Foreword Dear friend, You are holding the special Tnuva edition of the Weiss Passover Haggadah. This colorful Haggadah will give your family a fresh look at the history and traditions celebrated at Passover. We at Tnuva know how important family moments are and we hope that this Haggadah will enhance your family’s meaningful and memorable seder. In addition to a full translation and various commentaries to the traditional Haggadah text, enclosed are three exclusive Tnuva kosher-for-Passover recipes (page 90) that will complement any meal during the Passover holiday. We wish you and your family a wonderful Passover!
Yoram Behiri - Tnuva USA President & CEO
H Introduction
esach is known as the holiday of freedom, the season of liberation. We were a nation enslaved, beaten by the whips of Pharaoh’s taskmasters. Moses arrived with G-d’s promise to take us to a new land. Plagues ensued. Then, finally, we were a nation freed. But Pesach is about much more than that. Have you ever noticed how unusual the Haggadah really is? Facts are presented as rhymes. Stories are songs. History becomes a dance of questions, answers, more questions. We break matzah, spill wine, dip foods. This isn’t a mere manual or holiday how-to at all. It’s a children’s book. “And you shall tell your child on this day,” the Torah instructs us. The story of the Exodus must be passed on to them and the Haggadah helps us do just that. It brings to vivid life our storied past, inspires curiosity and awe at our nation’s origins, and helps our children understand who we are as a people and what we are working to achieve. But why the fanfare? When G-d gave us the Torah at Sinai, a guarantor was required to assure Him that our devotion to His gift would not fade throughout the generations to come. But, despite their greatness, the myriads of Torah scholars, sages and prophets to have walked this earth were rejected as underwriters of the faith. It’s the children, G-d said, who will be the true guarantors. They alone can ensure that the Jewish People continue to exist. And so, the seder is for them. The seder is not a memorial to events of a distant past. It is the dynamic experience of transmitting our rich heritage to future generations and imparting the great privilege and responsibility that comes along with it. Pesach is an opportunity to inspire ourselves and others, and an occasion to recommit to our unique mission of making the world a G-dly place. C-central is honored to be part of this, by partnering with Tzivos Hashem to bring you the Special Tnuva Edition of the Weiss Haggadah. With wishes for a kosher and joyous Pesach.
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Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following people for making the Weiss Haggadah possible: Rabbi Moshe and Ruti Weiss for sponsoring and spearheading the project; Tnuva USA for making it available to hundreds of communities; Rabbi Hersh Lasry for compiling the translation and explanation; Rabbi Shmuel Loebenstien for compiling and writing the tidbits, Rabbi Dovid Leib Chaikin and Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz for reviewing and editing the Haggadah; Rabbi Osher Gutnick and Mrs. S. Herz for editing the English text; Rabbi Shmuel Rabin and Rabbi Sholom Laine for proofreading the Hebrew text; M. Wreng and N. Vukadinova for the illustrations; Rabbi Sholom Heidingsfeld, Rabbi Mendy Shanowitz, Rabbi Avrohom Dovid Vaisfiche, and Rabbi Shmuel Vaisfiche for reviewing the illustrations; C.M. Raskin and the team at Spotlight Design including Zalman Friedman, Moshe Muchnik, Zalman Stock, and for the layout and design. Special thanks go to the directorship of Tzivos Hashem: Rabbi Yerachmiel Benjaminson, Rabbi Sholom Ber Baumgarten and Rabbi Gershon Eichorn, as well as the Editor in Chief of this Haggadah, Rabbi Zalman Glick. We would also like to give a special thanks to the directorship of Merkos Publications and their editorial staff for their continuous help and insight. We hope that you will enjoy using this Haggadah, and learn a lot from it. May we merit to celebrate Pesach in Jerusalem! Tzivos Hashem
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Features of This Haggadah EXPLANATORY TRANSLATION: Along with the loose translation in bold type, the basic meaning of the text is explained in regular type, so you can know both the translation of the words as well as what they mean in context. HEBREW TEXT: Much of the Haggadah discusses verses in reference to the exile and redemption from Egypt. The Haggadah will often bring a verse, and then discuss the meaning of certain words or phrases in it. To help follow the meaning, the verse is in bold, purple type, and where parts of a verse are repeated and explained, they appear in regular purple type and have quotation marks.
For example, the Haggadah quotes a verse: . וַ יְ ִהי ׁ ָשם לְ גוֹ י ָ ּגדוֹ ל ָעצוּם וָ ָרב, וַ ֵ ּי ֶֽרד ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריְ ָמה וַ ָ ּיֽגָ ר ׁ ָשם ִ ּב ְמ ֵתי ְמ ָעט,ֲא ַר ִּמי א ֵֹבד ָא ִבי After quoting the verse, the Haggadah explains six parts of the verse, beginning with: ” ָאנוּס ַעל ּ ִפי ַהדִּ בּ וּר,“וַ ֵ ּי ֶרד ִמ ְצ ַריְ ָמה TIDBITS: The selected insights included in this Haggadah are
presented in four categories:
Reasons or advanced explanations.
Historical facts or things we do to commemorate them.
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Interesting tidbits.
The meaning of a certain word or words.
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Contents 7 Burning the Chametz. . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Order of the Pesach Offering. . . . 9 Eruv Tavshilin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Candle Lighting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 For Friday night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Searching for Chametz. . . . . . . . . .
The Haggadah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
18 Kadesh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Urchatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Karpas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Yachatz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Maggid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Rachtzah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Motzi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Matzah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Marror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Korech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Shulchan Orech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Tzafun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Berach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Hallel - Nirtzah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Popular Pesach Songs. . . . . . . . . . 83 Steps of the Pesach Seder . . . . . . .
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ַה ָג ָדה ּ ֶפ ַסח
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ֵס ֶדר ְּב ִד ַיקת ָח ֵמץ SEARCHING FOR CHAMETZ • The custom is to put ten pieces of hard bread around the home some time before the search so that the one who searches will find them. The bread should be well wrapped so no chametz is left behind. • The search should be performed with a candle, and one wmust search even in hidden places and in cracks in the floor. • The custom is to use a wooden spoon, a feather, a beeswax candle, and a paper bag for the search. • The search should begin after nightfall. • One is not to speak between the blessing and the beginning of the search, even about things relevant
to the search itself. During the search one should not speak about anything that is not relevant to the search.
Search for Chametz
• Any adult males may help in the search. Those helping should stand near the head of the household to hear the blessing and respond amen. Each of them then searches one section of the home. • Everyone helping should begin the search in the room nearest to the place where the blessing was said and then continue to search other parts of the house.
Before starting the search, hold the lit candle and say the following blessing:
, ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִק ְדּ ׁ ָ ֽשנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו,ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם .וְ ִצ ָ ּוֽנ ּו ַעל ִ ּבעוּר ָח ֵמץ
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who made us holy with His mitzvot and commanded us regarding the removal of chametz. After the search, wrap the paper bag, candle, feather, and spoon in a paper. Tie it well, with the spoon handle sticking out. Then say the following (in a language that you understand) to nullify any chametz that was not found:
ְדּ לָ א ֲח ִמ ֵית ּיה ו ְּדלָ א,ָּכל ֲ ח ִמ ָירא וַ ֲח ִמ ָיעא ְדּ ִא ָּכא ִב ְר ׁשו ִּתי לִ ָ ּב ֵטל וְ לֶ ֱהוֵ י ֶה ְפ ֵקר ְּכ ַע ְפ ָרא,ִב ַע ְר ֵּת ּיה ו ְּדלָ א יְ ַ ֽד ְענָ א לֵ ּיה .ְד ַא ְר ָעא ָּכל
All chametz and anything that contains chametz that is in my
possession, which I did not see, remove, or know about, should be nullified and ownerless like the dust of the earth. Take care that the bag of chametz, as well as any chametz that will be eaten in the morning, is kept safely out of the reach of children or animals who may scatter it about.
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Burning the Chametz
ִּביעּור ָח ֵמץ BURNING THE CHAMETZ On the fourteenth of Nissan, burn the ten pieces from the search, as well as and any other remaining chametz in the “fifth” hour of the day (check your local Jewish calendar for exact times).
Say the following (in a language that you understand) to nullify any remaining chametz:
, ַדּ ֲחזִ ֵית ּיה ו ְּדלָ א ֲחזִ ֵית ּיה,ָּכל ֲח ִמ ָירא וַ ֲח ִמ ָיעא ְדּ ִא ָּכא ִב ְר ׁשו ִּתי , ְדּ ִב ַע ְר ֵּת ּיה ו ְּדלָ א ִב ַע ְר ֵּת ּיה,ַדּ ֲח ִמ ֵית ּיה ו ְּדלָ א ֲח ִמ ֵית ּיה .לִ ָ ּב ֵטל וְ לֶ ֱהוֵ י ֶה ְפ ֵקר ְּכ ַע ְפ ָרא ְד ַא ְר ָעא ָּכל
All chametz and anything that contains chametz that is in my
possession, whether I saw it during bedikas chametz or not, whether I have ever noticed it or not, whether I removed it or not, should be nullified and ownerless like the dust of the earth.
Then say the following prayer:
ְי ִהי
ָ ֶָרצוֹ ן ִמ ְּל ָפנ ְּכ ׁ ֵשם ׁ ֶש ֲאנִ י ְמ ַב ֵער ָח ֵמץ,ּֽיך יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו וֵ אל ֵֹהי ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינו וְ ֶאת ֽרו ַּח ַה ֻּט ְמ ָאה, ַּכ ְך ְּת ַב ֵער ֶאת ָּכל ַה ִחיצוֹ נִ ים,ִמ ֵ ּב ִיתי ו ֵּמ ְר ׁשו ִּתי וְ ִת ֵּתן לָ ֽנ ּו לֵ ב ָ ּב ָשׂ ר,ּ וְ ֶאת יִ ְצ ֵ ֽרנ ּו ָה ַרע ַּת ֲע ִב ֵ ֽירה ּו ֵמ ִא ָּ ֽתנו,ַּת ֲע ִביר ִמן ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ , וְ כָ ל ִס ְט ָרא ָא ֳח ָרא וְ כָ ל ַה ְּקלִ ּפוֹ ת וְ כָ ל ָה ִר ׁ ְש ָעה ֶ ּב ָע ׁ ָשן ִּתכְ לֶ ה,לְ ָע ְב ְדּ ָך ֶ ּב ֱא ֶמת יקים לַ ׁ ּ ְשכִ ינָ ה ְּת ַב ֲע ֵרם ְ ּב ֽרו ַּח ִ וְ כָ ל ַה ְּמ ִע,וְ ַת ֲע ִביר ֶמ ְמ ׁ ֶ ֽשלֶ ת זָ דוֹ ן ִמן ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ ָ ּב ֵער ו ְּב ֽרו ַּח ִמ ׁ ְש ּ ָפט ְּכ ׁ ֵשם ׁ ֶש ִ ּב ַ ֽע ְר ָּת ֶאת ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם וְ ֶאת ֱאל ֵֹה ֶיהם ַ ּב ָ ּי ִמים ָה ֵהם . ָא ֵמן ֶ ֽסלָ ה,ִ ּבזְ ַמן ַה ֶ ּזה יְ ִהי
May it be Your will, Lord, our God and the God of our fathers, that
just as I am destroying chametz from my house and from my possession, so too should You destroy all the outside forces that oppose holiness, remove the spirit of impurity from the world, remove the evil inclination from us, and give us a heart of flesh (that feels holiness, not like a heart of stone that feels nothing) to serve You truthfully. Destroy all evil, all the unholy forces, and all the wickedness in smoke. Remove the rule of evil from the land. Destroy all those who oppose God’s Presence with a spirit of destruction and justice, just as You destroyed the Egyptians and their gods in those days, at this time. Amen, selah.
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9 Pesach Offering
ֵס ֶדר ָק ְר ַּבן ֶּפ ַסח On the day before Pesach in the time of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, the yearly Pesach offering followed the daily afternoon offering. Nowadays, our prayers are in place of the Temple offerings; the afternoon prayer is in the place of the daily afternoon offering, and one should study about the Pesach offering following the afternoon prayer by saying the following:
ָק ְר ַ ּבן
ּ ֶפ ַֽסח ֵמ ִביא ִמן ַה ְּכ ָב ִשׂ ים אוֹ ִמן ָה ִע ִ ּזים זָ כָ ר ֶ ּבן ׁ ָשנָ ה ,וְ ׁשוֹ ֲחטוֹ ָ ּב ֲעזָ ָרה ְ ּבכָ ל ָמקוֹ םַ ,א ַחר ֲחצוֹ ת ַא ְר ָ ּב ָעה ָע ָשׂ ר ַדּ וְ ָקא ,וְ ַא ַחר ׁ ְש ִח ַיטת ָּת ִמיד ׁ ֶשל ֵ ּבין ָה ַע ְר ַ ּבֽיִ ם ,וְ ַא ַחר ֲה ָט ַבת נֵ רוֹ ת ׁ ֶשל ֵ ּבין ָה ַע ְר ַ ּבֽיִ ם .וְ ֵאין ׁשוֹ ֲח ִטין ֶאת ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח ַעל ֶה ָח ֵמץ .וְ ִאם ׁ ָש ַחט ֽקוֹ ֶדם לַ ָּת ִמידָּ ,כ ׁ ֵשר ,ו ִּבלְ ָבד ׁ ֶש ְ ּי ֵהא ַא ֵחר ְמ ָמ ֵרס ְ ּב ַדם ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח ְּכ ֵדי ׁ ֶש ּלֹא יִ ָּק ֵר ׁש ַעד ׁ ֶש ִ ּיזְ ְרק ּו ַדם ַה ָּת ִמיד ,וְ ַא ַחר ָּכ ְך יִ זְ ְרק ּו ַדם ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח זְ ִר ָיקה ַא ַחת ְּכנֶ ֽגֶ ד ַהיְ סוֹ ד. ֹאש ַה ׁ ּשו ָּרה וְ נָ ַתן יצד עוֹ ִשׂ ין? ׁ ָש ַחט ַה ׁ ּשוֹ ֵחט ,וְ ִק ֵ ּבל ַהכּ ֵֹהן ָה ִר ׁ אשוֹ ן ׁ ֶש ְ ּבר ׁ וְ כֵ ַ לַ ֲח ֵברוֹ ,וַ ֲח ֵברוֹ לַ ֲח ֵברוֹ ,וְ ַהכּ ֵֹהן ַה ָּקרוֹ ב ֵ ֽא ֶצל ַה ִּמזְ ֵ ּב ַֽח זוֹ ְרקוֹ זְ ִר ָיקה ַא ַחת ְּכנֶ ֽגֶ ד ַהיְ סוֹ ד ,וְ חוֹ זֵ ר ַה ְּכלִ י ֵר ָיקן לַ ֲח ֵברוֹ ,וַ ֲח ֵברוֹ לַ ֲח ֵברוֹ ,ו ְּמ ַק ֵ ּבל ְּכלִ י ַה ָּמלֵ א ְּת ִח ָּלה וְ ַא ַחר ָּכ ְך ַמ ֲחזִ יר ָה ֵר ָיקן .וְ ָהי ּו ׁשוּרוֹ ת ׁ ֶשל ָ ּבזִ יכֵ י כֶ ֶֽסף וְ ׁשוּרוֹ ת ׁ ֶשל ָ ּבזִ יכֵ י זָ ָהב .וְ לֹא ָהי ּו לַ ָ ּבזִ יכִ ין ׁש ּולַ ֽיִ םֶ ׁ ,ש ָּמא יַ ִ ּנ ֵיחם וְ יִ ָּק ֵר ׁש ַה ָדּ ם. ַא ַחר ָּכ ְך ּתוֹ לִ ין ֶאת ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח ו ַּמ ְפ ׁ ִש ִיטין אוֹ תוֹ ֻּכ ּלוֹ ,וְ קוֹ ְר ִעין אוֹ תוֹ, ו ְּמ ַמ ִחין ֶאת ְק ָר ָביו ַעד ׁ ֶש ֵ ּי ֵצא ַה ּ ֶפ ֶֽר ׁש ,וּמוֹ ִצ ִיאין ֶאת ָה ֵאימו ִּרים, וְ ֵהםַ :ה ֵ ֽחלֶ ב ׁ ֶש ַעל ַה ֶּ ֽק ֶרב ,וְ יוֹ ֶ ֽת ֶרת ַה ָּכ ֵבד ,ו ׁ ְּש ֵּתי כְ לָ יוֹ ת וְ ַה ֵ ֽחלֶ ב ׁ ֶש ֲעלֵ ֶיהן ,וְ ָה ַאלְ יָ ה לְ ֻע ַּמת ֶה ָע ֶצה ,וְ נוֹ ְתנָ ם ִ ּבכְ לִ י ׁ ָש ֵרת, וּמוֹ לְ ָחם ו ַּמ ְק ִט ָירם ַהכּ ֵֹהן ַעל ַ ּג ֵ ּבי ַה ִּמזְ ֵ ּב ַֽח ָּכל ֶא ָחד לְ ַבדּ וֹ. וְ ַה ׁ ּ ְש ִח ָיטה וְ ַה ְ ּז ִר ָיקה ו ִּמחוּי ְק ָר ָביו וְ ֶה ְק ֵטר ֲחלָ ָביו דּ וֹ ִחין ֶאת ַה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת, ו ׁ ְּש ָאר ִענְ יָ נָ יו ֵאינָ ם דּ וֹ ִחין ֶאת ַה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת .וְ כֵ ן ֵאין מוֹ לִ יכִ ין ֶאת ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח לַ ַ ּבֽיִ ת ְּכ ׁ ֶש ָחל ְ ּב ׁ ַש ָ ּבתֶ ,א ָּלא ַּכת ָה ַא ַחת ֵהם ִמ ְת ַע ְּכ ִבים ִעם ּ ִפ ְס ֵח ֶיהם ְ ּב ַהר ַה ַ ּבֽיִ ת, ישית ִ ּב ְמקוֹ ָמ ּה עוֹ ֶ ֽמ ֶדתָ .ח ׁ ְשכָ ה, וְ ַה ַּכת ַה ׁ ּ ְשנִ ָ ּיה יוֹ ׁ ֶ ֽש ֶבת לָ ּה ַ ּב ֵחיל ,וְ ַה ׁ ּ ְשלִ ׁ ִ יָ ְצא ּו וְ ָצל ּו ִפ ְס ֵח ֶיהם. ִ ּב ׁ ְשל ָֹשׁה כִ ּתוֹ ת ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח נִ ׁ ְש ָחט ,וְ ֵאין ַּכת ּ ְפחו ָּתה ִמ ׁ ּ ְשל ִֹשׁים ֲאנָ ׁ ִשים. אשוֹ נָ ה ,נִ ְת ַמ ְּל ָאה ָה ֲעזָ ָרה ,נוֹ ֲעלִ ין אוֹ ָת ּה .ו ְּבעוֹ ד ׁ ֶש ֵהם נִ כְ נְ ָסה ַּכת ָה ִר ׁ ׁשוֹ ֲח ִטין ו ַּמ ְק ִר ִיבין ֶאת ָה ֵאימו ִּרים ,קוֹ ְר ִאין ֶאת ַה ַה ֵּללִ .אם ָ ּג ְמר ּו אוֹ תוֹ ֽקוֹ ֶדם ׁ ֶש ַ ּי ְק ִ ֽריב ּו כֻ ָּלםׁ ,שוֹ נִ ים אוֹ תוֹ ,וְ ִאם ׁ ָשנ ּו יְ ׁ ַש ֵּל ֽׁשוַּ .על ָּכל ְק ִר ָיאה ּתוֹ ְק ִעין ׁ ָשלֹשׁ ְּת ִקיעוֹ תְּ .ת ִק ָיעה ְּתרו ָּעה ְּת ִק ָיעה. אשוֹ נָ ה ,נִ כְ נְ ָסה ַּכת ׁ ְשנִ ָ ּיה, ָ ּג ְמר ּו לְ ַה ְק ִריבּ ,פוֹ ְת ִחין ָה ֲעזָ ָרה .יָ ְצ ָאה ַּכת ִר ׁ נוֹ ֲעלִ ין ַדּ לְ תוֹ ת ָה ֲעזָ ָרהּ ָ .ג ְמרוּּ ,פוֹ ְת ִחין ,יָ ְצ ָאה ַּכת ׁ ְשנִ ָ ּיה ,נִ כְ נְ ָסה ַּכת ישית ,ו ַּמ ֲע ֵשׂ ה כֻ ָּלן ׁ ָשוִ ין. ׁ ְשלִ ׁ ִ וְ ַא ַחר ׁ ֶש ָ ּי ְצא ּו כֻ ָּלן רוֹ ֲח ִצין ָה ֲעזָ ָרה ,וַ ֲא ִפיל ּו ְ ּב ׁ ַש ָ ּבתִ ,מ ּ ְפנֵ י
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Pesach Offering
THE ORDER OF THE PESACH OFFERING ָק ְר ַ ּבןThe Pesach offering is brought from male lambs or goats which are less than a year old, and can be slaughtered anywhere in the Temple Courtyard after midday of the fourteenth of Nissan (the day before Pesach). It must be done after the slaughtering of the Daily Afternoon offering and after the afternoon cleaning of the cups of the menorah. One should not slaughter the Pesach offering while he still has chametz in his possession. If he slaughtered the Pesach offering before the Daily Afternoon offering, the Pesach offering is still kosher, as long as someone stirs the blood of the Pesach offering so that it will remain liquid and not harden by the time the blood of the Daily offering is poured on the Altar. After pouring the blood of the Daily offering, the blood of the Pesach offering is poured once toward the base of the Altar. How is the Pesach offering performed? The Kohanim would form lines across the Temple Courtyard between each slaughtering station and the Altar, and they would hold vessels with which to pass the blood down the line. The slaughterer would then slaughter the offering, and the Kohen standing at the head of the line would catch the blood in his vessel and pass it to his friend. His friend would then pass the vessel full of blood to his friend next in line, and so on, until the vessel would reach the Kohen standing closest to the Altar, who would pour it once toward the base of the Altar. He would pass the empty vessel back to his friend, who would pass it on to his friend until it was returned to the head of the line. If a Kohen was holding an empty vessel heading back up the line to be reused, and the Kohen ahead of him wanted to pass him a full vessel to be passed down the line and poured on the Altar, he would first take the full vessel from his friend and only then pass him the empty vessel. This procedure follows the rule that one may not "pass by" and delay an available mitzvah. To beautify the occasion, all the vessels in each line were of the same material; there were lines in which all of the Kohanim held silver vessels and lines in which all of the Kohanim held gold vessels. The vessels did not have flat bottoms in case the Kohanim would put them down and forget about them, causing the blood to thicken. If this happened, the blood would be unfit to pour on the Altar. Afterwards, the Pesach offering would be hung on iron hooks, and the Kohanim would remove all the skin and tear it open. They would clean out the insides until the waste was removed, and then they would take out the parts of the offering which were going to be offered on the Altar. These parts are: The fat that is on the intestines, a lobe of the liver, the two kidneys with the fat on them, and the tail up to the backbone above the kidneys. The parts would be placed in a bowl which was used especially for the service in the Holy Temple. The Kohen would salt each individual part and burn it on the Altar. Slaughtering the Pesach offering, pouring the blood on the Altar, cleaning the animal’s insides, and burning its fat on the Altar, all push aside the prohibition of “work” on Shabbat. However, everything else connected to the Pesach offering, such as roasting it and rinsing the intestines, does not push aside the prohibition of “work” on Shabbat. Also, if the fourteenth of Nissan falls out on Shabbat, the Pesach offerings are not allowed to be carried home. Rather, the first group of people (see next paragraph) leaves the Temple Courtyard and waits with their Pesach
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יצה? ַא ַּמת ַה ַּ ֽמיִ ם ָהיְ ָתה עוֹ ֶב ֶֽרת ָ יצד ָהיְ ָתה ָה ְר ִח ַ ֵ וְ כ.לִ כְ לו ְּך ַה ָדּ ם ׁ ֶש ָהיָ ה ָב ּה סוֹ ְת ִמין, ּוכְ ׁ ֶשרוֹ ִצין לְ ָה ִ ֽד ַיח ֶאת ָה ִר ְצ ּ ָפה, וְ ָהיָ ה לָ ּה ָמקוֹ ם לָ ֵצאת ִמ ֶּ ֽמ ָ ּנה,ָ ּב ֲעזָ ָרה ַעד ׁ ֶש ַה ַּ ֽמיִ ם עוֹ לִ ים, וְ ִהיא ִמ ְת ַמ ֵּלאת ַעל ָּכל ְ ּגדוֹ ֶ ֽת ָיה ִמ ּפֹה ו ִּמ ּפֹה,ְמקוֹ ם יְ ִצ ָיא ָת ּה וְ ַא ַחר ָּכ ְך.ֽיה ָּכל ָדּ ם וְ כָ ל לִ כְ לו ְּך ׁ ֶש ָהיָ ה ָ ּב ֲעזָ ָרה ָ ֶ ו ְּמ ַק ֵ ּבץ ֵאל,וְ ָצ ִפים ִמ ָּכאן ו ִּמ ָּכאן זֶ ה ּו. וְ ַהכּ ֹל יוֹ ֵצא ַעד ׁ ֶש ִ ּנ ׁ ְש ָאר ָה ִר ְצ ּ ָפה ְמנֻ ָּקה ו ְּמ ׁ ֻש ּ ָפה,ּפוֹ ְת ִחין ְמקוֹ ם יְ ִצ ָיא ָת ּה . לֹא ָעלָ ה לוֹ ַעד ׁ ֶש ֵּמ ִביא ַא ֵחר, וְ ִאם ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח נִ ְמ ָצא ְט ֵר ָפה.ְּכבוֹ ד ַה ַ ּבֽיִ ת
Pesach Offering
This is a short summary of the Passover offering. A God-fearing person should read it in its proper time, so that it be considered in the place of the offering. One should be troubled over the destruction of the Holy Temple, and plead before God—Creator of the world—that He rebuild it speedily in our days, Amen.
ילין ִ ֵס ֶדר ֵעירּוב ַּת ְב ִׁש ·· On a festival, one may only cook food that is to be eaten on that day. Therefore, when the first two days of Pesach occur on Thursday and Friday, one would not be allowed to cook on Friday to prepare for Shabbat. ·· To permit cooking on Friday for Shabbat, one must make an “eruv tavshilin” before the festival begins. ·· To make an eruv tavshilin, take a matzah and a substantial cooked food (such as meat, fish, or an egg)
that is designated for Shabbat and say the blessing and statement below. ·· Although each household should have its own eruv, one who forgot to make one can rely on the Rabbi’s eruv, which is done on behalf of the entire community. ·· One should ideally appoint an adult male as an agent through whom to give a share in the eruv to the rest of the community. If there is no agent, skip the boxed section below:
Give the eruv food items to the “agent” and say:
.ְמזַ ֶּכה לְ כָ ל ִמי ׁ ֶשרוֹ ֶצה לִ זְ ּכוֹ ת וְ לִ ְסמוֹ ְך ַעל ֵערוּב זֶ ה
ֲא ִני
The “agent” raises them slightly (approximately 3 inches) and returns them to the one making the eruv. Say the following while holding the eruv food items:
, ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִק ְדּ ׁ ָ ֽשנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י .וְ ִצ ָ ּוֽנ ּו ַעל ִמ ְצוַ ת ֵערוּב
ָ ּברו ְּך
Continue with the following in a language that you understand:
יְ ֵהא ׁ ָ ֽש ָרא לָ ֽנָ א לַ ֲאפ ּויֵ י ּולְ ַב ׁ ּש ּולֵ י ּולְ ַא ְטמ ּונֵ י ּולְ ַא ְדלו ֵּקי ׁ ְש ַר ָ ּגא לָ ֽנָ א ּולְ כָ ל,ּולְ ַת ָּקנָ א ּולְ ֶמ ֱע ַבד ָּכל ָצ ְרכָ ֽנָ א ִמ ּיוֹ ָמא ָט ָבא לְ ׁ ַש ַ ּב ָּתא .יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַה ָדּ ִרים ָ ּב ִעיר ַה ּזֹאת
ְ ּב ֵדין
Save the eruv food items at least until after completing any preparations for Shabbat that are only permitted due to the eruv. Ideally, however, one should use the matzah of the eruv as one of the two required matzot for the meals of Friday night and Shabbat day, and then eat it with the third Shabbat meal.
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Pesach Offering
12 offerings on the Temple Mount, the second group sits and waits with their Pesach offerings in the area just outside the Temple Courtyard called the “Cheil,” and the third group stays where it is - in the Temple Courtyard. When it becomes dark and Shabbat ends, they all go to their homes and roast their Pesach offerings. The Pesach offering would be slaughtered in three groups, each group consisting of no less than thirty men. The first group would enter, fill up the Temple Courtyard, and then the Kohanim would close the doors to the Temple Courtyard. While the Kohanim were busy slaughtering the Pesach offering and offering its parts on the Altar, the Levi'im would say Hallel. If the Levi'im finished saying the entire Hallel before the Kohanim finished offering all the offerings, they would repeat Hallel a second time. If the Kohanim had not finished the service by the time the Levi'im finished repeating Hallel a second time, they would repeat it a third time. Each time Hallel was said, the Kohanim would blow the following three sounds with the trumpets: tekiah, teruah and tekiah. When the Kohanim finished offering the sacrifices, they would open the doors to the Temple Courtyard and the first group would leave; whereupon, the second group would enter, and they would close the doors to the Temple Courtyard again. When the Kohanim finished offering the sacrifices of the second group, they would open the doors, the second group would leave, and the third group would enter. The procedure of each group was the same. After all the groups had left, the Kohanim would wash the floor of the Temple Courtyard because it had become filthy from the blood of the offerings, even if it was Shabbat. How was the washing of the Temple Courtyard done? There was a water channel that ran through the Temple Courtyard, which would flow out through an exit at the Water Gate. When they wanted to wash the floor of the Temple Courtyard, they would block the exit, causing the water level to rise and fill the channel to its brim on both sides, until it would overflow and flood the floor on both sides of the channel. The water would gather all the blood and dirt on the floor of the Temple Courtyard into the channel. They would then open the exit, and all the blood and dirt would flow out of the Temple Courtyard along with the water, until the floor was completely clean and smooth. This cleaning is done to honor the Holy Temple. If the animal brought for the Pesach offering was found to have been deathly ill before it was offered, the person bringing the offering would not have fulfilled his obligation until he brings another one.
ERUV TAVSHILIN ֲאנִ יI hereby give a share in this eruv to anyone who wants to participate and depend on it.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who has made
us holy with His mitzvot and commanded us through the Sages regarding the mitzvah of making an eruv.
ְ ּב ֵדיןWith this eruv it will be permitted for us to bake, to cook, to put
away food in a place that will keep it warm, to light a candle, and to prepare and to do anything on the Festival that is necessary for Shabbat. These things will be permitted for us—the people who are making this eruv—and for all Jews who live in this city.
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Candle Lighting
ֵס ֶדר ַה ְד ָל ַקת ַהנֵ רֹות CANDLE LIGHTING ·· Women and girls from the age of three should light their own candle. Married women should light two candles and customarily add an additional candle for each of their children. If there are no women, a man should light the candles. ·· When lighting the festival candles before the start of the festival, it is customary to give charity prior to the lighting. ·· When the first night of Pesach follows a weekday, the candles should be lit at least eighteen minutes before sunset. Check your local Jewish calendar for the exact times.
·· If one did not light before sunset: ·· On the eve preceding a weekday, the candles should still be lit, but from a preexisting flame; on Friday night - the candles may not be lit. ·· On the second night of Pesach, or when the first night occurs on Saturday night, the candles are lit after nightfall, and from a pre-existing flame. ·· After lighting the candles, wave your hands three times around them, then cover your eyes and say the appropriate blessing.
On Friday evening, add the orange words.
ֲא ׁ ֶשר, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמ ֶל ְך ָהעוֹ ָלם,ָ ּברו ְּך ַ א ָּתה ְי ָי ְו ִצ ָ ּ ֽונ ּו ְל ַה ְד ִליק ֵנר,ִק ְדּ ׁ ָ ֽשנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו .ׁ ֶשל ׁ ַ(ש ָ ּבת וְ ׁ ֶשל) יוֹ ם טוֹ ב
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who made us holy with His mitzvot, and commanded us through the Sages to kindle the light of (Shabbat and) the festival.
ׁ ֶש ֶה ֱח ָ ֽינ ּו, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמ ֶל ְך ָהעוֹ ָלם,ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה ְי ָי .יענ ּו ִל ְז ַמן ַה ֶ ּזה ֽ ָ ְו ִק ְ ּי ָ ֽמנ ּו ְו ִה ִ ּג ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King
of the world, Who has given us life, kept us alive, and enabled us to reach this special time.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 13
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Friday Night
ֵס ֶדר ִּתקּונֵ י ַׁש ָּבת ORDER FOR FRIDAY NIGHT On Friday night, say the following (until the end of page 15) quietly upon returning from the synagogue: Say each of the following four paragraphs three times:
ׁ ָשלוֹ ם ֲעלֵ יכֶ ם ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ַה ׁ ּ ָש ֵרת ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ֶעלְ יוֹ ן .ִמ ֶּ ֽמלֶ ְך ַמלְ כֵ י ַה ְּמלָ כִ ים ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ּבוֹ ֲא ֶכם לְ ׁ ָשלוֹ ם ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ַה ׁ ּ ָשלוֹ ם ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ֶעלְ יוֹ ן .ִמ ֶּ ֽמלֶ ְך ַמלְ כֵ י ַה ְּמלָ כִ ים ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ָ ּב ְר ֽכו ִּני לְ ׁ ָשלוֹ ם ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ַה ׁ ּ ָשלוֹ ם ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ֶעלְ יוֹ ן .ִמ ֶּ ֽמלֶ ְך ַמלְ כֵ י ַה ְּמלָ כִ ים ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא את ֶכם לְ ׁ ָשלוֹ ם ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ַה ׁ ּ ָשלוֹ ם ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ֶעלְ יוֹ ן ְ ֵצ .ִמ ֶּ ֽמלֶ ְך ַמלְ כֵ י ַה ְּמלָ כִ ים ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ָ ֶ לִ ׁ ְש ָמ ְר ָך ְ ּבכָ ל ְדּ ָרכ,ִּכי ַמלְ ָאכָ יו יְ ַצ ֶ ּוה ָּל ְך .ֽיך . ֵמ ַע ָּתה וְ ַעד עוֹ לָ ם,את ָך וּבוֹ ֶ ֽא ָך ְ יְ יָ יִ ׁ ְש ָמר ֵצ
ׁ ָשלוֹ ם
Peace should be upon you, angels who serve God,
messengers of God, high above, angels of God, the Supreme King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed be He.
ּבוֹ ֲאכֶ םMay your arrival to our home be in peace, angels of peace, messengers of God, high above, angels of God, the Supreme King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed be He.
ָ ּב ְר ֽכ ּונִ יBless me with peace, angels of peace, messengers of God, high above, angels of God, the Supreme King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed be He.
אתכֶ ם ְ ֵצMay your departure from our home be in peace, angels of peace, messengers of God, high above, angels of God, the Supreme King of all kings, the Holy One, blessed be He. God will command His angels on your behalf, to guard you in all your ways. God will guard your departure and your arrival when traveling, from now and forever.
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15 Friday Night
ֵ ֽא ׁ ֶשת
ַ ֽחיִ ל ִמי יִ ְמ ָצא ,וְ ָרחֹק ִמ ּ ְפנִ ינִ ים ִמכְ ָר ּהּ ָ .ב ַֽטח ָ ּב ּה לֵ ב ַ ּב ְעלָ ּה ,וְ ׁ ָשלָ ל לֹא יֶ ְח ָסרּ ְ .ג ָמלַ ְֽתה ּו טוֹ ב וְ לֹא ָרע ,כּ ֹל יְ ֵמי ַח ֶ ּי ָֽיהָ .דּ ְר ׁ ָשה ֶצ ֶֽמר ֽיהָ .היְ ָתה ָּכ ֳאנִ ּיוֹ ת סוֹ ֵחרִ ,מ ֶּמ ְר ָחק ָּת ִביא לַ ְח ָמ ּה. ו ִּפ ׁ ְש ִּתים ,וַ ַּ ֽת ַעשׂ ְ ּב ֵ ֽח ֶפץ ַּכ ּ ֶפ ָ וַ ָּ ֽת ָקם ְ ּבעוֹ ד לַ ֽיְ לָ ה ,וַ ִּת ֵּתן ֶ ֽט ֶרף לְ ֵב ָית ּה ,וְ חֹק לְ נַ ֲער ֶ ֹֽת ָיה .זָ ְמ ָמה ָשׂ ֶדה וַ ִּת ָּק ֵ ֽחהוּ, ֽיה נָ ְט ָעה ָּכ ֶֽרםָ .חגְ ָרה ְ ּבעוֹ ז ָמ ְתנֶ ָֽיה ,וַ ְּת ַא ֵּמץ זְ רוֹ ע ֶ ֹֽת ָיהָ .ט ֲע ָמה ִּכי טוֹ ב ִמ ּ ְפ ִרי כַ ּ ֶפ ָ ֽיה ָּת ְמכ ּו ָפֽלֶ ְךַּ .כ ּ ָפ ּה ַס ְח ָר ּה ,לֹא יִ כְ ֶ ּבה ַ ּב ַּלֽיְ לָ ה נֵ ָר ּה .יָ ֶ ֽד ָיה ׁ ִש ְּל ָחה ַב ִּכ ׁישוֹ ר ,וְ כַ ּ ֶפ ָ ּ ָפ ְר ָשׂ ה לֶ ָענִ י ,וְ יָ ֶ ֽד ָיה ׁ ִש ְּל ָחה לָ ֶא ְביוֹ ן .לֹא ִת ָירא לְ ֵב ָית ּה ִמ ׁ ּ ָ ֽשלֶ גִּ ,כי כָ ל ֵ ּב ָית ּה לָ ֻב ׁש ׁ ָשנִ יםַ .מ ְר ַב ִדּ ים ָע ְשׂ ָתה ָּל ּהֵ ׁ ,ש ׁש וְ ַא ְר ָ ּג ָמן לְ בו ׁ ָּש ּה .נוֹ ָדע ַ ּב ׁ ּ ְש ָע ִרים ַ ּב ְעלָ ּה, ְ ּב ׁ ִש ְב ּתוֹ ִעם זִ ְקנֵ י ָ ֽא ֶרץָ .ס ִדין ָע ְשׂ ָתה וַ ִּת ְמכּ ֹר ,וַ ֲחגוֹ ר נָ ְתנָ ה לַ ְּכנַ ֲענִ י .עוֹ ז וְ ָה ָדר לְ בו ׁ ָּש ּה ,וַ ִּת ְשׂ ַחק לְ יוֹ ם ַא ֲחרוֹ ןֽ ִ ּ .פ ָיה ּ ָפ ְת ָחה ְב ָחכְ ָמה ,וְ ֽתוֹ ַרת ֶ ֽח ֶסד ַעל לְ ׁשוֹ נָ ּה. צוֹ ִפ ָ ּיה ֲהלִ יכוֹ ת ֵ ּב ָית ּה ,וְ לֶ ֶֽחם ַע ְצלוּת לֹא תֹאכֵ לָֽ .קמ ּו ָבנֶ ָֽיה וַ יְ ַא ׁ ּ ְש ֽרו ָּהּ ַ ,ב ְעלָ ּה וַ יְ ַהלְ לָ ּהַ .רבּ וֹ ת ָ ּבנוֹ ת ָ ֽעשׂ ּו ָ ֽחיִ ל ,וְ ַא ְּת ָעלִ ית ַעל ֻּכ ָּלֽנָ הֽ ֶ ׁ .ש ֶקר ַה ֵחן וְ ֶ ֽה ֶבל ַה ֽ ּי ִֹפי, ִא ׁ ּ ָשה יִ ְר ַאת יְ יָ ִהיא ִת ְת ַה ָּללְּ .תנ ּו לָ ּה ִמ ּ ְפ ִרי יָ ֶ ֽד ָיה ,וִ ַיהלְ לֽ ו ָּה ַ ּב ׁ ּ ְש ָע ִרים ַמ ֲע ֶ ֽשׂ ָיה. יצֽנִ יַ ,על ֵמי ְמנֻ חוֹ ת ִמזְ מוֹ ר לְ ָדוִ ד ,יְ יָ ר ִֹעי לֹא ֶא ְח ָסרּ ִ .בנְ אוֹ ת ֶ ֽדּ ׁ ֶשא יַ ְר ִ ּב ֵ יְ נַ ֲהלֵ ֽנִ י .נַ ְפ ׁ ִשי יְ ׁשוֹ ֵבב ,יַ נְ ֵ ֽחנִ י ְב ַמ ְע ְ ּגלֵ י ֶצ ֶֽדק לְ ַ ֽמ ַען ׁ ְשמוֹּ ַ .גם ִּכי ֵאלֵ ךְ ְ ּבגֵ יא ַצלְ ָ ֽמוֶ ת לֹא ִא ָירא ָרעִּ ,כי ַא ָּתה ִע ָּמ ִדיִ ׁ ,ש ְב ְט ָך ו ִּמ ׁ ְש ַענְ ֶּ ֽת ָך ֵ ֽה ָּמה יְ נַ ֲח ֻ ֽמנִ י. ֹאשי ,כּ וֹ ִסי ְרוָ יָ הַ .א ְך טוֹ ב וָ ֶ ֽח ֶסד ַּת ֲער ְֹך לְ ָפנַ י ׁ ֻשלְ ָחן נֶ ֽגֶ ד צ ְֹר ָריִ ,דּ ׁ ּ ַ ֽשנְ ָּת ַב ׁ ּ ֶ ֽש ֶמן ר ׁ ִ יִ ְר ְדּ ֽפ ּונִ י ָּכל יְ ֵמי ַח ָ ּיי ,וְ ׁ ַש ְב ִּתי ְ ּב ֵבית יְ יָ לְ ֽא ֶֹר ְך יָ ִמים. ישין. ָדּ א ִהיא ְסעו ָּד ָתא ַד ֲח ַקל ַּת ּפו ִּחין ַק ִדּ ׁ ִ ישא. ַא ְתִֽקינ ּו ְסעו ָּד ָתא ִד ְמ ֵה ְימנו ָּתא ׁ ְשלֵ ָמ ָתא ֶח ְדוָ ָתא ְד ַמלְ ָּכא ַק ִדּ ׁ ָ ַא ְתִֽקינ ּו ְסעו ָּד ָתא ְד ַמלְ ָּכאָ ,דּ א ִהיא ְסעו ָּד ָתא ַד ֲח ַקל ַּת ּפו ִּחין ישא ַא ְתיָ ן לְ ַס ֲע ָדא ַ ּב ֲה ָד ּה. ַק ִדּ ׁ ִ ישיןּ ,וזְ ֵעיר ַאנְ ּ ִפין וְ ַע ִּת ָיקא ַק ִדּ ׁ ָ front of my enemies, filled with all the best things, and they will see that I have become successful. You have anointed me with oil to make me king, and my cup is full with everything I need. Even though You always save me from bad things, I ask and hope that from now on only good and kindness will follow me all the days of my life, and that I will sit in the House of the Lord, the Holy Temple, for many long years.
ָ This is the meal of God’s Presence, which is called the holy Chakalדּ א Tapuchin.
ַ Prepare the meal of perfect faith, which brings happiness to God,א ְתִֽקינ ּו the holy King. Prepare the meal of the King. This is the meal of God’s Presence, which is called the holy Chakal Tapuchin. Two other levels of the Divine Presence—Z’eir Anpin and Atika Kadisha—come to join Chakal Tapuchin at the meal.
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Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 15
Friday Night
ֵ ֽא ׁ ֶשתWho can find a wife of excellence; a wife who has all the following
qualities? Her value is far greater than the most precious jewels. When her husband is away, his heart trusts in her. He trusts that she will take care of everything. Since he has nothing to worry about, he can do his work, and he will not miss out on any business gains. All the days of her life, she treats him well; she does good things for him, and never bad things. She goes out to search for wool and flax to sew clothing, and she does it willingly, with her own hands. She is like the ships that carry merchandise from far away, because she brings her food from far away. She gets up while it is still nighttime, before the sun rises, and gives food to her household and divides jobs for her maids. She considers buying a field because of its great value, and then buys it without delay. From the earnings which she receives for the work of her hands, she plants a vineyard. She puts on her clothing with strength, and flexes her arms for work. When she realizes that her work is good and she can benefit from it, she will stay up all night to work; her candle will not go out all night. She puts her hands on a spindle (a tool which spins wool into a thread) and her palms hold onto a distaff (a tool which holds wool in place while it is being spun). With these tools she makes clothing for her household. She holds out her hand and gives money to the poor, and extends her hands to give money to poor people who are too embarrassed to ask for it. She is not afraid that her household will be cold from snow in the winter, because her entire household is wearing warm, colored clothing. She makes herself
beautiful material; she wears beautiful clothing made of fine linen and purple wool. Since she makes beautiful clothing for her household, her husband is well-known among the important people who gather at the gates; when he sits with the elders of the land, they know who he is. She also makes bedlinens for others and sells them; she supplies belts to merchants. She wears beautiful and strong clothing that last a long time and she is certain that she will be happy in her last days, when she becomes old. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and lessons of kindness are always on her tongue. She watches the conduct of her household; she makes sure that her family is following the path of Torah. She does not take a long time to eat her bread; she is not lazy. Her children get up and praise her. Her husband praises her with the following praise: There are many daughters who have done excellent things, but you are far better than all of them. Charm is misleading, and beauty is nothing to be praised for, but a woman who fears God is worthy of being praised. The father tells his children to give praise to their mother for her accomplishments. The important people who sit at the gates will praise her for everything she has done.
ִמזְ מוֹ רThe following song was composed by King David: God is my shepherd Who takes care of me. I am sure that I will not lack anything. He lies me down in comfortable green grass, just like a shepherd with his sheep, and He leads me peacefully, as if I am walking along calm waters. He always refreshes my soul. He directs me along the path of righteousness in order to bring honor to His name. Even when I walk in a dangerous place, like the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid that bad things will happen because You are with me. Your help and kindness are like a walking stick and support staff which protect me and comfort me. God will set up a table for me in continued on facing page >>
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17 The Haggadah
ֵס ֶדר ַה ָּג ָדה
The three matzot and the Seder Plate are arranged in the following manner: The three matzot are placed on a tray or plate, with a separation (such as a napkin) between each matzah. Place the bottom (“Yisrael”) matzah first, then the middle (“Levi”) matzah, and then the top (“Kohen”) matzah. The items of the Seder Plate are placed upon the top cover of the matzot in the following manner:
The zero’a—A roasted bird’s-neck-bone (which has customarily had most of the meat removed)—is placed on the upper right side.
The charoset—a mixture of apples, nuts, and pears—is placed on the lower right side, under the zero’a. (Wine is added before using it with the marror.)
T he beitzah—a hardboiled egg—is placed on the upper left side.
T he marror—bitter herbs (customarily romaine lettuce and horseradish)—is placed in the center of the Seder Plate.
Q Why do we use three matzos on our Seder Plate?
A When Abraham was visited by the angels, he asked Sarah to bake matzot from three measures of flour. This happened on Pesach.
In addition, the matzot are a reminder of the three forefathers; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 17
The karpas—raw onion or boiled potato—is placed on the lower left side, under the egg. T he chazeret—bitter herbs (customarily romaine lettuce and horseradish)—is placed in the lower-center, under the marror.
Charoset commemorates the cement with which the Jewish people worked in Egypt. It is made with fruits to which the Torah compares the Jewish people, and red liquid (wine) is added, to commemorate the plague of Blood.
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Steps of the Seder
ַק ֵּדׁש ְּור ַחץ ַּכ ְר ַּפס יַ ַחץ ַמ ִּגיד ָר ְח ָצה מֹוציא ִ ַמ ָּצה ָמרֹור ּכֹורְך ֵ ֻׁש ְל ָחן עֹורְך ֵ ָצפּון ֵּב ַרְך ַה ֵּלל נִ ְר ָצה
Say Kiddush
And wash your hands
Eating a vegetable
Breaking the middle matzah
Telling the story of the exodus from Egypt
Rachtzah Washing the hands Motzi
Saying the blessing of Hamotzi on the matzah
Saying the blessing on and eating matzah
Eating a bitter vegetable
Wrapping together the matzah and marror
Shulchan A set table for eating the festival meal Orech Tzafun
Eating the hidden Afikoman
Saying the Blessing after the meal
Saying the second part of Hallel
Our Seder is accepted favorably by God
Q Why do we have an egg and a
roasted bone on the Seder Plate?
Q Why is it called the “Haggadah?”
A The Talmud says that there must be two cooked foods on the Seder Plate as a reminder of the two special offerings brought for Pesach: the Chagigah offerings and the Pesach offering.
A Some say that the name “Haggadah” comes from the words ““ — ”וְ ִהגַ ְד ָּת לְ ִבנְ ָךand you shall tell your son,” found in the verse commanding us to tell the story of the exodus from Egypt.
A roasted bone is used to commemorate the Pesach offering, and a hardboiled egg— which symbolizes mourning—is used nowadays to commemorate the Chagigah offerings and to remind us of the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
Others say that it means praise and thanks—as in the verse ִהגַ ְד ִּתי ַהיוֹ ם, said when bringing the “first fruit” to Jerusalem, in which one thanks God for the produce He has given—because in the Haggadah we thank God for taking us out of Egypt.
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ַק ֵּדׁש 19 Kadesh
Fill your Kiddush cup to the top so that the wine overflows a little. Then say:
. ָ ּדא ִהיא ְסעו ָּד ָתא ְ ּדקו ְּד ׁ ָשא ְִ ּב ִר ְיך הוּא ו ׁ ְּשכִ ינְ ֵּת ּיה,ַא ְתִֽקינ ּו ְסעו ָּד ָתא ְד ַמלְ ָּכא ִע ָּל ָאה ·· Kiddush is said while standing. ·· For Kiddush, and all other times when the cup is held during the Seder, raise the cup in the following manner: pick up the cup in your right hand, pass it to your left hand, then lower it into the cupped palm of your right hand.
·· The kiddush cup should be held at least 9 inches above the table throughout Kiddush. ·· Glance at the festival candles, then say Kiddush.
On a Friday night, begin here.
וַ יְ כַ ל ֱאל ִֹהים ַ ּב ּיוֹ ם. וַ יְ כֻ ּל ּו ַה ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם וְ ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ וְ כָ ל ְצ ָב ָאם.יוֹ ם ַה ׁ ּ ִש ׁ ּ ִשי וַ ִ ּי ׁ ְש ּבֹת ַ ּב ּיוֹ ם ַה ׁ ּ ְש ִב ִיעי ִמ ָּכל,ַה ׁ ּ ְש ִב ִיעי ְמלַ אכְ ּתוֹ ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָע ָשׂ ה ,ֹ וַ יְ ָב ֶֽר ְך ֱאל ִֹהים ֶאת יוֹ ם ַה ׁ ּ ְש ִב ִיעי וַ יְ ַק ֵדּ ׁש אֹתו.ְמלַ אכְ ּתוֹ ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָע ָשׂ ה .ִּכי בוֹ ׁ ָש ַבת ִמ ָּכל ְמלַ אכְ ּתוֹ ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָ ּב ָרא ֱאל ִֹהים לַ ֲעשׂוֹ ת On a weeknight, begin here. Glance at the wine and say:
. ּבוֹ ֵרא ּ ְפ ִרי ַה ָ ּג ֶֽפן, ֱאל ֵֹהֽינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ָ ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ י.ַס ְב ִרי ָמ ָרנָ ן (On Friday night, add the orange words.)
, ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָ ּב ַֽחר ָ ּבֽנ ּו ִמ ָּכל ָעם, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ָָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ י ָ וַ ִּת ֶּתן לָ ֽנ ּו יְ י. וְ ִק ְדּ ׁ ָ ֽשנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו,וְ רוֹ ְמ ָ ֽמנ ּו ִמ ָּכל לָ ׁשוֹ ן ַח ִ ּגים,ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ְ ּב ַא ֲה ָבה ׁ ַ(ש ָ ּבתוֹ ת לִ ְמנו ָּחה וּ) מוֹ ֲע ִדים לְ ִשׂ ְמ ָחה , ֶאת יוֹ ם ַ(ה ׁ ַש ָ ּבת ַה ֶ ּזה וְ ֶאת יוֹ ם) ַחג ַה ַּמצּ וֹ ת ַה ֶ ּזה,ּוזְ ַמ ִ ּנים לְ ָשׂ שׂוֹ ן ְ ּ(ב ַא ֲה ָבה) ִמ ְק ָרא,ּ זְ ַמן ֵחרו ֵ ּֽתנו,וְ ֶאת יוֹ ם טוֹ ב ִמ ְק ָרא ֽק ֶֹד ׁש ַה ֶ ּזה ִּכי ָבֽנ ּו ָב ַ ֽח ְר ָּת וְ אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו ִק ַדּֽ ׁ ְש ָּת ִמ ָּכל.יצ ַיאת ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם ִ ִ זֵ ֽכֶ ר ל,ֽק ֶֹד ׁש (וְ ׁ ַש ָ ּבת) ּומוֹ ֲע ֵדי ָק ְד ׁ ֶ ֽש ָך ְ ּ(ב ַא ֲה ָבה ו ְּב ָרצוֹ ן) ְ ּב ִשׂ ְמ ָחה ו ְּב ָשׂ שׂוֹ ן,ָה ַע ִּמים . ְמ ַק ֵדּ ׁש ַ(ה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת וְ ) יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל וְ ַה ְ ּז ַמ ִ ּנים,ָ ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ י.ִּהנְ ַחלְ ָּ ֽתנו On Saturday night, continue on the following page. (One who said the following blessing at candle lighting does not say it here.)
.יענ ּו לִ זְ ַמן ַה ֶ ּזה ֽ ָ ׁ ֶש ֶה ֱחיָ ֽנ ּו וְ ִק ְ ּי ָ ֽמנ ּו וְ ִה ִ ּג, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י
ָ ּברו ְּך
Drink the wine while seated, and leaning to the left as a sign of freedom. It is preferable to drink the entire cup. One who cannot drink the entire cup should drink at least most of it.
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20 Prepare the meal of God, the exalted King. This is the meal of God and His Presence.
יוֹ םIt was the sixth day of the creation of the world. The heaven and the earth
and all of their many creations were completed. By the seventh day, God finished His work of creating the world, which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work, which He had done. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day He rested from all His work - the world that God created to continuously function.
Attention, gentlemen. Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who creates the fruit of the vine.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who chose us at Mount Sinai from all the other nations. He raised us above all those nations— each one with its language— and made us holy by giving us His mitzvot. You, Lord, our God, gave us, with love, (days of Shabbat for rest and) special times for happiness, festivals and festive times for rejoicing, including this day of (Shabbat and this day of) the festival of Pesach and this festival of holy gathering, when we come together to pray to God and praise Him, the time of our freedom. You gave us this day with love. This is a day of holy gathering, when we come together to pray to God and praise Him; a reminder of the exodus from Egypt. For You chose us and You made us holy and distinguished from among all the other nations of the world, and You have given us, (with love and good will,) with joy and happiness, Your holy (Shabbat) and festivals as an everlasting heritage. Blessed are You, Lord, Who makes (the day of Shabbat,) the nation of Israel and the festive times holy.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who has given us life, kept us alive, and enabled us to reach this special time.
Q Why do we drink specifically four cups of wine? A There are many things the number four represents, including:
1. The four terms of redemption that God used to describe how He would end the exile in Egypt: אתי וְ ִה ַצלְ ִּתי וְ גָ ַאלְ ִּתי וְ לָ ַק ְח ִּתי ִ וְ הוֹ ֵצ. - “And I will take you out;” “And I will save you;” “And I will redeem you;” “And I will take you to Me.” 2. These four terms corresponded to the four decrees which Pharaoh made against the Jews: they must work for the Egyptians; midwives must kill all newborn Jewish males; all newborn Jewish males must be thrown into the Nile; the Jews must find the necessary straw to build bricks themselves. 3. The four letters which make up God’s name, ה- ו- ה- י.
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On Saturday night, continue with the following: Glance at the festival candles while saying the following blessing:
. ּבוֹ ֵרא ְמאוֹ ֵרי ָה ֵא ׁש, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ָָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ י ֵ ּבין, ַה ַּמ ְב ִדּ יל ֵ ּבין ֽקֹ ֶד ׁש לְ חֹל, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י ֵ ּבין יוֹ ם ַה ׁ ּ ְש ִב ִיעי לְ ׁ ֵ ֽש ׁ ֶשת, ֵ ּבין יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל לָ ַע ִּמים,אוֹ ר לְ ֽחֹ ׁ ֶש ְך וְ ֶאת יוֹ ם, ֵ ּבין ְק ֻ ֽד ׁ ּ ַשת ׁ ַש ָ ּבת לִ ְק ֻ ֽד ׁ ּ ַשת יוֹ ם טוֹ ב ִה ְב ַדּֽ לְ ָּת.יְ ֵמי ַה ַּמ ֲע ֶשׂ ה ִה ְב ַדּֽ לְ ָּת וְ ִק ַדּֽ ׁ ְש ָּת ֶאת ַע ְּמ ָך.ַה ׁ ּ ְש ִב ִיעי ִמ ׁ ּ ֵ ֽש ׁ ֶשת יְ ֵמי ַה ַּמ ֲע ֶשׂ ה ִק ַדּֽ ׁ ְש ָּת . ַה ַּמ ְב ִדּ יל ֵ ּבין ֽקֹ ֶד ׁש לְ ֽקֹ ֶד ׁש,ָ ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ י.יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ִ ּב ְק ֻד ׁ ּ ָש ֶ ֽת ָך
ָ ּברו ְּך
ָ ּברו ְּך
(One who said the following blessing during candle lighting does not say it here.)
יענ ּו ֽ ָ ׁ ֶש ֶה ֱחיָ ֽנ ּו וְ ִק ְ ּי ָ ֽמנ ּו וְ ִה ִ ּג, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י .לִ זְ ַמן ַה ֶ ּזה
Drink the wine while seated, and leaning to the left as a sign of freedom. It is preferable to drink the entire cup, and one who cannot drink the entire cup should drink at least most of it.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who creates the multi-colored lights of fire.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who separates
between what is holy and what is ordinary, between light and darkness, between the nation of Israel and the other nations, and between the seventh day—Shabbat—and the six work days of the week. You have separated between the holiness of Shabbat and the holiness of a festival, and You have made the seventh day holy above the six work days of the week. You have set apart and made holy Your nation, Israel, with Your holiness. Blessed are You, God, Who separates between the holiness of Shabbat and the holiness of the festivals.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who has given us life, kept us alive, and enabled us to reach this special time.
Q Why do we lean to the left?
A We lean to the left and not to the right because:
a. Most people use their right hand to eat, so leaning on the right side is impractical. b. Our windpipe is located on the left side of our throat, and the food pipe is on the right. Leaning to the right would mean that the food first passes the windpipe on its way to the food-pipe. This might cause the food to enter the windpipe, resulting in choking.
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ְּור ַחץ 22 Urchatz
Wash your hands in the following manner: ·· Pick up the cup of water in your right hand and pass it to your left hand.
·· Rub both hands together and then dry them.
·· Pour three times on your right hand, pass the cup back to your right (customarily holding the cup with a towel) hand and pour three times on your left hand, retaining a little water in the left hand.
·· The usual blessing over washing the hands is not said.
Q Why is the usual blessing for washing the hands not said after washing for urchatz? A There is a minority opinion that it is not necessary to wash one’s hands before eating wet food. Although the halachic law does not follow that opinion, a blessing is not said because of the rule, ָס ֵפק ְ ּב ָרכוֹ ת לְ ָה ֵקלwhen there is a doubt (in this case, different opinions) concerning a blessing, it is not said.
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Q Why do we wash our hands before karpas? A Before touching wet food to eat it, a person should wash his hands. Even someone who doesn’t normally do this during the year should do so on Pesach, in order to arouse the children’s curiosity and lead them to ask questions.
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ַּכ ְר ַּפס 23 Karpas
Dip less than an ounce of the karpas into salt water, and say the following blessing. Keep in mind that this blessing also applies to the bitter herbs eaten later for Marror and Korech.
, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ָָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ י .ּבוֹ ֵרא ּ ְפ ִרי ָה ֲא ָד ָמה Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who creates the fruit of the earth. Eat the karpas without leaning.
יַ ַחץ
While it is still covered between the other two matzot, break the middle matzah into two pieces, one larger than the other. Wrap the larger piece (customarily broken into five smaller pieces) in cloth and set it aside to serve as Afikoman. Leave the smaller piece between the two matzot.
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ַמ ִּגיד 24 Maggid
Uncover the matzot partially and say:
ֵהא ַל ְח ָמא ַע ְנ ָיא
.ִדּ י ֲא ָ ֽכל ּו ַא ְב ָה ָ ֽת ָנא ְ ּב ַא ְר ָעא ְד ִמ ְצ ָ ֽר ִים ,כול ֹ יתי ְו ֵי ֵ ּ ֹכל ִדּ ְכ ִפין ֵי .יתי ְו ִי ְפ ָסח ֵ ּ ֹכל ִד ְצ ִר ְיך ֵי ,ַה ׁ ַש ָּתא ָה ָכא .ש ָר ֵאל ׂ ְ ְל ׁ ָש ָנה ַה ָ ּ ֽב ָאה ְ ּב ַא ְר ָעא ְד ִי ,ַה ׁ ַש ָּתא ַע ְב ִדין .חו ִרין ֹ ְל ׁ ָש ָנה ַה ָ ּב ָאה ְ ּב ֵני ֵהאThis is the bread of suffering that our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt. Let all those who are hungry come and eat with us. Let all those who are in need come join us for the Pesach Seder. This year we are here in exile; next year we will be in the land of Israel. This year we are slaves; next year we will be free people. Cover the matzot.
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Move the Seder Plate to a side and fill the second cup. Here the children ask, “Mah Nishtanah...” Afterwards, all others say it in an undertone.
Ma Nishtanah, halailah ha-zeh, mikol haleilot? 1. Sheb’chol haleilot ayn anu matbilin afilu paam echat, halailah ha-zeh shtay f’amim. 2. Sheb’chol haleilot anu ochlin chametz o matzah, halailah ha-zeh kulo matzah.
ַמה ִ ּנ ׁ ְש ַּת ָ ּנה ַה ַּ ֽל ְי ָלה .ילות ֹ ַה ֶ ּזה ִמ ָּכל ַה ֵּל ׁ ֶש ְ ּבכָ ל ַה ֵּלילוֹ ת ֵאין ָ ֽאנ ּו ַמ ְט ִ ּבילִ ין.1 ֲא ִפיל ּו ּ ַפ ַֽעם ֶא ָחת ַה ַּלֽיְ לָ ה ַה ֶ ּזה .ׁ ְש ֵּתי ְפ ָע ִמים ׁ ֶש ְ ּבכָ ל ַה ֵּלילוֹ ת ָ ֽאנ ּו אוֹ כְ לִ ין ָח ֵמץ.2 . ַה ַּליְ לָ ה ַה ֶ ּזה ֻּכ ּלוֹ ַמ ָצּ ה,אוֹ ַמ ָצּ ה
3. Sheb’chol haleilot anu ochlin sh’ar yerakot, halailah ha-zeh marror.
ׁ ֶש ְ ּבכָ ל ַה ֵּלילוֹ ת ָ ֽאנ ּו אוֹ כְ לִ ין.3 . ַה ַּלֽיְ לָ ה ַה ֶ ּזה ָמרוֹ ר,ׁ ְש ָאר יְ ָרקוֹ ת
4. Sheb’chol haleilot anu ochlin bein yoshvin uvein mesubin, halailah ha-zeh kulanu mesubin.
ׁ ֶש ְ ּבכָ ל ַה ֵּלילוֹ ת ָ ֽאנ ּו אוֹ כְ לִ ין ֵ ּבין.4 ַה ַּלֽיְ לָ ה ַה ֶ ּזה,יוֹ ׁ ְש ִבין ו ֵּבין ְמ ֻס ִ ּבין .ֻּכ ָּלֽנ ּו ְמ ֻס ִ ּבין
Q Why is the Mah Nishtanah asked by a child?
Q Why do we move away the Seder plate at this point?
A The prophet Hose’a quotes God speaking about the time that He took us out of Egypt, and said: ִּכי נַ ַער יִ ְשׂ ָר ֶאל וָ א ֲֹה ֵבה ּו- “Israel was a child and I loved him.” By having a child ask the four questions, we awaken God’s fatherly love towards us.
A In order to make the children curious and cause them to ask, “We haven’t eaten yet, so why are they taking away the food?” This will cause them to ask other questions, which is an important part of the Seder.
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ַמהWhat makes this night different from all the other nights of the year?
1. On all other nights we do not need to dip our food even once. Why on this night do we dip twice—karpas into salt water, and marror into charoset? 2. On all other nights we may eat either chametz or matzah. Why on this night do we eat only matzah? 3. On all other nights we eat any kind of vegetables. Why on this night do we eat marror? 4. On all other nights we eat either sitting upright or leaning. Why on this night do we all eat leaning?
There are different customs regarding the order of the four questions. The order presented here follows the order of many early Talmudic sources and commentaries dating back over 2,000 years. This order is also found in the first printed Haggadah (in 1485).
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Q What is the reason for the order of the four questions? A We ask the questions in the order of how these things appear during the Seder.
• Dipping occurs first, so we ask about dipping first. • Next is yachatz, breaking the matzah, so the next question is about matzah and chametz. • Then we eat marror, so the third question is about marror. • Even though we lean at the very beginning of the Seder when we drink the Kiddush wine, we ask this question last. This is because in ancient times, people would regularly lean while they ate, so there was nothing unusual about it. When people stopped doing this, and leaning on Pesach became unique, this question was added on to the end of Mah Nishtanah.
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27 Maggid
Return the Seder Plate, uncover the matzot partially, and say:
ֲע ָב ִדים ָה ִ ֽיינ ּו לְ ַפ ְרעֹה ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם, Avadim Hayinu יאנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו וַ ּיוֹ ִצ ֵ ֽ l’Paraoh b’miztrayim. ִמ ׁ ּ ָשם ְ ּביָ ד ֲחזָ ָקה ו ִּבזְ ֽרֹ ַע נְ ט ּויָ ה, וְ ִא ּל ּו לֹא הוֹ ִציא ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ֶאת ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ םֲ ,ה ֵרי ָ ֽאנ ּו ו ָּבנֵ ֽינ ּו ו ְּבנֵ י ָבנֵ ֽינ ּו ְמ ׁ ֻש ְע ָ ּב ִדים ָה ִ ֽיינ ּו לְ ַפ ְרעֹה ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם .וַ ֲא ִפיל ּו ֻּכ ָּלֽנ ּו ֲחכָ ִמים ֻּכ ָּלֽנ ּו נְ בוֹ נִ ים ֻּכ ָּלֽנ ּו יצ ַיאת ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם ,וְ כָ ל יוֹ ְד ִעים ֶאת ַה ּתוֹ ָרהִ ,מ ְצוָ ה ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו לְ ַס ּ ֵפר ִ ּב ִ יצ ַיאת ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֲה ֵרי זֶ ה ְמ ׁ ֻש ָ ּבח. ַה ַּמ ְר ֶ ּבה לְ ַס ּ ֵפר ִ ּב ִ יעזֶ ר וְ ַר ִ ּבי יְ הוֹ ׁ ֻ ֽש ַע וְ ַר ִ ּבי ֶאלְ ָעזָ ר ֶ ּבן ֲעזַ ְריָ ה וְ ַר ִ ּבי ַמ ֲע ֶשׂ ה ְ ּב ַר ִ ּבי ֱאלִ ֶ ֽ ֲע ִק ָיבא וְ ַר ִ ּבי ַט ְרפוֹ ןֶ ׁ ,ש ָהי ּו ְמ ֻס ִ ּבים ִ ּב ְבנֵ י ְב ַרק ,וְ ָהי ּו יצ ַיאת ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ָּכל אוֹ תוֹ ַה ַּלֽיְ לָ הַ ,עד ׁ ֶש ָ ּבֽא ּו ַתלְ ִמ ֵיד ֶיהם ְמ ַס ּ ְפ ִרים ִ ּב ִ ֽיע זְ ַמן ְק ִר ַיאת ׁ ְש ַמע ׁ ֶשל ׁ ַש ֲח ִרית. וְ ָא ְמר ּו לָ ֶהםַ :ר ּבוֹ ֵ ֽתינוִּ ,ה ִ ּג ַ
ָא ַמר
ֽיתי ַר ִ ּבי ֶאלְ ָעזָ ר ֶ ּבן ֲעזַ ְריָ הֲ :ה ֵרי ֲאנִ י ְּכ ֶבן ׁ ִש ְב ִעים ׁ ָשנָ ה ,וְ לֹא זָ ִכ ִ ׁ ֶש ֵּת ָא ַמר יְ ִצ ַיאת ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ַ ּב ֵּלילוֹ תַ ,עד ׁ ֶש ְדּ ָר ׁ ָש ּה ֶ ּבן זוֹ ָמא,
את ָך ֵמ ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ּכֹל יְ ֵמי ַח ֶ ּי ָ ֽיך. ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :לְ ַ ֽמ ַען ִּתזְ ּכֹר ֶאת יוֹ ם ֵצ ְ “יְ ֵמי ַח ֶ ּי ָֽיך” ַה ָ ּי ִמיםּ , “כֹל יְ ֵמי ַח ֶ ּי ָֽיך” לְ ָה ִביא ַה ֵּלילוֹ ת .וַ ֲחכָ ִמים אוֹ ְמ ִרים: “יְ ֵמי ַח ֶ ּי ָֽיך” ָהעוֹ לָ ם ַה ֶ ּזהּ , “כֹל יְ ֵמי ַח ֶ ּי ָֽיך” לְ ָה ִביא לִ ימוֹ ת ַה ָּמ ׁ ִ ֽש ַיח. ָ ּברו ְּך ַה ָּמקוֹ םּ ָ ,ברו ְּך הוּאּ ָ ,ברו ְּך ׁ ֶש ָ ּנ ַתן ּתוֹ ָרה לְ ַע ּמוֹ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלּ ָ ,ברו ְּך הוּאְּ ,כנֶ ֽגֶ ד ַא ְר ָ ּב ָעה ָבנִ ים ִדּ ְ ּב ָרה תוֹ ָרהֶ :א ָחד ָחכָ ם ,וְ ֶא ָחד ָר ׁ ָשע ,וְ ֶא ָחד ָּתם ,וְ ֶא ָחד ׁ ֶש ֵאינוֹ יוֹ ֵ ֽד ַע לִ ׁ ְשאוֹ ל.
1/3/2014 11:21:04 AM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 27
עֲ ָב ִדיםWe were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt, and the Lord, our God,
took us out from there with a strong hand and an outstretched arm. If God had not taken our fathers out of Egypt, then the Egyptian empire would have remained powerful and we, our children and our children's children, would still be enslaved to a Pharaoh in Egypt. Therefore, even if we are all wise, we are all understanding, and we all know the Torah, we still have the mitzvah to tell the story of the exodus from Egypt. Everyone who discusses the exodus from Egypt at length is praiseworthy.
ַמעֲ ֶשׂ הEveryone should discuss the exodus from Egypt at length, even
someone whose ancestors were not slaves in Egypt, such as a Kohen, Levi or a convert. We see this from the story of Rabbi Eliezer (a Levi), Rabbi Yehoshua (a Levi), Rabbi Elazar ben Azaryah (a Kohen), Rabbi Akiva (a descendant of convert) and Rabbi Tarfon (a Kohen) who were gathered at a Seder in B’nei Brak and were discussing the exodus from Egypt at length, all that night, until, in the morning, their students came and told them: “Our masters! The time has come to recite the morning Shema!”
ָא ַמרRabbi Elazar ben Azaryah said to them, “I am like a man of seventy
years old, because I am weak from learning day and night. Nevertheless, I did not succeed in proving that in addition to the obligation to mention the exodus from Egypt during the day, there is also an obligation to mention the exodus from Egypt during the night, until Ben Zoma explained it as follows: “The Torah says: ‘Eat the matzah and the Pesach offering so that you will remember the day you left Egypt throughout all the days of your life.’ “The words ‘the days of your life’ teach us that we must mention the exodus from Egypt during the daytime. The extra word ‘all (the days of your life)’ is written to include all times of the day — the nights as well as the days.” The Sages, however, explain the verse differently: “The words ‘the days of your life’ teach us that we must mention the exodus from Egypt these days, during exile. The extra word ‘all (the days of your life)’ teaches us that we will be mentioning the exodus from Egypt even after the coming of Mashiach.”
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed is God, Who is called “The Place” because He is in every
place; blessed be He. Blessed is God, Who gave the Torah to His nation, Israel; blessed be He. The Torah speaks of four sons: One is wise, one is wicked, one is simple, and one does not know how to ask.
Q Why do we refer to God as ַה ָמקוֹ ם- “The Place?”
A Since God is “larger” than the universe, God is like the “place” in which the universe exists.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 28
1/2/2014 10:21:23 PM
:ָח ָכם ַמה הוּא אוֹ ֵמר
ָמה ָה ֵעדֹת וְ ַה ֻח ִ ּקים וְ ַה ִּמ ׁ ְש ּ ָפ ִטים ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִצ ָ ּוה יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֵאין ַמ ְפ ִט ִירין, וְ ַאף ַא ָּתה ֱאמוֹ ר לוֹ ְּכ ִהלְ כוֹ ת ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח.ֶא ְתכֶ ם .ַא ַחר ַה ּ ֶפ ַֽסח ֲא ִפיקוֹ ָמן
:ָר ׁ ָשע ַמה הוּא אוֹ ֵמר
ּולְ ִפי ׁ ֶשהוֹ ִציא,ֹ “לָ כֶ ם” וְ לֹא לו.ָמה ָה ֲעב ָֹדה ַה ּזֹאת לָ כֶ ם וְ ַאף ַא ָּתה ַה ְק ֵהה ֶאת. ָּכ ַפר ְ ּב ִע ָּקר,ֶאת ַע ְצמוֹ ִמן ַה ְּכלָ ל ,אתי ִמ ִּמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם ִ ַ ּב ֲעבוּר זֶ ה ָע ָשׂ ה יְ יָ לִ י ְ ּב ֵצ: ֹׁ ִש ָ ּניו וֶ ֱאמֹר לו . ִא ּל ּו ָהיָ ה ׁ ָשם לֹא ָהיָ ה נִ גְ ָאל,ֹ“לִ י” וְ לֹא לו
:ָּתם ַמה הוּא אוֹ ֵמר
יאנ ּו יְ יָ ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֽ ָ ְ ּב ֽחֹזֶ ק יָ ד הוֹ ִצ: וְ ָא ַמ ְר ָּת ֵאלָ יו,ַמה ּזֹאת .ִמ ֵ ּבית ֲע ָב ִדים
,ְו ׁ ֶש ֵאינוֹ יוֹ ֵ ֽד ַע ִל ׁ ְשאוֹ ל
: וְ ִה ַ ּג ְד ָּת לְ ִבנְ ָך ַ ּב ּיוֹ ם ַההוּא לֵ אמֹר: ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר,ַֹא ְּת ּ ְפ ַתח לו .אתי ִמ ִּמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם ִ ַ ּב ֲעבוּר זֶ ה ָע ָשׂ ה יְ יָ לִ י ְ ּב ֵצ
Q The wise son seemingly also
excludes himself from the nation by asking “What are these mitzvot which God commanded you?” If so, how is he different than the wicked son?
A When the wise son says “you,” he does not mean that he is not part of it. Rather he is addressing his question to those who actually experienced the exodus from Egypt.
To show that he does not exclude himself, he says “ּ ה' ֱאל ֵֹהינו- Lord our God.”
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 29
Q Why are the four sons listed in this particular order? A They are listed in order of their intelligence:
The chacham comes first. The rasha is mentioned second, because he, too, is smart, but uses his abilities for bad things. The tam is mentioned before the she’aino yode’a lish’ol because he at least knows how to ask something.
1/2/2014 10:21:23 PM
ָחכָ םWhat does the wise one say? “What are the eidos (mitzvot which are to commemorate something that happened), the chukim (mitzvot which have no reason that we can understand), and the mishpatim (logical mitzvot) which the Lord, our God, has commanded you?” When responding to his question, in addition to telling him the story of the exodus from Egypt, you should also teach him the rest of the laws of Pesach, up to the last law: One is not allowed to eat any dessert after eating of the Pesach offering so its taste will remain in his mouth.
ָר ׁ ָשעWhat does the wicked one say? “What is this service of yours?” He says “of yours,” and does not include himself. By excluding himself from the community and not considering himself involved with this mitzvah, he shows that he denies his obligation to fulfill God’s mitzvot, the most important part of living as a Jew. When responding to his question, in addition to telling him the story of the exodus from Egypt, you should also “blunt his teeth,” (speak harshly to him) and say to him as follows: The Torah says that a father should tell his son, “God performed miracles for me when I left Egypt, in order that I keep His mitzvot, such as these mitzvot of Pesach, eating matzah, and marror.” The Torah says “for me,” meaning the father, but does not include the wicked son. If the wicked son would have been there, he would not have been redeemed.
ָּתםWhat does the simple one say? “What is this celebration about?” When responding to his question, you should say to him: We are celebrating the fact that God took us out from Egypt, from the house of slaves, with a strong hand.
ֹ וְ ׁ ֶש ֵאינוAs for the son who does not know how to ask: You must open up the conversation for him, as it says in the Torah: You should tell your son on that first day of Pesach. Say to him: “God performed miracles for me when I left Egypt, in order that I keep His mitzvot, such as these mitzvot of Pesach, eating matzah, and marror.”
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 30
1/2/2014 10:21:23 PM
31 Maggid
ֹאש ֽחֹ ֶד ׁשַּ ,תלְ מוּד לוֹ ַמרּ ַ : “ב ּיוֹ ם ַההוּאִ ”.אי ַ ּב ּיוֹ ם ָיכוֹ ל ֵמר ׁ ַההוּא ,יָ כוֹ ל ִמ ְ ּבעוֹ ד יוֹ םַּ ,תלְ מוּד לוֹ ַמרּ ַ : “ב ֲעבוּר זֶ ה”, ַ ּב ֲעבוּר זֶ ה לֹא ָא ַ ֽמ ְר ִּתי ֶא ָּלא ְ ּב ׁ ָש ָעה ׁ ֶש ֵ ּי ׁש ַמ ָצּ ה ו ָּמרוֹ ר ֻמ ָ ּנ ִחים לְ ָפנֶ ָ ֽיך. ִמ ְּת ִח ָּלה עוֹ ְב ֵדי ֲעבוֹ ָדה זָ ָרה ָהי ּו ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּ ,וְ ַעכְ ׁ ָשו ֵק ְר ָבֽנ ּו אמר יְ הוֹ ׁ ֻ ֽש ַע ֶאל ָּכל ַה ָּמקוֹ ם לַ ֲעב ָֹדתוֶֹ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ֹֽ ּי ֶ ָה ָעםּ ,כֹה ָא ַמר יְ יָ ֱאל ֵֹהי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלּ ְ .ב ֵ ֽע ֶבר ַה ָ ּנ ָהר יָ ׁ ְשב ּו ֲאבוֹ ֵתיכֶ ם ֵמעוֹ לָ םֽ ֶּ ,ת ַרח ֲא ִבי ַא ְב ָר ָהם וַ ֲא ִבי נָ חוֹ ר ,וַ ַ ּי ַע ְבד ּו ֱאל ִֹהים ֲא ֵח ִרים. ָו ֶא ַ ּקח ֶאת ֲא ִביכֶ ם ֶאת ַא ְב ָר ָהם ֵמ ֵ ֽע ֶבר ַה ָ ּנ ָהר ,וָ אוֹ לֵ ְך אֹתוֹ ְ ּבכָ ל
ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ְּכנָ ַֽען ,וָ ַא ְר ֶ ּבה ֶאת זַ ְרעוֹ וָ ֶא ֶּתן לוֹ ֶאת יִ ְצ ָחק .וָ ֶא ֵּתן לְ יִ ְצ ָחק ֶאת יַ ֲעקֹב וְ ֶאת ֵע ָשׂ ו ,וָ ֶא ֵּתן לְ ֵע ָשׂ ו ֶאת ַהר ֵשׂ ִעיר לָ ֶ ֽר ׁ ֶשת אוֹ תוֹ ,וְ יַ ֲעקֹב ו ָּבנָ יו יָ ְרד ּו ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם. ָ ּברו ְּך ׁשוֹ ֵמר ַה ְב ָט ָחתוֹ לְ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלּ ָ ,ברו ְּך הוּאֶ ׁ ,ש ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ִח ׁ ּ ֵשב ֶאת ַה ֵּקץ לַ ֲעשׂוֹ ת ְּכ ָמה ׁ ֶש ָא ַמר לְ ַא ְב ָר ָהם אמר לְ ַא ְב ָרם :יָ ֽדֹ ַע ֵּת ַדע ָא ִ ֽבינ ּו ִ ּב ְב ִרית ֵ ּבין ַה ְ ּב ָת ִריםֶ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ֹֽ ּי ֶ ִּכי גֵ ר יִ ְהיֶ ה זַ ְר ֲע ָך ְ ּב ֶ ֽא ֶרץ לֹא לָ ֶהם ,וַ ֲע ָבדוּם וְ ִע ּנ ּו א ָֹתםַ ,א ְר ַ ּבע ֵמאוֹ ת ׁ ָשנָ ה .וְ גַ ם ֶאת ַה ּגוֹ י ֲא ׁ ֶשר יַ ֲע ֽבֹד ּו ָדּ ן ָא ֹֽנכִ י ,וְ ַא ֲח ֵרי כֵ ן יֵ ְצא ּו ִ ּב ְרכֻ ׁש ָ ּגדוֹ ל.
1/2/2014 10:21:24 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 31
יָ כוֹ לOne might think that the discussion of the exodus from Egypt must begin from the first of the month of Nissan, because that was when Moses gave the Jewish people instructions concerning the exodus from Egypt. Therefore, the Torah says, “You should tell your son about the exodus from Egypt on that day” (the day of the Pesach offering), in order to teach us that we begin when we bring the Pesach offering.
If the Torah would only say “on that day,” however, one might think that he should begin while it is still daytime on the day before Pesach, because the previous verse speaks about the Pesach offering, which was brought in the afternoon of the day before Pesach. To teach us otherwise, the Torah says that the father should tell his son, “It is because of these mitzvot—Pesach, eating matzah and marror—that God did miracles for me when I left Egypt.” You can only say “because of these mitzvot” on the night of Pesach itself when you have the obligation to eat matzah and marror.
ָּ ִמ ְּת ִחOriginally, before Abraham, our ancestors served idols. But ילה now, God brought us close to His service, as it says in the book of Joshua: Joshua said to the entire nation, “This is what the Lord, the God of the nation of Israel, said, ‘Your ancestors—Terach, the father of Abraham and the father of Nachor—used to live on the other side of the Pras river, and they served other gods.
וָ ֶא ַּקחBut I took your father Abraham from across the river, and I led him throughout the whole land of Canaan. I increased his descendants and gave him his son Isaac, and to Isaac I gave two sons, Jacob and Esau. I gave Mount Sei’ir as an inheritance to Esau for him to live there, so as not be counted as part of Isaac’s descendants, about whom I promised to Abraham that they would be slaves in a strange land, and would later be redeemed and brought back to the land of Israel. Whereas Jacob and his sons did go down to Egypt, and are therefore considered Isaac’s descendants, the ones whom I will ‘bring back’ to the land of Israel.”
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed is God Who keeps His promise regarding the nation of Israel throughout the generations. Blessed be He, because God calculated the end of the exile in Egypt, in order to keep the promise and do as He had said to Abraham at the Covenant Between the Portions. As it says in the Torah: God said to Avram, “You should know that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where their masters will force them to be slaves and make them suffer for four hundred years. I will also judge and punish the nation whom they will serve, and afterwards they will leave with great wealth.”
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 32
1/2/2014 10:21:25 PM
Cover the matzot. Raise the cup in the same manner as for Kiddush and say:
ְו ִהיא ׁ ֶש ָע ְמ ָדה ,בו ֵ ֽתינ ּו ְו ָ ֽלנ ּו ֹ ַל ֲא ׁ ֶש ּלֹא ֶא ָחד ִ ּב ְל ַבד ָע ַמד ָע ֵ ֽלינ ּו ְל ַכ ּל ֹו ֵ ֽתנ ּו עו ְמ ִדים ֹ דור ֹ ֶא ָּלא ׁ ֶש ְ ּב ָכל ּד ֹור ָו ,ָע ֵ ֽלינ ּו ְל ַכ ּל ֹו ֵ ֽתנ ּו דו ׁש ָ ּבר ּו ְך ה ּוא ֹ ְו ַה ָּק .ילנ ּו ִמ ָ ּי ָדם ֽ ֵ ַמ ִ ּצ Put down the cup and uncover the matzot.
V’hee she’amdah, la-avoteinu v’la-nu. Shelo echad bilvad, amad aleinu l’chaloteinu, Elah, sheb’chol dor vador, omdim aleinu le’chaloteinu, V’hakadosh baruch hu, matzileinu miyadam.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 33
1/2/2014 10:21:25 PM
וְ ִהיאThis—God’s promise throughout the generations—is what has stood by and protected our fathers and us. We needed the protection of this promise throughout all the generations because not just Pharaoh alone rose up against us to utterly destroy us, but in every generation there are those who rise up against us to utterly destroy us, and God saves us from their hands.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 34
1/2/2014 10:21:26 PM
35 Maggid
ֵצא ּולְ ַמד ַמה ִ ּב ֵּק ׁש לָ ָבן ָה ֲא ַר ִּמי לַ ֲעשׂוֹ ת לְ יַ ֲעקֹב ָא ִ ֽבינוֶּ ׁ ,ש ּ ַפ ְרעֹה לֹא גָ זַ ר ֶא ָּלא ַעל ַה ְ ּזכָ ִרים ,וְ לָ ָבן ִ ּב ֵּק ׁש לַ ֲעקוֹ ר ֶאת ַה ּכֹלֶ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר: ֲא ַר ִּמי א ֵֹבד ָא ִבי ,וַ ֵ ּי ֶֽרד ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריְ ָמה וַ ָ ּיֽגָ ר ׁ ָשם ִ ּב ְמ ֵתי ְמ ָעט ,וַ יְ ִהי ׁ ָשם לְ גוֹ י ָ ּגדוֹ ל ָעצוּם וָ ָרב. “וַ ֵ ּי ֶרד ִמ ְצ ַריְ ָמהָ ”,אנוּס ַעל ּ ִפי ַה ִדּ ּב ּור. “וַ ָ ּיגָ ר ׁ ָשםְ ”,מלַ ֵּמד ׁ ֶש ּלֹא יָ ַרד יַ ֲעקֹב ָא ִ ֽבינ ּו לְ ִה ׁ ְש ַּת ֵּ ֽק ַע ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֶא ָּלא ֹאמר ּו ֶאל ּ ַפ ְרעֹה לָ גוּר ָ ּב ָ ֽא ֶרץ ָ ּבֽאנוִּּ ,כי ֵאין ִמ ְר ֶעה לָ גוּר ׁ ָשםֶ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ּי ְ לַ צּ ֹאן ֲא ׁ ֶשר לַ ֲע ָב ֶ ֽד ָ יךִּ ,כי כָ ֵבד ָה ָר ָעב ְ ּב ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ְּכנָ ַֽען ,וְ ַע ָּתה יֵ ׁ ְשב ּו נָ א ֲע ָב ֶ ֽד ָ יך ְ ּב ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ֹֽ ּג ׁ ֶשן. “ב ְמ ֵתי ְמ ָעטְּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמרּ ְ :ב ׁ ִש ְב ִעים נֶ ֶֽפ ׁש יָ ְרד ּו ֲאב ֶ ֹֽת ָ ִּ יך ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריְ ָמה, וְ ַע ָּתה ָשׂ ְמ ָך יְ יָ ֱאל ֶ ֹֽה ָ יך ְּככוֹ כְ ֵבי ַה ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם לָ רֹב. “וַ יְ ִהי ׁ ָשם לְ גוֹ יְ ”,מלַ ֵּמד ׁ ֶש ָהי ּו יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְמ ֻצ ָ ּינִ ים ׁ ָשם. ָּ “גדוֹ ל ָעצוּםְּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :ו ְּבנֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ּ ָפר ּו וַ ִ ּי ׁ ְש ְרצ ּו וַ ִ ּי ְר ּב ּו וַ ַ ּי ַע ְצמ ּו ִ ּב ְמאֹד ְמאֹד וַ ִּת ָּמלֵ א ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ א ָֹתם. “וָ ָרבְּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וָ ֶא ֱעבֹר ָעלַ ֽיִ ְך וָ ֶא ְר ֵא ְך ִמ ְת ּבוֹ ֶ ֽס ֶסת ְ ּב ָד ָ ֽמיִ ְך ,וָ ֽאֹ ַמר ש ֶדה נְ ַת ִּת ְיך, לָ ְך ְ ּב ָד ַ ֽמיִ ְך ֲחיִ י ,וָ ֽאֹ ַמר לָ ְך ְ ּב ָד ַ ֽמיִ ְך ֲחיִ יְ .ר ָב ָבה ְּכ ֶצ ַֽמח ַה ּ ָ ׂ וַ ִּת ְר ִ ּבי וַ ִּתגְ ְדּ לִ י וַ ָּת ֽבֹ ִאי ַ ּב ֲע ִדי ֲע ָדיִ יםָ ׁ ,ש ַ ֽדיִ ם נָ ֹֽכנ ּו ּו ְשׂ ָע ֵר ְך ִצ ֵּ ֽמ ַח ,וְ ַא ְּת ֵערֹם וְ ֶע ְריָ ה. וַ ָ ּי ֵ ֽרע ּו א ָ ֹֽתנ ּו ַה ִּמ ְצ ִרים וַ יְ ַע ֽ ּנוּנוּ ,וַ ִ ּי ְּתנ ּו ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו ֲעב ָֹדה ָק ׁ ָשה. “וַ ָ ּי ֵ ֽרע ּו א ָ ֹֽתנ ּו ַה ִּמ ְצ ִריםְּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמרֽ ָ :ה ָבה נִ ְת ַח ְּכ ָמה לוֶֹ ּ ,פן יִ ְר ֶ ּבה, וְ ָהיָ ה ִּכי ִת ְק ֶ ֽראנָ ה ִמלְ ָח ָמה ,וְ נוֹ ַסף ַ ּגם הוּא ַעל שׂ ֹנְ ֵ ֽאינוּ ,וְ נִ לְ ַחם ָ ּבֽנ ּו וְ ָעלָ ה ִמן ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ.
Q In what way were the Jewish people “noticeable” while they ?were in Egypt A They did not change their names, their language, their religion, or the way they dressed. In all these areas, they kept their distinct identity and were noticeably Jewish. They did ”not try to become more “Egyptian.
1/2/2014 10:21:28 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 35
ֵצאLeave the story of the exodus from Egypt and learn how God saves
us in every generation, for example, how God saved us from what Laban the Aramean wanted to do to Jacob, our forefather.
Pharaoh only decreed to drown the male babies in the Nile River, but Laban wanted to ruin Jacob’s entire family, as it says in the Torah: Laban the Aramean wanted to destroy my forefather, Jacob, and his family after they ran away from him. Jacob then went down to Egypt and stayedover there with his family, who were few in number, and he became a nation there—great, mighty and numerous. “He went down to Egypt.” - The only reason Jacob went down to Egypt was because he was forced by God’s decree to Abraham that his descendants will be strangers in a foreign land. “And stayed-over there.” - These words teach us that Jacob our forefather did not go down to Egypt to settle, but only to live there temporarily. As it says in the Torah: Joseph’s brothers said to Pharaoh, “We have come to stay-over in the land until the hunger passes, because there is no pasture for your servants’ sheep in the land of Canaan since the famine is severe there. Now, please, let your servants dwell in the land of Goshen.” “Few in number” As it says in the Torah: When your fathers went down to Egypt, they were seventy people, and now, the Lord, your God, has made you as many as the stars of the heavens. “And he became a nation there” - This teaches us that the nation of Israel stood out in Egypt as a different nation because they did not change their names, language, religion, or style of clothing. “Great, mighty” As it says in the Torah: the nation of Israel were fruitful because their babies did not die; they increased greatly because they had six children from one pregnancy; they multiplied and became very, very mighty, and the land became filled with them.’ “And numerous” As the prophet Ezekiel said in the name of God: I passed over you and saw you lying in your blood, and I said to you, “As much as they torture you and make you bleed that’s how much you will live and multiply,” and I said to you, “As much as they torture you and make you bleed that’s how much you will live and multiply.” And indeed, I caused you to flourish and multiply like the plants of the field, and you increased and grew and became very beautiful; your body matured, your hair grew long, and you became a strong nation. The time came to redeem you, but you were naked and bare of any mitzvot.
The Torah continues in the following verse:
The Egyptians treated us badly, they made us suffer, and they made us do hard work. “The Egyptians treated us badly” - Not only did they make them suffer but they made a point of looking for ways to harm the Jewish people. As it says in the Torah: Pharaoh said to the Egyptians, “Come, let us deal with the Jewish people in a sly way so that they will not multiply. Because if a war were to break out, they would join our enemies, fight against us and conquer us, and then leave the land.”
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 36
1/2/2014 10:21:28 PM
37 Maggid
“וַ יְ ַע ֽ ּנוּנוְּּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ָ ּי ִ ֽשׂ ימ ּו ָעלָ יו ָשׂ ֵרי ִמ ִּסים לְ ַ ֽמ ַען ַע ּנֹתוֹ ְ ּב ִס ְבל ָֹתם ,וַ ִ ּי ֶֽבן ָע ֵרי ִמ ְס ְּכנוֹ ת לְ ַפ ְרעֹהֶ ,את ּ ִפתֹם וְ ֶאת ַר ַע ְמ ֵסס. “וַ ִ ּי ְּתנ ּו ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו ֲעב ָֹדה ָק ׁ ָשהְּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ַ ּי ֲע ִ ֽבד ּו ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֶאת ְ ּבנֵ י יהם ַ ּב ֲעב ָֹדה ָק ׁ ָשה ְ ּב ֽחֹ ֶמר ו ִּבלְ ֵבנִ ים יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ ּב ָפ ֶֽר ְך .וַ יְ ָמ ְרר ּו ֶאת ַח ֵ ּי ֶ ש ֶדהֵ ,את ָּכל ֲעב ָֹד ָתם ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָע ְבד ּו ָב ֶהם ְ ּב ָפ ֶֽר ְך. ו ְּבכָ ל ֲעב ָֹדה ַ ּב ּ ָ ׂ וַ ִ ּנ ְצ ַעק ֶאל יְ יָ ֱאל ֵֹהי ֲאב ֵ ֹֽתינוּ ,וַ ִ ּי ׁ ְש ַמע יְ יָ ֶאת קֹלֵ ֽנוּ ,וַ ַ ּי ְרא ֶאת ָענְ יֵ ֽנ ּו וְ ֶאת ֲע ָמלֵ ֽנ ּו וְ ֶאת לַ ֲח ֵצֽנוּ. “וַ ִ ּנ ְצ ַעק ֶאל יְ יָ ֱאל ֵֹהי ֲאב ֵ ֹֽתינוְּּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ יְ ִהי ַב ָ ּי ִמים ָה ַר ִ ּבים ָה ֵהם וַ ָ ּי ָֽמת ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ,וַ ֵ ּי ָאנְ ח ּו ְבנֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ִמן ָה ֲעב ָֹדה וַ ִ ּיזְ ָ ֽעקוּ, וַ ַּ ֽת ַעל ׁ ַשוְ ָע ָתם ֶאל ָה ֱאל ִֹהים ִמן ָה ֲעב ָֹדה. “וַ ִ ּי ׁ ְש ַמע יְ יָ ֶאת קֹלֵ ֽנוְּּ ”,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ִ ּי ׁ ְש ַמע ֱאל ִֹהים ֶאת נַ ֲא ָק ָתם, וַ ִ ּיזְ ּכֹר ֱאל ִֹהים ֶאת ְ ּב ִריתוֹ ֶאת ַא ְב ָר ָהם ֶאת יִ ְצ ָחק וְ ֶאת יַ ֲעקֹב. “וַ ַ ּי ְרא ֶאת ָענְ יֵ ֽנוּ ”,זוֹ ּ ְפ ִר ׁישוּת ֶ ֽדּ ֶר ְך ֶ ֽא ֶרץְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ַ ּי ְרא ֱאל ִֹהים ֶאת ְ ּבנֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ,וַ ֵ ּי ַֽדע ֱאל ִֹהים. “וְ ֶאת ֲע ָמלֵ ֽנוּֽ ֵ ”,א ּל ּו ַה ָ ּבנִ יםְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמרָּ :כל ַה ֵ ּבן ַה ִ ּי ּלוֹ ד ַהיְ ֽא ָֹרה ַּת ׁ ְשלִ ֻיכֽהוּ ,וְ כָ ל ַה ַ ּבת ְּת ַח ּיוּן. “וְ ֶאת לַ ֲח ֵצֽנוּ ”,זֶ ה ַה ְדּ ַחקְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וְ גַ ם ָר ִ ֽא ִיתי ֶאת ַה ַּל ַֽחץ ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ל ֲֹח ִצים א ָֹתם.
1/3/2014 11:21:05 AM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 37
38 “They made us suffer” - As it says in the Torah: The Egyptians appointed supervisors over the Jewish people to make them suffer by making them do the hard work the Egyptians needed, and they built storage houses for Pharaoh, called Pitom and Ra’amses. “And they made us do hard work” - As it says in the Torah: The Egyptians made the nation of Israel do backbreaking work. They made their lives bitter with hard work - by making them work with mortar and bricks and all kinds of work in the fields. All the work that the Egyptians made them do was crushingly hard.
The Torah continues in the following verse: We cried out to the Lord, the God of our fathers, and God heard our voice and saw our suffering, our labor, and our pressure. “We cried out to the Lord, the God of our fathers” - As it says in the Torah: During the long period that Moses lived in Midyan, the king of Egypt died. The nation of Israel groaned from the hard work, and they cried out. Their cries, caused by the hard work, went up to God. “And God heard our voice” - As it says in the Torah: God heard the Jewish people’s groaning, and God remembered the promise He made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that he would bring the Jewish people to the land of Israel. “And saw our suffering” - “Our suffering” refers to Pharaoh’s decree to separate the Jewish husbands and wives so they wouldn’t be able to have normal family life. God saw the Jewish people’s suffering, as it says in the Torah: God saw the nation of Israel, and God took their cries to heart. “Our hard work” - This refers to the children who are referred to in Torah as a man’s strength. Pharaoh issued a decree against the children. As it says in the Torah: Pharaoh said, “Throw every newborn boy into the Nile river, and keep every girl alive.” “And our pressure” - This refers to the pressure that the Egyptians applied to the Jewish people, allowing them no rest. God saw the pressure, as it says in the Torah: God said, “I have also seen the pressure with which the Egyptians are pressuring them.”
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 38
1/3/2014 11:21:05 AM
39 Maggid
יאנ ּו יְ יָ ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ְ ּביָ ד ֲחזָ ָקה ו ִּבזְ ֽרֹ ַע נְ ט ּויָ ה ו ְּבמ ָֹרא ָ ּגדוֹ ל וַ ּיוֹ ִצ ֵ ֽ ו ְּבאֹתוֹ ת ו ְּבמ ְֹפ ִתים.
יאנ ּו יְ יָ ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ”,לֹא ַעל יְ ֵדי ַמלְ ָא ְך וְ לֹא ַעל יְ ֵדי ָשׂ ָרף וְ לֹא ַעל “וַ ּיוֹ ִצ ֵ ֽ ֽיחֶ ,א ָּלא ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ִ ּבכְ בוֹ דוֹ ו ְּב ַע ְצמוֶֹ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וְ ָע ַב ְר ִּתי יְ ֵדי ׁ ָש ִל ַ ְב ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ַ ּב ַּלֽיְ לָ ה ַה ֶּזה ,וְ ִה ֵּכ ִיתי כָ ל ְ ּבכוֹ ר ְ ּב ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֵמ ָא ָדם וְ ַעד ְ ּב ֵה ָמה ,ו ְּבכָ ל ֱאל ֵֹהי ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֶא ֱע ֶשׂ ה ׁ ְש ָפ ִטיםֲ ,אנִ י יְ יָ“ .וְ ָע ַב ְר ִּתי ְב ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ םֲ ”,אנִ י וְ לֹא ַמלְ ָא ְך“ .וְ ִה ֵּכ ִיתי כָ ל ְ ּבכוֹ ר ְ ּב ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ םֲ ”,אנִ י וְ לֹא “אנִ י יְ יָ”, ֽיחֲ . ָשׂ ָרף“ .ו ְּבכָ ל ֱאל ֵֹהי ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֶא ֱע ֶשׂ ה ׁ ְש ָפ ִטיםֲ ”,אנִ י וְ לֹא ַה ׁ ּ ָש ִל ַ ֲאנִ י הוּא וְ לֹא ַא ֵחר. ְּ “ביָ ד ֲחזָ ָקה ”,זֶ ה ַה ֶ ֽדּ ֶברְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמרִ :ה ֵ ּנה יַ ד יְ יָ הוֹ יָ ה ְ ּב ִמ ְקנְ ָך ֲא ׁ ֶשר ש ֶדהּ ַ ,ב ּסו ִּסים ַ ּב ֲחמ ִֹרים ַ ּב ְ ּג ַמ ִּלים ַ ּב ָ ּב ָקר ו ַּבצּ ֹאןֽ ֶ ,דּ ֶבר ָּכ ֵבד ְמאֹד. ַ ּב ּ ָ ׂ “ו ִּבזְ ֽרֹ ַע נְ ט ּויָ ה ”,זוֹ ַה ֶ ֽח ֶרבְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וְ ַח ְר ּבוֹ ׁ ְשלו ָּפה ְ ּביָ דוֹ נְ ט ּויָ ה ַעל יְ רו ׁ ָּשלָ ֽיִ ם. “ו ְּבמ ָֹרא ָ ּגדוֹ ל ”,זֶ ה ִ ּג ּלוּי ׁ ְשכִ ינָ הְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :אוֹ ֲהנִ ָּסה ֱאל ִֹהים ַֽקחת לוֹ גוֹ י ִמ ֶּ ֽק ֶרב ּגוֹ י ְ ּב ַמ ּסֹת ְ ּבאֹתֹת ו ְּבמוֹ ְפ ִתים ו ְּב ִמלְ ָח ָמה לָ בוֹ א לָ ַ ו ְּביָ ד ֲחזָ ָקה ו ִּבזְ ֽרוֹ ַע נְ ט ּויָ ה ו ְּבמוֹ ָר ִאים ְ ּגדֹלִ יםְּ ,ככֹל ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָע ָשׂ ה לָ כֶ ם יְ יָ ֱאל ֵֹהיכֶ ם ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם לְ ֵעינֶ ָ ֽיך. “ו ְּבאֹתוֹ ת ”,זֶ ה ַה ַּמ ֶּטהְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וְ ֶאת ַה ַּמ ֶּטה ַה ֶ ּזה ִּת ַּקח ְ ּביָ ֶ ֽד ָךֲ ,א ׁ ֶשר ַּת ֲע ֶשׂ ה ּבוֹ ֶאת ָהאֹתֹת. “ו ְּבמוֹ ְפ ִתים ”,זֶ ה ַה ָדּ םְּ ,כ ָמה ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וְ נָ ַת ִּתי מוֹ ְפ ִתים ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם ו ָּב ָ ֽא ֶרץ—
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40 The Torah continues in the following verse:
God took us out of Egypt with a strong hand, with an outstretched arm, with a great display, with signs and with wonders. “God took us out of Egypt” - We were taken out of Egypt, not through an angel, not through a fiery angel called a Saraf, and not through a messenger. Rather, it was God Himself in His glory Who took us out, as it says in the Torah:
I will pass through the land of Egypt on the night of Pesach, and I will slay every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man to animal, and I will carry out judgments and punish all the gods of Egypt. I, God, will do this personally. “I will pass through the land of Egypt on this night” - I and not an angel. “And I will slay every firstborn in the land of Egypt.” - I and not a Saraf. “And I will carry out judgments and punish all the gods of Egypt.” - I and not a messenger. “I, God.” - It is I and no one else. “With a strong hand” – This refers to the plague of Deadly Disease in Animals, as it says in the Torah when Moses warned the Egyptians: Behold, the hand of God will punish you by placing a very deadly disease on your animals in the fields – on the horses, the donkeys, the camels, the cattle, and the flock.
“With an outstretched arm” – This refers to the final plague when God killed their firstborn with a sword. As it says in the book of Chronicles regarding this sword: His sword drawn in His hand, stretched out over Jerusalem.
“With a great display.” – This refers to the revelation of God’s Presence during the Death of the Firstborns and the exodus from Egypt. God took us out of Egypt with a great display. As it says in the Torah: Has any god performed miracles when coming to take for himself a nation from within another nation, by challenging the enemy to test his greatness, with signs and wonders, with war, with a strong hand, an outstretched arm, and with a great display, as all that the Lord, your God, did for you in Egypt before your eyes?
“With signs.” – This refers to the signs God did with the stick of Moses, turning it into a snake, and swallowing the other sticks. As it says in the Torah when God commanded Moses to go to Pharaoh: You shall take this stick in your hand, with which you will perform the signs. “And with wonders.” – This refers to the plague of Blood. As it says in the book of Joel: I will show wonders in heaven and on earth, of -
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·· Pour a little wine three times from your cup into a broken dish when saying the words,“ימרוֹ ת ָע ׁ ָשן ְ דם וָ ֵא ׁש וְ ִת,ָ ” (“Blood, fire, and pillars of smoke”) once during each phrase. ·· Have in mind that the cup symbolizes God’s attribute of malchut (kingship). Using the power of binah (understanding), we pour out the element of “anger and fury” (represented by the wine) from malchut by spilling wine from the cup into a broken dish, which represents kelipah, (evil and impurity) which is called “accursed.”
od Blo
·· After completing all the “pourings,” the wine remaining in the cup is called “wine that causes joy.”
Spill while saying:
.ימרוֹ ת ָע ׁ ָשן ְ ָדּ ם וָ ֵא ׁש וְ ִת :ָדּ ָבר ַא ֵחר ,ׁ ְש ַּתֽיִ ם ,ׁ ְש ַּתֽיִ ם ,ׁ ְש ַּתֽיִ ם ,ׁ ְש ַּתֽיִ ם .ׁ ְש ַּתֽיִ ם
2 Plagues + 2 Plagues + 2 Plagues + 2 Plagues + 2 Plagues
ְּ ” “ביָ ד ֲחזָ ָקה ” “ו ִּבזְ ֽרֹ ַע נְ ט ּויָ ה ” “ו ְּבמ ָֹרא ָ ּגדוֹ ל ” “ו ְּבאֹתוֹ ת ” “ו ְּבמוֹ ְפ ִתים
g Fro
10 Plagues
ֵ ֽא ּל ּו ֶ ֽע ֶשׂ ר ַמ ּכוֹ ת ׁ ֶש ֵה ִביא ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך : וְ ֵ ֽא ּל ּו ֵהן,הוּא ַעל ַה ִּמ ְצ ִרים ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם Pour a little wine from your cup into a broken dish (with the same intention as above) when saying each of the ten plagues.
Dam, tz’fardeya, kinnim, arov, dever, sh’chin, barad, arbeh, choshech, makkat bechorot.
, ְצ ַפ ְר ֵ ֽדּ ַע,ָדּ ם , ָערוֹ ב,ִּכ ִ ּנים , ָ ּב ָרד, ׁ ְש ִחין,ֶ ֽדּ ֶבר ,ח ׁ ֶש ְך ֹ ֽ ,ַא ְר ֶ ּבה .ַמ ַּכת ְ ּבכוֹ רוֹ ת
e Lic
e as dB l i W
:ַר ִ ּבי יְ הו ָּדה ָהיָ ה נוֹ ֵתן ָ ּב ֶהם ִס ָּמנִ ים Pour a little wine from your cup into a broken dish (with the same intention as above) when saying each of the following three acronyms:
ְ ְדּ ַצ . ְ ּב ַא ַח“ב, ֲע ַד ׁ“ש,“ך Refill your cup.
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is e ly D d a De
1/2/2014 10:21:36 PM
blood, fire, and pillars of smoke. There is another way of deriving the plagues from this verse: From the words “with a strong hand” we learn about two plagues - one from the word “hand” by itself, and one from the extra description “strong hand;” From the
Boi ls
words “with an outstretched arm” we learn about two more plagues - one from the word “arm” by itself, and one from the extra description “outstretched arm;” From the words “with great display” we learn about two plagues - one from the word “display” by itself, and one from the extra description “great display;” from the plural expression of
Hai l
the word “signs” we learn about two more plagues; from the plural expression of the word “wonders” we learn about two more plagues. These are the ten plagues that God brought upon the Egyptians in Egypt. They are:
Loc ust s
Blood, Frogs, Lice, Wild Beasts, Deadly Disease in Animals, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, Death of the Firstborns.
Dark nes s
Rabbi Yehudah would refer to the ten plagues by their first letters to help remember their order:
DeTZa”CH ADa”SH Death
of F irst b
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 42
BeACHa”V. orns
1/2/2014 10:21:38 PM
43 Maggid
ַר ִ ּבי יוֹ ֵסי ַה ְ ּגלִ ילִ י אוֹ ֵמרִ :מ ַ ּנֽיִ ן ַא ָּתה אוֹ ֵמר ׁ ֶש ָּלק ּו ַה ִּמ ְצ ִרים ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֶ ֽע ֶשׂ ר ַמ ּכוֹ ת וְ ַעל ַה ָ ּים לָ ק ּו ֲח ִמ ׁ ּ ִשים ַמ ּכוֹ ת, ֹאמר ּו ַה ַח ְר ֻט ִּמם ֶאל ּ ַפ ְרעֹה ֶא ְצ ַ ּבע ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ַמה הוּא אוֹ ֵמר :וַ ּי ְ ֱאל ִֹהים ִהיא .וְ ַעל ַה ָ ּים ַמה הוּא אוֹ ֵמר :וַ ַ ּי ְרא יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ֶאת ַה ָ ּיד ַה ְ ּגדֹלָ ה ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָע ָשׂ ה יְ יָ ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ,וַ ִ ּי ְירא ּו ָה ָעם ֶאת יְ יָ ,וַ ַ ּי ֲא ִ ֽמינ ּו ַ ּבייָ ו ְּבמ ׁ ֶֹשה ַע ְבדּ וַֹּ .כ ָּמה לָ ק ּו ְב ֶא ְצ ַ ּבעֽ ֶ ,ע ֶשׂ ר ַמ ּכוֹ תֱ ,אמוֹ ר ֵמ ַע ָּתה: ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם לָ ק ּו ֶ ֽע ֶשׂ ר ַמ ּכוֹ ת ,וְ ַעל ַה ָ ּים לָ ק ּו ֲח ִמ ׁ ּ ִשים ַמ ּכוֹ ת. יעזֶ ר אוֹ ֵמרִ :מ ַ ּנֽיִ ן ׁ ֶש ָּכל ַמ ָּכה ו ַּמ ָּכה ׁ ֶש ֵה ִביא ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ַר ִ ּבי ֱאלִ ֶ ֽ ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ַעל ַה ִּמ ְצ ִרים ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ָהיְ ָתה ׁ ֶשל ַא ְר ַ ּבע ַמ ּכוֹ ת, ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :יְ ׁ ַש ַּלח ָ ּבם ֲחרוֹ ן ַא ּפוֹ ֶ ,ע ְב ָרה ,וָ זַ ַֽעם ,וְ ָצ ָרהִ ,מ ׁ ְשלַ ַֽחת "ע ְב ָרה" ַא ַחת" ,וָ זַ ַֽעם" ׁ ְש ַּ ֽתיִ ם" ,וְ ָצ ָרה" ׁ ָשל ֹׁש, ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ָר ִעיםֶ . "מ ׁ ְשלַ ַֽחת ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ָר ִעים" ַא ְר ַ ּבעֱ ,אמוֹ ר ֵמ ַע ָּתהּ ְ :ב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם לָ ק ּו ִ אתיִ ם ַמ ּכוֹ ת. ַא ְר ָ ּב ִעים ַמ ּכוֹ ת ,וְ ַעל ַה ָ ּים לָ ק ּו ָמ ַ ֽ ַר ִ ּבי ֲע ִק ָיבא אוֹ ֵמרִ :מ ַ ּנֽיִ ן ׁ ֶש ָּכל ַמ ָּכה ו ַּמ ָּכה ׁ ֶש ֵה ִביא ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ַעל ַה ִּמ ְצ ִרים ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ָהיְ ָתה ׁ ֶשל ָח ֵמ ׁש ַמ ּכוֹ ת, ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :יְ ׁ ַש ַּלח ָ ּבם ֲחרוֹ ן ַא ּפוֹ ֶ ,ע ְב ָרה ,וָ זַ ַֽעם ,וְ ָצ ָרהִ ,מ ׁ ְשלַ ַֽחת "ע ְב ָרה" ׁ ְש ַּ ֽתיִ ם" ,וָ זַ ַֽעם" ׁ ָשל ֹׁש, "חרוֹ ן ַא ּפוֹ " ַא ַחתֶ , ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ָר ִעיםֲ . "מ ׁ ְשלַ ַֽחת ַמלְ ֲאכֵ י ָר ִעים" ָח ֵמ ׁשֱ ,אמוֹ ר ֵמ ַע ָּתה: "וְ ָצ ָרה" ַא ְר ַ ּבעִ , אתיִ ם ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם לָ ק ּו ֲח ִמ ׁ ּ ִשים ַמ ּכוֹ ת ,וְ ַעל ַה ָ ּים לָ ק ּו ֲח ִמ ׁ ּ ִשים ו ָּמ ַ ֽ ַמ ּכוֹ ת.
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Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 43
44 See chart (facing page) explaining the following three opinions.
ַר ִ ּביRabbi Yossi Haglili says: From where do you know to say that the Egyptians were struck by ten plagues in Egypt, and were struck by fifty plagues at the sea? Concerning the plagues in Egypt, the Torah says: The sorcerers said to Pharaoh, “It’s the finger of God.” Concerning the plagues at the sea, the Torah says: The nation of Israel saw the great and mighty hand which God used to fight and destroy the Egyptians, and the people feared God. They believed in God and in Moses, His servant. Now, how many plagues were the Egyptians struck with by “the finger of God” in Egypt? Ten plagues. You must therefore say that if in Egypt, where the Egyptians were struck by a single finger, they were struck by ten plagues, at the sea, where they were struck by “God’s great hand” (which has five fingers), they must have been struck by five times that amount - fifty plagues.
ַר ִ ּביRabbi Eliezer says: From where do we know that each individual plague that God brought upon the Egyptians in Egypt and at the sea consisted of four sub-plagues? We learn it from Psalms, where it says regarding the plagues: God sent forth against the Egyptians His fierce anger, fury, rage, misfortune, and a group of messengers of evil. The word “fury” tells us about one sub-plague; the word “rage” makes two; “misfortune” makes three; and “a group of messengers of evil” makes four. Now that you see from the verse that each plague consisted of four subplagues, you must say that in Egypt, where the Egyptians were struck by a single finger, they were struck by ten plagues consisting of four each, totalling forty plagues, and at the sea, where they were struck five times that amount by “God’s great hand,” they were struck by two hundred plagues.
ַר ִ ּביRabbi Akiva says: From where do we know that each individual plague that God brought upon the Egyptians in Egypt and at the sea consisted of five sub-plagues? We learn it from Psalms, where it says regarding the plagues: God sent forth against the Egyptians His fierce anger, fury, rage, misfortune, and a group of messengers of evil. The words “His fierce anger” tells us about one sub-plague; the word “fury” makes two; the word “rage” makes three; “misfortune” makes four; and “a group of messengers of evil” makes five. Now that you see from the verse that each plague consisted of five subplagues, you must say that in Egypt, where the Egyptians were struck by a single finger, they were struck by ten plagues consisting of five each, totalling fifty plagues, and at the sea, where they were struck five times that amount by “God’s great hand,” they were struck by two hundred and fifty plagues.
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45 Maggid
ַּכ ָּמה ַמ ֲעלוֹ ת טוֹ בוֹ ת ַל ָּמקוֹ ם ָע ֵלֽינוּ: One should not interrupt the recital of the following fourteen stanzas.
יאנ ּו ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ִא ּל ּו הוֹ ִצ ָ ֽ Eelu Eelu וְ לֹא ָע ָשׂ ה ָב ֶהם ׁ ְש ָפ ִטים — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. hotziyanu, hotziyanu mimitzrayim, ִא ּל ּו ָע ָשׂ ה ָב ֶהם ׁ ְש ָפ ִטים mimitzrayim hotziyanu וְ לֹא ָע ָשׂ ה ֵבאל ֵֹה ֶיהם — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. Dyenu. ִא ּל ּו ָע ָשׂ ה ֵבאל ֵֹה ֶיהם Dye Dye Dyenu. Dye Dye Dyenu. Dye Dye Dyenu. וְ לֹא ָה ַרג ֶאת ְ ּבכוֹ ֵר ֶיהם — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. Dyenu Dyenu. ִא ּל ּו ָה ַרג ֶאת ְ ּבכוֹ ֵר ֶיהם וְ לֹא נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ָממוֹ נָ ם — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ִא ּל ּו נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ָממוֹ נָ ם ָֽקרע לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ָ ּים — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. וְ לֹא ַ ָֽקרע לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ָ ּים ִא ּל ּו ַ וְ לֹא ֶה ֱע ִב ָ ֽירנ ּו ְבתוֹ כוֹ ֶ ּב ָח ָר ָבה — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ִא ּל ּו ֶה ֱע ִב ָ ֽירנ ּו ְבתוֹ כוֹ ֶ ּב ָח ָר ָבה וְ לֹא ׁ ִש ַּקע ָצ ֵ ֽרינ ּו ְ ּבתוֹ כוֹ — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ִא ּל ּו ׁ ִש ַּקע ָצ ֵ ֽרינ ּו ְ ּבתוֹ כוֹ וְ לֹא ִס ּ ֵפק ָצ ְר ֵּכֽנ ּו ַ ּב ִּמ ְד ָ ּבר ַא ְר ָ ּב ִעים ׁ ָשנָ ה — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ.
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Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 45
God has showered upon us so many good things! If God had taken us out of Egypt, but had not carried out judgments against the Egyptians and punished them — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had carried out judgments against the Egyptians and punished them, but had not destroyed their gods — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had destroyed their gods, but had not killed their firstborn — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had killed their firstborn, but had not given us their wealth — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had given us their wealth during the plague of Darkness, but had not hardened Pharaoh’s heart so that he gave chase, leading God to split the sea for us — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had split the sea for us, but had not taken us through it on completely dry land — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had taken us through the sea on completely dry land, but had not drowned our enemies in it — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had drowned our enemies in the sea, but had not supplied our needs in the desert for forty years, and we would have had to buy them from local merchants — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 46
1/2/2014 10:21:43 PM
47 Maggid
ִא ּל ּו ִס ּ ֵפק ָצ ְר ֵּכֽנ ּו ַ ּב ִּמ ְד ָ ּבר ַא ְר ָ ּב ִעים ׁ ָשנָ ה וְ לֹא ֶה ֱאכִ ילָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ָּמן — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ִא ּל ּו ֶה ֱאכִ ילָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ָּמן וְ לֹא נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ִא ּל ּו נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת וְ לֹא ֵק ְר ָבֽנ ּו לִ ְפנֵ י ַהר ִסינַ י — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ִא ּל ּו ֵק ְר ָבֽנ ּו לִ ְפנֵ י ַהר ִסינַ י וְ לֹא נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ּתוֹ ָרה — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ִא ּל ּו נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ּתוֹ ָרה יסנ ּו לְ ֶ ֽא ֶרץ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. וְ לֹא ִהכְ נִ ָ ֽ יסנ ּו לְ ֶ ֽא ֶרץ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ִא ּל ּו ִהכְ נִ ָ ֽ וְלֹא ָבֽנָ ה לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ֵ ּבית ַה ְ ּב ִח ָירה — ַדּ ֵ ּיֽנוּ. ַעל ַא ַחת ַּכ ָּמה וְ כַ ָּמה טוֹ ָבה Al achat, Kamah כְ פ ּולָ ה ו ְּמכֻ ּ ֶפֽלֶ ת לַ ָּמקוֹ ם v’chamah, tovah ch’fulah יאנ ּו ִמ ִּמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם, ָעלֵ ֽינוֶּ ׁ ,שהוֹ ִצ ָ ֽ um’chupelet lamakom aleinu. וְ ָע ָשׂ ה ָב ֶהם ׁ ְש ָפ ִטים ,וְ ָע ָשׂ ה Shehotziyanu mimitzrayim. ֵבאל ֵֹה ֶיהם ,וְ ָה ַרג ֶאת ְ ּבכוֹ ֵר ֶיהם, ָֽקרע וְ נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ָממוֹ נָ ם ,וְ ַ לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ָ ּים ,וְ ֶה ֱע ִב ָ ֽירנ ּו ְבתוֹ כוֹ ֶ ּב ָח ָר ָבה ,וְ ׁ ִש ַּקע ָצ ֵ ֽרינ ּו ְ ּבתוֹ כוֹ ,וְ ִס ּ ֵפק ָצ ְר ֵּכֽנ ּו ַ ּב ִּמ ְד ָ ּבר ַא ְר ָ ּב ִעים ׁ ָשנָ ה ,וְ ֶה ֱאכִ ילָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ָּמן ,וְ נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת יסנ ּו ַה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת ,וְ ֵק ְר ָבֽנ ּו לִ ְפנֵ י ַהר ִסינַ י ,וְ נָ ַֽתן לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ַה ּתוֹ ָרה ,וְ ִהכְ נִ ָ ֽ לְ ֶ ֽא ֶרץ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ,ו ָּבֽנָ ה לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ֵ ּבית ַה ְ ּב ִח ָירה לְ כַ ּ ֵפר ַעל ָּכל ֲעוֹ נוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּ.
ַר ָ ּבן
ַ ּג ְמלִ ֵיאל ָהיָ ה אוֹ ֵמרָּ :כל ׁ ֶשלֹא ָא ַמר ׁ ְשל ׁ ָֹשה ְד ָב ִרים ֵ ֽא ּל ּו ַ ּב ּ ֶפ ַֽסח לֹא יָ ָצא יְ ֵדי חוֹ ָבתוֹ .וְ ֵ ֽא ּל ּו ֵהן:
ּ ֶפ ַֽסחַ ,מ ָצּ ה ו ָּמרוֹ ר. ּ ֶפ ַֽסח
ׁ ֶש ָהי ּו ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו אוֹ כְ לִ ים ִ ּבזְ ַמן ׁ ֶש ֵ ּבית ַה ִּמ ְק ָדּ ׁש ַק ָ ּים ַעל ׁשוּם ָמהַ ,על ׁשוּם ׁ ֶש ּ ָפ ַסח ַה ָּמקוֹ ם ַעל ָ ּב ֵּתי ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ םֶ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ֲא ַמ ְר ֶּתם זֶ ַֽבח ּ ֶפ ַֽסח הוּא לַ ייָ ַא ׁ ֶשר ּ ָפ ַסח ַעל ָ ּב ֵּתי ְבנֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ְ ּבנָ גְ ּפוֹ ֶאת ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם וְ ֶאת ָ ּב ֵּ ֽתינ ּו ִה ִצּ יל ,וַ ִ ּי ּקֹד ָה ָעם וַ ִ ּי ׁ ְש ַּת ֲחווּ.
1/2/2014 10:21:43 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 47
48 If He had supplied our needs in the desert for forty years, but had not fed us the manna — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had fed us the manna, but had not given us the mitzvah of keeping Shabbat — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had given us the mitzvah of keeping Shabbat, but had not brought us before Mount Sinai — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had brought us before Mount Sinai and only given us the Ten Commandments, but had not given us the rest of the Torah — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had given us the entire Torah, but had not taken us into the land of Israel — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him. If He had taken us into the land of Israel, but had not built for us His chosen home, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem — it would have been reason enough for us to thank Him.
עַ לHow much more so should we be grateful to God now that He
has done all these things for us and showered upon us doubled and redoubled goodness — He took us out of Egypt. He carried out judgments against the Egyptians and punished them. He destroyed their gods; He killed their firstborn. He gave us their wealth. He split the sea for us. He took us through it on completely dry land. He drowned our enemies in it. He supplied our needs in the desert for forty years; He fed us the manna. He gave us the mitzvah of keeping Shabbat; He brought us before Mount Sinai. He gave us the entire Torah. He brought us into the land of Israel. And He built for us His chosen Home, the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, so that we could bring offerings to atone for all our sins.
ַר ָ ּבןRabban Gamliel used to say: Whoever has not discussed the reasons
for the following three things on Pesach has not properly fulfilled his obligation to tell the story of the exodus from Egypt. They are:
The Pesach offering, Matzah, and Marror.
ּ ֶפ ַֽסחWhat is the reason for the offering called “Pesach” which our ancestors ate in the times of the Holy Temple?
The Pesach offering was offered because the word “pesach” means to “pass over,” and God passed over our ancestors’ houses in Egypt and spared their firstborn. As it says in the Torah: You should say to your son, “This is a Pesach offering for God, because He passed over the houses of the nation of Israel in Egypt when He struck the Egyptians’ firstborn, and He spared our households.” Then the Jewish people bent their knees, and bowed down to God.
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1/2/2014 10:21:44 PM
49 Maggid
)Hold the second and third matzah (still in their cloth while reading the initial phrase in purple type.
ַמ ָצּ ה זוֹ ׁ ֶש ָ ֽאנ ּו אוֹ כְ לִ ים ַעל ׁשוּם ָמהַ ,על ׁשוּם ׁ ֶש ּלֹא ִה ְס ּ ִפיק ְ ּב ֶצ ֶֽקת ׁ ֶשל ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו לְ ַה ֲח ִמיץ ַעד ׁ ֶש ִ ּנגְ לָ ה ֲעלֵ ֶיהם ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ַמלְ כֵ י ַה ְּמלָ כִ ים ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא ּוגְ ָאלָ םֶ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ ּיֹאפ ּו ֶאת ַה ָ ּב ֵצק ַא ׁ ֶשר הוֹ ִ ֽציא ּו ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ֻעגוֹ ת ַמצּ וֹ תִּ ,כי לֹא ָח ֵמץִּ ,כי ג ְֹר ׁש ּו ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם וְ לֹא יָ כְ ל ּו לְ ִה ְת ַמ ְה ֵ ֽמ ַּה ,וְ גַ ם ֵצ ָדה לֹא ָעשׂ ּו לָ ֶהם. Place a hand on both portions of bitter herbs on the Seder Plate while reading the initial phrase in purple type.
ָמרוֹ ר זֶ ה ׁ ֶש ָ ֽאנ ּו אוֹ כְ לִ ים ַעל ׁשוּם ָמהַ ,על ׁשוּם ׁ ֶש ֵּמ ְרר ּו ַה ִּמ ְצ ִרים ֶאת ַח ֵ ּיי ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ םֶ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וַ יְ ָמ ְרר ּו ח ֶמר ו ִּבלְ ֵבנִ ים ֶאת ַח ֵ ּי ֶיהם ַ ּב ֲעב ָֹדה ָק ׁ ָשה ְ ּב ֽ ֹ ש ֶדהֵ ,את ָּכל ֲעב ָֹד ָתם ו ְּבכָ ל ֲעב ָֹדה ַ ּב ּ ָ ׂ ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָע ְבד ּו ָב ֶהם ְ ּב ָפ ֶֽר ְך. ְ ּב ָכל דּ וֹ ר וָ דוֹ ר ַח ָ ּיב ָא ָדם לִ ְראוֹ ת ֶאת ַע ְצמוֹ ְּכ ִא ּל ּו הוּא יָ ָצא ִמ ִּמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם, ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וְ ִה ַ ּג ְד ָּת לְ ִבנְ ָך ַ ּב ּיוֹ ם ַההוּא לֵ אמֹר ַ ּב ֲעבוּר זֶ ה ָע ָשׂ ה יְ יָ אתי ִמ ִּמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ ם .לֹא ֶאת ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ִ ּבלְ ָבד ָ ּג ַאל ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך הוּא לִ י ְ ּב ֵצ ִ ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ םֶ ,א ָּלא ַאף אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו ָ ּג ַאל ִע ָּמ ֶהםֶ ׁ ,ש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר :וְ אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו הוֹ ִציא ִמ ׁ ּ ָשם לְ ַ ֽמ ַען ָה ִביא אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו לָ ֶֽתת לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ ֲא ׁ ֶשר נִ ׁ ְש ַ ּבע לַ ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּ. Cover the matzot. Hold the cup in the same manner as during Kiddush and say:
יכ ְך ֲאנַ ְֽחנ ּו ַח ָ ּי ִבים לְ הוֹ דוֹ ת לְ ַה ֵּלל לְ ׁ ַש ֵ ּב ַֽח לְ ָפ ֵאר לְ רוֹ ֵמם לְ ַה ֵדּ ר ְל ִפ ָ ְ לְ ָב ֵרך לְ ַע ֵּלה ּולְ ַק ֵּלס ,לְ ִמי ׁ ֶש ָע ָשׂ ה לַ ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו וְ לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ָּכל יאנ ּו ֵמ ַע ְבדוּת לְ ֵחרוּתִ ,מ ָ ּיגוֹ ן לְ ִשׂ ְמ ָחה ,ו ֵּמ ֵ ֽא ֶבל לְ יוֹ ם ַה ִ ּנ ִּסים ָה ֵ ֽא ּלוּ .הוֹ ִצ ָ ֽ ֹאמר לְ ָפנָ יו ַהלְ ל ּויָ ּה. טוֹ ב ,ו ֵּמ ֲא ֵפלָ ה לְ אוֹ ר ָ ּגדוֹ ל ,ו ִּמ ׁ ּ ִש ְע ּבוּד לִ גְ ֻא ָּלה ,וְ נ ַ Put down the cup.
ַה ְללו ָּי ּהַ ,הלְ ל ּו ַע ְב ֵדי יְ יַָ ,הלְ ל ּו ֶאת ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ .יְ ִהי ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ְמב ָֹר ְך, ֵמ ַע ָּתה וְ ַעד עוֹ לָ םִ .מ ִּמזְ ַרח ׁ ֶ ֽש ֶמ ׁש ַעד ְמבוֹ אוֹ, ְמ ֻה ָּלל ׁ ֵשם יְ יָָ .רם ַעל ָּכל ּגוֹ יִ ם יְ יַָ ,על ַה ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם ְּכבוֹ דוִֹ .מי ַּכייָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינוַּ ,ה ַּמגְ ִ ּב ִיהי לָ ׁ ָ ֽש ֶבתַ .ה ַּמ ׁ ְש ּ ִפילִ י לִ ְראוֹ תּ ַ ,ב ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם ו ָּב ָ ֽא ֶרץ.
1/2/2014 10:21:47 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 49
ַמ ָצּ הWhat is the reason for the matzah that we eat? We eat matzah because the dough of our ancestors did not have enough time to rise before God, the King over the kings of kings, revealed Himself to them and redeemed them from Egypt. As it says in the Torah regarding the exodus from Egypt: They baked the dough they had taken out of Egypt into round matzos, because it had not risen, since they were chased out of Egypt and could not wait for the dough to rise. They were in such a rush that they also did not have enough time to prepare any other provisions for the way.
ָמרוֹ רWhat is the reason for the marror that we eat? We eat marror because the Egyptians made the lives of our fathers in Egypt bitter. As it says in the Torah: They made their lives bitter with hard work - by making them work with mortar and bricks and all kinds of work in the fields. All their work that the Egyptians made them do was backbreaking work.
ְ ּבכָ לIn each and every generation, and on each and every day, a person must see himself as if he had personally left Egypt on that day. As it says in the Torah: You should tell your son on that distant day—even many generations later, “God did miracles for me when I left Egypt in order that I keep His mitzvot, such as these mitzvot of the Pesach offering, and eating matzah and marror.” God redeemed not only our ancestors from Egypt, but also redeemed us along with them. As it says in the Torah: God took us out of Egypt in order to bring us to the land He promised to our ancestors, and to give it to us.
לְ ִפיכָ ְךTherefore we must thank, laud, praise, glorify, exalt, adore, bless, elevate, and honor God, Who did all these miracles for our ancestors and for us. He took us out from slavery to freedom, from sorrow to joy, from mourning to a day of celebration, from darkness to great light, and from slavery to redemption. Let us therefore declare before Him: “Praise God.”
ַהלְ ל ּויָ ּהEveryone should praise God. Servants of God, give praise. Praise the name of God. May God’s name be blessed by all creations, now and forever. From the people who live in the east where the sun rises, to the people who live in the west where it sets, God’s name is praised. God is in the heavens, high above all the nations of the world. God’s glory is above the heavens. Who is like the Lord, our God, Who, even though He rests up high above the world, still lowers Himself to look down upon the heaven and earth and keeps them in existence. He picks up a needy person from the dust of poverty, and He lifts a poor person from the garbage. Not only does God take poor people out of poverty,
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51 Maggid
ְמ ִק ִימי ֵמ ָע ָפר ָדּ לֵ ,מ ַא ׁ ְש ּפֹת יָ ִרים ֶא ְביוֹ ן .לְ הוֹ ׁ ִש ִיבי ִעם נְ ִד ִיבים, ֶֽקרת ַה ַ ּבֽיִ תֵ ,אם ַה ָ ּבנִ ים ְשׂ ֵמ ָחה, ִעם נְ ִד ֵיבי ַע ּמוֹ .מוֹ ׁ ִש ִיבי ֲע ֶ ַהלְ ל ּויָ ּה. ְ ּב ֵצאת יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ִמ ִּמ ְצ ָ ֽריִ םּ ֵ ,בית יַ ֲעקֹב ֵמ ַעם ל ֵֹעזָ .היְ ָתה יְ הו ָּדה לְ ָק ְד ׁשוֹ ,יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַמ ְמ ׁ ְשלוֹ ָתיוַ .ה ָ ּים ָר ָאה וַ ָ ּינֹסַ ,ה ַ ּי ְר ֵדּ ן יִ ּסֹב לְ ָאחוֹ רֶ .ה ָה ִרים ָר ְקד ּו כְ ֵאילִ יםּ ְ ,ג ָבעוֹ ת ִּכ ְבנֵ י צֹאןַ .מה ְּל ָך ַה ָ ּים ִּכי ָתנוּסַ ,ה ַ ּי ְר ֵדּ ן ִּת ּסֹב לְ ָאחוֹ רֶ .ה ָה ִרים ִּת ְר ְקד ּו כְ ֵאילִ ים, ְ ּג ָבעוֹ ת ִּכ ְבנֵ י צֹאןִ .מ ִּל ְפנֵ י ָאדוֹ ן ֽח ּולִ י ָ ֽא ֶרץִ ,מ ִּל ְפנֵ י ֱאלֽ וֹ ַּה יַ ֲעקֹב. ַהה ְֹפכִ י ַהצּ וּר ֲאגַ ם ָ ֽמיִ םַ ,ח ָּל ִמ ׁיש לְ ַמ ְעיְ נוֹ ָ ֽמיִ ם. Hold the cup in the same manner as during Kiddush and say:
ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה ְי ָיֱ ,אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמ ֶל ְך ָהעוֹ ָלםֲ ,א ׁ ֶשר ְ ּג ָא ָ ֽלנ ּו יענ ּו ַה ַּ ֽל ְי ָלה ְו ָג ַאל ֶאת ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ִמ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽר ִיםְ ,ו ִה ִ ּג ָ ֽ ַה ֶ ּזה ֶל ֱא ָכל ּבוֹ ַמ ָצּ ה ו ָּמרוֹ רֵּ ,כן ְי ָי ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֵואל ֵֹהי יענ ּו ְלמוֹ ֲע ִדים ְו ִל ְר ָג ִלים ֲא ֵח ִרים ַה ָ ּב ִאים ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ַי ִ ּג ֵ ֽ אתנ ּו ְל ׁ ָשלוֹ םְ ,שׂ ֵמ ִחים ְ ּב ִב ְנ ַין ִע ֶ ֽיר ָךְ ,ו ָשׂ ִשׂ ים ִל ְק ָר ֵ ֽ אכל ׁ ָשם ַ ּב ֲעבוֹ ָד ֶ ֽת ָךְ ,ו ֹֽנ ַ On all nights except Saturday night:
ִמן ַה ְ ּז ָב ִחים ו ִּמן ַה ּ ְפ ָס ִחים
On Saturday night:
ִמן ַה ּ ְפ ָס ִחים ו ִּמן ַה ְ ּז ָב ִחים
ֲא ׁ ֶשר ַי ִ ּ ֽג ַיע ָדּ ָמם ַעל ִקיר ִמ ְז ַ ּב ֲח ָך ְל ָרצוֹ ןְ ,ונוֹ ֶדה ְל ָך ׁ ִשיר ָח ָד ׁש ַעל ְ ּג ֻא ָּל ֵ ֽתנ ּו ְו ַעל ּ ְפדוּת ַנ ְפ ׁ ֵ ֽשנוּּ ָ .ברו ְּך ַא ָּתה ְי ָיּ ָ ,ג ַאל ִי ְשׂ ָר ֵאל. ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה ְי ָיֱ ,אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמ ֶל ְך ָהעוֹ ָלםּ ,בוֹ ֵרא ּ ְפ ִרי ַה ָ ּ ֽג ֶפן. Drink the wine while seated, and leaning to the left. It is preferable to drink the entire cup. One who cannot drink the entire cup should drink at least most of it.
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52 He raises them to a position where they can sit with noblemen; with the noblemen of His nation, the Jewish people. God settles a woman who cannot naturally have children into a house; He gives her many children. He makes her a happy mother of children. Praise God.
ְ ּב ֵצאתWhen the nation of Israel went out of Egypt, when the House of Jacob went out from among a nation that spoke a foreign language, the people of Yehudah became His holy nation; the nation of Israel came under His rulership. The Sea of Reeds saw the Jewish people coming, and it fled so that they could walk through. During that time, all the waters of the world split, including the Jordan river, which turned and flowed backwards. When God’s glory was revealed at Mount Sinai during the giving of the Torah, the world shook and the mountains skipped like rams. The nearby hills skipped like young sheep. What is with you, Sea of Reeds; why is it that you run? Why is it, Jordan river, that you turn and flow backwards? What is with you mountains, that you skip like rams, and what is with the hills that skip like young sheep? The sea, the mountains, and the hills answer: We do this in awe of being before the Master, God, the Creator of the earth; we are before the God of Jacob, Who turns the rock into a pool of water and Who turns the flint stone into a fountain of water. When the Jewish people needed water in the desert, God turned a rock into a fountain of water.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who redeemed us and redeemed our ancestors from Egypt, and brought us to this night so that we can fulfill the mitzvot to eat matzah and marror. So too, Lord, our God and the God of our fathers, bring us to celebrate other special times (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) and festivals (Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot) that are coming to us in peace with the coming of Mashiach, when we will rejoice in the rebuilding of Your city, Jerusalem, and we will be joyful in serving You in the Holy Temple. Then we will eat of the Chagigah offerings and Pesach offerings, whose blood will be sprinkled on the side of Your Altar so that they should be accepted. We will then sing a new song to thank You for redeeming us and for redeeming our souls from this exile. Blessed are You, Lord, Who redeemed the nation of Israel from Egypt. Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who creates the fruit of the vine.
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ָר ְח ָצה 53 Rachtzah
Review the five steps of rachtzah through korech at this point, to avoid making an interruption between them.
Wash your hands in the following manner: ·· Pick up the cup of water in your right hand and pass it to your left hand. ·· Pour three times on your right hand, pass the cup back to your right hand and (customarily holding the cup with a towel) pour three times on your left hand, retaining a little water in the left hand.
·· Rub the retained water over both hands together while saying the following blessing and then dry them completely. ·· After saying the following blessing, do not talk until after eating the matzah, and it is best not to talk until after eating the “korech” sandwich.
, ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִק ְדּ ׁ ָ ֽשנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י .וְ ִצ ָ ּוֽנ ּו ַעל נְ ִטילַ ת יָ ָ ֽדיִ ם
ָ ּברו ְּך
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who made us holy with His mitzvot and commanded us through the Sages regarding washing our hands before eating bread.
Matzah is referred to in the Zohar as ימנו ָּתא ְ ִמכְ לָ א ִד ְמ ֵה- food that strengthens our faith and ִמכְ לָ א ְד ַא ְס ָוו ָתא- food that heals. More specifically, the matzah of the first night strengthens our faith, and matzah of the second night heals. This order shows that ideally, a person’s faith should cause the healing, rather than the healing causing the faith.
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מֹוציא ִ 54 Motzi
Hold the three matzot (still in their cloth) and say the following:
. ַה ּֽמוֹ ִציא לֶ ֶֽחם ִמן ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י
ָ ּברו ְּך
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who brings forth grain out of the earth so that we can make bread.
ַמ ָצה
Let go of the bottom matzah, and say the following blessing while still holding the top two matzot. Keep in mind that this blessing also applies to the matzah of the Korech sandwich and the Afikoman.
, ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִק ְדּ ׁ ָ ֽשנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶמֽלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י .וְ ִצ ָ ּוֽנ ּו ַעל ֲאכִ ילַ ת ַמ ָצּ ה
ָ ּברו ְּך
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who made us holy with His mitzvot and commanded us regarding eating matzah on Pesach.
Break off a kezayit (about 1 oz.) from each of the top two matzot, and eat them together while leaning to the left. ·· Everyone must eat at least a kezayit of matzah (approximately half of a shmurah matzah) to fulfill this mitzvah.
·· The entire amount should be eaten within approximately four to seven minutes.
·· It is preferable that all receive at least a small piece of the matzah from the Seder Plate.
·· The matzah is not dipped in salt.
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ָמרֹור 55
·· Soften the charoset by adding some wine. ·· Take at least a kezayit (about 1 ounce) of marror and dip part of it into the charoset.
·· Shake off the charoset so that the bitter taste of the marror will not be nullified. ·· When saying the following blessing, keep in mind that it is also for the bitter herbs of the Korech sandwich.
, ֲא ׁ ֶשר ִק ְדּ ׁ ָ ֽשנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י .וְ ִצ ָ ּוֽנ ּו ַעל ֲאכִ ילַ ת ָמרוֹ ר
ָ ּברו ְּך
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who made us holy with His mitzvot and commanded us about eating marror on Pesach. ·· Eat the marror without leaning. ·· The entire kezayit should be eaten within approximately four to seven minutes.
To make sure that there is no interruption between saying the blessing on marror and eating it, we dip the marror into charoset before saying the blessing.
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Q Why don’t we dip the matzah into salt? A The mitzvah of matzah is so special that we do not want to mix any other taste into it.
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ּכֹורְך ֵ Korech
Take a kezayit of the bottom matzah and a kezayit of the bitter herbs to make a sandwich. Put some dry charoset (that was not softened with wine) on the bitter herbs, shake it off, then say the following:
ָהיָ ה ּכוֹ ֵר ְך ּ ֶפ ַֽסח,ֵּכן ָ ע ָשׂ ה ִה ֵּלל ִ ּבזְ ַמן ׁ ֶש ֵ ּבית ַה ִּמ ְק ָדּ ׁש ָהיָ ה ַק ָ ּים ַעל ַמצּ וֹ ת ו ְּמרוֹ ִרים: ְּכמוֹ ׁ ֶש ֶ ּנ ֱא ַמר,ַמ ָצּ ה ו ָּמרוֹ ר וְ אוֹ כֵ ל ְ ּביַ ַֽחד .ּיֹאכְ ֻלֽהו
ֵּכןThe following is what Hillel used to do in the times of the Holy Temple: He would combine the meat of the Pesach offering, matzah, and marror and eat them together. As it says in the Torah: They should eat the Pesach offering together with matzah and marror. ·· Eat the Korech sandwich while leaning to the left. The Korech should be eaten within approximately four to seven minutes.
·· Those who do not have their own Seder Plate should use other matzah and bitter herbs for the Korech sandwich.
Q Why is it necessary to eat the matzah by itself, the marror by itself, and then to eat them together in the Korech sandwich? A Matzah must be eaten alone because eating marror with it would nullify its taste.
Regarding marror, there are different opinions whether it should be eaten alone, or— according to Hillel—together with matzah (and also the Pesach offering, in the times of the Holy Temple). In order to fulfill the mitzvah according to both opinions, we eat it both alone, and together with matzah.
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עֹורְך ֵ ֻׁש ְל ָחן han Orech
Shulchan Orech
Eat the festival meal. ·· Begin the meal by eating a hard boiled egg dipped in salt water. (Those who have a Seder Plate, use the egg from there.) ·· Eat so that you are satisfied, but do not overeat, preventing you from having any appetite for the Afikoman. ·· The custom is not to lean while eating the festival meal.
Eat the Afikoman while leaning to the left. ·· On the first night of Pesach, the Afikoman should be eaten before chatzot ( halachic midnight). ·· After eating the Afikoman, one should not eat or drink anything for the rest of the night. One should therefore make sure to drink enough to avoid being thirsty after eating the Afikoman. ·· Ideally, one should eat two kezeitim of matzah for the Afikoman. One who finds this too difficult, however, may eat one kezayit of matzah. ·· Each person receives a piece of the Afikoman and supplements it with other matzah to total the required amount. ·· The Afikoman should be eaten within approximately four to seven minutes.
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ֵּב ַרְך 58 Berach
Fill the third cup. The “Cup of Elijah” is filled at this point.
ׁ ִשיר
ָאז יִ ָּמלֵ א ְשׂ חוֹ ק ּ ִ ֽפינ ּו. ָה ִיֽינ ּו ְּכחֹלְ ִמים, ְ ּב ׁשוּב יְ יָ ֶאת ׁ ִש ַיבת ִצ ּיוֹ ן,ַה ַּמ ֲעלוֹ ת ִהגְ ִדּ יל יְ יָ לַ ֲעשׂוֹ ת. ִהגְ ִדּ יל יְ יָ לַ ֲעשׂוֹ ת ִעם ֵ ֽא ֶּלה,ֹאמר ּו ַב ּגוֹ יִ ם ְ ָאז י,ּולְ ׁשוֹ נֵ ֽנ ּו ִר ָ ּנה ְ ּב ִר ָ ּנה, ַה ּז ְֹר ִעים ְ ּב ִד ְמ ָעה.יקים ַ ּב ֶ ּנֽגֶ ב ֽ ֵ ׁשו ָּבה יְ יָ ֶאת ׁ ְש ִב. ָה ִיֽינ ּו ְשׂ ֵמ ִחים,ִּע ָּ ֽמנו ִ ַּכ ֲא ִפ,ּיתנו . בּ ֹא יָ בֹא ְב ִר ָ ּנה נ ֵֹשׂ א ֲאלֻ ּמ ָֹתיו, ָהלוֹ ְך יֵ לֵ ְך ו ָּבכֹה נ ֵֹשׂ א ֶ ֽמ ׁ ֶש ְך ַה ָ ּז ַֽרע.ּיִ ְק ֽצֹרו ִמכּ ֹל ִמ ׁ ְש ְּכנוֹ ת, א ֵֹהב יְ יָ ׁ ַש ֲע ֵרי ִצ ּיוֹ ן. יְ סו ָּדתוֹ ְ ּב ַה ְר ֵרי ֽקֹ ֶד ׁש,ֽקֹ ַרח ִמזְ מוֹ ר ׁ ִשיר ִה ֵ ּנה, ַאזְ ִּכיר ַ ֽר ַהב ו ָּב ֶבל לְ י ְֹד ָעי. ִעיר ָה ֱאל ִֹהים ֶ ֽסלָ ה, נִ כְ ָ ּבדוֹ ת ְמ ֻד ָ ּבר ָ ּב ְך.יַ ֲעקֹב וְ הוּא יְ כוֹ נְ נֶ ָֽה, ּולְ ִצ ּיוֹ ן יֵ ָא ַמר ִא ׁיש וְ ִא ׁיש יֻ ַּלד ָ ּב ּה. זֶ ה יֻ ַּלד ׁ ָשם,ְפלֶ ׁ ֶֽשת וְ צוֹ ר ִעם כּ ו ּׁש . כּ ֹל ַמ ְעיָ נַ י ָ ּב ְך, וְ ׁ ָש ִרים ְּכחֹלְ לִ ים. זֶ ה יֻ ַּלד ׁ ָשם ֶ ֽסלָ ה, יְ יָ יִ ְס ּפֹר ִ ּבכְ תוֹ ב ַע ִּמים.ֶעלְ יוֹ ן
ִל ְב ֵני
ׁ ִשירThe following is a song which was sung by the Levi’im on the steps in the Holy
Temple: When God returns the captured people of Zion; when He takes the Jewish people out of exile and returns them to the land of Israel, we will have been like dreamers. After
Mashiach comes, exile will seem like it was a distant dream that never really happened. At that time our mouths will be filled with laughter and our tongues will be filled with songs of joy. The nations of the world will say, “God did great things for these people.” The Jewish people will answer the nations, “Yes, God has done great things for us, and that is why we were happy.” While we are in exile, we ask God, “Please return our captives from exile; may they return quickly to the land of Israel, like streams of water flowing quickly on dry land, and may all suffering end. When that happens, those who plant seeds in these dry places, and are in tears because they are afraid no fruit will grow, will gather their food with songs of happiness. Although he goes along crying while carrying the bag of seeds in the field, he will surely come back to his house with songs of happiness, carrying all his bundles of produce from the field.
לִ ְבנֵ יThe following is a song that was composed by the sons of Korach. It is a song whose
basic theme is the holy mountains of Jerusalem. God loves the gates of Zion (Jerusalem)
more than all the other parts of Israel in which the Jewish people live. Jerusalem, glorious words of Torah are said by the Sanhedrin who live in your gates, and therefore you will forever be called “the city of God.” When I mention and discuss major countries, such as Egypt, Babylon, Pleshet, Tzor, and Kush with those who know the greatness of Jerusalem as I do, the other countries do not compare to Jerusalem’s greatness. This is because the other major countries rarely produce a great person; so when people refer to the great person who was born in these countries, they refer to him in the singular form and say, “This person was born there.” However, because Jerusalem is always full of many great men, when people speak about Jerusalem, they say, “This great person and that great person were born there.” God will establish Jerusalem as the most important city above all others. When Mashiach comes and God writes and decrees destruction on the nations that didn’t serve Him, He will count every Jew and take him out from among the nations, and say, “This person’s ancestors were born in Jerusalem. He belongs to me!” Singers as well as musicians will say, “Jerusalem, all my thoughts are about you!”
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59 Berach
ֲא ָב ְר ָכה
ֶאת יְ יָ ְ ּבכָ ל ֵעתָּ ,ת ִמיד ְּת ִה ָּלתוֹ ְ ּב ִפי .סוֹ ף ָדּ ָבר ַה ּכֹל נִ ׁ ְש ָמעֶ ,את ָה ֱאל ִֹהים יְ ָרא וְ ֶאת ִמ ְצוֹ ָתיו ׁ ְשמוֹ ר ִּכי זֶ ה ָּכל ָה ָא ָדםְּ .ת ִה ַּלת יְ יָ יְ ַד ֶ ּבר ּ ִפי וִ ָיב ֵר ְך ָּכל ָ ּב ָשׂ ר ׁ ֵשם ָק ְד ׁשוֹ לְ עוֹ לָ ם וָ ֶעד .וַ ֲאנַ ְֽחנ ּו נְ ָב ֵר ְך יָ ּה ֵמ ַע ָּתה וְ ַעד עוֹ לָ ם ַהלְ ל ּויָ ּה. זֶ ה ֵ ֽחלֶ ק ָא ָדם ָר ׁ ָשע ֵמ ֱאל ִֹהים וְ נַ ֲחלַ ת ִא ְמרוֹ ֵמ ֵאל. Rinse the fingertips (but not the lips, as is done during the rest of the year) and say the following:
וַ יְ ַד ֵ ּבר ֵאלַ י זֶ ה ַה ׁ ּ ֻשלְ ָחן ֲא ׁ ֶשר לִ ְפנֵ י יְ יָ. Hold the cup in the same manner as during Kiddush on page 63.ו ְּבנֵ ה until after the blessing of When three or more men eat together, one of them leads the Blessing After Meals as follows: (When ten or more men eat )ֱ [our God] as shown.אל ֵֹהינ ּו together, add
ַרבּ וֹ ַתי ִמיר ווֶ עלִ ין ֶ ּבענְ ְט ׁ ִשין. Others & then leader:
יְ ִהי ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ְמב ָֹר ְך ֵמ ַע ָּתה וְ ַעד עוֹ לָ ם. Leader:
ִ ּב ְר ׁשוּת ָמ ָרנָ ן וְ ַר ָ ּבנָ ן וְ ַרבּ וֹ ַתי נְ ָב ֵר ְך ֱ(אל ֵ ֹֽהינוּ) ׁ ֶש ָאכַ ֽלְ נ ּו ִמ ׁ ּ ֶש ּלוֹ. Others who have eaten:
ָ ּברו ְּך ֱ(אל ֵ ֹֽהינוּ) ׁ ֶש ָאכַ ֽלְ נ ּו ִמ ׁ ּ ֶש ּלוֹ ו ְּבטוּבוֹ ָח ִיֽינוּ. Leader:
ָ ּברו ְּך ֱ(אל ֵ ֹֽהינוּ) ׁ ֶש ָאכַ ֽלְ נ ּו ִמ ׁ ּ ֶש ּלוֹ ו ְּבטוּבוֹ ָח ִיֽינוּ.
ָ ּברו ְּך
ַא ָּתה יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ םַ ,ה ָ ּזן ֶאת ָהעוֹ לָ ם ֻּכ ּלוֹ ְ ּבט ּובוֹ ְ ּב ֵחן ְ ּב ֶ ֽח ֶסד ו ְּב ַר ֲח ִמים הוּא נוֹ ֵתן לֶ ֶֽחם לְ כָ ל ָ ּב ָשׂ ר ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ו ְּבט ּובוֹ ַה ָ ּגדוֹ ל ִע ָּ ֽמנ ּו ָּת ִמיד לֹא ָח ֵסר לָ ֽנ ּו וְ ַאל יֶ ְח ַסר לָ ֽנ ּו ָמזוֹ ן לְ עוֹ לָ ם וָ ֶעד. ַ ּב ֲעבוּר ׁ ְשמוֹ ַה ָ ּגדוֹ ל ִּכי הוּא ֵאל זָ ן ו ְּמ ַפ ְרנֵ ס לַ ּכֹל ו ֵּמ ִטיב לַ ּכֹל ו ֵּמכִ ין ָמזוֹ ן לְ כָ ל ְ ּב ִר ּיוֹ ָתיו ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָ ּב ָראָּ ,כ ָאמוּרּ :פוֹ ֵ ֽת ַח ֶאת יָ ֶ ֽד ָך ו ַּמ ְשׂ ִ ּ ֽב ַיע לְ כָ ל ַחי ָרצוֹ ןּ ָ .ברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ יַָ ,ה ָ ּזן ֶאת ַה ּכֹל. ְּל ָך יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ַעל ׁ ֶש ִהנְ ַ ֽחלְ ָּת לַ ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ֶח ְמ ָדּ ה טוֹ ָבה ו ְּר ָח ָבה יתנ ּו ִמ ֵ ּבית ֲע ָב ִדים אתנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֵמ ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ו ְּפ ִד ָ ֽ וְ ַעל ׁ ֶשהוֹ ֵצ ָ ֽ ָ ָ וְ ַעל ְ ּב ִר ְית ָך ׁ ֶש ָח ַ ֽת ְמ ָּת ִ ּב ְב ָשׂ ֵ ֽרנ ּו וְ ַעל ּתוֹ ָר ְתך ׁ ֶש ִּל ַּמ ְד ָּ ֽתנ ּו וְ ַעל ֻח ֶּ ֽקיך ׁ ֶשהוֹ ַד ְע ָּ ֽתנ ּו וְ ַעל ַח ִ ּיים ֵחן וָ ֶ ֽח ֶסד ׁ ֶשחוֹ נַ נְ ָּ ֽתנ ּו וְ ַעל ֲאכִ ילַ ת ָמזוֹ ן ׁ ָש ַא ָּתה זָ ן ו ְּמ ַפ ְרנֵ ס אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו ָּת ִמיד ְ ּבכָ ל יוֹ ם ו ְּבכָ ל ֵעת ו ְּבכָ ל ׁ ָש ָעה.
ֽנוֹ ֶדה
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Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 59
ֲא ָב ְרכָ הI will bless God at all times; His praise is always in my mouth. After all is
said and heard, fear God and keep His mitzvot, because this is a person’s whole purpose in this world. My mouth will say the praises of God, and everyone will do the same and bless His holy name forever and ever. We will bless God now and forever. Praise God.
זֶ ה
All these punishments (mentioned in the verses before this verse in Job) are the portion God will give a wicked person, and the heritage God will give to those who speak badly of Him.
וַ יְ ַד ֵ ּבר
Ezekiel said: The angel showing me the third Holy Temple pointed out the Table and said to me, “This table that you see here before God’s Holy of Holies is the Table of the Showbread.”
ַרבּ וֹ ַתיGentlemen, we will say Birkat Hamazon. יְ ִהיGod’s name should be blessed from now until forever. ִ ּב ְר ׁשוּתWith the permission of the Torah scholars, rabbis, and my teachers here, let us bless Him (our God), Whose food we have eaten from.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed be the Lord (our God), Whose food we have eaten from, and by Whose goodness we live.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed be the Lord (our God), Whose food we have eaten from, and by Whose goodness we live.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who, in His goodness, provides food for the entire world with graciousness, with kindness, and with mercy. He gives food to all of the world’s creations, because His kindness lasts forever. Through His great goodness, which is always with us, we do not lack food, and may we never lack food. God gives the world food because of His great name; because He is the God Who provides food and livelihood to everyone. He does good to everyone and He prepares food for all His creations; for everything that He created. As it says in Psalms: You open Your hand and give enough food to satisfy the desires of every living thing. Blessed are You, Lord, Who provides food for everyone.
נֽ וֹ ֶדהWe thank You, Lord, our God, because You gave the land of Israel to our ancestors as an inheritance to be passed down to us. It is a precious land; a good and wide open land. We also thank You, Lord, our God, for taking us out of the land of Egypt, for redeeming us from the house of slaves, for the covenant (circumcision) You have commanded us to do, and that You have made in our flesh, for Your Torah, that You taught us, for Your mitzvot that You have made known to us, for the life, graciousness, and kindness that You have kindly given us, and for the food we eat, with which You always feed and support us, every day, at all times, and in every hour.
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61 Berach
ְו ַעל ַה ּכֹל יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֲאנַ ְֽחנ ּו מוֹ ִדים לָ ְך ו ְּמ ָב ְרכִ ים אוֹ ָת ְך יִ ְת ָ ּב ֵר ְך ׁ ִש ְמ ָך ְ ּב ִפי ָּכל ַחי ָּת ִמיד לְ עוֹ לָ ם וָ ֶעדַּ ,כ ָּכתוּב :וְ ָאכַ לְ ָּת וְ ָשׂ ָב ְֽע ָּת ו ֵּב ַרכְ ָּת ֶאת יְ יָ ֱאל ֶ ֹֽה ָיך ַעל ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ ַה ּט ָֹבה ֲא ׁ ֶשר נָ ַֽתן לָ ְך. ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ יַָ ,על ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ וְ ַעל ַה ָּמזוֹ ן. ַר ֵחם יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ַעל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַע ֶּ ֽמ ָך וְ ַעל יְ רו ׁ ָּשלַ ֽיִ ם ִע ֶ ֽיר ָך וְ ַעל יח ָך וְ ַעל ִצ ּיוֹ ן ִמ ׁ ְש ַּכן ְּכבוֹ ֶ ֽד ָך וְ ַעל ַמלְ כוּת ֵ ּבית ָדּ וִ ד ְמ ׁ ִש ֶ ֽ ַה ַ ּבֽיִ ת ַה ָ ּגדוֹ ל וְ ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ׁ ֶש ִ ּנ ְק ָרא ׁ ִש ְמ ָך ָעלָ יוֱ .אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ָא ִ ֽבינ ּו רוֹ ֵ ֽענ ּו יחנ ּו וְ ַה ְרוַ ח לָ ֽנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ְמ ֵה ָרה זוֹ נֵ ֽנ ּו ּ ַפ ְרנְ ֵ ֽסנ ּו וְ כַ לְ ְּכלֵ ֽנ ּו וְ ַה ְרוִ ֵ ֽ ִמ ָּכל ָצרוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּ .וְ נָ א ַאל ַּת ְצ ִריכֵ ֽנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינוּ ,לֹא לִ ֵידי ַמ ְּתנַ ת ָ ּב ָשׂ ר וָ ָדם וְ לֹא לִ ֵידי ַהלְ וָ ָא ָתם ִּכי ִאם לְ יָ ְד ָך ַה ְּמלֵ ָאה ַה ּ ְפתו ָּחה ַה ְּקדוֹ ׁ ָשה וְ ָה ְר ָח ָבה ׁ ֶש ּלֹא נֵ בוֹ ׁש וְ לֹא נִ ָּכלֵ ם לְ עוֹ לָ ם וָ ֶעד. On Shabbat, add this paragraph:
יצֽנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ֶ ֽת ָ יך ו ְּב ִמ ְצוַ ת יוֹ ם ַה ׁ ּ ְש ִב ִיעי ַה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת וְ ַה ֲחלִ ֵ ַה ָ ּגדוֹ ל וְ ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ַה ֶ ּזה ִּכי יוֹ ם זֶ ה ָ ּגדוֹ ל וְ ָקדוֹ ׁש הוּא לְ ָפנֶ ֽיךָ, ֽיח לָ ֽנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו לִ ׁ ְש ָ ּבת ּבוֹ וְ לָ נֽ ו ַּח ּבוֹ ְ ּב ַא ֲה ָבה ְּכ ִמ ְצוַ ת ְרצוֹ נֶ ָֽך ,ו ִּב ְרצוֹ נְ ָך ָה ִנ ַ ׁ ֶש ּלֹא ְת ֵהא ָצ ָרה וְ יָ גוֹ ן וַ ֲאנָ ָחה ְ ּביוֹ ם ְמנו ָּח ֵ ֽתנוּ ,וְ ַה ְר ֵ ֽאנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ְ ּבנֶ ָח ַמת ִצ ּיוֹ ן ִע ֶ ֽיר ָך ,ו ְּב ִבנְ יַ ן יְ רו ׁ ָּשלַ ֽיִ ם ִעיר ָק ְד ׁ ֶ ֽש ָךִּ ,כי ַא ָּתה הוּא ַ ּב ַֽעל ַהיְ ׁש ּועוֹ ת ו ַּב ַֽעל ַה ֶ ּנ ָחמוֹ ת.
ְר ֵצה
The leader says the words in bold type aloud, and the others respond Amen after each phrase.
ֹהינ ּו וֵ אל ֵֹהי ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּ ,יַ ֲעלֶ ה וְ יָ בוֹ א וְ יַ ִ ּ ֽג ַיע ,וְ יֵ ָר ֶאה וְ יֵ ָר ֶצה ֱאל ֵ ֽ וְ יִ ׁ ּ ָש ַמע ,וְ יִ ּ ָפ ֵקד וְ יִ ָ ּזכֵ ר זִ כְ רוֹ נֵ ֽנ ּו ו ִּפ ְּקדוֹ נֵ ֽנוּ ,וְ זִ כְ רוֹ ן ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּ ,וְ זִ כְ רוֹ ן ָמ ׁ ִ ֽש ַיח ֶ ּבן ָדּ וִ ד ַע ְב ֶ ֽדּ ָך ,וְ זִ כְ רוֹ ן יְ רו ׁ ָּשלַ ֽיִ ם ִעיר ָק ְד ׁ ֶ ֽש ָך ,וְ זִ כְ רוֹ ן ָּכל ַע ְּמ ָך ֵ ּבית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל לְ ָפנֶ ָ ֽיך ,לִ ְפלֵ ָיטה לְ טוֹ ָבה, לְ ֵחן ּולְ ֶ ֽח ֶסד ּולְ ַר ֲח ִמים ּולְ ַח ִ ּיים טוֹ ִבים ּולְ ׁ ָשלוֹ םּ ְ ,ביוֹ ם ַחג ַה ַּמצּ וֹ ת ַה ֶ ּזהּ ְ ,ביוֹ ם טוֹ ב ִמ ְק ָרא ֽק ֶֹד ׁש ַה ֶ ּזה ,זָ כְ ֵ ֽרנ ּו יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ּבוֹ יענ ּו לְ טוֹ ָבה ָ(א ֵמן) ,ו ָּפ ְק ֵ ֽדנ ּו בוֹ לִ ְב ָרכָ ה ָ(א ֵמן) ,וְ הוֹ ׁ ִש ֵ ֽ בוֹ לְ ַח ִ ּיים טוֹ ִבים ָ(א ֵמן) ,ו ִּב ְד ַבר יְ ׁשו ָּעה וְ ַר ֲח ִמים ,חוּס וְ ָח ֵ ּנֽנוּ ,וְ ַר ֵחם ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו יענוִּּ ,כי ֵאלֶ ָ ֽיך ֵעינֵ ֽינוִּּ ,כי ֵאל וְ הוֹ ׁ ִש ֵ ֽ ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ַח ּנוּן וְ ַרחוּם ָ ֽא ָּתה.
1/2/2014 10:21:56 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 61
וְ עַ לWe thank and bless You, Lord, our God, for all the good things You do for us. When Mashiach comes, Your name will be blessed by the mouths of all living things, always and forever, because then the world will recognize that You are the only true God. We know that it is a mitzvah to bless God after we eat because it is written in the verse: When you have eaten and you are satisfied, you should bless the Lord, your God. You should thank Him for the good land of Israel that He has given you. Blessed are You, Lord, for the land and for the food it produces. ַר ֵחםLord, our God, have mercy on Israel, Your nation. Have mercy on
Your city, Jerusalem. Have mercy on Zion, where Your glory rests. Have mercy on the kingship of the House of David. Have mercy on the royal descendants of King David, whom You anointed to rule over the Jewish people, and have mercy on the great and holy house, the Holy Temple, which is called the “House of God,” and is known by Your name. Our God, our Father, our Shepherd, feed us with extra food, provide clothes and other necessities for us, support us, and provide us with plenty of what we need. Lord, our God, relieve us speedily from all of our troubles, both physical and spiritual. Lord, our God, please do not put us in a situation where we will need people’s presents or loans in order to survive. Instead, let us get everything we need from Your full, open, holy, and generous hand, in order that we should never be embarrassed or disgraced.
ְר ֵצה
Lord, our God, may You continue to want to strengthen us through Your mitzvot and through the mitzvah of the seventh day, this great and holy Shabbat. For this day is a great and holy day before You, a day in which to lovingly stop working and to rest, in accordance with the mitzvah that You want us to do. Lord, our God, with Your good will, give us calm; may we have no hardships on this day, so that there should be no pain, sadness, or sorrow on the day of our rest. Lord, our God, show us the comforting of Zion, Your city, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem, Your holy city, because You are the Master of salvation and comfort.
ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּוLord, our God and the God of our fathers, may the following
memories rise up, come to You, reach You, be seen, willingly accepted, heard, recalled, and remembered by You: The memories and recollections of the good things that we and our fathers did for You, the memory of Mashiach, who is a descendant of King David, Your servant, the memory of Jerusalem, Your holy city, which is in ruins, and the memory of Your entire nation, Israel, who are in exile, should all be remembered before You. Remember these things, God, and give us deliverance from hardship, goodness, graciousness, kindness, mercy, good life, and peace, on this special day of the festival of Pesach, on this festival that the Torah calls Holy. Remember us, Lord, our God, on this special day for good things, remember us on it for blessing, and help us on this day to have a good life. God, You have promised to help us and have mercy on us. With this promise of salvation and mercy, have pity on us, be kind to us, have mercy on us, and save us, because our eyes look only towards You, because You, God, are a kind and merciful King.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 62
1/2/2014 10:21:56 PM
63 Berach
ק ֶד ׁש ּו ְב ֵנה ְירו ׁ ָּש ַ ֽל ִים ִעיר ַה ּֽ ֹ ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה ְב ָי ֵ ֽמינוּ. ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה ְי ָיֹ ּ ,ב ֵנה ְב ַר ֲח ָמיו ְירו ׁ ָּש ָ ֽל ִיםָ .א ֵמן. Put down the cup.
ָ ּברו ְּך
ַא ָּתה יְ יֱָ ,אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ םָ ,ה ֵאלָ ,א ִ ֽבינ ּו ַמלְ ֵּכֽנוַּ ,א ִדּ ֵ ֽירנ ּו ּבוֹ ְר ֵ ֽאנ ּו ּגוֹ ֲאלֵ ֽנ ּו יוֹ ְצ ֵ ֽרנוְּ ,קדוֹ ׁ ֵ ֽשנ ּו ְקדוֹ ׁש יַ ֲעקֹב ,רוֹ ֵ ֽענ ּו רוֹ ֵעה יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַה ֶּ ֽמלֶ ְך ַה ּטוֹ ב וְ ַה ֵּמ ִטיב לַ ּכֹל ְ ּבכָ ל יוֹ ם וָ יוֹ ם ,הוּא ֵה ִטיב לָ ֽנוּ ,הוּא ֵמ ִטיב לָ ֽנוּ ,הוּא יֵ ִיטיב לָ ֽנוּ ,הוּא גְ ָמלָ ֽנ ּו הוּא גוֹ ְמלֵ ֽנ ּו הוּא יִ גְ ְמלֵ ֽנ ּו לָ ַעד ,לְ ֵחן ּולְ ֶ ֽח ֶסד ּולְ ַר ֲח ִמיםּ ,ולְ ֶ ֽרוַ ח ַה ָצּ לָ ה וְ ַה ְצלָ ָחהּ ְ ,ב ָרכָ ה וִ ׁישו ָּעה ,נֶ ָח ָמה ּ ַפ ְרנָ ָסה וְ כַ לְ ָּכלָ ה וְ ַר ֲח ִמים וְ ַח ִ ּיים וְ ׁ ָשלוֹ ם וְ כָ ל טוֹ ב ו ִּמ ָּכל טוּב לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַאל יְ ַח ְּס ֵ ֽרנוּ. ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יִ ְמלוֹ ְך ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו לְ עוֹ לָ ם וָ ֶעד. ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יִ ְת ָ ּב ֵר ְך ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם ו ָּב ָ ֽא ֶרץ. ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יִ ׁ ְש ַּת ַ ּבח לְ דוֹ ר דּ וֹ ִרים וְ יִ ְת ּ ָפ ֵאר ָ ּבֽנ ּו לָ ַעד ּולְ נֵ ַֽצח נְ ָצ ִחים וְ יִ ְת ַה ַדּ ר ָ ּבֽנ ּו לָ ַעד ּולְ עוֹ לְ ֵמי עוֹ לָ ִמים. ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יְ ַפ ְרנְ ֵ ֽסנ ּו ְ ּבכָ בוֹ ד. ארנ ּו וְ הוּא יוֹ לִ יכֵ ֽנ ּו קוֹ ְמ ִמ ּיוּת לְ ַא ְר ֵצֽנוּ. ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יִ ׁ ְש ּבוֹ ר עוֹ ל ָ ּגלוּת ֵמ ַעל ַצ ָ ּו ֵ ֽ ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יִ ׁ ְשלַ ח ְ ּב ָרכָ ה ְמ ֻר ָ ּבה ְ ּב ַבֽיִ ת זֶ ה וְ ַעל ׁ ֻשלְ ָחן זֶ ה ׁ ֶש ָאכַ ֽלְ נ ּו ָעלָ יו. שר לָ ֽנ ּו ְ ּבשׂוֹ רוֹ ת ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יִ ׁ ְשלַ ח לָ ֽנ ּו ֶאת ֵאלִ ָ ּיֽה ּו ַה ָ ּנ ִביא זָ כוּר לַ ּטוֹ ב וִ ַיב ּ ֶ ׂ טוֹ בוֹ ת יְ ׁש ּועוֹ ת וְ נֶ ָחמוֹ ת. ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יְ ָב ֵר ְך ֶאת ָא ִבי מוֹ ִרי ַ ּב ַֽעל ַה ַ ּבֽיִ ת ַה ֶ ּזה וְ ֶאת ִא ִּמי מוֹ ָר ִתי ַ ּב ְעלַ ת ַה ַ ּבֽיִ ת ַה ֶ ּזה אוֹ ָתם וְ ֶאת ֵ ּב ָיתם וְ ֶאת זַ ְר ָעם וְ ֶאת ָּכל ֲא ׁ ֶשר לָ ֶהם אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו וְ ֶאת ָּכל ֲא ׁ ֶשר לָ ֽנוְּּ .כמוֹ ׁ ֶש ֵ ּב ַר ְך ֶאת ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ַא ְב ָר ָהם יִ ְצ ָחק וְ יַ ֲעקֹב ַ ּב ּכֹל ִמ ּכֹל ּכֹלֵּ ,כן ֹאמר ָא ֵמן. יְ ָב ֵר ְך אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו ְ ּ(בנֵ י ְב ִרית) ֻּכ ָּלֽנ ּו יַ ַֽחד ִ ּב ְב ָרכָ ה ׁ ְשלֵ ָמה וְ נ ַ
1/2/2014 10:21:57 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 63
ו ְּבנֵ הGod, rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem quickly, in our days. Blessed are You, Lord, Who in His mercy rebuilds Jerusalem. Amen.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world. You are the God of
the world, our Father, our King, our Strength, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Maker, our Holy One and the Holy One of Jacob and his descendants, the Jewish people. You are our Shepherd—the shepherd Who guides His flock, the nation of Israel. You are the King Who is good and does good things for all, each and every day. We thank God because He has done good for us, He does good for us, and He will continue to do good for us. He has given us in the past, He gives to us presently, and He will continue to give us, in the future and forever, the following things: grace, kindness, mercy, relief, rescue from our troubles, success, blessings, salvation, comfort, livelihood, support, mercy, life, peace, and all good things. May God never let us lack any of the good things in the world. May the merciful God rule over us forever and ever. May the merciful God be blessed in heaven and on earth. May the merciful God be praised throughout all generations and be proud of us and be glorified by us forever and ever. May the merciful God provide us with livelihood in an honorable and dignified way.
May the merciful God break off the yoke of exile from our necks. May He remove the restrictions and hardship of exile from us, and may He lead us, standing upright and proud, to Israel, our land. May the merciful God send many blessings to us in this house and on this table on which we have eaten. May the merciful God send us Elijah the Prophet, who is remembered for the good things he did, to inform us of the good news, that Mashiach is arriving, bringing comfort and salvation. May the merciful God bless my father and teacher, the master of this house, and my mother and teacher, the mistress of this house. God should bless them, their household, their descendants, and everything that belongs to them, together with us and everything that belongs to us. Just as He blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in all things, so too, He should bless all of us together, in all things, with a complete blessing. Let us say Amen.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 64
1/2/2014 10:21:57 PM
65 Berach
ִמ ָּמרוֹ ם
שא יְ לַ ְּמד ּו ָעלָ יו וְ ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו זְ כוּת ׁ ֶש ְּת ֵהא לְ ִמ ׁ ְש ֶ ֽמ ֶרת ׁ ָשלוֹ ם וְ נִ ּ ָ ׂ ְב ָרכָ ה ֵמ ֵאת יְ יָ ו ְּצ ָד ָקה ֵמ ֱאל ֵֹהי יִ ׁ ְש ֵ ֽענ ּו וְ נִ ְמ ָצא ֵחן וְ ֵ ֽשׂ כֶ ל טוֹ ב ְ ּב ֵעינֵ י ֱאל ִֹהים וְ ָא ָדם. On Shabbat add the following line:
ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יַ נְ ִחילֵ ֽנ ּו לְ יוֹ ם ׁ ֶש ֻּכ ּלוֹ ׁ ַש ָ ּבת ו ְּמנו ָּחה לְ ַח ֵ ּיי ָהעוֹ לָ ִמים. ָה ַר ֲח ָמן הוּא יַ נְ ִחילֵ ֽנ ּו לְ יוֹ ם ׁ ֶש ֻּכ ּלוֹ טוֹ ב. הוּא יְ זַ ֵּכֽנ ּו לִ ימוֹ ת ַה ָּמ ׁ ִ ֽש ַיח ּולְ ַח ֵ ּיי ָהעוֹ לָ ם ַה ָ ּבאִ .מגְ דּ ֹל יְ ׁש ּועוֹ ת ַמלְ ּכוֹ וְ ֽע ֶֹשׂ ה ֶ ֽח ֶסד לִ ְמ ׁ ִשיחוֹ לְ ָדוִ ד ּולְ זַ ְרעוֹ ַעד עוֹ לָ ם .ע ֶֹשׂ ה ׁ ָשלוֹ ם ִ ּב ְמרוֹ ָמיו הוּא יַ ֲע ֶשׂ ה ׁ ָשלוֹ ם ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו וְ ַעל ָּכל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל וְ ִא ְמר ּו ָא ֵמן. ֶאת יְ יָ ְקד ׁ ָֹשיוִּ ,כי ֵאין ַמ ְחסוֹ ר לִ ֵיר ָאיוְּ .כ ִפ ִירים ָר ׁש ּו וְ ָר ֵ ֽעבוּ ,וְ ד ְֹר ׁ ֵשי יְ יָ לֹא יַ ְח ְסר ּו כָ ל טוֹ ב .הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹּ .פוֹ ֵ ֽת ַח ֶאת יָ ֶ ֽד ָך ,ו ַּמ ְשׂ ִ ּ ֽב ַיע לְ כָ ל ַחי ָרצוֹ ןּ ָ .ברו ְּך ַה ֶ ּג ֶֽבר ֲא ׁ ֶשר יִ ְב ַטח ַ ּבייָ ,וְ ָהיָ ה יְ יָ ִמ ְב ַטחוֹ.
ָה ַר ֲח ָמן ְירא ּו
Hold the cup in the same manner as during Kiddush and say the following blessing:
ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ יֱָ ,אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ םּ ,בוֹ ֵרא ּ ְפ ִרי ַה ָ ּג ֶֽפן. Drink the wine while seated, and leaning to the left. It is preferable to drink the entire cup. One who cannot drink the entire cup should drink at least most of it. Fill the fourth cup. ·· Once the door is open, those sent to open the doors say the following paragraph there while all others say it in their place.
פו ְך ׁ ְש ֹ
·· The door to the outside (and any door in between) is opened. ·· On weeknights, those sent to open the door customarily take along lit candles.
ֲח ָמ ְת ָך ֶאל ַה ּגוֹ יִ ם ֲא ׁ ֶשר לֹא יְ ָד ֽעו ָּך ,וְ ַעל ַמ ְמלָ כוֹ ת ֲא ׁ ֶשר ְ ּב ׁ ִש ְמ ָך לֹא ָק ָ ֽראוִּּ .כי ָאכַ ל ֶאת יַ ֲעקֹב ,וְ ֶאת נָ וֵ ֽה ּו ֵה ׁ ַ ֽש ּמוְּ ׁ .ש ָפ ְך ֲעלֵ ֶיהם זַ ְע ֶ ֽמ ָך וַ ֲחרוֹ ן ַא ּ ְפ ָך יַ ִ ֽשׂ יגֵ םִּ .ת ְרדּ וֹ ף ְ ּב ַאף וְ ַת ׁ ְש ִמ ֵידם ִמ ַּ ֽת ַחת ׁ ְש ֵמי יְ יָ. The doors are closed.
1/2/2014 10:21:59 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 65
ִמ ָּמרוֹ םMay the angels ask God to give us and the owner of this home a special privilege from heaven above: that there should be long-lasting peace for all of us and that we should receive blessing and kindness from God Who saves us. May we find kindness and good understanding in the eyes of God and all people; may God and all people be kind to us and understand us.
ָה ַר ֲח ָמן
May the merciful God give us as an inheritance the day
which will be entirely Shabbat and restfulness; may He redeem us through the coming of Mashiach, when there will be true rest and everlasting life.
ָה ַר ֲח ָמןMay the merciful God give us as an inheritance the day which is all good; may He bring the redemption, after which there will be only good in the world.
ָה ַר ֲח ָמןMay the merciful God give us the privilege of living in the days of Mashiach and the privilege of life of the World to Come. God is a tower of salvation for David, His king. He does kindness for His anointed one, King David, and He will act kindly to his descendants forever. May God, Who makes peace in His heavens, make peace for us and for all the nation of Israel, and everyone say Amen.
יְ רא ּוFear God, you who are His holy people, because those who fear Him lack nothing. Even wealthy and powerful people, who are strong like young lions, can become poor and go hungry, but the people who search for God and rely on Him for their livelihood will never lack any goodness. Give thanks to God because He is good to everyone; because His kindness lasts forever. God, You open Your hand and give enough food to satisfy the desires of every living thing. Blessed is the man who trusts in God, and God will be his security.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who creates the fruit of the vine.
ׁ ְשפוֹ ְךGod, pour Your anger onto the nations that do not acknowledge You and onto the kingdoms that do not call out Your name, because they have devoured the nation of Jacob and destroyed their Holy Temple. Pour Your fury against them, and let Your fiery anger overtake them. Chase them with anger, and destroy them from beneath Your heavens — the heavens of God.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 66
1/2/2014 10:22:00 PM
ַה ֵּלל—נִ ְר ָצה 67 Hallel -Nirtzah
Hallel -Nirtzah
After all have returned from opening the door, continue with Hallel.
לֹא לָ ֽנ ּו יְ יָ ,לֹא לָ ֽנוִּּ ,כי לְ ׁ ִש ְמ ָך ֵּתן ָּכבוֹ דַ ,על ַח ְס ְדּ ָך ַעל ֲא ִמ ֶּ ֽת ָך. ֹאמר ּו ַה ּגוֹ יִ םַ ,א ֵ ּיה נָ א ֱאל ֵֹה ֶיהם .וֵ אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ַב ׁ ּ ָש ָ ֽמיִ ם, לָ ָּֽמה י ְ ּכֹל ֲא ׁ ֶשר ָח ֵפץ ָע ָשׂ הֲ .ע ַצ ֵ ּב ֶיהם ֶּכ ֶֽסף וְ זָ ָהבַ ,מ ֲע ֵשׂ ה יְ ֵדי ָא ָדםֶ ּ .פה לָ ֶהם וְ לֹא יְ ַד ֵ ּבֽרוֵּ ,עינַ ֽיִ ם לָ ֶהם וְ לֹא יִ ְראוָּ .אזְ נַ ֽיִ ם לָ ֶהם וְ לֹא יִ ׁ ְש ָ ֽמעוּ, ַאף לָ ֶהם וְ לֹא יְ ִריחוּן .יְ ֵד ֶיהם וְ לֹא יְ ִמ ׁישוּןַ ,רגְ לֵ ֶיהם וְ לֹא יְ ַה ֵּלֽכוּ, לֹא יֶ ְה ּג ּו ִ ּבגְ רוֹ נָ םְּ .כמוֹ ֶהם יִ ְהי ּו ע ֵֹשׂ ֶיהםּ ,כֹל ֲא ׁ ֶשר ּב ֵ ֹֽט ַח ָ ּב ֶהם. יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ ּב ַטח ַ ּבייֶָ ,עזְ ָרם ו ָּמגִ ָ ּנם הוּאּ ֵ .בית ַא ֲהרֹן ִ ּב ְטח ּו ַבייֶָ ,עזְ ָרם ו ָּמגִ ָ ּנם הוּא .יִ ְר ֵאי יְ יָ ִ ּב ְטח ּו ַבייֶָ ,עזְ ָרם ו ָּמגִ ָ ּנם הוּא. ְי ָי זְ כָ ָ ֽרנ ּו יְ ָב ֵר ְך ,יְ ָב ֵר ְך ֶאת ֵ ּבית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ,יְ ָב ֵר ְך ֶאת ֵ ּבית ַא ֲהרֹן. יְ ָב ֵר ְך יִ ְר ֵאי יְ יַָ ,ה ְּק ַט ִ ּנים ִעם ַה ְ ּגדֹלִ ים .י ֵֹסף יְ יָ ֲעלֵ יכֶ םֲ ,עלֵ יכֶ ם וְ ַעל ְ ּבנֵ יכֶ ְ ּ ם.בר ּוכִ ים ַא ֶּתם לַ ייָ ,ע ֵֹשׂ ה ׁ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם וָ ָ ֽא ֶרץַ .ה ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם ׁ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם לַ ייָ ,וְ ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ נָ ַתן לִ ְבנֵ י ָא ָדם .לֹא ַה ֵּמ ִתים יְ ַהלְ ל ּו יָ ּה ,וְ לֹא ָּכל י ְֹר ֵדי דו ָּמה .וַ ֲאנַ ְֽחנ ּו נְ ָב ֵר ְך יָ ּהֵ ,מ ַע ָּתה וְ ַעד עוֹ לָ םַ ,הלְ ל ּויָ ּה.
ָא ַ ֽה ְב ִּתי,
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ִּכי יִ ׁ ְש ַמע יְ יָ ֶאת קוֹ לִ י ַּת ֲחנ ּונָ יִּ .כי ִה ָּטה ָאזְ נוֹ לִ י, ו ְּביָ ַמי ֶא ְק ָראֲ .א ָפ ֽפ ּונִ י ֶח ְבלֵ י ָ ֽמוֶ ת ,ו ְּמ ָצ ֵרי ׁ ְשאוֹ ל ְמ ָצ ֽא ּונִ יָ ,צ ָרה וְ יָ גוֹ ן ֶא ְמ ָצא .ו ְּב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ֶא ְק ָרא, ָא ָ ּנה יְ יָ ַמ ְּל ָטה נַ ְפ ׁ ִשיַ .ח ּנוּן יְ יָ וְ ַצ ִדּ יק, וֵ אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ְמ ַר ֵחםׁ .ש ֵֹמר ּ ְפ ָתאיִ ם יְ יַָ ,דּ ּל ִֹתי וְ לִ י יְ הוֹ ׁ ִ ֽש ַיעׁ .שו ִּבי נַ ְפ ׁ ִשי לִ ְמנו ָ ּֽחיְ כִ יִּ ,כי יְ יָ ָ ּג ַמל ָעלָ ֽיְ כִ יִּ .כי ִח ַּל ְֽצ ָּת נַ ְפ ׁ ִשי ִמ ָּ ֽמוֶ ת, ֶאת ֵעינִ י ִמן ִדּ ְמ ָעהֶ ,את ַרגְ לִ י ִמ ֶ ֽדּ ִחי. ֶא ְת ַה ֵּל ְך לִ ְפנֵ י יְ יָּ ְ ,ב ַא ְרצוֹ ת ַה ַח ִ ּיים. ֶה ֱא ַ ֽמנְ ִּתי ִּכי ֲא ַד ֵ ּברֲ ,אנִ י ָע ִ ֽנ ִיתי ְמאֹדֲ .אנִ י ָא ַ ֽמ ְר ִּתי ְב ָח ְפזִ יָּ ,כל ָה ָא ָדם ּכֹזֵ ב.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 67
Hallel -Nirtzah
לֹאNot for our sake, God; not because we are deserving should You be
kind to us. Rather, for the sake of Your name, give and shine Your glory, in order that the nations should know of Your kindness and Your truth, that You always do good to the Jewish people. Why should the nations be able to say about the Jewish people, “Where is their God? Why does He not help them?” Our God is in heaven; He is not like the idols of the other nations, which are man-made. He does whatever He wants, because He controls everything. The idols which the nations of the world worship are made of silver and gold; they are made by human hands. They have a mouth, but cannot speak; they have eyes, but cannot see; they have ears but cannot hear; they have a nose but cannot smell. Their hands cannot touch; their feet cannot walk. They cannot even make the smallest sound with their throats. Those who make idols and all those who trust in them will become like them—unable to speak, see, hear, smell, touch, or walk. The nation of Israel should trust in God! He is their help and their shield to protect them from trouble. Kohanim of the House of Aaron should trust in God! He is their help and their shield. Those who fear God should trust in God! He is their help and their shield.
ָ יְ יMay God, Who always remembers us, bless us. May He bless the nation of Israel; may He bless the Kohanim of the House of Aaron. May He bless those who fear God, the small, ordinary people as well as the great people. May God increase the blessings He puts upon you; upon you and upon your children. You are blessed constantly by God, Who made the heavens and the earth. The heavens are the heavens of God, and human beings cannot live in them, but He gave the earth to human beings on which to live. Those who are dead cannot praise God; anyone who goes down into the silence of the grave cannot praise God. But we, who are still alive on this world, will bless God from now and forever, throughout all future generations. Praise God. ָא ַ ֽה ְב ִּתיKing David said: I love God because He always listens to my voice
and my prayers. He turns His ear towards me and listens to me on the days that I call to Him. When Saul almost killed me, a sudden feeling of death surrounded me, and the tight space of the grave came upon me. At that time, I found myself filled with pain and sadness. So I called out with the name of God and said, “God, I beg You to save my soul!” I called out to God because He is kind and righteous; our God is merciful. God watches over simple people, who do not know how to stay away from bad things, and He saves them. When I was in my low, sad situation, He saved me. My soul, return peacefully to God, because there you will find your rest. God has always given you kindness. God, You have saved my soul from death. You have saved my eyes from tears, and You saved my feet from falling when I was running from my enemies. I will now walk before God in the lands of Israel, among the people living in peace. God, I had faith that You would save me, even when I said, “I am in great suffering.” Even when people said that I would never be king, I had faith. As I hurried and ran away from Saul I said, “All the people who are saying that I will never be king are being dishonest.”
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 68
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69 Hallel -Nirtzah
שא ,ו ְּב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ֶא ְק ָרא. ָא ׁ ִשיב לַ ייָָּ ,כל ַּתגְ מ ּולֽ וֹ ִהי ָעלָ יּ .כוֹ ס יְ ׁש ּועוֹ ת ֶא ּ ָ ׂ נְ ָד ַרי לַ ייָ ֲא ׁ ַש ֵּלם ,נֶ גְ ָדה ָ ּנא לְ כָ ל ַע ּמוֹ .יָ ָקר ְ ּב ֵעינֵ י יְ יַָ ,ה ָּ ֽמוְ ָתה לַ ֲח ִס ָידיו. ָא ָ ּנה יְ יָ ִּכי ֲאנִ י ַע ְב ֶ ֽדּ ָךֲ ,אנִ י ַע ְב ְדּ ָך ֶ ּבן ֲא ָמ ֶ ֽת ָךִ ּ ,פ ַּ ֽת ְח ָּת לְ מוֹ ֵס ָרי .לְ ָך ֶאזְ ַ ּבח זֶ ַֽבח ּתוֹ ָדה ,ו ְּב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ֶא ְק ָרא .נְ ָד ַרי לַ ייָ ֲא ׁ ַש ֵּלם ,נֶ גְ ָדה ָ ּנא לְ כָ ל ַע ּמוֹּ ְ .ב ַח ְצרוֹ ת ֵ ּבית יְ יָּ ְ ,בתוֹ כֵ ֽכִ י יְ רו ׁ ָּשלָ ֽיִ םַ ,הלְ ל ּויָ ּה.
ַהלְ ל ּו ֶאת יְ יָ ָּכל ּגוֹ יִ םַ ׁ ,ש ְ ּב ֽחוּה ּו ָּכל ָה ֻא ִּמים. ִּכי גָ ַבר ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו ַח ְסדּ וֹ ,וֶ ֱא ֶמת יְ יָ לְ עוֹ לָ םַ ,הלְ ל ּויָ ּה. The following four stanzas are said as follows: the verse in grey type is said aloud by the leader, after which the others respond, saying the first verse in regular type aloud, and ” after each of the last three versesהוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ the next verse quietly. The leader also says “... — Leader — Others
הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ.
הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ֹאמר נָ א יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. י ַ
— Leader
ֹאמר נָ א יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. י ַ
— Leader
ֹאמר ּו נָ א ֵ ּבית ַא ֲהרֹןִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. י ְ
— Others
— Others
— Leader — Others
הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ֹאמר ּו נָ א ֵ ּבית ַא ֲהרֹןִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. י ְ הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ֹאמר ּו נָ א יִ ְר ֵאי יְ יִָּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. י ְ ֹאמר ּו נָ א יִ ְר ֵאי יְ יִָּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. י ְ
הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ.
אתי ָ ּי ּהָ ,ענָ ֽנִ י ַב ֶּמ ְר ַחב יָ ּה .יְ יָ לִ י לֹא ִא ָיראַ ,מה ַ ּי ֲע ֶשׂ ה לִ י ַה ֵּמ ַצר ָק ָ ֽר ִ ָא ָדם .יְ יָ לִ י ְ ּבעֹזְ ָרי ,וַ ֲאנִ י ֶא ְר ֶאה ְבשׂנְ ָאי .טוֹ ב לַ ֲחסוֹ ת ַ ּבייִָ ,מ ְ ּב ֽט ַֹח ָ ּב ָא ָדם. טוֹ ב לַ ֲחסוֹ ת ַ ּבייִָ ,מ ְ ּב ֽט ַֹח ִ ּבנְ ִד ִיביםָּ .כל ּגוֹ יִ ם ְס ָב ֽב ּונִ יּ ְ ,ב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ִּכי ֲא ִמילַ ם. ַס ֽ ּב ּונִ י גַ ם ְס ָב ֽב ּונִ יּ ְ ,ב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ִּכי ֲא ִמילַ םַ .ס ֽ ּב ּונִ י כִ ְדב ִֹרים דּ ֲֹעכ ּו ְּכ ֵא ׁש קוֹ ִצים, יתנִ י לִ נְ ּפֹל ,וַ ייָ ֲעזָ ָ ֽרנִ יָ .ע ִ ּזי וְ זִ ְמ ָרת יָ ּה ,וַ יְ ִהי לִ י ְ ּב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָ ִּכי ֲא ִמילַ םָ .דּ חֹה ְד ִח ַ ֽ יקים ,יְ ִמין יְ יָ ֽע ָֹשׂ ה ָ ֽחיִ ל .יְ ִמין יְ יָ לִ ׁישו ָּעה .קוֹ ל ִר ָ ּנה וִ ׁישו ָּעה ְ ּב ָא ֳהלֵ י ַצ ִדּ ִ רוֹ ֵמ ָמה ,יְ ִמין יְ יָ ֽע ָֹשׂ ה ָ ֽחיִ ל .לֹא ָאמוּת ִּכי ֶא ְחיֶ ה ,וַ ֲא ַס ּ ֵפר ַמ ֲע ֵשׂ י יָ ּה .יַ ּסֹר יִ ְּס ַ ֽר ִ ּני
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Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 69
Hallel -Nirtzah
ָמהHow can I repay God for all of His acts of kindness which He has
done for me? I will raise a cup of wine and tell the Jewish people about how You saved me, and I will call in the name of God. I will pay and keep my promises to God, which I committed to fulfill if He saved me from danger, now, while in the presence of all His people. It is painful in the eyes of God to see the death of His devoted people, and that is why He performs miracles to save them. I thank You, God, for the fact that I am Your humble servant. I am Your servant; I am the humble son of my mother, Your maidservant. Because I have been humble, You have loosened the knots that tied me, and I have been saved. I will offer a sacrifice to You, an offering of thanks; and I will call in the name of God. I will pay and keep my promises to God, which I committed to fulfill if He saved me from danger. I will do this now, while in the presence of all His people, in the courtyards of the House of God—the Holy Temple, which is in the midst of Jerusalem. Praise God.
ַהלְ ל ּוWhen Mashiach comes, all the nations will praise God; all the
people will glorify Him.
They will praise Him because His kindness was mighty over us. The truth of God is everlasting; He is trusted to keep His promises forever. Praise God.
הוֹ ד ּוGive praise to God because He is good; because His kindness lasts forever.
ֹאמר ַ יAll of the nation of Israel should say that His kindness lasts forever. ֹאמר ּו ְ יThe Kohanim of the House of Aaron should say that His kindness lasts forever.
ֹאמר ּו ְ יThose who fear God should say that His kindness lasts forever. ִמןFrom the tight situation that I was in, I called out to God for His help.
God answered me and put me in a wide open, peaceful place. God is with me and I will not be afraid of anyone. What can any person do to me if I have God’s help? When God is with me, among my helpers, I will see the downfall of my enemies. It is better to rely on God for help than to trust in any person. It is better to rely on God for help than to trust in important, powerful people. All the nations surrounded me to fight me, but I still trusted in You. In the name of God I will cut them down and defeat them. They surrounded me and circled me, but I still trusted that in the name of God I will cut them down. They surrounded me like bees surrounding a jar of honey, but they will retreat and fall like small twigs burning in a fire. In the name of God I will cut them down. They constantly pushed me to make me fall, but God helped me, and I was saved. God is my strength and song, and He has been a salvation for me. The sound of rejoicing and salvation will be heard in the tents of the righteous who were saved by God. They will say, “The right hand of God acts with great strength. The right hand of God is raised high; the right hand of God acts with great strength.” I will not die. Rather, I will continue to live, and I will tell the great things God has done. God indeed
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 70
1/2/2014 10:22:03 PM
71 Hallel -Nirtzah
ָ ּי ּה ,וְ לַ ָּ ֽמוֶ ת לֹא נְ ָתנָ ֽנִ יִ ּ .פ ְתח ּו לִ י ׁ ַש ֲע ֵרי ֶצ ֶֽדקֽ ָ ,אבֹא ָבם אוֹ ֶדה יָ ּה .זֶ ה ַה ׁ ּ ַ ֽש ַער יקים יָ ֽבֹא ּו בוֹ. לַ ייַָ ,צ ִדּ ִ יתנִ י ,וַ ְּת ִהי לִ י לִ ׁישו ָּעה. אוֹ ְד ָך ִּכי ֲענִ ָ ֽ יתנִ י ,וַ ְּת ִהי לִ י לִ ׁישו ָּעה .אוֹ ְד ָך ִּכי ֲענִ ָ ֽ ֹאש ֹאש ּ ִפ ָ ּנהֽ ֶ .א ֶבן ָמ ֲאס ּו ַה ּבוֹ נִ יםָ ,היְ ָתה לְ ר ׁ ֶ ֽא ֶבן ָמ ֲאס ּו ַה ּבוֹ נִ יםָ ,היְ ָתה לְ ר ׁ ּ ִפ ָ ּנהֵ .מ ֵאת יְ יָ ָהיְ ָתה ּזֹאתִ ,היא נִ ְפלָ את ְ ּב ֵעינֵ ֽינוֵּ .מ ֵאת יְ יָ ָהיְ ָתה ּזֹאתִ ,היא נִ ְפלָ את ְ ּב ֵעינֵ ֽינוּ .זֶ ה ַה ּיוֹ ם ָע ָשׂ ה יְ יָ ,נָ ִגֽילָ ה וְ נִ ְשׂ ְמ ָחה בוֹ .זֶ ה ַה ּיוֹ ם ָע ָשׂ ה יְ יָ, נָ ִגֽילָ ה וְ נִ ְשׂ ְמ ָחה בוֹ. The following four lines are each said aloud by the leader, followed by everyone else.
ָ ּברו ְּך
ָא ָ ּנא יְ יָ הוֹ ׁ ִ ֽש ָיעה ָ ּנא. ָא ָ ּנא יְ יָ הוֹ ׁ ִ ֽש ָיעה ָ ּנא. ָא ָ ּנא יְ יָ ַה ְצלִ ָיחה נָ א. ָא ָ ּנא יְ יָ ַה ְצלִ ָיחה נָ א.
ַה ָ ּבא ְ ּב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָּ ֵ ,ב ַרכְ נ ּוכֶ ם ִמ ֵ ּבית יְ יָּ ָ .ברו ְּך ַה ָ ּבא ְ ּב ׁ ֵשם יְ יָּ ֵ ,ב ַרכְ נ ּוכֶ ם ִמ ֵ ּבית יְ יֵָ .אל יְ יָ וַ ָ ּי ֶֽאר לָ ֽנוִּ ,א ְסר ּו ַחג ַ ּב ֲעב ִֹתיםַ ,עד ַק ְרנוֹ ת ַה ִּמזְ ֵ ּב ַֽח. ֵאל יְ יָ וַ ָ ּי ֶֽאר לָ ֽנוִּ ,א ְסר ּו ַחג ַ ּב ֲעב ִֹתיםַ ,עד ַק ְרנוֹ ת ַה ִּמזְ ֵ ּב ַֽח.
ֵאלִ י ַא ָּתה וְ אוֹ ֶ ֽד ָּךֱ ,אל ַֹהי ֲארוֹ ְמ ֶ ֽמּךָ. ֵאלִ י ַא ָּתה וְ אוֹ ֶ ֽד ָּךֱ ,אל ַֹהי ֲארוֹ ְמ ֶ ֽמּךָ. הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. הוֹ ד ּו לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ בִּ ,כי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ.
Keili Attah, v’odeka, Elokai arom’meka.
ְי ַה ְל ֽלו ָּך
יד ָ יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו (על) ָּכל ַמ ֲע ֶ ֽשׂ ָ יך יך ,וַ ֲח ִס ֶ ֽ יקים עוֹ ֵשׂ י ְרצוֹ נֶ ָֽך ,וְ כָ ל ַע ְּמ ָך ַצ ִדּ ִ יש ְ ּבח ּו ֵ ּבית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלּ ְ ,ב ִר ָ ּנה יוֹ ד ּו וִ ָיב ְרכוּ ,וִ ׁ ַ וִ ָיפ ֲארוּ ,וִ ירוֹ ְממ ּו וְ יַ ֲע ִ ֽריצוּ ,וְ יַ ְק ִ ֽדּ ׁיש ּו וְ יַ ְמ ִלֽיכ ּו ֶאת ׁ ִש ְמ ָך ַמלְ ֵּכֽנוִּּ .כי לְ ָך טוֹ ב לְ הוֹ דוֹ תּ ,ולְ ׁ ִש ְמ ָך נָ ֶאה לְ זַ ֵּמר, ִּכי ֵמעוֹ לָ ם וְ ַעד עוֹ לָ ם ַא ָּתה ֵאל.
1/2/2014 10:22:04 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 71
Hallel -Nirtzah
72 punished me for my sins, but He did not to put me to death. God, open up the gates of the Holy Temple—the place of righteousness—and I will enter through them and praise You, God. This is the gate of God; the righteous will come through it. God, I thank You because You have answered me when I called out for You, and You have been a salvation to me. I thank You because You have answered me, and You have been a salvation to me. I was like a stone that the builders did not like, and did not want to use to build anything, but with Your help I became as the chief cornerstone, which is the most important brick in a building. I was like a stone that the builders did not like, but with Your help I became as the chief cornerstone. This came about from God. It is wondrous in our eyes; we are amazed that God has done all of these great things for us. This came about from God. It is wondrous in our eyes. This is the day that God has created, let us be joyful and happy with it. This is the day that God has created, let us be joyful and happy with it.
ָא ָ ּנאWe beg You, God, please save us now! ָא ָ ּנאWe beg You, God, please save us now! ָא ָ ּנאWe beg You, God, please grant us success now! ָא ָ ּנאWe beg You, God, please grant us success now! ָ ּברו ְּךThe Kohanim would say to people who came to bring presents: Blessed is the person who comes to the Holy Temple in the name of God. We bless you from the House of God, the Holy Temple. Blessed is the person who comes in the name of God. We bless you from the House of God. God is a kind God, and He has given us light during times of darkness. We bring offerings to thank Him for this. Tie up the festival offering with cords until you bring it to the corners of the Altar. God is a kind God, and He has given us light. Tie up the festival offering with cords until you bring it to the corners of the Altar. Those who came up would respond: You are my God, and I will praise You for all the great things You have done for the Jewish people. I will raise You high by praising You, because You are my God. You are my God, and I will praise You. I will raise You high, my God. Give praise to God for He is good; because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God for He is good; because His kindness lasts forever.
יְ ַהלְ לֽ ו ָּךLord, our God, everything which You have created will praise You.
Your devoted people, the righteous who do Your will, and all of Israel, Your nation, will thank Your name and bless it with a joyous song. God, our King, they will praise Your name, make it beautiful, raise it high, worship it, make it holy, and declare You as King. We will do this because it is good to praise You, and it is fitting for us to sing to Your name, because You are God, Who rules from the highest world to the lowest world.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 72
1/2/2014 10:22:04 PM
73 Hallel -Nirtzah
This chapter of Psalms has twenty-six verses, corresponding to the numerical value of י . While saying the first ten verses, have in mind theי – ה – ו -ה God’s Four-Letter Name of the Name; for the nextה of the Name; for the next five verses, have in mind the first of the Name; and for the last five verses, have in mind theו six verses, have in mind the of the Name.ה second
הוֹ ד ּו
לַ ייָ ִּכי טוֹ ב , הוֹ ד ּו לֵ אל ֵֹהי ָה ֱאל ִֹהים , הוֹ ד ּו לַ ֲאדֹנֵ י ָה ֲאדֹנִ ים , לְ ע ֵֹשׂ ה נִ ְפלָ אוֹ ת ְ ּגדֹלוֹ ת לְ ַבדּ וֹ , לְ ע ֵֹשׂ ה ַה ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם ִ ּב ְתב ּונָ ה , לְ רוֹ ַקע ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ ַעל ַה ָּ ֽמיִ ם , לְ ע ֵֹשׂ ה אוֹ ִרים ְ ּגדֹלִ ים , ֶאת ַה ׁ ּ ֶ ֽש ֶמ ׁש לְ ֶמ ְמ ׁ ֶ ֽשלֶ ת ַ ּב ּיוֹ ם , ֶאת ַה ָ ּי ֵ ֽר ַח וְ כוֹ כָ ִבים לְ ֶמ ְמ ׁ ְשלוֹ ת ַ ּב ָּלֽיְ לָ ה , (יָ) לְ ַמ ֵּכה ִמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ִ ּב ְבכוֹ ֵר ֶיהם, וַ ּיוֹ ֵצא יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ִמ ּתוֹ כָ ם , ְ ּביָ ד ֲחזָ ָקה ו ִּבזְ ֽרוֹ ַע נְ ט ּויָ ה , לְ גֹזֵ ר יַ ם סוּף לִ גְ זָ ִרים , וְ ֶה ֱע ִביר יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ְ ּבתוֹ כוֹ , ָ(ה) וְ נִ ֵער ּ ַפ ְרעֹה וְ ֵחילוֹ ְביַ ם ס ּוף, לְ מוֹ לִ ְיך ַע ּמוֹ ַ ּב ִּמ ְד ָ ּבר , לְ ַמ ֵּכה ְמלָ כִ ים ְ ּגדֹלִ ים , וַ ַ ּי ֲהרֹג ְמלָ כִ ים ַא ִדּ ִירים , לְ ִסיחוֹ ן ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָה ֱאמ ִֹרי , ּולְ עוֹ ג ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ַה ָ ּב ׁ ָשן ,
1/2/2014 10:37:57 PM
ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 73
Hallel -Nirtzah
הוֹ ד ּוGive praise to God for He is good and does only good things; because His kindness lasts forever.
Give praise to the God of the angels, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to the Master of the heavenly creations—the sun, moon, and stars who serve the world according to His wishes—because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who performs great wonders and miracles alone, without any help from anything else, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who creates the heavens with great understanding, making sure they provide the earth with its needs, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who spreads the earth out over the water and makes dry land, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who made the great things that give light—the sun, moon, and stars— because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who creates the sun to rule and shine during the day, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who creates the moon and stars to rule at night, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who struck and killed many Egyptians through their own firstborns by causing a civil war, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who took the nation of Israel out from among the Egyptians, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who took us out from Egypt with a strong hand and an outstretched arm, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who split the Sea of Reeds into twelve sections, making a path for each shevet, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who brought the nation of Israel across the Sea of Reeds, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who threw Pharaoh and his entire army into the Sea of Reeds, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who led His nation through the desert with the clouds of glory and pillar of fire, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who struck down and defeated great kings, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who killed mighty kings so that the Jewish people could conquer the land of Israel, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who killed Sichon, the king of the Amorites, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who killed Og, the king of Bashan, because His kindness lasts forever.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 74
1/2/2014 10:37:59 PM
75 Hallel -Nirtzah
וְ נָ ַתן ַא ְר ָצם לְ נַ ֲחלָ ה, נַ ֲחלָ ה לְ יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַע ְבדּ וֹ , ׁ ֶש ְ ּב ׁ ִש ְפלֵ ֽנ ּו זָ ֽכַ ר לָ ֽנ ּו , וַ ִ ּי ְפ ְרֵֽקנ ּו ִמ ָצּ ֵ ֽרינ ּו , נוֹ ֵתן לֶ ֶֽחם לְ כָ ל ָ ּב ָשׂ ר , הוֹ ד ּו לְ ֵאל ַה ׁ ּ ָש ָ ֽמיִ ם,
(וָ )
ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ. ִּכי לְ עוֹ לָ ם ַח ְסדּ וֹ.
ָּכל ַחי ְּת ָב ֵר ְך ֶאת ׁ ִש ְמ ָך יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינוּ ,וְ ֽרו ַּח ָּכל ָ ּב ָשׂ ר ְּת ָפ ֵאר ו ְּתרוֹ ֵמם זִ כְ ְר ָך ַמלְ ֵּכֽנ ּו ָּת ִמידִ ,מן ָהעוֹ לָ ם וְ ַעד ָהעוֹ לָ ם ַא ָּתה ֵאל ,ו ִּמ ַ ּבלְ ָע ֶ ֽד ָ יך ֵאין לָ ֽנ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ּגוֹ ֵאל ּומוֹ ׁ ִ ֽש ַיעּ ,פוֹ ֶדה ו ַּמ ִצּ יל ו ְּמ ַפ ְרנֵ ס וְ עוֹ נֶ ה ו ְּמ ַר ֵחם ְ ּבכָ ל ֵעת אשוֹ נִ ים וְ ָה ַא ֲחרוֹ נִ יםֱ .אלֽ וֹ ַּה ָצ ָרה וְ צו ָּקהֵ ,אין לָ ֽנ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ֶא ָּלא ָ ֽא ָּתהֱ ,אל ֵֹהי ָה ִר ׁ ָּכל ְ ּב ִר ּיוֹ תֲ ,אדוֹ ן ָּכל ּתוֹ לָ דוֹ תַ ,ה ְּמ ֻה ָּלל ְ ּברוֹ ב ַה ִּת ׁ ְש ָ ּבחוֹ תַ ,ה ְמנַ ֵהג עוֹ לָ מוֹ ישןַ ,ה ְּמעוֹ ֵרר יְ ׁ ֵשנִ ים, ְ ּב ֶ ֽח ֶסד ו ְּב ִר ּיוֹ ָתיו ְ ּב ַר ֲח ִמים .וַ ייָ ִה ֵ ּנה לֹא יָ נוּם וְ לֹא יִ ׁ ָ וְ ַה ֵּמ ִקיץ נִ ְר ָדּ ִמים ,וְ ַה ֵּמ ִ ֽשׂ ַיח ִא ְּל ִמים ,וְ ַה ַּמ ִּתיר ֲאסו ִּרים ,וְ ַה ּסוֹ ֵמ ְך נוֹ ְפלִ ים, וְ ַה ּזוֹ ֵקף ְּכפו ִּפים ,לְ ָך לְ ַב ְדּ ָך ֲאנַ ְֽחנ ּו מוֹ ִדים. ִא ּל ּו ִ ֽפינ ּו ָמלֵ א ׁ ִש ָירה ַּכ ָ ּיםּ ,ולְ ׁשוֹ נֵ ֽנ ּו ִר ָ ּנה ַּכ ֲהמוֹ ן ַ ּג ָּליו ,וְ ִשׂ ְפתוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ׁ ֶ ֽש ַבח ִֽקיע ,וְ ֵעינֵ ֽינ ּו ְמ ִאירוֹ ת ַּכ ׁ ּ ֶ ֽש ֶמ ׁש וְ כַ ָ ּי ֵ ֽר ַח ,וְ יָ ֵ ֽדינ ּו ְפר ּושׂוֹ ת ְּכנִ ׁ ְש ֵרי ְּכ ֶמ ְר ֲח ֵבי ָר ַ ָ יקים לְ הוֹ דוֹ ת לְ ך יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ׁ ָש ָ ֽמיִ ם ,וְ ַרגְ לֵ ֽינ ּו ַק ּלוֹ ת ָּכ ַא ָ ּילוֹ תֵ ,אין ָ ֽאנ ּו ַמ ְס ּ ִפ ִ וֵ אל ֵֹהי ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּּ ,ולְ ָב ֵר ְך ֶאת ׁ ְש ֶ ֽמ ָך ַעל ַא ַחת ֵמ ֶ ֽאלֶ ף ַאלְ ֵפי ֲאלָ ִפים ,וְ ִר ֵ ּבי ְר ָבבוֹ ת ּ ְפ ָע ִמיםַ ,ה ּטוֹ בוֹ ת נִ ִּסים וְ נִ ְפלָ אוֹ ת ׁ ֶש ָע ִ ֽשׂ ָית ִע ָּ ֽמנ ּו וְ ִעם ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו יתנוּּ ְ ,ב ָר ָעב ִמ ְּל ָפנִ יםִ .מ ִּמ ְצ ַ ֽריִ ם ְ ּג ַאלְ ָּ ֽתנוּ ,יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינוִּ ,מ ֵ ּבית ֲע ָב ִדים ּ ְפ ִד ָ ֽ זַ נְ ָּ ֽתנוּ ,ו ְּב ָשׂ ָבע ִּכלְ ַּכלְ ָּ ֽתנוֵּ ,מ ֶ ֽח ֶרב ִה ַצּ לְ ָּ ֽתנוּ ,ו ִּמ ֶ ֽדּ ֶבר ִמ ַּל ְט ָּ ֽתנוּ ,ו ֵּמ ֳחלָ יִ ם ָר ִעים יך ,וְ לֹא ֲעזָ ֽבוּנ ּו ֲח ָס ֶ ֽד ָ יתנוַּ .עד ֵ ֽה ָ ּנה ֲעזָ ֽרוּנ ּו ַר ֲח ֶ ֽמ ָ יך ,וְ ַאל ִּת ְּט ׁ ֵ ֽשנ ּו וְ נֶ ֱא ָמנִ ים ִדּ ִּל ָ ֽ יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינוּ ,לָ נֶ ַֽצח. ַעל ֵּכןֵ ,א ָב ִרים ׁ ֶש ּ ִפ ַּלֽגְ ָּת ָ ּבֽנוּ ,וְ ֽרו ַּח ּונְ ׁ ָש ָמה ׁ ֶש ָ ּנ ַפ ְֽח ָּת ְ ּב ַא ּ ֵפֽינוּ ,וְ לָ ׁשוֹ ן ֲא ׁ ֶשר ַ ֽשׂ ְמ ָּת יש ְ ּבח ּו וִ ָיפ ֲארוּ ,וִ ירוֹ ְממ ּו וְ יַ ֲע ִ ֽריצוּ ,וְ יַ ְק ִ ֽדּ ׁיש ּו ְ ּב ִ ֽפינוֵּ .הן ֵהם :יוֹ ד ּו וִ ָיב ְרכ ּו וִ ׁ ַ וְ יַ ְמ ִלֽיכ ּו ֶאת ׁ ִש ְמ ָך ַמלְ ֵּכֽנוּ.
ִנ ׁ ְש ַמת
Psalm 136, with each verse ending • Its 26 verses correspond to the “Ki L’olam Chasdo” - “Because His 26 generations before the Torah kindness lasts forever,” is called was given. Because the world only Hallel Hagadol — the Great Praise. exists in the merit of the Jewish There are many reasons for this name, people learning and fulfilling the including: Torah, in those 26 generations when the Torah was not yet given, God • It describes how God gives food to sustained the world from His great all living creatures, which is a great kindness. thing. • This is the praise that the great • Its 26 verses correspond to God’s angels sing to God. .י -ה -ו -ה Great Name
1/2/2014 10:38:00 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 75
Hallel -Nirtzah
76 Give praise to God, Who gave their land, Israel, as an inheritance for the Jewish people, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who gave the land of Israel as an inheritance to the children of Israel (Jacob) His servant, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who remembered us when our spirits were low in Egypt, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who freed us from the people who made us suffer, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to God, Who gives food to all creatures of flesh, not just humans, because His kindness lasts forever. Give praise to the God of the heavens, Who provides rain for food to grow, because His kindness lasts forever.
נִ ׁ ְש ַמתLord, our God—the neshamah of every living thing will bless Your name. God our King, the spirit of all flesh will always glorify and raise Your remembrance high. From this world to the World to Come, You are the God Who rules with strength. Besides You, God, we have no other king, redeemer, and rescuer who redeems us, rescues us, provides for us, answers our prayers, and is merciful in all times of trouble and difficulty. We have no King besides You, God of all generations—from the first generations of the world to the last. The Lord is the God of all creations and the Master of everything that happens. He is praised with many types of praises. He guides His world with kindness and His creations with mercy. Indeed, God never stops watching over the world; He is like a guard who does not sleep and does not slumber. God wakes up those who sleep; He even awakens those who sleep deeply. He causes mute people to talk, frees those who are imprisoned, supports those who
fall, and straightens those whose backs are bent. To You alone, God, we must give thanks for doing these things. Even if our mouths were filled with songs of praise for
You as the sea is filled with water, and our tongues were filled with song as the roar of the waves of the sea, and our lips filled with praise as wide as the sky, and our eyes shined as bright as the sun and the moon, and our hands were spread out with joy and praise as wings of eagles in the sky, and our feet were as swift to do Your mitzvot as a deer—even if we had all of these qualities, we would still not be able to thank You enough, Lord, our God, and the God of our fathers, and we would still not be able to bless Your name enough for even one of the countless favors, miracles, and wonders that You have done for us and for our ancestors before us. Lord, our God, You redeemed us from Egypt; You released us from the house of slaves. You fed us during times of famine and You supported us during times of plenty. You saved us from the sword of our enemies and let us escape from plagues. You kept us away from bad, long-lasting sicknesses. Until now, Your mercy has helped us and Your kindness has not left us. Lord, our God, You will never abandon us. Therefore, we will thank You for all the great things You have done for us. The body parts that You have arranged in us, the spirit and the soul that You have blown into our nostrils, and the tongues that You have put into our mouths—they will all thank, bless, praise, make beautiful, raise high, worship, make holy, and declare as king—Your name, God, our King.
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 76
1/2/2014 10:38:01 PM
77 Hallel -Nirtzah
ִּכי כָ ל ּ ֶפה לְ ָך יוֹ ֶדה ,וְ כָ ל לָ ׁשוֹ ן לְ ָך ִת ׁ ּ ָש ַבע ,וְ כָ ל ַ ֽעיִ ן לְ ָך ְת ַצ ּ ֶפה ,וְ כָ ל ֶ ּב ֶֽר ְך לְ ָך ִתכְ ַרע ,וְ כָ ל קוֹ ָמה לְ ָפנֶ ָ ֶֽקרב ּוכְ לָ יוֹ ת ֽיך ִת ׁ ְש ַּת ֲחוֶ ה ,וְ כָ ל ַה ְּל ָבבוֹ ת יִ ָיר ֽאו ָּך ,וְ כָ ל ֶ ֹאמ ְרנָ ה ,יְ יִָ ,מי כָ ֽמוֹ ָךַ ,מ ִצּ יל ָענִ י יְ זַ ְּמר ּו לִ ׁ ְש ֶ ֽמ ָךַּ ,כ ָדּ ָבר ׁ ֶש ָּכתוּבָּ :כל ַע ְצמוֹ ַתי ּת ַ ֽ ֵמ ָחזָ ק ִמ ֶּ ֽמ ּנוּ ,וְ ָענִ י וְ ֶא ְביוֹ ן ִמ ּגֹזְ לוִֹ .מי יִ ְד ֶמה ָּל ְך ,ו ִּמי יִ ׁ ְשוֶ ה ָּל ְך ,ו ִּמי יַ ֲע ָר ְך לָ ְך, ָה ֵאל ַה ָ ּגדוֹ לַ ,ה ִ ּגבּ וֹ ר וְ ַה ּנוֹ ָראֵ ,אל ֶעלְ יוֹ ן ,קֹנֵ ה ׁ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם וָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ .נְ ַה ֶּללְ ָךּ ,ונְ ׁ ַש ֵ ּב ֲח ָך, ּונְ ָפ ֶא ְר ָךּ ,ונְ ָב ֵר ְך ֶאת ׁ ֵשם ָק ְד ׁ ֶ ֽש ָךָּ ,כ ָאמוּר :לְ ָדוִ דּ ָ ,ב ְרכִ י נַ ְפ ׁ ִשי ֶאת יְ יָ ,וְ כָ ל ְק ָר ַבי ֶאת ׁ ֵשם ָק ְד ׁשוֹ. ְ ּב ַת ֲע ֻצמוֹ ת ֻע ֶ ּז ָֽךַ ,ה ָ ּגדוֹ ל ִ ּבכְ בוֹ ד ׁ ְש ֶ ֽמ ָךַ ,ה ִ ּג ּבוֹ ר לָ נֶ ַֽצח ,וְ ַה ּנוֹ ָרא ְ ּבנוֹ ְראוֹ ֶ ֽת ָ שא. יךַ ,ה ֶּ ֽמלֶ ְך ַה ּיוֹ ׁ ֵשב ַעל ִּכ ֵּסא ָרם וְ נִ ּ ָ ׂ יקים ַ ּבייָ ,לַ יְ ׁ ָש ִרים נָ אוָ ה ַעדָ ,מרוֹ ם וְ ָקדוֹ ׁש ׁ ְשמוֹ ,וְ כָ תוּבַ :ר ְ ּננ ּו ַצ ִדּ ִ יקים ִּת ְת ָ ּב ֵר ְך ,ו ִּבלְ ׁשוֹ ן ְת ִה ָּלהּ ְ .ב ִפי יְ ׁ ָש ִרים ִּת ְתרוֹ ָמם ,ו ְּב ִשׂ ְפ ֵתי ַצ ִדּ ִ ֶֽקרב ְקדוֹ ׁ ִשים ִּת ְת ַה ָּלל. ֲח ִס ִידים ִּת ְת ַק ָדּ ׁש ,ו ְּב ֶ ִר ְבבוֹ ת ַע ְּמ ָך ֵ ּבית יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאלּ ְ ,ב ִר ָ ּנה יִ ְת ּ ָפ ֵאר ׁ ִש ְמ ָך ַמלְ ֵּכֽנ ּו ְ ּבכָ ל דּ וֹ ר וָ דוֹ רֶ ׁ .ש ֵּכן חוֹ ַבת ָּכל ַהיְ צו ִּרים ,לְ ָפנֶ ָ ֽיך יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו וֵ אל ֵֹהי ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינוּ :לְ הוֹ דוֹ ת ,לְ ַה ֵּלל ,לְ ׁ ַש ֵ ּב ַֽח ,לְ ָפ ֵאר ,לְ רוֹ ֵמם ,לְ ַה ֵדּ ר ,לְ ָב ֵר ְך ,לְ ַע ֵּלה יח ָך. ּולְ ַק ֵּלסַ ,על ָּכל ִדּ ְב ֵרי ׁ ִשירוֹ ת וְ ִת ׁ ְש ְ ּבחוֹ ת ָדּ וִ ד ֶ ּבן יִ ׁ ַשי ַע ְב ְדּ ָך ְמ ׁ ִש ֶ ֽ
ָה ֵאל
ׁשוֹ ֵכן
ו ְּב ַמ ְק ֵהלוֹ ת
ו ְּב ֵכן יִ ׁ ְש ַּת ַ ּבח ׁ ִש ְמ ָך לָ ַעד ַמלְ ֵּכֽנוָּ ,ה ֵאלַ ,ה ֶּ ֽמלֶ ְך ַה ָ ּגדוֹ ל וְ ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַ ֽמיִ ם ו ָּב ָ ֽא ֶרץִּ .כי לְ ָך נָ ֶאה יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו וֵ אל ֵֹהי ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו לְ עוֹ לָ ם וָ ֶעדִ ׁ .שיר ו ׁ ְּש ָב ָחהַ ,ה ֵּלל וְ זִ ְמ ָרה ,עֹז ו ֶּמ ְמ ׁ ָשלָ ה ,נֶ ַֽצחּ ְ ,ג ֻד ָּלה ּוגְ בו ָּרהְּ ,ת ִה ָּלה וְ ִת ְפ ֶ ֽא ֶרתְ ,ק ֻד ׁ ּ ָשה ו ַּמלְ כוּתּ ְ .ב ָרכוֹ ת וְ הוֹ ָדאוֹ ת לְ ׁ ִש ְמ ָך ַה ָ ּגדוֹ ל וְ ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ,ו ֵּמעוֹ לָ ם ַעד עוֹ לָ ם ַא ָּתה ֵאלּ ָ .ברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ יֵָ ,אל ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָ ּגדוֹ ל ו ְּמ ֻה ָּלל ַ ּב ִּת ׁ ְש ָ ּבחוֹ תֵ ,אל ַההוֹ ָדאוֹ תֲ ,אדוֹ ן ַה ִ ּנ ְפלָ אוֹ ת, ּבוֹ ֵרא ָּכל ַה ְ ּנ ׁ ָשמוֹ תִ ,ר ּבוֹ ן ָּכל ַה ַּמ ֲע ִשׂ יםַ ,ה ּבוֹ ֵחר ְ ּב ׁ ִש ֵירי זִ ְמ ָרהֽ ֶ ,מלֶ ְך יָ ִחיד ֵחי ָהעוֹ לָ ִמים. Immediately after finishing the previous paragraph, raise the cup and hold it in the same manner as during Kiddush, and say the following blessing for the wine:
ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה ְי ָיֱ ,אל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמ ֶל ְך ָהעוֹ ָלם, ּבוֹ ֵרא ּ ְפ ִרי ַה ָ ּ ֽג ֶפן. Drink the wine while seated, and leaning to the left. It is preferable to drink the entire cup. One who cannot drink the entire cup should drink at least most of it.
1/2/2014 10:22:14 PM
Chabad House Haggadah MAIN.indd 77
Hallel -Nirtzah
78 God, every mouth will thank You. Every tongue will make an oath in Your name only. Every eye will look to You for help. Every knee will bend to You. All who stand straight will bow before You. Every person’s heart will fear You. Every person’s innermost feelings and thoughts will sing praises to Your name. All of this will happen, as it is written in Psalms: All of my bones and my entire body will say, “God, who is like You? You save a poor person from someone who is stronger than him, and You save a poor person and a needy person from someone who wants to rob him.” God, who is similar to You? Who is equal to You? Who is comparable to You, the mighty, great, powerful, awesome, and most high God, the creator of heaven and earth? We will laud, praise, and glorify You, and we will bless Your holy name. As it is said by King David in Psalms: My soul should bless God and my entire being should bless His holy name.
ָה ֵאל
You are called the mighty God due to the strength of Your power. You are called the great God due to the honor of Your name. You are called the powerful God forever, and You are called the awesome God due to Your awe-inspiring deeds. God, You are the King Who sits on a high and raised throne.
ׁשוֹ כֵ ןThe Name of God, Who dwells forever, is raised high and holy. It is written
in Psalms: Righteous people should sing praises to God. It is fitting for those who go in the straight, righteous ways of God to praise Him. God, You will be raised high by the praises which come from the mouths of those who go in Your straight and righteous ways. You will be blessed by the lips of righteous people. You will be made holy by the tongue of righteous people, and You will be praised among holy people.
ו ְּב ַמ ְק ֵהלוֹ ת
In the gatherings of the many people of Your nation, the House of Israel, Your name—the name of our King—will be made beautiful with songs in every generation. For that is the obligation of all creations before You, Lord, our God and the God of our fathers: they must thank You, laud You, praise You, declare You beautiful and high, worship You, bless You, declare You great, and sing praises to You, in addition to all the words of songs and praises that were written by David, the son of Yishai, Your anointed servant.
ו ְּבכֵ ן
Therefore, our King, may Your name be praised forever, the strong God, the great and holy King Who is in the heaven and on earth. For to You, Lord, our God and the God of our fathers, it is appropriate forever to offer songs and praise, praise and melody; to speak about Your might and rulership, Your power of victory, Your greatness and strength, Your beauty and glory, and Your holiness and rulership as King. It is also appropriate that we give blessings and thanks to Your great and holy name. From this world to the World to Come, You are the only God. Blessed are You, Lord, the mighty God and great King Who is acclaimed with praises; the God Who is worthy of thanks; the Master of wonders and miracles; the Creator of all the souls; the Ruler of all the creations Who chooses the Jewish people’s songs of praise. God is the only King; He is the life of all the worlds.
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Who creates the fruit of the vine.
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Blessing After Drinking Wine: (On Friday night, add the orange words.)
ָ ּברו ְּך
ַעל ַה ֶ ּג ֶֽפן וְ ַעל ּ ְפ ִרי ַה ֶ ּג ֶֽפן וְ ַעל ְּתנו ַּבת, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָא ָּתה יְ י ש ֶדה וְ ַעל ֶ ֽא ֶרץ ֶח ְמ ָדּ ה טוֹ ָבה ו ְּר ָח ָבה ׁ ֶש ָר ִ ֽצ ָית וְ ִהנְ ַ ֽחלְ ָּת לַ ֲאבוֹ ֵ ֽתינ ּו ׂ ָ ּ ַה ָ ַ ֽר ֶחם נָ א יְ יָ ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ַעל יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵאל ַע ֶּ ֽמך וְ ַעל.לֶ ֱאכוֹ ל ִמ ּ ִפ ְריָ ּה וְ לִ ְשׂ ֽ ּבוֹ ַע ִמ ּטו ָּב ּה ו ְּבנֵ ה,יְ רו ׁ ָּשלַ ֽיִ ם ִע ֶ ֽיר ָך וְ ַעל ִצ ּיוֹ ן ִמ ׁ ְש ַּכן ְּכבוֹ ֶ ֽד ָך וְ ַעל ִמזְ ְ ּב ֶ ֽח ָך וְ ַעל ֵהיכָ לֶ ָֽך וְ ַה ֲעלֵ ֽנ ּו לְ תוֹ כָ ּה וְ ַשׂ ְּמ ֵ ֽחנ ּו ָב ּה ּונְ ָב ֶרכְ ָך,ּיְ רו ׁ ָּשלַ ֽיִ ם ִעיר ַה ּֽק ֶֹד ׁש ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה ְביָ ֵ ֽמינו (ו ְּר ֵצה וְ ַה ֲחלִ ֵיצֽנ ּו ְ ּביוֹ ם ַה ׁ ּ ַש ָ ּבת ַה ֶ ּזה) וְ זָ כְ ֵ ֽרנ ּו לְ טוֹ ָבה ְ ּביוֹ ם ַחג.ִ ּב ְק ֻד ׁ ּ ָשה ו ְּב ָט ֳה ָרה ִּכי ַא ָּתה יְ יָ טוֹ ב ו ֵּמ ִטיב לַ ּכֹל וְ נֽ וֹ ֶדה ְּל ָך ַעל ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ וְ ַעל ּ ְפ ִרי.ַה ַּמצּ וֹ ת ַה ֶ ּזה . ַעל ָה ָ ֽא ֶרץ וְ ַעל ּ ְפ ִרי ַה ָ ּג ֶֽפן,ָ ָ ּברו ְּך ַא ָּתה יְ י.ַה ָ ּג ֶֽפן
Hallel -Nirtzah
ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world for the vine and for the fruit of the vine, for the produce which grows in the field, and for the precious, good and wide open land of Israel that You have kindly given to our ancestors as an inheritance to eat from its fruits and to be satisfied from its goodness. Have mercy, Lord, our God, on the nation of Israel, Your people, on Jerusalem, Your city, on Zion, where Your glory rests, on Your Altar and on Your Holy Temple. Rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem quickly, in our days. Bring us up to it and let us be happy in it, and we will bless You then, in holiness and purity. May You willingly accept us as Your nation and strengthen us on this Shabbat day. Remember us for good things on this day of the festival of Pesach because You, God, are good, and You do good to everyone. We give thanks to You for the land of Israel and for the fruit of the vine. Blessed are You, Lord, for the land and for the fruit of the vine.
If you drank anything besides wine or grape juice, say the following:
ָ ּברו ְּך
ַעל, ּבוֹ ֵרא נְ ָפ ׁשוֹ ת ַר ּבוֹ ת וְ ֶח ְסרוֹ נָ ן, ֱאל ֵ ֹֽהינ ּו ֶ ֽמלֶ ְך ָהעוֹ לָ ם,ַָ א ָּתה יְ י . ָ ּברו ְּך ֵחי ָהעוֹ לָ ִמים,את לְ ַה ֲחיוֹ ת ָ ּב ֶהם נֶ ֶֽפ ׁש ָּכל ָחי ָ ּכֹל ַמה ׁ ּ ֶש ָ ּב ָ ֽר ָ ּברו ְּךBlessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the world, Creator of many
living things and their needs; we bless You for all the things You have created in order to keep alive the soul of every living thing. Blessed is God, the Life of the worlds.
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Hallel -Nirtzah
Afterwards say:
ְל ׁ ָש ָנה ַה ָ ּב ָאה .ִ ּביר ּו ׁ ָש ָ ֽל ִים ְל ׁ ָש ָנהMay Mashiach come right away, so that next year we will celebrate Pesach in Jerusalem! The wine from “Elijah’s Cup” is poured back into the bottle while those present sing “Keili Attah.” (See transliteration page 71.)
Leshanah Haba’ah biy’rushalayim hab’nuyah.
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Popular Pesach Songs Eliyahu Hanavi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Atah Vechartanu . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Mimitzrayim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Who Knows One? . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Adir Hu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Chad Gadya. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
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Popular Songs
ELIYAHU HANAVI 1 A song about the prophet Elijah who visits every Seder.
Eliyahu hanavi. Eliyahu hatishbi. Eliyahu hagiladi. Bim’heirah yavo eileinu, im mashiach ben david.
ֵאלִ יָ ה ּו.ֵא ִל ָיה ּו ַהנָ ִביא . ֵאלִ יָ ה ּו ַהגִ לְ ָע ִדי.ַה ִּת ׁ ְש ִ ּבי ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה יָ בֹא ֵאלֵ ינ ּו ִעם .ָמ ׁ ִש ַיח ֶ ּבן ָדוִ ד
Elijah the prophet. Elijah the Tishbite, Elijah the Giladite. May he speedily come to us, announcing the arrival of Mashiach, a descendant of King David.
A hymn about God choosing us to be his holy nation, and entrusting us with His mission for the world.
Atah vechartanu mikol ha’amim, ahavta otanu veratzita banu. Veromamtanu mikol halshonot, vekidashtanu bemitz’votecha. Vekeiravtanu malkeinu la’avodatecha, veshimcha hagadol vehakadosh aleinu karata.
,ַא ָּתה ְב ַח ְר ָּ ֽתנ ּו ִמ ָּכל ָה ַע ִּמים ,ָּא ַה ְֽב ָּת אוֹ ָ ֽתנ ּו וְ ָר ִ ֽצ ָית ָ ּבֽנו ,וְ רוֹ ַמ ְמ ָּ ֽתנ ּו ִמ ָּכל ַה ְּל ׁשוֹ נוֹ ת ָ וְ ִק ַדּ ׁ ְש ָּ ֽתנ ּו ְ ּב ִמ ְצוֹ ֶ ֽת ,יך וְ ׁ ִש ְמ ָך,וְ ֵק ַר ְב ָּ ֽתנ ּו ַמלְ ֵּכֽנ ּו לַ ֲעב ָֹד ֶ ֽת ָך :את ָ ַה ָ ּגדוֹ ל וְ ַה ָּקדוֹ ׁש ָעלֵ ֽינ ּו ָק ָ ֽר
You chose us as Your nation from among all the nations of the world. You loved us and You were pleased with us. You raised us above all the languages (nations). You made us holy through Your commandments. You, our King, brought us close to Your service, and You called Your great and holy name upon us—You called us the “nation of God.”
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Popular Songs
MIMITZRAYIM 3 A song about the Exodus.
Mimitzrayim gei’altanu, mibeit avadim p’ditanu.
ִמ ִמ ְצ ַריִ ם גֵ ַאלְ ָּתנ ּו .ִּמ ֵ ּבית ַע ָב ִדים ּ ְפ ִד ָיתנו
You redeemed us from Egypt. You liberated us from the house of slaves.
WHO KNOWS ONE? 4 In this song we list the merits through which God redeemed the Jewish people from Egypt: the merit of the Ten Commandments (engraved on the two Tablets), the three Fathers, the four Mothers, and so on. (When singing the English version of this song, omit the words in parentheses.) Who knows one? I know one! One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows two? I know two! Two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows three? I know three! Three are the Fathers (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth. Who knows four? I know four! Four are the Mothers (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah), three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
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ֶא ָחד
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע ֶא ָחד:ֶא ָחד ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם .ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
ׁ ְש ַנ ִים
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע :ׁ ְשנַ יִ ם ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע .ְׁשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת ַה ְ ּב ִרית .ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
לשה ָ ׁ ְׁש
לשה ֲאנִ י ָ ׁ ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע? ׁ ְש ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת,לשה ָאבוֹ ת ָ ׁ ׁ ְש:יוֹ ֵד ַע ֶא ָחד,ַה ְ ּב ִרית ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם .ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
ַא ְר ַ ּבע
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע , ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת:ַא ְר ַ ּבע ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת,לשה ָאבוֹ ת ָ ׁ ׁ ְש ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו,ַה ְ ּב ִרית .ֶׁש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
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Who knows five? I know five! Five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows six? I know six! Six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows seven? I know seven! Seven are the days of the week, six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows eight? I know eight! Eight are the days before a brit milah, seven are the days of the week, six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
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ֲח ִּמ ׁ ּ ָשה
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה חו ְּמ ֵׁשי:ֲח ִּמ ׁ ּ ָשה ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ,לשה ָאבוֹ ת ָ ׁ ְׁש, ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת,תוֹ ָרה ,ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת ַה ְ ּב ִרית ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו .ֶׁש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
Popular Songs
ִׁש ׁ ּ ָשה
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע , ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה ִס ְד ֵרי ִמ ׁ ְשנָ ה:ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ַא ְר ַ ּבע,ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה חו ְּמ ֵׁשי תוֹ ָרה ְׁשנֵ י,לשה ָאבוֹ ת ָ ׁ ְׁש,ִא ָמהוֹ ת ,לֻ חוֹ ת ַה ְ ּב ִרית ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו .ֶׁש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
ׁ ִש ְב ָעה
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע , ׁ ִש ְב ָעה יְ ֵמי ׁ ַש ָ ּב ָתא:ׁ ִש ְב ָעה ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה,ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה ִס ְד ֵרי ִמ ׁ ְשנָ ה , ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת,חו ְּמ ׁ ֵשי תוֹ ָרה ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת,לשה ָאבוֹ ת ָ ׁ ׁ ְש ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו,ַה ְ ּב ִרית .ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
ְׁשמוֹ ָנה
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע , ׁ ְשמוֹ נָ ה יְ ֵמי ִמילָ ה:ְׁשמוֹ נָ ה ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה ִס ְד ֵרי,ׁ ִש ְב ָעה יְ ֵמי ׁ ַש ָ ּב ָתא , ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה חו ְּמ ׁ ֵשי תוֹ ָרה,ִמ ׁ ְשנָ ה לשה ָ ׁ ׁ ְש,ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת , ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת ַה ְ ּב ִרית,ָאבוֹ ת ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם .ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
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Popular Songs
86 Who knows nine? I know nine! Nine are the months before a baby is born, eight are the days before a brit milah, seven are the days of the week, six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows ten? I know ten! Ten are the Ten Commandments, nine are the months before a baby is born, eight are the days before a brit milah, seven are the days of the week, six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
Who knows eleven? I know eleven! Eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream, ten are the Ten Commandments, nine are the months before a baby is born, eight are the days before a brit milah, seven are the days of the week, six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
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ִּת ְׁש ָעה
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע , ִּת ׁ ְש ָעה יַ ְר ֵחי לֵ ָדה:ִּת ׁ ְש ָעה ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ִׁש ְב ָעה יְ ֵמי,ׁ ְשמוֹ נָ ה יְ ֵמי ִמילָ ה ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה, ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה ִס ְד ֵרי ִמ ׁ ְשנָ ה,ׁ ַש ָ ּב ָתא , ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת,חו ְּמ ׁ ֵשי תוֹ ָרה ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת,לשה ָאבוֹ ת ָ ׁ ׁ ְש ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו,ַה ְ ּב ִרית .ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
ש ָרה ׂ ָ ֲע
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע , ֲע ָש ָׂרה ִד ְ ּב ַריָ א:ֲע ָש ָׂרה ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ׁ ְשמוֹ נָ ה יְ ֵמי,ִּת ׁ ְש ָעה יַ ְר ֵחי לֵ ָדה ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה, ׁ ִש ְב ָעה יְ ֵמי ׁ ַש ָ ּב ָתא,ִמילָ ה , ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה חו ְּמ ׁ ֵשי תוֹ ָרה,ִס ְד ֵרי ִמ ׁ ְשנָ ה לשה ָׁ ׁ ְש,ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת,ָאבוֹ ת ֶא ָחד,ַה ְ ּב ִרית ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם .ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
שר ׂ ָ ַא ַחד ָע
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע ַא ַחד ָע ָשׂר:ַא ַחד ָע ָשׂר ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ִּת ׁ ְש ָעה יַ ְר ֵחי, ֲע ָש ָׂרה ִד ְ ּב ַריָ א,כּ וֹ כְ ַב ָ ּיא ׁ ִש ְב ָעה יְ ֵמי, ׁ ְשמוֹ נָ ה יְ ֵמי ִמילָ ה,לֵ ָדה ֲח ִמ ָׁשה, ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה ִס ְד ֵרי ִמ ׁ ְשנָ ה,ׁ ַש ָ ּב ָתא , ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת,חו ְּמ ׁ ֵשי תוֹ ָרה ׁ ְשנֵ י,לשה ָאבוֹ ת ָ ׁ ׁ ְש ,לֻ חוֹ ת ַה ְ ּב ִרית ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו .ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
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Who knows twelve? I know twelve! Twelve are the tribes of Israel, eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream, ten are the Ten Commandments, nine are the months before a baby is born, eight are the days before a brit milah, seven are the days of the week, six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth. Who knows thirteen? I know thirteen! Thirteen are the attributes (of mercy) of Hashem, twelve are the tribes of Israel, eleven are the stars in Joseph’s dream, ten are the Ten Commandments, nine are the months before a baby is born, eight are the days before a brit milah, seven are the days of the week, six are the books of the Mishnah, five are the books of the Torah, four are the Mothers, three are the Fathers, two are the Tablets that Moses brought, and One is Hashem in the heavens and the earth.
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שר ׂ ָ ׁ ְש ֵנים ָע
ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע? ׁ ְשנֵ ים , ׁ ְשנֵ ים ָע ָשׂר ׁ ִש ְב ַטיָ א:ָע ָשׂר ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע , ֲע ָש ָׂרה ִד ְ ּב ַריָ א,ַא ַחד ָע ָשׂר כּ וֹ כְ ַב ָ ּיא ְׁשמוֹ נָ ה יְ ֵמי,ִּת ׁ ְש ָעה יַ ְר ֵחי לֵ ָדה ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה, ׁ ִש ְב ָעה יְ ֵמי ׁ ַש ָ ּב ָתא,ִמילָ ה , ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה חו ְּמ ֵׁשי תוֹ ָרה,ִס ְד ֵרי ִמ ְׁשנָ ה לשה ָ ׁ ׁ ְש,ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת,ָאבוֹ ת ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו,ַה ְ ּב ִרית .ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
Popular Songs
שר ׂ ָ לשה ָע ָ ׁ ׁ ְש
?ִמי יוֹ ֵד ַע לשה ָע ָשׂר ָׁ ׁ ְש ָ ׁ ׁ ְש:לשה ָע ָשׂר ֲאנִ י יוֹ ֵד ַע ַא ַחד, ׁ ְשנֵ ים ָע ָשׂר ׁ ִש ְב ַטיָ א.ִמ ַ ּדיָ א , ֲע ָש ָׂרה ִד ְ ּב ַריָ א,ָע ָשׂר כּ וֹ כְ ַב ָ ּיא ְׁשמוֹ נָ ה יְ ֵמי,ִּת ׁ ְש ָעה יַ ְר ֵחי לֵ ָדה ׁ ִש ׁ ּ ָשה, ׁ ִש ְב ָעה יְ ֵמי ׁ ַש ָ ּב ָתא,ִמילָ ה , ֲח ִמ ׁ ָשה חו ְּמ ֵׁשי תוֹ ָרה,ִס ְד ֵרי ִמ ְׁשנָ ה לשה ָ ׁ ׁ ְש,ַא ְר ַ ּבע ִא ָמהוֹ ת ׁ ְשנֵ י לֻ חוֹ ת,ָאבוֹ ת ֶא ָחד ֱאל ֵֹהינ ּו,ַה ְ ּב ִרית .ׁ ֶש ַ ּב ׁ ּ ָש ַמיִ ם ו ָּב ָא ֶרץ
1/2/2014 10:22:27 PM
Popular Songs
ADIR HU 5 In the following song we describe God’s greatness and ask for the speedy rebuilding of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.
He is powerful. May He build His Temple soon; speedily, speedily, in our days soon. God, build it! God, build it! Build Your Temple soon! He is chosen. He is great. He is famous. May He build His Temple soon; speedily, speedily, in our days soon. God, build it! God, build it! Build Your Temple soon! He is brilliant. He is faithful. He is worthy. He is kind. May He build His Temple soon; speedily, speedily, in our days soon. God, build it! God, build it! Build Your Temple soon! He is pure. He is one. He is mighty. He is wise. He is king. He is awesome. He is lofty. He is bold. He is the redeemer. He is righteous.
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.ַא ִ ּדיר הוּא ,יִ ְבנֶ ה ֵ ּביתוֹ ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב . ְ ּביָ ֵמינ ּו ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב, ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה,ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה ְ ּבנֵ ה, ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה,ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה .ית ָך ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב ְ ֵ ּב ָ ּגדוֹ ל,ָ ּבחוּר הוּא . ָ ּדגוּל הוּא,הוּא ,יִ ְבנֶ ה ֵ ּביתוֹ ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב . ְ ּביָ ֵמינ ּו ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב, ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה,ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה ְ ּבנֵ ה, ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה,ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה .ית ָך ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב ְ ֵ ּב , וָ ִתיק הוּא,ָהדוּר הוּא . ָח ִסיד הוּא,זַ ַּכאי הוּא ,יִ ְבנֶ ה ֵ ּביתוֹ ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב . ְ ּביָ ֵמינ ּו ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב, ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה,ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה ְ ּבנֵ ה, ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה,ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה .ית ָך ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב ְ ֵ ּב ַּכ ִ ּביר, יָ ִחיד הוּא,ָטהוֹ ר הוּא , ֶמלֶ ְך הוּא, לָ מוּד הוּא,הוּא עִ ּזוּז, ַס ִ ּגיב הוּא,נוֹ ָרא הוּא . ַצ ִדיק הוּא, ּפוֹ ֶדה הוּא,הוּא
1/2/2014 10:22:32 PM
May He build His Temple soon; speedily, speedily, in our days soon. God, build it! God, build it! Build Your Temple soon! He is holy. He is merciful. He is God. He is strong. May He build His Temple soon; speedily, speedily, in our days soon. God, build it! God, build it! Build Your Temple soon!
,יִ ְבנֶ ה ֵ ּביתוֹ ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב . ְ ּביָ ֵמינ ּו ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב, ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה,ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה ְ ּבנֵ ה, ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה,ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה .ית ָך ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב ְ ֵ ּב
Popular Songs
, ַרחוּם הוּא,ָ ּקדוֹ ׁש הוּא . ַּת ִּקיף הוּא,ׁ ַש ַ ּדי הוּא ,יִ ְבנֶ ה ֵ ּביתוֹ ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב . ְ ּביָ ֵמינ ּו ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב, ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה,ִ ּב ְמ ֵה ָרה ְ ּבנֵ ה, ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה,ֵאל ְ ּבנֵ ה .ית ָך ְ ּב ָקרוֹ ב ְ ֵ ּב
CHAD GADYA 6 The following song is interpreted in many ways. In its simplest sense, it describes the way nations of the world rise and fall, yet God is the eternal ruler over them all.
One kid, one kid that Father bought for two zuzim (coins); one kid, one kid. A cat came and ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid. A dog came and bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid. A stick came and hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid. A fire came and burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid.
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ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א ,ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי ז ּוזֵ י .חד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ַ ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א וְ ָא ָתא ׁש ּונְ ָרא וְ ָאכְ לָ ה ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי,לְ גַ ְדיָ א . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א, ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ז ּוזֵ י ,וְ ָא ָתא כַ לְ ָ ּבא וְ נָ ׁ ַש ְך לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא ,ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה לְ גַ ְדיָ א ,ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי ז ּוזֵ י . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א וה ָּכה ִ וְ ָא ָתא חו ְּט ָרא ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה, ְ ּדנָ ׁ ַש ְך לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא,לְ כַ לְ ָ ּבא ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי,לְ גַ ְדיָ א . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א, ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ז ּוזֵ י ,ש ַרף לְ חו ְּט ָרא ׂ ָ ְוְ ָא ָתא נו ָּרא ו ְ ּדנָ ׁ ַש ְך,ְ ּד ִה ָּכה לְ כַ לְ ָ ּבא , ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה לְ גַ ְדיָ א,לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא ,ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי ז ּוזֵ י . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א
1/2/2014 10:22:32 PM
Popular Songs
Water came and extinguished the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid. An ox came and drank the water that extinguished the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid. The butcher came and slaughtered the ox that drank the water that extinguished the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid. The Angel of Death came and killed the butcher who slaughtered the ox that drank the water that extinguished the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid. The Holy One, blessed be He, came and slaughtered the Angel of Death who killed the butcher who slaughtered the ox that drank the water that extinguished the fire that burned the stick that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid that Father bought for two zuzim; one kid, one kid.
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וְ ָא ָתא ַמיָ א וְ כָ ָבה ,ש ַרף לְ חו ְּט ָרא ׂ ָ ְ ּד,לְ נו ָּרא ְ ְ ּדנָ ׁ ַשך,ְ ּד ִה ָּכה לְ כַ לְ ָ ּבא , ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה לְ גַ ְדיָ א,לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא ,ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי ז ּוזֵ י . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א ,וְ ָא ָתא תוֹ ָרא וְ ׁ ָש ָתה לְ ַמיָ א ,ש ַרף לְ חו ְּט ָרא ׂ ָ ְ ּד,ְ ּדכָ ָבה לְ נו ָּרא , ְ ּדנָ ַׁש ְך לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא,ְ ּד ִה ָּכה לְ כַ לְ ָ ּבא ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא,ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה לְ גַ ְדיָ א . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א, ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ִ ּב ְת ֵרי ז ּוזֵ י
וְ ָא ָתא ַה ׁשוֹ ֵחט
ְ ּד ׁ ּ ָש ָתה,וְ ׁ ָש ַחט לְ תוֹ ָרא , ְ ּדכָ ָבה לְ נו ָּרא,לְ ַמיָ א ְ ּד ִה ָּכה,ש ַרף לְ חו ְּט ָרא ׂ ָ ְ ּד ְ ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה, ְ ּדנָ ׁ ַשך לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא,לְ כַ לְ ָ ּבא ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי,לְ גַ ְדיָ א . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א, ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ז ּוזֵ י וְ ָא ָתא ַמלְ ָא ְך ַה ָּמוֶ ת , ְ ּד ׁ ָש ַחט לְ תוֹ ָרא,וְ ׁ ָש ַחט לְ ׁשוֹ ֵחט , ְ ּדכָ ָבה לְ נו ָּרא,ְ ּד ׁ ּ ָש ָתה לְ ַמיָ א , ְ ּד ִה ָּכה לְ כַ לְ ָ ּבא,ש ַרף לְ חו ְּט ָרא ׂ ָ ְ ּד ְ ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה,ְ ּדנָ ׁ ַשך לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי,לְ גַ ְדיָ א . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א, ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ז ּוזֵ י וְ ָא ָתא ַה ָ ּקדוֹ ׁש ָ ּברו ְּך ,הוּא וְ ָׁש ַחט לְ ַמלְ ַא ְך ַה ָּמוֶ ת ְ ּד ׁ ָש ַחט,ְ ּד ׁ ָש ַחט לְ ׁשוֹ ֵחט ְ ּדכָ ָבה, ְ ּד ׁ ּ ָש ָתה לְ ַמיָ א,לְ תוֹ ָרא ְ ּד ִה ָּכה,ש ַרף לְ חו ְּט ָרא ׂ ָ ְ ּד,לְ נו ָּרא ְ ְ ּד ָאכְ לָ ה, ְ ּדנָ ׁ ַשך לְ ׁש ּונְ ָרא,לְ כַ לְ ָ ּבא ְ ּדזַ ִ ּבין ַא ָ ּבא ִ ּב ְת ֵרי,לְ גַ ְדיָ א . ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א, ַחד ַ ּג ְדיָ א,ז ּוזֵ י
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