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Christian Times Magazine issue 64 | Monthly Magazine page 24
By Katherine Daigle
Recently the whole world has been talking about “the new normal” – things that might have seemed strange before the covid era but have become an integral part of our lives today whether we want it or not. The “new normal” takes different shapes: from positive and progressive trends like the development of teleworking and popularization of homeschooling, to restrictions of constitutional freedoms, which are now being served and digested easily under the sauce of the post “quarantine measures. ” Post-plan-demic era is a great point to take pivots, try out new methods of recovery, and experiment. The faults in our sham economy have been exposed over the last two years when everything came to a standstill and our way of life has been changed permanently. Today is our chance to reflect and take stock and audit our way of life or do we...Do we decide that we should make it better and adapt keeping all possibilities of a halt in mind, or does America decide that we are not going to comply with the corruption and decay introduced by the rot from the global and national political swamp, do we have a choice? The most gruesome outcomes of the “new normal” may still seem outlandish in the twenty first century America. Still, they affect you no matter where you live and stand on the past restrictions, limits to forced mandates on just about everything from what you can purchase and how much you are allowed to have on hand. This is a manufactured ruse by the left liberal tyrants, the deception of what we have as a free society has been ensnared in a diabolical political trap of “Build Back Bankrupt” .
"Americans are paying more to put food on the table, fill up their cars and heat their homes ALOT more. The surging cost of everyday necessities have
Christian Times Magazine issue 64 | Monthly Magazine page 25
cost the typical household an extra $6,000 this year, with the ongoing toll of inflation. Inflationary pressures are not expected to slow this year, leaving the average family with an additional $500 in monthly costs for the same goods and services, Costlier food and energy, including gasoline and home heating, account for about $2,500 of that total. (“Everything your family bought last year now costs about $5,200 more”)
The manufactured, artificial hoax brought about during the Build Back Bankrupt administration slow drip into a full-blown crisis. Biden’s “supply chain” disaster is getting worse every day, straining the finances of Americans who have already been forced to endure so much over the past two years. Biden's policies, and the globalists rhetoric have given us skyrocketing energy rates, empty promises and rising prices across the country in just about every category.
We are the United States, the greatest country today and in the history of mankind is of no doubt an indisputable fact. We are the sole superpower with the biggest economy, the most
desired currency and the mightiest military. (“Why America is the greatest country | Nation of Change”) Is this why we are being destroyed from within by our own government or has there been a coup while we were asleep by a foreign government working with the Biden administration to destroy our free society under our coveted Constitution? We believed the past crisis has developed, would continue if the spineless politicians can keep the narrative going. They like to blame other countries, wear out their climate change c “end of the world” talking points all while billionaires and politicians park their useless butts on acres of pristine beachfront property. All of this being done while screaming that the world’s oceans will rise because the worlds polar ice shelves are melting.
Globally the world is at the precipice of a dystopian society in which the oppressive societal influence, the illusion of a “perfect society ” is maintained through a corporate, bureaucratic, technological, corrupt, democratic control. The political machine, Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF), George Soros, and their political progressive network perceives our world where freedom,
Christian Times Magazine issue 64 | Monthly Magazine democracy, and human rights as a threat to their future; taxes, and financial crises the disintegration of the global economy markets; and the unsustainable inequalities of wealth of the commoners, and only the political authoritarian autocrat’s power across the globe should and will exist. King Charles and Klaus Schwab are working together to erase our carbon footprints, while the apocalypse looms above our heads like a thick dark storm cloud, these luciferian elites are eagerly planning for their A.I. controlled Smart Cities, and today Governor Gavin Newsom of California just signed into law new legislation allowing dead bodies throughout the state to be composted instead of buried or cremated. Up until now, the Golden State, like most states and the rest of the world, only allowed for the burial or burning of deceased human remains. Now, there is the option of turning dead people into fertilizer for soil. (Related: The state of Washington legalized human composting back in 2019.) Assembly Bill 351 explicitly allows for “natural organic reduction” (NOR), as they are calling it, beginning in 2027. (“Soylent Green: California legalizes composting of HUMANS”) Until then, dead bodies in California will still have to be either buried or cremated. Soylent Green supply for the FEMA Camps, militarized robots to seek and destroy the opposition, a worldwide surveillance and biometric cashless society, and renewable clean energy to reduce our carbon footprint. It appears the Global Elite have been hinting at a new clean energy technology for decades in movies and predictive programming media, and it seems now is the opportune time to release it with the appearance of the Antichrist One World Order (Revelation 13). Once they collapse the oil industry, the supply chain, the food systems, the power grid, the global economy, and more, then they can appear as the false saviors with all the "right" solutions. Problem, reaction, solution. The state of our global economy does not paint a happy picture for anyone. As much as any analyst would like to believe and project, this is not a result of the plan-demic’s bottleneck pressure. It is a cumulative process that has left the world in tandem with its own consequential flight. There have been numerous economic blunders committed in the past two years which always got away when the big newsmakers in the business kept the mill running well the loopholes get covered this way and all seem happy. But, if we investigate the practical details of a crisis such as that of
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Christian Times Magazine issue 64 | Monthly Magazine Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Egypt, New Delhi, Pakistan they are currently facing its worst economic crisis and political instability. But as we ponder Sri Lanka situation, we realize they are not alone in this crisis, economic conditions of most countries are not good. Countries not only have to pay off the debt, but also bring their economy back to pre-Covid GDP growth levels. But with their appointed politicians doing the talking of “the sky is falling” this tale will never end. There are civil wars that have swept these countries billions of dollars away and destroyed roads, factories, and airports. We will be able to see the slow-running manifestation of an utterly evil economic phenomenon known as the ‘debt trap, ’ known to be much favored by the Chinese government. The people of Sri Lanka were suffering from a case of energy shortage and scarcity of basic amenities like even food, much like most countries. The rate of inflation has crossed the 50% mark. The scarcity of fuel is worrisome because this, in a chain-like fashion, affects several other supplies. Gas and diesel have become unaffordable, enough for the government to ban their sale if the vehicles are non-essential. This plays out on several levels since education and employment have been directly affected i.e., schools were shuddered, and companies began unrolling the work from home policy all over again. The United States have similar policies in place for the workplace as well as schools. If we pay closer attention, we also note that a major chunk of the foreign debt that the country owes is to China (6.5 billion dollars to be precise). While the latter has been active in discussions about how these loans can be restructured, there is extraordinarily little that it is doing to re-evaluate its age-old economic principle of pulling smaller countries into irretrievable debts. These of course, leave the small countries in positions where they must give in to demands raised by China. China has furthered its economic control over trade and general exchanges in the region. A 100-year lease is not silly talk. This, in all truth, was carefully orchestrated so that China can have a stronger hand in South and Southeast Asia. Even today the United States owes China 1.6 trillion (“China's secret? It owes Americans nearly $1 trillion”) The Chinese government does not like to talk about it and the U.S. government does not want to raise it. But decades ago, Beijing defaulted on debt owed to Americans, as well as investors and governments around the world.
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Christian Times Magazine issue 64 | Monthly Magazine Sri Lanka’s economy really began to unravel a long time ago - although their ridiculous reliance on foreign debt and reckless expenditure like corruption are all equally relevant - one makes the mistake of overlooking the factors on the global world order front that are critical to this issue. If the global world order is turbulent now, it will be reflected in the smaller economic ruptures that we see. China spots opportunities and does not shy away from attacking. That is how it has been and that is how it continues to be. A global economic reset is, therefore, at best what suits the ailing nature of most countries’ economies. Pooling in aid and grants simply would not be enough it would only regurgitate the overdependence that has now landed so many nations in the traps of debt. Klaus Schwab who has gained a significant space in economic discussions, especially with the likes of billionaire George Soros and his projects to battle the erosion of civil society in a world increasingly ruled by “ would-be dictators. ” They needed this plan-demic to renew interest to their nefarious power grab along with the Schwab Foundation to have full control of America. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to technology, must be transformed. (“Who is Klaus Schwab, and Why Should You Care? -Truth 2 Ponder”) Yes, the Great Reset is a challenging and extremely dangerous theory; it is not a sustainable recovery or a green solution as it is marketed by these chosen privileged. Global players in the oil and gas industry understand that governments’ political statements and public posturing can impact bottom lines. From shipping lanes to supply and demand, every aspect of the market relies on the relationships and trade agreements countries and allies fostered after the 2nd World War. There is no clear roadmap either with specific plans that can be rolled out immediately to the masses, the taxpayers who will be satisfying the “One World Order” appetite – is secretly emerging into a totalitarian world government. Remember that the masses will be heavily taxed, and healthcare and food will be rationed, it has always been a competition for global leadership of the order, and it will be the countries that most effectively respond to the turning point of civilizations that will maintain their global leadership.
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