Darton has gained a reputation for outstanding performance in the field and on the range by making the finest archery equipment possible. With us there is no compromise in deStsn, materials and work足 manship. Our wldespectrum of equipment matches the neecl and budget of every archer. Darton takes prIde and pleasure in offe~ the finest values in archery equipment.
HAW 40 C Our new 40RC Hawk features laminated wood riser and conNnuous cable for safety and less maintenance. Suggested List Price SPECIFICATIONS: $ 85.00 Bow Length: 44"
Draw Length: 24-27
Relaxation (approximate): 50%
Peak Weight: 30 lbs.
Licensed under Allen patent number 3,486,495.
The 46M Huntsman is for the hunter who enjoys the natural beauty of wood. Fully laminated wit,h complete wood riser. Suggested List Price SPECIFICATIONS: $ 1\0.00 Bow Length: 46"
Draw Length : 24-27, 27-30 and 29-32
Relaxation (approximate): 50%
Peak Weights: 45-55 lbs .
FEATURE Increase or decrease the string tension by simply adjusting two screws. Provides wide range of peak weights.
FALCON 45GL Darton 's 45GL Falcon features new True Center Shot magnesium handle with new grip. Continuous cable for safety and less maintenance. Suggested List Price
SPECIFICATIONS: Bow Length : 45" Draw Length: 24-27, 27-30 and 29-32 Relaxation (approximate): 50% Peak Weights: 40-55 lbs. adjustable
$ 85.00
TRAI MASTER45K The 45K Trailmaster features a magnesium riser and laminated limbs. Also, the True Center and Adjustable Tension features. New hand fit grip included. Suggested List Price SPECIFICATIONS: $ t 30.00
All compound bows available in right and left hand models. Bows illustrated on this page are predrilled and tapped for stabiHzer, plunger. sight, bow quiver and counter balance.
True Center Shot is an exclusive Darton feature. The new handle is engineered to line up the string with the bow so the arrow passes across the shelf in a parallel like manner. Full clearance between string and cables is maintained. Makes sighting easy. Greatly increases accuracy and arrow speed. Patent Pending
Bow Length: 45"
Draw Length: 24-27,27-30 and 29-32
Relaxation (approximate): 50%
Peak Weights: 45-65 lbs. adjustable
REGAL 5 KH AND 50KT Our Regal models 50KH (hunting) and 50KT(toumament) feature the new True Center Shot magnesium handle, new grip, and extra long sight window.
SPECIFICATIONS: Suggested List Price .50KI- $ t 50.00 Bow Length: 50" 50KH $ t 45.00 Draw Length: 24-27, 27-30 and 29-32 Relaxation (approximate): 50% Pea k Weights : 50KH 40-55 and 55-70 Ibs. adjustable 50KT 20-35 and 35-50 Ibs. adjustable
An excellent bow for the new archer that's interested in hunting, Ranger's length is ideal for hunting, field or target shooting. Ranger is a laminated bow with imported wood riser that means quality shooting at a moderate price . Suggested List Price
$ 40.00
Bow Length: 58" String Length : 54" Draw Weig ht at 28" : 20-50 Ibs. Order No. 58R
V LIA T 58F For the serious hunter who appreciates natural action and de足 mands top of the line quality. A richly grained bow, Valiant offers full working limbs for more power and smooth but compact action. Laminated with imported wood riser. Features center shot sight window, string grooves with overlay, stabilizer insert and stringer are standard. Suggested List Price
Bow Length: 58" String Lengt h: 54" Draw Weigllt at 28": 35-60 Ibs . Order No . 58F
$ 110.00
Specifically developed for the young archer, the Scout provides your young shooters with advantages usually found only in higher priced lines. A laminated bow with maple riser, Scout features center shot sight window and full grip . Suggested List Price
$ 30.00
SPECIFICATIONS: Bow Lengt h: 50" String Lengtll: 46" Order No. 50A
A superior bow for target shooting, Scholar has gained wide usage at high schools, colleges and universities throughout America. With high performance and smooth draw at any arrow length , serious target shooters can shoot this bow with pride. Laminated with imported wood riser, arrow rest and stabilizer insert are standard. Suggested List Price
Bow Lellgtli . 66"
Strillg Lellg tll. 62 "
Draw Weigllt at 28 " : 20-40 Ib5 .
Order No. 66B
$ 55.00
Monarch is Darton's new 69 " take down bow for top-line target shooters. full working recurve limbs mean more speed plus tournament precision . features center shot magnesium riser, quick change limb assembly. Drilled and tapped in 5/16 - 24 size for stabilizer, for plunger and sight. Championship quality at a reasonable price. Suggested List Price SPECIFICATIONS:
Bow Lellgth: 69"
Strillg Lellgtli : 65"
Draw Weiglit at 28": 25-45 Ibs.
Order No. 69T
$ 140.00
Arm Guards
(j- 50 Apache (not shown)
An all · lccllher open end gl v
with a IIUS!, ble el,\stic Wli t
str.'p. Small . m dillm . large.
<lnd (Ia large.
(j .~ 0
Pro eS51onc11 I
Llghtweighl wlrh Ih adde I prOleCtlOI1 01 slrlgle-sr el spine . TIllS !WO Stri'lP pr )tes slonal model h.s (OP gr,un I ther ilnd suede lining
· 100 Tab Stykd • nd ha[)ed III e d Marsh.lll Tc b Willl .,mooth reo lase surlace . Av il<lblt: exn<l sm II nly.
8 ·5 1 Bow II g M, de 01 genu me le.:\(her, rlC5 <lny bow Attache 10 bow With ressur n511ive p,Hch.
T- 105 We.stern Tab MJ e 01 lOp grade leather. h smoolll rele.1se sur ace or rho.,e who pr fer the We~leln Style pc Ify l<"Irge or <;m,~II .
A (j . 40 tlunter II
4 1· 85 D rton Bow Stringer
three a liu labl elastic SIr, ps walt pJ.(emed lasceners 10 secure fhl'S tull-r>roICCtiOn ui\ld fa arm Matle 01 top gl,' n leath r. ott suede lining. and three spring-steel spines .
COrreCt Wily 10
string yow lJ \ . JUSt lta-11 stTingel to bow [Ip~. stand on corel ilnd pull bow up Tip5 lie! d lor sy tringlng. Com piece ln~tructI0f15 include I
T· l O. Marshall Tab The Mitrsh,lll - Slyle Tab h
low'l hall of salt su de anct upper tac of smooth le,1Iher lock-stICht:d together. Spe":lfy small. medium. IMge.
90. TP Oarton Handle Pad Improved comlon mean more aLcur, cy whh Dal tOIl'S sell adl eSlve handle pad.
A (j -60 lunlor Olympic Three srrap (le~jgn with [)at enteet fasteners . Long ,tnd made to bend at the elbow tor Ira comfort
A (j · 55 Professional features lhree steel ~plnes be · twet:n leather Md uede lin Ing Adlusts e, slly With el.~slic sHaps. seamed al II Ie bending poine for good arm movement c'lnd comfort.
(j· 54 Tantor Open . end linger sheilth5 and an ela5t1c wrist Sri f1 thilt I eeps glove In fJlilce Small. medium. large alld eXCrel large
5 ·15 Bow TIp rrotector/Strlng Saver Narurdl leather. dur.lblt: d
.,lgl1 ...... Itll double lockslich sewmg and rell1lorced elastic
Darton Accessories
Bow Cases
S· 4 7
Sight Mount Rug~ eel construction , llows corr 'ct Site mounting without d milg!1I bow
H · I 00 Regen cy A holster style lOp gr,'lln leMher qU iver. reMmes ["dde ro I'er nd arrow parators Hold~ eight ,mows
5· 7 5 0 B Ictwln Mdde 0 / top gr':lIn
Baktwin Is best for ( Ig
th "net
field hoorlng Holeb I....'e ty .lffOwS in dlvld d top. Fe. ture [Or I\n-l side zippt:Jed pocke , wirh penCil holder, for e~v ac · ess. Aciju.,(<\bl lor mdividLIClI
5 · 800 C Ide Zip )er.
5 · 300 Archer
(not shown ) M,ld f genuin leathel with rt n "nd l> It c l ip . Carrie rwenry arrows in t'Vo com · pMtments Simi lar to S· 00
rlt'nllUrn qual itv . top Slam I ,her quiveJ fo r champlon hip c"lIbre shoole 5 . Stable, yet man uver. ble CMrles tw "Iv now In dlv'cted u[· 'IWa. top. Handy pouch-styl pocl el \\ ith p ia.! tic ilcCessory box nsid • penCi l holder out· Side. Adfu5r~ble for Indivlctu,ll com/on
Compo und e BI.KI ' . Ieather-gra.m Inyf ca. fully p d ted . com lletel pil lined Three ')( zipp r ilnc1 name lag pocket.
rt n
125-T Target Arrow Full color, 5/16 " cedar shaft with two color fletching , plastic nock and metal target point. Available 24 " ,26 " , and 28 " 'l engths. Order I /2 gross or I gross pack. 140-F Field Arrow A fully dipped cedar shaft with cresting and non -skid field point. Two color fletching. Available 26 " ,28 ", and 30 " lengths. Order I /2 gross or I gross pack. 150-T Target Arrow Number One quality cedar shaft, fully dipped with multi-color cresting and metal target pOint. Available 26 " , 28 " , and 30 " lengths. Order 1/2 gross or I gross pack only.
100 Cedar Arrow A good quality cedar shaft for target or hunting. Contrast crest and two color fletching. Spine matched in five pound groups. Available full length , or with points shown below .
400 Glass Arrow Durable glass arrow that encourages preci sion shooting for target or hunting. Two color fletching with custom multi-color crest. Available full length, or with points shown below.
500 Aluminum Arrow
E..lston Aluminum Game Getters, the ulti
mate in accurate shooting. Available full
length, or with points shown in hunting
sizes. Green anodize finish , contrast crest.
two color fletching.
600 Aluminum Target Arrow
E..lston 24 SRTX Shaft, through-the-feather
dip, multi-color crest and two color fletch
ing. Available full length with target points
loose , or cut-to-Iength with target points
Glass and aluminum arrows are available
with feathers or vanes. Please specify.
For Arrow-Point Order Combinations See Darton Price List_
-Cha nge Adapter
Field Point
Razor, Wasp. Bodkin, and Field Points shown are available on 200 - 400 - 500 series arrows. QUick-Change Points and Adapters are standard on 400 - 500 series arrows. For Complete Order Infor mation See Darton Price List.
Razor Head
All Bows are Fully Guaranteed should any failure occur within the lirst 6 Months period from date of purchase. We will repair or replace the bow at no expense to purchaser after the bow is retumed to us at address listed below. This warranty extends to the original purchaser or the person receiving the bow as a gift from the original pur chaser. Should a failure occur to the bow after 6 Months and within 24 Months of the purchase date, we will repair at cost or replace at one-half of the rec ommended list purchase price. Bows subject to provisions of this warranty must be returned to manufacturer at purchaser's expense. To: Darton Inc. Archery Division, 3261 Flushing Road, Flint. Michigan 48504. Do not return to dealers as they are not authorized to make replacements or adjustments. This warranty does not cover bows that fail because of misuse, improper handling, or limb damage cAused by improper stringing. This warranty on Compound and Cable Bows does not cover damage to string. cables and eccentric wheels caused by misuse. improper handling. Please note that your warranty is not eff~tive unless the attached reg Istration card is completely lilled out and mailed to the manufacturer within ten (10) days of purchase. This warranty gives you specifk legal rights you may have and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Our warranty obligations are fully stated herein. and we are not respon Sible for any losses or damages not expressly stated in this Warranty. Some states do not allow exclusions or limitations of incidental or con sequential damages so that this para graph may not apply to you.