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From the Editor

From the Editor

Co n g r a t u l a t i o n s בוט לזמ

To Sarah and Arie Schechter on the birth of Raya, daughter to Yali & Debs and sister for Ayana and Elijah To Lauren and Jonathan Allin, on the birth of Imogen Sarah, daughter to Victoria & David and sister to Theo, and on the birth of Zeb Kit, son to Benjamin & Jess and brother to Pippin Howard


R e f u a h s h l e m a המילש האופר

B"H Abigail Blaukopf continues to recover faster and more completely than might have been expected. We wish Abigail a refuah shlemah. We wish Arie Schechter a full recovery.

Please do get in touch with the Editor if you have news you would like to share

Ca m b r i d g e J e w i s h c o mm un i t y s u p p o rt

Now that we are gradually relaxing the COVID rules and meeting in person again, if anyone requires welfare advice, assistance, or even just friendly company, do please get in touch. We have a number of volunteers that would only be too pleased to help. Wishing you an enjoyable Passover.

Jackie Rogger, 01763 260809 Valerie Berkson, 01223 844503

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