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How the Big Bike Revival is rolled out
Delivery partners MUST deliver events within the Spring – Summer - Autumn intervention period and focus on reaching people who are returning or beginning to cycle. Delivery partners are ENCOURAGED to become a Community Cycle Club and offer subsequent activities and services to sustain cycling behaviour for beneficiaries. For information on our current roll out and how to apply, visit our website: www.cyclinguk/bigbikerevival
Interested partners are able to apply for grant funding to support the delivery of events and approved applications can expect support from the Cycling UK team. Grant applicants must align the delivery with the aims and objectives of the programme and all applications are subject to a review process.
Spring - Summer - Autumn
Partners must deliver this
Intervention events capture peoples cycling behaviour as they begin a journey towards change
Delivery partners are encouraged to join our sustainable cycling programme: the Community Cycle Club network
We support partners to develop their activities and services for the local need. Beyond delivering the Big Bike Revival, groups have an option to join our Community Cycle Club network. Focusing on sustainability, cycling activities and services are offered all year round across our community network.
Bike Bike Revival: Spring-Summer-Autumn
Offer people starting or returning to cycling the first steps to cycle regularly
Community Cycle Clubs: All year round
Offer cycling activities all year round to sustain changes and new habits in cycling