1969 Darton Product Catalog

Page 1

THUNDERBIRD The most exclusive and advanced bow eveT made (a lirnited jJTodu,c颅 lion bow) SPECIFICATIONS

Length -70"

W f' ighed at - 28"

Mass W eight Approxima tely - 3% #

Avail able Draw VI'eight - lip to 50#


A laminated hanelle of rosewood and hlack Bo\\,颅

fl ex, limbs faced and backed with whit<路 f'poxy

glass fibr e.


All eompon ents arc carefully picked from our sd,'d

stock of materia l. Each how is ha nd-craft,路d and

tailored to the intended shooters style. Includes an

inlaid sight and beautiful top-grain leatlwr cas!'

clIstomed for this bow.

Price $200,00 Please specifu right n-r le ft ha1ld, alld draw weight.

ELECTRA T he perfect tournament bow SPECIFICAnONS Length - 66",68" Weighed at - 28" Mass 'Weight Approximately - 3% # Available on Request - 2% # Available Draw W eight - up to 50# MATERIAL A laminated handle of rosewood and blaek Bow足 flex, with limbs fa ced and backed with white epoxy glass fibre. FEATURES Good gripping surface for hand plus precision bal足 ance. A durable padded bow case. Built-in sight ava ilable with no inlaying charge. Price $125.00 Please specify right or left hand, draw weight (lnd handle size.

{ I



,1 ~;

DYNAM C A taTget bow with (l dd拢cate touch SPECIFICATIONS

Length - 68" Ladies - 64"

Weighed at - 28" Ladies - 2(),'

Available Draw \Vt~ ight - up to SO#


Parrotwood hand],路, Iimhs facetl and hacked with

white epoxy glass fibre .


Full comfortahle grip. The G4" is the ideal Iaelies

how. Built-in sight availahl,路 with no inlaying


Price $69.95 Please sp eci!U right or left halld, (I/I(l


tt;e ight .

FURY A true hunting bow SPECIFICATIONS LengtJl - 60", .5G"

Weighed at - 28"

Available Draw Weight -

up to 60#

MATERIAL Parrotwood handle, limbs fa ced and backed with hunter brown ep ox y glass fibre . FEATURES This bow is designed for shooting heavie r hunting arrows. It has a full grip and is short in length for case in handling in the bush.

Price $59.95 Please specify right or left hand, alld draw w eight.

CLASSIC The j}(lce-J ett e-r Jar tml'rnanu:nl shooters SPECIFICATIONS

Lf'ngth -66"

\Veigh ed at - 28"

Available Draw "'eight -

up to (lO#


Parrotwoocl handle, limbs faced and ha ckell with

white epoxy glass fibr e.


A full grip for good hand position. This bow is

accurate for all field events.

Price $44.95 Please specify right or left hand, lIl1d dl'l/w w eight.

CLASSIC II A good accurate hunting bow SPECIFICATIONS

I ,cngth - 58"

W(路igh(路d at - 28"

Availabk Draw W eight -

up to ()O#


A Parrotwoocl handlt', limbs fa ced and backed wi t

clark gn '('n ('poxy glass fibre.

FEATURES A vt' r)' full and comfortable handle for good hrlllcl position . A full 7" sight window. Easy to handl e in th e btlsh. Price $44.95 Please sp ec;ify right ur left halld, alld



VALIANT A combination ta'r get and field bow SPECIFICA TIONS Length -64"

Weighed at - 28"

Available Draw Weight -

up to .'50#

MATERIAL lIarc\wooll handle, limbs faced ancl hack ed with whitt' epQxy glass fibre. FEATURES A full grip with thumb rest and a 7" sight windo\\', Price $34.95 Pleasl' s pedf!! right or left hand. lind drtlrv w e ight .

VALIANT SL The ideal hunting bow at a good price SPECIFICA TIONS Length-54"

W '> ighed at - 28"

Available Draw Weight -

up to 55#

MATERIAL Hnrdwood handle, limbs fa ced and backed with huuter brown epoxy glass fibr e , FEATURES Short in length , with full grip and thumb ff?st with a 5" sight window, Price $34.95 Please specify right


IL1t hand, lind drtlw w eight.


A bow that features economy and quality for the archer


I,ength - 62"

W eighed at - 28"

Availahle Draw \~'eight -

up to 45#

MATERIAL Hardwood handle, Bmhs faced anc! h'lckcd with ('poxy glass fibre.

FEATURES A full sizc(l how with standard grip anc! large sight window that assures the accuracy and fcc I of a higher priced how. Price $24.95 Pleas(' opeci!u right or left hand , aud dmll; u;eight.

DART Designed fOT those arch en with a shm-t draw SPECIFICATIONS Length-50"

W E'ighed at - 26"

Available Draw W eight -

10# to 30#

MATERIAL Hardwood handl e, limbs fa{;ed and backed with epoxy glass fibre. FEATURES This how is a scaled down model of the full draw hows. Ideal for those with short draw and young people.

Price $17.95 Please specify right or left hand, and draw weight.

THE TARGET ­ Firm leather yet flexible, with six metal hooks for quick lacing with the elastic cord for snug fit. Easily slipped on and off. AG-121 -$2.25

THE PROFESSIONAL I - Light-weight with added protection of a single steel spine, this two-strap professional mod­ el provides top grain leather and suede lining. AG-30 ­ $2.00

THE PROFESSIONAL - Long in length, this armguord fea­ tures three steel spines be­ tween leather and suede lin­ ing. Easy adjustment with elastic straps. Seamed at the bending point for good movement of the


__.... .

THE PROFESSIONAL II - Nar­ row design, with one spring­ steer spine sewn between top grain leather and soft suede lining. Two elastic straps, pat­ ented fasteners: AG -20 - $1.25

KWIK-KLASP-Special de­ sign permits this leather armguard to be put on or

taken off in an instant, with elastic bands and single hook fastener. A G-1 0--$.75

THE HUNTER I Three sepa rate spring - steel spines bound between top-grain leather and soft suede lining. Three leather straps with buck­ les allow complete ad­ justment. AG-4S-$3.25

THE HUNTER II - Three adjustable elastic straps with patented fasteners secure this full-protection guard to the arm. Top-grain leather, soft suede lining, three spring-steel spines. AG-40 - $3.00


. ideal faT the amat euT) the hnntf,1'




Full ("olor ,>thrift with n 3" fl etch . pl as tic Ilo('k. and a metal point. Availahle in 24". 26" . and 28" kngth with a 5 / 16 " diamete r shaft.


(6 doz. pack only)

, 3.00 doz.


A fully (tipped s haft with muit.i-C"res tinJ..!. non-skid fidel point , and a 4" flf"t c h. Available in 26" or 28" le ngth. 101-F (6 doz. or 1 doz. pack) $ .5.95 doz.

A durabl e a rrow that encourages precision sh()otin~ hecaus e it is perrnanently straight. Custom multi-colo r c re st with a s piral Or straight flet ching of clear d yed ft.'OIthers. Specify le ngth of arrow and weight of how whe n orde ring. ( Tar~et)

400-T 400-F 401-G 402-G 403-G 404-G 40.5-G

(Field) (Glass shaft. 3 1 " in 1<'I1 )(th ) (Nock insert.' ) (Tar~et points) (HlIntin~ inserts ) (Mic ro-flit" 2 part el'os~ ' )

$27.50 ,28.40 $14.50 $ 1.60 $ 2.00 S 2.40 $ 1.2.;

doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz. doz.

MA TCHED ARROWS LESS POINTS A filII color shaft of either white or olive drab. with a ,5 "

fletch. Spined 40-.50, .51-60. 102-NP (6 doz. pack only)


$ 6.50 doz.

MATCHED PRACTICE FIELD AND HUNTING AIIROWS A whit t! .." haft with multi-c Tt.:'st, contrastinv; stripes and a S" fl e tch. The shafts are spined at 40-50 pounds and 5 1­ fiO pOllnds.


202-F 202-HP 202-AM3 202-AM4 202-BR



(Fi eld) (6 doz. or 1 doz. pack) (IIi-Precision) (Arrow Mate 3 hlade) (Arrow Mate 4 hlade) (Bear R'l7.0rhe ad with inse rts ) (Supe r Hilhrp )

S 7.~15 doz. S 11.~15 doz. S 11.95 S 11.95 $13 .50 $13 .50

doz . doz. doz. doz.


300-F 300-HI' :JOO-AM3 300-AM4 :JOO-BR 300-SH


(Field ) (Hi-Precision ) (Arrow Mate 3 blad e) (Arrow Mate 4 hlade ) (Bear Razorhead with inserts ) (Super Hilbre)

THE COMANCHE-This open­ end, single seam glove fils to perfection_ Elastic, adjustable wrist strap. Small, medium, large and extra large. G-56- $2.00

ment of any tourn am e nt arc h e r. It is ont' mor e way of say ing' "Easton aluminum arruws. " Av a ilable in e ither 24srt'::x or xx7.5 shafts with (; ustom ('restill.\!; and ;\ s piral or stra ight fleh:h of cle ar dyed fe athers.

(2-1srt-, Tar~ e t ) (sx7 .5 Tar~et) (:24"t-x shafts only) (s.7.5 shaits only)


(:24 s rt-x shafts cut to le Huth $22.00 doz. I'< pointed ) (xx7.5 sh a fts c ut to length & poi nt e d) $27.00 doz. $ .1 .80 doz. (Insert target points o nly)

502-AX 503 504

(Broad head adapters)

$11.95 $14.95 $14 .95 $14_95 $16.50 $16.50

doz. doz. doz. d oz. doz. doz.

H OW to select the conect an'ow lengt h JOT


Hold a yardstif..:k at c'ente r o f yOllr ..... ('hest as shown . Your draw is th e J1l easurt'Illt:'l]t at yo ur fingertips.

THE MARQUETTE Vented closed-finger glove designed in soft leather. Small, medium, lorge, extra large. G-55 ­ $1.7S

T-IOlC ­ $ .75 Cowhide Tanned THE JUAN ­ A vented closed-finger glove, with elastic wrist strap to al­ low for easy flexing of your fingers. Small, medium, large, extra large. G-53C

Cowhide Tanned



Horsehide Tanned


G-54C ­ $1.50 Cowhide Tanned G-54H ­ $2.00 Horsehide Tanned

$ ;J .()O doz.


MARSHALL TAB ­ The Mar­ shall-style tab, has the low ­ er half of soft suede and the upper face of smooth leather lock-stitched togeth­ er. Specify lorge, medium or small when ordering.

THE TANTOR - Featur­ ing open-end finger sheaths and elastic wrist strop that keeps glove in place. Small, medium, large and extra large.

$2lJ.51l doz. $34.50 doz. $20.80 doz. ~25.8() doz.

500-A 500-AX 50 I -A 501-AX

Glass and aluminum arrows are availahle with pearlesseo('e cresting for an additional $1.00 c harge per do ze n. All arrows are shipped in 1 doze n pack unless otherwis e

The high est (IUality wood e n arrow availahlc. A 5 / 1W' or 11 / 32 " d ianwt e r se le ct cedar shaft with a full dip of whH e lacqner. be alitiftllly cresteu and finishe d. Clea.r d yed feathers are IIse d with a ,su s piral flet c h. Please s pe cif}1 le ngth uf arrOw nnu we ight o f how whe n o rderin g . Als o available in olive L1nlh . $ IO.~)5 doz. :100-NI' (No Point)


EASTON ALUMINUM ARROWS "The ultimate in ac(;uracy", whi c h is tht:: No. 1 require­

THE APACHE An all leather, open-end glove with an adjust­ able elastic wrist strap. Small, medium and large. G-50- $1 .00

T-I01H ­ $1.00 Horsehide Tanned T-IOI5 ­ $1.25 Hair Tab TAB ­ Smooth elk or cordo­ van tanned relea se surface for "hair-trigger" control. Specify large or small when ordering. T-I03 ­ $.30

WESTERN TAB - Top grade leather, with smooth release surface. for those who prefer the Western style. Specify large or small. T-l05 - $.30 TAB-Styled and shaped like a Marshall Tab with smooth release surface. Avaifable extra small only. T-IOO-$.25

THE CELTIC ­ One of the most stobie side quivers, yet monueverable, the Celtic will carry twelve arrows in

o divided cut away top. A handy pocket with plastic accessory box, pencil holder, and is adjustable for the most comfortable position . 5-800-$15.95

THE BALDWIN I ­ Best for target and field shooting, the Baldwin I holds twenty


Darton . . . in a continuing effort to give the archer what he wants in quality lea ther goous , has a continu­ illg progralll of new d esigns and quality control for

arrows in a divided top, a


zippered pocket for acces­ sories and is adjustable for the individual's comfort. 5-750 - $12.95 (holster style ho

better products. The Darton leather goous are crafted not only for their appearance but also for utility and ·use. The fjn­ est top-grain leathers have been expertl y selected and careful attention has been givell to th e workmanship in each piece manufacturer!. The Darton emblem stands for originality in design . .. and quality of product. 5-271 THE BOWMAN - This is a student belt quiver. Body of tough plastic covered waterproof materiol; loop, heavy plastic bottom . 5-271 - $1.00


THE CRECY - Corries fifteen arrows with­ out crawding. Arrow divider, broad shoulder strap for easy fit, zippered ac ­ cessory pocket. B-496 - $9.95


" I / t,

/ ,1

1 I




THE CRECY TOURNAMENT - Compact de­ sign to carry fifteen arrows without crowding. Arrow divider,- broad easy shoulder strap and handsome trim. B-497 - $8.50

THE ROYAL - This handsome black leather quiver features a plastic tackle bax in the utility pocket and double thickness of leather at your side_ Arrow separators and tie down _ Holds eight arrows. H-200 -


THE REGENCY quiver features arrow

This holster style tackle pocket,




tie down.

Holds eight arrows. H-l00-$5.95


THE BALDWIN 11 - Ideal far target or f ield shooting , the Baldwin II will hald twenty arrows in a divided top. A handy zippered pocket for accessories and two adjust ­

able straps for comfort in wearing . 5-650 - $9.95

THE SUSSEX- Styled in sup­ ple leather with zippered ac­ cessory pocket, carries twen ­ ty arrows in separate com ­

partments. Adjustable belt clamp for easy, natural fit . 5-500 - $5.95

THE TARGETEER - Styl ed in waterproof leatherette, this side quiver adjusts to your preference.

Carries twenty

arrows in two comportments.


5-275 ­

$2.50 5-275


5-260 THE HUNTSMAN - A belt-slung quiver, es­ pecially designed for shorter arrows. Tough plastic covered waterproof material with leather loop, swivel ring , and spring -steel clip. 5-262 - $ .85


THE HUNTSMAN - A belt-slung quiver, es ­ pecially designed for shorter arrows . Tough plastic covered waterproof material, with leather loop and heavy plastic bottom. 5-260-$ .75

The Saxon carries

twenty arrows in its two compart ­ ments cnd those essential acces ­

sories in the pleated snap pocket. Adjustable shoulder strap for com ­ fortable fit . B-400 ­ $5.95

THE WOODSMAN ­ This twenty arrow shoulder quiver is made of tough plastic coated waterproof material, w ith should e r strap, trim , and heavy plastic bottom . Shoulder strap has ad ­ justable buckle. B-277 ­ $3.00




zippered pocket for bow­ strings and other accessor· ies. B-119 ­ $4.50 POCKET QUIVER-Slips in back pocket, w ith loop snapping over belt. Carries four arrows. Divid ­ B-139 ­ $1.50



B-274 ­

$2 .00

CHEST PROTECTOR ­ Made of quality leather with adjustable strap for better f it. CP-l00 ­ $2.95

POCKET QUIVER-A deluxe pocket quiver with two ar­ row

THE ARCHER ­ Styled of tough plastic covered waterproof material. Top-grain leather trim, adjustable strap and heavy plastic bottom. De­ signed to serve as a sec ­ ond quiver, carries six­

BOW TIP PROTECTOR AND STRING SAVER ­ Designed in durable, elk tanned leather with double lock-stitch sewing. Rein ­ forced elastic band . 5-75-$ .75

BELT POUCH - Ideal for tips, extra strings, glove, string saver, and all your field supplies. Styled in soft, supple leother. It can be easily attached to a side qu iver. Available in white or brown. P-395 ­ $3.95



Brown vinyl, flannel-lined bow case with zipper

thM extends half way. Fully padded, ()" wiel e

by fJG" long.


$ 7.50


Black leather-grain vinyl completely pile-lined

aml padded. Is ()" wid" by 6()" long.




One of the finest bow cases on the market to足

elay. This top-grain leather case has a full length ,

heavy duty zipper, a handle anel is compktely

fleece lincd for protection of delicate finish es.

6" x 72".



BOW CASE Heavy weight Canton Flanne l, with ti cs, to tit and protect any style how. Fully hound. 72" length only.


$ 1.50

BOW CASE Hcavy weight Canton Flannel , 6" wid" by 7'2" long to carry the modern clIrved bows.


$ 1.85


Due to th e continuing eHurt of Darton, Inc. to improve its procluc t, Wl~ rese rve the right to make change.s in pric!'s, ma terials, and models . . also to db足 continile mod e ls. Each Darton how is full>, guaranteed , should any faillU" e occur within a period o f 6 months from date of purchase, provid!'c\ it shows no evidence of mishandling or abuse. Should a failur e OeClIr a ft!'r fJ months aod within 3 years from the d a te of purc hase, replacement or repair \vill be made on a basis whe rehy the own e r will pay for the use he has h,l(l from the how at the following rate : G mouth, to I yea r, 30 % of list purchase price; 1 year to 1112 years, 50 % of list purchase price; 1112 yea r to 3 yea rs, 80 % of list purchase price. To insur prompt service you .s hollld send the how directly to Dartoll along with a letter explaining nature of claim, de. D ea le rs are not authorized to makt, l"f'plaeements or adjustments. DARTON, INC. Archery Division 3261 Flu$hing Rd. Flint, Michigon 48504

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