injuries and mass rape. In February 166 of the decomposing bodies were discovered in the Gezira state mortuary, who are also thought to be victims of the June 2019 massacre. Pray for justice, and against any return to military rule.
Saturday 22 May Loving Father, grant wisdom to the Sudanese authorities and lead them to promote justice and righteousness. Give them courage to stand against extremist voices and help them to create a society in which all people are valued and respected, whatever their religion. Amen.
Zhang Zhan
Under President Xi Jinping, the situation for human rights, including the right to freedom of religion or belief, has deteriorated rapidly and significantly. The Chinese Communist Party’s crackdown on human rights has been widely reported, including the government’s policies in Tibet, Hong Kong and the Uyghur region, as well as towards religious groups and human rights defenders across the country. Find out more at
Sunday 23 May
Thursday 27 May
Pray for the release of Pastor Wang Yi, the lead pastor of Early Rain Church, who is serving a nine-year prison sentence. He was charged with ‘inciting to subvert state power’ and ‘illegal business operations’. In reality, all he did was speak out against the government’s treatment of unregistered churches.
‘The fear of the Lord – that is wisdom, and to shun evil is understanding.’ (Job 28:28) Pray this verse over policymakers in China today.
Monday 24 May Today the Catholic Church marks the World Day of Prayer for the Church in China. Pray for strength and comfort for all church leaders who are currently detained, and for Christian publishers and booksellers imprisoned for their work.
Tuesday 25 May On 28 December Christian human rights activist Zhang Zhan was sentenced to four years in prison for ‘picking quarrels and provoking trouble’. In February 2020 she’d travelled to Wuhan, the epicentre of the COVID-19 outbreak, to find out whether the severity of the situation had been covered up. Pray for her immediate release.
Friday 28 May Thank God that the Uyghur crisis has received greater attention internationally. Between one and three million Uyghurs, and members of other predominantly Muslim ethnic minority communities, have been arbitrarily detained in ‘re-education’ camps. Pray that international pressure on China would increase and that the government would be forced to end this horrific repression.
Saturday 29 May Merciful God, you set prisoners free, you offer comfort to the lonely and bring darkness to light. Release all those unjustly held in China’s prisons and camps. Comfort all who do not know where their loved ones are. Let your truth and justice shine brightly in China, today and always. Amen.
Wednesday 26 May Pray today for human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, and for his family. He disappeared in August 2017 and his whereabouts have been unknown ever since. His sister, who had been traumatised by this and prior experiences at the hands of the government, tragically took her own life in May 2020. Pastor Yang Wi
Your prayers are needed for Nigeria.
Your prayers are needed for Vietnam.
Week 8: 30 May-5 June ‘More must be done to address Nigeria’s security vacuum, to stem the staggering loss of life across the nation, and to assist, compensate and rehabilitate victims of violence.’ These remarks were made by Mervyn Thomas, CSW’s Founder President, following a string of deadly attacks in Kaduna state in December 2020. The right to freedom of religion or belief continues to be violated regularly, amid a general deterioration in security that is impacting every community in the country. Find out more at
Week 9: 6-12 June ‘I think they targeted me because of my support for human rights activists like Nguyen Bac Truyen.’ - Cao Ha Truc, a member of the Catholic community of the Loc Hung Vegetable Garden in Ho Chi Minh City, which was devastated by the Vietnamese authorities in January 2019.
communities, and an end to militia attacks.
Tuesday 1 June Pray today for comfort for the wife and children of Pastor Kabiru Babangida, a convert to Christianity who was abducted and hacked to death in December in Niger state, by assailants who’d initially demanded money for his ransom. Pray also for the family of the traditional leader of Godogodo in Kaduna, Yohanna Abu, who was murdered by a gang of kidnappers in January.
Vietnam has seen a significant deterioration in human rights in recent years. This has included a crackdown on freedom of expression, with restrictions on journalists, human rights defenders, environmental activists and others tightening. On 21 January the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in Vietnam, highlighting, among other issues, the restrictions on freedom of religion or belief and the harsh treatment of human rights defenders in the country. Find out more at
Wednesday 2 June As violence by armed Fulani assailants continues to rise in southern Nigerian states, including abductions of Christians during services, pray for justice and for an end to the expansion of this deadly armed group.
Sunday 30 May Pray for Professor Tarfa, the co-founder of Du Merci orphanage in Kano state, who’s been falsely accused of child abduction. The three youngest children, all aged four, have been transferred to remote locations. Pray that all charges against the professor would be dropped and that all the children would be returned immediately to the only parents they’ve ever known.
Monday 31 May The Gbagyi community in the Chikun LGA had to pay over N3 million (approximately £5,600) to Fulani militia to be able to harvest their crops and enjoy a peaceful Christmas last year. Pray for the protection of church leaders and
Thursday 10 June
Today, pray for the release of activist and pastor Nguyen Trung Ton, and that of legal expert Nguyen Bac Truyen. In April 2018 they were charged with ‘carrying out activities aimed at overthrowing the government’ and sentenced to 12 and 11 years in prison respectively.
‘Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled round your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.’ (Ephesians 6:14) Pray this verse over all human rights defenders and journalists in Vietnam today.
Monday 7 June
Thursday 3 June
Professor Tarfa with some of the Du Merci children
Sunday 6 June
The release of 344 boys abducted from their school in Katsina state by a group linked to Boko Haram, was followed almost immediately by the rescue of 113 Qur’anic students abducted as they returned from a religious ceremony. Pray for effective action to end these abductions.
Friday 4 June Pray for the release of Mubarak Bala, a humanist who has been imprisoned in Kano without any formal charge or prosecution since April 2020.
Saturday 5 June God of mercy and justice, we cry out to you for the nation of Nigeria. Bring a miraculous end to the violence that has swept across the country and has endured for far too long. Comfort those who mourn, strengthen those who live in fear, and release all who are detained unjustly. Fill the land with your love and your peace, we pray. Amen.
Friday 11 June
Pray for the safety of Catholic activist Nguyen Van Hoa. Following a steel plant disaster in April 2016, Hoa helped those affected seek compensation, and filmed peaceful protests about the disaster. In November 2017 he was sentenced to seven years in prison and has faced harsh treatment by the prison guards.
Pray for the community of the Loc Hung Vegetable Garden in Ho Chi Minh City. In January 2019 thousands of residents were forcibly evicted and over 500 homes were destroyed. The community, which includes many Catholic families who’ve lived on the land for generations – are still waiting for justice to be served.
Tuesday 8 June
Saturday 12 June
Thank God that Pastor A Dao was released from prison last September; he was not expected to be released until August this year. Dao was arrested in 2016 after he returned from an international conference on religious freedom, and charged with ‘illegally taking people to Thailand’, a charge he denies.
Loving heavenly Father, we lift to you the nation of Vietnam today. Release all those unfairly imprisoned for their faith, and those who are in prison for defending other people’s rights. Give strength and courage to all those who ardently seek the truth. May justice prevail in this land, we pray. Amen.
Wednesday 9 June Independent journalists continue to be regularly targeted, with many facing long jail sentences. Pray for the release of all those who seek the truth, and have risked their own safety and freedom to make the truth known to others.
Site of demolition of Loc Hung Vegetable Garden
Week 10: 13-19 June
Week 11: 20-26 June
‘As a Muslim in this country, I’m more afraid of being cremated after death (due to corona) than the actual dying itself.’ Yamin Ahmed, a Sri Lankan Muslim. The government has made it mandatory that those who have died from COVID-19 be cremated, despite advice by a panel of medical experts appointed by the Ministry of Health that the option for burial should also be made available to people. The World Health Organization has reported that cremation of victims of COVID-19 is unnecessary. Cremation is prohibited in Islam because it is considered a violation of the dignity of the human body.
‘The establishment of the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime is a landmark initiative to underscore the EU’s determination to enhance its role in addressing serious human rights violations and abuses worldwide.’ – Josep Borrell, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
Sri Lanka’s religious minorities continue to be disenfranchised, Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque In Colombo. even though the constitution affords some protections. The past Photo: Unsplash/Brian Kyed Rajapaksa government’s track record on human rights, and its strong nationalist Sinhalese-Buddhist support base, continue to be of grave concern for religious minorities and civil society organisations, which have come under greater state surveillance since Gotabaya Rajapaksa became the president of Sri Lanka. Find out more at
On 7 December 2020, the EU adopted this latest human rights mechanism, which enables the bloc to impose EU-wide travel bans on individuals or groups associated with severe human rights abuses, freeze their assets and prohibit the availability of funds to them. Thank God for the EU’s determination to speak out against human rights violations.
Sunday 13 June
Thursday 17 June
Pray that the government will reconsider its policy of mandating the cremation of all those who have died because of COVID-19, a policy which violates Muslims’ freedom of religion.
‘We don’t completely blame Facebook…The germs are ours, but Facebook is the wind.’ Presidential advisor Harindra Dissanayake acknowledged that although social media makes it easy for hate speech and false information to spread quickly, it is not in itself the cause of inter-religious tensions. Pray that any misinformation would not take hold, and that the truth would be known.
Monday 14 June On Easter Sunday 2019 an Islamist group bombed churches and Christian gatherings across Sri Lanka in an attack which claimed over 250 lives. Ask God to comfort those who still mourn the loved ones they lost that day.
Tuesday 15 June In the immediate aftermath of the attack, there were reports of Christians attacking the Muslim community, including their shops and mosques. Pray for the Spirit of peace to heal tensions between the communities.
Wednesday 16 June One of the main drivers of religious intolerance is the belief among nationalist Sinhalese Buddhist groups that they are the protectors of the land, deeming Islamic and Christian minorities a threat. Pray for tolerance and recognition of the positive contributions of those of all faiths to Sri Lanka. 12
Your prayers are needed for the EU.
Friday 18 June The president and prime minister, the Rajapaksa brothers, have made inflammatory comments that have played into ethno-religious tensions and stoked fears of terrorism and extremism. Pray for an end to this kind of rhetoric from the country’s leaders.
Pray for Sri Lanka.
In December 2020 the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime was officially adopted. This week join us in thanking God for this new human rights mechanism and pray that it would be effective, particularly in helping to protect and promote the right to freedom of religion or belief around the world.
Sunday 20 June
Monday 21 June The US Magnitsky Act, a similar scheme, has been used to impose sanctions on those responsible for human rights violations in China’s Uyghur region. The UK equivalent has targeted military generals from Myanmar/ Burma involved in systematic violence against the Rohingyas. Pray that the EU mechanism would also be used to impose sanctions on those guilty of religious freedom violations.
Tuesday 22 June Thank God for the EU Member States, most notably the Netherlands, which pushed at a national level for this mechanism to be adopted in 2019. Praise God too for the rapid consensus among EU Member States.
Saturday 19 June
Wednesday 23 June
Lord of all, we long for peace across Sri Lanka, but above and before that we pray for true justice. For Muslims whose loved ones are being cremated, violating their beliefs; for Christians who are attacked and harassed; for Buddhists who feel that their national identity is under threat. May they know true freedom of religion or belief. In your holy name, Amen.
Pray that the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime will also provide opportunity for greater information-sharing and stronger co-operation on human rights with other countries, such as the UK, the US and Canada.
the other regimes that preceded it, doesn’t allow for civil society - that is, NGOs like CSW - to contribute to the consultation and review process. Pray that this would be reconsidered and that civil society would be able to offer their expertise and insight.
Friday 25 June ‘The beginning of wisdom is this: get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.’ (Proverbs 4:7) Pray for discernment for the EU High Representative and the European Council, that they would discern well when to make use of these sanctions.
Saturday 26 June Lord Jesus Christ, we ask you to bless our advocacy at the EU. We pray that the EU Member States, which have demonstrated their commitment to protecting human rights through this new sanctions programme, would speak out against injustice and stand united on behalf of all facing discrimination on account of their religious beliefs. Amen. EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. Licensed under CC BY 2.0
Thursday 24 June Unfortunately, the EU mechanism, much like 13
Pray for the Central African Republic.
This week please pray for Pakistan.
Week 12: 27 June-3 July
Week 13: 4-10 July
Over two years have passed since a peace agreement between the government and rebel forces was signed, but violence continues in the Central African Republic (CAR), and overshadowed the elections in December last year.
‘In the name of God, please rescue our daughter…The abductor and his supporters are terrifying us, and we are in danger from these people.’ Tragically, this desperate plea from the mother of Azroo Raja - a 13-year-old girl kidnapped and forcibly married in October 2020 - could have come from the lips of so many parents in Pakistan. More than 1,000 Christian and Hindu girls are abducted and forced into marriage each year.
Despite the signing of the peace agreement in February 2019, violence involving armed groups and government forces backed by a UN peacekeeping mission remains a persistent problem. In January this year it was reported that over 120,000 people had fled their homes in fear of rising insecurity in the country. Find out more at
Sunday 27 June
Thursday 1 July
Faustin-Archange Touadéra was re-elected as president last December; however, the political opposition demanded the annulment of the elections on the grounds that fighting had prevented over half of all registered voters from voting. Pray that the CAR would take decisive steps to establish a stable democracy characterised by the rule of law.
‘And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.’ (1 Peter 5:10) Pray this verse over the CAR.
Monday 28 June Before the 2013 coup, conflict rarely occurred along religious lines, but since then armed groups have largely manipulated ethnic and religious divisions to realise their aims. Pray for an end to militia violence, and for unity and tolerance between people of different ethnicities and religions.
Tuesday 29 June While the 2019 peace agreement - the 23rd of its kind signed in the CAR over a 13-year period - was a step forward, it has not yet been fully implemented, as militia attacks continued to occur. Pray for meaningful dialogue between state and non-state armed actors that would enable the 2019 peace agreement to succeed.
Wednesday 30 June ‘The Chinese, the Russians, the UN peacekeeping forces (MINUSCA), the rebels, the political authorities, etc are all out to plunder what they can of the mineral riches of the country. The people have eyes only to weep. When will this nightmare ever come to an end?’ Pray that peace, stability and justice will come soon, for the sake of the CAR’s civilians, who continue to suffer immensely. 14
Friday 2 July Although a Special Criminal Court mandated to investigate and prosecute grave human rights violations was established in 2015, it lacks funding, and as a result, countless victims of the violence are still waiting for justice. Pray that the Court would be fully financed, so that all perpetrators can be held to account.
Saturday 3 July Lord God, we sometimes feel overwhelmed when contemplating the vastness of the issues in a country like the CAR. But we bring them all to your throne in the knowledge that you see all, know all and are allpowerful. We ask you to do what seems impossible, to bring justice and peace to this conflict-torn country, knowing that throughout history you have done countless things that seemed impossible. We ask it in your powerful name, Amen.
Pakistan’s religious minorities – the Christian, Shi’a Hazara, Hindu and Ahmadiyya communities – also continue to face other forms of persistent discrimination and harassment. Blasphemy laws and hate speech are regularly exploited by extremist Muslim clerics and Islamist groups. Radicalisation through biased education also contributes to widespread religious intolerance. Moreover, in recent years there’s been an increase in sectarian violence and the frequency of attacks on religious minorities. Find out more at
Sunday 4 July
Thursday 8 July
Pray today for the safe return of Azroo Raja, a 13-year-old Christian girl who was kidnapped from the street outside her home on 13 October 2020. The 44-year-old man who abducted her presented documentation to the police claiming that Azroo was 18 and had willingly converted to Islam and married him. A court ruled in his favour.
‘Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace.’ (2 Corinthians 13:11) Pray for peace and unity among all religious communities in Pakistan today.
Monday 5 July Praise God that Maira Shahbaz, a 15-year-old Christian girl from Faisalabad who was abducted in April 2020 and forcibly married, managed to escape her kidnapper in September and was reunited with her family. Pray for her complete healing from this trauma, and her continued safety.
Tuesday 6 July There’s been an increase in the number of attacks on Ahmadis in recent months. Pray today for an end to the violence perpetrated against the Ahmadiyya community – a religious group which has been discriminated against for decades.
Friday 9 July The government is in the process of revamping the education system through the Single National Curriculum. Pray that all involved in the process would recognise the presence of religious minorities in Pakistan and develop a curriculum that is inclusive and nondiscriminatory.
Saturday 10 July Lord Jesus, pour out your mercy and peace on the nation of Pakistan today. Transform the hearts of those who cause harm to others, and may everyone come to recognise the inherent dignity you’ve bestowed on all people, irrespective of their beliefs. Amen.
Wednesday 7 July A member of the Anti-Balaka armed militia REUTERS/Baz Ratner
Today, pray for comfort for the families of Professor Naeemuddin Khattak, a 56-yearold Ahmadi Muslim who was shot dead in Peshawar in October 2020, and of Tahir Mahmood, a 31-year-old Ahmadi doctor who was murdered in front of his family at his home in Punjab in November. Dr Tahir Mahmood
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CSW is a human rights organisation advocating for freedom of religion or belief. As Christians we stand with everyone facing injustice because of their religion or belief. T +44 (0)20 8329 0010 @CSW_UK /CSWUK
PO Box 99 New Malden Surrey, KT3 3YF United Kingdom
Registered Charity No. 281836