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Communal information
from CTJC Chanukah bulletin 2020
W h o d o e s w h a t Chair Treasurer Secretary CTJC community rabbi Magazine Kiddushim Board of Deputies Gabbai and synagogue Building and ManCom Jo Landy Ben Blaukopf Barry Landy Rabbi Reuven Leigh Jane Liddell-King Jonathan Harris Robert Marks Yoav Git Tim Goldrein
S e r v i c e s i n t h e S y n a g o g u e Services are restarting. Please see www.ctjc.org.uk for the latest updates.
K i d d us h im Regrettably it is not possible to have kiddushim in the current situation.
L eyn i n g If you would like to learn to leyn, take a service, or read a haftarah, please contact Yoav or Ben.
L e a r n i n g , T a l m u d S h i u r Led by Professor Stefan Reif, the group is studying Masechet Yoma. The shiur is currently held weekly over Zoom, meeting on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm UK time. For more information email chevra@ctjc.org.uk.
K o s h e r m e a t a n d g r o c e r i e s Derby Stores (26 Derby St, Newnham, 354391) stock prepacked Kosher groceries and meat, and will buy to order. They get fresh from London midday Thursday, and stay open till 8pm. Sainsbury's in Coldham's Lane also stocks a range of Kosher Goods including frozen chicken legs. Ocado has some Kosher foods in its delivery list.