Christian Times Magazine Issue 55 | January 2022

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Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding

Anil Anwar CEO / PRESIDENT CTM Charles Lingerfelt Editor In Chief Publisher CTM Graphic & Interior Design Saba Anwar

PAGE 08 Special thanks and appreciation to Pastor Shaji and Shiney Daniel


Issue 55|January 2022 Contributors Mickey Nichols | Robert Summers | JP Sloane | Katherine daigle | Chris grahn howard Published & Printed in the United States of America

Copyright © 2022 by Christian Times Magazine

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, For permission requests, 214-256-4293 ISSN 2639-7714 (PRINT) ISSN: 2639-7730 (ONLINE) 214-850-1541




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DON HUFFINES 469.299.9913 | P.O. Box 177185 | Irving, TX 75017

political advertisemenT: paid for by Don Huffines Campaign


Interview with A Christian Republican Candidate for Texas Governor

Don Huffines Charles: Don! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. I know our readers will enjoy it. What did you do before you run for public office? Don: I am a businessman first, more specifically, a real estate developer. That is the lens I see the world in. If you see a problem coming, it is important to be proactive about it. Charles: When did you first run for office and for which office? How long did you serve? Don: The only office I ran for was the State Senate for Senate District 16 in 2014. I served for 2 sessions - 4 years. While in office, I fought against the establishment every day, trying to pass the priorities of the Republican Party. Charles: Are you a native Texan? And, where were you born? Don: I am a 5th generation Texan, born in Commerce, TX Charles: How long have you been a voting Texan? How did you and your wife meet and how long have you been married? Don: I have been voting since I was 18. Always active in elections







canvassing. Mary Catherine and I met through mutual friends, and we are coming up on our 34th wedding anniversary.


Charles: How long have you been in business in Texas?

Charles: How does being a Christian help you in your

And how does being a businessman help you if you were

current position as a Texas businessman?

elected as Texas governor? Don: It is important to know how to make a deal that Don: I have been a businessman my whole life. I always

benefits everyone. At Huffines Communities and Huffines

wanted to work for myself. I owned firework stands in

Enterprises, we never want anyone to get the short end of

high school, which was a lot of fun. Now, I do real estate

the stick. We want our employees, partners, and

development with my twin brother Phillip. We started

customers to always feel fulfilled with any interaction


they have with us, whether it is making money or with our






communities. More specifically, we build cities before


they are cities. Our company’s motto is Seeing Beyond the Obvious, and it is that perspective that Texas has

Charles: Are You a Pro-Life Advocate? Have you ever

been lacking. Under Greg Abbott, we have been reactive

wavered? Why, or Why not?

and not proactive in dealing with problems as they arise. Texas is supposed to lead. We are supposed to be the

Don: I am 100% pro-life from conception to birth. No

lighthouse of liberty for the union, and we have been

excuses. The gift of life is not a mistake; we are not

falling behind. I know how to make a deal, and I have the

meant to intervene with God’s plan.

record to prove it. Charles: Are You a believer in The Second Amendment? Charles: How many years have you served the people of

Do You believe in 'The Right to Carry?' Why? Are you a

Texas and in what capacities?

believer in the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

Don: I have served Texans in multiple capacities. I have

Don: Yes & 100% to both. I was the first state senator to

















conventions, a state senator, and I uncovered the largest

establishment fought me every step of the way. The 2nd

corruption scandal in modern Texas history. Dallas

amendment was not created for hunting or target practice.

County Schools was a local entity stealing tens of

The Second Amendment was created to arm ourselves

millions of dollars from local taxpayers. I got the Texas

against a totalitarian government and to fight for freedom

Rangers involved and sent six people to prison, including

and liberty. The first amendment is crucial; whether you

the mayor pro-tem of the city of Dallas.

agree or disagree with a statement, it is the First Amendment for a reason. Free speech is a pillar of our

Charles: Are you a Christian? How long have you been a

country, and we see it getting tarnished by big tech and

Christian? Don, I know that you and your wife consider

people who are afraid to hear the truth. If we continue this


trajectory, I am happy we have the Second Amendment.







conscientiously. I also know that you and your wife have raised some wonderful Christian children. How has the

Charles: If elected Texas Governor, will you promise to

Christian faith helped you as a father and the raising of

do everything within your power to protect and defend the

your sons and daughters?

constitutions of Texas and the United States of America?

Don: I am a born-again Christian. I homeschooled my

Don: Yes, I promise. We have the oldest constitution in

children to teach them Christian values. It is important to

the world because it is written for freedom and for the

rely on your faith throughout your life, in good times and

people. The leftists and RINOs have either trampled all

bad. And always be thankful for all the blessings we have

over it or sat by and watched it get trampled on. It is

been granted. We had 5 kids in 7 years, and it was a

disgusting to see. I will defend the constitution in every

handful at times, but each of them is a gift from God. I

possible capacity. I will not ask the federal government to

am so blessed to have the incredible family I have. None

enact and defend the US Constitution.

of it would be possible without Jesus Christ.


Charles: If you had a message to get out now to all

Charles: How Long do you expect to serve as governor if

Texans, what would that message be?

the people of Texas elect you as governor?

Don: Our state is falling into the wrong hands because of

Don: I believe in term limits. I will make sure the

the leadership we have. Texas used to be a beacon of

legislature creates a bill that creates term limits for every

freedom and liberty, and we have become complacent. I

position in the state of Texas. Even without term limits, I

am giving Texans a choice for the first time in a long

have pledged to serve only two terms.

time. Vote for strong leadership that will make the liberal democrats crawl back into their holes and cower, or vote

Charles: If elected as the Texas Governor, do you pledge

for the current man who has diminished our incredible

to serve the people of Texas as a strong Conservative

Texas culture. There is no cavalry coming; the time to


take a stand is now. Don: I promise. Texans are thirsty for strong leadership. Charles: If You had a message you wanted to get to all

We have gone too long without someone we can rely on

Americans - what would it be?

to protect us. In a Huffines administration, Texas will get its swagger back.

Don: Washington is broken because we have allowed it to break. We have elected weak people into positions that

Charles: What advice can you give to others who want to

require immense strength. The outcome we have now is

run for office?

what we have elected. We must focus on getting rid of the RINOs who have been complacent in this hostile

Don: Remember, you work for the people, not yourself.

takeover of these United States. We must rally the

This is public service, not self-service.

patriots across the country and stand up to the elitists who hate us so much. We need a nationwide RINO hunt.

Charles: Which political party do you claim?

Charles: Have you ever served in the US Military? If so,

Don: Republican, The Texas Republican Party platform is

what Branch?

an incredible document. It clearly states what the Republican Party of Texas believes. I stand by it, and I

Don: I have never served in the military, However, I

am proud to enact it.

attended Culver Military Academy in high school. In World War II, my father fought in the Battle of the Bulge

Charles: How will Your position as Texas Governor

and liberated thousands of Jews from the concentration

correlate cohesively with The Lieutenant Governor, if

camps. He fought for freedom and passed on the fighting


spirit to me. I will never back down. Don: I served with Dan Patrick when I was in the Charles: What will be your greatest duty as governor, if

legislature, and he is a believer in the conservative

the people of Texas elect you as governor?

movement. His arms have been consistently tied by Greg Abbott. Abbott does not want this conservative legislation

Don: We have fallen off course. We must restore our

to be passed. Lt. Gov Patrick and I will bring a Texas that

culture and morals to the populous. That starts with

Texans have only dreamed of. We will make it a reality.

securing the border. I will enact Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution to secure the border. I will not be

Charles: What will you do to secure the border of Texas

asking the federal government for permission to do this.

if you are elected Texas Governor?

We must end property tax. Texans are tired of renting their home from the government. We must take back our

Don: Enact Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution

youth. They have been indoctrinated by liberal lies and

and declare an invasion of the Texas-Mexico Border.

immoral behavior.

Deploy the national guard to secure it. Put economic


pressure on Mexico by stopping all inbound Mexican traffic and trade to ensure no one gets through. This will make sure Mexico secures its side. We must stop this invasion on the Mexican side. This will save Texas resources and time. Charles: Are you for the building of The Border Wall? Don: Yes, 100% Charles: Are you compatible with President Trump's agenda? Do You Support President Trump? Is your agenda compatible with President Trump’s agenda? Why, or Why not? Don: Yes. I love President Trump. I supported President Trump every step of the way. My brother and I raised millions of dollars for the President. I had two sons put their lives on pause to work for the President’s re-election campaign. The United States has never had a fighter like President Trump. He took beatings every day from the media, democrats, and even in his own party, but he continued to fight the DC swamp every day. I am proud to have voted for President Trump, raised money for him, campaigned for him, and I will continue his fight in Texas. Charles: Our readers in Texas are in every county in the state of Texas. Our readers range from Independents to Republicans, to Conservatives, and to those not affiliated with any political party. What else would you like us to Print with Your Interview in this Month's Christian Times Magazine? Don: I just want the voters of Texas to know that I am a true, bona fide Candidate for Texas Governor; I am an actual Republican!! And I am an honest businessman with character and integrity and I will make Texas proud!! Charles: What do you want them to know about your campaign for Texas Governor? Don: I would like the voters to know that our greatest days are coming. They really are. Look around you. You are not alone. We are all fighting together for this selfless cause: to have fearless leaders who believe in our party platform and who want to be held accountable to you. We will never let the Democrats replace God with the government. Instead, we will rise and fight them and we will persevere. We will show the world our greatest days are yet to dawn. I’m Don Huffines. I’m an actual Republican and I’m running for Texas governor. It’s time for leadership. No Excuses.

political advertisement: paid for by Don Huffines Campaign


‘Our Sincere Appreciation!’

Once again, we wish to give our sincere thanks and appreciation to Pastor Shaji and Shiney Daniel of Sunnyvale, Texas. They are pastor at the Agape Church in Sunnyvale, a growing, thriving church that ministers to people in many nations. Pastor Shaji and his wife Shiney have graciously made a donation to Christian Times Magazine for the publishing of our December issue. We just wanted to thank them once again for their kind and generous donation and show them our appreciation.


NEW BEGINNINGS By Mickey Nichols

Did you ever wonder what happened to the disciples after the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus into His heavenly home? We know a few of their activities as written in the Book of Acts, especially the words and actions of Peter and John. We also know of the selection of Matthias to replace the betrayer Judas Iscariot and how the group hung together initially probably because they were still a little shell shocked at the home going of their Rock, their Friend, and their Savior! But in those first days and weeks after Jesus left the disciples began to disperse and go their different ways. You see, God had a bigger plan in mind than just simply the homeland of these few men and this meant that each of these sainted ones had to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit that had come to live within them. The known world at that time was comparatively small and God’s plan was for His Word to reach ALL mankind so it became necessary for these followers of Christ to begin to travel to parts unknown. Can you imagine the excitement tempered with some degree of fear that each man faced as he wandered into new lands and met different types of people? Yes, they were following God’s leading but humanly I bet they were sometimes scared stiff while entering new societies and learning new languages!


Have you ever had to move from a location that you

The old Sears & Roebuck catalog was our toilet

absolutely loved and that you were most comfortable

paper in the outhouse but we were always

being in? When I was very young (birth to 7 years

cautioned about using the colored pages! Gordon

old) my family lived in several small towns in

and I loved baseball, just as we later on loved

Georgia. In fact I went to 4 different schools while in

football and all sports, but were simply nuts

second grade! But in the summer of 1950 we moved

about baseball. We listened to the Mutual

to Washington, Ga., which is located kind of between

Broadcasting Company’s Baseball Game of the

Augusta and Atlanta. I began third grade there and

Day every day during the season featuring Al

instantly felt like I belonged. We lived 6 miles from

Helfer as the game announcer. I was crazy for the



Yankees with Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra

Meatesville community. My then 3 brothers and I






while Gordon was just as passionate about the

were joined by another brother while there in 1952,

Dodgers who had Duke Snider and Pee Wee

making us a family of Mother, Daddy, and 5 boys.

Reese. We argued continuously about the merits

Gordon, my older brother, was 12, I was 9, Kenny

of Mantle vs. Snider. Gordon started High School

was next at 4, Gary was 3, and Ronnie (who we

in 1954 and immediately went out for football.

always called Voo) was just born. He was tall and skinny, sorta fast with good We boys loved the country, the woods, and what we

hands, so they put him at the end position.. After

called our farm. We had a barn with a loft, a chicken

going to his games I began to see that small

coop, a cow pen and a hog pen, and several garden

towns in the south were ruled by high school

plots all around. We milked 4 cows regularly, fed and

football. I still loved baseball but became just as

rounded up the cows each evening, and slopped the

nutty for football. I finally entered eighth grade

hogs with our leftovers and dishwater every day. The

in the fall of ‘56 and went out for the high school

gardens in season were tended and weeded (we

team on the very first day. I had been lucky

particularly didn’t like the rock-hard red clay in the

enough to have played a year of football already

dry summertime) and gathered eggs each day from the

the year before on a youth team in town so I had

hen house. Of, course, reaching up high to the hens’

several teammates from that team going out for

nests might just involve a big black snake that just

the high school team with me. Washington High

happened to like eggs also! We chopped wood for

ran the old fashioned Tennessee single wing

firewood because two fireplaces and a wood burning

formation and I wanted to play the tailback

heater were all we had for heat in the winter time. We

position. Being chunkier than my older brother

also had peach trees and at harvest time we peeled

and pretty fast for my size again I got lucky and

and quartered peaches and carefully laid them on our

made first team on the High School “B” team! I

tin roof for the sun to dry so we could have peach

was in hog heaven! We played several games

cobbler even in winter. And, oh yes, we even had a

against other teams “B” squad, winning them all,

wooden outhouse. We did have an indoor bathroom

and even traveling 40 miles up to Athens to play

but for the first couple years there before our deep

Clarke Central “B” team. At that game, I was SO

well was drilled we had a shallow well, which meant

fortunate to be able to throw a touchdown pass to

that during times of drought we had no running water,

Gordon enabling us to defeat CC 7-6. Life was

which of course meant that we had to use the

wonderful! The next day at school, which was a


Friday, it seemed that everyone wanted to speak


to me and congratulate me on the victory. I was elated. Daddy and I went that night to see the Washington Varsity play, with Gordon getting some playing time as a few varsity players played on both the “B’ team and on the varsity. After Gordon showered and dressed we climbed into the car with Daddy for the trip home. Gordon and I were so “high” on adrenaline that we could hardly sit still so when Daddy first started talking we hardly heard his words. As he kept telling us of our family plans to move away from Washington to Tennessee our minds could scarcely comprehend what he was saying. Move away? Leave Washington? I couldn’t believe it. I was devastated. Gordon was even more shattered than I was. When we got home our Mother had most of our belongings packed and ready to go. We left the next morning with Mother, Daddy, Gordon, and our three younger brothers in the car while I rode with two men in a moving truck with all our worldly possessions. No goodbyes, no farewells, no see you laters. We were gone.I enrolled in LaFollete, Tennessee, Jr. High School the following Monday morning. I asked the home room teacher, Mrs. Berwanger, if the school had a football team. She said they sure did, that practice was immediately after school in Liberty Park, just behind the school. I couldn’t wait! At our first break, I was shown the cold drink machine in the hall. That was something we never had down in Georgia! I walked down to the machine and saw that It was one of those kind where you lifted the lid, put the nickel in, then slid your choice to the end and lifted it out. The problem was the big, tough looking guy sitting on the lid. As I stood there in front of him he said, “So you’re the new guy.” Just matter of fact-like. I said “Yep”, not knowing if that was a greeting or if they were, in fact, fighting words! He then said, “I’m AJ.” I said, “I’m Mickey” and, little did I know then, he would become one of the 4 best friends that I have ever had. I met him later that afternoon after school at the park for football practice. I was surprised to learn that the football team had no uniforms and simply got together to run some plays that the High School Coach wanted them to learn. I looked at the end of the line at a tall, skinny, good looking guy wearing, believe it or not, blue suede shoes, named Randle who also remains another of my 4 best friends. The Lord works in mysterious ways. He knows what is best for His children and is always looking out for their best interests, even if it doesn’t seem that way at the time. We lived in Washington, Ga., for almost 5 ½ years and I thought at the time that leaving was the worst possible thing I could ever think about. I then lived in LaFollette, Tenn., for 4 ½ years and found a peace and a satisfaction that evolved during this time into a love for this town surrounded by hills and mountains. These were my formative years. My growing up years. God used these years to mold me, to begin to shape me, into the vessel that He wanted. What happened these years that caused me to change from a young, devastated 8th grader, sad to leave one location, to a High School graduate who loved his school and town and knew it was God’s plan for me? Well, the details are many and varied! And that is a story for another day. Suffice it to say, God was in control all along. He will do the same for you if you will let Him.



By Robert Summers

A Christian woman carrying a letter from Corinth to Rome from a man named Paul to a group of underground house church Believers would raise no flags in the enemy’s intelligence agency. Today we have Phoebe to thank for that Roman letter (see Roman’s 16:1-2). Obviously, she never knew how important that document courier mission was. Really. She could not have predicted its role in world changing. Nor its part in the later Reformation. “We speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the

The hinge of fate may rest upon your efforts this year.

hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world

What appears to be a common, garden variety work will

for our glory (I Corinthians 2:7 NKJV)

someday transform into a crucial weapon in the hands of

Mystery, musterion (moos-tay’-ree-on) Strong’s Greek Dictionary #3466; a derivative “to shut the mouth”, a secret or mystery, the idea of imposed silence. HIs ways are beyond finding out! Romans 11:33 We are at war with dangerous forces of evil. In wartime, valuable military assets are secretly concealed from view. Critical intelligence is always encrypted. Your mission is more important than you know. It may appear small and inconsequential. Yet it is probably of greater importance than you can ever perceive. This will help you understand its strategic place in God’s economy. First, God‘s ways are profoundly mysterious. He conceals his moves. He shrouds his assets in secrecy. For instance,

the Lord. This is the natural operating procedure of the Holy Spirit. Bible history bears me out on this truth. Read it for yourself. Start with a guy called to build an ark without a boat kit. Read about a solitary Bedoin shepherd








important. Even if it is hidden. Don’t ever forget this fact. The most important construct in our sanctuary on Dallas Prayer Mountain is the hidden water pipes which supply our fire sprinkler system. An architectural design called a fractal conceals these important pipes. Fractal designs are also used to encrypt crucial coded information which is computer stored, usually a vital secret. Remember God is fractal by nature. He does not obligate Himself to reveal His ways, to the disinterested and unresponsive. Thus, His ways are often a mystery.

the activities he set in motion in little Bethlehem’s absurdly small manger were infinitely more important than the big time plans pompously executed in Herod’s castle. The Babe in the manger was God’s stealth

Robert Summers

important move. The feed trough was an effective, clever

Mountain Creek Church Prayer Mountain 5950 Eagle Ford Drive Dallas, TX 75249


Tel: 972-296-8919

maneuver. Appearances would not betray God’s eternally



of dollars of stolen merchandise. Unscrupulous politicians As we begin a New Year, we would sincerely like to offer a positive outlook with hope and promise toward the year which lies ahead. Sadly, for the first time in as long as I can remember, the future is anything but positive. As we study Scripture, current events place us in the Books of Daniel and Revelation rather than the positive words contained in the gospels. If one were to listen closely— the galloping sound of four horses pounding the ground near the Euphrates can be heard.1 Never before, have we been so close to Armageddon and the End of the Age than we are at this present time. As a small boy reading the Bible, I often wished those days had been “Bible Days.”

My young imagination

enabled me to envision being alongside those biblical characters. What’s exciting is that, right now, I can honestly say after many years of being dedicated to studying God’s Word, I believe we are living in Bible Days!

are doing end runs in an attempt to keep our borders open in the spirit of globalism. With open borders comes sextrafficking, along with drugs and illegal weapons which are being traded daily. Does the Bible also talk about this as a sign of the Last Days? We only have to look at the Book of Revelation to see: “And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts” (Revelation 9:21). The word translated here








“Pharmacia” meaning “drug” where we get our word “pharmacy.” Prophecies are being fulfilled as I write this article that could easily fill a 350-page book, but to keep it simple we will address just a few of the more obvious prophecies in which we find ourselves today. One of those prophecies of the End Times concerns Paul’s warning to Timothy. Does any of this sound familiar? But know this, that in the last days perilous times will

One example is globalism. The Bible speaks about

come:  For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of

globalism with a one-world religion, which it warned

money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to

would take place during the Last Days (Revelation 13:8).

parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving,

Isn’t it ironic that the current talks about globalism are at

slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of

the forefront of many scenarios coming out of the United

good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure

Nations? We see promotors of globalism, such as George

rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness

Soros, Bill Gates, and Barack Obama, to name a few who

but denying its power. And from such people turn

are at the forefront of this frightening New World Order.

away!  For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women

Countries around the world, including some states in

loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,

America, are legalizing drugs for recreational use as part

always learning [ CRT and evolution, both of which

of their global agenda. In our own American cities,

are theories and not provably facts along with

murder is on the rise. Gangs are frequently invading

Marxism, Social Justice, etc.] and never able to come

private businesses in order to “smash and grab” thousands

to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:1-7).


In the Last Days, biblical truth will no longer be

their lust one toward another; men with men working

acceptable because it doesn’t condone sinful lusts of the

that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves

flesh. “For the time will come when they will not

that recompence of their error which was meet. And

endure sound doctrine [teachings], but according to their

even as they did not like to retain God in their

own desires, because they have itching ears [that desire to

knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind

hear to hear that their sins are not really sins], they will

[pornography], to do those things which are not

heap up for themselves [false] teachers; and they will


turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to


fables [teachings of sin]” (2 Tim 4:3-4).

covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder








[Chicago, L.A., San Francisco, New Your, Seattle, Indeed, in the United States alone, as we move even

etc.], debate [arguing], deceit, malignity [Trolls on

closer to “Globalism” and a “One World Religion,”

Facebook and Twitter]; whisperers, Backbiters, haters

consider that there have been recreations of the portal to

of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil

the temple of Ba’al—one is facing the Capitol Building in

things [BLM, ANTIFA etc.], disobedient to parents

Washington, D.C.2 “A replica of an archway of an ancient


temple of Ba’al has been erected in public spaces in major

understanding, covenant breakers, without natural

cities around the world since April of 2016.


affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the

Square in London for the three days leading up to the

judgment of God, that they which commit such things

Jewish Passover, in Florence Italy for the political G7

are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have

summit, in Dubai for the World Government Summit, at

pleasure in them that do them” (Romans 1:22-32).

City Hall in New York last year, and just this month on the Capitol Mall in Washington DC. Next it travels on to Amsterdam, and Syria.”3 Ba’al, who is represented by a bull or ram, is considered an abominable pagan religion hated by the God of Israel and has no place in a country whose motto is “In God We Trust.” The more we study the Bible and read the day’s headlines, the clearer it becomes that we are living out the Last Days: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [example Attorney Generals protecting criminals while ignoring the safety of law-abiding citizens] And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.” “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise, also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in





The world is rapidly succumbing to demonic control. “New Canadian Law Will Officially Describe Parts Of The Bible As 'Myth'…. Rev. Dr. Aaron Rock, pastor of Harvest Bible Church in Windsor, Ontario, notes: ‘In Canada, the teachings of both basic biology and the Bible are now 'myths', according to the preamble to Bill C-4 (conversion therapy bill).’’4 This is not surprising in lieu of the fact that they jailed a pastor a few years ago for preaching on Romans 1; yet it does not stop in Canada. This antichrist spirit has been flying under the radar throughout the world and in America for decades. Tom Barrett, reported that here in America, ten months after September 11th, 2001 in New York, the same city as the Twin Trade Towers were destroyed, "The Rev. Joseph Jenkins was arrested today [July 29, 2002] as he preached to his congregation of 500. As he said, ‘The Bible says it is a sin for a man to lie with a man!’ four federal undercover agents rose from their seats in the crowded church and handcuffed the pastor. “He was later charged before a US Magistrate under the federal ‘Hate Crimes’ law.” Hate crimes? George Orwell warned us in his book “1984” about “hate crimes” or crimes based on what you are thinking. Now in America


not only do we have “thought crimes” but they are being

Think this is a little farfetched and probably not going to

enforced by the “Through Police” or “Thinkpol” as

happen? Today, “Thousands of Swedes are having

Orwell called them in his book.

microchips implanted into their bodies so that they don't need to carry key cards, IDs, and even train tickets.”8

In the Book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a

When we walk down the streets worldwide, we see

giant statue. It represented all the world’s great kingdoms






and culminated with the End Times Kingdom revealed

inflected stigmatism on their bodies (making it even more

through its feet. The two feet we see are mixed with iron

likely that a person would feel comfortable receiving the

and clay. This mixture of both strength and weakness

mark of the beast).

could very well represent the one-world religion spoken of in the Books of Daniel and Revelation, being

The use of a covenantal sign between God, animals, and

manifested through a world religion now forming and

man has now been perverted to glorify something God

referred to as “Chrislam” (Christianity and Islam) (Daniel

considers an abomination10 We also now see manifested

2:41– 44, Revelation 13:8).

in the church a great falling away from orthodox teachings (2 Thessalonians 2:3) with the ordination of

Today we also see technology that aligns itself more with

Lesbian bishops11 and the marriage of homosexual

the Mark of the Beast than with the positive outlook of

couples.12 During the time when Jesus walked the earth,

what was once our guaranteed American Constitutional

the entire population is estimated to have been between

freedoms. The Bible talks about an image of the beast

220 and 300 million people13 yet we are told that with

being given life so as to be indistinguishable from the

the onset of Armageddon, the kings of the East will be

actual antichrist and the created image itself.6 With

able to field an army of over two million solders

modern artificial intelligence, scientists have now created

(Revelation 9:16). Theologians and historians at one time

virtually “living” and thinking robots that one would be

thought that was simple biblical hyperbole, but we now

hard put to tell the difference between them and a real

know now that “China wields by far the world’s largest

living soul.

military, with 2.8 million soldiers, sailors, and airmen.

Today we see many people finding chip implements more

You might be wondering why are we exposing such



troubling statistics when we should be looking forward to

debit/credit cards. “He causes all, both small and great,






a “Happy New Year.” Because the Bible warns us to be

rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their

prepared for the Day of the Lord and not let Last Day

right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy

come upon us “as a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians

or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the


beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:16-17, NKJV).

Be encouraged; all is not negative as Jesus, Himself comforted us with these words:

Stephen J Bronner argues, “Imagine unlocking a door with your hand, hovering your palm on your computer to

“Now learn this parable from the fig tree [Israel—the fig

access secure files, or purchasing lunch with a wave — all

tree— had been gone for 2,500 years until 1948]: When

without a smartphone, card, or dongle. These things are

its branch has already become tender and puts forth

all entirely possible, but there’s a catch: you’d have to

leaves, you know that summer is near.  So you also, when

have a long-grain-of-rice-sized device inserted into the

you see all these things, know that it is near—at the

space between your thumb and pointer finger via a

doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no

piercing needle”7

means pass away till all these things take place” (Matthew 24:32-34, NKJV).


Jesus also comforted us by saying, “When you see these things begin to happen to look up because your redemption draws nigh” (Luke 21:28). Yet Jesus still advised us, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of Heaven, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36). There have been many date setters, but the problem with setting dates is that at any one moment on earth, there are 24 separate hours and two different days.

Nevertheless, we who are called by Christ are forewarned to begin praying

unceasingly for our families, our neighbors, our country and ourselves.

“He [Jesus] who testifies to these things

says, ‘Surely I am coming quickly.’ [remember Israel had to be reinstated as a nation in order for this to happen and now all things needed to happen before the return of Christ has been fulfilled]. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelation 22:20, NKJV). So, my friend, as we look to this challenging New Year of 2022, take heart and keep the faith. The good news is that I have read the back of the Book and WE WIN!

END NOTES: Revelation 9:14. Warren, Steve. “Arch from the Temple of Baal in DC: Coincidence or Pagan Invitation?” CBN News, CBN News, 2 Oct. 2018. “Ba’al Is on a World Tour – for What?” - Portal Oficial Da Igreja Universal Do Reino De Deus, 17 Oct. 2018, Cooke, David. “New Canadian Law Will Officially Describe Parts of the Bible as 'Myth'.” Prophecy News Watch, PASTOR ARRESTED FOR PREACHING.’” Edited by Tom Barrett, "Pastor Arrested for Preaching", 28 July 2002, “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Revelation 13:15). Bronner, Stephen J. “Could Microchipped Employees Become the Future of the Workplace?” Inverse, Inverse, 22 July 2020, Ma, Alexandra. “Thousands of Swedish People Are Swapping ID Cards for Microchips.” World Economic Forum, 16 May


query=Thousands%2Bof%2BSwedish%2Bpeople%2Bare%2Bswapping%2BID%2Bcards%2Bfor%2Bmicrochips. “Stigma Definition and Meaning: Collins English Dictionary.” Stigma Definition and Meaning | Collins English Dictionary,





VARIABLE NOUN If something has a stigma attached to it, people think it is something to be ashamed of. 10.Genesis 9:8-17 vs. Leviticus 20:13. 11. STAFF, CNN WIRE. “Episcopal Church Consecrates First Openly Lesbian Bishop.” CNN, Cable News Network, 15 May 2010, 12. “July 10, 2009 ~ Mainline Protestants and Same-Sex Marriage.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 10 May 2013,


C, Haub. “How Many People Have Ever Lived on Earth?” Population Today, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 Feb.

1995,,for%20most%20of %20human%20history. Gill, Bates, and Michael E. O'Hanlon. “China's Hollow Military.” Brookings, Brookings, 10 May 2017,


President’s Kennedy & Trump’s Message to The Press Then & Now: Media’s Bias By Katherine Daigle

35th U.S. President Kennedy - Photo By Cecil Stoughton, White House

45th U.S. President Trump -Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

The media is the fourth pillar of all democracies; the pillar that sets a check, a balance over the other three, keeping track of all the failing ill-ends that may crop up as threats to democratic proceedings. An unbiased, nonnarrativizing media is what is imagined by the populace when thoughts of a fourth pillar come into discourse. But the reality pits us against a bewildering state of media and technology giants and their corporate agenda spilling, propagandist drives that run against the norms of liberty, freedom, and unity as we know it. Things are reeking wrong in mainstream media today. Of these, the root lies deeply intertwined with the case of its unflinching biases.


On April 27, 1961, President John F. Kennedy (JFK) the 35th president of the United States, delivered a speech before the representatives of the American Newspapers Publishers Association. This speech is now officially known as “The President and the Press” address. However, for those who can listen and dare to give deeper thought to everything they heard, this speech became a starting point, an omen that the president`s administration officially acknowledged the existence of forces that are ready to start an unholy crusade on the nation`s values.

The corporatization of media outlets fuels a furthered divide between the real and the falsified. Such biases often reveal their perilous nature when examined against the grave dangers that we are always navigating through, even during contemporary times. President Kennedy long back assessed the same: “But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every newsman in the nation to re-examine his standards, and to recognize the nature of our country’s peril.” He adds, “Our way of life is under attack. "Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe." The survival of our friends is in danger, and yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war, before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed the greatest threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of the clear and present danger, then I can only say that the danger has never been clearer, and its presence has never been more imminent.” The danger never has to be spelled out as a conflict or a battleground readied for war. Cordiality between the political arm and the press should appear whenever there is a knell sounded for crises like that for freedom, liberty, healthcare, and other fundamentals for life.

35th U.S. President Kennedy - Photo By Abbie Rowe - This file has been extracted from another file, Public Domain

The message, also known as the “Kennedy`s Secret Societies Speech,” predicted the new World War that has lasted over the years, making the media its major striking force. Looking back over the years television, newspapers, and the dawn of modern computers, the rapid digitization, and growth in information technology have been around for an exceptionally long time. Even before the first printing press - governments, initiative groups, and certain societies were doing their best to shape the public`s opinion using the power of the word. If it seems to you that today you are surrounded by messages, claims, blog posts, and newsletters, imagine what it was like back in the day to be exposed to endless propaganda without the possibility to do your research, find discernable answers from independent sources or connect with like-minded people just to discern and recognize that you are not alone, and your awakening is not foolishness. Today it is clear that JFK understood the power of media and the threat that this power can represent to the nation and its values. The media was originally meant to question the status quo, debunk all the myths that are spread through authoritative mouthpieces. On the ground, it has shown itself off as a perpetrator of such status quo. Disinformation and poison spewing outlets make the matter of organized political activism a challenge.

In his speech, JFK had determined the two “requirements of direct concern both to the press and to the president” – the greater public information and the greater official secrecy. Those are the two most manipulated concepts. There is a difference between public information and ruthless propaganda. There is a difference between official clandestine secrecy and the development of cannibal secret societies aimed to extol their leaders for the account of the people's freedoms and human rights. President Kennedy recognized a need for structural change (both in tactics and by people) that could necessitate such collaboration in troubling times. The symbiotic bond that media shares with certain vested interests must cease. The times are such that the fourth pillar itself needs to be brought under a surveillance system that can ensure its efficiency in terms of reporting style and accuracy of claims. It is the people’s physical safety itself that gets thrown under the dagger when the all-seeing eye of the media gets a hued posture instead. While free, independent media is the aim of this millennium, the deeply corporatized, biased media is what we get. In 1961, JFK was warning the nation and its leaders against falling victims to a global predator, an enemy that we could not imagine before. The enemy that has today infiltrated our homes, schools, churches, and hospitals.


Could JFK have predicted that this revolt against the shaping globalist predator will cost him his life only 2 years later? One could only speculate. What he did know is that one day the media will play a key role in Americans` loss of their freedoms using the fear that involves a planned campaign by the MSM use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior against the people. That people will be deprived of choice about such basic things as their health and security and intimidated into blind obedience. That the free democratic elections, one of the institutes and values that shaped Americans as a nation and gained that nation its glory and prosperity, will be turned into a scripted lie, a cheap reality show downgraded to invented rated and manipulated statistics. “We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice… (it is) highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.” Looking back to 2021, President Donald J. Trump early in his presidency warned that the nation’s news media “is the enemy of the American people.” Almost 60 years later, our 45th president of the United States refused to be another bit player, manipulated by the transformed, modernized, and yet even more cannibalistic globalism by feeding on the flesh of his species. Standing up against the mutated media and drawing our attention to the true face and hidden danger of the manipulative propaganda, he managed to stir the hornets` nest and cause the greatest awakening among the country.

45th U.S. President Trump Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead

As we begin the new year, you must ask yourself are we at the tipping point in America? Is the world feeling the pain of complete manipulation by their media and their governments? President Trump's forthcoming digital media platform have entered into agreements to raise an estimated $1 billion from investors for his new social media website, TRUTH Social. He will be “in a strong position to fight back against the tyranny of Big Tech." America is ready for a media outlet that informs and provides uncensored vital information to the public without bias. A platform that will not discriminate based on political ideology, race, equity, or religion. A free and open platform to exchange ideas, communicate with friends and family, share real news without a filter.

“Sometimes by losing a battle, you find a new way to win the war,” - said Donald Trump, The first President who dared to take any action against the media threat.

” I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens, whenever they are fully informed,” – said JFK The President who believed in the nation and wanted to warn people about the upcoming threat. Both were betrayed. But one can continue his fight against the Hydra, and our support will be his “way to win the war.” The media plays a significant role in voter turnout and decisions by the voters. The propaganda that it sends out, depending on who backs them, can tilt the voters’ choice, and distort what is real. There will be unwanted cacophony in the play. There will be unnecessary skewed statistics numbered out for the viewer. The reality is never, never on display, it stays hidden "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain". The distance from today’s bias to neutrality is humongous. But the cursor should be moved further towards the middle. It is only then that we, as a united global populace, can make an informed decision about all the post-truths that have been jutted out into existence. Big Tech' companies and government regimes have used their unilateral power to silence opposing voices to their lies and misinformation far too long. It is time we ask why? What is the media hiding and who is paying them to lie to the American people? What do they fear? America is not listening to them anymore. “We the People,” the preamble emphasizes that the nation is to be ruled by the people— not a king or a dictator, not the president, Supreme Court justices, members of Congress or state legislators and definitely NOT the media!


A Time for Choosing?! By Chris Grahn Howard To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, we are at a time for choosing. We can choose to maintain the status quo, what is left of it, and hope for the best, or we can choose to set a bold new course that places a proud standard for the people to follow. Now, the time is to pull the fractured Conservative and Traditional Republican factions together and find the way clear to work for some common goals.

state senate races. Not to mention the obvious effects these boards have n your daily life. The actions of these local boards have limited your local businesses, your movements and reduced the learning in your schools. Our children have been greatly affected by these actions. Our economy has been severely limited; businesses may never truly recover from these draconian actions. In the end, activities did nothing to stop the spread of this virus. Take the time to know who your candidates are for these offices. Support them however you can. You may not be able or even willing to do door-to-door walking, but you may be willing to donate, make phone calls, social media support, and other methods of helping. You get the government you deserve, and you deserve a better government than you currently receive. However, you must be willing to make an effort to support those who have taken the risk and out their good name on a ballot. Trust me that putting your name on a ballot is risky at any time. Now more than ever. The enemy will attack you; truth in the attack has nothing to do with it. Conservative candidates will be attacked at work to get them fired; they will be attacked in any social club or children’s activity. This is an all-out effort to intimidate them or punish them for pushing back against the “machine” of democracy (mob rule).

40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan

This file is a work of an employee of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, taken or made as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, it is in the public domain.

The famous Ronald Reagan speech may be more authentic now than ever before. While I am confident, you have heard the now old phrase “this is the most important election ever” quote. We have reached an era where every election is such; the most critical election in your lifetime. Every election from now on will have immediate and real consequences. I have talked about many ideas, philosophies, and strategies in previous articles. Now is the time for action! You must go out and vote. There are now no inconsequential elections. Starting with school board and municipal elections. These local elections are the bench for future state representatives and

Remember this – These United States are a Constitutional Representative Republic that uses the democratic method to elect representation. We are NOT a democracy, which is nothing more than glorified mob rule. This is a significant distinction that is often missed or glossed over. Understanding the difference is crucial. John Adams’ words below are almost prophetic. Democracy has frequently been described as a beautiful sailboat with massive sails and no rudder. Being a republic provides the stability of a rudder; what we are seeing played out before us is devolving into the mob rule of a pure democracy. Are we still the Republic, our founders gave us? Yes, but I fear we are transitioning into a true democracy; mob rule, a rudderless ship careening around the ocean. In such an environment, the rights of the minority, no matter the issue, cannot be protected. If you want to know what makes America great? Our built-in processes to understand that the rights of the minority on any issue need to be protected.


“Democracy, will soon degenerate into an anarchy, such an anarchy that every man will do what is right in his own eyes, and no man’s life or property or reputation or liberty will be secure and every one of these will soon mold itself into a system of subordination of all the moral virtues, and intellectual abilities, all the powers of wealth, beauty, wit, and science, to the wanton pleasures, the capricious will, and the execrable cruelty of one or a very few.” John Adams

Be a part of the rudder. Participating in elections is the only way to join that rudder. That crucial rudder is what will keep all of us from careening around the ocean, hitting iceberg after iceberg. Your government, let that sink in; YOUR GOVERNMENT needs and requires and will only survive on your direct and intentional participation. Helping candidates, voting, and holding those elected accountable is the only way to be a part of the great rudder. Our policies, laws, and government can not be allowed to shift on fads or the whims of even a majority. The reason for checks and balances and the slow pace of government is to slow the impacts of trends, impulses, and sudden significant shifts. These checks and balances are not by accident but by design and structure. Constantly we hear about the need to change elements of our governmental system. These efforts are designed to strip away the breaks, not allow the measured time for evaluation. Elect people of character who understand this very concept. Yes, there are occasions for government to move swiftly. Those are, should be, the exceptions and not a new rule. Understanding the government’s proper role, nature, and structure needs to be a requirement for those who wish to serve in that government. Too often, this is not the case. “We the people…” are the fourth branch of this government. The fourth branch is what holds the others accountable. Be the accountability partner of your government at all levels. Not just in terms of voting but to be a voice in your community for the Republic. Now more than ever, your Republic needs you. Please tell me what you want to do. I have something for you to do - make phone calls. I have something for you to do - write letters. I have something for you to do - Tweet or email. I have something for you to do – blog. I have something for you to do - walk your neighborhood and get to know who is of like mind. I have something for you to do. Yes, I know you have real jobs, soccer practice, ballet rehearsal, and spending time with family. I have those busy things to do as well. The opponents know this, and they have them as well; they want conservatives lost in the minutia of life so they can dismantle the very freedoms that allow you to do and enjoy those things that make life great. Liberals are running a giant shell game in the history of the world. Biden/Harris will fiddle as Rome burns! I want my Country back, and I need your help!



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