task 1 part

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The application and purposes of digital photography in the digital media industries. ANCHORING To market this product this front cover from The Sun newspaper uses the phrase “who do EU think you are” in capital letters to grab the publics attention. It uses an abbreviation of European union so that it sounds like the diction you. The use of play on words is effective as the pun makes it clear that the journalist is against the EU. The pejorative tone in the rhetorical question would interest a lot of brits as it’s a very controversial topic which many people of a range of ages are interested and concerned in. Images are also included on the front cover based on the topic of leaving the European Union. It shows a middle aged woman who is screaming. This markets the newspaper as it manifests outrage this is a clear representation of how the working and middle class feel about leaving the EU. The front cover from this Sun newspaper markets the product is significant as it attracts many people the producers use a play on word with Corbyns name. It’s spelt with a ‘y’ however, the journalist used a pun as a form of comedy and spelt the politicians name with a ‘I’ so that it portrays him as rubbish. The spelling portrays him as rubbish as rubbish is what belongs in bins and it suggest binning the idea of voting for labour and to vote conservatives instead. The uses of the phrase “Don’t chuck Britain in the Cor-bin” and the image suggest that the producers of the sun newspapers are biased as it persuading people to vote for the conservatives with the text “We’ve had enough of jezza’s rubbish… vote Tory”. This shows themcould happen if they vote for labour and all the bad things Britain could be.


This poster made by the NHS is very significant because it captures the individuals of many lives. The poster is aimed at all adults but mostly focuses on those who drink beer which would mostly lower/middle class men. It touches on giving up alcohol and giving blood to those who need it. This touches on two important, eye opining subjects in 1. The two main colours used in the poster are red and white. The contrast of the photos is important as the red side featuring the beer suggest death as alcohol can kill. And white is the colour of change and purity telling us that giving blood is the right thing to do. What also makes it funny is the fact that the Image show a pint of blood and a pint of beer. I think this will get the attention of many different people. On the poster there is not much text. This could be a pejorative thing because it doesn’t go into detail and therefore doesn’t fill people in however on the other had its short, snappy and effective making it more interesting and hard hitting for people and it also means you don’t really need to read it to know what’s going on so you can just see it from the corner of your eye without proper thinking about it and that is enough for some people to consider making a change and giving up alcohol and giving blood to people in need.

This Camels advert promoting smoking is very significant. It uses images, figures, bold text and facts to get people to buy their product. They’ve stated that 113,597 doctor’s smoke Camels and therefore it’s the best brand for cigarettes. This would make many more people smoke camels because surely if doctors smoke it it’s the most, healthiest and recommended. In the text the journalist uses many language techniques to persuade people to buy camels for example rule of three. “The rich, full flavour and cool mildness…” This is significant because it’s listing all ameliorative things people have said about the cigarette brand making people more likely to choose Camels over anything else. Also the adjective ‘rich’ implies it’s greater than anything else and is full of valuable and only the finest ingredients. The choice of font used for the text is also important this is because it’s in capital letters and bold text to capture the eyes of many individuals. The first letter of the most important words in the title are in the

colour red rather than black to highlight the importance. The words ‘more’, ‘doctors’ and ‘camels’ start with the first letter being red, this is because it highlights the facts that doctors smoke camels. The area in the bottom right corner is also a success because it demonstrates a different type of person. The main photograph features an older man over the age of 50 who is a doctor which is of course a highly respected job and he makes a lot of money whereas this picture in the bottom right corner is the opposite of him. It demonstrates a working class women, which I assumed based on the choice of clothes, and therefore the contrast in people suggest that anyone can buy their product despite gender or social class. It also has bold text quoting “your “T-zone” will tell you” meaning the area from your mouth and you throats reaction to the cigarette will show you it’s a quality cigarette. This will get people to change the brand of cigarette they are smoking cause it’s known that many brands cause itchy throats and the smokers cough.

PROMOTIONAL This Disney Land travel brochure uses photography to get people to want to visit. The point of the photograph is to provide a sense of realism and to sell a fairy-tale lifestyle to young children and parents as it shows a girl and mickey mouse, giving the customers an idea of what to expect it they go to Disney land. The girl appears to be happy which makes it seem like by booking this holiday you will also have a good time like this girl. I think that the reason why there’s more image than text is because they’re targeting children and children would see a girl holding a bear whilst laughing with Micky mouse and would want to go to Disney land. Parents would also be tempted to book the holiday because of that too as they know that they can make their children happier. The people who designed the cover also used bold and bright text to attract people. The text says “set a sail for a world-class family holiday” the diction ‘world-class’ and ‘family holiday’ are the key words on the front cover, by saying ‘world class’ customers are promised a good quality holiday and ‘family holiday’ interest parents as they take time of work relax and spend time with their families.

This advert promoting fast food is significant as it uses eye capturing colours and picture to promote their restaurant. At the top of the page the first word is ‘delicious’ in an italic font. The word denotes rich, flavourful food and the italic font suggest classiness also suggest rich flavour. It’s also eye catching as It provides a range of choice for food with images for an incite as to what it may look like. They’ve captured photographs of their finest looking food cooked to perfection to get people to look at the menu and buy or at least want to buy their food.


This is an example of photojournalism. Photojournalist are often travellers going to extreme places to capture the reality of life in extreme foreign countries who are often facing war or other life threatening conditions. This image shows a group of refugees fleeing their conflicted country to hopefully have a safer life in another country. The people on the boat are all different there’s children, elderly people, middle aged men etc. This shows us how all people are going through this terrifying event not just one social group. The purpose of the photo is to reach loads of people to inform people what life as a citizen of a country in war zone is like. It sells a certain life style which westerners would not know about un-

less reading it. It captures reality and makes people think about how privileged they are. The consequential image is not glamorised and not made to portray a wrong idea it simply shows us the pejorative lifestyle of many people living in war. I don’t think that there’s a specific age, gender, ethnicity etc. that this is aimed at, I think it’s to get all people of all different social groups to think about. The image may have been slightly edited with a darker filter so that it’s gloomy. We can already see it was a foggy day as it was probably early in the morning or after sun set. This is to emphasis pain. It shows us that the people are not happy.


This is a road safety campaign aimed at drivers in the UK, the poster is from the website www.whatmattersmost. org.uk. The purpose of the poster is to “highlight the many distractions that can cause every road user to take their eye of the bull.” Through the use of photography as well as, eye catching rhetorical questions to show the importance of driving safely These distractions are: phones, food and music from the radio. The text is short and snappy which is important whilst designing a poster as it’s extremely eye opening and power yet doesn’t use many words and it’s easy to remember. This is good because it means that you don’t need to have a long attention spam to read it literally just takes seconds of your time but still has the same impact as a something really long and detailed.


The bold text in capital letters says “what matters most? Music, mobile, sandwich or seeing the cyclist?” The point made is effective and could be life changing.


his ‘bad’ album cover by Michael Jackson is used to market his album so that as many people can listen and by the album possible. The cover is rather basic using just 3 different colours, 2 forms of text and 1 image of him. The most dominant writing on the cover is the text which reads his name Michael Jackson. It’s bold, black and written in capital letters to appeal the eyes of people. The text implies power and dominance suggesting that he as a person is powerful. The diction ‘bad’ written in a red font which is made to look spray painted and hand written on the other hand suggest the music is going to have an urban/industrial type of sound to it. This could mean music which is made for the streets this type of music is the most influential as it makes people want t dance and happy. The colour of the back ground of this cover is white this connotes purity or innocence, it’s considered to be the colour of perfection which is important as the album cover could use this symbolise Michael Jackson, however, the colour red could be used to represent anger as the colour is sometime associated with hatred and anger. From my knowledge from the music produced in this album I know that he wrote music based on things he thinks need to change for example racism and world peace perhaps that’s why he chose to write the word bad in red, to show feud.



This photograph is from the website magnum. The photographer captured three young children on the side of the street n the middel of a busy city. The area which they are in is industrial. its seems as if there’s a lot of factory work where they are snd their clothing suggest poverty. This is because their clothes look old and tatty, there’s stains down their shirts and 2/3 of them are not wearing shoes even though they are in the city where there’s glass and stuff on the floor.

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