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37 Reward residents for adopting alternative transport

Any serious strategy would look to bolster Home Zones with imaginative ways to support the outcome of reducing car dependency in York. As Respark spreads throughout the inner-city areas of York, why not use it not only to charge for the privilege of parking, but also as a tool to reward those who choose not to add to the problems of our city streets. Incentives should be offered to all households who are otherwise entitled, but choose not to have a parking permit (and have no off-street parking). Residents could choose from a range of options as appropriate to their needs, such as vouchers for car share, buses and taxis, or free access to cargo and family bike hire (see 38). After all, they are not adding another car to the limited capacity of their neighbourhood and neither are they adding to the wider social and economic burden that cars impose on society (see no.4 and Appendix 2). Car-free households are part of the solution to our problems so let’s promote and reward them

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