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Community news

Fr o m t h e Ch a i r

Jo Landy Welcome to the Pesach edition of the CTJC magazine. Another Pesach, but this year without a lockdown (please G-d)! COVID rates are very high, but in the UK life appears to be returning to a form of normal. Over the past few months it has been lovely to see a few familiar faces returning to Shul. It is appreciated that people are adapting to the “new normal” at different rates. And, given the law and societal pressures we are doing our best to create an environment where as many as possible are able to be comfortable. Mask wearing in shul is encouraged. There is enough space for people to distance themselves from the rest of the congregation, windows remain open to maximise air circulation, and a number of people are continuing to daven outside. Our Purim megillah reading promised to be pre-pandemic normal. However, Yoav fell victim to COVID. His Mad Hatter replacement didn’t manage quite as many different voices, but the atmosphere was lovely and it was great to see so many children enjoying themselves. On the subject of the Mad Hatter we are very sorry that Elazar, Alissa, and Telem will be departing for Israel in the Summer. It is so sad that their period as Chaplains has been marred by COVID. It has been a pleasure having them in Cambridge and I am sure that everybody will join me in wishing them every success in the future. For those of you worried about obtaining Pesach supplies, please remember Sainsbury’s Coldhams Lane have a selection of products, Derby Stores will bring things up to order and that Midan has started to stock foods too. In addition to this https://www.justkosher.co.uk, https://passover.b-kosher.co.uk/ and www.sabeny.com will deliver to Cambridge. There is no new news about plans for the proposed Jewish Centre. Discussions are continuing between planners and architects.


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The next CTJC AGM will be held on Monday 4 July at 8pm. The Committee thought that it would be convenient to continue to use Zoom. Lastly, thank you to those individuals who provide services and this magazine. It has been particularly hard for Ben Blaukopf and Sarah Schechter who have had seriously ill family members. We wish Abi and Arie המילש האופר. Wishing you all חמש חספ.

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