1 minute read

Friends in gardening

H o s p i t a l v i s i t i ng Contact Sarah Schechter (329172), Tirzah Bleehen (354320) for coordination if you wish to volunteer to help, or need to organise some visits.

Rabbi Reuven Leigh (354603), Barry Landy (570417), and others are prepared to attend hospitals to read prayers. Due to personal privacy concerns the hospital no longer informs us when Jewish patients are admitted. If you wish to be visited, please let one of the above know when you are about to enter hospital.


Ch e v r a K a d i s h a The Cambridge Jewish Residents' Association (CJRA) Chevra Kadisha, which follows orthodox rites, is available to members of the CTJC. Contact Brendel Lang, secretary (353301), Robert Marks, treasurer (07791 788 584), or Barry Landy (570417).

R e l i g i o u s e v e n ts For services, bar mitzvahs, weddings, brit milah etc, contact Rabbi Reuven Leigh (354603) or Barry Landy (570417).

For up to date community information please visit the CTJC web site: www.ctjc.org.uk.

We hold regular Monday afternoon Zoom meetings, usually on the first and third Mondays of the month. We explore and admire each other’s gardens, and whether they are big or small, there is always something new to see. We follow this with a virtual tea and chat.

New members are always welcome.

For further information contact Carole Gold. Phone 01954 212 703, or email carole.gold@btinternet.com

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