Dr. Georgette Nichols,PharmD. Testimony
The Prostitution of the Soul By sex, drugs, witchcraft and siren music
Christian Times Magazine gave me the opportunity to write last about Fentanyl and the Moral Compass. This was a story of my personal moral challenge as a hospital pharmacist. This time I would like to widen the scope of the current problem from Fentanyl and addiction to where the problem began. We have as a nation (and world) prostituted our souls via sex, drugs, witchcraft and siren music. We focused our time not on God but everything removed from God. The consequence of this prostitution has been disastrous; grave sexual sin, addiction and idolatry. Prostitution can be defined as the literal trade of sex for money but it has another definition: devoted to corrupt purposes. Prostitution by this definition is a synonym for idolatry. Devotion of ourselves to anything other than our God is prostitution. In Leviticus 20:6, God speaks to Moses and tells him if someone turns to mediums or familiar spirits (also known as witchcraft)“to prostitute himself with them,” God said ‘‘ I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut them off from among his people.” Satan was/is the controller of witchcraft - dark magic. Was it not like the evil one to merely present a different term to encompass the same meaning? Oh, how easily deceived we are by the master of deceit! Satan does not mind who you serve as long as is not God. Our foolish desires cause our Sovereign God to turn from us. Simply because we desire the prostitution of the soul with sin more than we desire God and Godliness. CHRISTIAN TIMES MAGAZINE ISSUE 60 | PAGE 10