Christian Times Magazine Issue 57 | March 2022

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Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding

Charles Lingerfelt Editor In Chief Publisher CTM & North Texas Freedom Rally Graphic & Interior Design Anil Anwar political advertisement: paid for by Don Huffines Campaign


Issue 57|march 2022 Contributors Katherine daigle | Lainie Sloane | Mickey Nichols | K.T. Cooper | Charles lingerfelt Published & Printed in the United States of America Christian Times Magazine is underwritten by NORTH TEXAS FREEDOM RALLY with Headquarters in Dallas, Texas USA Copyright © 2022 by Christian Times Magazine All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, For permission requests, 214-256-4293 214-850-1541

ISSN 2639-7714 (PRINT) ISSN: 2639-7730 (ONLINE)



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EDITOR NOTE Welcome to the Family of readers for Christian Times Magazine! As we look back over the past four years or so, we want to honestly look from a vantage point of counting our blessings from The Almighty - Who has truly blessed our efforts in putting forth this magazine to the glory of God. We truly sense the hand of the Lord upon us from month to month as we do our best to encourage you, enlighten you, instruct you, lead you and guide you further in the ways of the Lord; because He has instructed us to do so by His Word. I believe God has called us to be an entity in these trying times for sharing his word and his presence with people around the world. At times, we have found his anointing upon us as we share with you what God has placed in our heart. As we look across America we sense by the Holy Spirit that there are heroes among us; many of whom have paid enormous prices to get to where they are in this world today. We honor them as much as we deeply, possibly can. There are many heroes in the political realm in America who have put their “necks out there on the line“ to run for office and be the thread of change that God wants them to be. Many sacrifices have been made for them to do so. And so we remember them in our prayers today, and every day. We pray that God will take each one of them in His hand and guide them in the right direction as representatives of the people, by the people and for the people. When they become our elected representatives, it is up to them to respect the vote of the people and the confidence that has been placed in them through that vote. We are praying seriously for this election period in this year of 2022. We pray for you the voters that you will be guided by the Holy Spirit to vote your conscience and your conviction as you go to the polls this year. We are praying for America that she will repent and turn toward God and be that ‘light and city upon the hill’ spoken of so many years ago. We pray that God will help us to be the witness that we need to be to other nations and peoples around the world. May God help us all

Charles Lingerfelt Editor-in-Chief CTM - Christian Times Magazine P. O. Box 360722 Dallas, TX 75336 USA ‘THE MOST CONSERVATIVE MAGAZINE IN AMERICA!’


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By Katherine Daigle

What does a democracy thrive on? It is most definitely not the crushing of voices, the crackdown on protests, or the deliberate hushing of the margins that qualifies as true democratic proceeding. You would, as Western ideals mandate, expect a so-called ‘liberal, ‘left-oriented’ party to behave like multiplicity and diversity in a populace. But observing America as it has become in the past year and a half makes one doubt this mandate, this wretched conclusion that people so often arrive at. If there is one thing that has been proven to the masses of viewers, the keen observers of all things political, it is the futility of drawing unfounded parallels between party ideals and what goes on down on ground. What has occurred because of the suspicious dubious supply chain crisis that began over a year ago. The Biden administration had been talking about “the new normal” – things that might have seemed strange before the virus have become an integral part of our lives today whether we want it or not. The “New Normal” takes different shapes: from positive and progressive trends like the development of telemedicine, teleworking and popularization of homeschooling to restrictions of constitutional freedoms, which are now being served and digested easily under the sauce of the “Quarantine Measures.”

Today the most offensive outcomes of the new normal may still seem unconvincing in the 21st century as we see cargo ships in U.S. ports languish at sea. Our nation is affected no matter where you live and stand on the matters of political governance: quarantine restrictions and the mandates which has brought our global economy

to a standstill. The ongoing supply chain crisis empties the shelves of our markets, enabling skyrocketing prices for the goods that are yet available and remain off coasts on cargo containers. Truck drivers waiting at ports willing and ready to hall their valuable cargo to markets in cities around America. These products that have been delayed in ports waiting to be off loaded for upwards of 6 months while out of control inflation takes hold on an already crisis ridden economy forecasted by the current administration. Thanks to record-high inflation price hikes of common necessities including food, housing materials and energy, is going up at the fastest pace in decades, affecting the price of things most households need and overshadowing the job and wage gains many Americans experienced more than two years ago. (“What To Know About Inflation: Rising Prices Hit In U.S ...”) Picture in your mind the countless images from around the world of freedom loving patriots, hardworking bluecollar wage earners just wanting to go to work, feed their families, take responsibility, and live unimpeded by government mandates brought on by corporate greed and the new global reset. The Great Reset is the global elite’s plan to instate a communist world order by abolishing private property while using the virus to solve overpopulation and enslaving what remains of humanity with vaccines.


Global demonstrations, marches, and rallies of patriots seen on alternative media sites. United States MSM has ignored since the first of the year many peaceful protests from around the world against these socialist liberal mandates. Recently from our neighbors to the north, Canadians have taken center stage calling for liberty and freedom from those mandates. Joining with those huge rigs - truckdrivers block roads, politicians’ homes, and government buildings. Setting a stage reminiscent of the 1960’s, a “sit-in” sort of protest using their big rigs parked along freeways all the while blowing their horns incessantly. The most popular strategies used in the 1950s and first half of the 1960s were based on the notion of non-violent civil disobedience and included such methods of protest as boycotts, freedom rides, voter registration drives, sit-ins, and marches. A siege of independent truck drivers that have been sanctioned by government mandates to mask and receive multiple injections to deliver their goods. Rather silly nonsense. These drivers travel alone, sometimes with a family member making their deliveries late into the evenings to loading docks rarely seen by another soul. A large group of truckers has garnered millions in fundraising dollars from droves of supporters as it drives across the country to protest mandates. (“Trucker convoy raises millions in funds as vaccine ...”) Most truckers set off from Vancouver on January 24th, 2022, on their “Freedom Convoy” There has been a show of strength from the regular working people joining and voicing their disagreements in the streets and bridges along the highways of every city across Canada. The clashes with the police have been ordered by the local and state government, the police were told to take the truckers fuel, escort their children and families out of restaurants and shops in the freezing snow and rain. Now picture the smiling trucker talking about love of country, faith in God and waving the Canadian flag with their children and family dog in their cabs permitting their children to observe what can happen when we see oppressive despotic governments take hold of your freedoms, and our liberties. “What will they remember? The hysteria of the people in charge as they look out on the sea of working-class people who are sick of being pushed around, told what to do and when they could do it. The people in charge are extremely upset about this. Hysterical and panic

driven. It is hilarious. You can just picture in your mind the U.S. appointed by Biden a tiny transportation secretary, little Pete Buttigieg jumping up and down, shaking his little hands, screaming at the truck drivers, get off my bridge, you guys, get off my bridge right now! (“The Ambassador Bridge, the busiest land crossing between the countries and a vital conduit for the auto industry, sent ripples through North American supply chains”) (“Tucker Carlson: Canada Becoming a Police State, "Impotent ...”) This is not how confident people speak. These are squeaks of weakness. These so-called leaders are livid at the truckers because they know that there is nothing, they can do about the truck drivers in these big rigs. “They do not know anything about these giant rigs - how do you get a truck off a bridge, especially when it has no fuel or tires” . These truckers removed their tires completely to defy the Prime Minister of Canada, who is Fidel Castro’s son Justin Trudeau. He finally came out from hiding to threaten the protesters directly. The U.S. truckers have joined the Canadians under the Ambassador bridge as a show of solidarity. U.S. big riggers are considering their own protest of mandates starting in Sacramento, CA to Washington DC., March of 2022. It is all about politics. All the restrictions mentioned above, and outcomes provide a wide field for political maneuvering. From changes in legislation, social policies, and healthcare to manipulation with immigration policies and lobbying for the interests of players. The best part is that everything mentioned above has already happened, and humanity is aware of the outcomes of such policies. Today we call a Supply Chain Crisis is an economic model, which has been widely used in the socialist economy. Do we witness history-making another spiral spin today? “As Ottawa remained paralyzed, protests pandemic measures, the demonstrations continued to reverberate beyond Canada, with a new road blockade temporarily cutting off the country’s busiest border crossing and copycat convoys spreading to New Zealand and Australia, with plans for a third in the United States. “ -trucker-protest”


As the planned pandemic wanes, economic and physical insecurity, violent conflict with political despot bureaucrats and democracy’s guardians struggle against authoritarian foes, shift the international balance in favor of tyranny. Incumbent politicians use force to crush their constituents in the name of public health, while beleaguered protesters face heavy jail sentences, punished, or simply disappear in some countries including our own by the current administration in the United States. The decline in global freedom in countries experiencing deterioration outnumbered those with improvements by the largest margin recorded since the negative trend began in 2006. (“Countries & Regions: Freedom in the World 2021 | Freedom House”) The long democratic recession is deepening. The Convoy to DC 2022 movement, organized by the truckers, tow truck drivers, and farmers – as a response to the Canadian counterpart that has now emerged as an inspiration of sorts – is being arranged peacefully. Its entire objective is to peacefully demonstrate the perceived majority’s discontentment with how the popular mandate at the electoral booths turned out. Of course, getting into the majority vs. minority debates would require a whole new platform and spirit. But that is not the main point here either. Whether the ideals must be subject to persuasion or convincing is a different issue. In a democracy, there must be space for all opinions, ranging from A to Z, to exist – there must be space for these arguments to be had and for people to engage with one another. Any dialectic that does not take such democratic nuances into account would do more harm than any good. For a demography as diverse as that of the US,’ it’s rather natural to expect such tolerance. Intolerance of differing opinions and a purposive stance to crush a ‘nonnormative’ idea or concept would be a disaster! In doing so, one is scorning upon the objectives that the nation’s founding fathers set up for the country to progress over. Of late, there have been murmurs about the possibility of a civil unrest – if not of a measure as drastic as history has shown, there would still be a tangible amount of distress caused in such a presumptive conflict. The cause of such civil war would not be the isolated incidents of noncompliance emerging from the side of the citizens, but the

intentional crackdown on innocent people who rally peacefully for their own causes. Instead of engaging in meaningful exchanges, if one turns to military action against its own people, there can be consequences that mimic an avalanche of demographic composition. The truckers, for instance, have genuine causes which have driven them out onto the streets – the lockdowns, the restrictions (fickle as ever and thanks to the CDC, now less legitimate), and an overall dip in economic gain has made livelihoods and lives difficult. Knocking on the government’s door in an ever so polite manner has only resulted in the silencing of requests. What else would you expect from a disappointed mass then? It should be the government’s responsibility to pay heed to the voices that are erupting from the masses – it should stop, remove the noise from its own chaotic rule, and ask, ‘what do people honestly think?’ If this cannot be realized, then we must return to the question first posed in this article – what does a democracy thrive on? Differences. It thrives on differences. Now, would cutting these differences short make America a good democracy?

“the duty of a leader is to serve their people, not for the people to serve them." - elon musk Photo Credit Duncan.Hull - Own work

What does a democracy thrive on? United States Federal authorities, DHS is getting in front of the protest by patriots, they are concerned that protests may affect President Biden’s state of the Union address on March 1, 2022, seriously?

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Freedom to Decide | Families First | Achieving Dallas County’s Full Potential.


JOIN THE MOVEMENT Help Me Put Government Back In Its Place ! Paid for by Lauren Davis Campaign


As Christians, Does God expect Us to Vote?

By Lainie Sloane

“Righteousness Exalts a Nation, But Sin Is a Reproach to Any People” (Proverbs 14:34, ESV)




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ARE YOU AWAKE (AWOKE!) YET ? By Mickey Nichols Is it just my imagination or has the world in

country into several factions that have different

general, and the USA in particular, lost every

ideas about the direction that this country should

visage of common sense that it has ever had? If you

take. They simply seized upon a hot topic from

had told my parents' generation (I was born in

mistakes made two to three hundred years ago,

1943, right smack dab in the middle of WWII) that

escalated the issues, and obtained a buy-in from

one day their country, the United States of

unlearned and ignorant members of the mass

America, the only country in the history of the

media to take up their banner. With the ever

civilized world to have been founded on Judeo-

present fear of being called racists these so called

Christian principles and the only one with a well

reporters and news people, without a shred of

thought out Constitution and form of government,

investigation and fact checking, blindly join in the

would be in the throes of a battle for its life versus

daily barrage of WOKE-ness to the point of the

the forces of Neo-Marxism, why, they would have

aforementioned name calling of those who oppose

said "Absolutely no way!". Yet, here we are. Every


day brings forth more revelations of the tearing away


Well, I REFUSE to be called racist or any other of

foundations of our now 246 year old country and



the popular monikers attached to those who don't

attempts to replace these traditions with a "new

swallow the bait dangled out there by these anti-

normal." We are now told that if we do not agree

Americans. I proudly served in the United States

with and "go along" with this "new normal" that we

Marine Corps to protect the rights of these



WOKE-sters to believe in any old kind of

transgenderphobic, or any other -phobic or -ism

stupidest as long as it is legal and non hurtful



towards others. Now, I did NOT say that I

evangelical organizations are subjected to these

believed in some of this garbage nor do I adhere

charges if they don't march along in lock step with

to many of these beliefs but I do believe in their

this current WOKE-ness! And if you as an

right to choose these things for themselves, again,

individual let it be known that you don't follow this

as long as it is legal and non hurtful. The instant

WOKE-ness balderdash then you might be called

these lines are crossed all bets are off. I also



REFUSE to be a victim of things that may have

attacked either verbally or perhaps even physically.

happened in the past that I had absolutely nothing

And don't think for one minute that the agenda for

to do with. Yes, my forefathers (and every single

this movement is not anti-American and anti-

American's forefathers!) committed wrongdoings.

freedom. Just one example: the Black Lives Matter

Not my fault nor my problem! I don't hold it

organization was founded by three self avowed

against anyone for what their relatives did or did

Marxists who have every intention of dividing our

not do and I do not expect them to hold it against

either can







bigoted, Even







me for what my relatives did or did not do. Demanding that an entire culture "apologize" or "atone" for the errors of past generations is simply a demonic agenda straight out of the pits of hell. Each of us living today ALL stand guilty of original sin and is in need of a Savior. None of us is righteous before the great God of the universe and all of us deserve to be separated from God and heaven forever. BUT God, in His infinite love, grace, and mercy provided us with that Savior in the Person of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, and is living now with the Father and waiting to claim His children who profess and receive Him as Lord and Savior. Any other premise is simply hogwash. Those groups today promoting WOKE-ness, CRT, CSJ, Intersectionality, reparations, anti-semitism, the thought of "white privilege", and virtually any other movements which contradict the Word of God is WRONG. As a personal side note, whenever I think of both sets of my grandparents plowing behind a mule to eke out a living sharecropping in Alabama I chuckle at the notion of "white privilege". Look, I didn't make the rules about what is right and what is wrong. God settled those issues long ago and breathed these decisions into the mind of men to write His Holy Scriptures in order for man to have a record of His decisions. His Word has not changed. Man may interpret this Word wrongly or incorrectly but God's meaning has not and never will change. I pray for all mankind to be saved. We are admonished to do so throughout Scripture but God tells us that not all will respond to His message of love and grace. Only born again God fearing people will make it to the Pearly Gates. So, how do we handle these differences that are arising daily down here on earth? Are we to meekly accept what the anti-American Neo-Marxists are throwing at us each day? And do we cave in and bow the knee to the anti-God rhetoric spewed out by certain factions (including the great majority of today's mass media!)? I say absolutely not. Study your opponent. Learn where he is coming from and where he is weak. There are several books and documents written exposing the soft underbelly of these false teachers. One I might personally recommend is "Fault Lines" authored by Voddie T. Baucham. You'll find that he is much more learned and gifted than I at providing the kind of information you will need to understand in order to do battle against the enemy. Yes, I said enemy. One of the best ways of defeating your enemy is to pray for them and, in effect, "heap coals of fire upon their heads". Listen: we're ALL in need of a Savior. Only Jesus fits this need. Pray and ask for His guidance. Study the Word. Be instant in season and out of season. Love your neighbor as yourself. Be a part of the solution and not a part of the problem. Do we need to be better people? ALL of us do. Are any of us guilty because we belong to a particular race or ethnicity? Emphatically, NO !! Most of all, do not allow yourself to be a victim.


an Unholy Trinity

George Soros, the Democrats and Saul Alinsky

By K. T. Cooper Where to begin and who else can be dubbed as the “The Unholy Trinity?” Some can mention, “Obama, Clinton, Bush.” Undoubtedly there can be many other references; however, I find these three to be the ultimate known as “The Unholy Trinity...” The Plutocrat Soros and his two puppets. If there are people in America who do not think evil exists, they should not be able to vote… They just do not pay attention to the daily ins ‘n outs of life and its sustenance of their well-being. George Soros, a Hungarian-born immigrant is “evil” personified. He is also known as a powerful and influential supporter of liberal, socialistic causes and he believes in a “plutocracy” type of governing! His entrance into the USA is ambiguous at best, and with the assistance of democrats, he entered a place known as “FREEDOM.” America!!! A freedom he has come to hate and wants to destroy. A little history on George Soros: His real name is György Schwartz, yes of Jewish heritage. György was born on August 12, 1930; he is now 91 years old. He was born in Budapest, Hungary. Soros was born into a non-observant Jewish family and one can only wonder just how he and his family survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary and his eventual entrance into America, but having moved to England, first. Soros studied and received at the London School of Economics, a degree in philosophy and was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in 1951, and then a Master of Science degree also in philosophy in 1954. Impressive right? Ha! Even the devil can be successful and charming. And the devil worked hard on George Soros… I learned firsthand when delving into his background and writing about him. The arrows were slung right at me. I suffered greatly with much fear and nightmares to the point that I shamelessly stopped for a period of time writing about him. This is my second go-round in doing so and in bringing in two other evils, the Democrats and Saul Alinsky... It is time for Soros and his cohorts to be exposed as the “Unholy Trinity.”

Soros was taught at a young age by his father how to make a quick pengő or forint (all currency from Hungary). Make no mistake, while Soros hides behind his education on how to “get rich,” he learned from his godfather, first. Around the age of 13, he was taught and earned a salary from his family on how to “Confiscate Property” from the Jews in Hungary, all during WWII. He learned well. He became known as “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England,” because of his short sale of US$10 billion worth of Pounds Sterling, which netted him a profit of $1 billion during the 1992 Black Wednesday English Currency Crisis. Hiding behind on his early studies of philosophy, Soros formulated the General Theory of Reflexivity for capital markets, which he says, “Renders a clear picture of asset bubbles and fundamental market value of securities, as well as value discrepancies used for shorting and swapping stocks. Mhm-mmm “value discrepancies,” as in Confiscating Jewish Property” George Soros was a man without a country, after nearly bankrupting the English pound. He was asked to leave never to return. As he had no passport, he had to send letters to countries to ask for Entry Visas (hereinafter known as E.V.)… Practically every country Soros wrote letters too denied him access E.V. into their country. To this day, I’m still wondering how he could become a citizen of these great United States of America and then come to hate it so much that he feels the needs to destroy this beautiful country and its Constitution and transform it into a Plutocracy. Apparently, Soros even petitioned Russia for an E.V. Russia turned him down, as did China. He became world renowned for his upheaval of a


country’s currency. Vladimir Putin is seeking an arrest warrant for him: See Zakharchenko… ge-soros-international-warrants-interpole.pdf, which now has one of our Senators, Tom Cotton, (R-AR) looking into Soros and his Open Society, et al, and other organizations. It appears that Sen. Tom Cotton keeps Tweeting against Soros and his paid District Attorneys (hereinafter known as D.A.) “Sen. Cotton has led a conservative attack on Soros and his contributions to public prosecutor races across the country. He has written two National Review pieces lambasting progressive prosecutors, he tweeted the phrase "Soros prosecutor" at least six times. In December, Sen. Cotton shared a tweet about violent crimes in Philadelphia with the comment, "This is the deadly cost of putting a ‘Soros prosecutor in charge.’" [Verbatim] Chicago, Kim Foxx, George Soros has contributed more than $2 million dollars to her campaign. Sen. Cotton has called for the removal of D.A. Kim Foxx. Sen. Cotton tweeted: "Every Soros prosecutor needs to be recalled, removed, and replaced." George Soros’ dollars have gone toward mainstream liberal efforts such as reducing bail and sentencing policies. Every “voting” American needs to know and be introduced to this First of the Unholy Trinity. He is usurping everything good in America and is destroying it from within. American voters need to voice their disapproval of such behaviors and just because someone has money does not give them a right to usurp America. I am actually in favor of striping him of his citizenship. He is a naturalized citizen and an enemy of America and its FREEDOMS. There’s more… Soros has committed or donated $2 million to a voter mobilization group called “America Votes” that doesn’t disclose its donors and another $1 million or so to a handful of state-based voter mobilization groups that are not required to disclose their donors. According to Vachon, Soros donated $1.5 million each to Senate Majority PAC. It’s a super PAC boosting Democratic Senate candidates, and to Planned Parenthood Votes, a super PAC that boosts candidates who support abortion rights, including Clinton. The Globalists want to create One World Order. No more

culture, no more country, no more borders. Look up the Kalergi plan; it has been in the making a long time, and Soros and his cabal are determined to enforce it. A leaked memo: TEL AVIV – Billionaire George Soros has long attempted to portray his Open Society Foundations’ activities as philanthropic efforts aimed, as the Foundations’ mission statement puts it, at building “vibrant and tolerant societies whose governments are accountable and open to the participation of all people.” However, a hacked Open Society document reviewed by Breitbart Jerusalem concedes, “Naming and shaming from us is problematic: We also are in the business of channeling money into other countries for political purposes.” The tacit admission raises immediate questions about the true intent of Soros’s supposedly charitable foundations. Another admission about “channeling money into other countries for political purposes” comes after the Daily Caller reported once on a leaked Open Society Foundations memo that identified Europe’s refugee crisis as presenting “new opportunities” to influence immigration policies globally. On the domestic front, it was exposed on another leaked memo revealing that Open Society viewed the “2015 Baltimore Unrest” following the death of Freddie Gray as presenting a “unique opportunity” to create “accountability” for the Baltimore police while aiding activists in reforming the city. The documents further confirm that Open Society approved $650,000 to “invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.” Isn’t he just a big bucket of adorable? (Insert sarcasm) George Soros should be public enemy #1. Follow his money, Senator Cotton! There is so much more I can expose on this evil entity known as George Soros, but suffice it to say, we should all write to our GOP Senators/Congressmen, women, the following to strip George Soros of his naturalization status, to deport him:


18 U.S. code 2384 Seditious Conspiracy... If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; July 24, 1956, ch. 678, § 1, 70 Stat. 623; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(N), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)1

The deterioration of the Democratic Party: The Democratic Party has left me is the rallying cry. I haven’t left it, it has left me claim many of my democratic friends. Frankly, today, John F. Kennedy wouldn’t be allowed into the Democratic Party. To which I reply that (Thomas) Woodrow Wilson would. He was the 28th President and was an “Ultra Progressive leader” and would fit right in quite nicely with them. What we’ve seen in the 21st Century has left many disavowed, disappointed and upset. Present day: Is the revelation of the wiretapping at former President Trump’s Trump Towers. His opponent, Hillary Rodham Clinton paid for it through her attorney Michael Sussman of Perkins Coie law firm. The shame of it all for this to happen was that this is far worse than Watergate ever was in which, at the time, she was a young attorney under Jerry Zeifman, counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Clinton on the Watergate investigation… Funny how “History, indeed does repeat itself, right? In ‘Jerry Zeifman's 2006 book,’ "Hillary's Pursuit of Power," states that she "… engaged in a variety of selfserving unethical practices in violation of House rules." On his now-shuttered website, Jerry Zeifman said, "Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president - and if she were to become president, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed." Specifically, Zeifman contends that Rodham and others wanted Richard Nixon to remain in office to bolster the chances of Sen. Ted Kennedy or another Democrat being elected president. Zeifman said that in 1974 a young lawyer who shared an office with Clinton

came to him to apologize that he and Clinton had lied to him. The lawyer, John Labovitz, is quoted as saying that he was dismayed with "… her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel - as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon." [Verbatim]. Again, eventually, Zeifman fired her. Hillary pleaded to not allow President Nixon to have any representation? Very UN-American!!! Hillary learned her dirty deeds from Saul Alinsky. It is truly a “Miracle” that she did not win the presidency in 2016. The Democratic Party has had many of the worst President’s in American History. Sixteen in fact... Beginning with Andrew Jackson on down to present day, Joe Biden: One stands out for many Conservative Americans, to wit: (Thomas) Woodrow Wilson. The sixteen presidents are listed here: 1) Andrew Jackson, 2) Martin Van Buren (dubbed Martin Van Ruin). 3) James Polk. 4) Franklin Pierce. 5) James Buchanan. 6) Andrew Johnson considered one of the worst U.S. presidents. 7) Grover Cleveland. 8) Woodrow Wilson. 9) Franklin D. Roosevelt. 10) Harry S. Truman. 11) John F. Kennedy. 12) Lyndon B. Johnson. 13) Jimmy Carter. 14) Bill Clinton. 15) Barack Obama. 16) Joe Biden… 50 years in office with nothing to show for it. Here are a couple of his debacles… Biden's career in the Senate included controversial causes such as the Comprehensive Crime Control Act and opposition to race-integration busing. Yet the dutiful, goose-stepping democrats voted for him. They vote party not person. If they voted person, Trump would have won hands down.


Woodrow Wilson drove the enactment of the “Progressive Social Reform” legislation the likes of which would not be seen again until Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal of 1933. One of the issues facing the nation at the time of Woodrow Wilson’s election included the question of women’s suffrage, which he opposed, calling it a matter for the states to decide. He established the Federal Reserve, signed a major antitrust law, he initiated the modern income tax and led the nation into World War I. Wilson’s downfall? Arrogance towards Congress! Control!!! He couldn’t control Congress. His refusal to compromise had a lot to do with that. He failed to recognize that he couldn’t control his allies, and he couldn’t even control the losers… And his domestic programs expanded the role of the government. Unbeknownst to many Democrats, especially moderate ones, Woodrow Wilson was extremely racist-- even by the standards of his time in office. Wilson's record as president was his overseeing of the re-segregation of multiple agencies of the federal government, which had been surprisingly integrated as a result of Reconstruction decades earlier. At an April 11, 1913, Cabinet meeting, Postmaster General Albert Burleson argued for segregating the Railway Mail Service. He took exception to the fact that workers shared glasses, towels, and washrooms. Wilson offered no objection to Burleson's plan for segregation, saying that he “wished the matter adjusted in a way to make the least friction.” That was just one issue… He was a vocal defender of the KKK. Wilson himself was the descendant of Confederate soldiers, and identified deeply with the "Lost Cause" narrative. During the late 1820s and the early 1830s, the Democratic Party developed a set of ideas that formed the foundation of their Party until the 20thC. When Wilson came into power and changed the narrative to a Progressive Socialist nature. LBJ once remarked that he’d have those n*****s voting Democrat for two-hundred years. Yes, he did say that. Right after he signed the Voting Rights Act in 1965. LBJ couldn’t have cared less about Civil Rights; he just wanted the black vote for the Democratic ticket. If, as he claimed, he was supportive of minorities, why did LBJ consistently vote against the civil rights bills before 1957? LBJ grew up in an environment and culture of

rampant bigotry and racism. Some say he changed; does a leopard change its spots? (Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK, also a Democrat as was Al Gore, Sr. neither one ever ran for or became president. Let’s face it, though, racism is mostly in the Democratic Party!) I don’t know, it’s hard to say! But those around him thought him a complex man. Often disgusting, vulgar and crude socially, and shocking nearly every day to those who were closest to him. BUT now, let us visit “The Civil Rights Act of 1875.” The bill was proposed by Senator Sumner and cosponsored by Representative Benjamin F. Butler, both “REPUBLICANS,” from Massachusetts, in the 41st Congress of the United States in 1870. Before that The Civil Rights Act of 1866, was the first United States federal law to define citizenship and affirm that all citizens are equally protected by the law. It was mainly intended in the wake of the American Civil War, to protect the civil rights of persons of African descent born in or brought to the United States, CRA1866, enacted by the 39th United States Congress. Effective April 9, 1866. Public Law 14 Stat 27-30, and introduced in the Senate as S.61, by Lyman Trumbull (R-IL) on January 5, 1866, A Republican. This CRA passed in the Senate on February 2, 1866. Then it passed in the House on March 13, 1866. It was Vetoed by President Andrew Johnson (Democrat) on March 27, 1866, and overridden by the Senate on April 6, 1866 and overridden by the House and became law on April 9, 1866 (by a vote of 122-41)… Americans are not taught this in classrooms any more. Very sad! The actual Civil Rights Act was proposed by Republicans. Who, by the way, did not use derogatory jingoism to get their point across, unlike LBJ. Presently, many Democrats are retiring from the Party since 1992, which is the highest number of retiring politicians. There is another sign that many members view, the president's low approval ratings and polls on their views that the country is off track, somehow sealing their political fate in the coming November elections. Presently, Biden's sagging approval ratings have raised alarm bells for his party. Also, the ongoing redistricting process is changing congressional maps. Republicans, who only need to flip five seats to gain control of the House, have an edge in that process. The disaster occurring in our Nation started when Biden first


day in office reversed all of former President Trump’s Executive Orders. Perhaps this also occurred during President Trump’s first day in office, too. But what happened next was Biden closed the XL Pipeline turning 70 thousand workers out of a job and it’s gone downhill ever since, with gas prices/crisis higher than ever. Rise in crime in New York against Asians. The crime rate is up 38.5% in NYC, and Jen Psaki blames Covid and Ocasio-Cortez blames lack of baby formula? Who votes for these people? The nation’s food prices/crisis is on the rise. Empty shelves in grocery stores; Illegal aliens coming across our border; The Paris Accords; the Wuhan Virus; Ukraine; etc. Rural/middle Americans see what’s driving the country… The energy, the activists, the money, it is all in the Democratic Party and their politics which is on the far left. The Democrats are getting crushed in rural/middle of the country with their extreme, radical agendas. What the Democrats fail to grasp is that the people in rural/middle of the country tend to believe in limited but effective government, personal freedoms, coupled with individual responsibilities, economic freedom, lower prices and energy policies. That is the staple of a rural/middle American family. It is critically important for the rural/middle American family not see a radical upturn because they do not identify with the radical coastal Democrats. What we now have in America is an all Democratic-run government. There’s the House, Senate and White House that is driving the radical agenda’s to which they are totally out of step with what rural/middle America’s priorities are. The list in one short year has become the Democrats’ anathema. As to where former President Trump grew America, and therein lies the difference between Trump vs. Biden... Has anyone even considered that 3 of the longest serving Democrats in office are older than America itself? Whoever said that this was a lifetime position? American voters need to educate themselves before stepping into the voting booth. What we are seeing here America, are the last hours of the vestiges of a dying Democratic Party, come 2022. Saul Alinsky is a friend to all radicals everywhere, Bill Ayers, Frances Fox Piven, etc., but most notably of all are Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. First things first, Alinsky was a left-wing activist with a streak of ruthlessness. After studying criminology at the

University of Chicago, he went into union organizing and found it too tame for him. His approach to social justice would come to rely on “generating conflict to mobilize the dispossessed, with a grant from department store heir, Marshall Field. Alinsky founded the “Industrial Areas Foundation” with this grant, a nonprofit, in which he invented “community organizing.” And there were plenty of protests by his radicals, e.g.: O’Hare, Alderman’s Houses, Department stores, etc. (He even flooded stockholder meetings with raucous protesters, “Occupy Wall Street”). Alinsky’s most enduring influence though, may have been to inspire the NEA to become a political powerhouse. Sam Lambert, executive secretary of the NEA in 1967, when it hired Alinsky as a political trainer, boasted that it would “become a political power second to no other special interest.” The NEA delivered on that promise. Between 1963 and 1993, the number of teachers belonging to unions grew to 3.1 million, up from only 963,720. There are presently many shades of BLM and Antifa with the money and the likes of George Soros sponsoring an Alinsky-style tactic in America today. Alinsky authored “Rules for Radicals, a practical primer for radicals and on its dedication page, he acknowledges “Lucifer,” the original radical. Alinsky was a Chicago community activist and political theorist. Remember ACORN? (Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Father Pfleger?) Acorn used the Alinsky model for community organizing… Alinsky’s twelve steps to radicalism are very popular to radicals everywhere who want to radically transform America. Be encouraged to read Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals; it’s about how to successfully run a movement for change. [Just don’t become one of his acolyte’s.] One of Hillary’s heroes, her mentors was Saul Alinsky. For those of you who don’t know her at all, she grew up in a Republican household who changed when she met Alinsky. Anyway, Ben Carson spoke in 2016 and identified Saul Alinsky as “Lucifer,” ergo, my heading of this article, “The Unholy Trinity.” In Hillary’s senior year’s thesis she wrote about Alinsky. This was someone that she greatly admired and that affected “all” of her philosophies. For most of America now, Clinton is considered a bad candidate even as she’s mulling another run for the presidency in 2024. She’s just bad, because one of her heroes, her mentors is Alinsky, a man


who acknowledges Lucifer, the first radical known to man who rebelled against God and did so to the point he won his own kingdom. Alinsky speaks favorably about Lucifer and that alone makes him toxic for Hillary. In a 1972 Playboy Magazine interview, he said that he identifies as Jewish, he would choose to go to hell. “Hell would be heaven for me, because it was full of havenots,” he said. “They’re my kind of people.” Additionally, Alinsky before his death he decided to do his (never-completed) doctoral dissertation in the 1930s on the Al Capone mob, and to do it as “an inside job.” Alinsky said Ed Stash, the mob’s top execution introduced him to Frank Nitti, known as the Enforcer, and Capone’s number-two man. Alinsky said: “Nitti took me under his wing. I called him the Professor and I became his student. Alinsky alluded that he “learned a hell of a lot about the uses and abuses of power from the mob.” And that he applied that knowledge “later on, when I was organizing.” There is so much more he said in this Playboy interview that one can look up on the internet. In another article by Lee Stranahan for the Huffington Post, he resigned last year, when his research into Alinsky-inspired groups soured him on the Left. “His followers are even more ideological and relentless than he was. [All Verbatim] These quotes form a basis for a claim that he was pro-Lucifer or even satanic. Both Newt Gingrich and Rudy Giuliani claimed that Barack Obama was a Saul Alinsky radical. Also, tying Hillary to Alinsky is pretty easy; she wrote her undergraduate thesis at Wellesley College. Hillary was close enough to Alinsky that in her 2003 book, “Living History,” she mentions turning down an offer to work with him after her college tenure was over. She even interviewed him. Hillary endorsed Alinsky’s central critique of government anti-poverty programs; they tended to be too top-down. “Top-down, bottom-up!” But she split with Alinsky over one central point. He vowed to “rub raw the sores of discontent and compel action through agitation. This, Hillary believed ran counter to the notion of change within the system: There is a lot to unpack here and one can write so much more on “The Unholy Trinity…” Suffice it to say, I only scratched the top of the surface.

“…I agreed with some of Alinsky's ideas, particularly the value of empowering people to help themselves. But we had a fundamental disagreement. He believed you could change the system only from the outside. I didn't. Later, he offered me the chance to work with him when I graduated from college, and he was disappointed that I decided instead to go to law school. Alinsky said I would be wasting my time, but my decision was an expression of my belief that the system could be changed from within…” [Verbatim] (Top-down, bottom-up) Clinton also brought Alinsky to Wellesley in 1969 to deliver a speech. And in her thesis, she refers to his "compelling personality" and “his exceptional charm," according to NBC’s Bill Dedman, who read her thesis in 2007.

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore

Hillary kept up a correspondence with him for some years afterwards they parted ways. So a lot of what the Democrats stand for is nothing short of thug tactics to get their point across. I’ve long held the belief that the Democrats only need the vote every four years to keep POWER. I PRAY that the American people will learn to see what the Democratic Party has done to this wonderful nation.


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Preparing For The Third Temple By Charles Lingerfelt

Nezer HaKodesh Institute for Kohanic (Priestly) Studies is teaching Jewish priests to perform Temple service for the Third Temple, which will hopefully soon be rebuilt in the Holy City of Jerusalem.

And science is moving this hope forward. As archaeology continues to uncover coins, seals, jugs, arrows, and writings confirming a Jewish presence in Jerusalem during the First and Second Temple periods, so too "genetic archaeologists" are uncovering a continual line of priests beginning 3,300 years ago with the first High Priest (Cohen Gadol), Aaron. While in the wilderness, God gave instructions to Moses on how to build a Tabernacle where His presence would dwell. He also instructed Moses to anoint his brother Aaron as the first High Priest who would perform sacred service unto the Lord in the Tabernacle. In doing so, He promised that Aaron’s descendants would also become priests in His service forever:


“Their anointing will be to a priesthood that will continue throughout their generations.” (Exodus 40:15) Genetic testing of these descendants reveals how incredibly true God's promise is. In fact, the highest “paternitycertainty” rate of any population ever studied is that of the priestly descendants of Aaron. Dr. David Goldstein, human geneticist, says, "For more than 90 percent of the Cohens to share the same genetic markers after such a period of time is a testament to the devotion of the wives of the Cohens over the years. Even a low rate of infidelity would have dramatically lowered the percentage." Since Aaron and Moses were from the Tribe of Levi, all Cohens then and now are Levites, but not all Levites are Cohens. Let's examine some of the differences. (In English, there are various ways of spelling Kohen, Kohan, Cohen). Temple Service of the Levites "The duty of the Levites was to help Aaron's descendants in the service of the temple of the LORD: to be in charge of the courtyards, the side rooms, the purification of all sacred things and the performance of other duties at the house of God." (1 Chronicles 23:28) Moses and his brother Aaron belonged to the tribe of Levi, the third son of Jacob and Leah. While God set aside the descendants of Aaron to be anointed as Levitical priests from generation to generation, He also set aside Levites who did not descend from Aaron to help the priests in their worship and sacrificial duties. For instance, Levites sang psalms during service, maintained the Temple, and served as guards, among other duties. In the wilderness, maintaining the Tabernacle involved taking down, carrying, and reassembling the structure and its furnishings as they moved from place to place. Temple Service of the Cohen "As I will never renege on My covenant with day and night, so is my covenant with ... the Levites, the Cohanim, My servants." (Jeremiah 33:21) The Tabernacle in the wilderness not only housed God’s presence, it provided a place to perform the sacrificial system that God handed down to Moses in the desert, a

system that is totally under the direction of the Cohanim or the priestly class. The sacrifices were designed to temporarily cover or make appeasement for the sins of the Cohanim and those of the entire nation of Israel, to cleanse each member of the community from their iniquities before man and God. Throughout the year, the people brought their own sacrifice for their own individual transgressions. But once a year, on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), the Cohen HaGadol (High Priest) entered into God’s presence inside the Holy of Holies and made atonement for the entire nation of Israel. One might think that God would have given the Levites privileged land as their inheritance to match their privileged position, but God actually gave them no land inheritance at all. Instead, they received agricultural and monetary tithes from the people as their inheritance, particularly the Maaser Rishon or First Tithe, which was ten percent (Numbers 18:26, 10:38, 18:24). The Levites and Cohanim lived among the people on pasture land allotted to them by the Israelites outside their city. In this capacity, they raised cattle and had the opportunity to minister to the people through the instruction of Torah. In Jerusalem, for instance, after returning from Babylonian exile, the Levites translated the Torah, often into the common Aramaic language, and explained it so the people could understand. “The Levites ... instructed the people in the Law while the people were standing there. They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read.” (Nehemiah 8:7–8) By the time of Yeshua (Jesus) the Levitical priests had become religious aristocrats holding powerful positions, including the chief priest in the Sanhedrin court. Though they considered Scripture to be far more important than oral traditions, politics held more power than religion, and many judicial decisions were made in order to keep the peace with the Roman government instead of keeping God’s law. With this hierarchy firmly in place, they condemned Yeshua and turned Him over to the Romans to be executed.


Since their rule was politically tied, when the Romans destroyed the Temple in AD 70 and the Jewish people were exiled throughout the nations, the authority and influence of the Sanhedrin as well as the Cohen as a ruling class dissolved. In their absence, the Pharisees who were of multiple tribes and worked in the marketplace among the people, formed a council and rose to power. They continued to thrive, developing traditional Judaism into the religion that exists today. Although prayer, charity, and repentance have temporarily replaced Temple sacrifices, the Jewish People still long for the rebuilding of a Temple where they will serve the Lord in the Messianic reign to come. They pray every day “that the Temple be rebuilt speedily in our days…. And there we will serve You in reverence, as in the days of old and as in former years.”

Mathematics of the Holy Temple.” Also included are courses on “Aspects of Engineering and Design” and “The Topography of the Temple Mount.” This instruction seems to suggest that the Cohanim are involved in the actual design and/or construction of the future Temple. In fact, this was the case in Jerusalem after the Jews returned from exile in Babylon. We read in Ezra 1:5 that “the priests and Levites — everyone whose heart God had moved — prepared to go up and build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem.” And in Ezra 3:8, we learn that the leaders of Israel appointed “Levites twenty years old and older to supervise the building of the house of the LORD.” Discovering Priestly Descent -

In this effort, various groups such as the Temple Mount Faithful and Temple Institute are proactively preparing for a Third Temple so that priestly service can resume.

"Bring near to you Aaron your brother, and his sons with him, from among the people of Israel, to serve me as priests." (Exodus 28:1)

A school for priests is the natural result of that effort.

The Cohen line is patrilineal — that is, it has been passed down from father to son over the last 3,300 years.

Training Temple Priests The Nezer HaKodesh Institute for Kohanic Studies is actively schooling Jewish priests to perform Temple service. Participants are being drawn from a registry of Cohanim prepared by the school's parent foundation, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, which has already created nearly all of the vessels, furnishings, and priestly garments needed in a fully functioning Temple. To register for study, one must be certified as having a clear patriarchal link to the priestly class, be born and raised in Israel, and have observed the laws of purity required by priests. Anyone who has made contact with a dead body or has come under the roof of a dead person is disqualified. Therefore, a Jew of Cohen descent who was born in a hospital, has visited hospitals, or has been to a cemetery (except for a close relative) is not eligible. The school is not only instructing students on the halakha (Torah law) that applies to priestly Temple service but also such specialized topics as “The Role and Application of Modern Technology in the Third Temple” and “The

As with the line of David, DNA is not the only way to determine ancestry. One can trace their priestly lineage through family trees, oral traditions, and possessing a common priestly surname, such as the obvious Cohen as well as Kahn and Katz, which stands for Kohen Tzedek (Righteous Priest). Since AD 1000 when the Jews separated into Ashkenazi and Sephardic communities, Cohanim have adopted a myriad of skin color, eye color, and hair color. Nevertheless, one Israeli scientist, Dr. Karl Skorecki, a Cohen of Eastern European parents hypothesized that if Cohanim are descendants of one man (Aaron) there should be a common set of genetic markers, a common haplotype that is shared by all male ancestors dating back to Aaron HaCohen. A descendant of Aaron recites the Priestly Blessing (Numbers 6:22–26) over the congregation at the Western (Wailing) Wall. This is done with the shoes removed, hands washed, head covered with the tallit (prayer shawl), and hands outstretched toward the congregation.


Working with Prof. Michael Hammer at the University of Arizona, a pioneer in Y chromosome research, Dr. Skorecki conducted the first study to test his hypothesis that Cohanim have more specific common genetic markers than the Jewish population in general. The results of this first study were published in the British science journal, Nature. Of the 106 men who identified themselves as Cohen before the study, 97 of them had six of the same chromosomal markers. This collection of markers has come to be known as the Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH), and now serves as the standard genetic signature for helping to determine who is a member of the Jewish priestly family. While the chance of such markers occurring randomly is greater than one in 10,000, merely possessing the CMH haplotype does not certify a man for Temple Service. This is because tribal identity is derived through one's father but Jewishness is derived through one's mother. If a Cohen’s mother is not Jewish, his status as a priest is stripped. Converting to Judaism does not make him eligible either. Markers have been identified for non-priestly Levites as well; they can also be pointed out through such surnames as Levy, Levin, or even Lewis. More than identifying who can serve as a Cohen and Levite in a Third Temple, the genetic markers of the Cohanim are helping scientists hunt for Jewish genes and dispel myths throughout the world as to who is or is not Jewish by descent, especially in relation to the lost tribes. Discovering Our High Priest: Yeshua HaMashiach “Since we have a great Kohen Gadol [High Priest] who has passed through the heavens, Yeshua Ben-Elohim (Jesus, Son of God), let us hold firmly to our confessed allegiance. For we do not have a kohen gadol who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all the same ways—yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:14–15) We learn in Scripture that Yeshua (Jesus) is our Cohen Gadol in the order of Melchizedek in that He served the Most High God even before Abraham was called to become the Father of a chosen people (Genesis 14:18; Hebrews 2:17, 6:20; John 8:58). Yet, Yeshua is also our Cohen Gadol in the order of the Levitical priests in that He came to offer the final sacrifice and make atonement for all who believe (Isaiah 53; Hebrews 2:17). Moreover, as we look toward His return during the Messianic reign to come, we see that Yeshua also fulfills the role of Jewish priests who were known for honoring God with zealousness. While exempted from army service, an honored position in the Cohanim was the "Cohen anointed for War," who spiritually prepared soldiers for battle. Moreover, it was the Levites who physically avenged God's honor when the Israelites worshipped a Golden calf instead of the God of Israel (Exodus 32:25–28). Centuries later, the priestly family of the Hashmonaim, known as the Maccabees, led the revolt against the foreign pagan influences and rededicated the Holy Temple for service unto the Lord, an event marked by the holiday of Hanukkah. The Book of Revelation (19:11–13) describes this warrior priest who will judge the nations: "There before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. ... He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God." (Revelation 19:11–13) Similarly, the Prophet Zechariah (14:1–21) describes how Yeshua will fight for the Jewish people upon His return to the Mount of Olives. Zechariah 14:16 tells us that during the millennial reign, “the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.” To The Lord God of Israel be all the glory.

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