1 minute read
Finally… build 42 Millennium Bridges in York
OK, not literally, but what makes Millennium Bridge so great? Millennium Bridge is York’s promenade, its esplanade, its boardwalk. It’s the surroundings and the atmosphere – all human life is here. All cycle routes converge here and what is, at its most basic level, an essential piece of infrastructure, has become a meeting spot and a destination in its own right, a place to watch the world go by. Furthermore, the surrounding meadows have also become a place to linger – leisure destinations in and of themselves – perfect for sports, picnics and socialising throughout the day which all work in harmony with the bridge operating as an essential transport link.
Cycle infrastructure often provides immense added value in this way, much like a Victorian railway terminus can also be a delicious place to linger and enhance the cityscape with its beautiful architecture. Compare this with a supermarket car park which exists for one use only, adds no extra value and is a desolate place out of hours. Do we really want to continue to fill our city with these wastelands? When things apparently strategic and functional can multitask to become so much more, we all benefit in so many ways. We should be looking to seed them throughout our city, to be used and loved by ourselves, our children, their children and for the generations to come.