14 minute read
Dr. Georgette Nichols, .PharmD Testimony The Prostitution of the Soul
By sex, drugs, witchcraft and siren music
Christian Times Magazine gave me the opportunity to write last about Fentanyl and the Moral Compass. This was a story of my personal moral challenge as a hospital pharmacist. This time I would like to widen the scope of the current problem from Fentanyl and addiction to where the problem began. We have as a nation (and world) prostituted our souls via sex, drugs, witchcraft and siren music.
We focused our time not on God but everything removed from God. The consequence of this prostitution has been disastrous; grave sexual sin, addiction and idolatry. Prostitution can be defined as the literal trade of sex for money but it has another definition: devoted to corrupt purposes. Prostitution by this definition is a synonym for idolatry. Devotion of ourselves to anything other than our God is prostitution. In Leviticus 20:6, God speaks to Moses and tells him if someone turns to mediums or familiar spirits (also known as witchcraft)“to prostitute himself with them, ” God said ‘‘ I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut them off from among his people. ”
Satan was/is the controller of witchcraft - dark magic. Was it not like the evil one to merely present a different term to encompass the same meaning? Oh, how easily deceived we are by the master of deceit! Satan does not mind who you serve as long as is not God. Our foolish desires cause our Sovereign God to turn from us. Simply because we desire the prostitution of the soul with sin more than we desire God and Godliness.
I enjoy the story of Adam and Eve. I believe the initial opening book to the masterful work of God’s salvation continues to be prophetic until present day. Do keep in mind the fruit of knowledge. Perhaps not ironically, idolatry is immediately mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 3:5. Satan the serpent, tells Eve eating of the fruit will make her eyes open. She will be like God and will know good and evil. For a second take away the picturesque garden and slithering serpent and look at your phone (cell phone). Do you have an iPhone? Flip it over and behold a fruit. My logo is shiny and pleasant. Regardless of the model, a cell phone (if recent) is like a personal computer at the fingertips teaching the wisdom of good and evil. But do you search for God in this pursuit of knowledge? This is prostitution of the soul by knowledge of everything but the knowledge of God. Perhaps a reference to modern literature awakens more; like the plot of The Screwtape Letters. C.S. Lewis presents the world with two demons writing to each other on the plight to convert The Patient to Satan. Think of this as a modern day text exchange between an old uncle and nephew! Screwtape, the elder demon, in one such letter/text states, ” ... the safest road to hell is the gradual one – the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts. " Gently our attention shifts from God and the Bible to our phone’s knowledge gleaned…. Phones in conjunction with the internet also provide the greatest gateways to sex.
Knowing the duality of the meaning of prostitution; I must address the actual act it describes- sex. Using sex as means of personal gratification, lacking in God’s guidelines, is an act of soul prostitution. Using sex as a means of working to support a live-i-hood is also against God. God provides us with many talents but the desecration of the body; the temple of God, is not one. Perhaps, one of the best Biblical examples is Sodom and Gomorrah, where the inhabitants will greedily demand intercourse with male angels sent by God. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah surrounded Lot’s house demanding to know the angels “carnally. ” This may be found in Genesis 19. I will not be addressing the homosexuality aspect of Sodom and Gomorrah as this would require another article. Since I first read this chapter, I thought of the desire to sexually pollute angels - quite poignant. The angels rescued Lot and cursed the intended rapists with blindness.
I liken this perversion example in Sodom and Gomorrah to the modern day teaching of children about sex and gender. Why prostitute an innocent angel-like mind with such perversion? We should not be surprised as sex is a very lucrative business. It started with Porn in magazines and home films. Now, with our phone we can please our perversions with a few keystrokes. The perversion does not stop; it continues to reach younger and younger children.
Research the stories regarding Satanic clubs’ desires to spend time with our children after school. In 1962 and 1963 school sponsored Bible and prayer was ruled unconstitutional. We as a nation removed the ten commandments from our schools around 1980 with Stone v. Graham. Choosing Satan and sexual topics over teaching our children about God; shows our moral failure as a world especially as a “Christian Nation” . Even more damning is sending missionaries across the world to train the children abroad while we allow our children to follow famous celebrities like pop stars gyrating and rappers chanting about profane body parts. The consequence of sex is sometimes unwanted pregnancy. Our world is willingly killing innocent life by abortion. Statistics state upwards of 61.8 million babies have been killed so far in America alone. 61.8 million is nearly equivalent to the population of Italy. Abortion has been likened to worshipping Molech and the Bible described this in 2 Chronicles 33:4-6 and in Psalms 106:36-37. In 2 Chronicles 33:4-6 it mentions soothsaying and passing sons through the Valley of Hinnom, a known area with a temple for child sacrifice to Molech. In Psalms 106:36-37 David writes;” They served their idols, Which became a snare to them. They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons,... ” This desire to please Molech exists to this day. Some celebrities even chose to tattoo Molech on their bodies; the same ones our children follow! God will most assuredly destroy us like He did Sodom and Gomorrah and as He did with Nineveh. God is angry that our attention is not on HIM. God is angry at what we have done to our children. A common saying “history repeats itself, ” begs a different meaning. This brief mention of sex does not even encompass all the other grave consequences associated with the act. Just as a constant focus on sexual desire pollutes our soul and our mind to God so does relying on witchcraft, sorcery, pharmacy and siren music.
In the last article, I wrote on Nineveh. Nineveh would have today been a city in Northern Iraq. Nineveh eventually fell to Babylon's (Southern Iraq) fulfilling God’s prediction. Nineveh was spared initially because they woke up to God and repented. Sadly, the repentance of sin wore off in a mere 100 years. God again prophesied the destruction through Nahum and this time God actually destroyed Nineveh. The destruction of Nineveh was so complete no evidence appeared for a little over 2,000 years. Another interesting thing to note was the archeological digs of Nineveh seemed to be in sync with the World’s Great Awakenings. Perhaps we were not looking for Nineveh but looking for more knowledge to quench our soul’s wonders.
Fast forward to the present times the destruction of Nineveh is still desired by the Islamic State of Iraq or ISIL’s. ISIL’s or ISIS's lustful desire is to destroy any remnant of Nineveh citing the reason of idolatry. Knowing now that prostitution is a synonym for idolatry and the grave consequence of not focusing on God; it makes one wonder about our pending doom lurking. Looking at the first chapter of Nahum it specifically states God is jealous and the Lord avenges. In fact it states again immediately after the Lord avenges and the Lord is furious. Opening a book with such anger and requiring Nahum to repeat the anger again is impactful. The anger of the Lord stems from Nineveh’s sins as seen in Nahum Chapter 3; crimes, predators, arrogance, lies, robbery, and idolatry.
The main idol of Nineveh seems foolish. Nineveh worshiped a false god Dagon, a fish god, similar to Neptune. Some wonder if this idol worship is the main reason God chose a fish to swallow Jonah. Nineveh after the repentance wore off returned to false gods. Nineveh returned to their wicked ways. Nineveh was cruel for the sake of cruelty and full of arrogance. Perhaps what became more concerning was the sins mentioned specifically in regards to America’s plight (and the World’s) with addiction and sorcery in Nahum 3:4. Picture in your mind a witch. Do you see an ugly woman with moles littered on her wrinkled skin and a crooked beak nose? Picture a modern day witch. What do you see ? Something similar to movie depictions like Hocus Pocus or Harry Potter? Let us review the Bible’s mention of sorcery; it does not depict such things. In fact it depicts families and perhaps even pharmacy.
Nahum 3:4 NKJ reads
Because of the multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot, The mistress of sorceries, Who sells nations through her harlotries, And families through her sorceries.
Harlot in Bible can represent two meanings; wanting nothing and of course a prostitute. Perhaps to some this has conflicting meanings but both lack the need for God regardless of the connotation. “The mistress of sorceries” is a very distinct word array and very interesting. It couples an affair and witchcraft. It couples families and sorcery. Sorcery in the Bible might represent two distinct meanings; witchcraft or pharmacy. God does not make mistakes as a pharmacist this concerns me greatly. I believe in God and I believe in His path for my life even if my profession is flawed. Sorcery stemming from the Greek word pharmakeia appears in the Bible in Revelation 18:23 and Galatians 5:20, per the reference of www.gotquestions.org/pharmakeia-inthe-Bible.html. This term pharmakeia is translated into English as “sorcery, ” “ witchcraft, ” or “sorcerer. ” Something else peculiar sorcery (pharmacy) is usually coupled with idolatry when mentioned in the Bible. Galatians 5:1921 New American Standard said: “Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. ”
Interesting the wording in this passage sensuality, idolatry and sorcery (pharmacy). Prostitution of women, children and porn coupled with worship of celebrities or sports teams in conjunction with teaching the world a pill or injection will solve our problems might be an modern interpretation of this passage. I am a pharmacist who struggles with anxiety mostly induced by the hospital who chose profit and harm over patient safety. As a pharmacist with my doctorate in drugs I am also concerned that medical doctors continuously prescribe a pill to solve our problems yet never address the root cause. Medical Doctors do not commonly investigate if sin, anxiety, depression, addiction, abuse or idolatry might be the contributing factors to our problems. As a pharmacist who tried medication to treat the induced anxiety I
found no relief until I started praying more when these restless feelings overcame me. It worked! It caused me to question the pharmaceutical field more.
Like the drugs we chose to legalize Fentanyl, alcohol, nicotine, Adderall or Ritalin. All highly addicting all with grave consequences yet peyote is still illegal and many others. When is the last time you heard of someone prostituting themselves for a peyote fix? Perhaps we as a nation (and world) chose medications that only alleviated or masked the symptoms but never addressed the cause - lack of God. We have focused our time on the newest trends, best shows (tv and etc.) to watch and sports teams winning. By doing so we are failing to mention our God in the public realm. Prostitution and idolatry again are one in the same meaningdevoted to corrupt causes. Drugs and music tend to go together proving to be a perfect concoction. Are strip clubs void of music or drugs? We as a nation and world are lulled into this prostitution by alluring music.
Music does wonders for the soul if the focus is on God. We can see such examples in the book of Psalms. Psalms 95:1 reads; Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.
David tells us to sing for joy to the LORD, HE is our ROCK and our salvation. God is the ultimate healer too. God orchestrates healing through music. But if our music does not focus on God it is siren music meant to bewitch us. Siren music is mentioned in literature in the Greek epic poem, The Odyssey. Beautiful nymphs in this poem sang songs to entice the sailors to come near so they might eat them. The Odyssey ’s sirens are even depicted in the movie, “Oh brother where for art thou?” In fact siren music has always had the capacity to heal momentarily, soothe momentarily and conform perhaps for eternity. In the Bible, 1 Samuel 16:23 King Saul was soothed by David’s harp playing but only for a time because Saul was not God’s but being used by God. There is a distinct difference with Saul as there is with music unto God and siren music. We started with a blues musician who sang about meeting a devil at a crossroads. In modern times we are fooled even more; a 1970s artist once sang; “Tune in, wouldn't it be something…. Rumors spreading into panic….I've seen movements in the
clearing… Someone sent you something satanic” oddly the video showed UFOs a topic for yet another time. So boldly we have addressed Satan and so meekly we whispered God. In the 1980s we had many musical groups that bluntly named their bands after satanic things. Some bands even marketed themselves after Godly things to cause further blasphemy. They drummed to heavy mental and curse words. . Even today we have pop stars singing their love for Judas, the one who betrayed Jesus. Very few sing today of the wonders of God or their love for Jesus. I challenge you readers for a week to refrain from secular music and listen only to Christian singers or rappers. Do, please let me know how God fills you with joy in that endeavor. There is a cure for this state our world is in -joy and God.
Joy is brought to you by God. Joy is found in music and in the tasks we do unto God. We can overcome this prostitution of the soul if we shift our focus from evil to God. David was called the apple of God’s eye regardless of his many sins, like adultery and murder, because of his joy in God and because of his faith. David sang in the streets unto God. God is sovereign and He can heal the entire world. We must pray and return our focus to Him. I will conclude this series with God the Cardiologist. Pastor John MacArthur had a wonderful sermon titled this and I would like to delve into our hearts and see how we might heal this addiction and Prostitution of the Soul. God is the ultimate healer; we as healthcare workers are just here momentarily mending the slight tears in the worldly fabric.
I would like to dedicate this article to my adopted Nana, Joye Mitchell. You lived your life with joy, class and a strictness in dedication to God’s will. You devoted your life to teach the children of the Christian school the word of the God and you did so with joy. You asked me to write and implored me to do so in college. You were the main reason I went to Oxford in England. The last thing I texted Nana was I was writing for Christian Times Magazine. I am sure you know that your life’s example along with my family ’s had this impact on my life. You taught me joy and to follow the Word of God [on earth]. Now in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ , you have infinite joy, peace and comfort.